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 In volcanoes that store a significant quantity of magma within a subsurface summit reservoir, such as Kīlauea, bulk compression of stored magma is an important mode of deformation. Accumulation of magma is also accompanied by crustal deformation, usually manifested at the surface as uplift. These two modes of deformation – bulk compression of resident magma and deformation of the volcanic edifice – act in concert to accommodate the volume of newly added magma. During deflation, the processes reverse and reservoir magma undergoes bulk decompression, the chamber contracts, and the ground surface subsides. Because magma compression plays a role in creating subsurface volume to accommodate magma, magma budget estimates that are derived from surface uplift observations without consideration of magma compression will underestimate actual magma volume changes. Received: 30 September 1998 / Accepted: 27 July 1999  相似文献   

Bulletin of Volcanology - A summit eruption of Kilauea volcano took place in Kilauea Iki crater, immediately adjacent to Kilauea caldera, from November 14 to December 20, 1959. Approximately 61...  相似文献   

The pattern of b-value of the frequency–magnitude relation, or mean magnitude, varies little in the Kaoiki-Hilea area of Hawaii, and the b-values are normal, with b=0.8 in the top 10 km and somewhat lower values below that depth. We interpret the Kaoiki-Hilea area as relatively stable, normal Hawaiian crust. In contrast, the b-values beneath Kilauea's South Flank are anomalously high (b=1.3–1.7) at depths between 4 and 8 km, with the highest values near the East Rift zone, but extending 5–8 km away from the rift. Also, the anomalously high b-values vary along strike, parallel to the rift zone. The highest b-values are observed near Hiiaka and Pauahi craters at the bend in the rift, the next highest are near Makaopuhi and also near Puu Kaliu. The mildest anomalies occur adjacent to the central section of the rift. The locations of the three major and two minor b-value anomalies correspond to places where shallow magma reservoirs have been proposed based on analyses of seismicity, geodetic data and differentiated lava chemistry. The existence of the magma reservoirs is also supported by magnetic anomalies, which may be areas of dike concentration, and self-potential anomalies, which are areas of thermal upwelling above a hot source. The simplest explanation of these anomalously high b-values is that they are due to the presence of active magma bodies beneath the East Rift zone at depths down to 8 km. In other volcanoes, anomalously high b-values correlate with volumes adjacent to active magma chambers. This supports a model of a magma body beneath the East Rift zone, which may widen and thin along strike, and which may reach 8 km depth and extend from Kilauea's summit to a distance of at least 40 km down rift. The anomalously high b-values at the center of the South Flank, several kilometers away from the rift, may be explained by unusually high pore pressure throughout the South Flank, or by anomalously strong heterogeneity due to extensive cracking, or by both phenomena. The major b-value anomalies are located SSE of their parent reservoirs, in the direction of motion of the flank, suggesting that magma reservoirs leave an imprint in the mobile flank. We hypothesize that the extensive cracking may have been acquired when the anomalous parts of the South Flank, now several kilometers distant from the rift zone, were generated at the rift zone near persistent reservoirs. Since their generation, these volumes may have moved seaward, away from the rift, but earthquakes occurring in them still use the preexisting complex crack distribution. Along the decollement plane at 10 km depth, the b-values are exceptionally low (b=0.5), suggesting faulting in a more homogeneous medium.  相似文献   

通过阐述地面沉陷机理,分析地下岩体内应力状态和地下开挖空间的形成过程.引入数学积分模型建立地面沉陷理论模型,重点说明单元下沉盆地和特征点下沉,推导出地面沉陷预报公式.并利用有理分式解法求解地面沉陷预报数值.此法的计算精度高,适用面广,有效地解决了常规解法工作量大、计算精度低的缺点.为一种有效、实用的计算地面沉陷预报值的方法.  相似文献   

In October 1998 a precipitation‐triggered flank collapse occurred at Casita volcano, Nicaragua, leading to a devastating lahar. In this paper the failure volume was calculated using a range of methods. Several pre‐ and post‐failure digital elevation models (DEMs) were created, based on photogrammetric, cartometric and surveying data. The wide range in resulting volumes prompted an assessment of the accuracies and potential problems associated with each of the datasets and techniques used. The best estimate for the failure volume is 1·6 × 106 m3. It is based on a vegetation‐corrected pre‐failure DEM, generated using automated digital photogrammetry, and a post‐failure surface based on a field survey carried out with a Total Station. The volume figure is approximately an order of magnitude higher than values reported in previous publications, all of which are based solely on field estimates. This demonstrates that values reported in the literature, if they are not based on rigorous quantitative analysis, must be regarded with caution. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The August 1991 eruptions of Hudson volcano produced ~2.7 km3 (dense rock equivalent, DRE) of basaltic to trachyandesitic pyroclastic deposits, making it one of the largest historical eruptions in South America. Phase 1 of the eruption (P1, April 8) involved both lava flows and a phreatomagmatic eruption from a fissure located in the NW corner of the caldera. The paroxysmal phase (P2) began several days later (April 12) with a Plinian-style eruption from a different vent 4 km to the south-southeast. Tephra from the 1991 eruption ranges in composition from basalt (phase 1) to trachyandesite (phase 2), with a distinct gap between the two erupted phases from 54–60 wt% SiO2. A trend of decreasing SiO2 is evident from the earliest part of the phase 2 eruption (unit A, 63–65 wt% SiO2) to the end (unit D, 60–63 wt% SiO2). Melt inclusion data and textures suggest that mixing occurred in magmas from both eruptive phases. The basaltic and trachyandesitic magmas can be genetically related through both magma mixing and fractional crystallization processes. A combination of observed phase assemblages, inferred water content, crystallinity, and geothermometry estimates suggest pre-eruptive storage of the phase 2 trachyandesite at pressures between ~50–100 megapascal (MPa) at 972 ± 26°C under water-saturated conditions (log fO2 –10.33 (±0.2)). It is proposed that rising P1 basaltic magma intersected the lower part of the P2 magma storage region between 2 and 3 km depth. Subsequent mixing between the two magmas preferentially hybridized the lower part of the chamber. Basaltic magma continued advancing towards the surface as a dyke to eventually be erupted in the northwestern part of the Hudson caldera. The presence of tachylite in the P1 products suggests that some of the magma was stalled close to the surface (<0.5 km) prior to eruption. Seismicity related to magma movement and the P1 eruption, combined with chamber overpressure associated with basalt injection, may have created a pathway to the surface for the trachyandesite magma and subsequent P2 eruption at a different vent 4 km to the south-southeast. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

A series of 88 Vulcanian explosions occurred at the Soufrière Hills volcano, Montserrat, between August and October, 1997. Conduit conditions conducive to creating these and other Vulcanian explosions were explored via analysis of eruptive products and one-dimensional numerical modeling of magma ascent through a cylindrical conduit. The number densities and textures of plagioclase microlites were documented for twenty-three samples from the events. The natural samples all show very high number densities of microlites, and > 50% by number of microlites have areas < 20 μm2. Pre-explosion conduit conditions and decompression history have been inferred from these data by comparison with experimental decompressions of similar groundmass compositions. Our comparisons suggest quench pressures < 30 MPa (origin depths < 2 km) and multiple rapid decompressions of > 13.75 MPa each during ascent from chamber to surface. Values are consistent with field studies of the same events and statistical analysis of explosion time-series data. The microlite volume number density trend with depth reveals an apparent transition from growth-dominated crystallization to nucleation-dominated crystallization at pressures of ∼ 7 MPa and lower. A concurrent sharp increase in bulk density marks the onset of significant open-system degassing, apparently due to a large increase in system permeability above ∼ 70% vesicularity. This open-system degassing results in a dense plug which eventually seals the conduit and forms conditions favorable to Vulcanian explosions. The corresponding inferred depth of overpressure at 250–700 m, near the base of the dense plug, is consistent with depth to center of pressure estimated from deformation measurements. Here we also illustrate that one-dimensional models representing ascent of a degassing, crystal-rich magma are broadly consistent with conduit profiles constructed via our petrologic analysis. The comparison between models and petrologic data suggests that the dense conduit plug forms as a result of high overpressure and open-system degassing through conduit walls.  相似文献   

A method for determining the cross-isotherm ocean transport from surface heat flux and ocean temperature data is derived. By computing the volume flux through the isotherm that extend from 19°E, 74°N to the eastern part of the Kola Peninsula, the flow through the western entrance of the Barents Sea south of 74°N is estimated. Using three different surface heat flux datasets, the inflow is found to range from 2.9 to 4.5 Sv in winter (October–March) and from 0.4 to 1.4 Sv in summer (April–September; 1 Sv=106 m3 s−1). The seasonal variations are stronger than indicated by results from direct current measurements, probably because the seasonal cycle of the surface heat fluxes is overestimated along the considered isotherm. The annual mean inflow ranges from 1.9 to 2.2 Sv during a cold period (1986–1988), and from 2.4 to 3.0 Sv during a warm period (1990–1992), close to reported observations.  相似文献   

以2007年6月3日云南省宁洱6.4级地震地表裂缝、喷砂冒水、地震滑坡、地震崩塌等资料为基础,结合震区的地质构造、震源机制解、余震分布等资料,研究了本次地震的发震断层及其强震频繁发生的动力学机制. 地震地表裂缝资料表明,北西向的宁洱断裂班海段具有右旋走滑的特征,北北东向的断层具有左旋走滑的性质. 地震地质灾害集中分布在330deg;方向上的长13.5 km、宽4 km的范围内. 等震线的长轴方向亦为330deg;,Ⅷ度区长轴长度为17 km. 震源机制解资料显示,宁洱6.4级地震的北西向节面为右旋错动,北东向节面为左旋错动. 大于等于2.0级的余震分布优势方向为330deg;,深度为3——12 km,优势深度为3——10 km,余震分布与地震地质灾害集中分布带一致. 以上资料说明,宁洱断裂班海段为这次地震的发震断层. 最后以活动地块理论为基础,讨论了宁洱地震的动力来源为印度板块的向北推挤使青藏高原向东滑移,在滇西南地区转化为向南南东方向的挤出,使宁洱附近网络状的北西向断裂发生右旋活动,北东向断裂发生左旋活动. 这种构造格局可能是该区频繁发生6.0——6.9级地震的原因.   相似文献   

An experimental facility has been developed to investigate magma-water interaction (MWI). The facility operates in a high-pressure and high-temperature environment, with temperatures up to 1,200°C and pressures up to 200 MPa. Cylindrical sample-holders (20 by 180 mm in size) are heated conductively to yield a three phase (melt, crystals and gas) system, and then water (or other fluid) is injected into the sample through a capillary tube (diameter 0.5 mm, length ca. 1,000 mm) under controlled conditions. Pressure, volume and temperature changes are continuously recorded during every phase of the experiments. To test this facility, MWI is studied at subliquidus temperatures (800 and 900°C) and pressure (8 MPa), using a leucite tephrite sample with two different initial grain sizes. Because of the grain-size dependence of sintering, the two starting materials produce magmas with different textures at the same temperature: porous magma for large initial grain sizes and dense magma for small initial grain sizes. In these experiments 1.5 g of water at room temperature is injected into 6.0 g of partially molten sample at velocities ranging from 1 to 3 m/s. We find that the extent of fragmentation and transport caused by MWI are mainly controlled by the texture of the interacting sample with explosive interaction occurring only for porous magmas.  相似文献   

冀战波  王宝善 《地球物理学报》2020,63(11):4097-4113

2015年8月12日天津滨海新区发生的强烈化学品爆炸造成了巨大的经济损失和社会影响.天津爆炸产生了清晰的大振幅面波信号,分析结果表明这组信号由基阶和高阶面波组成,可以追踪到约135 km外的远处台站.利用这组面波信号分别开展了以下研究:(1)利用附近三个台站记录的四个单频基阶Rayleigh波信号对爆破事件的绝对位置进行了网格搜索,结果与利用GPS测量的位置相差仅0.498 km;(2)分别利用网格搜索和主事件定位法,对两次子事件的相对位置进行了确定,距离约75 m左右,与前人研究结果吻合;(3)从面波记录中测量到36条基阶Rayleigh波、49条第一高阶Rayleigh波、9条基阶Love波和29条第一高阶Love波的频散曲线,并进一步反演获得研究区域地下4 km内的S波速度结构.反演结果显示地表处S波速度低至0.375 km·s-1,在小于1 km的浅地表速度梯度较大,符合典型的盆地结构特征.本文的研究结果为类似爆炸等突发事件快速定位提供了新的思路,有助于灾后救援的迅速展开;同时得到天津滨海新区及周边浅层精细的速度结构,对于地震灾害评估有很大帮助.


冀战波  王宝善 《地球物理学报》1954,63(11):4097-4113
2015年8月12日天津滨海新区发生的强烈化学品爆炸造成了巨大的经济损失和社会影响.天津爆炸产生了清晰的大振幅面波信号,分析结果表明这组信号由基阶和高阶面波组成,可以追踪到约135 km外的远处台站.利用这组面波信号分别开展了以下研究:(1)利用附近三个台站记录的四个单频基阶Rayleigh波信号对爆破事件的绝对位置进行了网格搜索,结果与利用GPS测量的位置相差仅0.498 km;(2)分别利用网格搜索和主事件定位法,对两次子事件的相对位置进行了确定,距离约75 m左右,与前人研究结果吻合;(3)从面波记录中测量到36条基阶Rayleigh波、49条第一高阶Rayleigh波、9条基阶Love波和29条第一高阶Love波的频散曲线,并进一步反演获得研究区域地下4 km内的S波速度结构.反演结果显示地表处S波速度低至0.375 km·s-1,在小于1 km的浅地表速度梯度较大,符合典型的盆地结构特征.本文的研究结果为类似爆炸等突发事件快速定位提供了新的思路,有助于灾后救援的迅速展开;同时得到天津滨海新区及周边浅层精细的速度结构,对于地震灾害评估有很大帮助.  相似文献   

The combined use of field investigation and laboratory analyses allowed the detailed stratigraphic reconstruction of the Pollena eruption (472 AD) of Somma-Vesuvius. Three main eruptive phases were recognized, related either to changes in the eruptive processes and/or to relative changes of melt composition. The eruption shows a pulsating behavior with deposition of pyroclastic fall beds and generation of dilute and dense pyroclastic density currents (PDC). The eruptive mechanisms and transportation dynamics were reconstructed for the whole eruption. Column heights were between 12 and 20 km, corresponding to mass discharge rates (MDR) of 7×106 kg/s and 3.4×107 kg/s. Eruptive dynamics were driven by magmatic fragmentation of a phono-tephritic to tephri-phonolitic magma during Phases I and II, whereas phreatomagmatic fragmentation dominated Phase III. Magma composition varies between phonolitic and tephritic-phonolitic, with melt viscosity likely not in excess of 103 Pa s. The volume of the pyroclastic fall deposits, calculated by using of proximal isopachs, is 0.44 km3. This increases to 1.38 km3 if ash volumes are extrapolated on a log thickness vs. square root area diagram using one distal isopach and column height.Editorial responsibility: R Cioni  相似文献   

We experimentally studied the dacitic magma ejected during the first event in the Usu 2000 eruption to investigate the conditions of syneruptive magmatic ascent. Geophysical data revealed that the magma reached under West Nishiyama, the location of the event’s craters, after rising beneath the summit. Prior study of bubble-size distributions of ejecta shows two stages (stage 1 and stage 2) with different magma ascent rates, as the magma accelerated beneath West Nishiyama with the start of the second stage. To simulate ascent of stage 1 from the main reservoir, which was located at a depth of 4–6 km (125 MPa) to 2 km (50 MPa) beneath West Nishiyama, decompression experiments were conducted isothermally at 900°C following two paths. Single step decompression (SSD) samples were decompressed rapidly (0.67 MPa/s) to their final pressure and held for 12 to 144 hours. Multiple step decompression (MSD) samples were decompressed stepwise to their final pressure and quenched instantly. In MSD, the average decompression rates and total experimental durations varied between 0.01389 to 0.00015 MPa/s and 1.5 to 144 hours, respectively. Syneruptive crystallization was confined to stage 1, and the conditions of ascent were determined by documenting similarities in decompression-induced crystallization between ejecta and experiments. Core compositions, number densities, and shapes of experimental microlites indicate that ascent to 2 km depth occurred in less than 1.5 h. Volumes and number densities of experimental microlites from the SSD experiments that best replicate the decompression rate to 2 km indicate that the magma remained at 2 km for approximately 24 h before the eruption. Stagnation at a depth of 2 km corresponds with horizontal transport through a dike from beneath the summit to West Nishiyama, according to geodetic results. The total magma transport timescale including stage 2 is tens of hours and is shorter than the timescale of precursory seismicity (3.5 days), indicating that the erupted magma did not move out of the reservoir for the first 2 days. This is consistent with the temporal change in numbers of earthquakes, which reached a peak after 2 days.  相似文献   

By modifying a previous method with constant elements, we developed a quadratic element method for more accurately estimating groundwater flow by the inversion of tilt data. In this method: (1) a region of groundwater flow is divided into quadratic elements in which the change in groundwater volume per unit volume of rock (Δv) and the Skempton coefficient (B) vary in a quadratic manner with the coordinates, (2) the values of Δv are set to zero at the boundaries of the region of groundwater flow and (3) the sum of the squared second derivatives of Δv is adopted as a constraining condition that is weighted and added to the sum of the squared errors in tilt. First, analyses were performed for a flow model to determine the accuracy of this method for estimating groundwater flow and also to clarify the effect of the assumed size of a region of groundwater flow. These analyses showed that the quadratic element method proposed in this study gives a much better estimation of Δv than the constant element method and that a large region of groundwater flow should be assumed, rather than a small region, since the values of Δv at points outside of the actual region of groundwater flow are estimated to be nearly zero when a large region is assumed while these values are greatly overestimated when an excessively small region is assumed. Finally, the quadratic element method was applied to the site of the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory in the Tono area, Japan. Inverse analyses were performed for tilt data measured by four tiltmeters with a resolution of 10−9 radians during the excavation of two shafts under the assumption that the rock mass is an isotropic and homogeneous half- space. The results showed that the method proposed in this study reproduced the tilt data very accurately. Thus, the distribution of Δv was estimated without sacrificing the reproducibility of the tilt data. The contour maps of B(1 + ν)Δv (ν: Poisson’s ratio) showed that the heterogeneous flow of groundwater occurred at the site and that groundwater volume decreased mainly in the area surrounded by two faults. The latter result is consistent with the finding obtained by previous investigations that these faults have low permeability in the direction perpendicular to the strike and may act as a flow barrier.  相似文献   

After 16 months of quiescence, Mount Etna began to erupt again in mid-July 2006. The activity was concentrated at and around the Southeast Crater (SEC), one of the four craters on the summit of Etna, and eruptive activity continued intermittently for 5 months. During this period, numerous vents displayed a wide range of eruptive styles at different times. Virtually all explosive activities took place at vents at the summit of the SEC and on its flanks. Eruptive episodes, which lasted from 1 day to 2 weeks, became shorter and more violent with time. Volcanic activity at these vents was often accompanied by dramatic mass-wasting processes such as collapse of parts of the cone, highly unusual flowage processes involving both old rocks and fresh magmatic material, and magma–water interaction. The most dramatic events took place on 16 November, when numerous rockfalls and pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) were generated during the opening of a large fracture on the SE flank of the SEC cone. The largest PDCs were clearly triggered explosively, and there is evidence that much of the energy was generated during the interaction of intruding magma with wet rocks on the cone’s flanks. The most mobile PDCs traveled up to 1 km from their source. This previously unknown process on Etna may not be unique on this volcano and is likely to have taken place on other volcanoes. It represents a newly recognized hazard to those who visit and work in the vicinity of the summit of Etna.  相似文献   

We have used a coupled thermo-mechanical finite-element (FE) model of crustal deformation driven by mantle/oceanic subduction to demonstrate that the tectonic evolution of the Lachlan Fold Belt (LFB) during the Mid-Palaeozoic (Late Ordovician to Early Carboniferous) can be linked to continuous subduction along a single subduction zone. This contrasts with most models proposed to date which assume that separate subduction zones were active beneath the western, central and eastern sections of the Lachlan Orogen. We demonstrate how the existing data on the structural, volcanic and erosional evolution of the Lachlan Fold Belt can be accounted for by our model. We focus particularly on the timing of fault movement in the various sectors of the orogen. We demonstrate that the presence of the weak basal decollement on which most of the Lachlan Fold Belt is constructed effectively decouples crustal structures from those in the underlying mantle. The patterns of faulting in the upper crust appears therefore to be controlled by lateral strength contrasts inherited from previous orogenic events rather than the location of one or several subduction zones. The model also predicts that the uplift and deep exhumation of the Wagga-Omeo Metamorphic Belt (WOMB) is associated with the advection of this terrane above the subduction point and is the only tectonic event that gives us direct constraints on the location of the subduction zone. We also discuss the implications of our model for the nature of the basement underlying the present-day orogen.  相似文献   

Using the concept of bleaching in optical dating, a new index of sediment sample bleaching percentage (BLP‐2) was developed and applied to evaluate sand grain transport from riverine to deep‐marine environments. As bleached grains in modern sediments have no optically stimulated luminescence (OSL)/infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) signal, bleached and unbleached feldspar grains are distinguished by IRSL intensity. The BLP‐2 distribution of present deposits around the Kumano area, on the Pacific coast of central Japan, suggests that sand grains in surface turbidites obtained from the bottom of the Kumano Trough are of flood/storm origin rather than seismogenic origin. The distribution of BLP‐2 tentatively suggests sand grain erosion–transport–depositional processes; for example, origin and transport agencies of shelf sand, and influence of coastal erosion on the beach deposit. Although the present BLP analysis is not yet supported by a rigorous statistical test, it is useful to distinguish recent deposition and remobilization of sand grains. Furthermore, if the depositional age and the luminescence age of sand grains are accurately estimated, sand grain transport processes of old (late Quaternary) sediments may be estimated by the methodology similar to that of the present study.  相似文献   

利用南极中山站至Dome A考察断面上3个自动气象站2005~2007年的观测资料和2008年夏季在中山站附近冰盖获取的湍流观测资料,应用空气动力学方法和涡动相关法计算分析了中山站至Dome A断面上近地层各种湍流参数(感热通量,潜热通量,湍流温度、湿度和速度尺度,地表粗糙度,大气稳定度及动量输送系数)的季节变化、日变...  相似文献   

More than 30 mafic dykes crop out in the Sergeevka belt in the coastal South Primorye, Far East Russia, of which geologic settings have been unclear for years. This study conducted major- and trace elements characterization, Sr–Nd isotope analyses, and Ar–Ar amphibole and U–Pb zircon datings for these rocks in order to identify their origin. The results demonstrated that all dykes are characterized by high Ba/Yb and low Nb/Y, Zr/Y, and Th/Yb ratios, which suggest their origin from arc melts derived from thin wedge mantle and shallow-dipping slab. These dykes are clearly separated into two distinct age/geochemistry suites; that is, the Paleogene and Early Cretaceous one with dolerites/basalts and adakitic rocks, and the Permian–Triassic one with high-Mg and high-Al gabbro-dolerite varieties. Their geochemistry suggests that the older suite was sourced from a primitive depleted MORB mantle (DMM)-type mantle, whereas the younger suite from an enriched mantle II (EM2)-type mantle domain. The transition in source type from DMM to EM2 occurred during the Jurassic-earliest Cretaceous time, probably by a strong influence of a mantle plume onto the long-continuing subduction-related magmatism. The plume influence reached the maximum when the unique meimechite-picrite complex formed in the region.  相似文献   

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