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Lower treeline ecotones are influenced by several processes, including fire, grazing, and climatic variables, but rocky substrate is an under-recognized factor affecting their patterns and dynamics. On the Northern Range of Yellowstone National Park, we hypothesized that north-facing slopes and riparian zones would explain the distribution of most forested areas, but that rocky substrate would explain a substantial additional portion of the lower treeline, and that advancement of conifers into grassland has occurred along rocky substrate. We used GIS software and change detection analysis to assess the spatial distribution and change of the forest with respect to north-facing slopes, riparian areas, and rocky substrate. As in other lower treeline studies, we found that north-facing slopes and riparian zones contained the majority of forested land (63%). However, areas with rocky substrate accounted for more forested area than north-facing slopes and riparian zones combined (67.4%), including 28% of forest that was not explained by the first two variables. Change detection analysis between 1954 and 2006 revealed that conifer advancement was insignificant but the number of forested patches increased and the mean size of patches decreased. These results suggest a more fragmented lower treeline environment that may indicate forest advancement in small patches. Field surveys revealed that rocky substrate did not provide conifers with protection from browsing ungulates or fire, yet conifers preferentially established on rocky areas. Our landscape analysis suggests that weathered rock increases soil coarseness in a landscape dominated by fine glacial till, which improves conditions for seedling establishment by reducing competition with grasses and shrubs sufficiently to overcome the negative influence of dry, nutrient-poor microsites in a moisture-stressed environment.  相似文献   

新疆夜雨和昼雨的空间分布和长期变化   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
崔彩霞  李杨  杨青 《中国沙漠》2008,28(5):903-907
用新疆98个气象站1960—2001年的昼夜降水量资料,分析了冷季(10月到翌年3月)和暖季(4—9月)昼夜降水频率和强度的差异和空间分布。结果表明:新疆暖季分别有两个频率≥55%的夜雨区和昼雨区。夜雨区分别位于西天山北坡和西昆仑山北坡;昼雨区位于阿尔泰山南坡和天山南坡等地。而到了冷季,暖季夜雨和昼雨的条状带相间的格局消失。除了海拔较高的西天山山区和海拔较低的塔里木盆地西部、吐善托盆地分别有小范围的夜雨区和昼雨区外,新疆其他地区的夜雨和昼雨的比例均在45%~55%之间,基本趋于平衡,夜雨和昼雨之差较暖季已明显减弱。对于暖季的大降水事件(一个夜间或白天降水>15 mm),伊犁河谷、中东天山及天山北坡,昆仑山北坡60%以上发生在夜间,阿尔泰山和塔尔巴哈台南坡、天山东南部盆地地区60%以上发生在白天。另外,还对暖季夜雨区夏季降水的长期变化进行了分析,结果显示,这两个以夜间降水为主的区域,其夜间降水的增加率略大于白天,并不是很明显大于白天降水的增加率。  相似文献   

High‐resolution seismic imaging and coring in Lago Fagnano, located along a plate boundary in Tierra del Fuego, have revealed a dated sequence of Holocene mass‐wasting events. These structures are interpreted as sediment mobilizations resulting from loading of the slope‐adjacent lake floor during mass‐flow deposition. More than 19 mass‐flow deposits have been identified, combining results from 800 km of gridded seismic profiles used to site sediment cores. Successions of up to 6‐m thick mass‐flow deposits, pond atop the basin floor and spread eastward and westward following the main axis of the eastern sub‐basin of Lago Fagnano. We developed an age model, on the basis of information from previous studies and from new AMS‐14C ages on cored sediments, which allows us to establish a well‐constrained chronologic mass‐wasting event‐catalogue covering the last ~12 000 years. Simultaneously triggered, basin‐wide lateral slope failure and the formation of multiple debris flow and postulated megaturbidite deposits are interpreted as the fingerprint of paleo‐seismic activity along the Magallanes‐Fagnano transform fault that runs along the entire lake basin. The slope failures and megaturbidites are interpreted as recording large earthquakes occurring along the transform fault since the early Holocene. The results from this study provide new data about the frequency and possible magnitude of Holocene earthquakes in Tierra del Fuego, which can be applied in the context of seismic hazard assessment in southernmost Patagonia.  相似文献   

兴安岭多年冻土退化特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
受气候变暖和人为活动的共同影响,过去数十年来兴安岭山区的多年冻土退化显著.冻土退化南部快于北部、城镇快于田野、农田快于林区、采伐过林区快于原始林区.在局部小范围内,冻土退化顺序为先高后低、先山上后谷地(或盆地中心)、先阳坡后阴坡.冻土退化程序从农田(或裸地)→草地→灌丛→林地→沼泽湿地,依次冻土退化由快到慢.纬度和高度地带性控制冻土退化特征,但局地因素亦对其产生重要影响,造成小范围内冻土特征的突变.人为活动已经、正在并将对兴安岭冻土退化和寒区生态环境产生重要影响.  相似文献   

An unusual assemblage of landforms and deposits is described from upper Norangsdalen, Sunnmøre region, southern Norway, and interpreted as the product of snow‐avalanche events that vary in magnitude, frequency and debris content. An avalanche impact plunge pool, proximal scar and distal mound are associated with a coarse gravel deposit covering part of the valley floor. Landforms in this debris spread include gravel ridges, boulder lines, beaded ridges, fine sediment banked against and covering large boulders, and gravel clumps. Many of these landforms are aligned, indicating across‐valley transport radiating from the plunge pool. Features were mapped in the field and samples analysed for grain size and heavy‐mineral content. The debris spread is attributed to deposition by high‐energy, debris‐rich snow‐avalanche events that collect debris from large areas of the valley side, lower slopes and plunge pool. Aligned landforms develop through sediment transport in a basal shear zone, and randomly distributed gravel clumps represent melt pits following debris transport in the avalanche body. Air displacement ahead of larger avalanches is thought to have felled and tilted trees on the lower slopes of the distal valley side. Approximate ages of damaged trees allowed estimation of the frequency of snow‐avalanche events: (1) small, frequent events (several per annum) carry debris to the lower valley slopes and the plunge pool; (2) moderate events with an annual to decadal frequency maintain the pool–scar–mound complex; and (3) large, debris‐rich events with a decadal to centennial frequency add material to the debris spread.  相似文献   

In this paper, a detailed study of the submarine geomorphology surrounding the Balearic Promontory (western Mediterranean), a northeast prolongation of the Neogene Betic Range in southern Spain, is presented from a series of high-resolution tools including swath bathymetry and seismic reflection profiling. The study identifies the main features of the continental shelf, slope and basins surrounding the Balearic Islands. We show a variety of seafloor relief that owes its origin to several geologic processes, which ultimately control the transport of sediment from the shallower areas to the deep basin. The most important processes are erosion of the shelf and upper slope (terraces associated with different Quaternary sea-level stands and canyons), transport and sediment deposition in the lower slope and base-of-slope by turbidity currents, volcanism and instability processes (landslides scarps and debris lobes). The swath data show that tectonics plays an important role in shaping the submarine slopes of Eivissa and Formentera, the two southernmost islands, as well as its interplay with sedimentary processes, especially mass wasting. Finally, several areas show evidence of pockmarks, which indicate that fluid migration take place in the sediments, probably conditioning several other processes such as mass wasting.  相似文献   

We assessed components of woody plant diversity within and between 16 sites dispersed across the nearly 200,000 ha of the Semi-arid Chaco vegetation of the Copo Conservation Unit, northern Argentina. Argentina's Semi-arid Chaco is an object of international conservation concern, as it is under pressure from conversion to agroindustry supplanting long-standing practices of logging and livestock grazing. We recorded from 16 (shrubby grassland following forest fire) to 27 (selectively logged forest) woody plant species per site and 37 species in total (gamma diversity). Additive partitioning showed that alpha diversity contributed 59% to gamma diversity and beta diversity only 41%. A separate additive partitioning of gamma diversity of the 13 forested sites alone showed that beta diversity attributable to logging history was considerably lower than remaining beta diversity and alpha diversity. Ordination analyses confirmed this finding: species composition of unlogged, selectively logged and intensively logged forest sites was quite similar. Results suggest that (1) woody vegetation, at least, of the Semi-arid Chaco is quite tolerant to traditional modes of land use and that (2) conservation of this vegetation as a whole must include not only “pristine” sites varying in edaphic conditions but also sites varying in land use and management histories.  相似文献   

Northwestern California is prone to regional, high magnitude winter rainstorms, which repeatedly produce catastrophic floods in the basins of the northern Coast Ranges. Major floods on the Eel River in 1955 and 1964 resulted in substantial geomorphic changes to the channel, adjacent terraces, and tributaries. This study evaluated the changes and the effects of a moderate flood in 1997 through field observations and examination of aerial photographs that spanned from 1954 to 1996. The purpose was to document the nature and magnitude of geomorphic responses to these three floods and assess the rates and controls on the recovery of the Eel River and its tributaries. Channel widening from extensive bank erosion was the dominant geomorphic change along the lower Eel River during major floods. As a result of the 1964 flood, the largest amount of widening was 195 m and represented an 80% change in channel width. Channel narrowing characterized the periods after the 1955 and 1964 floods. More than 30 years after the 1964 flood, however, the river had not returned to pre-flood width, which suggests that channel recovery required decades to complete. A long recovery time is unusual given that the Eel River is located in an area with a “superhumid” climate and has an exceptionally high sediment yield. This long recovery time may reflect highly seasonal precipitation and runoff, which are concentrated in 3–5 months each winter. In contrast to the main stem of the Eel River, the dominant effects of floods on the tributaries of the Eel River were rapid aggradation of channel bed and valley floor followed by immediate downcutting. Dendrogeomorphic data, aerial photographs, and field observations indicate that thick wedges of gravel, derived largely from hillslope failures in upper reaches of the tributaries, are deposited at and immediately upstream of the mouths of tributaries as the stage of the Eel River exceeded that of the tributaries during major floods. In the waning stages of the flood, the tributaries cut through the gravel at a rate equal to the lowering of the Eel and generated unpaired terraces and nickpoints. The complete process of deposition and incision can occur within a few days of peak discharge. Although reworking of some sediment on the valley floor may continue for years after large floods, channel morphology in the tributaries appears to be a product of infrequent, high magnitude events. The morphology of the tributary channel also appears to be greatly influenced by the frequency and magnitude of mass wasting in headwater areas of small basins.  相似文献   

Debris flows are very important and widespread mass movements, and represent a remarkable geomorphological hazard. This research deals with debris flows in an alpine environment, studied using dendrogeomorphological dating techniques, outlining their relation with precipitation, and analysing possible changes in their frequency and intensity over time. The study area is the upper Valle del Gallo (Northern Italy), a typical high mountain environment dominated by mass wasting processes, where many debris-flow fans occupy the valley bottom. Dendrogeomorphological research was conducted on twelve of these fans and two channels located on slopes. Tree growth anomalies (abrasion scars, compression wood and abrupt growth changes) were used as dating methods. Two hundred and thirty nine debris debris-flow events between 1875 and 2003 were dated using 757 trees (Pinus montana Mill.). Analysis between dated events and precipitation suggests that debris flows in the study area could be triggered by 20–30 mm of rain concentrated in a few hours. The debris-flow frequency tends to increase gradually, but the highest value seems to have occurred in the period 1974–1983. This trend agrees with the historical occurrence of flooding events in Northern Italy as inferred by literature, and with similar studies conducted in the Swiss Alps. The results of this research are intended as a contribution for understanding the response of geomorphological processes to climatic changes.  相似文献   

A comparison of landslide rates following helicopter and conventional, cable-based, clear-cut logging was carried out using results from two independent terrain attribute studies in the Eldred and Lois River watersheds in the Southwest Coast Mountains of British Columbia. Landslides initiating from directly within a road prism were excluded from the study in order to focus the comparison on landslides related primarily to conventional versus helicopter yarding methods. A landslide rate of 0.02 landslides/ha was observed in 162 terrain polygons logged by helicopter 8 years prior to this study. Landslide rates in 38 gullied polygons were 0.06 landslides/ha. No landslides were observed in 124 open-slope polygons. Over a similar 8-year average period, 0.03 landslides/ha were observed in 142 cable-yarded terrain polygons; 0.06 and 0.02 landslides/ha occurred in gullied and open-slope polygons, respectively. t-Tests indicate that total landslide rates are not significantly different following helicopter and conventional logging; however, a dichotomy exists between gullied and open-slope terrain polygons. Landslide rates are not significantly different in gullied terrain but are significantly higher on open-slopes following conventional cable logging. Consequently, landslides appear to have a greater potential to occur in open-slope terrain following conventional logging, but differences in gullied polygons are less likely. Increased post-logging landslide rates in conventionally logged, open slopes are more likely the result of undetected road-related drainage changes than differences between helicopter and conventional yarding-related ground disturbance.  相似文献   

Three hundred and sixty three landslides in three watersheds that totaled 382 km2 were identified from air photographs, beginning at a date that preceded logging to the present. The three watersheds all lie on Vancouver Island; however, they have different precipitation regimes, topography, and amounts logged. Landslide areas in the watersheds varied in size from 200 m2 to more than 1 ha. Nearly 80% of the landslides were debris slides; 15% were debris flows, and the remainder primarily rock falls. Following logging, the number of landslides increased substantially in all watersheds although the amount of increase was variable: approximately 11, 3, and 16 times in Macktush Creek, Artlish River, and Nahwitti River, respectively. Other analyses of changes in landslide density also produced highly variable results, with the number of landslides increasing between 2.4 and 24 times. Further, 2–12 times more landslides reached streams following logging activities. Densities for landslides impacting streams increased for the period of record from 1.5 to 10 times following logging activities. The densities were substantially greater where only landslides that reached streams since development began in a watershed were considered. Roads had the greatest spatial impact in the watersheds (compared to their total area), with frequencies determined to have increased by 27, 12, and 94 times for Macktush, Artlish, and Nahwitti, respectively. The results highlight the relative impact of roads and their role in slope stability.  相似文献   

Debris flows are one of the many active slope-forming processes within Glacier National Park, Montana. Most debris flow landforms exhibit classic morphology with a distinct failure scarp, incised channel, channel levees, and toe deposits that often develop a lobate form. The Precambrian metasediments that dominate Glacier National Park's geology weather into angular clasts that range in size from platy gravels to boulders. Classic debris flows occur in areas where the topographic expression provides a debris source from cliff faces and an accumulation of regolith, often in the form of talus slopes. Many of these debris flows have long runout zones and can travel many hundreds of meters. Often they cross hiking trails or roads, including the main east–west highway, Going-to-the-Sun Road. Debris flows impacting the road have resulted in several near fatalities, and hikers have been forced to cross active debris flows to reach safe ground. The magnitude of debris flows varies between high magnitude channel incising events and low magnitude channel filling and/or reworking events. The frequency of debris flow events is irregular and appears to be controlled by the hydrology of triggering storms and antecedent moisture conditions, not by the debris supply. As a result, debris flow magnitude is not a function of frequency, but is more closely related to the characteristics of antecedent conditions and individual storms.  相似文献   

Sedimentary bodies emplaced by mass‐wasting processes and exceeding tens of metres of thickness and a hundred of square kilometres in area are widespread in the Cretaceous–Pleistocene marine successions of the Northern Apennines of Italy. At least 10 such bodies are present in the stratigraphic record of the Oligo‐Miocene foredeep during the northeastern, time‐transgressive migration of the accretionary wedge‐foredeep system. The term mass‐wasting complex (MWC) is here adopted for these bodies to emphasize their multistory emplacement mechanism and polymictic composition with variously deformed slabs of different lithology, age and provenance. As one of the more intriguing features, their occurrence was associated with changes in turbidite deposition from basin plain to slope. Wide sectors of the internal margin of the basin (lobe‐fan) and even of the basin plain become a slope at the front of the accretionary wedge for a limited period of time (temporary slope). The temporary slope supplied the intrabasinal components of the MWCs, whereas the diffused extrabasinal components came from the front of the accretionary wedge. Therefore, an enhanced instability of the entire foredeep‐wedge system occurred systematically and cyclically. As a consequence, many variously consolidated sediments were transferred into the foredeep basin invading the depocentre and forcing the turbidite deposition towards the foreland, in a more northeasterly position. The presence of such MWCs therefore conditioned basin size and geometry in an analogous way as that reported for some modern convergent margins, as in the case of Costa Rica. Normal sedimentation was restored on top of the MWC only after the levelling of topographic irregularities.  相似文献   

An analysis is made of the manifestations of fluvial and aeolian processes in the southern, developed areas of Irkutsk oblast belonging to the upstream part of the Angara basin. We examine the formation probability and the recurrence frequency of disastrous geomorphological events. The study revealed their association with positive (fluvial processes) and negative (aeolian processes) extremes and anomalies of atmospheric moistening. It is shown that at the time of an extreme event the rate of the processes and the volumes of transported material increase abruptly (by an order of magnitude), and the affected areas show an increase. The criteria for an extreme fluvial event can be represented by a spasmodic buildup of gullies and appearance of new gullies, an abrupt increase in soil losses due to erosion of agricultural lands reaching 100?200 m3/ha, death of crops, releases of mud flows, and destruction of roads, dams, bridges and other structures. The geomorphological consequences of the 1960 summer storm rains are considered to exemplify the disastrous fluvial events. The extremes of aeolian processes have the character of hurricanes encompassing most of the agricultural areas of Irkutsk oblast. The hurricanes are accompanied by a powerful removal of aeolian material from north-west to south-east to the water area of Baikal, to windward slopes and watershed divides of the mountain ranges along the eastern coast. The finest dust particles are transported to neighboring areas of Buryatia, Mongolia and China. The negative consequences of extreme aeolian events include agricultural crop destruction or damage, soil deflation, pollution of surface waters by deflation products, fires, damage to power transmission lines or even death of people. The findings were used in zoning the Upper Angara region according to the degree of geomorphological security of the territory.  相似文献   

Landslide inventories are routinely compiled by means of aerial photo interpretation (API). When examining photo pairs, the forest canopy (notably in old-growth forest) hides a population of “not visible” landslides. In the present study, we attempt to estimate how important is the contribution of landslides not detectable from aerial photographs to the global mass of sediment production from mass failures on forested terrain of the Capilano basin, coastal British Columbia. API was coupled with intensive fieldwork for identification and measurement of all landslides. A 30-year framework was adopted. We show that “not visible” landslides can represent up to 85% of the total number of failures and account for 30% of the volume of debris mobilised. Such percentages display high sub-basin variability with rates of sediment production varying by one order of magnitude between two sub-basins of the study area. This is explained qualitatively by GIS-based analysis of slope frequency distributions, drainage density, and spatial distribution of surficial materials. Such observations find further support in the definitions of transport-limited and supply-limited basins. As a practical consideration to land managers, we envisage that supplementary fieldwork for landslide identification is mandatory in transport-limited systems only. Fieldwork has demonstrated that gully-related failures have a greater importance than one could expect from API.  相似文献   

山地灾害和人类活动干扰下九寨沟下季节海的沉积变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
九寨沟是我国旅游强度最大的山地旅游地之一,山地灾害是其旅游发展过程中面临的主要挑战.为了探讨山地灾害和人类活动对湖泊生态系统的影响,以下季节海湖泊沉积物为研究对象,利用137Cs和210Pb建立年代标尺,对沉积物粒度进行了分析.137Cs和210Pb定年法确定湖底下38.5 cm处为1952年的沉积物,50 cm处为1848年的;沉积物粒度分析结果显示,剖面内中值粒径平均值偏大,沉积速率和粗颗粒含量在1952年之后呈明显增大趋势.结果表明,沉积物来源主要是泥石流等山地灾害造成的泥砂人湖、旅游开发过程中道路等基础设施建设带来的颗粒物质;湖泊沉积对流域内的山地灾害,如泥石流等有较好的响应;森林采伐和旅游开发在一定程度上促进了湖泊沉积.  相似文献   

Large wood frequency and volume were examined as a function of landscape characteristics at different spatial and temporal scales in 50 reaches of the Upper Little Tennessee River basin with drainage areas ranging from 0.3 to 30.1 km2. Riparian forest cover was described laterally at the reach scale and longitudinally 1 km upstream in all tributaries. Riparian cover was analyzed with geomorphic and additional landscape variables to isolate factors that most influence wood in streams. Forested area immediately surrounding the reach was the strongest predictor of wood frequency and volume, although upstream riparian cover can explain additional variation in wood distributions. An optimal forested buffer width around the stream for large wood was not evident. The relationship between the riparian forest and wood weakens in bigger channels, as fluvial transport of pieces increases. Resurveys demonstrate that large wood is most dynamic in wide, forested reaches and changes function during floods to store sediment and organic matter.  相似文献   

《Basin Research》2018,30(5):942-964
Mass wasting is triggered on many continental slopes by a number of mechanisms, including seismic shaking, high sedimentation rates, the presence of weak geological units and gas hydrate dissociation. In this study, the morphology of a Late Miocene–Early Pliocene mass‐transport complex (MTC) on the Utgard High is unravelled and discussed in relation to possible trigger mechanisms. The approach used here includes 3D seismic interpretation and the analysis of variance attribute maps. The interpreted MTC is located on the crest and flanks of the Utgard High and is composed of three mass‐transport deposits with seismic characters varying from transparent and chaotic seismic facies at the base to slightly deformed layers composed of mounds and rafted blocks in the middle and chaotic to transparent reflections at the top. Lithologically, the MTC consists predominantly of claystone with high gamma ray and low density and resistivity values, demonstrating that the associated mounds represent remobilized ooze sediments. A vertical stack of six magmatic sills emplaced from 55.6 to 56.3 Ma into the Upper Cretaceous shales is interpreted at depths of 3,000–5,500 ms two‐way travel time (TWTT). In association with these magmatic sills are several hydrothermal vent complexes that interacted with the top MTC horizon, signifying that episodic and secondary fluid‐venting events might be the principal mechanism facilitating mass wasting in the study area. In addition, the remobilization of ooze sediments into mounds is hypothesized to be dependent on fluids and clayey layers. As a corollary of this work, the importance of relict and recurrent episodes of fluid flow in the Vøring Basin and their influence on the geotechnical integrity of the overburden and later mass wasting is established.  相似文献   


This article examines two key aspects of land-cover change in the south of the Chocó region. First, it assesses and compares the local impact on forest condition of labor-intensive and capital-intensive commercial logging. Second, it assesses the regional significance and permanency of these changes. Studies of land-cover change associated with commercial logging have focused almost exclusively on capital-intensive extraction and have assumed that after logging, degraded forests are transformed into agricultural cover. This study shows that both capital- and labor-intensive logging result in similar land-cover changes (i.e., forest degradation) if the timber sought is the same. However, labor-intensive loggers also seek timber species not sought by capital-intensive loggers, and this impact is statistically different from the impact of the extraction of the first group of species. Results also show that only a small fraction (20–30 percent) of the area logged is later converted to agricultural cover types. The persistence of logged forests means that up to 20 percent of the remaining forest cover could correspond to forests with significant and lasting levels of degradation. Furthermore, the different production requirements for each group of species also mean that there is a spatial differentiation in the impact of logging in the region. Logged forests are arranged into two consecutive corridors on each side of access routes (e.g., rivers). The first corridor corresponds to a narrow (approximately 1-km) band of high-intensity degradation. The second, broader (approximately 2-km) forest band, with lower levels of degradation, extends inland along first-tier corridors. A key factor determining the permanency of this land-cover pattern is the strong control local communities have over the land in the region. This limits the spread of patterns observed in other frontier areas, especially the conversion of logged forests into agricultural cover.  相似文献   

This article examines two key aspects of land‐cover change in the south of the Chocó region. First, it assesses and compares the local impact on forest condition of labor‐intensive and capital‐intensive commercial logging. Second, it assesses the regional significance and permanency of these changes. Studies of land‐cover change associated with commercial logging have focused almost exclusively on capital‐intensive extraction and have assumed that after logging, degraded forests are transformed into agricultural cover. This study shows that both capital‐ and labor‐intensive logging result in similar land‐cover changes (i.e., forest degradation) if the timber sought is the same. However, labor‐intensive loggers also seek timber species not sought by capital‐intensive loggers, and this impact is statistically different from the impact of the extraction of the first group of species. Results also show that only a small fraction (20–30 percent) of the area logged is later converted to agricultural cover types. The persistence of logged forests means that up to 20 percent of the remaining forest cover could correspond to forests with significant and lasting levels of degradation. Furthermore, the different production requirements for each group of species also mean that there is a spatial differentiation in the impact of logging in the region. Logged forests are arranged into two consecutive corridors on each side of access routes (e.g., rivers). The first corridor corresponds to a narrow (approximately 1‐km) band of high‐intensity degradation. The second, broader (approximately 2‐km) forest band, with lower levels of degradation, extends inland along first‐tier corridors. A key factor determining the permanency of this land‐cover pattern is the strong control local communities have over the land in the region. This limits the spread of patterns observed in other frontier areas, especially the conversion of logged forests into agricultural cover.  相似文献   

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