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Headwaters contribute a substantial part of the flow in river networks. However, spatial variations of streamflow generation processes in steep headwaters have not been well studied. In this study, we examined the spatio-temporal variation of streamflow generation processes in a steep 2.98-ha headwater catchment. The time when baseflow of the upstream section exceeded that downstream was coincident with the time when the riparian groundwater switched from downwelling to upwelling. This suggests that upwelling of the riparian groundwater increased considerably in the upstream section during the wet period, producing a shift in the relative size of baseflow between the upstream and downstream sections. The timing of fluctuations among hillslope soil moisture, hillslope groundwater and streamflow reveals that the hillslope contributed to storm flow, but this contribution was limited to the wet period. Overall, these results suggest that streamflow generation has strong spatial variations, even in small, steep headwater catchments.

EDITOR A. Castellarin ASSOCIATE EDITOR X. Chen  相似文献   

Snow cover patterns in a 9.4 km2 basin in the Austrian Alps are examined during spring and summer 1989. Digital mono-plotting from oblique aerophotographs is used for mapping. on the basis of a square grid with 25 m spacing, snow cover as mapped during nine surveys is analysed as a function of elevation and slope. During winter conditions the snow cover is found to be much better related to these terrain features than during the late ablation period.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the surface flow time of rise in response to rainfall and snowmelt events at different spatial scales and the main sources originating channel runoff and spring water in a steep nested headwater catchment (Rio Vauz, Italian Dolomites), characterized by a marked elevation gradient. We monitored precipitation at different elevations and measured water stage/streamflow at the outlet of two rocky subcatchments of the same size, representative of the upper part of the catchment dominated by outcropping bedrock, at the outlet of a soil‐mantled and vegetated subcatchment of similar size but different morphology, and at the outlet of the main catchment. Hydrometric data are coupled with stable isotopes and electrical conductivity sampled from different water sources during five years, and used as tracers in end‐member mixing analysis, application of two component mixing models and analysis of the slope of the dual‐isotope regression line. Results reveal that times of rise are slightly shorter for the two rocky subcatchments, particularly for snowmelt and mixed rainfall/snowmelt events, compared to the soil‐mantled catchment and the entire Rio Vauz Catchment. The highly‐variable tracer signature of the different water sources reflects the geomorphological and geological complexity of the study area. The principal end‐members for channel runoff and spring water are identified in rainfall and snowmelt, which are the dominant water sources in the rocky upper part of the study catchment, and soil water and shallow groundwater, which play a relevant role in originating baseflow and spring water in the soil‐mantled and vegetated lower part of the catchment. Particularly, snowmelt contributes up to 64 ± 8% to spring water in the concave upper parts of the catchment and up to 62 ± 11% to channel runoff in the lower part of the catchment. These results offer new experimental evidences on how Dolomitic catchments capture and store rain water and meltwater, releasing it through a complex network of surface and subsurface flow pathways, and allow for the construction of a preliminary conceptual model on water transmission in snowmelt‐dominated catchments featuring marked elevation gradients.  相似文献   

We have used five methods to estimate the snow water equivalent input to the Glacier Lakes Ecosystem Experiments Site (GLEES) in south-central Wyoming during the winter 1987–1988 and to obtain an estimate of the errors. The methods are: (1) the Martinec and Rango degree-day method; (2) Wooldridge et al. method of determining the average yearly snowfall from tree morphology; (3) precipitation gage measurements from the Wyoming Water Research Center Snowy Range Observatory; (4) NADP collector data; (5) an independent estimate from snow core data from a small catchment in the GLEES. Estimated water input ranged from a low of 65 cm H2O (liquid water equivalent) for the precipitation gage to a high of 85 cm H2O for the Martinec and Rango method. An evaluation of the biases in the methods indicate that the true value may be nearer the high end of this range.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of source areas and associated residence times of water in the catchment are significant factors controlling the annual cycles of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration in Deer Creek (Summit County, Colorado). During spring snowmelt (April–August 1992), stream DOC concentrations increased with the rising limb of the hydrograph, peaked before maximum discharge, then declined rapidly as melting continued. We investigated catchment sources of DOC to streamflow, measuring DOC in tension lysimeters, groundwater wells, snow and streamflow. Lysimeter data indicate that near-surface soil horizons are a primary contributor of DOC to streamflow during spring snowmelt. Concentrations of DOC in the lysimeters decrease rapidly during the melt period, supporting the hypothesis that hydrological flushing of catchment soils is the primary mechanism affecting the temporal variation of DOC in Deer Creek. Time constants of DOC flushing, characterizing the exponential decay of DOC concentration in the upper soil horizon, ranged from 10 to 30 days for the 10 lysimeter sites. Differences in the rate of flushing are influenced by topographical position, with near-stream riparian soils flushed more quickly than soils located further upslope. Variation in the amount of distribution of accumulated snow, and asynchronous melting of the snowpack across the landscape, staggered the onset of the spring flush throughout the catchment, prolonging the period of increased concentrations of DOC in the stream. Streamflow integrates the catchment-scale flushing responses, yielding a time constant associated with the recession of DOC in the stream channel (84 days) that is significantly longer than the time constants observed for particular locations in the upper soil. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Snow variability is an integrated indicator of climate change, and it has important impacts on runoff regimes and water availability in high‐altitude catchments. Remote sensing techniques can make it possible to quantitatively detect the snow cover changes and associated hydrological effects in those poorly gauged regions. In this study, the spatial–temporal variations of snow cover and snow melting time in the Tuotuo River basin, which is the headwater of the Yangtze River, were evaluated based on satellite information from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer snow cover product, and the snow melting equivalent and its contribution to the total runoff and baseflow were estimated by using degree–day model. The results showed that the snow cover percentage and the tendency of snow cover variability increased with rising altitude. From 2000 to 2012, warmer and wetter climate change resulted in an increase of the snow cover area. Since the 1960s, the start time for snow melt has become earlier by 0.9–3 days/10a and the end time of snow melt has become later by 0.6–2.3 days/10a. Under the control of snow cover and snow melting time, the equivalent of snow melting runoff in the Tuotuo River basin has been fluctuating. The average contributions of snowmelt to baseflow and total runoff were 19.6% and 6.8%, respectively. Findings from this study will serve as a reference for future research in areas where observational data are deficient and for planning of future water management strategies for the source region of the Yangtze River. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides (TCN) have widely been used as proxies in determining denudation rates in catchments. Most studies were limited to samples from modern active streams, thus little is known about the magnitude and causes of TCN variability on millennial time scales. In this work we present a 6 kyrs long, high resolution record of 10Be concentrations (n = 18), which were measured in sediment cores from an alluvial fan delta at the outlet of the Fedoz Valley in the Swiss Alps. This record is paired with a 3‐year time series (n = 4) of 10Be measured in sediment from the active stream currently feeding this fan delta. The temporal trend in the 10Be concentrations after correction for postdepositional production of 10Be was found to be overall constant and in good agreement with the modern river 10Be concentration. The calculated mean catchment‐wide denudation rate amounts to 0.73 ± 0.18 mm yr?1. This fairly constant level of 10Be concentrations can be caused by a constant denudation rate over time within the catchment or alternatively by a buffered signal. In this contribution we suggest that the large alluvial floodplain in the Fedoz Valley may act as an efficient buffer on Holocene time scales in which sediments with different 10Be signatures are mixed. Therefore, presumable variations in the 10Be signals derived from changes in denudation under a fluctuating Holocene climate are only poorly transferred to the catchment outlet and not recorded in the 10Be record. However, despite the absence of high frequency signals, we propose that the buffered and averaged 10Be signal could be meaningfully and faithfully interpreted in terms of long‐term catchment‐averaged denudation rate. Our study suggests that alluvial buffers play an important role in regulating the 10Be signal exported by some alpine settings that needs to be taken into account and further investigated. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Significant uncertainty remains in understanding the groundwater flow pathways in the northeastern Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. Hydrogeochemical and isotopic data as well as hydrogeological data were combined to explore the groundwater flow path in a representative cold alpine catchment in the headwater region of the Heihe River. The results indicate that the suprapermafrost groundwater chemical components were mainly affected by calcite dissolution and evaporation, whereas the geochemistry of subpermafrost groundwater was controlled by dolomite and gypsum dissolution, calcite precipitation, and albite and halite dissolution. Distinct hydrogeochemical characteristics and controlling processes suggest a poor hydraulic connectivity between the suprapermafrost and subpermafrost groundwater. The hydraulic connectivity between permafrost groundwater and groundwater in the seasonally frozen area was confirmed by their similar hydrogeochemical features. In the seasonally frozen area, a silty clay layer with low permeability separates the aquifer into the deep (depth >20 m) and shallow (depth <20 m) flow paths. The deep groundwater was characterized by the enhanced dedolomitization and enhanced cation exchange processes compared with the shallow groundwater. Groundwater in the seasonally frozen area finally discharges as base flow into the stream. These results provide useful information about the groundwater flow systems in the unique alpine gorge catchments in Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. The above findings suggest that the permafrost distribution and the aquifer structures within the seasonally frozen area have significant impact on groundwater flow paths. Cross‐validation by drilling work and hydrograph data confirms that the hydrogeochemical and isotopic tracers combined with field investigations can be relatively low‐cost tools in interpreting the groundwater flow paths in similar alpine catchments.  相似文献   

Climate change and high magnitude mass wasting events pose adverse societal effects and hazards, especially in alpine regions. Quantification of such geomorphic processes and their rates is therefore critical but is often hampered by the lack of appropriate techniques and the various spatiotemporal scales involved in these studies. Here we exploit both in situ cosmogenic beryllium-10 (10Be) and carbon-14 (14C) nuclide concentrations for deducing exposure ages and tracing of sediment through small alpine debris flow catchments in central Switzerland. The sediment cascade and modern processes we track from the source areas, through debris flow torrents to their final export out into sink regions with cosmogenic nuclides over an unprecedented five-year time series with seasonal resolution. Data from a seismic survey and a 90 m core revealed a glacially overdeepened basin, filled with glacial and paraglacial sediments. Surface exposure dating of fan boulders and radiocarbon ages constrain the valley fill from the last deglaciation until the Holocene and show that most of the fan existed in early Holocene times already. Current fan processes are controlled by episodic debris flow activity, snow (firn) and rock avalanches. Field investigations, digital elevation models (DEMs) of difference and geomorphic analysis agree with sediment fingerprinting with cosmogenic nuclides, highlighting that the bulk of material exported today at the outlet of the subcatchments derives from the lower fans. Cosmogenic nuclide concentrations steadily decrease from headwater sources to distal fan channels due to the incorporation of material with lower nuclide concentrations. Further downstream the admixture of sediment from catchments with less frequent debris flow activity can dilute the cosmogenic nuclide signals from debris flow dominated catchments but may also reach thresholds where buffering is limited. Consequently, careful assessment of boundary conditions and driving forces is required when apparent denudation rates derived from cosmogenic nuclide analysis are upscaled to larger regions. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Seasonal snow is a globally important water resource that contributes substantially to upland and lowland water resources. As such, there is a need to understand the controls on the spatial and temporal variation in snow distribution. This study meets this research need by investigating the topographic controls on snow depth distribution in the upper Jollie catchment in the Southern Alps of New Zealand. Furthermore, inter‐annual variation in the importance of the topographic controls is examined and linked to variation in the dominant synoptic‐scale weather patterns over a 4‐year period (2007–2010). Through the use of regression trees, the relative importance of the topographic controls on snow depth was shown to vary between the four study years. In particular, elevation explained the greatest amount of variance in 2007 and 2008 and east‐exposure explained the greatest variance in 2009 and 2010. The other wind exposure variables also had a large effect on the snow depth distribution in 2009 and 2010. Differences in the frequency and duration of synoptic weather patterns were physically consistent with the changing importance of these variables. In particular, a higher frequency of troughing events in 2009 and 2010 is thought to be associated with a reduced importance of elevation and greater influence of wind exposure on snow depth in these years. These findings demonstrate the importance of using multi‐year data sets, and of considering topographic and climatic influences, when attempting to model alpine snow distribution. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Development of hydrological models for seasonal and real-time runoff forecast in rivers of high alpine catchments is useful for management of water resources. The conceptual models for this purpose are based on a temperature index and/or energy budget and can be either lumped or distributed over the catchment area. Remote sensing satellite data are most useful to acquire near real-time geophysical parameters in order to input to the distributed forecasting models. In the present study, integration of optical satellite remote sensing-derived information was made with ground meteorological and hydrological data, and predetermined catchment morphological parameters, to study the feasibility of application of a distributed temperature index snowmelt runoff model to one of the high mountainous catchments in the Italian Alps, known as Cordevole River Basin. Five sets of Landsat Multispectral Scanning System (MSS) and Thematic Mapper (TM) computer-compatible tapes (CCTs) were processed using digital image processing techniques in order to evaluate the snow cover variation quantitatively. Digital elevation model, slope and aspect parameters were developed and used during satellite data processing. The satellite scenes were classified as snow, snow under transition and snow free areas. A second-order polynomial fit has been attempted to approximate the snow depletion and to estimate daily snow cover areal extent for three elevation zones of the catchment separately. Model performance evaluation based on correlation coefficient, Nash–Sutcliffe coefficient and percentage volume deviation indicated very good simulation between measured and computed discharges for the entire snowmelt period. The use of average temperature values computed from the maximum and minimum temperatures into the model was studied and a suitable algorithm was proposed. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Synchronously and accurately estimating the flood discharges and dynamic changes in the fluid density is essential for hydraulic analysis and forecasting of flash floods, as well as for risk assessment. However, such information is rare for steep mountain catchments, especially in regions that are hotspots for earthquakes. Therefore, six hydrological monitoring sites were established in the main stream and tributaries of the 78.3‐km2 Longxi River catchment, an affected region of the Wenchuan earthquake region in China. Direct real‐time monitoring equipment was installed to measure the flow depths, velocities, and fluid total pressures of the flood hydrographs. On the basis of field measurements, real‐time mean cross‐sectional velocities during the flood hydrographs could be derived from easily obtainable parameters: cross‐sectional maximum velocities and the calibrated dimensionless parameter Kh . Real‐time discharges were determined on the basis of a noncontact method to establish the effective rating curves of this mountainous stream, ranging from 1.46 to 386.34 m3/s with the root mean square errors of ≤10.22 m3/s. Compared with the traditional point‐velocity method and empirical Manning's formula, the proposed noncontact method was reliable and safe for monitoring whole flood hydrographs. Additionally, the real‐time fluid density during the flood hydrographs was calculated on the basis of the direct monitoring parameters for fluid total pressures and water depths. During the flood hydrograph, transient flow behaviour with higher fluid density generally occurred downstream during the flood peak periods when the flow was in the supercritical flow regime. The observed behaviour greatly increased the threat of damage to infrastructure and human life near the river. Thus, it is important to accurately estimate flood discharge and identify for fluid densities so that people at risk from an impending flash flood are given reliable, advanced warning.  相似文献   


The results are described of 16 years operation of a measuring station for the automatic recording of water discharge, bed load and suspended sediment transport in the Rio Cordon catchment, a small alpine basin (5 km2) located in northeastern Italy. Hillslope erosion processes were investigated by surveying individual sediment sources repeatedly. Annual and seasonal variations of suspended sediment load during the period 1986–2001 are analysed along with their contribution to the total sediment yield. The results show that suspended load accounted for 76% of total load and that most of the suspended sediment transport occurred during two flood events: an extreme summer flash flood in September 1994 (27% of the 16-years total suspended load) and a snowmelt-induced event in May 2001 accompanied by a mud flow which fed the stream with sediments. The role of active sediment source areas is discussed in relation to the changes in flood peak—suspended load trends which became apparent after both the 1994 and the 2001 events.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the effect of accurately mapping spatially heterogeneous drainage densities in high‐altitude alpine basins on Rescaled Width Functions (RWFs), used in some applications as a minimalist model of the hydrologic response. The channel network and 373 of its channel heads were mapped in the field in a high mountain catchment in the Swiss Alps. The mapped channel network is characterized by highly uneven drainage density, here described by the distribution of the length to the first channelized site computed along steepest descent from any unchannelled site. Various channel networks were extracted from a 1 m lidar‐derived digital terrain model and compared with the field‐mapped channel network using geomorphologic parameters, hillslope‐to‐channel distance and RWFs. Our results show that the channel network derived by statistical analysis of surface morphology is consistent with the field‐mapped network. Larger discrepancies were observed when the channel network was obtained with classical threshold‐based approaches relying on cumulative drainage area and local slope. The actual arrangement of the drainage densities has a significant impact on the RWFs. The discrepancy was largest between RWFs derived from classical extraction methods and RWFs derived with the field‐mapped network, indicating an inappropriate extraction of the channelled portion of the high‐altitude catchment that is a reflection of the variety of channel initiation processes. Our results suggest that spatial heterogeneity of the drainage density might play an important role in modelling streamflow generation. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To quantify water erosion rates and annual soil loss in mountainous areas,two different empirical models were used to estimate the effects of soil erosion in a small mountain basin,the Guerna Creek watershed,located in the Central Southern Alps(Northern Italy).These two models,Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation(RUSLE) and Erosion Potential Model(EPM),were implemented in a Geographical Information System,accounting for the geographical,geomorphological,and weather-climate parameters,which are fundamental to evaluating the intensity and variability of the erosive processes.Soil characterization was supported by laboratory analysis.The results(computed soil loss of 87 t/ha/year and 11.1 m~3/ha/year,using RUSLE equation and EPM method,respectively,and sediment yield of 7.5 m~3/ha/year using EPM method) were compared to other studies reported in the literature for different case studies with similar topographic and climatic features,as well as to those provided by the European Soil Data Centre(ESDAC).In both cases,the agreement was satisfactory,showing consistency of the adopted procedures to the parametrization of the physical processes.  相似文献   

Information on the main drivers of subsurface flow generation on hillslopes of alpine headwater catchments is still missing. Therefore, the dominant factors controlling the water table response to precipitation at the hillslope scale in the alpine Bridge Creek Catchment, Northern Italy, were investigated. Two steep hillslopes of similar size, soil properties and vegetation cover but contrasting topography were instrumented with 24 piezometric wells. Sixty‐three (63) rainfall‐runoff events were selected over three years in the snow‐free months to analyse the influence of rainfall depth, antecedent moisture conditions, hillslope topographic characteristics and soil depth on shallow water table dynamics. Piezometric response, expressed as percentage of well activation and water peak magnitude, was strongly correlated with soil moisture status, as described by an index combining antecedent soil moisture and rainfall depth. Hillslope topography was found to be a dominant control only for the convex‐divergent hillslope and during wet conditions. Timing of water table response depended primarily on soil depth and topographic position, with piezometric peak response occurring later and showing a greater temporal variability at the hillslope bottom, characterized by thicker soil. The relationship between mean hillslope water table level and standard deviation for all wells reflected the timing of the water table response at the different locations along the hillslopes. The outcomes of this research contribute to a better understanding of the controls on piezometric response at the hillslope scale in steep terrain and its role on the hydrological functioning of the study catchment and of other sites with similar physiographic characteristics. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we addressed a sensitivity analysis of the snow module of the GEOtop2.0 model at point and catchment scale in a small high‐elevation catchment in the Eastern Italian Alps (catchment size: 61 km2). Simulated snow depth and snow water equivalent at the point scale were compared with measured data at four locations from 2009 to 2013. At the catchment scale, simulated snow‐covered area (SCA) was compared with binary snow cover maps derived from moderate‐resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) and Landsat satellite imagery. Sensitivity analyses were used to assess the effect of different model parameterizations on model performance at both scales and the effect of different thresholds of simulated snow depth on the agreement with MODIS data. Our results at point scale indicated that modifying only the “snow correction factor” resulted in substantial improvements of the snow model and effectively compensated inaccurate winter precipitation by enhancing snow accumulation. SCA inaccuracies at catchment scale during accumulation and melt period were affected little by different snow depth thresholds when using calibrated winter precipitation from point scale. However, inaccuracies were strongly controlled by topographic characteristics and model parameterizations driving snow albedo (“snow ageing coefficient” and “extinction of snow albedo”) during accumulation and melt period. Although highest accuracies (overall accuracy = 1 in 86% of the catchment area) were observed during winter, lower accuracies (overall accuracy < 0.7) occurred during the early accumulation and melt period (in 29% and 23%, respectively), mostly present in areas with grassland and forest, slopes of 20–40°, areas exposed NW or areas with a topographic roughness index of ?0.25 to 0 m. These findings may give recommendations for defining more effective model parameterization strategies and guide future work, in which simulated and MODIS SCA may be combined to generate improved products for SCA monitoring in Alpine catchments.  相似文献   

Groundwater flooding occurred in the upper parts of many chalk rivers in the UK during the exceptionally wet winter of 2000–01. This provided a rare opportunity to investigate the spatial distribution of groundwater discharge and flooding along the normally dry intermittent headwaters of a chalk catchment. The extent of flooding along the River Pang, upstream of the seasonal head, was mapped using aerial photography, and point measurements of flow and water temperature were used to identify the contributing reaches of the river. The results are discussed in the context of the geological and groundwater conditions. The occurrence of flooding can largely be explained by the regional groundwater flow directions, but increased flow in some locations may be as a result of preferential groundwater flow along lines of geological structure. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The response time (lag time) between rainfall input and run‐off output in headwater catchments is a key parameter for flood prediction. Lag times are expected to be controlled by run‐off processes, both on hillslopes and in channels. To demonstrate these effects on peak lag times within a 4.5‐km2 catchment, we measured stream water levels at up to 16 channel locations at 1‐min intervals and compared the lag times with topographic indices describing the length and gradient of the hillslope and channel flow path. We captured storm events with a total precipitation of 38–198 mm and maximum hourly precipitation intensity of 9–90 mm/hr. There were positive relationships between lag time and flow path length as well as the ratio of the flow path length and the square root of the gradient of channels for the most intense storms, demonstrating that channel flow paths generally defined the variation in lag times. Topographic analysis showed that hillslope flow path lengths were similar among locations, whereas channel flow path length increased almost one order of magnitude with a 100‐fold increase in catchment area. Thus, the relative importance of hillslope flow path decreased with increasing catchment area. Our results indicate that the variation in lag times is small when hillslopes are sufficiently wet; thus, catchment‐scale variation in lag times can be explained almost entirely by channel processes. Detailed topographic channel information can improve prediction of flood peak timing, whereas hillslopes can be treated as homogeneous during large flood events.  相似文献   

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