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江苏省西部湖泊溶解性有机物光谱学特征和来源解析   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
利用光谱学手段研究江苏省西部湖泊表层水体中溶解性有机物(DOM)组成与结构,并对其来源进行分析.单位浓度可溶性有机碳在254和280 nm波长下的吸光度值(SUVA)测定结果表明,各湖泊芳香性程度及分子量大小依次为邵伯湖>天岗湖>白马湖>石臼湖>洪泽湖>固城湖>骆马湖>高邮湖>宝应湖.特定波长下吸光度的比值(E2/E3、E3/E4)显示邵伯湖和白马湖中的DOM结构复杂、分子量大、苯环多,以腐殖酸为主要成分;其它湖泊的DOM腐殖化程度较低,以富里酸为主.指数函数曲线斜率(S275~295nm)拟合结果也同样表明邵伯湖DOM分子量最大,而宝应湖最低.各湖泊荧光指数和生物指数分别处于1.13~1.30和0.47~0.67范围内,体现出DOM强烈的陆源性.四个主要荧光峰的相对荧光强度之间均存在良好的相关性,表明这些湖泊的类腐殖酸及类蛋白物质可能有着相同的来源.结合这些湖泊的特征及流域经济发展水平,可以初步推断经入湖河流携带的由农业及其下游产业产生的有机质是江苏西部湖泊中DOM的主要来源.  相似文献   

云南高原湖泊有色可溶性有机物和颗粒物光谱吸收特性   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3  
云南高原湖泊是我国湖泊分布最密集的五大湖群之一,不但湖泊数量众多而且类型多样.由于湖泊所处位置海拔较高,容易受只益增强UV-B辐射影响.通过对云南高原34个湖泊有色可溶性有机物和颗粒物吸收测定,分析其光谱吸收特性及对总吸收的贡献,有利于深刻理解紫外辐射在高原湖泊内衰减.不同湖泊间CDOM吸收差异明显,其大小与水体营养盐状况相关,CDOM吸收系数与水体总氮存在显著正相关.增加背景项的指数函数模型能最好模拟CDOM光谱吸收.除在浮游植物浓度非常高的杞麓湖、听湖、星云湖,颗粒物吸收系数在675nm附近存在一个吸收蜂外,其它湖泊总颗粒物光谱吸收大致随波长的增加吸收系数逐渐降低,呈现非色素颗粒物光谱吸收特征,整体上颗粒物吸收以非色素颗粒物为主.CDOM对总吸收的贡献主要集中在600nm以下波长,尤其是400nm以下的紫外波段,其在紫外波段(350-400nm)的贡献明显要大于光合有效辐射波段(400-700nm)(ANOVA,P<0.001).特别对于透明度SD≥1.0的清澈型湖泊,CDOM吸收对紫外辐射衰减的贡献更大,其吸收很大程度上决定了紫外辐射的影响深度.  相似文献   

曹驰程  王友权  章奇  张晖 《湖泊科学》2018,30(4):1004-1011
采用荧光滴定法研究四环素(tetracycline,TC)与太湖溶解性有机质(dissolved organic matter,DOM)和玄武湖DOM的相互作用.三维荧光光谱结合平行因子分析显示,2个湖泊的DOM含有3个荧光组分:类富里酸组分C1、类色氨酸组分C2和类络氨酸组分C3.其中C2的荧光强度远高于C1和C3,是DOM的主要荧光组成.3个荧光组分与TC发生了不同程度的静态猝灭,特别当TC浓度为45.5μmol/L时,类蛋白组分的荧光强度完全被猝灭(100%),并且猝灭作用改变了DOM分子的微环境极性.同步荧光光谱联合二维相关图谱进一步表明类色氨酸组分优先和TC发生猝灭作用,其次为类络氨酸组分和类富里酸组分.Ryan-Weber方程适于拟合DOM与TC的猝灭过程,2个湖泊的DOM中3个荧光组分的络合常数lg K值范围为5.05~5.85,大小顺序为C2C3C1.因此,类蛋白组分为主的DOM对TC的络合作用大于类腐殖组分为主的DOM,影响抗生素在湖泊水体中的生物有效性和生态毒性.  相似文献   

The fluorescent properties of dissolved organic matter (DOM) enable comparisons of humic‐like (H‐L) and fulvic‐like (F‐L) fluorescence intensities with dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in aquatic systems. The fluorescence‐DOC relationship differed in gradient, i.e. the fluorescence per gram of carbon, and in the strength of the correlation coefficient. We compare the fluorescence intensity of the F‐L and H‐L fractions and DOC of freshwater DOM in north Shropshire, England, featuring a river, wetland, spring, pond and sewage DOM sources. Correlations between fluorescence and DOC varied between sample sites. Wetland water samples for the F‐L peak gave the best correlation, r = 0·756; the lowest correlation was from final treated sewage effluent, r = 0·167. The relationship between fluorescence and DOC of commercially available International Humic Substances Society standards were also examined and they generally showed a lower fluorescence per gram of carbon for the F‐L peak than the natural samples, whereas peat wetland DOM gave a greater fluorescence per gram of carbon than river DOM. Here, we propose the strength of the fluorescence–DOC correlation to be a useful tool when discriminating sources of DOM in fresh water. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Andy Baker 《水文研究》2002,16(16):3203-3213
There is a need to be able to differentiate the dissolved organic matter (DOM) fraction in river waters. Research in the 1970s and 1980s has attempted to utilize both absorbance and fluorescence to distinguish between DOM fractions in river waters, but both were limited by the available technology. Total organic carbon content has, therefore, been widely used as a standard method of measuring DOM concentration, although it has little power to differentiate DOM fractions. Recent advances in fluorescence spectrophotometry enable rapid and optically precise analysis of DOM. Here, we show how a combination of both fluorescence and absorbance can be used to discriminate statistically between spatial variations of DOM in tributaries in a small catchment of the Ouseburn, NE England. The results of the discriminant analysis suggest that about 70% of the samples can be correctly classified to its tributary. Discriminant function 1 explains 60·8% of the variance in the data and the fulvic‐like fluorescence intensity has the largest absolute correlation within this function; discriminant function 2 explains a further 21·5% of the variance and the fulvic‐like fluorescence emission wavelength has the largest absolute correlation within this function. The discriminant analysis does not correctly classify all tributaries every time, and successfully discriminates between the different tributaries 70% of the time. Occasions when the tributary waters are less well discriminated are due to either episodic pollution events (at two sites) or due to tributaries that have strong seasonal trends in spectrophotometric parameters, which allows the sites to be misclassified. Results suggest that spectrophotometric techniques have considerable potential in the discrimination of DOM in rivers. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

化学需氧量是衡量水体中有机物量及污染程度的综合性指标,也是我国《地表水环境质量标准(GB 3838—2002)》的重要评价指标.然而,由于测定过程缓慢和使用了有毒有害试剂易于形成二次污染,现行标准的高锰酸钾和重铬酸钾化学需氧量测定方法无法做到环境友好,也不能反映当前快速和实时监测的技术需求.因此,迫切需要发展操作简便、快速高效、灵敏可靠、环境友好和环保绿色的化学需氧量替代检测方法.本文首先从文献计量学视角比较我国与世界上发达国家化学需氧量研究主题论文发文量,剖析了我国发展化学需氧量替代检测方法的迫切性.基于全国大范围65个湖库706个样本有色可溶性有机物吸收系数、化学需氧量和其他水质参数同步调查数据,构建广覆盖范围的有色可溶性有机物特征波长吸收系数和化学需氧量间高精度线性关系模型,确定了地表水环境质量评价的吸收系数阈值,模型可以广泛应用于不同类型(深水、浅水、大型、中型、小型)和不同营养状态(贫、中、富营养)湖库水体有机物浓度的定量表征,具有一定普适性.通过对比有色可溶性有机物吸收系数和传统的高锰酸钾、重铬酸钾法优势和不足,明确了有色可溶性有机物吸收系数替代化学需氧量用于湖库水体开展有...  相似文献   

峡谷分层型水源水库表层沉积物溶解性有机物光谱特征   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
结合三维荧光光谱技术(EEMs)与紫外吸收光谱(UV-vis),并利用平行因子分析(PARAFAC)的方法,对金盆水库表层沉积物中溶解性有机质(DOM)光谱的空间分布特征及来源进行分析,并探讨沉积物DOM的荧光组分与可溶性有机氮(SON)、可溶性无机氮(SIN)之间的相关性.结果表明,金盆水库表层沉积物DOM由3类荧光组分组成,分别是类富里酸C1(235 nm,315 nm/430 nm)、类色氨酸C2(220 nm,275 nm/330 nm)和类胡敏酸C3(265 nm/520 nm),各组分荧光强度占总荧光强度百分比的平均值分别为43.15%、31.54%和25.31%.表层沉积物DOM浓度在空间上呈现从上游到主库区先减少后增加的趋势.光谱斜率S275-295S350-400和光谱斜率比SR反映出各采样点陆源与内源占比的差异性.荧光指数、自生源指标和腐殖化指标都表明金盆水库沉积物DOM的来源具有内源与陆源双重特征.相关性分析表明,表层沉积物DOM各组分与SON和SIN均呈显著正相关,说明DOM与氮元素的迁移转化密切相关.  相似文献   

The influence of dissolved organic matter (DOM) on mineral extraction from salt lake brines depend on DOM quality. This study contributes to our knowledge of DOM’s metal binding behavior in hypersaline environments by characterization of DOM from lakes in the Qaidam Basin, i.e., Qarhan Lake (LQDOM), Da Qaidam (DQDOM) and West Ginair Salt Lake (WGDOM). The DOM was fractionated based on solid phase extraction (SPE) and ultrafiltration (UF), and the spectral and metal binding behavior of these fractions were studied by absorption spectroscopy, Pb(II) titration techniques and fluorescence parallel factor (PARAFAC) analysis. The results showed that bulk DOM generally contained more dissolved organic carbon (DOC), lower specific UV absorbance (SUVA254), higher fluorescence and biological indices, comparable humification index, and lower condition stability constants compared to the other nature waters. Compared with UF, SPE-derived DOM exhibited higher DOC recovery and aromaticity and lower carbohydrate yield. It appeared that the SPE procedure used affects the spectral composition of bulk DOM to a larger extent than UF. Source and molecular weight (MW)-dependent differences in abundance and quality of brine DOM was indicated by higher SUVA254 in high MW DOM, for LQDOM and DQDOM, and humic-like fluorophores were mainly in high MW-DOM in each lake. Moreover, the high MW humic-like component exhibited higher metal binding potential than the bulk and low MW counterparts for LQDOM and DQDOM, while the inverse was observed for WGDOM. This study revealed the effects of isolation techniques on interpretation of DOM characteristics, and meanwhile highlighted the importance of origin- and MW-dependent DOM in manipulating the behavior, fate, and bioavailability of heavy metals in salt lake brine.  相似文献   

淀山湖有色可溶性有机物的光谱吸收特性   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
探讨了淀山湖水体中有色可溶性有机物(CDOM)的光谱吸收特性,CDOM与叶绿素a、浊度和COD等水质参数的关系,以及不同波段范围内CDOM光谱吸收形状(指数函数斜率S值)的变化.结果表明:淀山湖CDOM吸收系数不高,在355 nm波长处的吸收系数变化范围是6.95-10.28 m-1,而且湖南区高于湖北区;CDOM吸收系数和叶绿素a、浊度、COD等水质参数的相关性都不高,证明湖中的CDOM主要来自于城镇生活污水和工业废水的排放;CDOM吸收系数在300-500 nm范围内随着波长的增加呈指数递减,超过500 nm之后呈线性递减,在300-500 nm波段范围内指数函数的曲线斜率S为11.7-14.8 μm-1,在501-750 nm波段范围内波长每增1 nm,CDOM的吸收系数减小0.0021 m-1.  相似文献   

太湖入湖河口和开敞区CDOM吸收和三维荧光特征   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
应用吸收和三维荧光光谱对2007年夏季太湖入湖河口和大太湖开敞区有色可溶性有机物(CDOM)浓度及来源进行研究.结果表明,河口区和开敞区CDOM吸收系数a(355)存在显著空间差异,河口区明显大于开敞(ANOVA,P<0.001),a(355)最大值出现在大浦河口和竺山湾漕桥河几附近,最小值出现在东太湖和胥口湾.a(355)与溶解性有机碳、化学耗氧量浓度存在显著正相关.所有样品一般都含有4个明显的荧光峰,包括1个可见光区的类腐殖质荧光C峰,1个紫外光区的类腐殖酸荧光A峰,2个类蛋白荧光B峰和D峰.河口区外源输入的类腐殖质荧光非常强,最著大于开敞区(ANOVA,P<0.05).而河口区和开敞区类蛋白荧光没有显著性差异,反映开敞区除外源河流输入外,内源生物降解等对类蛋白荧光贡献增加.在河口区B、C峰的比值r(B/C)/b于1,均值为0.62±0.14、在开敞区r(B/C)除12#是0.92,其他值均大于1,均值为1.12±0.13,初步判断r(B/C)可以作为区分CDOM来源的重要参数.CDOM吸收a(355)与类腐殖质荧光C峰、A峰均存在极显著的正相关,而与类蛋白荧光相关性则明显下降,与D峰存在显著正相关,与B峰没有显著相关.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is one of the most abundant fractions of organic matter in aquatic systems and plays an important role in the dynamics of aquatic environments, controlling both the penetration and the underwater light radiation climate. DOC can be photodegraded by light, thus facilitating biodegradation, especially in regions where the incidence of solar radiation is high, such as higher altitudes and lower latitudes. This study quantified the photodegradation of dissolved organic material in a natural tropical lake surrounded by native forests (Brazilian Atlantic Forest) through two experiments: i) the first experiment exposed concentrated autochthonous, allochthonous, and lake water to in situ solar radiation; ii) this experiment also exposed the same organic material to artificial UV radiation in an incubator under controlled conditions. The quality and quantity of dissolved organic carbon were measured using indices based on carbon absorbance and fluorescence spectrum. In the in situ experiment, it was observed that the DOC degradation profile of the concentrated allochthonous and autochthonous organic material were distinct from each other in the absorbance indices, and the lake water mostly resembled the latter one. On the other hand, we did not see evidence of any significant difference among treatments in the laboratory experiment. An increase in the SR index and a concomitant decrease in the fluorescence of humic compounds and SUVA254 over time were observed. In both experiments, the amount of degraded organic material over time was low and some possible explanations are discussed.  相似文献   

利用平行因子分析(PARAFAC)技术对藻华暴发季节太湖梅梁湾和开敞区水样中有色可溶性有机物(CDOM)的三维荧光光谱进行分析,获得代表类酪氨酸、类色氨酸和类腐殖酸等3种荧光组分,这3个组分的荧光得分值均与叶绿素a浓度呈极显著正相关,其中类腐殖酸物质荧光得分值占总分值的比例也与叶绿素a浓度极显著正相关,由此可以推测,蓝藻水华可能是太湖CDOM的一个重要来源,并极大地影响了湖泊CDOM的组成结构.为进一步探索蓝藻水华对湖泊CDOM的影响,于太湖梅梁湾湖岸进行藻华暴发和衰亡模拟试验.PARAFAC结果显示,模拟试验水样CDOM的三维荧光图谱同样含有3个组分,其中类酪氨酸和类色氨酸荧光峰位置与湖泊水样基本相同,而类腐殖酸物质荧光峰则有一定程度的蓝移,表明培养试验中有新的内源类腐殖酸物质产生.利用PARAFAC模型中的得分值计算后发现,初始叶绿素a浓度越高,类腐殖酸物质所占比例越大,而实验结束时添加了高浓度和中等浓度藻的2个处理中类腐殖酸物质对荧光的贡献率也有显著提高.因此,藻华的长期暴发可以显著改变湖泊CDOM的组成,导致类腐殖酸物质比例提高.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) concentration and composition in riverine and stream systems are known to vary with hydrological and productivity cycles over the annual and interannual time scales. Rivers are commonly perceived as homogeneous with respect to DOM concentration and composition, particularly under steady flow conditions over short time periods. However, few studies have evaluated the impact of short term variability (<1 day) on DOM dynamics. This study examined whether diurnal processes measurably altered DOM concentration and composition in the hypereutrophic San Joaquin River (California) during a relatively quiescent period. We evaluated the efficacy of using optical in situ measurements to reveal changes in DOM which may not be evident from bulk dissolved organic carbon (DOC) measurement alone. The in situ optical measurements described in this study clearly showed for the first time diurnal variations in DOM measurements, which have previously been related to both composition and concentration, even though diurnal changes were not well reflected in bulk DOC concentrations. An apparent asynchronous trend of DOM absorbance and chlorophyll‐a in comparison to chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) fluorescence and spectral slope S290–350 suggests that no one specific CDOM spectrophotometric measurement explains absolutely DOM diurnal variation in this system; the measurement of multiple optical parameters is therefore recommended. The observed diurnal changes in DOM composition, measured by in situ optical instrumentation likely reflect both photochemical and biologically‐mediated processes. The results of this study highlight that short‐term variability in DOM composition may complicate trends for studies aiming to distinguish different DOM sources in riverine systems and emphasizes the importance of sampling specific study sites to be compared at the same time of day. The utilization of in situ optical technology allows short‐term variability in DOM dynamics to be monitored and serves to increase our understanding of its processing and fundamental role in the aquatic environment. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

溶解态有机质(DOM)是湖泊沉积物的重要组分,解析DOM的组成和来源对于深入理解湖泊有机质生物地球化学循环及控制水体富营养化具有重要意义。 本研究于2021年5月和8月采集了大庆市库里泡表层及柱状沉积物、泡内水生物(浮游藻类、挺水植物和沉水植物)、岸边土壤、陆生C3和C4植物、禽畜粪便以及城镇污水等样品,分析了样品DOM的稳定同位素(δ13C 和 δ15N)组成及三维荧光光谱特征,并利用IsoSource软件计算了不同来源样品对沉积物DOM的贡献率。结果显示:(1)库里泡内表层沉积物DOM的δ13C和δ15N组成存在季节性差异,5月δ13C和δ15N均值分别为-25.54‰和9.02‰,8月分别为-26.81‰和8.40‰。(2)库里泡内柱状沉积物DOM的δ13C和δ15N组成在垂直方向存在差异,表层(0~3 cm)δ13C和δ15N均值分别为-26.58‰和9.04‰,深层(3~30 cm)均值分别为-25.40‰和10.61‰。(3)表层沉积物DOM的三维荧光组分存在季节性差异。5月以类腐殖质荧光组分为主,占比为87.89%,HIX和BIX分别为6.27和0.67;8月蛋白类荧光组分占比为49.58%,HIX和BIX指数均值分别为1.72和0.87。(4)5月表层沉积物DOM外源输入占比为61%,以土壤(21.40%)和城镇污水(18.08%)为主;而8月内源贡献占比稍高(55.10%),且以挺水植物为主(48.68%)。(5)柱状沉积物(0~30 cm)不同深度DOM来源组成相近,主要为城镇污水、沉水植物/藻和挺水植物,贡献率均值分别为42.13%、25.07%和18.53%。整体上,库里泡沉积物DOM来源主要受到流域内人类活动及气候特征的影响,本文研究结果有利于加深对我国东北地区湖泊沉积物有机质迁移转化及累积规律的认识。  相似文献   

基于2017年1-12月在抚仙湖开展的逐月观测,利用紫外-可见吸收光谱和三维荧光光谱技术探讨该湖有色可溶性有机物(CDOM)的来源组成及时空变化特征.12个月CDOM吸收值a(254)的均值为3.47±0.57 m-1,范围为1.82~5.22 m-1,说明CDOM丰度较低.平行因子分析结果给出了2种类酪氨酸荧光组分(C1和C3)、1种类色氨酸荧光组分(C2)、1种类腐殖质荧光组分(C4),12个月内源组分(C1+C3)对总荧光强度的平均贡献为65.81%±15.38%,外源组分(C2+C4)的平均贡献为34.19%±15.38%;荧光指数FI的均值为1.73±0.14,腐殖化指数HIX的均值为1.02±0.37,生源化指数BIX的均值为1.23±0.27,说明CDOM主要为微生物内源产生.时空变化方面,春(3-5月)、夏(6-8月)、秋(9-11月)和冬(1、2、12月)季的a(254)分别为3.20±0.47、3.76±0.64、3.67±0.50和3.23±0.38 m-1,夏季和秋季均显著高于冬季和春季;CDOM丰度及内外源组分的空间分布具有季节异质性,可能与流域土地利用、河流输入、降雨、温度、光辐射等因素有关.  相似文献   

Most terrestrial allochthonous organic matter enters river networks through headwater streams during high flow events. In headwaters, allochthonous inputs are substantial and variable, but become less important in streams and rivers with larger watersheds. As allochthonous dissolved organic matter (DOM) moves downstream, the proportion of less aromatic organic matter with autochthonous characteristics increases. How environmental factors converge to control this transformation of DOM at a continental scale is less certain. We hypothesized that the amount of time water has spent travelling through surface waters of inland systems (streams, rivers, lakes, and reservoirs) is correlated to DOM composition. To test this hypothesis, we used established river network scaling relationships to predict relative river network flow-weighted travel time (FWTT) of water for 60 stream and river sites across the contiguous United States (3090 discrete samples over 10 water years). We estimated lentic contribution to travel times with upstream in-network lake and reservoir volume. DOM composition was quantified using ultraviolet and visible absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy. A combination of FWTT and lake and reservoir volume was the best overall predictor of DOM composition among models that also incorporated discharge, specific discharge, watershed area, and upstream channel length. DOM spectral slope ratio (R2 = 0.77) and Freshness Index (R2 = 0.78) increased and specific ultraviolet absorbance at 254 nm (R2 = 0.68) and Humification Index (R2 = 0.44) decreased across sites as a function of FWTT and upstream lake volume. This indicates autochthonous-like DOM becomes continually more dominant in waters with greater FWTT. We assert that river FWTT can be used as a metric of the continuum of DOM composition from headwaters to rivers. The nature of the changes to DOM composition detected suggest this continuum is driven by a combination of photo-oxidation, biological processes, hydrologically varying terrestrial subsidies, and aged groundwater inputs.  相似文献   

Absorbance at 360 nm was measured on 44 filtered streamwater samples of different dissolved organic matter (DOM) contents. A regression equation of DOM on absorbance predicted DOM with a standard error of estimate of 1.26 mgl?1, Use of a published equation relating dissolved organic carbon (DOC) to absorbance gave DOC values for the samples which were consistent with measured DOM. The method offers considerable potential for rapid quantification of dissolved organic matter concentrations in streamwater.  相似文献   

The molecular characteristics of dissolved organic matter (DOM) reflect both its source material and its biogeochemical history. In glacial systems, DOM characteristics might be expected to change over the course of a melt season as changes in the glacier drainage system cause the mobilization of DOM from different OM pools. To test this hypothesis we used Principal Components Analysis (PCA) of synchronous fluorescence spectra to detect and describe changes in the DOM in meltwater from a glacier system in the Coast Mountains of northern British Columbia, Canada. For most of the melt season, the dominant component of subglacially routed meltwater DOM is characterized by a tyrosine‐like fluorophore. This DOM component is most likely derived from supraglacial snowmelt. During periods of high discharge, a second component of DOM is present which is humic in character and similar to DOM sampled from a nearby non‐glacial stream. This DOM component is inferred to be derived from a moss‐covered soil environment that has been glacially overrun. It is probably entrained into glacial melt waters when the supraglacial meltwater flux exceeds the capacity of the principal subglacial drainage channels and water floods areas of the glacier bed that are normally isolated from the subglacial drainage system. Another source of DOM also appears to be mobilized during periods of high air temperatures. It is characterized by both humic and proteinaceous fluorophores and may be derived from the drainage of supraglacial cryoconite holes. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The characteristics of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) were studied in Hudson Bay and Hudson Strait in the Canadian Arctic. Hudson Bay receives a disproportionately large influx of river runoff. With high dissolved organic matter (DOM) concentrations in Arctic rivers the influence of CDOM on coastal and ocean systems can be significant, yet the distribution, characteristics and potential consequences of CDOM in these waters remain unknown. We collected 470 discrete water samples in offshore, coastal, estuarine and river waters in the region during September and October 2005. Mixing of CDOM appeared conservative with salinity, although regional differences exist due to variable DOM composition in the rivers discharging to the Bay and the presence of sea-ice melt, which has low CDOM concentrations and low salinity. There were higher concentrations of CDOM in Hudson Bay, especially in coastal waters with salinities <28<28, due to river runoff. Using CDOM composition of water masses as a tracer for the freshwater components revealed that river runoff is largely constrained to nearshore waters in Hudson Bay, while sea-ice melt is distributed more evenly in the Bay. Strong inshore–offshore gradients in the bio-optical properties of the surface waters in the Hudson Bay cause large variation in penetration of ultraviolet radiation and the photic depth within the bay, potentially controlling the vertical distribution of biomass and occurrence of deep chlorophyll maxima which are prevalent only in the more transparent offshore waters of the bay. The CDOM distribution and associated photoprocesses may influence the thermodynamics and stratification of the coastal waters, through trapping of radiant heating within the top few meters of the water column. Photoproduction of biologically labile substrates from CDOM could potentially stimulate the growth of biomass in Hudson Bay coastal waters. Further studies are needed to investigate the importance of terrestrial DOM in the Hudson Bay region, and the impact of hydroelectric development and climate change on these processes.  相似文献   

Samples of water from poor to very rich fens in the Schefferville region of subarctic Quebec revealed strong spatial and temporal variations in dissolved organic carbon (DOC), ranging from 2 to 40 mg 1?1. Concentrations of DOC tend to increase during the summer and decrease in the autumn, at most sites, which probably reflects increased plant tissue decomposition and higher rates of evapotranspiration. Principal components analysis revealed that DOC is strongly associated with Fe, NO?3-N and NO?2-N, but essentially independent of other chemical properties of the peat water, such as pH, Ca, Mg, K, P, and NH+4-N. Based on observed concentrations of DOC and estimates of summer runoff (June to September), export of DOC from four peatlands ranges from 1·1 to 4·9 gCm?2, with the lowest values for peatlands underlain by dolomite. Molecular weight fractionation of four samples revealed significant differences in the dissolved organic matter (DOM), with the largest fractions (GF/C to 10 000 nmw) being dominant in the more acid samples. The ratio of absorbance at 400 and 600 nm wavelengths (E4:E6) has been used as a simple indicator of differences in DOM type, ranging from 3 to 15. There is a strong seasonal pattern of increasing E4:E6 ratio during the summer at many sites, though this ratio is essentially independent of other chemical properties of peat waters.  相似文献   

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