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 A technique is presented for the development of a high-precision and high-resolution mean sea surface model utilising radar altimetric sea surface heights extracted from the geodetic phase of the European Space Agency (ESA) ERS-1 mission. The methodology uses a cubic-spline fit of dual ERS-1 and TOPEX crossovers for the minimisation of radial orbit error. Fourier domain processing techniques are used for spectral optimal interpolation of the mean sea surface in order to reduce residual errors within the initial model. The EGM96 gravity field and sea surface topography models are used as reference fields as part of the determination of spectral components required for the optimal interpolation algorithm. A comparison between the final model and 10 cycles of TOPEX sea surface heights shows differences of between 12.3 and 13.8 cm root mean square (RMS). An un-optimally interpolated surface comparison with TOPEX data gave differences of between 15.7 and 16.2 cm RMS. The methodology results in an approximately 10-cm improvement in accuracy. Further improvement will be attained with the inclusion of stacked altimetry from both current and future missions. Received: 22 December 1999 / Accepted: 6 November 2000  相似文献   

为了进一步提高激光测高的精度,服务于即将发射的国产激光测高卫星,文章归纳了激光测高系统的误差来源,推导出误差传播方程,然后分析了主要观测误差对光斑定位精度的影响,最后利用模拟参数估计定位精度;其中针对激光测高卫星在陆地地区的观测,主要分析了地表坡度的变化对测高精度的影响,分析结果表明:坡度造成的额外测距误差对测高精度影响较大,成为影响山区测高精度的主要误差来源。  相似文献   

几种卫星合成孔径雷达影像配准算法的比较研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
复数影像配准是卫星合成孔径雷达干涉数据处理中的重要步骤之一,影像配准精度将直接影响干涉条纹图的质量和由此提取的高程或位移结果的精度。文中利用上海地区ERS-1/2影像数据进行实验,对比分析了三种方法的配准质量和运算效率,试验结果表明:在配准质量方面,相干系数法最高,相位差影像平均波动函数法次之;而在信噪比较低的情况下,最大频谱法的配准质量优于相位差影像平均波动函数法。在运算效率方面,相位差影像平均波动函数法的运算效率最高。  相似文献   

孙艳丽  张霞  帅通  尚坤  冯淑娜 《遥感学报》2015,19(4):618-626
辐射归一化旨在减小不同时相遥感影像间因获取条件不一致而导致的非地表辐射变化的差异,是土地覆盖变化监测的重要前提条件。本文根据高光谱图像上同类地物的谱形及数值的相似性,利用光谱角距离(SAD)和欧氏距离(ED)双重判定选取不变特征点,提出了一种基于光谱角—欧氏距离的辐射归一化方法。在评价指标中除了常用的均方根误差和相对偏差,更增加了高光谱特色的衡量光谱保真性指标:皮尔森系数、光谱扭曲程度。利用高光谱遥感CHRIS图像对本文提出方法进行验证,并与基于多元变化检测(MAD)的辐射归一化方法比较。结果表明,本文方法不仅在辐射特性上优于基于多元变化检测(MAD)的方法,而且具有保持光谱特性的优势,具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

传统卫星影像纠正常针对单景影像,且需要一定数量的外业控制点作为参考,严重制约了正射纠正效率。本文提出了一种卫星影像区域网平差方法,利用影像间的连接点进行RPC模型的前方交会,并用少量控制点进行仿射变换,实现了多轨多景卫星影像的区域网平差。经测试,本文方法可有效减少外业控制点,提高卫星影像正射纠正效率。  相似文献   

A new method, called the fixed full-matrix method (FFM), is used to compute height changes at crossovers of satellite altimeter ground tracks. Using the ENVISAT data in East Antarctica, FFM results in crossovers of altimeter heights that are 1.9 and 79 times more than those from the fixed half method (FHM) and the one-row method (ORM). The mean standard error of height changes is about 14 cm from ORM, which is reduced to 7 cm by FHM and to 3 cm by FFM. Unlike FHM, FFM leads to uniform errors in the first-half and second-half height-change time series. FFM has the advantage in improving the accuracy of the change of height and backscattered power over ORM and FHM. Assisted by the ICESat-derived height changes, we determine the optimal threshold correlation coefficient (TCC) for a best correction for the backscatter effect on ENVISAT height changes. The TCC value of 0.92 yields an optimal result for FFM. With this value, FFM yields ENVISAT-derived height change rates in East Antarctica mostly falling between \(-3\) and 3 cm/year, and matching the ICESat result to 0.94 cm/year. The ENVISAT result will provide a constraint on the current mass balance result along the Chinese expedition route CHINARE.  相似文献   

Summary Satellite gradiometry is studied as a means to improve the geoid in local areas from a limited data coverage. Least-squares collocation is used for this purpose because it allows to combine heterogeneous data in a consistent way and to estimate the integrated effect of the attenuated spectrum. In this way accuracy studies can be performed in a general and reliable manner. It is shown that only three second-order gradients contribute significantly to the estimation of the geoidal undulations and that it is sufficient to have gradiometer data in a 5°×5° area around the estimation point. The accuracy of the geoid determination is strongly dependent on the degree and order of the reference field used. An accuracy of about ±1 m can be achieved with a reference field of (12, 12). There is an optimal satellite altitude for each reference field and this altitude may be higher than 300 km for a field of low degree and order. The influence of measuring errors is discussed and it is shown that only gradiometer data with accuracies better than ±0.05 E will give a significant improvement of the geoid. Finally, some results on the combination of satellite gradiometry and terrestrial gravity measurements are given. The proposed method seems to be well suited for local geoid determinations down to the meter range. It is especially interesting for unsurveyed and difficult areas because no terrestrial measurements are necessary. Furthermore, it has the practical advantage that only a local data coverage is needed.  相似文献   

为了解乔木林应用场景中的定位性能,指导林业行业科学应用GNSS技术,该文探究了多种立地条件下中高郁闭度林分中BDS与GPS的应用能力,采集了森林环境中单BDS和单GPS这两种定位模式下一定时长的GNSS信号,并定量计算了平面和垂直方向的定位误差,以及GNSS几何精度因子和信噪比等参数.通过3个时长水平定位精度、垂直定位精度、卫星数量、DOP值、信噪比等观测参数的误差平均值、极值、方差等的对比分析表明,目前基于单频伪距定位的原理,我国北斗卫星导航系统的定位性能指标与GPS基本一致.选用专业设备且单点求平均是满足林下高可靠性(优于5 m)定位要求的重要手段与方法,瞬时数据只适合森林环境中低可靠性(10 m)的导航作业要求,如果要满足亚米级及更高精度的定位需求,现阶段需采用差分技术.  相似文献   

偏流角对星载三线阵相机摄影的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡燕  胡莘  王新义  赵斐 《测绘科学》2006,31(4):62-63
本文通过介绍偏流角的产生原因以及星载三线阵CCD相机的成像特点,结合具体算例分析了偏流角以及剩余偏流角对星载三线阵相机摄影的影响,提出为了保证三线阵影像的有效立体重叠,必须对偏流角进行修正。  相似文献   

几何定位偏差是评估卫星影像质量的重要参数之一。本文利用特征匹配方法进行卫星影像几何偏差估计,并对该方法的可行性进行分析。首先,选取包含典型地物的局部卫星影像构建路标基准影像库;其次,采用局部点特征描述子对卫星影像与路标基准影像库进行亚像素提取与匹配,确定同名像点,然后为提升同名像点匹配精度,提出了顾及空间关系与几何一致性约束的匹配策略,继而,对卫星影像与路标基准影像库的匹配像点进行内插计算,获取同名像点的地理空间坐标;最后,通过差值计算得到卫星影像相对路标基准影像的偏移参数,完成几何偏差估计和可行性分析。本文以我国风云卫星为例,选取包含海岸线、湖泊、山脉、河流及岛屿的局部卫星影像集构建路标基准影像库,并选用SIFT、SURF、ORB 3个局部特征进行测试分析。测试结果表明,基于局部特征匹配策略对卫星影像几何偏差估计的系统误差小于0.1像素,定量地证明了局部特征匹配方法对卫星影像几何偏差估计的可行性。  相似文献   

资源三号卫星影像融合算法对比分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国第一颗高精度民用立体测绘卫星——资源三号卫星搭载了2.1m分辨率的全色相机和5.8m分辨率的多光谱相机,针对资源三号影像研究有效的影像融合算法对于提高资源三号的影像质量和应用范围具有很大意义。文章分析了Pansharp、Gram-Schmidt、Modified IHS、改进的SFIM和Brovey 5种融合算法,梳理了影像融合的质量评价指标体系,采用资源三号卫星影像覆盖的农田、城区、林地、裸地等不同类型的区域开展几种融合算法试验,并对试验结果进行了分析评价。实验结果表明,5种融合算法中,Pansharp融合算法对资源三号影像数据融合效果最优,Gram-Schmidt融合算法次之,其次为Modified IHS影像融合算法,改进的SFIM融合算法和Brovey融合算法融合效果较差。  相似文献   

A Ka-band backscatter model and an algorithm for measurement of the wind speed and direction over the sea surface by a frequency-modulated continous-wave radar demonstrator system operated in scatterometer mode have been developed. To evaluate the proposed algorithm, a simulation of the wind vector retrieval has been performed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to estimate the capabilities of forecasting the yield of wheat using an artificial neural network combined with multi-temporal satellite data acquired at high spatial resolution throughout the agricultural season in the optical and/or microwave domains. Reflectance (acquired by Formosat-2, and Spot 4–5 in the green, red, and near infrared wavelength) and multi-configuration backscattering coefficients (acquired by TerraSAR-X and Radarsat-2 in the X- and C-bands, at co- (abbreviated HH and VV) and cross-polarization states (abbreviated HV and VH)) constitute the input variable of the artificial neural networks, which are trained and validated on the successively acquired images, providing yield forecast in near real-time conditions. The study is based on data collected over 32 fields of wheat distributed over a study area located in southwestern France, near Toulouse. Among the tested sensor configurations, several satellite data appear useful for the yield forecasting throughout the agricultural season (showing coefficient of determination (R2) larger than 0.60 and a root mean square error (RMSE) lower than 9.1 quintals by hectare (q ha−1)): CVH, CHV, or the combined used of XHH and CHH, CHH and CHV, or green reflectance and CHH. Nevertheless, the best accurate forecast (R2 = 0.76 and RMSE = 7.0 q ha−1) is obtained longtime before the harvest (on day 98, during the elongation of stems) using the combination of co- and cross-polarized backscattering coefficients acquired in the C-band (CVV and CVH). These results highlight the high interest of using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data instead of optical ones to early forecast the yield before the harvest of wheat.  相似文献   

SIR-B Synthetic Aperture Radar System operating at L-band (HH) acquired images over parts of the Assam plains at 25.6° and 45.2°incidence angle during October 1984. The capabilities of L-band SAR for delineating various land covers using multiple incidence angle imageries have been assessed. It was observed that colour composite image generated from multiple incidence angle imagery was useful in delineating various land cover units.  相似文献   

基于卫星激光测距定轨是目前遥感卫星在轨位置测量的重要手段之一,其测量精度关系到遥感卫星的应用水平。为了分析我国首颗民用立体测绘卫星——资源三号携带的国产激光角反射器在轨运行情况,该文利用全球激光联测期间卫星激光测距数据与GPS事后联合定轨结果,从遥感影像几何定位和轨道预报两个方面定量分析和评价卫星激光测距参与的定轨精度。试验表明,基于卫星激光测距与GPS定轨结果,影像几何定位无控精度较实时定轨精度提升1~2m,有效提升了卫星影像几何处理精度;轨道预报1d星下点位置较实际过境轨迹偏差优于250m,2d优于500m,1d预报侧摆精度达到0.035°,满足检校外业和成像计划精度需求。  相似文献   

Soil moisture estimation using microwave remote sensing faces challenges of the segregation of influences mainly from roughness and vegetation. Under static surface conditions, it was found that Radarsat C-band SAR shows reasonably good correlation and sensitivity with changing soil moisture. Dynamic surface and vegetation conditions are supposed to result in a substantial reduction in radar sensitivity to soil moisture. A C-band scatterometer system (5.2 GHz) with a multi-polarization and multi-angular configuration was used 12 times to sense the soil moisture over a tall vegetated grass field. A score of vegetation and soil parameters were recorded on every occasion of the experiment. Three radar backscattering models Viz., Integral Equation Model (IEM), an empirical model and a volume scattering model, have been used to predict the backscattering phenomena. The volume scattering model, using the Distorted Born Approximation, is found to predict the backscattering phenomena reasonably well. But the surface scattering models are expectedly found to be inadequate for the purpose. The temporal variation of soil moisture does show good empirical relationship with the observed radar backscattering. But as the vegetation biomass increases, the radar shows higher sensitivity to the vegetation parameters compared to surface characteristics. A sensitivity analysis of the volume scattering model for all the parameters also reveals that the radar is more sensitive to plant parameters under high biomass conditions, particularly vegetation water content, but the sensitivity to surface characteristics, particularly to soil moisture, is also appreciable.  相似文献   

HJ-1卫星数据估算地表能量平衡   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用遥感数据估算和监测地表能量平衡的研究和应用一直以来都是学术探索的前沿和焦点,目前针对国际主流卫星数据(如MODIS,Landsat TM等)的算法研究有很多,且在不同的尺度上发展了一系列遥感技术和应用方法。本文以环境一号卫星(HJ-1)数据为主要数据源,研究和分析了地表能量平衡遥感估算方法。在下行短波和长波辐射,以及地表净辐射估算的基础上,重点研究了地表显热和潜热通量(蒸散)的估算方法,针对辐射温度代替空气动力学温度所引起的误差校正,对比分析了基于KB-1系数的热力学粗糙度长度,以及附加阻抗两种方法。使用2010年HJ-1B数据反演得到海河流域地表能量平衡各分量瞬时值,利用3个地面站点的测量数据对反演结果进行验证和误差分析。结果表明下行短波辐射的反演误差是地表净辐射反演误差的主要来源,地表温度的反演精度以及地表粗糙度的模拟精度是影响显热通量反演精度的主要因素。利用两种方法估算的显热通量趋势基本一致,但KB-1系数法的反演结果一般低于附加阻抗法。在下垫面较为复杂的区域,模型结果误差较大,需要更加精细的模型以刻画地表非均匀性的影响。  相似文献   

The monitoring of different crops (cultivated plots) and types of surface (bare soils, etc.) is a crucial economic and environmental issue for the management of resources and human activity. In this context, the objective of this study is to evaluate the contribution of multispectral satellite imagery (optical and radar) to land use and land cover classification.Object-oriented supervised classifications, based on a Random Forest algorithm, and majority zoning post-processing are used. This study emerges from the experiment on multi-sensor crop monitoring (MCM'10, Baup et al., 2012) conducted in 2010 on a mixed farming area in the southwest of France, near Toulouse. This experiment enabled the regular and quasi-synchronous collection of multi-sensor satellite data and in situ observations, which are used in this study. 211 plots with contrasting characteristics (different slopes, soil types, aspects, farming practices, shapes and surface areas) were monitored to represent the variability of the study area. They can be grouped into four classes of land cover: 39 grassland areas, 100 plots of wheat, 13 plots of barley, 20 plots of rapeseed, and 2 classes of bare soil: 23 plots of small roughness and 16 plots of medium roughness. Satellite radar images in the X-, C- and L-bands (HH polarization) were acquired between 14 and 18 April 2010. Optical images delivered by Formosat-2 and corresponding field data were acquired on 14 April 2010.The results show that combining images acquired in the L-band (Alos) and the optical range (Formosat-2) improves the classification performance (overall accuracy = 0.85, kappa = 0.81) compared to the use of radar or optical data alone. The results obtained for the various types of land cover show performance levels and confusions related to the phenological stage of the species studied, with the geometry of the cover, the roughness states of the surfaces, etc. Performance is also related to the wavelength and penetration depth of the signal providing the images. Thus, the results show that the quality of the classification often increases with increasing wavelength of the images used.  相似文献   

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