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A study of sea surface wave propagation and its energy deformation was carried out using field observations and numerical experiments over a region spanning the midshelf of the South Atlantic Bight (SAB) to the Altamaha River Estuary, GA. Wave heights on the shelf region correlate with the wind observations and directional observations show that most of the wave energy is incident from the easterly direction. Comparing midshelf and inner shelf wave heights during a time when there was no wind and hence no wave development led to an estimation of wave energy dissipation due to bottom friction with corresponding wave dissipation factor of 0.07 for the gently sloping continental shelf of the SAB. After interacting with the shoaling region of the Altamaha River, the wave energy within the estuary becomes periodic in time showing wave energy during flood to high water phase of the tide and very little wave energy during ebb to low water. This periodic modulation inside the estuary is a direct result of enhanced depth and current-induced wave breaking that occurs at the ebb shoaling region surrounding the Altamaha River mouth at longitude 81.23°W. Modelling results with STWAVE showed that depth-induced wave breaking is more important during the low water phase of the tide than current-induced wave breaking during the ebb phase of the tide. During the flood to high water phase of the tide, wave energy propagates into the estuary. Measurements of the significant wave height within the estuary showed a maximum wave height difference of 0.4 m between the slack high water (SHW) and slack low water (SLW). In this shallow environment these wave–current interactions lead to an apparent bottom roughness that is increased from typical hydraulic roughness values, leading to an enhanced bottom friction coefficient.  相似文献   

Tropical Cyclone Isabel of 2003 generated large storm surge, strong waves, and subsequent river flooding in the York River Estuary, USA during its passage across the Chesapeake Bay region. A 3D model was used to investigate the changes of sediment concentration, sediment flux, and the recovery time of the York River Estuary to its naturally evolved condition without the storm. The results showed that two sediment concentration peaks appeared during the storm event. The first one was induced by the large upstream flow and waves during the storm surge rising period, and the later one was caused by the strong downstream flow during the descent of the storm surge. The advection, which was induced by the barotropic gradient, dominated the sediment flux during the storm event. The sediment fluxes increased by a factor of 100 during the rise and descent of the storm surge. A large amount of sediment that was transported into the estuary and eroded from the seabed during the rising of the storm surge was quickly transported out of the estuary during the descent of the storm surge. Waves played a key role in stirring the seabed and increasing the sediment concentration during the storm. Subsequent high freshwater inflow changed the sediment loading and hydrodynamics in the estuary, and thus, influenced the estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) dynamics profoundly. The ETM moved downstream with the river flooding initially and returned upstream with the waning of river flooding and the re-establishment of gravitational circulation. The effect of river flooding on sediment concentration varied spatially and depended on the changes of ETM locations and vertical mixing. The model results suggest that a large amount of sediment was transported out of the estuary during the storm event and the subsequent river flooding had a larger impact on recovery time of the estuary.  相似文献   

Suspended particle dynamics were investigated in the Ogeechee River Estuary during neap tide in July 1996. Samples were operationally separated into ‘ truly suspended ’ (settling velocity <0·006 cm s−1) and ‘ settleable ’ (settling velocity >0·006 cm s−1) fractions over the course of a tidal cycle to determine whether these two fractions were comprised of particles with differing biological and chemical characteristics. Total suspended sediment, organic carbon and nitrogen, chlorophyll a and phaeopigment concentrations were measured in each fraction, as well as rates of bacterial hydrolytic enzyme activity [β-1,4-glucosidase (βGase) and β-xylosidase (βXase)]. The majority of the suspended sediment (by weight) was in the truly suspended fraction; all measured parameters were largely associated with this fraction as well. When compared to the settleable material, the truly suspended material was significantly higher in % POC (5·7±0·6 vs. 3·9±1·8), % chlorophyll (0·07±0·02 vs. 0·03±0·01), % phaeopigment (0·030±0·006 vs. 0·018±0·012), and weight-specific maximal uptake rates (Vmaxper mg suspended sediment) of both enzymes (1·8±0·4 vs. 0·7± 0·2 nmol mg−1 h−1βGase and 1·1±0·3vs . 0·3±0·2 nmol mg−1 h−1βXase), providing clear evidence for a qualitative distinction between the two fractions. These results are interpreted to mean that the more organic-rich, biologically active material associated with the suspended fraction is likely to have a different fate in this Estuary, as ‘ truly suspended ’ sediments will be readily transported whereas ‘ settleable ’ sediments will settle and be resuspended with each tide. These types of qualitative differences should be incorporated into models of particle dynamics in estuaries.  相似文献   

根据2014年长江口水域4个季节航次水体中五项营养盐(硝酸盐-N、亚硝酸盐NO2-N、铵盐NH4-N、磷酸盐PO4-P和硅酸盐SiO3-Si)的调查数据,解析长江口水域营养盐的时空分布特征,结合盐度(S)、溶解氧(DO)、温度(T)、悬浮体(SPM)和叶绿素a等环境参数,探究其迁移过程的分布行为。结果表明:NO3-N、SiO3-Si和PO4-P在长江口水域的时空分布主要受长江陆源输入的影响,随长江冲淡水扩展范围的季节变化而变化,除冬季外,在122°20′E以东,主要受到温盐跃层的影响,其在31°N断面出现明显的分层现象,冬季水体垂直混合均匀,其垂直分布较为均匀。春季长江陆源输入较高浓度的NO3-N,40μmol/L的NO3-N随长江冲淡水向东北方向最远扩展到123°E,垂直方向上扩展至水深10 m,而秋季长江陆源输入较高浓度的SiO3-Si和PO4...  相似文献   

利用L andsat-7 ETM 遥感图像反射率和实测水深值之间的相关性,建立了单波段模型、双波段模型、比值模型和多波段模型等4种线性回归模型,以及动量BP人工神经网络水深反演模型,对长江口南港航道水深进行了反演,对比分析了不同方法在长江口水深反演计算中的优劣性,试验表明,神经网络反演模型标准误差最小,精度最高。  相似文献   

长江口营养盐结构特征及其对浮游植物的限制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据2013年5月、11月两个航次的调查资料,分析了长江口营养盐浓度及其结构的分布变化,并探讨了营养盐对浮游植物的限制情况。长江口营养盐分布存在季节差异:口门外NO3-N、NO2-N浓度均为春季高秋季低,PO34-P、3SiO2-Si、NH4-N浓度则秋季高春季低,口门内除NO2-N外,NO3-N、PO34-P、SiO23-Si、NH4-N浓度均为秋季高于春季。NO3-N、PO34-P、SiO23-Si浓度从近岸向外海逐渐降低,NO2-N、NH4-N浓度分布规律不明显。NO3-N是DIN的主要存在形态,其占DIN的比例为春季95%、秋季83%。春季、秋季DIN/P均高于16,表现出长江口过量的DIN输入,春季Si/DIN基本小于1,秋季Si/DIN大于1。春季由于硅藻的局部生长使DIN/P异常升高、Si/DIN异常降低,秋季西北部海区受苏北沿岸流影响,呈低DIN/P值和高Si/DIN值分布。受含过量DIN、SiO23-Si的长江冲淡水的影响,春、秋季均表现为PO34-P潜在相对限制。春季由于浮游植物的大量吸收,局部出现PO34-P、SiO23-Si的绝对限制。当同时考虑绝对限制和潜在相对限制时,春季15.38%的站位受PO34-P限制,限制情况较上世纪90年代更为突出。  相似文献   

In order to determine the temporal and spatial variations of nutrient profiles in the shallow pore water columns (upper 30 cm depth) of intertidal sandflats, we measured the salinity and nutrient concentrations in pore water and seawater at various coastal environments along the southern coast of Korea. In the intertidal zone, salinity and nutrient concentrations in pore water showed marked vertical changes with depth, owing to the active exchange between the pore water and overlying seawater, while they are temporally more stable and vertically constant in the sublittoral zone. In some cases, the advective flow of fresh groundwater caused strong vertical gradients of salinity and nutrients in the upper 10 cm depth of surface sediments, indicating the active mixing of the fresher groundwater with overlying seawater. Such upper pore water column profiles clearly signified the temporal fluctuation of lower-salinity and higher-Si seawater intrusion into pore water in an intertidal sandflat near the mouth of an estuary. We also observed a semimonthly fluctuation of pore water nutrients due to spring-neap tide associated recirculation of seawater through the upper sediments. Our study shows that the exchange of water and nutrients between shallow pore water and overlying seawater is most active in the upper 20 cm layer of intertidal sandflats, due to physical forces such as tides, wave set-up, and density-thermal gradient.  相似文献   

通过线性回归合成3颗卫星的遥感反射率,得到2006年7月27日—2006年8月8日期间有效数据量较多且时间连续的遥感反射率资料,并据此对长江口邻近海域近岸水舌向外海的扩展过程进行了分析。结果表明:在此期间存在一次明显的扩展过程,水舌的遥感反射率随离岸距离增加而降低,水舌主要沿纬度方向扩展,而在南、北方向摆动范围不大。该扩展过程分为伸展和消退两个阶段, 7月27日—8月2日期间,水舌逐天向东伸展,最远处到达124.4°E附近;在向东伸展途中,水舌宽度逐渐变窄但变化幅度较小;水舌内部遥感反射率的不同等值线均向东伸展,但向东伸展的程度不同,水舌边界的伸展速度变化较大(17.6~33.4 km/d),平均为每天24.5 km。从8月3日起水舌开始消退,至8月8日已完全消失;在消退过程中,水舌的范围缩小,遥感反射率下降,水舌轴线方向基本保持不变。结合相关资料对该过程的生消机理进行初步分析认为,在水舌扩展过程中,潮流的主要作用是阻碍沿岸水沿岸线方向运动,持续而强劲的南风对水舌的产生和伸展起重要作用,而东风则促使水舌消退。  相似文献   

长江口及其邻近海域营养盐的分布特征和输送途径   总被引:44,自引:10,他引:44  
根据黄海、东海的最新现场调查资料,探讨了长江口及其邻近海域营养盐分布特征与输送途径.调查结果表明,在长江口以东及其东北部海域终年存在一个范围很大的营养盐高值区.分析表明,这些营养盐主要来自长江冲淡水的扩展及苏北沿岸流的输送.此外,还获得了1998年长江流域特大洪水期间,迄今被观测到的长江冲淡水中营养盐的最大扩展范围.  相似文献   

以2011年6月和8月在长江口邻近海域采集的沉积物和间隙水样品为研究对象,讨论了沉积物中生物硅(BSi)和间隙水中溶解硅(DSi)的分布情况和影响因素,并初步探讨了生物硅的循环和保存。结果表明,表层沉积物中BSi的含量较低,且均小于1%。柱状沉积物中BSi的含量范围为0.34%~0.52%。C3、D1站位柱状沉积物中BSi的记录主要是由早期成岩过程控制,33#站位的分布特征主要是由水动力等变化控制。沉积物间隙水中DSi的浓度范围为101.6~263.9 μmol/L,低于纯BSi的溶解度;间隙水的pH值越大,沉积物的含水率越低,还原性越强,间隙水中DSi的含量越高。3站位生物硅的埋藏效率均较高,表明长江口邻近海域是潜在的硅的汇。沉积通量的分布与沉积速率和埋藏效率的分布一致,均有近岸高于远海的趋势。  相似文献   

为研究调水调沙影响下的镭、氡同位素和营养盐在黄河口的分布特征,于2013年7月调水调沙期间在黄河口及其邻近海域进行了多点的连续观测。研究发现:(1)黄河口海域镭、氡同位素分布呈现明显的“分区”现象,南北两区分别为“调水调沙影响非显著区域”和“调水调沙影响显著区域”,北部海域镭、氡同位素浓度高值主要来源于陆源输入(包括河流输入和海底地下水排放);(2)调查期间,北部海域水体年龄为(2.9±1.6)d,南部海域水体年龄为(5.0±2.1)d;水龄随潮汐变化表现出涨潮时水龄增大、落潮时水龄减小的波动趋势;(3)北部海域溶解无机氮(DIN)和溶解硅(DSi)含量明显高于南部海域,而溶解无机磷(DIP)在两个区域的含量相差不大。  相似文献   

2006年秋季长江口及其邻近水域浮游植物群集   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵冉  孙军  白洁 《海洋科学》2010,34(4):32-39
根据2006年11月在长江口及其邻近水域(30°30′N~32°30′N,121°E~123°30′E)39个测站采集的浮游植物水样研究了该水域浮游植物群集特征。调查区浮游植物以硅藻和甲藻为主,此外还有少量的金藻、蓝藻和绿藻。浮游植物细胞丰度介于0.13~59.69个/mL之间,平均为4.39个/mL,主要优势物种为圆海链藻Thalassiosira rotula和骨条藻Skeletonema spp.,调查区两个细胞丰度密集区分别出现在靠近口门以及外海水域。浮游植物细胞在20m层出现最大值。调查区两个典型断面的浮游植物分布特征分别由骨条藻和圆海链藻所刻画。固氮蓝藻铁氏束毛藻Trichodesmium thiebautii主要出现在调查区东部水域表层。根据浮游植物物种和细胞丰度进行聚类分析后,发现存在调查区东部与近岸2个浮游植物分区。  相似文献   

To evaluate the effect of the tidal cycle on the pore water nitrate dynamics in intertidal sediment, concentrations of inorganic nitrogen in water and sediment were monitored during tidal cycles in the mud flat of Tama Estuary, Japan. During submergence, nitrate concentration was highest in the overlying water and decreased monotonically with increasing depth in the sediment, suggesting that the primary source of nitrate in the sediment was nitrate transported from the overlying water. Pore water nitrate decreased remarkably during the initial 3–4 hours after the onset of exposure. Thereafter, it was constant or slightly increased until tidal flooding.In situ accumulation of nitrate at the end of exposure, however, did not exceed the nitrate concentrations in the overlying water. The inhibition of nitrate reduction and the stimulation of nitrification would explain the change of nitrate concentration, both consistent with the input of oxygen into the sediment following a 10 mm drop of the water table. In Tama Estuary sediments, the effect of the tidal cycle on the removal of combined nitrogen is rather negative, because high nitrate concentrations in the overlying water canceled the positive effect of nitrate accumulation by nitrification during exposure, while tidal oxygen intrusion have an inhibitory effection sedimentary denitrification.  相似文献   

长江口沉积记录反映的近80年陆源输入和营养盐变化特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A variety of environmental problems have been observed in the Changjiang River Estuary and adjacent coastal area, including eutrophication, harmful algal blooms (HABs), and hypoxia in recent decades. A...  相似文献   

The hydrological and hydrochemical parameters of the Tumen River estuary were collected at 13 stations in May and October 2015. Vertical temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll fluorescence, and turbidity profiles were obtained. Water was sampled from the surface and bottom layer. The water samples were analyzed for major ions, pH, salinity, concentrations of dissolved oxygen, major nutrients, dissolved organic carbon, humic matter, and δ18О and δD isotopes. This estuary is attributed to microtidal type with a flushing time of about 10 h. A phytoplakton bloom occurred in the top layer of the estuary. For surface horizons, the hydrochemical parameters show a linear correlation with salinity. In the bottom horizons, all these parameters, except for major ions and δ18О and δD isotopes, reveal substantial nonconservative behavior. The nonconservative behavior of the hydrochemical parameters in the bottom waters was mainly caused by degradation of the phytoplankton biomass at the water/sediment interface. Hypoxic conditions were established in the bottom waters of the estuary in May.  相似文献   

波浪会对海床产生反复的作用力,由此引起的土体颗粒间孔隙水压力变化是造成土体液化的主要原因。使用自行研发的孔压监测设备,对黄河口埕岛海域易液化区海底孔压进行了长时间、高精度的观测,并对孔隙水压力、波高以及潮位间的关系进行分析。监测结果显示,本次监测条件下波浪最大作用深度介于0.5~1.5 m之间,超过该作用深度后孔压无明显变化。土体内部孔隙水压力的变化主要由潮位和波高决定,潮位的作用可使孔压缓慢平滑的变化且对超孔压无影响;波高的作用可使孔压快速、剧烈地振荡并导致超孔压的出现。  相似文献   

基于大通站1960—2020年长系列的径流量和输沙量资料,研究了长江口入海水、沙通量的季节变化、年际变化和趋势性,并讨论了其影响因素。研究结果显示:多年长江口入海平均径流量为8 906亿m3,各年的平均径流量值围绕着多年平均值上下摆动,没有明显的变化趋势;入海径流量的季节性变化明显,每年的5—10月的径流量占全年的70.3%;多年平均年输沙量为3.35亿t,输沙量过程总体呈现减小的趋势;长江口入海水沙通量变化受中上游的水土保持和水库建设等因素影响明显,其中三峡水库蓄水后,大通站输沙量与之前相比减少了62.8%;受长江流域来沙锐减的影响,长江口河势也发生了明显变化,出现了河口含沙量明显减小、河口总体上由淤积环境向冲刷环境转化、长江口水下三角洲前缘大面积冲刷河口拦门沙及水下三角洲泥沙补给出现“源汇转化”的结构性变化等现象。  相似文献   

珠江河口咸潮期间浮游植物的群落特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
根据2007年底至2008年初珠江河口咸潮入侵期间大潮和小潮的两次调查资料, 对浮游植物的种类组成、种数和细胞密度的分布等群落特征进行了分析, 并探讨环境因素对浮游植物群落的影响。共鉴定浮游植物76种, 包括38种硅藻、18种绿藻、14种甲藻、4种蓝藻和2种裸藻。浮游植物种数分布有明显的空间变化, 一般从河口上段至下段种数减少; 大潮时浮游植物的种数低于小潮时, 并且各水层之间浮游植物种数分布不均匀。优势种以淡水硅藻为主, 如颗粒直链藻Melosira granulata、颗粒直链藻最窄变种 Melosira granulata v. angustissima、小环藻 Cyclotella sp.和海链藻Thalassiosira sp.等; 河口上段的站优势种突出, 密度分布不均匀, 均匀度值比较低。大潮和小潮期间浮游植物细胞密度的平均值分别为53.80×104个.L-1和62.21×104个.L-1, 变化范围为(1.48— 290.41)×104个-L-1和(1.52—283.62)×104个.L-1; 二者的平面分布趋势基本相同, 由河口上段至下段呈递减的格局; 硅藻类的细胞密度占明显优势。浮游植物的种类组成、种数和细胞密度的分布受盐度、营养盐等环境因子的影响, 并且具有明显的潮周期性。  相似文献   

九龙江河口区磷的转移和入海通量   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
1992~1993年4个航次的调查研究结果表明,九龙江河口区总磷的分布和转移受悬浮物含量明显控制。当SPM含量低时,其迁移过程接近理想行为;SPM含量高时则为非理想行为。估算得出,九龙江水体总磷的平均人海通量为1.47×103t/a。其中,溶解态磷为0.43×103t/a,约占29%;颗粒态磷占71%,九龙江水磷的输入以颗粒态为主。溶解态磷的分布,基本上在某一水平上了波动,其入海通量受环境影响很小,可能意味着颗粒磷的缓冲作用。  相似文献   

林卫强  李适宇 《海洋学报》2003,25(3):129-137
珠江沿岸城市排污量大,对污染源治理能力十分有限,大量污染物通过河流或直接排放到珠江口,河口区半封闭的地形及潮水顶托使得污染物不易输送出外海,致使珠江口水质恶化,原有海洋生态环境遭到破坏,反过来制约了经济的发展.  相似文献   

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