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A detailed understanding of fishing activity in Scottish waters is required to inform marine spatial planning. Larger fishing vessels are fitted with Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS) offering spatial information on fishing activity. VMS does not cover smaller vessels (under 15 m), which fish predominantly in inshore waters where the competition for space is often greatest. To improve knowledge of the distribution of fishing activity and value of fisheries in Scotland's inshore waters, Marine Scotland conducted a participatory fisheries mapping project, known as ScotMap. The data were collected during face-to-face interviews with 1090 fishermen of Scottish registered commercial fishing vessels under 15 m in overall length and relate to fishing activity for the period 2007–2011. Interviewees were asked to identify the areas in which they fish, estimate the contribution these areas make to vessel earnings, and to provide associated information. The majority of interviews relate to creel fishing. The data collected were aggregated to provide mapped outputs of the monetary value, relative importance to fishermen and the usage of the seas around Scotland (number of fishing vessels and number of crew). ScotMap outputs provide information on the locations of inshore fishing activities and the economic importance of different sea areas at a much higher spatial resolution than was previously possible. Outputs have informed marine policy development, provide a valuable resource for marine spatial planning in Scotland and illustrate how participatory mapping can generate useful resources on the location and importance of inshore fishing areas.  相似文献   

A feasibility study was conducted on the impacts of the new Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) rules requiring catches in regulated fisheries to be landed and counted against quotas of each Member State - the landing obligation (LO), and that catch of species subject to the LO below a minimum conservation reference size (MCRS) be restricted to purposes other than direct human consumption. The aim was to estimate the level of discarded fish likely to be covered by the new rules, the impact of the rules on EU fisheries and the regulatory challenges and responses to them. Data from EU's Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee on Fisheries (STECF) database were analysed to estimate the volume of unwanted catches produced by EU fisheries. Views were sought from policy officials and fisheries scientists through a questionnaire on the implications of the LO and the control of fisheries across Member States, and the potential adjustments that might be needed. Findings show that 11% (44,000 t) of the total catches of EU countries from which data were available are of fish under MCRS. The species with the highest volume of undersized discards associated with the lowest quota, which would potentially restrict the fishing opportunities for other quota species (i.e. choke species), are plaice and haddock with 18,000 and 14,000 t of undersized fish respectively, followed by whiting and cod with 5000 and 6000 t of undersized fish respectively. Discards data shows that the Netherlands, United Kingdom, France and Belgium will be most affected by landings for non-human markets. Findings also show that existing infrastructure at landing ports in all Member States is limited because there are currently limited facilities in place to handle animal by-products produced by the catching sector. Policy officials maintained that while they could support the fishing industry through funding programmes, it is the responsibility of fishers to ensure they have the right infrastructure to handle unwanted catches. The expectation is that the LO combined with the restriction to non-human consumption purposes will encourage fishers to internalise the costs of catching unwanted fish and motivate them to avoid unwanted catch. This will be realised if sufficient flexibility is given to fishers to find their own solutions to reducing unwanted catches. It is concluded that gear technology measures exist to enable the regulated fisheries to increase gear selectivity.  相似文献   

Octopus vulgaris is the most important target species in Portuguese fisheries in terms of economic value, when all official and non-declared landings are considered. Around 10% of the landings in national waters come from the trawl fleet, which is both the least selective and the best documented métier in the fishery, allowing the simultaneous assessment of distribution and population structure. This study represents a first attempt to integrate different sources of information obtained at commercial trip-level, with the objective of providing a perspective of octopus population structure and relative distribution, together with information on the exploitation pattern in 2003. High-quality resolution of sequential geo-referenced data were obtained from the Portuguese Vessel Monitoring System for the fishing trips targeting octopus. Intensive fishing activity was observed inshore of two regions, one to the north of Peniche (from Cape Carvoeiro to Portuguese border) and the other between Cape St. Vicente (Sagres) and Cape St. Maria (Faro) in the South coast. Fishing trips undertaken between 39.5 and 42°N were used to provide information on volume and size distribution of landings. These show that smaller individuals (=<12 cm ML) are mainly concentrated between 40.5 and 41.5°N, whereas larger individuals (>12 cm ML) concentrate south of 41.5 and north of 40.5°N.  相似文献   

Investigations of biomass, production, and anthropogenic impact require knowledge of the spatial distribution of the species concerned. Studies of the spatial distribution of soft-sediment infauna are inherently difficult, because the organisms are generally not readily visible, necessitating painstaking excavation. Although the large-scale (tens of km) distribution patterns of infaunal bivalves have been studied previously, the fine-scale (1 to tens of meters) has received much less attention. We investigated the fine-scale spatial distribution of the edible cockle Cerastoderma edule at a fishing-impacted site and a non-impacted site on an intertidal mudflat in Bourgneuf Bay, France, in 2009–2010. A preliminary study using a 1 m spatial lag was performed to determine the optimum lags for a nested sampling design. Cohorts were identified using Bhattacharya-resolved size-frequency distributions and verification of isotropy, and the spatial characteristics of each cohort were determined using Moran's I auto-correlation coefficient. The non-impacted site presented one strongly-aggregated main cohort, C3, (Moran's I = 0.67 to − 0.34, spatial range 16 to 20 m, inter-patch distance 41 to 51 m). The impacted site presented two main cohorts, C2 (1.31 cm mean shell length, SL) and C3 (2.11 cm SL) both of which also showed a patchy spatial distribution (C2: Moran's I = 0.7 to − 0.72, spatial range 22 to 35 m; inter-patch distance 63 to 90 m; C3: Moran's I = 0.41 to − 0.63, spatial range 36 to 58 m, inter-patch distance not defined). The C3 cohort was less aggregated than the C2; possibly due to the homogenizing effect of fishing, which typically proceeds via a Lévy walk foraging model.Our results show that the spatial distributions of C. edule retained a strongly aggregated character over the 8 months of the study, suggesting that these characteristics are powerfully maintained by recruitment/post-recruitment processes, despite intense fishing pressure throughout the sampling period, and indeed for decades, prior to this study. These data also show that we cannot assume a random or a regular spatial distribution for this species in studies of biomass, production, trophic relations, or anthropogenic impact; rather, close attention must be paid to the spatial characteristics of studied populations in order to reduce the confounding effects of auto-correlation.  相似文献   

The population structure, dynamics and distribution of Spisula solida, Diogenes pugilator and Branchiostoma lanceolatum, common species in the south coast of Portugal, were studied in a spatial–temporal manner in order to understand the influence of cross-shore sediment transport and anthropogenic activities. Spisula solida is harvested commercially, whereas D. pugilator and B. lanceolatum are non-target species, with little information available on the population dynamics of these species. The study was performed in 2001–2002, and along a gradient of 100–5000 m from the coastline, corresponding to a depth gradient of between 1 and 32 m deep. Spisula solida was distributed preferentially at 3–12 m deep, and its distribution appeared to be influenced seasonally by the cross-shore sediment dynamics. Results suggested benthic recruitment in June. Some recruitments had no expression (year 2001) since adults were not present, which seems to be a direct impact of clams' fisheries. Diogenes pugilator showed preferential distribution at shallow depths, from 1.3 to 8 m. Results suggested recruitments every 4 months, in June, February and October. Branchiostoma lanceolatum showed the widest distribution, from 7 to 26 m deep. Recruitment seemed to start in June until October, when it attained an abundance peak of juveniles. For both non-target species no clear effects of the cross-shore dynamics or the clams' fisheries impact were visible.  相似文献   

The effects of recreational fishing on marine stocks and ecosystems have raised global concern in recent years. In Argentina, Southwest Atlantic, angling, netting and spearfishing of coastal bony fishes, sharks, rays and chimaeras are very popular pastime activities with more than 50 years of history. Despite the perceived traditional and economic relevance of these activities in the country, marine recreational fisheries were largely unregulated, and no official fisheries monitoring programs at the national level have been ever put in place. Except for a few particular systems for which some catch-and-effort data were collected by research institutions and non-governmental organizations, no comprehensive surveys aimed at describing the ecological, social or economic aspects of these fisheries have been made. Here, an updated review of the regulations in place for marine recreational fisheries along the Argentine coastline is presented. Of the five coastal provinces encompassing ca. 8400 km and about 20 latitude degrees (~36°S to 55°S) of coastline, only Buenos Aires province has a thorough legislation for its whole territory, which includes 15 protected areas. In the remaining provinces, the regulations for marine recreational fisheries are limited to a few protected areas (seven out of 37 coastal areas under provincial, national or shared jurisdiction). This lack of legislation encourages alleged recreational fishers to develop small-scale commercial fishing operations that are neither controlled nor monitored as such, contributing to the overexploitation of some key coastal stocks.  相似文献   

For the first time, the production of fisheries in Kuwait was assessed both quantitatively and qualitatively by comparing the production of the late 1980s and the mid-2000s using official data. The results indicate that total fisheries production has declined over time, with local production (artisanal and industrial) having decreased by approximately 25%, while imports increased by 25%, representing 62% of the total fisheries production over time. Current consumer preferences have led to increased demand of fish species formerly having inferior commercial importance. The verified per capita fish consumption in 2010 was 22.32 kg yr−1 suggesting the existence of an unrecorded supplementary supply of fish. Predictions show a dramatic decrease in fishery production by 2025, with a low supply of only 0.5 kg per individual per annum. The results have practical implications for legislators’ management strategies for the sustainability of local fishery stocks.  相似文献   

The venerid clam Ruditapes philippinarum is the most prominent suspension-feeding bivalve inhabiting muddy intertidal seagrass beds in Arcachon Bay (SW France). It is exploited by fishermen, and Arcachon Bay ranks number one in France in terms of production and total biomass of this species. Previous studies revealed a decrease in the standing stock of R. philippinarum since 2003 and unbalanced length–frequency distributions with a lack of juveniles and of adults > 40 mm. Consequently, the population dynamics of this bivalve were studied at four intertidal sites and one oceanic site in Arcachon Bay. As clam size structure did not allow classical dynamics computations, field monitoring was coupled with field experiments (tagging–recapture) over two years. Monitoring of condition index and gonadal maturation stages highlighted a high variability in spawning number and intensity between sites. Recruitment events in the exploited area varied spatially but with uniformly low values. Von Bertalanffy Growth Function (VBGF) parameters (K, L) were determined using Appeldoorn and ELEFAN methods. In the exploited sites in the inner lagoon, K was relatively high (mean = 0.72 yr? 1) but L was low (mean = 41.1 mm) resulting in a moderate growth performance index (Φ′ = 2.99). Growth parameters were not correlated with immersion time and L was different between sites. Comparison of mortality coefficients (Z) between cage experiments and field monitoring suggested that fishing accounts for 65–75% of total adult mortality. Low recruitment, a low growth rate and a normal mortality rate led to low somatic production (4.1 and 8.7 g Shell-Free Dry Weight (SFDW) m? 2 yr? 1) and an annual P/B ratio from 0.44 to 0.92 yr? 1. Under current conditions, the possibility of a sustainable population in Arcachon Bay will strongly depend on recruitment success and fishing management.  相似文献   

Late Holocene paleoceanography and climate variability of the Southeastern Beaufort Sea (Canadian Arctic) have been investigated on the basis of sedimentary cores collected over the Mackenzie Slope. Piston, trigger and box cores were sampled at station 803 in 2004 aboard the CCGS Amundsen at 218 m water depth. The chronology of the piston core is constrained by 4 AMS-14C dates, as the sedimentation rate in the box core is assessed from 210Pb data. We obtain a continuous composite sequence covering the last 4600 years, with a sedimentation rate of ~ 140 cm.kyr? 1. Transfer functions (modern analogue technique) based on dinoflagellate cyst (dinocyst) assemblages were used to reconstruct the evolution of sea-surface conditions over the time period covered by the cores.Palynological data reveal that dinocyst assemblages are dominated by Operculodinium centrocarpum sensu lato (mean of 43.3%) throughout the core, with the accompanying taxa Brigantedinium spp. (19.6%), Islandinium minutum (15.6%) and cysts of Pentapharsodinium dalei (13.7%). Four zones have been established on the basis of dinocyst relative abundances. Dinocyst assemblage zone 1 (D1), from 4600 to 2700 cal years BP, is dominated by O. centrocarpum (mean of 49.0%). In zone D2 (2700–1500 cal years BP), the relative abundances of O. centrocarpum decrease (34.4%) in favour of the opportunistic, heterotrophic taxa Brigantedinium spp. (28.8%) and cysts of Polykrikos sp. var. arctic/quadratus (2.8%). Dinocyst zone D3 (1500–30 cal years BP or 450–1920 AD) is characterised by the high relative abundance of the peridinioid taxa I. minutum (19.9%). The last zone (D4), spanning from 1920 to 2004 AD, is again dominated by O. centrocarpum (44.5%), and shows low relative abundances of Brigantedinium spp. and cf. Echinidinium karaense.Quantitative reconstructions of past sea-surface parameters (August sea-surface temperature: SST, August sea-surface salinity: SSS, and duration of sea-ice cover) indicate relatively stable conditions over the last 4.6 kyr, with episodic cooling events (SST of ~ 1.5 °C below the modern value of 6 °C) that took place between 700 and 1820 AD. We associate the last and the longest of these cooling events (1560–1820 AD) with the Little Ice Age. Reconstructed SSS shows decadal oscillations since 1920 AD that we tentatively associate with the accumulation of freshwater by the Beaufort Gyre and the subsequent Great Salinity Anomalies. Our data suggest that similar salinity anomalies could have occurred ca. 1860 and 1790 AD.Stable isotopic data show a slight increase in δ13C values (from ~?27.1‰ at the base to ~?25.8‰ at the top) over the last 4.6 kyr that we associate with the gradual increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration as recorded by Antarctic ice cores. Variations in the δ15N profile suggest variations in Pacific water influence from 4600 to ~ 1300 cal years BP, associated with centennial scale shifts of the Arctic Oscillation phases.  相似文献   

The Shark Bay trawl fishery is Western Australia's most valuable prawn fishery (worth AUD$25 million in 2014). The 18-vessel fleet targets western king prawns (Penaeus latisulcatus), brown tiger prawns (P. esculentus) and also retains saucer scallops (Ylistrum balloti) and blue swimmer crabs (Portunus armatus). Increased fuel prices, falling prawn prices and lower catches of other species, following extreme environmental events, have impacted fishery profits. A biomass dynamics model with an economic component indicated that total revenue levels start to decline when annual effort increases beyond ~ 200 fishing days per boat. Annual effort required to achieve MEY, when based solely on prawn fishing, is 115–150 days per boat after accounting for fixed and variable fishing costs and annual fishing efficiency increases of 1–2%. From 2007–2014, the adjusted effort was 188–192 days per boat. Fishing occurred between March and November during 7–8 fishing periods, separated by 5–8 day (low catchability) moon closure periods. An empirical daily profit assessment (2007–2015), accounting for recruitment variation, daily prawn size compositions, monthly market prices for different prawn species and sizes, and daily fishing costs, showed vessels made profits on ~ 115–160 days and losses on ~ 15–55 days per year, when fishing occurred near the full moon. The fishery benefitted in 2013–2015 by starting later in the year and better targeting within-season effort. This management strategy within the effort-control framework, which improved profitability, maintained higher spawning stocks and reduced ecosystem fishing impacts, has wider application in prawn fishery management.  相似文献   

Generally, estuarine intertidal mudflats constitute important nurseries for fish and foraging grounds for coastal birds by providing a plenitude of mollusks, worms, and crustaceans as prey, which in turn mostly feed on suspended and benthic microalgae, bacteria, and detritus. Despite the high productivity of such habitats, pronounced variability in both salinity and temperature results typically in low diversity. The only sea anemone reported from estuarine mud is the edwardsiid Nematostella vectensis Stephenson, 1935. It occurs widely in the northern hemisphere, and occasionally in extremely high density. Here we document another sea anemone from estuarine mud and muddy sand found in Southern Chile which has similar ecological attributes. Taxonomic confusion has impeded the reporting on this small but prominent member in a macrozoobenthic assemblage, the brooding Anthopleura hermaphroditica (Carlgren, 1899; Anthozoa: Actiniidae). It differs from N. vectensis by the presence of symbiotic algae. Average density under poly- to euhaline conditions in mud and muddy sand at around mid tide level was about 3 actinians per cm2. An average abundance of 11,000 m? 2, a biovolume of 487 cm3 m? 2, and a biomass of 35.5 g dry organic weight m? 2 were found in mud and muddy sand in two surveys 20 years apart. The mean fishing area of fully expanded individuals covers 42 ± 25 mm2, corresponding to a circular area with a diameter of 7.3 ± 5.7 mm. Preliminary experiments indicate that associated benthos may be relegated to life below surface by the net of tentacles above the sediment. As no predators on A. hermaphroditica could be found on the mudflat, the success of this mixotrophic sea anemone may entail a trophic dead end.  相似文献   

Effective fisheries management needs to consider spatial behavior in addition to more traditional aspects of population dynamics. Acoustic telemetry has been extensively used to provide information on fish movements over different temporal and spatial scales. Here, we used a fixed-receiver array to examine the movement patterns of Labrus bergylta Ascanius 1767, a species highly targeted by the artisanal fleet of Galicia, NW Spain. Data from 25 individuals was assessed for a period of 71 days between September and November 2011 in the Galician Atlantic Islands Maritime-Terrestrial National Park. Fish were present within the monitored area more than 92% of the monitored time. The estimated size of individual home ranges, i.e. the area where fish spent most of their time, was small. The total minimum convex polygons area based on all the estimated positions was 0.133 ± 0.072 km2, whereas the home range size estimated using a 95% kernel distribution of the estimated positions was 0.091 ± 0.031 km2. The core area (50% kernel) was 0.019 ± 0.006 km2. L. bergylta exhibited different patterns of movement in the day versus the night, with 92% of the fish detected more frequently and traveling longer distances during the daytime. In addition, 76% of the fish displayed a larger home range during the day versus during the night. The linearity index was less than 0.005 for all fish suggesting random movements but within a relatively small area, and the volume of intersection index between consecutive daily home ranges was 0.75 ± 0.13, suggesting high site fidelity. The small home range and the sedentary behavior of L. bergylta highlight the potential use of small MPAs as a management tool to ensure a sustainable fishery for this important species.  相似文献   

Managing small-scale fisheries in a developing country like the Philippines is very challenging because of high pressures from expanding fishing population, poverty and lack of alternative options. Thus, resource-focused fisheries management initiatives such as marine protected area (MPA) establishment will likely result in further marginalization of the poor fishers which could pose more serious problems in coastal communities. In this study, the status of small-scale fisheries in 44 coastal towns in the Philippines was assessed using FISHDA (Fishing Industries' Support in Handling Decisions Application), a simple decision support tool which requires minimal or easily-generated data. Results showed that 68% (30 out of 44) of the studied towns have unsustainable fisheries unless 58% of their fishing grounds are protected from all fishing activities. Alternatively, 53% of the active fishers in towns with unsustainable fisheries must totally stop fishing to avert fishery collapse. Alarming as it may sound, this is still an underestimate as catches incurred by the highly efficient and destructive illegal fishing activities such as blast, poison and large-scale fishing, which are reported to be still rampant in many coastal areas in the Philippines, were not accounted for in this study. This study demonstrated that MPAs alone may not be enough to avert fishery collapse even if MPA size is increased from the current 3% to 15% of the municipal waters, i.e. up to 15 km from the shore, as required by the Philippine law. Various challenges confronting the fishery and important recommendations to address them are further discussed.  相似文献   

Cockle (Cerastoderma edule) population dynamics were studied at the southern limit of the distribution of this marine bivalve in Merja Zerga, Morocco. Parameters such as growth, mortality, and production were compared with those of a population at Arcachon Bay (France) a site in the center of the cockle's range. At each sampling period between two and three cohorts were simultaneously observed at each site and the average total abundance was usually higher at Merja Zerga. Recruitment occurred at both sites in spring when temperature rose above 19 °C, independently of the month. In Merja Zerga, winter recruitment was also observed at one occasion, following high sediment disturbance. The first year (2005–06) at Merja Zerga, the mortality rate was close to nil for juveniles and was Z = 1.5 yr? 1 for adults, providing a high production (64 g dry weight m? 2 yr? 1). At Arcachon during the same period, the juvenile mortality rate was Z = 10.9 yr? 1, the adult mortality rate was 3.4 yr? 1 and production was 26 gDW m?2 yr? 1. The second year (2006–07), mortality after recruitment was much higher (Z = 8.6 yr? 1, for juveniles) and similar to what was observed at Arcachon (Z = 8.4 yr? 1). Mortality rate of adults was higher at Merja Zerga (Z = 3.0 yr? 1) than at Arcachon (Z = 1.5 yr? 1). Production was lower at Arcachon than at Merja Zerga although growth performances were higher at Arcachon. The higher growth performance at Arcachon (Φ′ = 3.3) was mainly due to high asymptotic length (L = 38 mm) and was related to low intraspecific competition compared to Merja Zerga where cockle abundance was higher (Φ′ = 3.1, L = 31 mm). P/B was low in both sites and slightly higher at Arcachon (1.1–1.5 against 1.0–1.1 yr? 1). At Arcachon, recruitment was correlated with temperature, a peak occurring when temperature rose above 19 °C (June–July). At Merja Zerga, recruitment was already 2–3 months earlier but was not significantly correlated to temperature.This study showed that population dynamics of cockles at the southern limit of this distribution fell in the range of what was observed elsewhere in the North-Eastern Atlantic coast. Most factors that were involved in population regulation (intraspecific competition, predation and sediment dynamics) were not strictly dependent on latitude. The direct role of temperature (latitude dependent factor) was not obvious. Variation in temperature could explain the recruitment delay between Arcachon and Merja Zerga and the low maximum shell length at Merja Zerga.  相似文献   

We examined the bioaccumulation and trophic transfer of mercury in two marine finfish species, striped bass (Morone saxatilis) and tautog (Tautoga onitis), collected from the Narragansett Bay (Rhode Island, USA). For each of these target fish, white muscle tissue was analyzed for total mercury (Hg) and results were evaluated relative to fish age, body size, and Hg content of preferred prey. Dietary and stable isotope analysis was also used to elucidate the effect of trophic processes on Hg concentrations in fish. The Hg content of muscle tissue was positively correlated with fish age and length for both species, although striped bass accumulated Hg faster than tautog. Accelerated Hg bioaccumulation in striped bass is consistent with its high trophic level (trophic level = 4.07) and Hg-enriched prey (forage fish and macrocrustaceans; mean Hg content = 0.03 mg Hg kg wet wt?1). In contrast, tautog maintain a lower trophic status (trophic level = 3.51) and consume prey with lower Hg levels (mussels and crabs; mean Hg content = 0.02 mg Hg kg wet wt?1). Despite differences in Hg bioaccumulation between target fish, the mean Hg concentration of tautog exceeded levels in striped bass (0.24 and 0.16 mg Hg kg wet wt?1, respectively) due to a disparity in age-at-catch between sampled groups (mean age of tautog and bass = 11.3 and 4.3 yr, respectively). Taking into account legal minimum catch lengths further revealed that 75.0% of legal-size striped bass (>70.2 cm TL; n = 4) and 44.8% of tautog (>40.6 cm TL; n = 29) had Hg levels beyond the US EPA regulatory threshold of 0.3 mg Hg kg wet wt?1. Moreover, Hg-length relationships suggest that each target fish meets this threshold near their minimum legal catch length. Our findings reiterate the value of species ecology to improve predictions of fish Hg and permit better management of human contamination by this important dietary source.  相似文献   

The giant diatom Ethmodiscus was examined along an east–west transect at 28–30°N during 2002 and 2003 to determine if abundance, chemical composition or physiological status of this largest of diatoms varied on the scale of 100's–1000's of km in North Pacific gyre. Abundance ranged from <0.1–>2.0 cells m−3 and supported the notion of an abundance mosaic reported previously. However, there was only minimal support for the relationship between abundance and nutrient concentration at 125 m reported previously. Cellular chlorophyll varied little along the transect (7.3–10.9 ng chl cell−1) except at the westernmost station. Cellular N and P quotas co-varied 3–4.5 fold (mean=50.8±3.7 and 3.7±0.8 nmol N and P cell−1) and yielded N:P ratios that closely clustered around the Redfield ratio (average=14.6±1.1). Only low levels of chlorophyll-normalized alkaline phosphatase (APase) activity were observed (0.4–2.5 nmol P μg chl−1 h−1) with APase activity lower than that in either the bulk water, or co-occurring Trichodesmium spp. and Pyrocystis noctiluca. The active fluorescence parameter Fv:Fm, a property sensitive to Fe stress, was uniformly high at all stations (average=0.73±0.04 for 2003, and 0.69±0.05 for 2002), indicating sufficient Fe for optimum photosynthetic competence. These results contrasted sharply with results from Rhizosolenia mats reported along the same transect where there was a significant decline westward in Fv:Fm. Both ferredoxin (Fd) and flavodoxin accumulated in cells of Ethmodiscus, resulting in Fd Index values of<0.6. Iron cell quotas ranged from 0.7–5.1 pmol Fe cell−1. When normalized to cytoplasmic volume, the Fe μm−3 was comparable to that of Escherichia coli. We note that the disproportionate contribution of the vacuole (with its high organic content) to total volume typical of large diatoms is a potentially significant source of error in Fe:C ratios and suggest that Fe should be normalized to cytoplasmic volume whenever possible to permit valid intercomparisons between studies. The composition, Fv:Fm data and Fe:C ratio suggest a relatively uniform population experiencing little N, P or Fe stress. The uncoupling of the Fd Index from these measures is consistent with previous findings showing that the expression of flavodoxin can be characterized as an early stress response and that its accumulation is not necessarily correlated with physiological deficit. Ethmodiscus appears to be well adapted to some of the most oligotrophic waters in the ocean. Because it is an important sedimentary marker, the biology of living Ethmodiscus provides insights into the source of extensive Ethmodiscus oozes. Mass sedimentation after frontal accumulation has been suggested as a source for these oozes. Our data contain no evidence that the flux is linked directly to Fe, N or P stress.  相似文献   

《Marine Chemistry》2007,103(1-2):30-45
The chemistry of dissolved Fe(III) was studied in the Scheldt estuary (The Netherlands). Two discrete size fractions of the dissolved bulk (< 0.2 μm and < 1 kDa) were considered at three salinities (S = 26, 10 and 0.3).Within the upper estuary, where fresh river water meets seawater, the dissolved Fe concentration decreases steeply with increasing salinity, for the fraction < 0.2 μm from 536 nM at S = 0.3 to 104 nM at S = 10 and for the fraction < 1 kDa from 102 nM to 36 nM Fe. Further downstream, in the middle and lower estuary, this decrease in the Fe concentration continues, but is far less pronounced. For all samples, the traditionally recognised dissolved strong organic Fe-binding ligand concentrations are lower than the dissolved Fe concentrations.Characteristics of dissolved Fe-binding ligands were determined by observing kinetic interactions with adsorptive cathodic stripping voltammetry. From these kinetic experiments we concluded that apart from the well-known strong Fe-binding organic ligands (L, logK = 19–22) also weak Fe-binding ligands (P) existed with an α value (binding potential = K · [P]) varying between 1011.1 and 1011.9. The presence of this relatively weak ligand explained the high concentrations of labile Fe present in both size fractions in the estuary. This weak ligand can retard or prevent a direct precipitation after an extra input of Fe.The dissociation rate constants of the weak ligand varied between 0.5 × 10 4 and 4.3 × 10 4 s 1. The rate constants of the strong organic ligand varied between kd = 1.5 × 10 3–17 × 10 2 s 1 and kf = 2.2 × 108–2.7 × 109 M 1 s 1. The dissociation rate constant of freshly amorphous Fe-hydroxide was found to be between 4.3 × 10 4 and 3.7 × 10 3 s 1, more labile or equal to the values found by Rose and Waite [Rose, A.L., Waite, T.D., 2003a. Kinetics of hydrolysis and precipitation of ferric iron in seawater. Environ. Sci. Technol., 37, 3897–3903.] for freshly precipitated Fe in seawater.Kinetic rate constants of Fe with the ligand TAC (2-(2-Thiazolylazo)-p-cresol) were also determined. The formation rate constant of Fe(TAC)2 varied between 0.1 × 108 and 3.6 × 108 M 1 s 1, the dissociation rate constant between 0.2 × 10 5 and 17 × 10 5 s 1 for both S = 26 and S = 10. The conditional stability constant of Fe(TAC)2 (βFe(TAC)2′) varied between 22 and 23.4 for S = 10 and S = 26 more or less equal to that known from the literature (logβFe(TAC)2 = 22.4; [Croot, P.L., Johansson, M., 2000. Determination of iron speciation by cathodic stripping voltammetry in seawater using the competing ligand 2-(2-Thiazolylazo)-p-cresol (TAC). Electroanalysis, 12, 565–576.]). However, at S = 0.3 the logβFe(TAC)2′ was 25.3, three orders of magnitude higher. Apparently the application of TAC to samples of low salinity can only be done when the correct βFe(TAC)2′ is known.  相似文献   

《Journal of Sea Research》2011,65(4):436-445
The Northwest Atlantic marine community underwent dramatic changes during the last 30 years, including the collapse of many groundfish stocks and an increase in shrimp populations. Greenland halibut Reinhardtius hippoglossoides is an important commercial species and one of the top fish predators in this system. It is a large, wide-ranging flatfish that is found at depths up to 2200 m and it has an opportunistic diet which makes it a potential candidate for an ecosystem indicator. Analysis of stomach contents of Greenland halibut between 1978 and 2003 indicates that diet composition reflects the major changes in community structure. Over the entire period there was a clear increase in the importance of invertebrates, particularly after 1992. This change was associated with a higher importance of Pandalus shrimp and Gonatus squid and a protracted reliance on zooplankton by predators under 25 cm length. Capelin Mallotus villosus was the dominant prey between 1978 and 1992 for predators in the 12–63 cm range, but its importance dropped off drastically in the mid 1990s. Levels of main prey in the diet of Greenland halibut correlated well with fishery-independent surveys. Greenland halibut sample capelin well, compared to bottom trawl surveys and acoustic surveys. Greenland halibut consumed small shrimp which are not routinely caught by surveys and may be important in deriving information on year classes and growth of shrimp. Our results suggest that Greenland halibut's diet is a useful tracker of ecosystem change.  相似文献   

Climate models with biogeochemical components predict declines in oceanic dissolved oxygen with global warming. In coastal regimes oxygen deficits represent acute ecosystem perturbations. Here, we estimate dissolved oxygen differences across the global tropical and subtropical oceans within the oxygen minimum zone (200–700-dbar depth) between 1960–1974 (an early period with reliable data) and 1990–2008 (a recent period capturing ocean response to planetary warming). In most regions of the tropical Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans the oxygen content in the 200–700-dbar layer has declined. Furthermore, at 200 dbar, the area with O2 <70 μmol kg?1, where some large mobile macro-organisms are unable to abide, has increased by 4.5 million km2. The tropical low oxygen zones have expanded horizontally and vertically. Subsurface oxygen has decreased adjacent to most continental shelves. However, oxygen has increased in some regions in the subtropical gyres at the depths analyzed. According to literature discussed below, fishing pressure is strong in the open ocean, which may make it difficult to isolate the impact of declining oxygen on fisheries. At shallower depths we predict habitat compression will occur for hypoxia-intolerant taxa, with eventual loss of biodiversity. Should past trends in observed oxygen differences continue into the future, shifts in animal distributions and changes in ecosystem structure could accelerate.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that benthic foraminifera are useful proxies of local methane emissions from the seafloor has been verified on sediment core KS16 from the headwall of the Ana submarine landslide in the Eivissa Channel, Western Mediterranean Sea. The core MS312 from a nearby location with no known methane emissions is utilised as control. The core was analysed for biostratigraphy, benthic foraminiferal assemblages, Hyalinea balthica and Uvigerina peregrina carbon and oxygen stable isotope composition, and sedimentary structures. The upper part of the core records post-landslide deglacial and Holocene normal marine hemipelagic sediments with highly abundant benthic foraminifera species that are typical of outer neritic to upper bathyal environment. In this interval, the δ13C composition of benthic foraminifera indicates normal marine environment analogous to those found in the control core. Below the sedimentary hiatus caused by the emplacement of the slide, the foraminiferal assemblages are characterised by lower density and higher Shannon Index. Markedly negative δ13C shifts in benthic foraminifera are attributed to the release of methane through the seabed. The mean values of the 13C anomaly in U. peregrina are ? 0.951 ± 0.208 in the pre-landslide sediments, and ? 0.269 ± 0.152 in post-slide reworked sediments deposited immediately above the hiatus. The δ13C anomaly in Hyalinea balthica is ? 2.497 ± 0.080 and ? 2.153 ± 0.087, respectively. To discard the diagenetic effects on the δ13C anomaly, which could have been induced by Ca–Mg replacement and authigenic carbonate overgrowth on foraminifera tests, a benthic foraminifera subsample has been treated following an oxidative and reductive cleaning protocol. The cleaning has resulted, only in some cases, in a slight reduction of the anomaly by 0.95% for δ13C and < 0.80% for δ18O. Therefore, the first conclusion is that the diagenetic alteration is minor and it does not alter significantly the overall carbon isotopic anomaly in the core. Consequently, the pre-landslide sediments have been subject to pervasive methane emissions during a time interval of several thousand years. Methane emissions continued during and immediately after the occurrence of Ana Slide at about 61.5 ka. Subsequently, methane emissions decreased and definitely ceased during the last deglaciation and the Holocene.  相似文献   

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