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海洋空间规划是重要的海洋空间管理工具,建构海洋空间规划体系是海洋生态文明建设的重要组成部分。文章对英国、比利时、荷兰、德国、挪威、美国、澳大利亚和智利等世界主要海洋发达国家的海洋空间规划体系发展状况进行概述,结果表明:各国已逐步形成基于各自国情、适应海洋行政管理体制的海洋空间规划体系,其中既存在"国家-区域-地方"的层级控制体系,也存在"战略-结构-使用"的内容控制体系,还存在"国家管辖与地方管辖并行"的独立自由型控制体系。可为我国生态文明建设下的海洋空间规划体系研究实践以及开展区域海洋管理工作提供参考。  相似文献   

为加速海洋空间规划在全球范围内的实施,联合国教科文组织政府间海洋学委员会和欧盟委员会于2019年2月启动全球海洋空间规划2030计划(MSPglobal 2030)。文章从海洋空间规划的国际指南编制、试点项目实施以及成果交流传播3个方面对该计划的实施情况进行介绍,分析该计划在实施过程中面临的挑战;结合我国国土空间规划改革的背景和联合国“海洋科学促进可持续发展十年”项目的实施,重点从规划者能力建设、气候变化影响、蓝色经济发展和加强科学技术支撑4个方面探讨海洋空间规划实施的相关思考和借鉴。  相似文献   

文章基于CiteSpace对2000-2020年海洋空间规划研究进行了知识图谱和可视化分析,分析发文量、作者、机构、期刊影响力和合作网络变化,揭示研究热点的变化趋势。研究表明:欧美等经济发达国家和澳大利亚具有较高影响力,国家与机构间合作密切。海洋空间规划研究始终以生态系统和环境保护为中心,研究内容以政策研究和生态环境研究为主,研究热点由关注生态功能转变为以人类活动为主的整体功能规划研究,蓝色经济、蓝色发展是近些年的主要关键词。在海洋开发强度、范围不断增大,全球气候环境频繁变化的背景下,加强海洋观测和数据收集,探索海洋生态系统对环境影响和人类活动响应机制,加强生态模型在海洋应用,细化海洋空间规划管理措施,因海制宜地调整规划方案,实现生态保护和经济发展的齐头并进,是我国海洋空间规划研究的未来方向。  相似文献   

Budgets for conservative tracers are used to determine the flow through the Irish Sea and combined with available data on nutrient distributions and inputs to estimate non-conservative nutrient fluxes. Steady state salinity and caesium-137 balances yield consistent estimates of the flow through the Irish Sea of Φ≈6×104 m3s−1. Using both tracers together with a mass balance allows the inclusion of separate diffusive flux terms and results in a diffusivity estimate ofK≈450 m2s−1and a reduced flow of Φ≈4×104 m3s−1. These values are, however, sensitive to the gradients of salinity and caesium-137 concentration, which are not well defined by the observations.Following the LOICZ procedures, salinity and mass balances were combined with analogous statements for dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), in order to assess the non-conservative process rates. With regard to phosphorus it was found that the Irish Sea is close to balance with a slight net uptake of dissolved inorganic phosphorus, but the implied excess of uptake over release is not significant on account of uncertainties in the observations of boundary values and inputs. The DIN budget is subject to comparable uncertainties in the input data but does, however, indicate a significant imbalance with an average rate of denitrification of the order 0·3 mol N m−2y−1.The implications of these budget results and their limitations are considered in relation to the application of the budgeting approach to areas with sparse data coverage. While the application of box model disciplines to conservative tracers can lead to satisfactory estimates of advective transport, the extension to non-conservative components requires extensive data to adequately specify the boundary values and input parameters averaged over the seasonal cycle.  相似文献   

为满足新形势下我国海洋空间规划的需求,保障我国海洋生态安全,文章系统总结近年来国际上基于生态系统的海洋空间规划原则、方法和应用进展,并提出展望和启示。研究结果表明:由部门管理上升至空间管理是基于生态系统的海洋空间规划的基本特点,在规划过程中应遵循生态系统管理原则;目前主流的规划工具包括生态系统服务评估和情景分析、权衡取舍分析、博弈论决策以及空间制图和系统规划;将生态系统方法运用于海洋空间规划,可在维持生态系统服务和功能的前提下实现科学的海域空间分配,从而达成多目标的可持续管理,对我国现阶段的海洋空间规划具有重要的启示作用。  相似文献   

广西钦州湾海域北岸有诸多中、小型河流注入,形成海岸线曲折绵长的狭长形河口,冲积和三角洲平原基本缺失,海域空间狭窄,水动力较差,受陆源影响较大,生态系统脆弱,增加了海域空间规划的难度。文章以钦州湾金鼓江河口海域为例,借鉴区域规划和功能区划方法,寻求生态维护和合理利用之间的平衡点,提出金鼓江海域岸线利用和海域空间利用的设想,并提出海域综合整治的方向,为河口区的开发规划与管理提供参考。  相似文献   

国外海洋空间规划概况及我国海洋功能区划的借鉴   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
文章介绍了比利时、荷兰、德国等国家海洋空间规划工作的概况.并结合我国海洋功能区划的实际进行了初步的对比分析,提出了在海洋功能区管理细则、功能区划分方法体系和功能区划实施管理方面的一些有益借鉴.  相似文献   

王江涛 《海洋信息》2019,34(3):59-64
新时期国家着力构建陆海统筹、区域统筹、城乡统筹的国土空间规划体系,为更好的服务国土空间规划体系与海岸带专项规划的建立实施,满足新形势下海域海岛管理的新要求,深化落实主体功能区制度,本文对已经建立的海洋空间规划管控平台进行了总结。海洋空间规划管控平台主要目标是实现海洋空间“一张图”、海洋主体功能区监测评估、海洋空间综合决策,主要功能包括多规分析与一张图、海洋主体功能区监测评估、海洋空间分区辅助编制与审查、海洋空间符合性判断等.  相似文献   

基于新形势下开展国土空间规划工作的需求,对广西海洋功能区划实施成效进行了全面的分析评估。研究立足其特点,选取目标实现程度、实施与监督情况、实施经济社会成效3个目标,共6项准则17个指标因子,采用层次分析法结合专家咨询的方法来确定各指标因子权重系数,应用效用函数法对指标体系进行标准化,并根据多因素综合评价模型获得实施评价结果。评价结果显示,广西海洋功能区划实施效果明显,作用良好。综合评价分析结果,从基于生态系统区划、陆海统筹、海洋资源集约节约利用、注重公众参与、加强实施监测评估等方面提出了新的海洋国土空间规划建议。  相似文献   

Transboundary cooperation is viewed as an essential element of Marine Spatial Planning (MSP). While much of the MSP literature focuses on the need for, and benefits of, transboundary MSP, this paper explores the political and institutional factors that may facilitate the effective transition to such an approach. Drawing on transboundary planning theory and practice, key contextual factors that are likely to expedite the transition to transboundary MSP are reviewed. These include: policy convergence in neighbouring jurisdictions; prior experience of transboundary planning; and good working relations amongst key actors. Based on this review, an assessment of the conditions for transboundary MSP in the adjoining waters of Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland is undertaken. A number of recommendations are then advanced for transboundary MSP on the island of Ireland, including, the need to address the role of formal transboundary institutions and the lack of an agreed legal maritime boundary. The paper concludes with some commentary on the political realities of implementing transboundary MSP.  相似文献   

海洋空间规划作为重要的海洋空间管理工具,其重要性日益凸显。韩国为科学管理有限的海洋空间资源,合理协调用海空间矛盾,有效保护海洋生态环境,于2018年4月17日颁布《韩国海洋空间规划与管理法》。该法从早期海岸带空间管理扩大到全部管辖海域,从海洋空间资源的无序开发到海域整体性开发,统筹兼顾、突出海域核心价值,推动海洋的可持续利用。文章在梳理韩国海洋空间规划发展沿革的基础上,全面解析了《韩国海洋空间规划与管理法》的内容,包括其空间规划的分类、内容、范围、期限、原则、区域划分等,分析了中韩两国海洋空间规划在多方面的异同,在此基础上得出其对完善中国海洋空间规划制度的启示。  相似文献   

Siddal等提出了重新构建末次冰期海平面变化的新方法。他们提供了一个分辨率为百年尺度、时间范围在70~25ka之间的详细记录。这是冰期剧烈变动期,表现为明显的冷热波动。在约10ka前进入我们现在间冰期之前,末次冰期旋回在18ka以前达到顶点,即所谓的末次冰期的最盛期。过去海平面如此令人感兴趣的原因是他们反映了全球气温,在较冷期,更多的地球水固结在冰盖中,从而导致海平面的下降。  相似文献   

Radiocaesium isotopes, discharged into the North-east Irish Sea from the Sellafield (formerly Windscale) nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in Cumbria, have been employed as flow monitors to update and extend the record of coastal water movement from the Irish Sea to the Clyde Sea area and, further north, to Loch Etive. The temporal trends in radiocaesium levels have been used to determine the extent of water mixing en route and to define mean advection rates. Flow conditions from the Irish Sea have changed considerably since the mid-1970s, the residence time of northern Irish Sea waters being ~12 months during 1978–1980 inclusive. Average transport times of four and six months are estimated for the Sellafield to Clyde and Sellafield to Etive transects respectively. Sellafield 137Cs levels in seawater were diluted by factors of 27 and 50 respectively during current movement to the Clyde and Etive areas. The decrease in salinity-corrected 137Cs concentrations between the Clyde and Etive suggests that dilution by Atlantic water occurs, the latter mainly entering the Firth of Lorne from the west. The majority (~94%) of the radiocaesium supply to Loch Etive enters the Firth of Lorne via the portion of the coastal current circulating west of Islay, only ~6% arriving via the Sound of Jura.  相似文献   

文章针对中国海洋空间规划涉及的法律、行政法规和地方法规,以及德国海洋空间规划相关领域法律法规进行梳理。在核心法律、立法体系层次、涉及海域、与陆地空间规划的联系4个方面对两国海洋空间规划法律体系进行异同分析,探讨我国未来可行的海洋空间规划法制建设方向。提出推动海洋空间规划专项立法,规范地方立法建设,重视专属经济区与大陆架空间规划,有机结合陆海空间规划等建议。同时展望了我国和世界海洋空间规划法律体系的建设趋势。  相似文献   

The roles of governance and technological innovation have been widely recognized as important parts of sustainability transitions. However, less attention has been paid to understanding the mechanisms of the emergence and spread of innovative ideas for stewardship of social–ecological systems. This study considers how theories of innovation and agency are able to provide explanatory power regarding the spread and impact of such ideas. This includes how innovations may contribute to resolving the mismatches between the scale of ecological processes and the scale of governance of ecosystems. The emergence and spread of Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) is used as an illustrative case study. The study shows that individuals embedded in informal networks have played a key role in driving the emergence of MSP across scales and in constantly re-framing the tool in order to overcome obstacles to adoption and implementation. In a number of cases, MSP has been decoupled from the ecosystem despite being framed as a tool for ecosystem-based management. Finally, this study is important to understand the process of emergence of new integrated tools for ecosystem stewardship at the global level.  相似文献   

海洋空间规划是重要的海洋空间管理工具,构建科学高效的海洋空间规划体系是海洋生态文明建设的重要组成部分。文章基于对海洋空间规划及其体系的基本认知,结合国家生态文明建设和海洋空间治理需求,提出海洋空间规划体系构建的时代背景、着力点和基本路径。研究表明,海洋空间规划体系是由各类海洋空间规划组成的,具有一定逻辑组织关系的管理制度集合,是海洋空间发展与资源环境管制的基础性机制集合;其构建应满足时代发展要求和海洋空间治理需求,体现国家海洋生态文明意志和海洋空间治理现代化,以总结多样化实践、建立完善协调机制和统一技术体系为基本路径。  相似文献   

对现行海洋功能区划的实施情况进行评价,是编制国土空间规划的重要基础。文章构建了省级海洋功能区划实施评价的基本框架,明确了评价原则、思路、流程与方法,以期为新一轮国土空间规划编制提供依据与参考。针对区划实施中存在的问题及新时期面临的形势,提出了突出重点、因地制宜,全面调查、摸清家底,完善分区、探索分类,严格兼容、加强管控,定期评价、动态调整等对策建议。  相似文献   

文章系统梳理并比较国内外主要海洋空间规划研究中应用生态系统服务的情况,揭示各类海洋空间规划中应用生态系统服务的异同点,对于海洋空间规划中吸纳生态系统服务知识来促进“多规合一”实践进程,以及实现海洋生态文明具有重要意义。结果表明:不同类型海洋空间规划对生态系统服务的应用各有侧重,国内外相同类型规划中应用生态系统服务的范围和深度也存在差异。总体上,国内外海洋空间规划中将生态系统服务作为技术工具、评价指标和沟通媒介,以构建合理的海洋空间格局、优化管控成效并增强规划协调性。国外研究侧重运用生态系统服务来创新规划制度安排,国内学界则聚焦于为区划管控提供技术支持和决策依据。建议深化海洋空间规划与生态系统服务的多维度整合研究,推进海洋空间规划更好地融入国土空间规划体系、践行海洋生态文明建设战略要求。  相似文献   

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