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We report the results from a 6-yr, multi-epoch very long baseline interferometry monitoring of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 3079. We have observed NGC 3079 during eight epochs between 1999 and 2005 predominantly at 5 GHz, but covering the frequency range of 1.7 to 22 GHz. Using our data and observations going back to 1985, we find that the separation of two of the three visible nuclear radio components underwent two decelerations. At the time of these decelerations, the flux density of one of the components increased by factors of 5 and 2, respectively. We interpret these events as a radio jet component undergoing compression, possibly as a result of a collision with interstellar medium material. This interpretation strongly supports the existence of jets surrounded by a clumpy medium of dense clouds within the first few parsec from the central engine in NGC 3079. Moreover, based on recently published simulations of jet interactions with clumpy media, this scenario is able to explain the nature of two additional regions of ageing synchrotron material detected at the lower frequencies as by-products of such interactions, and also the origin of the kpc-scale super-bubble observed in NGC 3079 as the result of the spread of the momentum of the jets impeded from propagating freely. The generalization of this scenario provides an explanation why jets in Seyfert galaxies are not able to propagate to scales of kpc as do jets in radio-loud AGN.  相似文献   

NGC 3379 is a well-studied nearby elliptical for which optical investigations have claimed a little dark matter content, or even no dark matter. Recently, its total mass profile M ( r ) has been derived by exploiting Chandra observations of its extended and X-ray emitting interstellar medium, based on the hypothesis of hydrostatic equilibrium for the hot gas. The resulting total mass within the effective radius R e has been claimed to be a few times larger than that found by optical studies. Here, we show that part of the discrepancy can be due to an underestimate of the optically derived mass, and the remaining discrepancy of a factor of ∼2 can be explained by deviations from hydrostatic equilibrium of the hot gas. By using hydrodynamical simulations tailored to reproduce the observed hot gas properties of NGC 3379, and by assuming as input for the simulations the total mass profile derived optically, we show that (i) the hot gas at the present time has X-ray properties consistent with those observed only if it is outflowing over most of the galactic body, and (ii) an overestimate of M of the same size found in the recent X-ray analysis is recovered when assuming hydrostatic equilibrium. We also show that the hot gas is outflowing even for a dark matter fraction within R e as large as derived with the standard X-ray procedure based on the hydrostatic equilibrium assumption, which shows the unapplicability of the method for this galaxy. Finally, we find that the whole range of dark mass amount and distribution allowed for by optical studies is compatible with a hot gas flow with the observed X-ray properties.  相似文献   

We present Very Large Array H  i observations of the gas-rich, interacting spiral galaxies, NGC 1253/1253A (Arp 279). The larger of the two galaxies, NGC 1253, has a very pronounced H  i ring and well-defined spiral structure. The velocity structure of the H  i data shows a sudden change at the position of the spiral arms; we identify this change as evidence of a strong spiral shock and hence proceed to estimate the pattern speed, Ωp, of the spiral arms in NGC 1253. Assuming that the pattern speed is constant across the disc our derived value places the outer Lindblad resonance (OLR) at the position of the observed H  i ring. As an accumulation of gas is expected at the OLR when this falls within the disc of a galaxy this agreement provides independent support for the derived value of Ωp.  相似文献   

We present images of the jets in the nearby radio galaxy NGC 315 made with the Very Large Array at five frequencies between 1.365 and 5 GHz with resolutions between 1.5 and 45 arcsec. Within 15 arcsec of the nucleus, the spectral index of the jets is  α= 0.61  . Further from the nucleus, the spectrum is flatter, with significant transverse structure. Between 15 and 70 arcsec from the nucleus, the spectral index varies from ≈0.55 on-axis to ≈0.44 at the edge. This spectral structure suggests a change of dominant particle acceleration mechanism with distance from the nucleus and the transverse gradient may be associated with shear in the jet velocity field. Further from the nucleus, the spectral index has a constant value of 0.47. We derive the distribution of Faraday rotation over the inner ±400 arcsec of the radio source and show that it has three components: a constant term, a linear gradient (both probably due to our Galaxy) and residual fluctuations at the level of 1–2 rad m−2. These residual fluctuations are smaller in the brighter (approaching) jet, consistent with the idea that they are produced by magnetic fields in a halo of hot plasma that surrounds the radio source. We model this halo, deriving a core radius of ≈225 arcsec and constraining its central density and magnetic field strength. We also image the apparent magnetic field structure over the first ±200 arcsec from the nucleus.  相似文献   

The Fornax cluster galaxies NGC 1399 and NGC 1404 are ideal for studying the effects of a cluster environment on globular cluster systems. Here we present new optical imaging of these two galaxies from both the Hubble Space Telescope 's Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 and the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory 1.5-m telescope. The combination of both data sets provides a unique insight on the spatial and colour distribution of globular clusters. From B − I colours, we find that both galaxies have a broad globular cluster metallicity distribution that is inconsistent with a single population. Two Gaussians provide a reasonable representation of the metallicity distribution in each galaxy. The metal-rich subpopulation is more centrally concentrated than the metal-poor one. We show that the radial metallicity gradient can be explained by the changing relative mix of the two globular cluster subpopulations. We derive globular cluster surface density profiles, and find that they are flatter (i.e., more extended) than the underlying starlight. The total number of globular clusters and specific frequency are calculated to be N =5700±500, SN =11.5±1.0 for NGC 1399, and N =725±145, SN =2.0±0.5 for NGC 1404. Our results are compared with the expectations of globular cluster formation scenarios.  相似文献   

We report the results of a study of X-ray point sources coincident with the high-velocity system (HVS) projected in front of NGC 1275. A very deep X-ray image of the core of the Perseus cluster, made with the Chandra X-ray Observatory , has been used. We find a population of ultraluminous X-ray sources [ULXs; seven sources with   L X(0.5 − 7.0  keV) > 7 × 1039 erg s-1  ]. As with the ULX populations in the Antennae and Cartwheel galaxies, those in the HVS are associated with a region of very active star formation. Several sources have possible optical counterparts found on the Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) images, although the X-ray brightest one does not. Absorbed power-law models fit the X-ray spectra, with most having a photon index between 2 and 3.  相似文献   

Current theories of galaxy formation predict that spiral galaxies are embedded in a reservoir of hot gas. This gas is able to cool on to the galaxy, replenishing cold gas that is consumed by star formation. Estimates of the X-ray luminosity emitted in the cooling region suggest a bolometric luminosity of the order of 10×1041 erg s−1 in massive systems. We have used ROSAT PSPC data to search for extended X-ray emission from the haloes of three nearby, massive, late-type galaxies: NGC 2841, 4594 and 5529. We infer 95 per cent upper limits on the bolometric X-ray luminosities of the haloes of NGC 2841, 4594 and 5529 of 0.4, 1.2 and 3.8×1041 erg s−1 respectively. Thus, the true luminosity lies well below the straightforward theoretical prediction. We discuss this discrepancy and suggest a number of ways in which the theoretical model might be brought into agreement with the observational results. A possible solution is that the gravitational potentials of the dark matter haloes of these galaxies are weaker than assumed in the current model. Alternatively, the present-day accretion may be substantially less than is required on average to build the disc over the Hubble time. Our results are, however, based on only three galaxies, none of which is ideal for this kind of study. A larger data set is required to explore this important problem further.  相似文献   

We present near-infrared emission-line images of the circumnuclear ring in NGC 1068. We have measured the Brγ fluxes in a number of star-forming complexes and derived the extinction for each of these by comparison with Hα. We investigate the star-forming histories of these regions and find that a short burst of star formation occurred coevally throughout the ring within the last 30–40 Myr, and perhaps as recently as 4–7 Myr ago. The 1–0 S(1) flux and S(1)/Brγ ratios indicate that as well as fluorescence, shock-excited H2 emission contributes to the total flux. There is excess H2 flux to the north-west where the ionization cone crosses the ring, and we show that it is possible that the non-stellar continuum from the Seyfert nucleus which produces the high-excitation lines could also be causing fluorescence at the edges of molecular clouds in the ring. The nuclear 1–0 S(1) is more extended than previously realized but only along the bar's major axis, and we consider mechanisms for its excitation.  相似文献   

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