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At about 173 ka BP of the late period of mid-Pleistocene, the second terrace of the river had been formed as a result of uplift happening in Shangshan area because of the climate, sea level change and tectonic action. Between 173-75 ka BP, aeolian deposited on the terrace, a layer of reticulate red clayey soil about 80-100 cm thick deposited and developed under the warmer and higher temperature. In the last glacial period, the drop of the temperature and the decrease of the precipitation induced the dust-storms increased, A layer of Xiashu loess about 1.0-1.5 m thick accumulated on Shangshan terrace in the last glacial, which has the reticulate red clayey soil buried. At the beginning of the Holocene (11500 a BP-), temperature went higher gradually and precipitation got more, the pre-persons moved on the Shangshan terrace (11,400-8600 a BP), which is one of the most important archaeological sites, and can connect the paleolithic culture with Neolithic culture. It could be assumed from the results that the lower reaches of the Yangtze River are the home of rice cultivation, too. The lower place to the west of the Shangshan site experienced the two cycles process of the fluvial facies and the lacustrine facies, indicating that the water source of the pre-historical Shangshan is the river water or lake water. Two AMS 14C age proved the water source disappeared more than 1000 years ago.  相似文献   

浙江上山遗址剖面记录中更新世以来的环境演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对上山文化遗址的野外勘察、野外采样和室内粒度、磁化率、释光年代(OSL)和AMS14C年代分析,探讨了上山地区地貌演变过程,分析了上山文化形成与发展的环境背景。研究结果表明,中更新世早期,上山地区为河流相砾石层堆积,中更新世晚期173kaBP左右,由于气候和海面变化及其新构造运动的影响,形成了河流的二级阶地。而后阶地上接受风尘堆积,形成了中更新世晚期的网纹红土。晚更新世,粉尘堆积加速,堆积了厚约1m的下蜀黄土。全新世(11.5kaBP-)开始,气候转暖,粉尘堆积速率降低,上山台地上保存有命名为"上山文化"的新石器遗址,其年代为11400 ̄8600aBP,遗址中发掘出大量陶器和石器工具,并发现有栽培水稻遗存,这是迄今为止长江下游地区发现的最早新石器遗址,是探索该地区农业起源和新石器文化演化具有重要意义的地点。上山台地西侧低地经历了河流相—湖沼相—河流相—湖沼相的地貌过程,并且AMS14C年代表明,西侧水源消亡于距今1000多年,而台地东侧仍有河流流过,表明上山遗址所处地貌位置为靠近河湖水源的河流阶地之上覆有风成黄土的低平台地。  相似文献   

全新世以来浙江地区史前文化对环境变化的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对浙江地区史前文化的时空分布进行比较研究, 发现4000 cal. a BP前本区史前文化遗址在空间上不断扩大, 较为显著的扩大曾发生过两次, 一次发生在马家浜-河姆渡文化时期, 另一次发生在良渚文化时期;同时以河流谷地为通道, 史前文化从西向东不断向沿海扩展。4000 cal. a BP后, 以马桥文化为代表的各史前文化地域明显收缩, 东向沿海扩散的趋势终止, 同时伴随有南北两种不同模式的生产方式和经济形态转变。浙江地区史前文化分布与全新世海面波动有显著的关系, 尤其是杭州湾两岸的史前文化遗址分布与海面变化的关系最密切, 7000 cal. a BP 以来的低海面-海退成陆过程为史前居民提供了广阔的陆地生存空间。浙江地区史前文化变迁与环境变化在时相上具有一致性, 对比天目山千亩田泥炭和东海内陆架泥质沉积的环境演变记录表明, 4000 cal. a BP前浙江地区史前文化的东向地域扩展是在全新世气候适宜期背景下进行的, 是农业文明和海洋文明共同作用下的扩展和延伸;而4000cal. a BP后史前文化的地域收缩是在气候干冷和沿海海洋环境恶化的背景下发生的。以上初步证明浙江地区史前文化的发展、扩张和收缩与环境变化呈显著的正相关, 而气候环境变化正是引起上述这种变化以及生产方式和经济形态变化的深层次原因。因此, 气候环境成为浙江史前文化变迁的重要影响因子, 其对文化的分布、传播、扩展和演变等都产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

通过对南京江北地区一个典型剖面(TZC剖面)进行野外调查、室内磁化率、粒度等替代性指标分析和光释光断代研究,探讨了该地区第一层古土壤形成时的粉尘堆积与成壤环境演变特点。结果表明:第一层古土壤(40050cm)形成于全新世最适宜期(85003100aBP),是在末次冰期下蜀黄土堆积成壤基础上的再发育,与下伏黄土之间存在发生学联系。根据沉积年代和沉积厚度对沉积速率估算,该地区末次冰期沉积速率约为11.17cm/ka,而且可以推测古土壤顶部经历过强烈的水土侵蚀作用,侵蚀的厚度为98.67cm,侵蚀下来的黄土在地势低洼的地方形成次生黄土,这表明了次生黄土同为风尘成因,只是经过后期雨水的侵蚀、搬运和再堆积而已。全新世晚期3100年以来,季风转变,沙尘暴加剧,土壤退化,在南京江北地区堆积成厚约50cm左右的现代黄土层或表土层。  相似文献   

The temporal-spatial distribution features of prehistoric cultures since the Holocene in Zhejiang region were comparatively analyzed based on GIS spatial analysis. Results show that the prehistoric cultures expanded gradually in this region before 4000 cal. a BP. The notable expansions occurred twice, one in the Majiabang-Hemudu cultural period, the other in the Liangzhu cultural period. Meanwhile, the prehistoric cultures were disseminated from west to east coast along river valleys. After 4000 cal. a BP, as represented by the Maqiao Culture, the distributed area of each prehistoric culture contracted. This is obviously due to the termination of spreading trends to east coast, which was simultaneously accompanied by two different modes of production and economic transitions in the north and south Zhejiang region respectively. The distribution of prehistoric cultures was closely related with Holocene sea-level fluctuations, especially on the banks of Hangzhou Bay, where the distribution changes of prehistoric cultural sites were greatly affected by sea-level changes, with the closest relationships between them. After 7000 cal. a BP, the process of lowered sea-level and regression-epeirogenesis provided wider terrestrial living spaces for prehistoric inhabitants. Based on the comparative analyses of the changes of prehistoric cultures and the environmental evolution information recorded in the Qianmutian subalpine peat of Mt. Tianmu and muddy area on the inner shelf of the East China Sea, it is indicated that the changes of prehistoric cultures were synchronized with environmental changes in Zhejiang region. Before 4000 cal. a BP, the eastward expansion of prehistoric cultures in Zhejiang occurred under the background of the Holocene Optimum, and was the expansion and extension under the joint influences of agricultural civilization and maritime civilization. However, after 4000 cal. a BP, the geographical contraction of prehistoric cultures in Zhejiang occurred under the background of dry-cold climate trend and deterioration of coastal marine environment. It is evidenced from the above fact that the development, expansion and contraction of prehistoric cultures are positively correlated to environmental change. The change of the climatic environment is just the underlying reason for these changes and transitions of production modes and economic forms. Therefore, the climatic environment is the dominant factor of prehistoric culture vicissitudes in Zhejiang region, which has exerted great influence on distribution, dissemination, expansion and transmutation of the culture.  相似文献   

Lu  Ying  Sun  Xuefeng  Xu  Xinmin  Liu  Yalin  Yi  Shuangwen 《地理学报(英文版)》2020,30(9):1436-1450
The Lanshanmiao(LSM) Palaeolithic site,which was excavated in the summer of 2017 by the Zhejiang Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology,is the only excavated palaeolithic site in central Zhejiang Province to date.Luminescence dating methods,including optical stimulated luminescence(OSL) and thermal transfer OSL(TT-OSL) for quartz and post-infrared(IR) stimulated luminescence(p IRIR290) for feldspar,were used to determine the age of the LSM site.The results showed that the LSM section developed before 145.5 ± 12.5 ka and ended after 17.1 ± 1.0 ka.The TT-OSL dating of samples NJU2576 and NJU2615 showed that palaeolithic artifact-bearing layer was between 150 and 100 ka in age.The age range of the palaeolithic layer mainly corresponded to the transition between Marine Isotope Stage(MIS) 6 and MIS5.Our study showed that hominins prominently occupied the LSM site during the glacial and interglacial stages,when it exhibited a floodplain environment.  相似文献   

The temporal-spatial distribution features of prehistoric cultures since the Holocene in Zhejiang region were comparatively analyzed based on GIS spatial analysis. Results show that the prehistoric cultures expanded gradually in this region before 4000 cal. a BP. The notable expansions occurred twice, one in the Majiabang-Hemudu cultural period, the other in the Liangzhu cultural period. Meanwhile, the prehistoric cultures were disseminated from west to east coast along river valleys. After 4000 cal. a BP, as represented by the Maqiao Culture, the distributed area of each prehistoric culture contracted. This is obviously due to the termination of spreading trends to east coast, which was simultaneously accompanied by two different modes of production and economic transitions in the north and south Zhejiang region respectively. The distribution of prehistoric cultures was closely related with Holocene sea-level fluctuations, especially on the banks of Hangzhou Bay, where the distribution changes of prehistoric cultural sites were greatly affected by sea-level changes, with the closest relationships between them. After 7000 cal. a BP, the process of lowered sea-level and regression-epeirogenesis provided wider terrestrial living spaces for prehistoric inhabitants. Based on the comparative analyses of the changes of prehistoric cultures and the environmental evolution information recorded in the Qianmutian subalpine peat of Mt. Tianmu and muddy area on the inner shelf of the East China Sea, it is indicated that the changes of prehistoric cultures were synchronized with environmental changes in Zhejiang region. Before 4000 cal. a BP, the eastward expansion of prehistoric cultures in Zhejiang occurred under the background of the Holocene Optimum, and was the expansion and extension under the joint influences of agricultural civilization and maritime civilization. However, after 4000 cal. a BP, the geographical contraction of prehistoric cultures in Zhejiang occurred under the back ground of dry-cold climate trend and deterioration of coastal marine environment. It is evidenced from the above fact that the development, expansion and contraction of prehistoric cultures are positively correlated to environmental change. The change of the climatic environment is just the underlying reason for these changes and transitions of production modes and economic forms. Therefore, the climatic environment is the dominant factor of prehistoric culture vicissitudes in Zhejiang region, which has exerted great influence on distribution, dissemination, expansion and transmutation of the culture.  相似文献   

通过对汉江上游的野外考察,发现汉江上游郧西-郧县段第一级阶地前沿全新世土壤剖面中夹有多层古洪水滞流沉积物,选择该河段的归仙河口(GXH)剖面进行了详细野外观察,结合粒度成分和磁化率指标分析,证明它们是典型的古洪水滞流沉积物。采用石英的单片再生剂量法(SAR)获得了该剖面中9 个样品的光释光年龄值。基于测定的光释光年龄、考古断代和地层对比结果,确定这四期洪水事件分别发生在距今12500-12000 a、7500-7200 a、3100-2800 a,1000-900 a。通过与汉江上游地区、国内和世界各地的多种指标气候变化记录的对比分析,进一步探讨了汉江上游郧西郧县段全新世以来发生的多期古洪水事件发生的气候背景,这一认识有助于深入理解区域洪涝灾害对全球气候变化的响应规律。  相似文献   

在野外考察基础上选择湖北郧县庹家湾剖面为研究对象。在对磁化率和粒度进行分析的同时,用单片再生剂量法进行了光释光测年(OSL)地层断代。OSL测年数据显示:剖面样品年龄处在55.11~13.57 ka BP,且与地层深度呈现出良好的对应关系,此剖面为黄土风化堆积形成。黏粒含量、黏粒/粉砂值以及磁化率值等气候替代性指标数值在马兰黄土层228~260 cm和294~370 cm深度明显高于典型马兰黄土(L1),具有明显的成壤特征,通过OSL测年数据判断时间为27.26~21.59 ka BP,说明在晚更新世时期气候并非持续稳定的寒冷干旱,而是具有一定的波动,在此期间气候相对温暖湿润,而且此次气候事件在黄土高原地区其他沉积记录中也有良好记录。  相似文献   

This work considers the spatial distribution and ages of western MOZ basin siliclastic sediments prior to providing insights into the diagenesis of degraded dune and alluvial fan sands. Previously published and new TL/OSL ages imply that extensive over-washing of dune sands took place at least 100 ka ago while ages on Okavango floodplains imply that the fan was formed ca. 40 ka and has since undergone periods of higher and lower flood regimes. Sediment analyses indicate that both dune and fan sands contain a diagenetic matrix of clay-enhanced amorphous silica (CEAS) which bonds weakly formed aggregates. The time of formation of diagenetic matrix products is inconclusive but may have been accelerated during or shortly after events dated using OSL/TL techniques. Hence earlier dune over-washing may have led to greater porewater of an acidic to near neutral nature which in turn promoted smectite formation and silicic acid precipitation > 100 000 years ago. The relatively abundant CEAS matrix in floodplain sands implies more recent semi-continuous flood events again of an acidic-near neutral nature leading to the formation of smectite. In this case the floodplain sediments are dated as having been deposited around 40 and 11 ka, when porewater content may have accelerated clay formation and silica dissolution. The dual nature of the CEAS in the islands reflects a changing environment from smectite-dominated flooding events to sepiolite-dominated desiccation events. Flooding may also correspond to TL/OSL ages over the past 40 000 years which contributed to accelerated CEAS formation. The sepiolite is associated with a Ca-rich matrix implying desiccation which may relate to drying events over the 40 000 year period or to riparian tree root pumping and selective salt accumulation. This work shows that sedimentation in incipient rifts is complex and rarely explained totally in terms of primary depositional events. The implications of different stages of sand diagenesis may be significant in enhancing palaeo-environmental interpretations in semi-arid fluvial environments.  相似文献   


This study investigated the late Quaternary climate and environmental characteristics of two tributary valleys (Xingmu and Depu Valleys) in the Parlung Zangbo Valley, southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) samples collected from moraines at the mouth of Xingmu Valley produce a wide age range from 13.9 ka to 76 ka. The ages measured from the lenticular sand are consistent with the relative geomorphic sequence of the landforms. Lenticular sand layers below the moraine were dated to 37.9 ka and 44.7 ka, indicating that fluvial processes were likely dominant in the valley during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3. The outer moraine ridges at the valley mouth were formed during 13.9 ka and 26.5 ka, corresponding to MIS2. At Depu Valley, OSL samples from two sets of lateral and terminal moraines close to the modern glacier, provide ages from 1.4 ka to 29.2 ka. The paleosol layer widely developed during 2.6 cal ka BP and 8.7 cal ka BP in the study area, reflecting a relatively warm condition during the mid-Holocene.  相似文献   

This article introduces plastic recycling networks in Kolkata, India, as a case to illustrate the contradictory entanglement of economic and environmental change in urban informal contexts of the Global South. In light of the prevailing environmental critique of informal plastic recycling in India, this article discusses plastic recyclers’ environmental impact and contribution as well as the potential to enhance the environmental and economic performance of their business. Network and chain approaches in the emerging field of Environmental Economic Geography are combined with the notion of social metabolism to conceptualize the entanglement of environmental and economic processes as well as socio-environmental inequalities entailed in recycling networks. The analysis reveals the impact that the heterogeneity and fluctuation of plastic waste supply has on the economic organization of recycling networks, giving rise to distinct forms of governance in its intermediate and down-stream segments. Such an integrated perspective also serves to explain why environmental upgrading is hard to achieve under prevailing circumstances by plastic recyclers in Kolkata. Based on an assessment of the social and political conditions of informality under which plastic recyclers operate, the adoption of common assumptions about ecological modernization imbuing parts of Environmental Economic Geography is called into question.  相似文献   

1990年以来浙江沿海区域差异及其成因分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
1990年以来浙江沿海各县市都获得了较快的发展,但区域发展差距也迅速扩大,沿海内部的区域差异成为浙江省区域差异的主要内容.运用锡尔系数分析1990年以来浙江沿海经济差异表明,浙江沿海总体经济差异呈先降低后上升的趋势,市内差异和市县间差异是总体差异的主要组成部分,而且市内差异不断扩大.影响区域差异的因子是多方面的,历史基础、中心城市规模、地理环境与自然资源、市场发育程度、全球化程度、信息化程度、区位和交通、人口数量与素质和区域发展策略等均对浙江沿海区域经济差异有不同程度的影响.通过多元回归分析各因素的影响程度,得出历史基础、市场发育程度、人口自然增长率、实际利用外资是浙江沿海经济差异的主要影响因素.  相似文献   

通过对澧阳平原优周岗遗址剖面沉积样品孢粉分析,重建了该区5500 a B.P.~4000 a B.P.气候、水文、植被变化和人类活动历史。结果表明:距今5500~5200年大溪文化晚期,气候环境较为适宜;距今5200~4000年的屈家岭—石家河文化时期,气候暖湿程度先升高后降低,转折点在4800 a B.P.左右。其中,距今4200~4000年的石家河文化晚期,气候向干凉化发展。孢粉组合显示优周岗遗址周边一直有湿润生境存在,且在屈家岭文化中晚期和石家河晚期出现湿生草本、蕨类孢子和藻类的明显增加,反映两次水文变化过程。优周岗遗址大溪文化时期常绿和落叶阔叶林已遭破坏,稻作农业有一定发展,屈家岭—石家河文化早中期稻作规模扩展。然而石家河文化晚期,稻作农业规模明显收缩,可能与区域文化衰落有一定关系。  相似文献   

岱海地区原始农业文化的兴衰与环境演变的关系   总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2  
连鹏灵  方修琦 《地理研究》2001,20(5):623-628
内蒙古中南部岱海地区考古学文化的发展受到环境条件的制约。原始农业文化的兴起与发展对应于全新世暖期的暖湿条件;农业文化的间断、南移与由农向牧的转变与4~35kaBP发生的变冷、变干的突变事件相对应;而原始农业文化阶段中间每一次文化的间断、侵入、融合总是可以在气候变化中找到相应的变化阶段,与短期寒冷事件的开始或结束对应。  相似文献   

土地利用/覆被变化的环境效应研究进展与动向   总被引:35,自引:20,他引:35  
于兴修  杨桂山  王瑶 《地理科学》2004,24(5):627-633
土地利用/覆被变化产生的环境问题已引起人类社会的广泛关注,深入研究这些问题具有重要的理论和实践意义。在简要回顾土地利用/覆被变化对大气环境、土壤环境和水环境影响已有研究的基础上,结合中国研究的实际,分析了中国土地利用/覆被变化的环境效应研究中存在的问题,并对今后的研究趋势做了讨论。  相似文献   

薛熙明  马创 《热带地理》2012,32(4):395-401
选取1920年和1990年两个历史断点,对广东基督教文化区历史演变过程进行对比分析。研究发现:经过19世纪的广泛传播,至20世纪20年代,广东基督教文化区格局已基本形成。从信徒数量和教堂堂点分布的集中度来看,珠江三角洲及西部沿海地区、潮汕地区和东江―梅江流域是广东基督教文化三大核心区。及至20世纪90年代,全省基督教核心区已经向粤东潮汕地区和粤东北客家地区偏移,一些原处外缘的地域和珠三角经济区内的新兴城市基督教文化实力也有增强。在广东基督教文化区内部变迁的复杂过程中,除了宗教派别因自身发展演化而做出的空间选择外,行政区划、政治制度、经济类型、移民和交通方式都起着较为重要的作用。  相似文献   

利用X衍射法分析了苏北平原浅钻剖面(YZ1)的粘土矿物类型和含量,并对其环境意义进行了探讨。结果表明,YZ1浅钻沉积物粘土成分主要由4种粘土矿物(伊利石、高岭石、绿泥石、蒙脱石)和少量长石、石英碎屑组成;研究区的古气候环境演变主要经历3个阶段,13 770~11 600 cal a B.P.期间的低温冷干阶段;11 600~9 610cal a B.P.期间的逐步升温阶段;9 610~1 520 cal a B.P.期间的全新世暖湿阶段,在这3个大的阶段背景条件下也存在一些次级波动。  相似文献   

Neolithic culture series in the Yishu River Basin developed in the order of Beixin culture–Dawenkou culture–Longshan culture–Yueshi culture. During the early and middle stage of Longshan culture (4600–4300 cal. yr BP), the climate in the Yishu River Basin was warm and wet. Paddy-oriented agriculture planted paddy was very developed. The society was flourishing with great amount of archaeological sites. The cooling starting in 4200 cal. yr BP made the paddies shortfall in output or even no seeds were gathered. This situation in-tensified the discrepancy between population and resource. The scarcity in natural resource led to substantial decrease in population and subsequent drop in archaeological sites. About 4000 cal. yr BP Longshan culture was displaced by Yueshi culture which was relatively un-derdeveloped, simple and unsophisticated.  相似文献   

Neolithic culture series in the Yishu River Basin developed in the order of Beixin culture-Dawenkou culture-Longshan culture-Yueshi culture. During the early and middle stage of Longshan culture (4600-4300 cal. yr BP),the climate in the Yishu River Basin was warm and wet. Paddy-oriented agriculture planted paddy was very developed. The society was flourishing with great amount of archaeological sites. The cooling starting in 4200 cal. yr BP made the paddies shortfall in output or even no seeds were gathered. This situation in-tensified the discrepancy between population and resource. The scarcity in natural resource led to substantial decrease in population and subsequent drop in archaeological sites. About 4000 cal. yr BP Longshan culture was displaced by Yueshi culture which was relatively un-derdeveloped,simple and unsophisticated.  相似文献   

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