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Classification approaches for urban areas are mostly of qualitative and semantic nature. They produce interpreted classes similar to those from land cover and land use classifications. As a complement to those classes, quantitative measures directly derived from the image could lead to a metric characterization of the urban area. While these metrics lack of qualitative interpretation they are able to provide objective measure of the urban structures.Such quantitative measures are especially important in rapidly growing cities since, beside of the growth in area, they can provide structural information for specific areas and detect changes. Rustenburg, which serves as test area for the present study, is amongst the fastest growing cities in South Africa. It reveals a heterogeneous face of housing and building structures reflecting social and/or economic differences often linked to the spatial distribution of industrial and local mining sites. Up to date coverage with aerial photographs is provided by aerial surveys in regular intervals. Also recent satellite systems provide imagery with suitable resolution. Using such set of very high resolution images a fully automated algorithm has been developed which outputs metric classes by systematically combining important measures of building structure. The measurements are gained by decomposition of buildings directly from the imagery and by using methods from mathematical morphology. The decomposed building objects serve as basis for the computation of grid statistics. Finally a systematic combination of the single features leads to combined metrical classes.For the dominant urban structures verification results indicate an overall accuracy of at least 80% on the single feature level and 70% for the combined classes.  相似文献   

Although wetlands play a key role in controlling flooding and nonpoint source pollution, sequestering carbon and providing an abundance of ecological services, the inventory and characterization of wetland habitats are most often limited to small areas. This explains why the understanding of their ecological functioning is still insufficient for a reliable functional assessment on areas larger than a few hectares. While LiDAR data and multispectral Earth Observation (EO) images are often used separately to map wetland habitats, their combined use is currently being assessed for different habitat types. The aim of this study is to evaluate the combination of multispectral and multiseasonal imagery and LiDAR data to precisely map the distribution of wetland habitats. The image classification was performed combining an object-based approach and decision-tree modeling. Four multispectral images with high (SPOT-5) and very high spatial resolution (Quickbird, KOMPSAT-2, aerial photographs) were classified separately. Another classification was then applied integrating summer and winter multispectral image data and three layers derived from LiDAR data: vegetation height, microtopography and intensity return. The comparison of classification results shows that some habitats are better identified on the winter image and others on the summer image (overall accuracies = 58.5 and 57.6%). They also point out that classification accuracy is highly improved (overall accuracy = 86.5%) when combining LiDAR data and multispectral images. Moreover, this study highlights the advantage of integrating vegetation height, microtopography and intensity parameters in the classification process. This article demonstrates that information provided by the synergetic use of multispectral images and LiDAR data can help in wetland functional assessment  相似文献   

姚国红  张锦  王励 《测绘科学》2012,37(6):53-55,61
应用面向对象影像分类方法进行空间目标特征提取和分析,实现利用遥感影像建立与更新地理空间数据库,对于正在进行的数字城市建设和国情监测具有重要的意义和作用。本文阐述了高空间分辨率影像特征提取的关键技术,采用面向对象的特征提取技术和影像分类方法,开展了基于ADS40航空影像的地理要素提取实验,获得了比较满意的专题信息。  相似文献   

为了实现对景观连续变化特征与连接特征的描述,并保持与斑块镶嵌特征的空间尺度一致性,该文利用高分辨率遥感数据,采用面向对象分割方法,建立基于Delaunay-Voronoi原理的景观格局定量描述模型,统一表达景观格局的镶嵌、连续以及连接特征;并将此图像分割方法的结果与像素聚合方法的结果进行对比。结果表明:1面向对象的图像分割方法能够更好地保存对景观格局提取至关重要的微细景观特征,并在尺度上推过程中延缓这些细微特征消失;2基于Delaunay-Voronoi数据结构的景观格局模型有利于面向对象影像分析的景观镶嵌、连续和连接特征的混合及其多尺度表达,更适用于高分辨率遥感景观格局信息提取。  相似文献   

 Maximum likelihood supervised classifications with 1-m 128 band hyperspectral data accurately map in-stream habitats in the Lamar River, Wyoming with producer's accuracies of 91% for pools, 87% for glides, 76% for riffles, and 85% for eddy drop zones. Coarser resolution 5-m hyperspectral data and 1-m simulated multiband imagery yield lower accuracies that are unacceptable for inventory and analysis. Both high spatial resolution and hyperspectral coverage are therefore necessary to map microhabitats in the study area. In many instances, the high spatial resolution hyperspectral (HSRH) imagery appears to map the stream habitats with greater accuracy than our ground-based surveys, thus challenging classical approaches used for accuracy assessment in remote sensing. Received: 9 April 2001 / Accepted: 8 October 2001  相似文献   


Tree species distribution mapping using remotely sensed data has long been an important research area. However, previous studies have rarely established a comprehensive and efficient classification procedure to obtain an accurate result. This study proposes a hierarchical classification procedure with optimized node variables and thresholds to classify tree species based on high spatial resolution satellite imagery. A classification tree structure consisting of parent and leaf nodes was designed based on user experience and visual interpretation. Spectral, textural, and topographic variables were extracted based on pre-segmented images. The random forest algorithm was used to select variables by ranking the impact of all variables. An iterating approach was used to optimize variables and thresholds in each loop by comprehensively considering the test accuracy and selected variables. The threshold range for each selected variable was determined by a statistical method considering the mean and standard deviation for two subnode types at each parent node. Classification of tree species was implemented using the optimized variables and thresholds. The results show that (1) the proposed procedure can accurately map the tree species distribution, with an overall accuracy of over 86% for both training and test stages; (2) critical variables for each class can be identified using this proposed procedure, and optimal variables of most tree plantation nodes are spectra related; (3) the overall forest classification accuracy using the proposed method is more accurate than that using the random forest (RF) and classification and regression tree (CART). The proposed approach provides results with 3.21% and 7.56% higher overall land cover classification accuracy and 4.68% and 10.28% higher overall forest classification accuracy than RF and CART, respectively.  相似文献   

Estimating forest structural attributes using multispectral remote sensing is challenging because of the saturation of multispectral indices at high canopy cover. The objective of this study was to assess the utility of hyperspectral data in estimating and mapping forest structural parameters including mean diameter-at-breast height (DBH), mean tree height and tree density of a closed canopy beech forest (Fagus sylvatica L.). Airborne HyMap images and data on forest structural attributes were collected from the Majella National Park, Italy in July 2004. The predictive performances of vegetation indices (VI) derived from all possible two-band combinations (VI(i,j) = (Ri − Rj)/(Ri + Rj), where Ri and Rj = reflectance in any two bands) were evaluated using calibration (n = 33) and test (n = 20) data sets. The potential of partial least squares (PLS) regression, a multivariate technique involving several bands was also assessed. New VIs based on the contrast between reflectance in the red-edge shoulder (756–820 nm) and the water absorption feature centred at 1200 nm (1172–1320 nm) were found to show higher correlations with the forest structural parameters than standard VIs derived from NIR and visible reflectance (i.e. the normalised difference vegetation index, NDVI). PLS regression showed a slight improvement in estimating the beech forest structural attributes (prediction errors of 27.6%, 32.6% and 46.4% for mean DBH, height and tree density, respectively) compared to VIs using linear regression models (prediction errors of 27.8%, 35.8% and 48.3% for mean DBH, height and tree density, respectively). Mean DBH was the best predicted variable among the stand parameters (calibration R2 = 0.62 for an exponential model fit and standard error of prediction = 5.12 cm, i.e. 25% of the mean). The predicted map of mean DBH revealed high heterogeneity in the beech forest structure in the study area. The spatial variability of mean DBH occurs at less than 450 m. The DBH map could be useful to forest management in many ways, e.g. thinning of coppice to promote diameter growth, to assess the effects of management on forest structure or to detect changes in the forest structure caused by anthropogenic and natural factors.  相似文献   

Urban areas consist of spectrally and spatially heterogeneous features. Advanced information extraction techniques are needed to handle high resolution imageries in providing detailed information for urban planning applications. This study was conducted to identify a technique that accurately maps impervious and pervious surfaces from WorldView-2 (WV-2) imagery. Supervised per-pixel classification algorithms including Maximum Likelihood and Support Vector Machine (SVM) were utilized to evaluate the capability of spectral-based classifiers to classify urban features. Object-oriented classification was performed using supervised SVM and fuzzy rule-based approach to add spatial and texture attributes to spectral information. Supervised object-oriented SVM achieved 82.80% overall accuracy which was the better accuracy compared to supervised per-pixel classifiers. Classification based on the proposed fuzzy rule-based system revealed satisfactory output compared to other classification techniques with an overall accuracy of 87.10% for pervious surfaces and an overall accuracy of 85.19% for impervious surfaces.  相似文献   

Vegetation mapping is a priority when managing natural protected areas. In this context, very high resolution satellite remote sensing data can be fundamental in providing accurate vegetation cartography at species level. In this work, a complete processing methodology has been developed and validated in a complex vulnerable coastal-dune ecosystem. Specifically, the analysis has been carried out using WorldView-2 imagery, which offers spatial and spectral resolutions. A thorough assessment of 5 atmospheric correction models has been performed using real reflectance measures from a field radiometry campaign. To select the classification methodology, different strategies have been evaluated, including additional spectral (23 vegetation indices) and spatial (4 texture parameters) information to the multispectral bands. Likewise, the application of linear unmixing techniques has been tested and abundance maps of each plant species have been generated using the library of spectral signatures recorded during the campaign. After the analysis conducted, a new methodology has been proposed based on the use of the 6S atmospheric model and the Support Vector Machine classification algorithm applied to a combination of different spectral and spatial input data. Specifically, an overall accuracy of 88,03% was achieved combining the corrected multispectral bands plus a vegetation index (MSAVI2) and texture information (variance of the first principal component). Furthermore, the methodology has been validated by photointerpretation and 3 plant species achieve significant accuracy: Tamarix canariensis (94,9%), Juncus acutus (85,7%) and Launaea arborescens (62,4%). Finally, the classified procedure comparing maps for different seasons has also shown robustness to changes in the phenological state of the vegetation.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to identify an appropriate spatial resolution for discriminating forest vegetation at subspecies level. WorldView-2 imagery was progressively resampled to coarser spatial resolutions. At a compartment level, 30 × 30-m subsets were generated across forest compartments to represent the five forest subspecies investigated in this study. From the centre of each subset, the spatial resolution of the original WorldView-2 image was resampled from 6 to 34-m, with increments of 4-m. The variance was then calculated at every resampled spatial resolution using each of the eight WorldView-2 bands. Based on the sampling theorem, the 3-m spatial resolution provided an appropriate resolution for all subspecies investigated. The WorldView-2 image was subsequently classified using the partial least squares linear discriminant analysis algorithm and the appropriate spatial resolution. An overall classification accuracy of 90% was established with an allocation disagreement of 9 and a quantity disagreement of 1.  相似文献   

Quantification of forest degradation in monitoring and reporting as well as in historic baselines is among the most challenging tasks in national REDD+ strategies. However, a recently introduced option is to base monitoring systems on subnational conditions such as prevalent degradation activities. In Tanzania, charcoal production is considered a major cause of forest degradation, but is challenging to quantify due to sub-canopy biomass loss, remote production sites and illegal trade. We studied two charcoal production sites in dry Miombo woodland representing open woodland conditions near human settlements and remote forest with nearly closed canopies. Supervised classification and adaptive thresholding were applied on a pansharpened QuickBird (QB) image to detect kiln burn marks (KBMs). Supervised classification showed reasonable detection accuracy in the remote forest site only, while adaptive thresholding was found acceptable at both locations. We used supervised classification and manual digitizing for KBM delineation and found acceptable delineation accuracy at both sites with RMSEs of 25–32% compared to ground measurements. Regression of charcoal production on KBM area delineated from QB resulted in R2s of 0.86–0.88 with cross-validation RMSE ranging from 2.22 to 2.29 Mg charcoal per kiln. This study demonstrates, how locally calibrated remote sensing techniques may be used to identify and delineate charcoal production sites for estimation of charcoal production and associated extraction of woody biomass.  相似文献   

针对高空间分辨率遥感影像中的地物具有多尺度特性,以及各个尺度的对象特征对地物分类精度的影响具有较强的尺度效性,并结合面向对象影像分析方法和多尺度联合稀疏表示方法在高空间分辨率遥感影像分类中的各自优点,提出了一种面向对象的多尺度加权稀疏表示的高空间分辨率遥感影像分类算法。首先,采用多尺度分割算法获得多尺度分割结果并提取对象的多尺度特征;然后,根据影像对象的多尺度分割质量测度计算各尺度的对象权重,构建面向对象的多尺度加权联合稀疏表示模型;最后,采用2个国产GF-2高空间分辨率遥感数据集和1个高光谱-高空间分辨率航空遥感数据集(WashingtonD.C.数据)验证该算法的有效性。试验结果表明,与SVM、像素级稀疏表示、单尺度和多尺度对象级稀疏表示和深度学习等算法相比较,本文算法获得了较高的OA和Kappa分类精度,提高了各个尺度地物的分类精度,有效抑止了地物分类结果中的椒盐噪声现象,同时保持大尺度地物的区域性和小尺度地物的细节信息。  相似文献   

This study investigated the combined use of multispectral/hyperspectral imagery and LiDAR data for habitat mapping across parts of south Cumbria, North West England. The methodology adopted in this study integrated spectral information contained in pansharp QuickBird multispectral/AISA Eagle hyperspectral imagery and LiDAR-derived measures with object-based machine learning classifiers and ensemble analysis techniques. Using the LiDAR point cloud data, elevation models (such as the Digital Surface Model and Digital Terrain Model raster) and intensity features were extracted directly. The LiDAR-derived measures exploited in this study included Canopy Height Model, intensity and topographic information (i.e. mean, maximum and standard deviation). These three LiDAR measures were combined with spectral information contained in the pansharp QuickBird and Eagle MNF transformed imagery for image classification experiments. A fusion of pansharp QuickBird multispectral and Eagle MNF hyperspectral imagery with all LiDAR-derived measures generated the best classification accuracies, 89.8 and 92.6% respectively. These results were generated with the Support Vector Machine and Random Forest machine learning algorithms respectively. The ensemble analysis of all three learning machine classifiers for the pansharp QuickBird and Eagle MNF fused data outputs did not significantly increase the overall classification accuracy. Results of the study demonstrate the potential of combining either very high spatial resolution multispectral or hyperspectral imagery with LiDAR data for habitat mapping.  相似文献   

基于频域滤波的高分辨率遥感图像城市河道信息提取   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出一种基于频域滤波的城市河道信息提取方法。首先对高分辨率遥感图像进行傅里叶变换得到频谱图, 并利用径向和角向分布图分析城市河道的频谱特征。其次, 基于城市河道的双线型特点, 将其分为边缘特征和低频信息两个部分, 并根据周期性纹理的频谱模型和地物频谱能量分布规律确定两个部分的频域识别标志。然后设计相应的扇环形带通log Butterworth滤波器和低通Butterworth滤波器分别对城市河道的边缘特征和低频信息进行提取, 并根据该两部分信息实现城市河道信息提取。最后对城市河道信息提取结果进行定量评价, 结果表明, 本文方法可以有效地实现城市河道的信息提取。  相似文献   

In this paper we detail a multivariate spatial regression model that couples LiDAR, hyperspectral and forest inventory data to predict forest outcome variables at a high spatial resolution. The proposed model is used to analyze forest inventory data collected on the US Forest Service Penobscot Experimental Forest (PEF), ME, USA. In addition to helping meet the regression model's assumptions, results from the PEF analysis suggest that the addition of multivariate spatial random effects improves model fit and predictive ability, compared with two commonly applied modeling approaches. This improvement results from explicitly modeling the covariation among forest outcome variables and spatial dependence among observations through the random effects. Direct application of such multivariate models to even moderately large datasets is often computationally infeasible because of cubic order matrix algorithms involved in estimation. We apply a spatial dimension reduction technique to help overcome this computational hurdle without sacrificing richness in modeling.  相似文献   

Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis (GEOBIA) is becoming more prevalent in remote sensing classification, especially for high-resolution imagery. Many supervised classification approaches are applied to objects rather than pixels, and several studies have been conducted to evaluate the performance of such supervised classification techniques in GEOBIA. However, these studies did not systematically investigate all relevant factors affecting the classification (segmentation scale, training set size, feature selection and mixed objects). In this study, statistical methods and visual inspection were used to compare these factors systematically in two agricultural case studies in China. The results indicate that Random Forest (RF) and Support Vector Machines (SVM) are highly suitable for GEOBIA classifications in agricultural areas and confirm the expected general tendency, namely that the overall accuracies decline with increasing segmentation scale. All other investigated methods except for RF and SVM are more prone to obtain a lower accuracy due to the broken objects at fine scales. In contrast to some previous studies, the RF classifiers yielded the best results and the k-nearest neighbor classifier were the worst results, in most cases. Likewise, the RF and Decision Tree classifiers are the most robust with or without feature selection. The results of training sample analyses indicated that the RF and adaboost. M1 possess a superior generalization capability, except when dealing with small training sample sizes. Furthermore, the classification accuracies were directly related to the homogeneity/heterogeneity of the segmented objects for all classifiers. Finally, it was suggested that RF should be considered in most cases for agricultural mapping.  相似文献   

In recent decades, there is an increasing need for harmonised and accurate information on the status and extent of forests. However, delineating the extent of forest areas is a complex task, since the existence of more than 100 definitions of forest worldwide causes considerable discrepancies in forested area estimates. The aim of this work was to examine the potential of geographic object based image analysis (GEOBIA) and very high spatial resolution imagery to discriminate forest areas following two different definitions of forest in northern Greece. In particular, we examined the definition of forest under the Greek law as well as the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation definition. Our findings suggest that the developed GEOBIA approach not only performed remarkably well for the discrimination of forest areas but also allowed to estimate rapidly and reliably forest extents when the two aforementioned forest definitions were employed.  相似文献   

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