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Spaceborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR) enables us to obtain information about vertical forest structure directly, and it has often been used to measure forest canopy height or above-ground biomass. However, little attention has been given to comparisons of the accuracy of the different estimation methods of canopy height or to the evaluation of the error factors in canopy height estimation. In this study, we tested three methods of estimating canopy height using the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) onboard NASA’s Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat), and evaluated several factors that affected accuracy. Our study areas were Tomakomai and Kushiro, two forested areas on Hokkaido in Japan. The accuracy of the canopy height estimates was verified by ground-based measurements. We also conducted a multivariate analysis using quantification theory type I (multiple-regression analysis of qualitative data) and identified the observation conditions that had a large influence on estimation accuracy. The method using the digital elevation model was the most accurate, with a root-mean-square error (RMSE) of 3.2 m. However, GLAS data with a low signal-to-noise ratio (⩽10.0) and that taken from September to October 2009 had to be excluded from the analysis because the estimation accuracy of canopy height was remarkably low. After these data were excluded, the multivariate analysis showed that surface slope had the greatest effect on estimation accuracy, and the accuracy dropped the most in steeply sloped areas. We developed a second model with two equations to estimate canopy height depending on the surface slope, which improved estimation accuracy (RMSE = 2.8 m). These results should prove useful and provide practical suggestions for estimating forest canopy height using spaceborne LiDAR.  相似文献   

Detailed forest height data are an indispensable prerequisite for many forestry and earth science applications. Existing research of using Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) data mainly focuses on deriving average or maximum tree heights within a GLAS footprint, i.e. an ellipse with a diameter of 65 m. However, in most forests, it is likely that the tree heights within such ellipse are heterogeneous. Therefore, it is desired to uncover detailed tree height variation within a GLAS footprint. To the best of our knowledge, no such methods have been reported as of now. In this study, we aim to characterize tree heights’ variation within a GLAS footprint as different layers, each of which corresponds to trees with similar heights. As such, we developed a new method that embraces two steps: first, a refined Levenberg–Marquardt (LM) algorithm is proposed to decompose raw GLAS waveform into multiple Gaussian signals, within which it is hypothesized that each vegetation signal corresponds to a particular tree height layer. Second, for each layer, three parameters were first defined: Canopy Top Height (CTH), Crown Length (CL), and Cover Proportion (CP). Then we extracted the three parameters from each Gaussian signal through a defined model. In order to test our developed method, we set up a study site in Ejina, China where the dominant specie is Populus euphratica. Both simulated and field tree height data were adopted. With regard to the simulation data, results presented a very high agreement for the three predefined parameters between our results and simulation data. When our methods were applied to the field data, the respective R2 become 0.78 (CTH), CL (R2 = 0.76), CP (R2 = 0.74). Overall, our studies revealed that large footprint GLAS waveform data have the potentials for obtaining detailed forest height variation.  相似文献   

Estimates of canopy closure have many important uses in forest management and ecological research. Field measurements, however, are typically not practical to acquire over expansive areas or for large numbers of locations. This problem has been addressed, in recent years, through the use of airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR) technology which has proven effective in modeling canopy closure remotely. The techniques developed to use LiDAR for this purpose have been designed and evaluated for datasets acquired during leaf-on conditions. However, a large number of LiDAR datasets are acquired during leaf-off conditions since their primary purpose is to generate bare-earth Digital Elevation Models. In this paper, we develop and evaluate techniques for leveraging small-footprint leaf-off LiDAR data to model leaf-on canopy closure in temperate deciduous forests.We evaluate three techniques for modeling canopy closure: (1) the canopy-to-total-return-ratio (CTRR), (2) the canopy-to-total-pixel-ratio (CTPR), and (3) the hemispherical-viewshed (HV). The first technique has been used widely, in various forms, and has been shown to be effective with leaf-on LiDAR datasets. The CTRR technique that we tested uses the first-return LiDAR data only. The latter two techniques are new contributions that we develop and present in this paper. These techniques use Canopy Height Models (CHM) to detect significant gaps in the forest canopy which are of primary importance in estimating closure.The techniques we tested each showed good promise for predicting canopy closure using leaf-off LiDAR data with the CTPR and HV models having particularly high correlations with closure estimates from hemispherical photographs. The CTRR model had performance on par with results from previous studies that used leaf-on LiDAR, although, with leaf-off data the model tended to be negatively biased with respect to species having simple and compound leaf types and positively biased for coniferous species. The CTPR and HV models also showed some slight negative biases for compound-leaf species. The biases for the CTPR and HV models were mitigated when the CHM data were smoothed to fill in small gaps. The CHM-based models were robust to changes in the CHM model resolution which suggests that these methods may be applicable to a variety of small-footprint LiDAR datasets. In this research, the new CTPR and HV methods showed a strong ability to predict canopy closure using leaf-off data, however, future work will be needed to test the applicability of the models to variations in LiDAR datasets, forest types, and topography.  相似文献   

Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) has a unique capability for estimating forest canopy height, which has a direct relationship with, and can provide better understanding of the aboveground forest carbon storage. The full waveform data of the large-footprint LiDAR Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) onboard the Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat), combined with field measurements of forest canopy height, were employed to achieve improved estimates of forest canopy height over sloping terrain in the Changbai mountains region, China. With analyzing ground-truth experiments, the study proposed an improved model over Lefsky's model to predict maximum canopy height using the logarithmic transformation of waveform extent and elevation change as independent variables. While Lefsky's model explained 8–89% of maximum canopy height variation in the study area, the improved model explained 56–92% of variation within the 0–30° terrain slope category. The results reveal that the improved model can reduce the mixed effects caused by both sloping terrain and rough land surface, and make a significant improvement for accurately estimating maximum canopy height over sloping terrain.  相似文献   

为全面了解航天飞机雷达测图计划(shuttle Radar topography mission,SRTM)高程数据的精度及误差特征,利用精度更高的ICESat/GLAS激光高度计数据(简称ICESat高度计数据)为参照数据,以具有多种地貌类型的中国青藏高原地区为实验区,采用双线性插值算法分析了SRTM在中国青藏高原地区的高程精度,以及SRTM高程数据与地形因子(坡度和坡向)间的关系。实验结果表明:在青藏高原地区,ICESat高度计数据与相对应的SRTM高程数据高度相关,相关系数高达0.999 8;SRTM的系统误差为2.36±16.48 m,中误差(RMSE)为16.65 m;当坡度低于25°时,SRTM高程数据精度随坡度增大而显著降低。此外,相对于ICESat高度计数据,SRTM在青藏高原地区N,NW和NE方向的测量值偏高,在S,SE和SW方向的测量值偏低。  相似文献   

Forest canopy cover (CC) and above-ground biomass (AGB) are important ecological indicators for forest monitoring and geoscience applications. This study aimed to estimate temperate forest CC and AGB by integrating airborne LiDAR data with wall-to-wall space-borne SPOT-6 data through geostatistical modeling. Our study involved the following approach: (1) reference maps of CC and AGB were derived from wall-to-wall LiDAR data and calibrated by field measurements; (2) twelve discrete LiDAR flights were simulated by assuming that LiDAR data were only available beneath these flights; (3) training/testing samples of CC and AGB were extracted from the reference maps inside and outside the simulated flights using stratified random sampling; (4) The simple linear regression, ordinary kriging and regression kriging model were used to extend the sparsely sampled CC/AGB data to the entire study area by incorporating a selection of SPOT-6 variables, including vegetation indices and texture variables. The regression kriging model was superior at estimating and mapping the spatial distribution of CC and AGB, as it featured the lowest mean absolute error (MAE; 11.295% and 18.929 t/ha for CC and AGB, respectively) and root mean squared error (RMSE; 17.361% and 21.351 t/ha for CC and AGB, respectively). The predicted and reference values of both CC and AGB were highly correlated for the entire study area based on the estimation histograms and error maps. Finally, we concluded that the regression kriging model was superior and more effective at estimating LiDAR-derived CC and AGB values using the spatially-reduced samples and the SPOT-6 variables. The presented modeling workflow will greatly facilitate future forest growth monitoring and carbon stock assessments for large areas of temperate forest in northeast China. It also provides guidance on how to take full advantage of future sparsely collected LiDAR data in cases where wall-to-wall LiDAR coverage is not available from the perspective of geostatistics.  相似文献   

中国南方森林冠顶高度Lidar反演—以江西省为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董立新  李贵才  唐世浩 《遥感学报》2011,15(6):1308-1321
激光雷达(Lidar)与光学遥感的有效结合对中国南方区域森林冠顶高度反演意义重大,而国产卫星将为中国森林生态研究提供新的数据源。本文联合利用大脚印激光雷达GLA和国产MERSI数据,在实现GLAS波形数据处理和不同地形条件下森林冠顶高度反演算法基础上,建立了区域尺度不同森林类型林分冠顶高度GLAS+MERSI联合反演关系模型,进行了江西地区森林冠顶高度反演。总体上,GLAS激光雷达森林冠顶高度估算精度较高;且在与MERSI 250 m数据的联合反演模型中,针叶林模型精度较好(R2=0.7325);阔叶林次之(R2=0.6095);混交林较差(R2=0.4068)。分析发现,考虑了光学遥感生物物理参数的GLAS+MERSI联合关系模型在区域森林冠顶高度估算中有较高精度,且在空间分布上与土地覆盖数据分布特征非常一致。  相似文献   

Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) waveforms are being increasingly used in many forest and urban applications, especially for ground feature classification. However, most studies relied on either discretizing waveforms to multiple returns or extracting shape metrics from waveforms. The direct use of the full waveform, which contains the most comprehensive and accurate information has been scarcely explored. We proposed to utilize the complete waveform to test its ability to differentiate between objects having distinct vertical structures using curve matching approaches. Two groups of curve matching approaches were developed by extending methods originally designed for pixel-based hyperspectral image classification and object-based high spatial image classification. The first group is based on measuring the curve similarity between an unknown waveform and a reference waveform, including curve root sum squared differential area (CRSSDA), curve angle mapper (CAM), and Kullback–Leibler (KL) divergence. The second group assesses the curve similarity between an unknown and reference cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) of their waveforms, including cumulative curve root sum squared differential area (CCRSSDA), cumulative curve angle mapper (CCAM), and Kolmogorov–Smirnov (KS) distance. When employed to classify open space, trees, and buildings using ICESat waveform data, KL provided the highest average classification accuracy (87%), closely followed by CCRSSDA and CCAM, and they all significantly outperformed KS, CRSSDA, and CAM based on 15 randomized sample sets.  相似文献   

Reduced availability of plant nutrients such as nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P) has detrimental effects on plant growth. Plant N:P ratio, calculated as the quotient of N and P concentrations, is an ecological indicator of relative N and P limitation. Remote sensing has already been widely used to detect plant traits in foliage, particularly canopy N and P concentrations and could be used to detect canopy N:P faster and at lower cost than traditional destructive methods. Despite the potential opportunity of applying remote sensing techniques to detect canopy N:P, studies investigating canopy N:P remote detection are scarce. In this study, we examined if vegetation indices developed for canopy N or P detection can also be used for canopy N:P detection. Using in situ spectrometry, we measured the reflectance of a common grass species, Yorkshire fog (Holcus lanatus L.), grown under different nutrient ratios and levels. We calculated 60 VIs found in literature and compared them to optimized VIs developed specifically for this study. The VIs were calculated using both the original narrow band spectra and the spectra resampled to the band properties of six satellite sensors (MSI – Sentinel 2, OLCI – Sentinel 3, MODIS – Terra/Aqua, OLI – Landsat 8, WorldView 4 and RapidEye) to investigate the influence of bandwidths and band positions. The results showed that canopy N:P was significantly related to both existing VIs (r2 = 0.16 - 0.48) and optimized VIs (r2 = 0.59 – 0.72) with correlations similar to what was observed for canopy N or canopy P. Existing VIs calculated with MSI and OLI sensors bands showed higher correlation with canopy N:P compared to the other sensors while the correlation with optimized VIs was not affected by the differences in sensors’ bands. This study might lead to future practical applications using in situ reflectance measurements to sense canopy N:P in grasslands.  相似文献   

The complex composition and distribution of colour producing agents (CPAs) in turbid aquatic environments such as the Western Basin of Lake Erie (WBLE) presents a challenge to the application of remote sensing data for differentiating among in-water constituents and estimating their concentrations independently. In this study, multivariate procedures are applied to lab-based spectrophotometer data to estimate the concentration of chlorophyll-a and suspended matters in the WBLE. Principal Component Analysis of first-derivative transformed hyper-spectral data from the spectrophotometer extracted three significant spectral components for each cruise, explaining up to 88% of the spectral variability. Spectral matching using reference spectra indicated that two of the extracted patterns represent signatures of in-water constituents that govern the optical properties of the WBLE, namely, cyanobacteria and diatoms associated with green algae. The spectrophotometer data clearly revealed known spectral features associated with phytoplankton, such as the absorption minima near 550 and 700 nm, which can be attributed to the minimum of absorption and fluorescence of chlorophyll-a, respectively. The method also extracted the absorption peaks due to chlorophyll-a, near 670 nm, and due to phycocyanin, near 620 nm. Principal component regression of chlorophyll-a on the PC scores indicated that 63.4% of variation of chlorophyll-a in the WBLE can be explained by two components. Factors 2 and 3 explain 60% of the joint spatiotemporal variability of suspended matters in the WBLE. The results illustrate the potential of multivariate technique applied to remote sensing data in isolating the patterns that represent constituents in turbid Case 2 waters.  相似文献   

In the period 1999–2009 ten-day SPOT-VEGETATION products of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR) at 1 km spatial resolution were used in order to estimate and forecast the wheat yield over Europe. The products were used together with official wheat yield statistics to fine-tune a statistical model for each NUTS2 region, based on the Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR) method. This method has been chosen to construct the model in the presence of many correlated predictor variables (10-day values of remote sensing indicators) and a limited number of wheat yield observations. The model was run in two different modalities: the “monitoring mode”, which allows for an overall yield assessment at the end of the growing season, and the “forecasting mode”, which provides early and timely yield estimates when the growing season is on-going. Performances of yield estimation at the regional and national level were evaluated using a cross-validation technique against yield statistics and the estimations were compared with those of a reference crop growth model. Models based on either NDVI or FAPAR normalized indicators achieved similar results with a minimal advantage of the model based on the FAPAR product. Best modelling results were obtained for the countries in Central Europe (Poland, North-Eastern Germany) and also Great Britain. By contrast, poor model performances characterize countries as follows: Sweden, Finland, Ireland, Portugal, Romania and Hungary. Country level yield estimates using the PLSR model in the monitoring mode, and those of a reference crop growth model that do not make use of remote sensing information showed comparable accuracies. The largest estimation errors were observed in Portugal, Spain and Finland for both approaches. This convergence may indicate poor reliability of the official yield statistics in these countries.  相似文献   

Recent developments in remote sensing technology, in particular improved spatial and temporal resolution, open new possibilities for estimating crop acreage over larger areas. Remotely sensed data allow in some cases the estimation of crop acreage statistics independently of sub-national survey statistics, which are sometimes biased and incomplete. This work focuses on the use of MODIS data acquired in 2001/2002 over the Rostov Oblast in Russia, by the Azov Sea. The region is characterised by large agricultural fields of around 75 ha on average. This paper presents a methodology to estimate crop acreage using the MODIS 16-day composite NDVI product. Particular emphasis is placed on a good quality crop mask and a good quality validation dataset. In order to have a second dataset which can be used for cross-checking the MODIS classification a Landsat ETM time series for four different dates in the season of 2002 was acquired and classified. We attempted to distinguish five different crop types and achieved satisfactory and good results for winter crops. Three hundred and sixty fields were identified to be suitable for the training and validation of the MODIS classification using a maximum likelihood classification. A novel method based on a pure pixel field sampling is introduced. This novel method is compared with the traditional hard classification of mixed pixels and was found to be superior.  相似文献   

Rajaji National Park in U.P. is a protected area where large number of nomad population live within the park area. Their dependence on the forest for cattle rearing and firewood has caused degradation of the forests. Proximity to settlements outside the park further adds to the problems. In the present study, forest cover and river, bed changes have been attempted by using temporal aerospace data of the year 1960 and 1993. Subsequently, PAMAP GIS package has been used for the change detection analysis. The study indicates that the land cover changes are mainly due to biotic factors. Some of the important changes in forest cover are: (i) transformation of mixed forest to scrub forest in 67 ha (ii) the sal mixed and mixed sal forest categories have replaced sal forest in 262 ha (iii) significant increase in forest plantation i.e. 2075 ha in the year 1960 to 3793 ha in 1993 (iv) eighteen times increase in Chirpine area, it increased from 13 ha in 1960 to 230 ha in 1993. The land cover changes in 6663 ha (45%) out of 14962 ha of the study area. The consequential changes in the river beds due to the change in the forest cover was also analyzed. During this period river beds with boulders have increased by 87 ha. These river bed changes include lengthening and broadening of river and change in river course.  相似文献   

Forest cover disturbances due to processes such as logging and forest fires are a widespread issue especially in the tropics, and have heavily affected forest biomass and functioning in the Brazilian Amazon in the past decades. Satellite remote sensing has played a key role for assessing logging activities in this region; however, there are still remaining challenges regarding the quantification and monitoring of these processes affecting forested lands. In this study, we propose a new method for monitoring areas affected by selective logging in one of the hotspots of Mato Grosso state in the Brazilian Amazon, based on a combination of object-based and pixel-based classification approaches applied on remote sensing data. Logging intensity and changes over time are assessed within grid cells of 300 m × 300 m spatial resolution. Our method encompassed three main steps: (1) mapping forest/non-forest areas through an object-based classification approach applied to a temporal series of Landsat images during the period 2000–2015, (2) mapping yearly logging activities from soil fraction images on the same Landsat data series, and (3) integrating information from previous steps within a regular grid-cell of 300 m × 300 m in order to monitor disturbance intensities over this 15-years period. The overall accuracy of the baseline forest/non-forest mask (year 2000) and of the undisturbed vs disturbed forest (for selected years) were 93% and 84% respectively. Our results indicate that annual forest disturbance rates, mainly due to logging activities, were higher than annual deforestation rates during the whole period of study. The deforested areas correspond to circa 25% of the areas affected by forest disturbances. Deforestation rates were highest from 2001 to 2005 and then decreased considerably after 2006. In contrast, the annual forest disturbance rates show high temporal variability with a slow decrease over the 15-year period, resulting in a significant increase of the ratio between disturbed and deforested areas. Although the majority of the areas, which have been affected by selective logging during the period 2000–2014, were not deforested by 2015, more than 70% of the deforested areas in 2015 had been at least once identified as disturbed forest during that period.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to map Red Mediterranean soils, for which no previous mapping approach exists, using optical multispectral satellite remote sensing data. This case study explores the use of SPOT XS images over the viticultural Southern Rhone Valley, France, to map exposed vineyard soils. Field spectral measurements were used to distinguish Red Mediterranean soil surfaces during Spring 1999. A supervised maximum likelihood classification was applied to sparsely vegetated and unvegetated surfaces of two spring images from 1995 and 1997, drawing on the field training set and available soil data. Similar global spatial segmentation was obtained despite different soil surface states on these dates. Classification performances were higher than 84% in both images. Mean classification accuracies of Red Mediterranean soils at seven reference surfaces were 60% in 1995 and 70% in 1997. This suggests that the direct use of optical remote sensing data at medium resolution can be useful for mapping bare Red Mediterranean soils.  相似文献   

Istanbul is the largest city in Turkey with an area of around 5750 km2 and a population of around 10.8 M (2000). In 1980, the population was only around 4.7 M and so has more than doubled in only 2 decades. In 2000, around 65% of the population were living on the European side of the city with its large industrial/commercial and trade centres. The population is increasing as a result of both births exceeding deaths and mass immigration. Consequently, planned and unplanned housing are increasing while green areas are decreasing in area. Monitoring urban growth will enable the Municipality of Istanbul to better manage this complex urban area.  相似文献   

The interpretation of remotely sensed images in a spatiotemporal context is becoming a valuable research topic. However, the constant growth of data volume in remote sensing imaging makes reaching conclusions based on collected data a challenging task. Recently, data mining appears to be a promising research field leading to several interesting discoveries in various areas such as marketing, surveillance, fraud detection and scientific discovery. By integrating data mining and image interpretation techniques, accurate and relevant information (i.e. functional relation between observed parcels and a set of informational contents) can be automatically elicited.  相似文献   


The worldwide slum population currently stands at over one billion, with substantial growth expected in the coming decades. Traditionally, slums have been mapped using information derived mainly from either physical indicators using remote sensing data, or socio-economic indicators using census data. Each data source on its own provides only a partial view of slums, an issue further compounded by data poverty in less-developed countries. To overcome such issues, this paper explores the fusion of traditional with emerging open data sources and data mining tools to identify additional indicators that can be used to detect and map the presence of slums, map their footprint, and map their evolution. Towards this goal, we develop an indicator database for slums using open sources of physical and socio-economic data that can be used to characterize slum settlements. Using this database, we then leverage data mining techniques to identify the most suitable combination of these indicators for mapping slums. Using three cities in Kenya as test cases, results show that the fusion of these data can improve the mapping accuracy of slums. These results suggest that the proposed approach can provide a viable solution to the emerging challenge of monitoring the growth of slums.  相似文献   

Although the impacts of large volcanic eruptions on the global environment have been frequently studied, the impacts of lower tropospheric emissions from persistently degassing volcanoes remain poorly understood. Gas emissions from persistent degassing exceed those from sporadic eruptive activity, and can have significant long-term (years to decades) effects on local and regional scales, both on humans and the environment. Here, we exploit a variety of high temporal and high spatial resolution satellite-based time series and complementary ground-based measurements of element deposition and surveys of species richness, to enable a comprehensive spatio-temporal assessment of sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions and their associated impacts on vegetation at Turrialba volcano (Costa Rica) from 2000 to 2013. We observe increased emissions of SO2 coincident with a decline in vegetation health downwind of the vents, in accordance with the prevalent wind direction at Turrialba. We also find that satellite-derived vegetation indices at various spatial resolutions are able to accurately define the vegetation kill zone, the extent of which is independently confirmed by ground-based sampling, and monitor its expansion over time. In addition, ecological impacts in terms of vegetation composition and diversity and physiological damage to vegetation, all spatially correspond to fumigation by Turrialba’s plume. This study shows that analyzing and relating satellite observations to conditions and impacts on the ground can provide an increased understanding of volcanic degassing, its impacts in terms of the long-term vegetation response and the potential of satellite-based monitoring to inform hazard management strategies related to land use.  相似文献   

Many African countries are facing increasing risks of food insecurity due to rising populations. Accurate and timely information on the spatial distribution of cropland is critical for the effective management of crop production and yield forecast. Most recent cropland products (2015 and 2016) derived from multi-source remote sensing data are available for public use. However, discrepancies exist among these cropland products, and the level of discrepancy is particularly high in several Africa regions. The overall goal of this study was to identify and assess the driving factors contributing to the spatial discrepancies among four cropland products derived from remotely sensed data. A novel approach was proposed to evaluate the spatial agreement of these cropland products and assess the impact of environmental factors such as elevation dispersion, field size, land-cover richness and frequency of cloud cover on these spatial differences. Results from this study show that the overall accuracies of the four cropland products are below 65%. In particular, large disagreements are seen on datasets covering Sahel zone and along the West African coasts. This study has identified land-cover richness as the driving factor with the largest contribution to the spatial disagreement among cropland products over Africa, followed by the high frequency of cloud cover, small and fragmented field size, and elevation complexity. To improve the accuracy of future cropland products for African regions, the data producers are encouraged to take a multi-classification approach and incorporate multi-sensors into their cropland mapping processes.  相似文献   

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