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Ligang Zhang 《中国地球化学学报》1988,7(2):109-119
Based on the oxygen isotopic compositions of 133 wolframite samples and 110 quartz samples collected from 30 tungsten ore
deposits in south China, in conjunction withδD values and other data, these deposits can be divided into four types.
Based on theδ
18O values of the coexisting quartz and wolframite and temperature data, two calibration equilibrium curves have been constructed,
and the corresponding equations have been obtained:
(1) | Reequilibrated magmatic water-hydrothermal tungsten ore deposits. Theδ 18O values of wolframite and quartz samples from this type of tungsten ore deposits are about +5–+12‰, respectively. The calculatedδ 18O values of ore fluids in equilibrium with quartz are about +6.5‰, and theδ values of fluid inclusions in quartz range from −40 to −70‰ |
(2) | Meteoric water-hydrothermal tungsten ore deposits. Theδ 18O values of wolframite in this type of tungsten deposits are around −1‰ |
(3) | Stratiform tungsten ore deposits. In these deposits, theδ 18O values of quartz and wolframite are about +17 and +3‰, respectively. It is considered that these stratiform tungsten ore deposits are genetically related to submarine hot-spring activities. |
(4) | Complex mixed-hydrothermal tungsten ore deposits. These tungsten ore deposits are characterized by multi-staged mineralization. Theδ 18O values of early wolframite are around +5‰, but of later wolframite are lower than +4‰, indicating that the early wolframite was precipitated from reequilibrated magmatic water-hydrothermal solutions and the late one from the mixture of hydrothermal solutions with meteoric waters or mainly from meteoric waters. |
云南会泽铅锌矿田成矿物质来源:Pb、S、C、H、O、Sr同位素制约 总被引:19,自引:6,他引:19
云南会泽铅锌矿田是我国著名的超大型特富铅锌矿田之一,由相距3公里的矿山厂和麒麟厂两个独立的矿床组成,Zn Pb 金属量超过五百万吨,矿石品位在25%至35%之间。为确定矿床成矿流体和成矿金属来源,本文系统研究了矿床的 Pb、S、C、O、H 和 Sr 同位素组成特征。矿石硫化物的铅同位素组成均一,~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb,~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb 和~(208)Pb/~(104)Pb 的变化范围分别为18.251~18.530,15.663~15.855和38.487~39.433,与围岩碳酸盐岩中浸染状黄铁矿一致,与碳酸盐地层相近,在~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb-~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb 图上显示明显的线性关系,表明铅同位素组成相近的碳酸盐围岩地层提供了成矿物质。矿石硫化物的δ~(34)S 变化范围为10.9‰~17.4‰,多数集中于13‰~17‰,表明还原硫主要来自地层中海相硫酸盐的还原,还原方式为热化学还原,下伏页岩、碎屑岩和泥质岩中的有机质在硫酸盐还原过程中发挥了重要作用。三种不同产状的脉石矿物方解石的碳氧同位素组成均一且没有明显差别,δ~(13)C 变化范围为-2.1‰~-3.5‰,δ~(18)O 为16.8‰~18.6‰。脉石矿物方解石中流体包裹体水的δD_(FI)为-50‰~-60‰,取温度为200℃计算包裹体水的δ~(18)O_(H_2O)值为7.0‰~8.8‰。碳、氧和氢、氧同位素研究结果表明,成矿流体为来自下部上升的变质流体,由于下伏页岩、碎屑岩和泥质岩中有机质的参与,成矿流体具有低的δ~(13)C和δD_(FI)值,在上升过程中与围岩发生了同位素交换。矿石中黄铁矿、闪锌矿和方解石的初始锶同位素组成(~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr)_i值的变化范围为0.714~0.717,赋矿围岩中未蚀变白云岩的初始锶同位素组成(~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr)_i值为0.7083~0.7093,明显低于蚀变白云岩(0.7106),表明成矿流体具有高的(~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr)_i比值。相对围岩碳酸盐岩而言,下伏地层中的页岩、碎屑岩和泥质岩往往具有高得多的~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr,因此,流经或者起源于这些地层的流体具有高的锶同位素比值。 相似文献
The strata-bound Cu−Pb−Zn polymetallic sulfide deposits occur in metamorphic rocks of greenschist phase of the middle-upper
Proterozoic Langshan Group in central Inner Mongolia. δ34S values for sulfides range from −3.1‰ to +37.3‰, and an apparent difference is noticed between vein sulfides and those in
bedded rocks. For example, δ34S values for bedded pyrite range from +10.6‰ to +20.0‰, while those for vein pyrite vary from −3.1‰ to +14.1‰. δ34S of bedded pyrrhotite is in the range +7.9‰–+23.5‰ in comparison with +6.5‰–+17.1‰ for vein pyrrhotite. The wide scatter
of δ34S and the enrichment of heavier sulfur indicate that sulfur may have been derived from H2S as a result of bacterial reduction of sulfates in the sea water. Sulfur isotopic composition also differs from deposit to
deposit in this area because of the difference in environment in which they were formed. The mobilization of bedded sulfides
in response to regional metamorphism and magmatic intrusion led to the formation of vein sulfides.
δ18O and δ13C of ore-bearing rocks and wall rocks are within the range typical of ordinary marine facies, with the exception of lower
values for ore-bearing marble at Huogeqi probably due to diopsidization and tremalitization of carbonate rocks.
Pb isotopic composition is relatively stable and characterized by lower radio-genetic lead. The age of basement rocks was
calculated to be about 23.9 Ma and ore-forming age 7.8 Ma.207Pb/204Pb−206Pb/204Pb and208Pb/204Pb−206Pb/204Pb plots indicate that Pb may probably be derived from the lower crust or upper mantle.
It is believed that the deposits in this region are related to submarine volcanic exhalation superimposed by later regional
metamorphism and magmatic intrusion. 相似文献
This study is a search for a genetic relationship between Pb sulphide ore and igneous rocks in the region of Mount Isa, Queensland. The approach involves derivation of Pb isotope initial ratios by the whole-rock isochron method, and comparison of the initial ratios (Pb206/Pb204, Pb207/Pb204 and Pb208/Pb204) with the isotopic composition of the ore Pb. Data are reported for four igneous units; Kalkadoon granodiorite, Kalkadoon adamellite, Sybella granite and Eastern Creek volcanics. The results display considerable scatter for each of the units, and reveal the effects of recent surficial loss of U. The positioning of isochrons is aided by previous Rb-Sr geochronological data wherever possible. Comparison of initial ratios and ore Pb suggests that none of the igneous rock units is co-genetic with the ore deposit. Both phases of the Sybella Granite are more radiogenic and are apparently younger than the ore Pb. The Kalkadoon Granite is possibly related to the ore through some post-emplacement process of extraction and transport of Pb (e.g. by erosion or by anatectic magma generation) to the present site of the orebodies. 相似文献
Organic matter (OM) associated with the Dongsheng sedimentary U ore hosting sandstone/siltstone was characterized by Rock-Eval, gas chromatography–mass spectrometry and stable C isotope analysis and compared to other OM in the sandstone/siltstone interbedded organic matter-rich strata. The OM in all of the analyzed samples is Type III with Ro less than 0.6%, indicating that the OM associated with these U ore deposits can be classified as a poor hydrocarbon source potential for oil and gas. n-Alkanes in the organic-rich strata are characterized by a higher relative abundance of high-molecular-weight (HMW) homologues and are dominated by C25, C27 or C29 with distinct odd-to-even C number predominances from C23 to C29. In contrast, in the sandstone/siltstone samples, the n-alkanes have a higher relative abundance of medium-molecular-weight homologues and are dominated by C22 with no or only slight odd-to-even C number predominances from C23 to C29. Methyl alkanoates in the sandstone/siltstone extracts range from C14 to C30, maximizing at C16, with a strong even C number predominance, but in the organic-rich layers the HMW homologues are higher, maximizing at C24, C26 or C28, also with an even predominance above C22. n-Alkanes in the sandstone/siltstone sequence are significantly depleted in 13C relative to n-alkanes in most of the organic-rich strata. Diasterenes, ββ-hopanes and hopenes are present in nearly all the organic-rich sediments but in the sandstone/siltstone samples they occur as the geologically mature isomers. All the results indicate that the OM in the Dongsheng U ore body is derived from different kinds of source materials. The organic compounds in the organic-rich strata are mainly terrestrial, whereas, in the sand/siltstones, they are derived mainly from aquatic biota. Similar distribution patterns and consistent δ13C variations between n-alkanes and methyl alkanoates in corresponding samples suggest they are derived from the same precursors. The OM in the organic-rich strata does not appear to have a direct role in the precipitation of the U ore in the sandstone, but an indirect role cannot be excluded. The OM in the U hosting sandstone shows a relatively low hydrogen index, presumably due to oxidation or radiolytic damage. 相似文献
Multiple isotope composition (S, Pb, H, O, He, and Ar) and genetic implications for gold deposits in the Jiapigou gold belt, Northeast China 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Qingdong Zeng Zaicong Wang Huaiyu He Yongbin Wang Song Zhang Jianming Liu 《Mineralium Deposita》2014,49(1):145-164
The Jiapigou gold belt (>150 t Au), one of the most important gold-producing districts in China, is located at the northeastern margin of the North China Craton. It is composed of 17 gold deposits with an average grade around 10 g/t Au. The deposits are hosted in Archean gneiss and TTG rocks, and are all in shear zones or fractures of varying orientations and magnitudes. The δ34S values of sulfide from ores are mainly between 2.7?‰ and 10?‰. The Pb isotope characteristics of ore sulfides are different from those of the Archean metamorphic rocks and Mesozoic granites and dikes, and indicate that they have different lead sources. The sulfur and lead isotope compositions imply that the ore-forming materials might originate from multiple, mainly deep sources. Fluid inclusions in pyrite have 3He/4He ratios of 0.6 to 2.5 Ra, whereas their 40Ar/36Ar ratios range from 1,444 to 9,805, indicating a dominantly mantle fluid with a negligible crustal component. δ18O values calculated from hydrothermal quartz are between ?0.2?‰ and +5.9?‰, and δD values of the fluids in the fluid inclusions in quartz are from ?70?‰ to ?96?‰. These ranges suggest dominantly magmatic water with a minor meteoric component. The noble gas isotopic data, along with the stable isotopic data, suggest that the ore-forming fluids have a dominantly mantle source with minor crustal addition. 相似文献
我国西北地区层间氧化带砂岩型铀矿床中铀的赋存形式 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
我国西北地区主要层间氧化带砂岩型铀矿床的贫矿石(U≤0.01%)中铀主要以分散形式,被砂岩填隙物中的粘土、褐铁矿等矿物,以及碎屑物和矿物的裂隙面等吸附,偶呈显微(μm级)、超显微状(<1μm)沥青铀矿(其次为铀石)。随着矿石铀品位的增高,其中呈铀矿物形式的铀的比例逐渐增大,在特高品位(U>1%)的矿石中,铀基本呈铀矿物(沥青铀矿,偶有铀石)形式产出。类质同象铀的份额极微,其可利用性缺乏实际意义。矿石中铀矿物主要赋存于矿化砂岩的填隙部位及碎屑物、矿物的孔隙或解理中,有时可交代碳屑、黄铁矿、绿泥石、黑云母等。由矿石中U4 /U6 含量比例推算原生铀矿物(沥青铀矿)的近似含氧系数变化范围为2.35~2.74,均值为2.49,与沉积、淋积铀矿床中的铀氧化物含氧系数相当,表明该类铀矿床生于常温条件下。极少数样品落入低温热水成因沥青铀矿的含氧系数范围(含氧系数低至2.35),表明个别地段可能出现低温热水铀成矿作用,推测可能受断裂构造热的影响。进而推测,特富矿石(U>1%)可能是源自深部、沿断裂上升的含铀低温热水叠造作用的产物,板状矿体便是深、浅部流体混合的证据之一。 相似文献
《International Geology Review》2012,54(15):1885-1901
The Dachang gold deposit is located in the Late Triassic Songpan-Ganzi Fold Belt, NE Tibetan Plateau. Gold ore is concentrated as veins along secondary faults and fracture zones in the Bayan Har Group metaturbidites. No exposed felsic plutons are present in the vicinity of the deposit. The auriferous veins contain <15% sulphide minerals, mainly arsenopyrite, pyrite, and stibnite. Gold is commonly enclosed within arsenopyrite and pyrite. Typical alteration around the ore bodies includes silicification, sericitization, and weak carbonatization.Gold-bearing quartz samples have δ18O values of 16.9–21.2‰ (V-SMOW) from which δ18OH2O values of 6.2–9.6‰ can be calculated from the fluid inclusion temperatures (or 10.0 to 12.7‰ if we used the average arsenopyrite geothermometer temperature of 301°C). The δD values of fluid inclusions in quartz range from –90‰ to –72‰. δ34S values of gold-bearing sulphides mainly range from –5.9‰ to –2.8‰ (V-CDT). Pyrite and arsenopyrite in ores have 206Pb/204Pb ratios of 18.2888 to 18.4702, 207Pb/204Pb ratios of 15.5763 to 15.6712, and 208Pb/204Pb ratios of 38.2298 to 38.8212. These isotopic compositions indicate that the ore-forming fluids were of metamorphic origin, and the S and Pb may have been derived from the host metaturbidites of the Bayan Har Group. The Dachang Au deposit has geological and geochemical features similar to orogenic gold deposits. We propose that the ores formed when the Songpan-Ganzi Fold Belt was intensely deformed by Late Triassic folding and thrusting. Large-scale thrusting resulted in regional allochthons of different scales, followed by secondary faults or fracture zones that controlled the ore bodies. 相似文献
There are 10 types of tungsten ore deposits in South China: granite, porphyry, volcanic, pegmatite, skarn, greisen, wolframite-quartz ± microcline veins, stratabound, ferberite-quartz veins and placer. Most are chronologically related to Yenshanian granites. Integrated field, mineralogic, fluid inclusion and geochemical studies were undertaken to determine the characteristics and origin of the ores. Most of the tungsten ore deposits are also spatially related to Yenshanian granites. These granites include several intrusions, isotopically dated at 160–180 m. y. and 70–100 m. y. The concentration of trace elements, especially W Mo, Sn, Ta, Nb, Li, and F are relatively high in the granites. In the granites of South China, the average WO3 is 4.35 ppm, but in Yenshanian granites, which are the youngest of these, the average WO3 is 5.16 ppm. In the youngest of Yenshanian granites, a light mica-albite granite has been identified, whose average WO3 is as high as 242.3 ppm. From this line of evidence, the tungsten ore deposits in South China are considered to be genetically related to Yenshanian granites. Wolframite-sulfide-quartz veins and scheelite skarns provide the bulk of the reserves and production. There are many different kinds of alteration associated with the different tungsten ore deposits, but the principal ones are silicification, greisenization, potash-feldspathization and chloritization. Four types of fluid inclusions were found:
西藏甲玛铜多金属矿床S、Pb、H、O同位素特征及其指示意义 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
西藏甲玛铜多金属矿床是中国近年来发现的特大型铜铅锌多金属矿床之一,其产出的环境和形成机理为国内外矿床学家所关注。对甲玛铜多金属矿床中代表性岩(矿)石样品进行了S、Pb、H和O同位素分析,并从成矿系统中"源"的角度对其变化规律和成因意义进行了探讨。研究结果表明,甲玛铜多金属矿床的围岩和矿石中δ34S值变化于-4.9‰~0.5‰,在硫同位素直方图上呈塔式分布,成矿热液δ34SΣS在0值附近,与矿区内斑岩体的δ34S组成(-0.2‰~-0.7‰)十分接近。表明了矿石中硫的来源单一,主要来源于岩浆。矿石铅同位素变化范围较大,明显分为两组:第一组样品富放射性成因铅,其206 Pb/204 Pb变化范围为18.603~18.752,207Pb/204Pb变化范围为15.610~15.686,208 Pb/204 Pb变化范围为38.910~39.135;第二组样品具有低放射性成因铅特征,其206 Pb/204 Pb变化范围为18.130~18.270,207 Pb/204 Pb变化范围为15.470~15.480,208Pb/204Pb变化范围为38.140~38.850。各同位素比值相对稳定,变化范围较小。将含矿斑岩的岩石铅与矿石铅进行综合投图,两种类型的铅并非单阶段正常铅,而是混合铅,有放射性成因铅的加入。可能存在不同的源区或在演化过程中有不同源区物质的混入。氢氧同位素研究结果显示,氢同位素的来源主要为深部的花岗岩体,而氧同位素由于后期大气降水增多、水/岩比值升高,导致含矿石英脉中δ18 OH2O降低。因此推断甲玛铜多金属矿床成矿流体早期以深源流体为主,随着成矿过程的演化,大气降水所占的比例也越来越大。 相似文献
Metallogenesis of Devonian—Carboniferous Strata—bound Carbonate—type Uranium Deposits in South China
庞玉蕙 《中国地球化学学报》1990,9(3):264-274
This paper deais with the geological conditions.mineralization characteristics,genetic types and space-time distribution of the Devonian-Carboniferous strata-bound carbonate-type uranium deposits in South China.These ore deposits are genetically classified as the leaching type and the leaching-hydrothermal superimposed type,These ore deposits are confined mainly to the strata (D2-3,C1)of platform-lagoon carbonate facies.Unique tectonic settings are a vital factor leading to the formation of these uranium deposits.A metallogenetic model for these uranium deposits has been proposed. 相似文献
P. Mo
ller P. Dulski H. Gerstenberger G. Morteani A. Fuganti 《Applied Geochemistry》1998,13(8):975-994
The sparkling waters from the area of Kyselka near Karlovy Vary at the western slope of the Doupovske hory, Bohemia (Czech Republic), and CO2-poor waters from two underground boreholes at Jachymov, Krusne hory, Bohemia, have been studied with the aim of characterizing the distribution of rare earth elements, yttrium, and H, O, C, Sr, Nd, Pb isotopes during the low-temperature alteration processes of the host rocks. Additionally, leaching experiments were performed at pH 3 on the granitic and basaltic host rocks from Kyselka and the granite of Jachymov. All REE patterns of the granite- and the basalt-derived waters from the Kyselka area are different from those of their source rocks and the leachates of the latter. This elucidates the inhomogeneous distribution of REE and Y among the solid phases in the altered magmatic rocks. The Eu and Ce anomalies in granite-derived waters are inherited, the Y anomaly is achieved by fluid migration. Yttrium is always preferentially leached by mineral waters, whereas Y/Ho ratios of rocks and their leachates are very similar. The REE abundances in waters from the wells in Jachymov are derived from rocks intensely leached and depleted in easily soluble REE-bearing minerals, whereas the granites and basalts from Kyselka still contain soluble, REE-bearing minerals. A comparison of REE/Ca patterns of the experimental leachates with those of the mineral waters elucidate the high retention of REE in rocks during water–rock interaction. In strongly altered rocks Sr isotope ratios of mineral waters and rocks differ widely, whereas the corresponding Nd isotope ratios are very similar. 207Pb/208Pb, 206Pb/208Pb and 206Pb/207Pb ratios in mineral waters are independent from U/Th ratios in the rocks. 206Pb/208Pb and 206Pb/207Pb are lower in mineral waters than in their source rocks and their leachates, which indicates that Pb is primarily derived from solid phases that do not contain significant contents of leachable U and Th. Thus, mineral waters, although CO2 rich, only interact with surface films on minerals and not with the bulk of the minerals as in the leaching experiments.Calculation of mixing ratios of waters from the granitic and basaltic sources of the waters from the Kyselka area yield about 40% of water from the underlying granite in water recovered from the basalt, whereas the granite-derived water is mixed with only about 5% of the water from the basalt. 相似文献
Pb isotope fingerprinting of mesothermal gold deposits from central Victoria, Australia: implications for ore genesis 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
New Pb isotope data from three major mesothermal lode gold deposits (Ballarat West, Tarnagulla, Maldon) in central Victoria
support a model whereby the metals derived from a large reservoir with a long residence time in the crust below the Palaeozoic
Lachlan Fold Belt. The Pb isotopic ratios of least radiogenic samples from these deposits are in close agreement with published
Pb signatures for turbidite-hosted gold deposits, and for Devonian granites, elsewhere in the Lachlan Fold Belt. Despite their
spatial distribution and variations in the geological setting, the Pb signatures point to the extraction and transport of
metals from a crustal source area by long-lasting, large-scale hydrothermal systems, resulting in the prominent homogenisation
of Pb isotopic ratios. The enduring interaction between large hydrothermal systems and an extensive crustal source reservoir
were a vital pre-requisite in the formation of the Victorian gold province. In this regard, the prospectivity of Victoria
is analogous to world-class ore provinces elsewhere, such as the Archaean Yilgarn Block in Western Australia.
Received: 10 February 1998 / Accepted: 28 April 1998 相似文献
华南铀矿床研究若干进展 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4
华南是我国主要铀矿产区之一。根据赋矿围岩的不同,通常将华南广泛分布的铀矿床划分为花岗岩型、火山岩型和碳硅泥岩型等三种主要类型。本文在以往研究的基础上,总结了近年华南铀矿研究取得的若干进展。例如,沥青铀矿微区原位定年研究不断深入,获得一批较精确的成矿年龄;通过精细矿物学研究,发现了零价铀和高铀酸钙[(CaU^6+) O4]等以往在自然界少见的铀矿物;揭示华南不同类型的铀矿床是受白垩-古近纪岩石圈伸展事件统一控制并具有密切内在联系的有机整体;攻深找盲取得新突破,发现了新的成矿元素组合并预示了深部找矿的重要潜力。本专辑报道了近年华南铀矿研究的部分新进展,包括15篇文章,主要涉及这些铀矿床的地质地球化学特征、成矿时代、成矿过程、成矿动力学背景和找矿潜力等。
华南中生代花岗岩型、火山岩型、外接触带型铀矿找矿思路(I) 总被引:8,自引:7,他引:8
华南中生代铀成矿作有处于中国东部燕山期强烈火山岩浆作用、壳幔作用及流体作用时期,铀具有大规模聚集成矿的前景。因此,中生代花岗岩型、火山岩型、外接触带型铀矿找矿必须引进深源成矿理论,淡化“浅成低温活化成矿理论”,充分认识铀矿既可形成于浅源浅成条件,也能形成于深源深成高温条件及深源浅成中温条件的特点,重视早阶段(130-95Ma)铀矿化,打破以主岩类型找矿的人为界限,加强白垩纪岩浆岩体系的研究。 相似文献
The Mount Gunson copper deposits occur in essentially unmetamorphosed gently-folded Upper Proterozoic sediments, far from any known igneous intrusions. They consist of a number of small ore bodies which can be divided into two groups on the basis of differences in location, texture and mineralogy. The groups are here termed the off-lagoon deposits, which are extensively oxidized and occur in low hills to the west of Pernatty Lagoon, and the lagoon deposits, which are not significantly oxidized and occur in basins of permeable bedrock under the lagoon floor. The topography and drainage of this region appear to have altered little since the Tertiary. This paper presents the results of a sulphur isotope ratio study of sulphide minerals, groundwaters and gypsum samples from the mineralized areas. The isotope ratios recorded for the lagoon sulphides provide an example of the pattern predicted for metal sulphide precipitation due to bacterial reduction of sulphate in an environment with limited replenishment of sulphate. This finding is in accord with the suggestion that the copper sulphides were precipitated during recent geological times in groundwater traps in the permeable bedrock under the lagoon. However, sulphate from groundwater and gypsum in the lagoon is not enriched in the S34 isotope, and hence it is concluded that no significant bacterial reduction of sulphate is occurring in the areas examined at the present time. The isotope ratios recorded for the off-lagoon sulphides, in contrast, fall in a narrower range. They can be interpreted to reflect metal sulphide precipitation by bacterial reduction of sulphate in a fairly open system, with considerable replenishment of sulphate, but they provide no information concerning the time of this precipitation. Mineralogical studies of the sulphide samples show that individual samples contain a mixture of sulphide minerals and that one mineral is usually dominant. It appears, for samples with co-existing chalcopyrite and djurleite, that S34 is preferentially enriched in the chalcopyrite.
Zusammenfassung Die Mount Gunson-Kupferlagerstätten finden sich in im wesentlichen nicht metamorphisierten, schwach gefalteten ober-proterozoischen Sedimenten, weit entfernt von irgendwelchen bekannten Intrusiven. Sie bestehen aus einer Reihe kleiner Erzkörper, die sich auf Grund ihrer Unterschiede in bezug auf ihren Fundort, ihr Gefüge und ihre Mineralogie in zwei Gruppen unterteilen lassen. Diese beiden Gruppen werden hier als Off-Lagoon-Lagerstätten, die weitgehend oxidiert sind und in niedrigen Hügeln westlich von der Pernatty Lagoon vorkommen, beziehungsweise als Lagoon-Lagerstätten, die nicht significant oxidiert sind und in Becken permeablen Gesteins unter dem Lagunenboden gefunden werden, bezeichnet. Die Topographie und die Abflußverhältnisse scheinen sich in dieser Region seit dem Tertiär nur wenig verändert zu haben. Diese Arbeit zeigt die Ergebnisse einer Analyse der Schwefelisotopen-Verhältnisse von Sulfiden, Grundwasser- und Gips-Proben aus den mineralisierten Bereichen. Die für die Lagunen-Sulfide registrierten Isotopenverhältnisse sind ein Beispiel der für die Metallsulfid-Ausfällung auf Grund von bakterieller Sulfatzufuhr zu erwartenden Verteilung. Dieser Befund stimmt mit der Vorstellung, daß die Kupfersulfide während rezenter geologischer Zeiten in Grundwasserspeichern innerhalb des permeablen Gesteins unter der Lagune ausgefällt worden sind, überein. Die Sulfate aus dem Grundwasser und Gips der Lagune sind jedoch nicht mit dem Isotop S34 angereichert, woraus der Schluß gezogen wird, daß in den untersuchten Gebieten gegenwärtig keine wesentliche bakterielle Reduktion von Sulfaten stattfindet. Im Gegensatz dazu fallen die für die Off-Lagoon-Lagerstätten-Sulfide registrierten Isotopen-Verhältnisse in einen engeren Streuungsbereich. Sie können als Darstellung von Metall-Sulfid-Ausfällung durch bakterielle Reduktion von Sulfaten in einem ziemlich offenen System mit erheblichem Sulfat-Nachschub gedeutet werden, geben aber keine Auskunft über den Zeitpunkt dieser Präzipitation. Mineralogische Untersuchungen der Sulfid-Proben zeigen, daß die einzelnen Proben eine Mischung von Sulfid-Mineralien enthalten und daß gewöhnlich ein Mineral überwiegt. In Proben, die sowohl Kupferkies als auch Djurleit enthalten, scheint S34 vorzugsweise im Kupferkies angereichert zu sein.相似文献 18.
华南中生代花岗岩型、火山岩型、外接触带型铀矿找矿思路(Ⅱ) 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
笔者认为,对华南中生代富大铀矿成矿背景的研究要强调壳幔交换的深部作用,强调构造体制变革对成矿的制约,以及两条火山岩带和一个岩浆活动区的成矿地位.构造研究中要引进伸展构造理论,研究盆岭构造、热隆构造及与变质核杂岩构造配套的常见构造型式,研究盆岭耦合特点.成矿模式要考虑岩浆定位部位深浅及形成构造环境差异、地化环境差异,要探索大型、超大型铀矿形成的岩浆定位部位与层圈构造、地壳韧脆性构造转换面、地球化学转换面的耦合条件. 相似文献
Fluid inclusion studies of 5 gold deposits connected with alkaline rocks show that quartz separated from auriferous quartz veins contains abundant three-phase CO2-NaCl-H2O inclusions and two-phase CO2-dominated ones,measuring 5-20um in diameter,Homogenization temperatures of the fluid inclusions are mostly within the range of 150-300℃,and the salinities,mainly 0.2wt%-12 wt%(NaCl),Gold mineralizations occurred at depths of 1.4-2.8km,The most striking character of fluid composition is that among the cations,Na^ in dominant,followed by K^ ,Ca^2 ,among the anions,Cl^- is slightly higher than SO4^2-,In the evaporate,H2O is dominant,followed by CO2,The pH values are mainly within the range of 6.5-8.5,indicating that the ore-forming solutions are alkaline in nature.The hydrogen and oxygen isotopic ratios indicate that the ore fluid is composed mainly of magmatic water.With the dropping of temperature in the ore fluid,the contents of CO2 decreased while the salinity increased.The relations between Au and other components of the ore fluid are discussed in the paper,and it is concluded that in these deposits,Chlorides,H2S,SiO2,CO2,etc.in the fluid all are involved in the migration and concentration of Au. 相似文献
Thallium in Low Temperature Ore Deposits,China 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
is paper deals with thallium in typical low-temperature deposits of Au,Tl,As,Sb and Hg in South China with respect to its mode of occurrence,minerals and geochemical correlations with many other coexisting major and trace elements,Criteria are proposed for identifying independent thallium deposits and thallium-bearing deposits and the Nanhnu realgar deposit is classified for the first time as an independent thallium deposit,Tl,F.Cl.I and B are suggested as indicators for low-temperature mineralization with examples furnished for their applications. 相似文献