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Anjouan is an extinct and substantially denuded volcanic island, belonging to the Comores Archipelago, a chain of volcanic islands in the northern Mozambique Channel. Volcanism was probably controlled by a complex regional stress pattern, closely implicated with the recent geotectonic evolution of East Africa and the western Indian Ocean. On Anjouan a lengthy period of shield construction was succeeded by fissure-controlled eruptions forming three extended peninsulas to the north, south and west. A ‘rejuvenescent’ phase of activity erupted lavas on to an erosional surface formed during a period of quiescence following build-up of the main volcanic edifice. Lavas of the shield-building stage comprise ankaramites, oceanites and olivine basalts, with minor development of hawaiites and trachytes. The fissure controlled eruptions are also mainly basaltic although generally more alkaline, while rejuvenescent lavas comprise basanites and a significant proportion of derivatives following a trend towards phonolite. Coarse-grained xenoliths are found in lavas of the latter two phases, while a gabbroic intrusion (the ‘Tatinga Intrusion’) is exposed in the centrally-situated Cirque de Bambao in the vicinity of N’Tingui (1595 m). The main chemical trends and petrographic characteristics of the Anjouan lavas are related to the eruptive sequence.  相似文献   

Seven Pliocene volcanoes, one of which is described in detail, occur in the northern part of the Kenya Rift. They have low-angle, shield like forms, and comprise lavas, pumice tuffs and ash-flow tuffs almost wholly of trachytic composition. Each volcano possesses a structurally complex source zone in which plugs, dykes and pumice tuffs are concentrated and in which clearly defined craters and calderas are uncommon. By contrast, the flank zones are stratiform with slopes of about 5° and are composed of lavas and ash-flow sheets erupted in a highly fluid condition. The volcanoes range up to 50 km in diameter and are elongated parallel to the general trend of the rift reflecting a tectonic control on the distribution of the vents and their products. This combination of morphological, structural and compositional features suggests that the volcanoes are of a type not described before. Notes on the petrography of the lavas are included and it is suggested that the trachytes are petrogenetically related to alkali basalts, compositionally similar to those which form the substrate to the trachyte volcanoes.  相似文献   

The paper summarizes the geochemical and petrogenetic aspects of an investigation of late Tertiary to Recent volcanic rocks in the Amboseli area of southern Kenya. A study of chemical variations in the Amboseli and Kilimanjaro lavas distinguishes a mildly alkaline series (alkali olivine basalts, trachybasalts/trachyandesites, trachytes, rhomb porphyries and phonolites) from a strongly alkaline series embracing subordinate nephelinitic, phonolitic and tephritic lavas. The two series probably evolved independently from a source in the mantle. A comparison of Kilimanjaro with other East African volcanoes shows that the focus of strongly alkaline volcanicity moved from eastern Uganda and western Kenya to northern Tanzania at the end of Miocene times. The Pliocene to Recent centres near the Kenya-Tanzania border show evidence of decreasing alkalinity from a western zone of nephelinite-phonolite volcanoes to an eastern region in which central volcanoes are characterized by the association of strongly and mildly alkaline suites.  相似文献   

Jebel Khariz, the largest central vent volcano on the south Arabian coast, lies 60 miles (95 km) to the west of Aden and was probably active during the Upper Miocene. The volcanic edifice originally covered some 350 sq. miles (900 km2) and consists of an older, radially dipping main cone sequence of rhyolites, trachytes, basalts and olivine basalts and a younger, horizontal caldera sequence mainly of intermediate lavas, that infilled the caldera subsequent to its formation at a late stage in the history of the volcano. The Khariz volcanic suite, ranging in composition from olivine basalts to per-alkali rhyolites of comenditic affinity, was probably produced by fractionation, in a low pressure regime, of a mildly alkali olivine basalt magma. Noting the abundance of peralkali volcanics associated with the African rift system in Kenya, Ethiopia and on the margins of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, it is tentatively suggested that, at times, the sub-crustal mechanism, responsible for the rift development, might also produce an environment where fusion of the earth’s mantle gave rise to a relatively rare, mildly alkali, ‘parental’ basaltic magma.  相似文献   

The Rallier-du-Baty Peninsula forms the southwestern part of the Kerguelen Archipelago (Indian Ocean), whose magmatic activity is related to the long-lived 115-Ma Kerguelen plume. The peninsula is mostly made of alkaline rocks constituting two well-defined ring complexes. This paper focuses on the northern ring complex, which is not yet known. Recent field studies have revealed seven discrete syenitic ring dykes ranging in age from 6.2 to 4.9 Ma, and two later volcanic systems. 40Ar/39Ar dating of a trachytic ignimbrite linked to the Dôme Carva volcano complex yields an age of 26±3 Ka. This represents the last major eruptive event on the Kerguelen Archipelago. The volcanism is bimodal with trachybasalts and trachyandesites constituting the mafic lavas and trachytes and rhyolites constituting the felsic lavas. The volume of erupted felsic magma is by far the larger, and is represented by abundant pyroclastic deposits and lava flows. Boulders of plutonic rocks are found to the northwest of Dôme Carva, and represent intermediate rocks (i.e. monzogabbros and monzonites) that are not present at the surface. Basic rocks are mostly trachybasalts and trachyandesites, while true basalts are scarce. Their mineralogy consists chiefly of plagioclase, olivine, diopside and oxides. Sieve-textured plagioclase is common, as well as corroded olivine and diopside phenocrysts. Peralkaline commenditic trachytes are the most abundant type of acid volcanic rocks. They consist of abundant sanidine, augite and magnetite phenocrysts and interstitial quartz, aegerinic pyroxenes and Na-amphiboles. Ring dykes of quartz-poor alkali feldspar syenites display the same mineralogy, except hornblende is common and replaces diopside. Hornblende is particularly abundant in intermediate monzogabbros. Major and trace element variations of volcanic rocks emphasise the predominant role of fractional crystallisation with a general decrease of MgO, CaO, P2O5, TiO2, FeO, Ba, Sr and Ni from basic to felsic rocks. However, the scattering of the data from the basic rocks indicates that other processes have operated. The overall evolution from trachyte to rhyolite is in agreement with the fractionation of sanidine as the major control. An increase of incompatible elements from trachyte to rhyolite is observed. The felsic lavas display an increase of 87Sr/86Sr(i) without any significant variations in the Nd isotopic composition. The genesis of the basic rocks is complex and reflects concomitant processes of fractional crystallisation, mixing between different basic magmas and probable assimilation of Ba-rich oceanic crust. Major and trace element modelling confirms the possibility of producing the trachytes through continuous differentiation from a basaltic alkaline parent. Discrepancies observed for some trace elements can be explained by the crystallisation of amphibole at an intermediate stage of magma evolution. The overall evolution from trachyte to rhyolite is thought to be controlled by crystal fractionation. High 87Sr/86Sr(i) of the trachytes is interpreted to reflect interaction with an ocean-derived component, probably during assimilation of hydrothermally altered oceanic crust. Boulders of amphibole-bearing monzonites and monzogabbros found to the northwest of Dôme Carva are thought to represent intermediate magma composition that formed at depths but did not erupt.  相似文献   

The Quaternary central volcano Longonot is situated on the floor of the Gregory Rift Valley, Kenya, at 0° 55 S, 36° 25 E. Although the majority of its products are lavas and pyroclastics of pantelleritic trachyte composition, small volumes of alkali basalt magma have been coerupted with pantelleritic trachyte magma to produce mixed lavas. These lavas were the first products following each of three caldera collapses and mark the start of three successive cycles of whole-rock chemical variation with time. For the first two mixed-lava eruptions identified, field, petrographic and mineralogical evidence suggests that the contrasting magmas comingled, and in places hybridized, during eruption. Whole-rock geochemistry requires the alkali basalt component to have been contaminated prior to coeruption with trachyte. Syenite is suggested as a possible contaminant of the basalt component in the last two mixed-lava eruptions. Field and whole-rock chemical evidence points to the trachyte magma chamber being underlain by a basalt magma root zone. Inputs of fresh basalt magma into the root zone may have initiated each pre-caldera pyroclastic event and subsequent caldera formation and may have also caused the trachyte magma to overturn and commence a fresh cycle of chemical evolution. Some of the hot, buoyant basalt magma was able to leak towards the surface up peripheral fractures where it was coerupted with the initial trachyte magma of each cycle.  相似文献   

Aoba is a basalt volcano situated in the northern part of a chain containing all the active volcanoes in the New Hebrides. The chain extends the length of the New Hebrides. Growing from a depth of 2,400 meters on the sea floor, the volcano probably emerged above sea level in the late Pliocene or early Pleistocene. The age of the oldest exposed rocks is unknown. Relatively fluid lavas with autobrecciated surfaces probably issued from tissures, initiating a shield-building stage as the volcano emerged. Airfall pyroclastics increase towards the top of these lavas and are overlain by agglomerates marking a more explosive episode. Activity continued with the effusion of picrite basalt, accompanied by spasms of ash emission that formed crystal tuff. Subsequently a more explosive episode produced agglomerate and tuff with occasional tongues of lava. The two oval summit calderas are apparently related to deep-seated subsidence. Lack of pumice deposits, and the basic nature of the magma suggest that the foundering of the calderas was a quiet event, possibly due to massive outpourings of lava at a lower level, although a substantial volume also erupted from the summit volcanoes at this time. A broad pyroclastic cone, which was still growing 360 years ago, occupies the centre of the inner caldera. It is surmounted by a wide crater, or possibly small caldera, containing a lake in which palagonite tuff cones have formed. The western end of the inner caldera is occupied by an explosion crater, and the eastern end by a semicircular lake. A thermal area containing a solfatara on the southeast shore of the eastern lake, and staining in the crater lake suggestive of fumarole activity, are the only evidence of vulcanicity at the present time. It is difficult to correlate events at the centre of the volcano with those at the lateral fissures. Later episodes at the centre are probably broadly contemporaneous with activity along the fissures, the inner ends of which are mantled by younger deposits of the central volcano. Accumulation of material about this axial fiissure system, marked by no less than 64 cruptive foci, mainly spatter cones, and phreatic explosion craters where they intersect the coast, has extended the island to the northeast and southwest, producing the present oval shape. Numerous flows spilled from these fissures, the last reaching the sea at N’dui N’dui only 300 years ago according to local legend. Abundant ash was emitted from both the summit calderas and flank fissures at a late stage, forming a tuff mantle with layers of accretionary lapilli. The last volcanic event was the formation of a lahar which destoyed a village on the northeast slope of the volcano about 100 years ago. No consistent variation with time is evident in the composition of the magma, although plagiophyric and aphyric lava erupted during the later stages. All the rocks are basaltic, and differ only in the presence or absence of phenocryst-forming minerals, and the proportions in which they occur. Picrite basalt and ankaramite erupted from the central volcano and flank fissures, respectively.  相似文献   

Ceboruco is a major composite volcano at the western end of the Mexican Volcanic Belt, near the junction between the North American and Pacific plates. The volcano is built from successive eruptions of andesite lavas and pyroclastic rocks, and major eruptions during its history have resulted in the formation of two concentric calderas. The youngest volcanic activity has included the extrusion of dacites within the inner caldera and a voluminous flank eruption of andesite during 1870–72. Fumarolic activity persists to the present day. Chemical analyses show that the lavas are of cale-alkaline type and rangs from andesite (SiO2=58–61%) to acid dacite (SiO2=68%) in composition. The rate of increase of K2O relative to SiO is greater than that in volcanic rocks from the Mexican Volcanic Belt as a whole. This indicates that simple models based on the application of such relationships may not be adequate to explain the petrogenesis of calc-alkaline lavas.  相似文献   

Three major rhyolite systems in the northeastern Davis and adjacent Barrilla Mountains include lava units that bracketed a large pantelleritic ignimbrite (Gomez Tuff) in rapid eruptions spanning 300,000 years. Extensive silicic lavas formed the shields of the Star Mountain Formation (37.2 Ma-K/Ar; 36.84 Ma 39Ar/40Ar), and the Adobe Canyon Formation (37.1 Ma-K/Ar; 36.51-39Ar/40Ar). The Gomez Tuff (36.6 Ma-K/Ar; 36.74-39Ar/40Ar) blanketed a large region around the 18×24 km diameter Buckhorn caldera, within which it ponded, forming sections up to 500 m thick. Gomez eruption was preceded by pantelleritic rhyolite domes (36.87, 36.91 Ma-39Ar/40Ar), some of which blocked movement of Star Mountain lava flows. Following collapse, the Buckhorn caldera was filled by trachyte lava. Adobe Canyon rhyolite lavas then covered much of the region. Star Mountain Formation (~220 km3) is composed of multiple flows ranging from quartz trachyte to mildly peralkalic rhyolite; three major types form a total of at least six major flows in the northeastern Davis Mountains. Adobe Canyon Formation (~125 km3) contains fewer flows, some up to 180 m thick, of chemically homogenous, mildly peralkalic comendite, extending up to 40 km. Gomez Tuff (~220 km3) may represent the largest known pantellerite. It is typically less than 100 m thick in extra-caldera sections, where it shows a pyroclastic base and top, although interiors are commonly rheomorphic, containing flow banding and ramp structures. Most sections contain one cooling unit; two sections contain a smaller, upper cooling unit. Chemically, the tuff is fairly homogeneous, but is more evolved than early pantelleritic domes. Overall, although Davis Mountains silicic units were generated through open system processes, the pantellerites appear to have evolved by processes dominated by extensive fractional crystallization from parental trachytes similar to that erupted in pre- and post-caldera lavas. Comparison with the Pantelleria volcano suggests that the most likely parental magma for the Buckhorn series is transitional basalt, similar to that erupted in minor, younger Basin and Range volcanism after about 24 Ma. Roughly contemporaneous mafic lavas associated with the Buckhorn caldera appear to have assimilated or mixed with crustal melts, and, generally, may not be regarded as mafic precursors of the Buckhorn silicic rocks, They thus form a false Daly Gap as opposed to the true basalt/trachyte Daly gap of Pantelleria. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. This paper constitutes part of a special issue dedicated to Bill Bonnichsen on the petrogenesis and volcanology of anorogenic rhyolites.  相似文献   

Rocks having a pseudofluidal ignimbrite texture have been found on Saikhan Volcano in northeastern Khangai, Mongolia. The rocks have a typically nodular banded texture. The fiamme and the bands vary in width between a few millimeters to a few centimeters. These rocks have the same bulk composition as trachybasalts and do not differ from the ordinary trachybasalts found on this volcano in the form of dikes and lavas. The difference consists in the composition of glasses and minerals, as well as in the concentration of CO2 (which is higher in the ignimbrite-like rocks). The glasses in the ignimbrite-like rocks show a trend from basaltic trachyandesites to tephriphonolites and foidites, thus indicating the liquidus crystallization of clinopyroxene. The glasses in the lavas and dikes have a trachyte composition, indicating a residual origin following the crystallization of olivine and Ti-magnetite. Much of the pyroxenes (∼20%) in the ignimbrite-like rocks show calculated pressures during their generation to have been in the range of 6.5–14 kbars, while all pyroxenes in the ordinary lavas and dikes crystallized at pressures below 0.3 kbars. It thus follows that the magmas that have produced the ignimbrite-like rocks began crystallizing in the subcrustal magma chamber under fluid-saturated conditions, whence they were rapidly transported to the surface.  相似文献   

The Nuku Hiva Pliocene island (Marquesas, French Polynesia) is composed of a large half-collapsed tholeiitic shield volcano (the Tekao edifice), the caldera of which is filled up by the younger Taiohae volcano. The latter edifice is characterised by a complex magmatic association including minor mafic lavas (olivine tholeiites, alkali basalts and basanites), abundant intermediate lavas (hawaiites with subsidiary mugearites, both covering 47% of the surface of the volcano) and lesser amount of evolved lavas (K-rich and Na-rich trachytes and minor benmoreites, covering 25% of the edifice). Most intermediate and evolved Taiohae lavas are amphibole-rich and crystallised under high oxygen fugacities. The mafic Taiohae lavas originated from lower degree of melting of mantle sources more enriched than that of the shield volcano tholeiites. We show that closed-system fractional crystallisation of the Taiohae basaltic magmas can account for the origin of Taiohae hawaiites and mugearites, provided that separation of substantial amount of amphibole and/or apatite occurred during this process. Similarly, fractionation of benmoreitic magmas involving large amounts of amphibole and mica may account for the genesis of K-rich and Na-rich trachytes, respectively. However, fractional crystallisation cannot account for the derivation of benmoreitic magmas from mugearitic ones: since, this process fails to explain the abrupt increase in K2O from the latter to the former. In addition, the isotopic signature of trachytes and benmoreites is clearly distinct (more EM II-rich) from that of Taiohae basalts, hawaiites and mugearites. Three hypotheses could account for the genesis of benmoreitic magmas: assimilation of oceanic material with a strong EM II signature, differentiation of non-sampled mafic magmas derived from a mantle source having a EM II-rich signature and partial melting at depth of mafic material with a strong EM II signature. The oxidised character of Nuku Hiva lavas, uncommon in oceanic island settings, suggests interaction with water and/or the contribution of an oxidised (altered?) source material to their genesis.  相似文献   

Towada caldera, lying near the northern end of Honsyu, Japan was constructed by eruptions of lavas and pyroclastic materials in three separate periods. At the ends of the first and second periods, great amounts of pumice were erupted in the form of pumice flow and fall respectively. Each pumice cruption was followed by collapse of the center of the cones resulting in double calderas. The lavas of these three periods and the pumice of the first and second periods were chemically analysed. The result was plotted in several different types of variation diagrams. The points for the lavas and pumice lie generally on smooth curves, indicating that the magmas which caused the pumice cruptions belong to the same general differentiation series as do the lavas. If SiO2/FeO+Fe2O, is plotted against sodification index (MgO x 100/MgO+FeO+Fe2O, +Na2O+K2O), points for the lavas lie on a straight line, whereas those for the pumice lie on another straight line branching from the former at some point in the middle stage of differentiation. The rate of increase of this ratio in the pumice is greater than in the lavas, implying that less SiO2 and more iron were subtracted from the magmas producing the pumice than from those producing the lavas. This was probably caused by crystallization of a greater amount of magnetite in the former magmas possibly due to higher oxygen partial pressure which may be in turn related to higher water content. It is not necessary to postulate melting of the crust in order to generate magmas of the pumice eruptions of the central type.  相似文献   

The December 1981 — January 1982 eruption which started in the Christmas night on the SE side of Nyamulagira, gave the longest historical flow (26 km) representing the highest production rate of this volcano in this century (280×106m3 of erupted magmas in 19 days). This eruption built Rugarambiro, a composite spatter cinder-cone. The ejected lava is a K-hawaiite (kivite) whose basicity decreased during the eruption (first emission: D.I. = 40; last products: D.I. = 35). This chemical evolution is reflected by:
  • --the modal composition of lavas. The first emissions are poor in ferromagnesian phenocrysts (olivine + clinopyroxene: 3%) and rich in plagioclase (12%); the contrary is observed in the last ejected lavas (livine + Cpx: 16%; plagioclase: 1%);
  • --the nature of the crystallizing minerals in the groundmass. In fact, only the first ejections include alkaline feldspars, nepheline and Tiphlogopite;
  • --the glassy phase composition which is more differentiated in the first lavas (D.I. 68–84) than in the last ones (D.I. 42–61).
  • A stratification of the Nyamulagira magmatic chamber is proposed where magmatic differentiation has probably occurred for fractional crystallization. Mineralogical thermobarometers lead to locate this magmatic reservoir at the depth of 6–7 km that we had already hypothesized. The presence of phenocrysts of bytownite, basic chrysolite, diopside and salite indicates a basaltic paragenesis which marks a hawaiitic magma chamber feeding.  相似文献   

    The Middle to Late Cambrian loop in the North American apparent polar wander path (APWP) has been variously attributed to tectonic rotations, remagnetizations and primary magnetizations. Although no primary thermal remanent magnetizations or primary detrital remanent magnetizations have as yet been demonstrated, the temporally self-consistent nature of the loop has been used as an argument for primary magnetizations. We have studied535 ± 5Ma nepheline syenites and syenites of the McClure Mountain alkalic complex, as well as495 ± 10Ma red trachyte dikes which intruded the complex, in an effort to find a primary TRM. Because Zijderveld analysis yielded consistent results for only one trachyte dike, remagnetization great-circle analysis was employed, giving a pole for the trachyte dikes at the tip of the loop (43°N, 114°E), while the syenites and nepheline synenites gave a pole at the base of the loop (18°N, 142°E). The magnetic carrier in the trachytes is hematite which apparently formed during a pervasive hydrothermal alteration. KAr whole rock dating of the trachytes suggests a Pennsylvanian age for the alteration, and thus a late Paleozoic remagnetization of the trachytes. Thus, the low-latitude Cambrian pole is confirmed, but we find no evidence in this study to support the primary nature of the Cambrian APWP.  相似文献   

    The present paper reports the results of a detailed stratigraphical, petrological and geochemical investigation on the island of Stromboli, Aeolian arc, Southern Tyrrhenian sea. Major and trace element data determined on a large quantity of samples from well-established stratigraphic positions indicate that the magmatological evolution of the island through time was more complex than previously known. The activity of the exposed part of Stromboli, which occurred over a time span of about 100 000 years, started with the emission of high-K calc-alkaline (HKCA) volcanics, which were covered by calc-alkaline (CA), shoshonitic (SHO), high-K calc-alkaline (HKCA) and potassic (KS) products. The most recent activity consists of HKCA lavas and the present-day SHO-basaltic volcanics emitted by mildly explosive “strombolian” activity. Most of the products are lavas, with minor amounts of pyroclastic rocks emplaced mainly during the early stages of activity. The transition from the SHO to the KS cycle was associated with the collapse of the upper part of the volcanic apparatus; the transition from KS to the present-day SHO activity has been found to have occurred at the time of the sliding of the western portion of the volcano that generated the “Sciara del Fuoco” depression. The rock series cropping out at Stromboli show variable enrichment in potassium, incompatible trace elements and radiogenic Sr which increase from CA through HKCA, and SHO up to KS rocks. Major, trace element and Sr-isotopic data agree in indicating that the HKCA and SHO series evolved by crystal/liquid fractionation starting from different parental liquids, whereas crustal assimilation appears to have been the leading process during the evolution of KS volcanics. Mixing processes also played a role although they can be well documented only when they occurred between magmas with different isotopic and geochemical characteristics. Geochemical modelling based on trace element and isotopic data indicates that the mafic magmas of the different volcanic series may be generated by melting of an upper mantle heterogeneously enriched in incompatible elements and radiogenic Sr by addition, via subduction, of different amounts of crustal material. Geochemical data, however, are also in agreement with the alternative hypothesis that the most mafic magmas of the different series have been generated by combined processes of fractional crystallization, assimilation and mixing of a CA magma in a deep-sited magma chamber; the mafic magmas formed by these complex processes were successively emplaced in a shallow reservoir where they evolved by simple fractional crystallization (HKCA and SHO series) and by assimilation of crustal material (KS). The occurrence of changes in the geochemical signatures of the magmas at the time of the structural modification of the volcano is believed to favour the hypothesis that the variable composition observed in the volcanic rocks of Stromboli is the result of processes occurring within the volcanic system.  相似文献   

    Tertiary volcanic rocks of Carriacou occupy two-thirds of the island. The volcanics include volcaniclastics, lava flows and dome lavas and range in composition from basalts to andesites. Carriacou basalts fall into two petrographic types (a) clinopyroxene-plagioclase-phyric basalts and (b) olivine microphyric basalts; the latter having higher MgO and lower Al2O3 than the clinopyroxene basalts. Both types are unusually rich in mafic minerals compared with Lesser Antilles basalts in general, although similar types have been reported from the nearby island of Grenada. The potash to silica ratios are relatively high and confirm the similarity between Carriacou and Grenada basalts and the differences between these basalts and basalts from other islands of the Lesser Antilles. The basaltic andesites and andesites from Carriacou correspond closely in mineralogical and chemical composition with typical andesites found elsewhere in the Lesser Antilles. The geochemistry of the volcanics shows that the olivine microphyric basalts display tholeiitic affinities whereas the clinopyroxeneplagioclase-phyric basalt, basaltic andesites and andesites are calcalkaline. The compositional gradation in both the geochemistry and mineralogy of these volcanics suggests that fractional crystallization played an important role in the derivation of the various magma.  相似文献   

    The Hilina Formation comprises the oldest sequence of lava flows and tuffs exposed on Kilauea Volcano. These rocks are only exposed in kipukas in younger Puna Formation lavas along cliffs on the south flank of Kilauea Volcano. Locally, tuffs and flows of the Pahala Formation separate the underlying Hilina Formation rocks rom the overlying Puna Formation rocks. Charcoal collected from the base of the Pahala Formation yielded a C14 age of 22.800±340 years B.P. which defines a minimum age for the Hilina Formation. Hilina Formation lavas crop out over a wide region and probably originated from the summit area and from both rift zones. The Hilina Formation contains both olivine-controlled and differentiated lavas (using the terminology ofWright, 1971). The olivine-controlled lavas of the Hilina Formation are distinguishable mineralogically and geochemically from younger olivine-controlled Kilauea lavas. The younger lavas generally contain discrete low-calcium pyroxene grains. greater glass contents, higher K2O/P2O5 ratios and lower total iron contents. Similar geochemical trends prevail for Manuna Loa lavas, and may typify the early lavas of Hawaiian shield volcanoes. Despite these similarities, the Hilina Formation (and all Kilauea) lavas have higher TiO2 and CaO, and lower SiO2 and Al2O3 contents than Mauna Loa Lavas. These differences have existed for over 30,000 years. Therefore, it is unlikely that the older lavas of Kilauea are compositionally similar to recent Mauna Loa lavas as was previously suggested. K2O, TiO2, Na2 and Zr contents of lavas from a stratigraphic sequence of Hilina Formation lavas are variable. These variations may be utilized to subdivide the sequence into geochemical groups. These groups are not magma batches. Rather, they represent lavas from batches whose compositions may have been modified by crystal fractionation and magma mixing.  相似文献   

    Volcanological differences between the old and the recent lavas from Martinique, Lesser Antilles, are presented, showing that two volcanic series exist in this island:


  • a high-alumina basalt series generally mafic, line-grained, partly pillowed, with clinopyroxene-rich lavas which show iron enrichment tendancies en an A.F.M. plot;
  • a calc-alkaline (slightly potassic) series much more siliceous as a group, porphyric, predominantly sub-aerially erupted with orthopyroxene-rich lavas which show no iron enrichment.
  • The high-alumina basalt series is considered as having originated from a differentiation trend by fractionation of olivine, clinopyroxene and plagioclase. Lavas range from olivine basalt to tridymite-rich dacite. The calc-alkaline series probably derives from the contamination of the first suite but the occurence of hornblende-rich cumulates indicates the process of fractionation takes place too. Lavas range from orthopyroxene andesite and hornblende andesite to quartz-hornblende dacite and quartz-biotite dacite.  相似文献   

    Study of Tertiary volcanic rocks from Mt. Tamborine in S. E. Queensland, Australia, suggests that some basalts from the large Tweed vent are intermediate in character between true tholeiites and well documented alkaline basalts of the Australian Tertiary province. Geochemical evidence and comparison with synthetic systems suggests that the transitional lavas are derived by continuous fractional crystallization during the ascent of a parent magma produced by substantial partial melting of the upper mantle at moderate depths and pressures. Alkaline basalts that underlie the transitional basalts are the result of relatively rapid, intermittent extrusion of magma generated by a smaller degree of partial melting of the upper mantle. This interpretation resolves the difficulties posed by an apparent inversion of the usual stratigraphic relationship of tholeiites capped by alkali basalts, and is in accord with recent seismic studies of the continental margin of eastern Australia.  相似文献   

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