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Multivariate statistical analysis was used to explore relationships between catchment topography and spatial variability in snow accumulation and melt processes in a small headwater catchment in the Spanish Pyrenees. Manual surveys of snow depth and density provided information on the spatial distribution of snow water equivalent (SWE) and its depletion over the course of the 1997 and 1998 melt seasons. A number of indices expressing the topographic control on snow processes were extracted from a detailed digital elevation model of the catchment. Bivariate screening was used to assess the relative importance of these topographic indices in controlling snow accumulation at the start of the melt season, average melt rates and the timing of snow disappearance. This suggested that topographic controls on the redistribution of snow by wind are the most important influence on snow distribution at the start of the melt season. Furthermore, it appeared that spatial patterns of snow disappearance were largely determined by the distribution of snow water equivalent (SWE) at the start of the melt season, rather than by spatial variability in melt rates during the melt season. Binary regression tree models relating snow depth and disappearance date to terrain indices were then constructed. These explained 70–80% of the variance in the observed data. As well as providing insights into the influence of topography on snow processes, it is suggested that the techniques presented herein could be used in the parameterization of distributed snowmelt models, or in the design of efficient stratified snow surveys. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Leah Meromy Noah P. Molotch Timothy E. Link Steven R. Fassnacht Robert Rice 《水文研究》2013,27(17):2383-2400
The spatial distribution of snow water equivalent (SWE) is a key variable in many regional‐scale land surface models. Currently, the assimilation of point‐scale snow sensor data into these models is commonly performed without consideration of the spatial representativeness of the point data with respect to the model grid‐scale SWE. To improve the understanding of the relationship between point‐scale snow measurements and surrounding areas, we characterized the spatial distribution of snow depth and SWE within 1‐, 4‐ and 16‐km2 grids surrounding 15 snow stations (snowpack telemetry and California snow sensors) in California, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho and Oregon during the 2008 and 2009 snow seasons. More than 30 000 field observations of snowpack properties were used with binary regression tree models to relate SWE at the sensor site to the surrounding area SWE to evaluate the sensor representativeness of larger‐scale conditions. Unlike previous research, we did not find consistent high biases in snow sensor depth values as biases over all sites ranged from 74% overestimates to 77% underestimates. Of the 53 assessments, 27 surveys indicated snow station biases of less than 10% of the surrounding mean observed snow depth. Depth biases were largely dictated by the physiographic relationship between the snow sensor locations and the mean characteristics of the surrounding grid, in particular, elevation, solar radiation index and vegetation density. These scaling relationships may improve snow sensor data assimilation; an example application is illustrated for the National Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center National Snow Analysis SWE product. The snow sensor bias information indicated that the assimilation of point data into the National Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center model was often unnecessary and reduced model accuracy. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
This paper reports on a study analysing the spatial distribution functions, the correlation structures, and the power spectral densities of high‐resolution LIDAR snow depths (~1 m) in two adjacent 500 m × 500 m areas in the Colorado Rocky Mountains, one a sub‐alpine forest the other an alpine tundra. It is shown how and why differences in the controlling physical processes induced by variations in vegetation cover and wind patterns lead to the observed differences in spatial organization between the snow depth fields of these environments. In the sub‐alpine forest area, the mean of snow depth increases with elevation, while its standard deviation remains uniform. In the tundra subarea, the mean of snow depth decreases with elevation, while its standard deviation varies over a wide range. The two‐dimensional correlations of snow depth in the forested area indicate little spatial memory and isotropic conditions, while in the tundra they indicate a marked directional bias that is consistent with the predominant wind directions and the location of topographic ridges and depressions. The power spectral densities exhibit a power law behaviour in two frequency intervals separated by a break located at a scale of around 12 m in the forested subarea, and 65 m in the tundra subarea. The spectral exponents obtained indicate that the snow depth fields are highly variable over scales larger than the scale break, while highly correlated below. Based on the observations and on synthetic snow depth fields generated with one‐ and two‐dimensional spectral techniques, it is shown that the scale at which the break occurs increases with the separation distance between snow depth maxima. In addition, the breaks in the forested area coincide with those of the corresponding vegetation height field, while in the tundra subarea they are displaced towards larger scales than those observed in the corresponding vegetation height field. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Evaluation of precipitation products over complex mountainous terrain: A water resources perspective 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
The availability of in situ measurements of precipitation in remote locations is limited. As a result, the use of satellite measurements of precipitation is attractive for water resources management. Combined precipitation products that rely partially or entirely on satellite measurements are becoming increasingly available. However, these products have several weaknesses, for example their failure to capture certain types of precipitation, limited accuracy and limited spatial and temporal resolution. This paper evaluates the usefulness of several commonly used precipitation products over data scarce, complex mountainous terrain from a water resources perspective. Spatially averaged precipitation time series were generated or obtained for 16 sub-basins of the Paute river basin in the Ecuadorian Andes and 13 sub-basins of the Baker river basin in Chilean Patagonia. Precipitation time series were generated using the European Centre for Medium Weather Range Forecasting (ECMWF) 40 year reanalysis (ERA-40) and the subsequent ERA-interim products, and the National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research reanalysis dataset 1 (NCEP R1) hindcast products, as well as precipitation estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using Artificial Neural Networks (PERSIANN). The Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM) 3B42 is also used for the Ecuadorian Andes. These datasets were compared to both spatially averaged gauged precipitation and river discharge. In general, the time series of the remotely sensed and hindcast products show a low correlation with locally observed precipitation data. Large biases are also observed between the different products. Hydrological verification based on river flows reveals that water balance errors can be extremely high for all evaluated products, including interpolated local data, in basins smaller than 1000 km2. The observations are consistent over the two study regions despite very different climatic settings and hydrological processes, which is encouraging for extrapolation to other mountainous regions. 相似文献
Comparisons between snow water equivalent (SWE) and river discharge estimates are important in evaluating the SWE fields and to our understanding of linkages in the freshwater cycle. In this study, we compared SWE drawn from land surface models and remote sensing observations with measured river discharge (Q) across 179 Arctic river basins. Over the period 1988‐2000, basin‐averaged SWE prior to snowmelt explains a relatively small (yet statistically significant) fraction of interannual variability in spring (April–June) Q, as assessed using the coefficient of determination (R2). Averaged across all basins, mean R2s vary from 0·20 to 0·28, with the best agreement noted for SWE drawn from a simulation with the Pan‐Arctic Water Balance Model (PWBM) forced with data from the European Centre for Medium‐Range Weather‐Forecasts (ECMWF) Re‐analysis (ERA‐40). Variability and magnitude in SWE derived from Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I) data are considerably lower than the variability and magnitude in SWE drawn from the land surface models, and generally poor agreement is noted between SSM/I SWE and spring Q. We find that the SWE versus Q comparisons are no better when alternate temporal integrations–using an estimate of the timing in basin thaw–are used to define pre‐melt SWE and spring Q. Thus, a majority of the variability in spring discharge must arise from factors other than basin snowpack water storage. This study demonstrates how SWE estimated from remote sensing observations, or general circulation models (GCMs), can be evaluated effectively using monthly discharge data or SWE from a hydrological model. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Comprehensive snow depth data, collected using georadar and hand probing, were used for statistical analyses of snow depths inside 1 km grid cells. The sub‐grid cell spatial scale was 100 m. Statistical distribution functions were found to have varying parameters, and an attempt was made to connect these statistical parameters to different terrain variables. The results showed that the two parameters mean and standard deviation of snow depth were significantly related to the sub‐grid terrain characteristics. Linear regression models could explain up to 50% of the variation for both of the snowcover parameters mentioned. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
本文提供了一个描述西藏地区年、季降水量空间分布的估算模型.利用卫星遥测数字化地形高程资料和西藏地区仅有的27个常规气象站的多年平均降水整编资料,根据地形坡向站点分为三类.再采用多元逐步回归方法,建立西藏地区的年、季降水量和经度、纬度、海拔高度、坡度、坡向、遮蔽度等6个地理、地形因子之间的关系模型,估算西藏地区降水量的空间分布.结果表明,此方法建立的关于西藏地区降水量与诸因子之间方程的相关性显著,平均绝对误差、相对误差分别为0.93mm和1.16%,对估算模型进行F检验,均通过置信度为0.95的相关检验,回归效果较显著.分析表明估算降水能够定量、定性地再现西藏地区的实际降水分布. 相似文献
Information on regional snow water equivalent (SWE) is required for the management of water generated from snowmelt. Modeling of SWE in the mountainous regions of eastern Turkey, one of the major headwaters of Euphrates–Tigris basin, has significant importance in forecasting snowmelt discharge, especially for optimum water usage. An assimilation process to produce daily SWE maps is developed based on Helsinki University of Technology (HUT) model and AMSR‐E passive microwave data. The characteristics of the HUT emission model are analyzed in depth and discussed with respect to the extinction coefficient function. A new extinction coefficient function for the HUT model is proposed to suit models for snow over mountainous areas. Performance of the modified model is checked against the original, other modified cases and ground truth data covering the 2003–2007 winter periods. A new approach to calculate grain size and density is integrated inside the developed data assimilation process. An extensive validation was successfully performed by means of snow data measured at ground stations during the 2008–2010 winter periods. The root mean square error of the data set for snow depth and SWE between January and March of the 2008–2010 periods compared with the respective AMSR‐E footprints indicated that errors for estimated snow depth and predicted SWE values were 16.92 cm and 40.91 mm, respectively, for the 3‐year period. Validation results were less satisfactory for SWE less than 75.0 mm and greater than 150.0 mm. An underestimation for SWE greater than 150 mm could not be resolved owing to the microwave signal saturation that is observed for dense snowpack. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Space–time variability of precipitation plays a key role as driver of many environmental processes. The objective of this study is to evaluate a spatiotemporal (STG) Neyman–Scott Rectangular Pulses (NSRP) generator over orographically complex terrain for statistical downscaling of climate models. Data from 145 rain gauges over a 5760-km2 area of Cyprus for 1980–2010 were used for this study. The STG was evaluated for its capacity to reproduce basic rainfall statistical properties, spatial intermittency, and extremes. The results were compared with a multi-single site NRSP generator (MSG). The STG performed well in terms of average annual rainfall (+1.5 % in comparison with the 1980–2010 observations), but does not capture spatial intermittency over the study area and extremes well. Daily events above 50 mm were underestimated by 61 %. The MSG produced a similar error (+1.1 %) in terms of average annual rainfall, while the daily extremes (>50-mm) were underestimated by 11 %. A gridding scheme based on scaling coefficients was used to interpolate the MSG data. Projections of three Regional Climate Models, downscaled by MSG, indicate a 1.5–12 % decrease in the mean annual rainfall over Cyprus for 2020–2050. Furthermore, the number of extremes (>50-mm) for the 145 stations is projected to change between ?24 and +2 % for the three models. The MSG modelling approach maintained the daily rainfall statistics at all grid cells, but cannot create spatially consistent daily precipitation maps, limiting its application to spatially disconnected applications. Further research is needed for the development of spatial non-stationary NRSP models. 相似文献
The magnitude and spatial distribution of snow on sea ice are both integral components of the ocean–sea‐ice–atmosphere system. Although there exists a number of algorithms to estimate the snow water equivalent (SWE) on terrestrial surfaces, to date there is no precise method to estimate SWE on sea ice. Physical snow properties and in situ microwave radiometry at 19, 37 and 85 GHz, V and H polarization were collected for a 10‐day period over 20 first‐year sea ice sites. We present and compare the in situ physical, electrical and microwave emission properties of snow over smooth Arctic first‐year sea ice for 19 of the 20 sites sampled. Physical processes creating the observed vertical patterns in the physical and electrical properties are discussed. An algorithm is then developed from the relationship between the SWE and the brightness temperature measured at 37 GHz (55°) H polarization and the air temperature. The multiple regression between these variables is able to account for over 90% of the variability in the measured SWE. This algorithm is validated with a small in situ data set collected during the 1999 field experiment. We then compare our data against the NASA snow thickness algorithm, designed as part of the NASA Earth Enterprise Program. The results indicated a lack of agreement between the NASA algorithm and the algorithm developed here. This lack of agreement is attributed to differences in scale between the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager and surface radiometers and to differences in the Antarctic versus Arctic snow physical and electrical properties. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Blowing snow events control the evolution of the snow pack in mountainous areas and cause inhomogeneous snow distribution. The goal of this study is to identify the main features of blowing snow events at an alpine site and assess the ability of the detailed snowpack model Crocus to reproduce the occurrence of these events in a 1D configuration. We created a database of blowing snow events observed over 10 years at our experimental site. Occurrences of blowing snow events were divided into cases with and without concurrent falling snow. Overall, snow transport is observed during 10.5% of the time in winter and occurs with concurrent falling snow 37.3% of the time. Wind speed and snow age control the frequency of occurrence. Model results illustrate the necessity of taking the wind-dependence of falling snow grain characteristics into account to simulate periods of snow transport and mass fluxes satisfactorily during those periods. The high rate of false alarms produced by the model is investigated in detail for winter 2010/2011 using measurements from snow particle counters. 相似文献
So Kazama Hirokazu Izumi Priyantha Ranjan Sarukkalige Takayuki Nasu Masaki Sawamoto 《水文研究》2008,22(13):2315-2324
The spatial and temporal distribution of the snow water equivalent (SWE), snow density and snow depth were estimated by a method combining remote sensing technology and degree‐day techniques over a study area of 370 000 km2. The advantages of this simulation model are its simplicity and the availability of degree‐day parameters, which can be successively evaluated by referring to snow area maps created from satellite images. This simulation worked very well for estimating SWE and helped to separate the areas of thin snow cover from heavier snowfall. However, shallow snow in warm regions led to some misjudgments in the snow area maps because of the time lag between when the satellite image was acquired and the simulation itself. Vulnerable areas, where a large variation in the amount of snow affects people's life, could be identified from the differences between heavy and light snow years. This vulnerability stems from a predicted lack of irrigation water for rice production caused by future climate change. The model developed in this study has the potential to contribute to water management activities and decision‐making processes when considering necessary adaptations to future climate change. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Calcareous fens are minerotrophic peatlands with very high species diversity, and maintenance of the water table is assumed to be a key contributor to this diversity. However, this assumption is based on limited study of fen water table dynamics. Here we monitor water table fluctuation in distributed locations across three calcareous fens differing in hydrogeomorphic setting for three growing seasons. Water table position was extremely variable with absolute ranges of 89, > 100, and > 118 cm in the Riparian, Trough and Basin Fens, respectively, and was controlled by landscape position and weather variability. Areas adjacent to a second‐order stream experienced the least water table fluctuation, while the Basin Fen, at > 75 m from a surface water connection, was very prone to year‐to‐year precipitation differences. Mean and median water table values were found to be poor indicators of biologically relevant hydroperiods. We introduce the term ‘duration of initial growing season saturation’ as a potentially more useful statistic to relate to plant species distribution. Across the studied fens, this duration ranged from 1 to 14 weeks from the start of the growing season. The water table resided below the ground surface for between 0 and 22 weeks of the growing season across the calcareous fens and study period. These findings impart great differences in the development of oxidized rooting depths. Our results demonstrate that there is much more variation in calcareous fen hydrology than previously reported, and this variability has important implications for fen vegetation patterning and management. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Abstract Characterization of the seasonal and inter-annual spatial and temporal variability of rainfall in a changing climate is vital to assess climate-induced changes and suggest adequate future water resources management strategies. Trends in annual, seasonal and maximum 30-day extreme rainfall over Ethiopia are investigated using 0.5° latitude?×?0.5° longitude gridded monthly precipitation data. The spatial coherence of annual rainfall among contiguous rainfall grid points is also assessed for possible spatial similarity across the country. The correlation between temporally coinciding North Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) index and annual rainfall variability is examined to understand the underlying coherence. In total 381 precipitation grid points covering the whole of Ethiopia with five decades (1951–2000) of precipitation data are analysed using the Mann-Kendall test and Moran spatial autocorrelation method. Summer (July–September) seasonal and annual rainfall data exhibit significant decreasing trends in northern, northwestern and western parts of the country, whereas a few grid points in eastern areas show increasing annual rainfall trends. Most other parts of the country exhibit statistically insignificant trends. Regions with high annual and seasonal rainfall distribution exhibit high temporal and spatial correlation indices. Finally, the country is sub-divided into four zones based on annual rainfall similarity. The association of the AMO index with annual rainfall is modestly good for northern and northeastern parts of the country; however, it is weak over the southern region. Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor S. Uhlenbrook Citation Wagesho, N., Goel, N.K., and Jain, M.K. 2013. Temporal and spatial variability of annual and seasonal rainfall over Ethiopia. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (2), 354–373. 相似文献
Time series of fractional snow covered area (SCA) estimates from Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+), Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), and Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) data were combined with a spatially distributed snowmelt model to reconstruct snow water equivalent (SWE) in the Rio Grande headwaters (3419 km2). In this reconstruction approach, modeled snowmelt over each pixel is integrated during the period of satellite-observed snow cover to estimate SWE. Due to underestimates in snow cover detection, maximum basin-wide mean SWE using MODIS and AVHRR were, respectively, 45% and 68% lower than SWE estimates obtained using ETM+ data. The mean absolute error (MAE) of SWE estimated at 100-m resolution using ETM+ data was 23% relative to observed SWE from intensive field campaigns. Model performance deteriorated when MODIS (MAE = 50%) and AVHRR (MAE = 89%) SCA data were used. Relative to differences in the SCA products, model output was less sensitive to spatial resolution (MAE = 39% and 73% for ETM+ and MODIS simulations run at 1 km resolution, respectively), indicating that SWE reconstructions at the scale of MODIS acquisitions may be tractable provided the SCA product is improved. When considering tradeoffs between spatial and temporal resolution of different sensors, our results indicate that higher spatial resolution products such as ETM+ remain more accurate despite the lower frequency of acquisition. This motivates continued efforts to improve MODIS snow cover products. 相似文献
ABSTRACTIn snow-dominated basins, collection of snow data while capturing its spatio-temporal variability is difficult; therefore, integrating assimilation products could be a viable alternative for improving streamflow simulation. This study evaluates the accuracy of daily snow water equivalent (SWE) provided by the SNOw Data Assimilation System (SNODAS) of the National Weather Service at a 1-km2 resolution for two basins in eastern Canada, where SWE is a critical variable intensifying spring runoff. A geostatistical interpolation method was used to distribute snow observations. SNODAS SWE products were bias-corrected by matching their cumulative distribution function to that of the interpolated snow. The corrected SWE was then used in hydrological modelling for streamflow simulation. The results indicate that the bias-correction method significantly improved the accuracy of the SNODAS products. Moreover, the corrected SWE improved the simulation performance of the peak values. Although the uncertainty of SNODAS estimates is high for eastern Canadian basins, they are still of great value for regions with few snow stations. 相似文献
The temporal and spatial continuity of spatially distributed estimates of snow‐covered area (SCA) are limited by the availability of cloud‐free satellite imagery; this also affects spatial estimates of snow water equivalent (SWE), as SCA can be used to define the extent of snow telemetry (SNOTEL) point SWE interpolation. In order to extend the continuity of these estimates in time and space to areas beneath the cloud cover, gridded temperature data were used to define the spatial domain of SWE interpolation in the Salt–Verde watershed of Arizona. Gridded positive accumulated degree‐days (ADD) and binary SCA (derived from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)) were used to define a threshold ADD to define the area of snow cover. The optimized threshold ADD increased during snow accumulation periods, reaching a peak at maximum snow extent. The threshold then decreased dramatically during the first time period after peak snow extent owing to the low amount of energy required to melt the thin snow cover at lower elevations. The area having snow cover at this later time was then used to define the area for which SWE interpolation was done. The area simulated to have snow was compared with observed SCA from AVHRR to assess the simulated snow map accuracy. During periods without precipitation, the average commission and omission errors of the optimal technique were 7% and 11% respectively, with a map accuracy of 82%. Average map accuracy decreased to 75% during storm periods, with commission and omission errors equal to 11% and 12% respectively. The analysis shows that temperature data can be used to help estimate the snow extent beneath clouds and therefore improve the spatial and temporal continuity of SCA and SWE products. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
In this study, the Cold Regions Hydrological Modelling platform was used to create an alpine snow model including wind redistribution of snow and energy balance snowmelt to simulate the snowpack over the period 1996–2009 in a small (33 ha) snow‐dominated basin in the Spanish Pyrenees. The basin was divided into three hydrological response units (HRUs), based on contrasting physiographic and aerodynamic characteristics. A sensitivity analysis was conducted to calculate the snow water equivalent regime for various combinations of temperature and precipitation that differed from observed conditions. The results show that there was large inter‐annual variability in the snowpack in this region of the Pyrenees because of its marked sensitivity to climatic conditions. Although the basin is small and quite homogeneous, snowpack seasonality and inter‐annual evolution of the snowpack varied in each HRU. Snow accumulation change in relation to temperature change was approximately 20% for every 1 °C, and the duration of the snowpack was reduced by 20–30 days per °C. Melting rates decreased with increased temperature, and wind redistribution of snow was higher with decreased temperature. The magnitude and sign of changes in precipitation may markedly affect the response of the snowpack to changes in temperature. There was a non‐linear response of snow to individual and combined changes in temperature and precipitation, with respect to both the magnitude and sign of the change. This was a consequence of the complex interactions among climate, topography and blowing snow in the study basin. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The retrieval of Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) from remote sensing satellites continues to be a very challenging problem. In this paper, we evaluate the accuracy of a new SWE product derived from the blending of a passive microwave SWE product based on the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU) with a multi‐sensor snow cover extent product based on the Interactive Multi‐sensor Snow and Ice Mapping System (IMS). The microwave measurements have the ability to penetrate the snow pack, and thus, the retrieval of SWE is best accomplished using the AMSU. On the other hand, the IMS maps snow cover more reliably due to the use of multiple satellite and ground observations. The evolution of global snow cover from the blended, the AMSU and the IMS products was examined during the 2006 snow season. Despite the overall good inter‐product agreement, it was shown that the retrievals of snow cover extent in the blended product are improved when using IMS, with implications for improved microwave retrievals of SWE. In a separate investigation, the skill of the microwave SWE product was also examined for its ability to correctly estimate SWE globally and regionally. Qualitative evaluation of global SWE retrievals suggested dependence on land surface temperature: the lower the temperature, the higher the SWE retrieved. This temperature bias was attributed in part to temperature effects on those snow properties that impact microwave response. Therefore, algorithm modifications are needed with more dynamical adjustments to account for changing snow cover. Quantitative evaluation over Slovakia in central Europe, for a limited period in 2006, showed reasonably good performance for SWE less than 100 mm. Sensitivity to deeper snow decreased significantly. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献