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The Archean Wyoming Craton is flanked on the south and east by belts of Paleoproterozoic supracrustal successions whose correlation is complicated by lack of geochronologic constraints and continuous outcrop. However, carbonate units in these successions may be correlated by integrating carbon isotope stratigraphy with lithostratigraphy. The 10 km thick Paleoproterozoic Snowy Pass Supergroup in the Medicine Bow Mountains was deposited on the present-day southern flank of the Wyoming Craton; it contains three discrete levels of glacial diamictite correlative with those in the Huronian Supergroup, on the southern margin of the Superior Craton. The Nash Fork Formation of the upper Snowy Pass Supergroup is significantly younger than the uppermost diamictite and was deposited after the end of the Paleoproterozoic glacial epoch. Carbonates at the base of the Nash Fork Formation record remarkable 13C-enrichment, up to +28‰ (V-PDB), whereas those from overlying members of the lower Nash Fork Formation have δ13C values between +6 and +8‰. Carbonates from the upper Nash Fork Formation above the carbonaceous shale have carbon isotope values ranging between 0 and +2.5‰. The transition from high carbon isotope values to those near 0‰ in the Nash Fork Formation is similar to that at the end of the ca. 2.2–2.1 Ga carbon isotope excursion in Fennoscandia. This chemostratigraphic trend and deposition of BIFs, Mn-rich lithologies, carbonaceous shales and phosphorites at the end of the global ca. 2.2–2.1 Ga carbon isotope excursion are likely related to ocean overturn associated with the final breakup of the Kenorland supercontinent. Correlative carbonates from the Slaughterhouse Formation in the Sierra Madre, WY, and from the Whalen Group in the Rawhide Creek area in the Hartville Uplift, WY, have highly positive carbon isotope values. In contrast, carbonates from other exposures of the Whalen Group in the Hartville Uplift and all carbonate units in the Black Hills, SD, have carbon isotope values close to 0‰. Combined with existing geochronologic and stratigraphic constraints, these data suggest that the Slaughterhouse Formation and the succession exposed in the Rawhide Creek area of the Hartville Uplift are correlative with the lower and middle Nash Fork Formation and were deposited during the ca. 2.2–2.1 Ga carbon isotope excursion. The Estes and Roberts Draw formations in the Black Hills and carbonates from other exposures in the Hartville Uplift postdate the ca. 2.2–2.1 Ga positive carbon isotope excursion and are most likely correlative with the upper Nash Fork Formation. The passive margin, on which the carbonates with highly positive carbon isotope values were deposited, extended around the southern flank of the Wyoming Craton through the Sierra Madre, Medicine Bow Mountains and Hartville Uplift. The presence of carbonates with carbon isotope values close to 0‰ in the upper Nash Fork Formation and the Whalen Group indicates that the passive margin persisted on the southern flank of the Wyoming Craton after the carbon isotope excursion. Rifting in the Black Hills, likely related to the final breakup of the Kenorland, succeeded the carbon isotope excursion, since the Estes and Roberts Draw formations, deposited during rifting and ocean opening on the eastern flank of the Wyoming Craton, postdate the carbon isotope excursion.  相似文献   

Three successive Mesozoic neptunian dyke generations and related unconformities suggest recurrent extensional fracturing and periods of relative sea-level rise along the NW Trento Plateau margin in the Southern Alps, Italy. The first neptunian dyke generation was induced by NNW–SSE directed extension of Early Jurassic skeletal oolitic periplatform deposits generating micritic early Middle Liassic neptunian dykes with orthogonal orientation. The second generation of neptunian dykes was possibly caused by marginal extension at the drowned platform edge penetrating Late Jurassic, red pelagic limestones with a pelagic matrix of Albian/Cenomanian age and nearly orthogonal fracture orientation. The third generation of neptunian dykes occurred after a prolonged period of submarine exposure and erosion (Aptian/Albian to Late Maastrichtian) during the rapid burial of the submarine Trento Plateau margin relief. The Late Maastrichtian neptunian dykes were caused by extension of Early to Middle Jurassic oolitic periplatform limestones along steep (inclination > 10°) submarine slopes. Generally successive neptunian dyke generations along drowned carbonate platform margins could be caused by repeated extensional brittle fracturing of lithified periplatform deposits and the filling of micritic matrix derived from overlying pelagic sediment sequences under substantial hydrostatic pressure. This would suggest that recurrent extensional fracturing is continuously recorded by neptunian dyke formation which could be used to indicate extensional tectonic activity at a foundering deep-marine carbonate platform edge.  相似文献   

Analyses of high resolution, seismic reflection profiles and surface sediment samples indicate that the Cat Island shelf is presently in an incipiently drowned state. This small carbonate bank is characterized by a thin (<4 m), coarse-grained, relict sediment cover, along with limited reef development, and a relatively deep (20–30 m) margin indicating that it has been unable to ‘keep-up’ with Holocene sea-level rise. Early flooding at relatively high rates of sea-level rise (4 m kyr-1, 5–8 × 103 yr BP) in conjunction with small bank size and relatively low elevation, led to a reduced rate of carbonate accumulation and incipient drowning. The shelf edge currently lies beneath the zone of maximum carbonate production and exposes the interior shelf to open marine conditions which may result in permanent drowning if it is unable to ‘catch-up’ with continued sea-level rise. Sediment facies patterns are largely oriented perpendicular or oblique to the shelf edge and appear to be controlled by shelf circulation patterns focused by bank-margin reentrants. In comparison with most of the northern Bahamas, the Cat Island shelf was flooded earlier and at relatively higher rates of Holocene sea-level rise which led to selective drowning, implying that carbonate platforms need not drown synchronously over widespread areas as commonly thought. The potential rock record of this incipient drowning event would be a thin, open-marine sand sheet of highly degraded cryptocrystalline and aggregate grains associated with poorly developed reefs.  相似文献   

苏鲁超高压变质带广泛发育新元古代花岗片麻岩,这些新元古代花岗片麻岩通常被认为与扬子克拉通具有亲缘性。本文基于新的调查资料,综合前人研究成果,提出新元古代花岗岩是华北克拉通新元古代时期大陆裂解产物、并在三叠纪华南与华北碰撞造山期间作为华北板块大陆边缘南向深俯冲的新认识。主要依据如下:(1)新元古代花岗岩与华北克拉通胶北地块为侵入接触关系,五莲-即墨-牟平断裂带并非北苏鲁超高压变质带与胶北地块的初始接触界线;(2)新元古代花岗片麻岩中有大量胶北地块的古老地壳物质,记录了~1.85 Ga的华北克拉通化变质事件;(3)胶北地块上晚侏罗世花岗岩中存在大量新元古代继承锆石,但缺少三叠纪的弧岩浆记录;(4)胶北地块东南缘存在三叠纪角闪岩相变质作用证据,指示胶北地块三叠纪的俯冲作用;(5)区域地球物理信息指示北苏鲁超高压变质带深部地壳属于华北克拉通和北东东向构造线方向。新的认识将有助于对华北克拉通新元古代构造演化和大别-苏鲁造山带形成过程的重新认识,为胶东中生代金成矿作用提供新视野。  相似文献   

龙王(石童)A型花岗岩地球化学特征及其地球动力学意义   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
龙王花岗岩岩体产于华北克拉通南缘,岩石类型主要为黑云母钾长花岗岩,局部见有霓辉石花岗岩。岩体高硅(SiO2=72.17%~76.82%)、富碱(K2O+Na2O=8.28%~10.22%,K2O/Na2O>1),碱性指数AI(agpaitic index)=0.84~0.95,分异指数DI=95~97,铝指数ASI(aluminium saturation index)=0.96~1.13。含铁指数高(FeO/(FeO+Mg)=0.90~0.99),岩石为准铝质至弱过铝质、碱性—碱钙性、铁质A型花岗岩。岩石富集大离子亲石元素,稀土元素含量很高(854~1572μg/g);高场强元素(Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf)的富集程度明显低于大离子亲石元素,因此在微量元素蛛网图上呈相对亏损特征;岩石显著亏损Ba、Sr、Ti、Pb;εNd(t)=-4.5~-7.2,Nd模式年龄为2.3~2.5Ga。εHf(t)=-1.11~-5.26,模式年龄tHf1=2.1~2.3Ga,tHf2=2.4~2.6Ga。黑云母钾长花岗岩中的锆石主要为无色透明柱状晶体,CL图像多数显示清晰的岩浆成因的韵律环带结构,锆石LA-ICPMSU-Pb年龄为...  相似文献   

The Longwangzhuang granite pluton occurs on the southern margin of the North China Craton and consists mainly of biotite syenogranite with aegirine granite being locally distributed.The granites are characterized by high silicon and alkaline contents(SiO2=72.17%-76.82%,K2O+Na2O=8.28%-10.22%,K2O/Na2O>>1),AI(agpaitic index) =0.84-0.95,DI=95-97,ASI(aluminum saturation index)=0.96-1.13,and very high Fe* number(FeO*/(FeO*+Mg)=0.90-0.99),thus the granites are assigned to the metaluminous to weakly peraluminous,alkalic to calc-alkalic ferroan A-type granites.The granites are rich in large ion lithophile elements(LILE),especially high in REE concentrations(REE+Y=854×10-6-1572×10-6);whereas the enrichment of high strength field elements(Nb,Ta,Zr,Hf) is obviously less than that of LILEs,exhibiting mild depletions on trace element spider plots;and the rocks are significantly depleted in Ba,Sr,Ti,and Pb.The low εNd(t) values(-4.5--7.2) and high model ages(2.3-2.5 Ga) of the granites as well as the low εHf(t) values(-1.11--5.26) and high Hf model ages(THf1= 2.1-2.3 Ga,THf2=2.4-2.6 Ga) of zircons from the biotite syenogranite suggest that the granites were probably derived from an enriched mantle source.The zircons from the biotite syenogranite are mainly colorless transparent crystals exhibiting well-developed oscillatory zoning on the cathodoluminescence images with a LA-ICPMS zircon U-Pb age of 1602.1±6.6 Ma(MSWD=0.48).Petrochemical,trace elements,as well as Nd and Hf isotopic compositions of the rocks demonstrate that the granites were formed in a within-plate extensional tectonic regime possibly related to the breakup of the Columbia supercontinent.The granites were most likely formed through extreme fractional crystallization of alkali basaltic magma resulted from partial melting of the mantle,which was fertilized by recycling crustal rocks triggered by the delamination of lithospheric mantle and lower crust following the ~1.8 Ga collision and amalgamation of the North China Craton which is part of the Columbia supercontinent.However,contamination of neo-Archean to Paleoproterozoic crustal rocks during the ascent and emplacement of the magma could not be excluded.Being the youngest known anorogenic magmatism on the southern margin of the North China Craton related to Columbia breakup,it might represent the break off of the North China Craton from Columbia supercontinent at the end of Paleoproterozoic.  相似文献   

In the southeastern margin of the North China Craton, high-pressure (HP) granulite facies meta-basic rocks exposed as bands or lenses in the Precambrian metamorphic basement (e.g. Bengbu) and as xenoliths in Mesozoic intrusions (e.g. Jiagou) are characterized by the assemblage garnet + clinopyroxene + plagioclase + quartz + rutile ± Ti-rich hornblende. Cathodoluminescence imaging and mineral inclusions reveal that most zircon from the three dated samples displays distinct core-mantle-rim structures. The cores show typical igneous zircon characteristics and give ages of 2.5–2.4 Ga, thus dating the protolith of the metabasites. The mantles formed at granulite facies conditions as evidenced by inclusions of the HP granulite mineral assemblage garnet + clinopyroxene + rutile + plagioclase + quartz ± hornblende and Ti-rich biotite and yield ages of 1839 ± 31, 1811 ± 19 and 1800 ± 15 Ma. An inclusion-free rim yields an age of 176 ± 2 Ma with the lower Th/U ratio of 0.02. The geochronological and preliminary petrological data of this study suggest that the lower crust beneath the southeastern margin of the North China Craton formed at 2.5–2.4 Ga and underwent HP granulite facies metamorphism at c. 1.8 Ga. This HT-HP metamorphic event may be ascribed to large-scale crustal heating and thickening related to mantle-derived magma underplating at the base of the lower crust, as evidenced by widespread extension, rifting and related mafic magma emplacement in the North China Craton during this period. The age of 176 ± 2 Ma most likely records the late amphibolite facies retrogression occurring during exhumation.  相似文献   

A variety of deep-seated xenoliths occur within the Mesozoic Jiagou dioritic porphyry in the southeastern margin of the North China Craton (NCC). In this study we present a combined petrologic, geochronological, Hf isotope and geochemical study on the different types of xenoliths and use these data to better constrain the composition and age of the deep crust beneath the area. Most of the xenoliths are mafic meta-igneous rocks, among which garnet-bearing lithologies are common. The xenoliths can be classified into three broad petrographic groups: spinel-bearing garnet clinopyroxenite/phlogopite clinopyroxenite/spinel pyroxenite (Group 1), garnet amphibolite or hornblendite/garnet granulite/mafic gneiss lacking pyroxene (Group 2), and garnet-bearing felsic (intermediate-acid) gneiss (Group 3). Among these, the mafic–ultramafic rocks constitute the dominant category. The protoliths of the studied xenoliths range from basalt through andesite to dacite. Geochemical and Hf-isotope data indicate that most xenoliths belonging to Groups 2 and 3 resemble magmatic rocks formed at convergent continental margin arc setting. A few of them (mostly belonging to Group 1) represent mantle-derived products. Multiple metasomatic imprints, with contribution from subduction-related or mantle-derived fluids or melts have been recognized from the multistage mineral assemblages and ages.SHRIMP zircon U–Pb dating, Hf isotope and geochemical data offer evidence for subduction-related adakite-like and arc-related rocks in the southeastern margin of the NCC at ca. 2.5 Ga and 2.1 Ga, and confirm the occurrence of high-pressure granulite-facies metamorphism at ca. 1.8 Ga. These data suggest an episodic growth of Precambrian lower crust beneath this region in response to two stages of subduction–accretion and one vertical accretion of mantle-derived basaltic magma at the base of the lower crust. Additionally, a previously unknown late mantle-derived basaltic magmatism at 393 ± 7 Ma has also been recognized. The data presented in this paper demonstrate that the deep crust beneath the southeastern margin of the NCC is composed of hybrid protoliths derived from Paleozoic, Paleoproterozoic and late Neoarchean sources.  相似文献   

The volcanic rocks of the Xiong'er Group are situated in the southern margin of the North China Craton(NCC).Research on the Xiong er Group is important to understand the tectonic evolution of the NCC and the Columbia supercontinent during the Paleoproterozoic.In this study,to constrain the age of the Xiong'er volcanic rocks and identify its tectonic environment,we report zircon LA-ICP-MS data with Hf isotope,whole-rock major and trace element compositions and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopes of the volcanic rocks of the Xiong'er Group.The Xiong'er volcanic rocks mainly consist of basaltic andesite,andesite.dacite and rhyolite,with minor basalt.Our new sets of data combined with those from previous studies indicate that Xiong'er volcanism should have lasted from 1827 Ma to 1746 Ma as the major phase of the volcanism.These volcanics have extremely low MgO.Cr and Ni contents,are enriched in LREEs and LILEs but depleted in HFSEs(Nb,Ta,and Ti),similar to arc-related volcanic rocks.They are characterized by negative zircon ε_(Hf)_(t) values of-17.4 to 8.8,whole-rock initial ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr values of 0.7023 to 0.7177 andε_(Nd)(t) values of-10.9 to 6.4.and Pb isotopes(~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb =14.366-16.431,~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb =15.106-15.371,~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb= 32.455-37.422).The available elemental and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotope data suggest that the Xiong'er volcanic rocks were sourced from a mantle contaminated by continental crust.The volcanic rocks of the Xiong'er Group might have been generated by high-degree partial melting of a lithospheric mantle that was originally modified by oceanic subduction in the Archean.Thus,we suggest that the subduction-modified lithospheric mantle occurred in an extensional setting during the breakup of the Columbia supercontinent in the Late Paleoproterozoic,rather than in an arc setting.  相似文献   

新元古代冰期事件作为一个显著的沉积记录,广泛留存在各个古克拉通。新元古代凤台组肉红色冰碛杂岩仅发育在华北克拉通东南缘,以单一的碳酸盐成分为主要鉴定特征。本文通过细致研究,认为华北克拉通东南缘在新元古代中晚期为陡坡镶边碳酸盐台地环境,受到海洋型冰川作用,形成了凤台组为代表的大陆边缘型冰川沉积地层。冰川运动仅局限于大陆边缘而未引入腹地陆源碎屑,导致凤台组冰碛杂岩中的基质和角砾基本来源于下伏碳酸盐岩地层,并具有冰碛沉积和重力流沉积特征。结合前人的研究资料和成果,凤台组的发育时限为埃迪卡拉纪,可对比关联华北克拉通南缘罗圈组和西缘正目观组,从而在华北克拉通周缘形成了显著的埃迪卡拉纪冰川沉积。另外,凤台组包含多套冰期—间冰期的沉积地层,应指示着次一级的冷暖气候周期,可能记录着埃迪卡拉纪冰期的完整沉积记录。厘清凤台组的沉积序列及演化过程,有利于研究碳酸盐台地在冰期—间冰期的沉积历史,继而完善不同古地理背景下的冰期沉积类型,并补充低纬度地区的冰川作用案例。  相似文献   

The stratigraphic and lithofacies correlability, as well as the predominance of shallow-marine and lagoonal sedimentation settings, have been established for the Riphean-Vendian-Cambrian complexes at the southeastern margin of the North Asian Craton. The fraction of carbonate lithotypes usually increases both upsection (from the Early Riphean to Vendian and Cambrian) and along the lateral direction (from the southern and southwestern platformal zones to the eastern and northeastern folded zones), suggesting that the southern and southwestern areas of the basin represented the marginal and coastal zones, whereas its major part represented a deeper offshore zone. The section is divided into two structural stages: (i) the Riphean riftogenic and riftogenic-depression; (ii) the Vendian-Cambrian depression-plate and plate. We propose to define the Aldan-Maya marginal syneclise (based on the specific features of the sedimentogenesis) and the Aldan-Maya petroliferous zone in the Lena-Tunguska petroliferous province of the Siberian Craton (from the viewpoint of the petroleum geology). The proposed schematic geostructural regionalization of the syneclise includes the Uchur-Maya (Aldan-Maya) plate, the Tompo-Maya (Yudoma-Maya) aulacogen, and the South Verkhoyansk synclinorium. These structures are subdivided into tectonic zones.  相似文献   

河南上店和登封古元古代晚期A型花岗岩的锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年代学、岩石地球化学和Nd-Hf同位素研究为讨论华北克拉通南缘中部古元古代晚期构造演化提供了依据。结果表明,上店花岗斑岩和登封正长花岗岩中锆石发育振荡生长环带,结合高的Th/U比值(0.36~1.64),表明其为岩浆成因,岩浆锆石的207Pb/206Pb加权平均年龄分别为1801Ma、1801Ma和1795Ma,即它们形成于古元古代晚期;上店花岗斑岩具有高SiO_2(70.30%~71.83%)、富碱(K2O+Na2O=8.76%~11.01%)、贫Ca O(0.18%~0.36%)、P2O5(0.12%~0.15%)和MgO(0.02%~0.20%)的特征,富集LILEs(Cs、Rb、Ba和K)、贫HFSEs(Nb、Ta、Zr和Hf)和强烈亏损Sr、P、Ti元素,具有负的Eu异常(δEu=0.44~0.59),结合高的FeOT/(FeOT+MgO)比值(0.94~1.00)和10000×Ga/Al比值(2.70~3.74),暗示其为A型花岗岩,具造山后A2型花岗岩特征;上店花岗斑岩的全岩εNd(t)值变化于-8.94~-6.87之间,tDM2=3243~3049Ma,锆石εHf(t)值介于-14.1~-6.5之间,tDM2=3030~2655Ma;登封正长花岗岩的锆石εHf(t)值介于-11.3~-8.4之间,tDM2=2887~2744Ma。上述结果暗示,上店和登封A型花岗岩均来源于幔源岩浆底侵作用下的中-新太古代基底物质的部分熔融,形成于华北克拉通东部和西部陆块碰撞造山后的伸展环境。  相似文献   

In this study, progradation and the subsequent retrogradation of a late Paleocene isolated carbonate platform (Galala Mountains, Eastern Desert, Egypt) is demonstrated by variations of distinct facies associations from the platform margin in the north to the hemipelagic basin in the south. A combination of a sea-level drop and tectonic uplift at around 59 Ma (calcareous nannofossil biozone NP5) favored the initiation of the carbonate platform. From this time onwards, the facies distribution along the platform–basin transect can be subdivided into five facies belts comprising nine different facies associations. Their internal relationships and specific depositional settings are strongly coupled with the Maastrichtian–Paleocene seafloor topography, which resulted from local tectonic movements. Patch reefs and reef debris were deposited at the platform margin and the horizontally bedded limestones on the upper slope. Slumps and debris flows were stored on the lower slope. In the subhorizontal toe-of-slope facies belt, mass-flow deposits pass into calciturbidites. Further southwards in the basin, only hemipelagic marls were deposited. Between 59 and 56.2 Ma (NP5–NP8), the overall carbonate platform system prograded in several pulses. Distinct changes in facies associations from 56.2 to 55.5 Ma (NP9) resulted from rotational block movements. They led to increased subsidence at the platform margin and a coeval uplift in the toe-of-slope areas. This resulted in the retrogradation of the carbonate platform. Furthermore the patch-reef and reef-debris facies associations were substituted by the larger foraminifera shoal association. The retrogradation is also documented by a significant decrease in slump and debris-flow deposits on the slope and calciturbidites at the toe of slope.  相似文献   

The eastern margin of the East European Craton (EEC) has a long lasting geological record of Precambrian age. Archaean and Proterozoic strata are exposed in the western fold-and-thrust belt of the Uralides and are known from drill cores and geophysical data below the Palaeozoic cover in the Uralides and its western foredeep. In the southern Uralides, sedimentary, metamorphic and magmatic rocks of Riphean and Vendian age occur in the Bashkirian Mega-anticlinorium (BMA) and the Beloretzk Terrane. In the eastern part of the BMA (Yamantau anticlinorium) and the Beloretzk Terrane, K-Ar ages of the <2-µm-size fraction of phyllites (potassic white mica) and slates (illite) give evidence for a complex pre-Uralian metamorphic and deformational history of the Precambrian basement at the southeastern margin of the EEC. Interpretation of the K-Ar ages considered the variation of secondary foliation and the diagenetic to metamorphic grade. In the Yamantau anticlinorium, the greenschist-facies metamorphism of the Mesoproterozoic siliciclastic rocks is of Early Neoproterozoic origin (about 970 Ma) and the S1 cleavage formation of Late Neoproterozoic (about 550 Ma). The second wide-spaced cleavage is of Uralian origin. In the central and western part of the BMA, the diagenetic to incipient metamorphic grade developed in Late Neoproterozoic time. In post-Uralian time, Proterozoic siliciclastic rocks with a cleavage of Uralian age have not been exhumed to the surface of the BMA. Late Neoproterozoic thrusts and faults within the eastern margin of the EEC are reactivated during the Uralian deformation.  相似文献   

New data on the age and composition of doleritic dykes of the Karelian Craton on the Fennoscandian Shield are reported. Based on the results of U–Pb dating of baddeleyite, a new age episode (2404 ± 5 Ma) in the formation of basic rocks on the Karelian Craton is established. Comparison of the composition of the studied dolerite with that of dykes of the same age from other Archean cratons worldwide shows their essential similarity and allows us to suggest their formation within a single large igneous province. The data obtained support the current models of supercontinental reconstructions for the period of 2400 Ma.  相似文献   

Mafic dyke swarms and aulacogens are major anorogenic extensional events in the Late Paleoproterozoic North China Craton (NCC). The N–NNW mafic dyke swarms are widespread in the NCC, whose ages span between 1.83 and 1.77 Ga. The similar ages and orientations of  1.8 Ga dyke swarms in the NCC demonstrate that the amalgamated NCC experienced widespread extension at this time.Based on the width statistics of dyke swarms on ten survey lines, an average crustal extension ratio of 0.35% was found for the NCC. The small magnitude of overall extension suggests that the mafic dyke swarms were emplaced into the elastic fractures, and indicates that the NCC had become a brittle plate prior to the emplacement of the mafic dyke swarms.Precisely dated mafic dyke swarms, when used as paleostress indicators, can be employed in the paleostress field reconstruction of Precambrian cratons. Two dimensional finite element modeling (2-D FEM) of the NCC, in which the various blocks were assigned densities and elastic constants, shows that north–south compression favors dyke intrusion along generally N–NW lines, and that deviations in dyke trends can be explained by the effects of boundary constraints and the physical properties of the crust. The best fitting model can be considered a plausible representation of the tectonic force acting on the NCC that produces the intraplate stress field that is most consistent with the observed orientation of dyke swarms. The results of modeling of the Late Paleoproterozoic stress field suggest a common tectonic setting for the emplacement of mafic dyke swarms in the Central Orogenic Zone, Western and East Blocks of the NCC. The results also show that the north–south tectonic forces play an important role in determining the paleostress field in the NCC. The widespread extension of the NCC resulted from the north–south tectonic forces which may be related to the break-up of the Late Paleoproterozoic supercontinent. The paleostress field modeling provides a possible approach to consider the supercontinent paleostress reconstruction and to reveal the mechanisms of the supercontinent break-up.  相似文献   

The Bocaina Plateau, which is situated on the eastern flank of the continental rift of southeastern Brazil, is the highest part of the Serra do Mar. Topographic relief in this area is suggested to be closely related to its complex tectono-magmatic evolution since the breakup of Western Gondwana and opening of the South Atlantic Ocean. Apatite fission track ages and track length distributions from 27 basement outcrops were determined to assess these hypotheses and reconstruct the denudation history of the Bocaina Plateau. The ages range between 303 ± 32 and 46 ± 5 Ma, and are significantly younger than the stratigraphic ages. Mean track lengths vary from 13.44 ± 1.51 to 11.1 ± 1.48 μm, with standard deviations between 1.16 and 1.83 μm. Contrasting ages within a single plateau and similar ages at different altitudes indicate a complex regional tectonothermal evolution. The thermal histories inferred from these data imply three periods of accelerated cooling related to the Early Cretaceous continental breakup, Early Cretaceous alkaline magmatism, and the Paleogene evolution of the continental rift of southeastern Brazil. The oldest fission track ages (> 200 Ma) were obtained in the Serra do Mar region, suggesting that these areas were a long-lived source of sediments for the Paraná, Bauru, and Santos basins.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2011,19(4):674-687
The Bocaina Plateau, which is situated on the eastern flank of the continental rift of southeastern Brazil, is the highest part of the Serra do Mar. Topographic relief in this area is suggested to be closely related to its complex tectono-magmatic evolution since the breakup of Western Gondwana and opening of the South Atlantic Ocean. Apatite fission track ages and track length distributions from 27 basement outcrops were determined to assess these hypotheses and reconstruct the denudation history of the Bocaina Plateau. The ages range between 303 ± 32 and 46 ± 5 Ma, and are significantly younger than the stratigraphic ages. Mean track lengths vary from 13.44 ± 1.51 to 11.1 ± 1.48 μm, with standard deviations between 1.16 and 1.83 μm. Contrasting ages within a single plateau and similar ages at different altitudes indicate a complex regional tectonothermal evolution. The thermal histories inferred from these data imply three periods of accelerated cooling related to the Early Cretaceous continental breakup, Early Cretaceous alkaline magmatism, and the Paleogene evolution of the continental rift of southeastern Brazil. The oldest fission track ages (> 200 Ma) were obtained in the Serra do Mar region, suggesting that these areas were a long-lived source of sediments for the Paraná, Bauru, and Santos basins.  相似文献   

Orthogneiss within the Paleoproterozoic strata of Lesser Himalayan sequence across the Himalaya has been variably linked to development in a continental arc setting, Indian basement, or a continental rift.New whole rock and trace element geochemical data and U/Pb zircon geochronology indicate that the granitoid protoliths to these rocks were derived from upper crustal sources in the Paleoproterozoic and have within-plate, A-type affinities. This is consistent with their generation in a rifted margin and is compatible with paleogeographic reconstructions that indicate an open boundary for present-day northern India in the Paleoproterozoic.  相似文献   

We conducted a geochronological and geochemical study on the Paleoproterozoic potassic granites in the Lushan area, southern margin of the North China Craton (NCC) to understand the tectonic regime of the NCC at 2.2–2.1 Ga. This rock suite formed at 2194 ± 29 Ma. The rocks are rich in SiO2 (76.10–77.73 wt.%), and K2O (5.94–6.90 wt.%) with high K2O + Na2O contents from 7.56 wt.% to 8.48 wt.%, but poor in CaO (0.10–0.28 wt.%), P2O5 (0.02–0.05 wt.%) and MgO (0.01–0.30 wt.%, Mg# = 1.08–27.3), indicating they experienced fractional crystallization. Major element compositions suggest the potassic granites share an affinity with high K calc-alkaline granite. Even though the Lushan potassic granitic rocks have high A/CNK ratios (1.11–1.25), which can reach peraluminous feature, the very low P2O5 contents and negative correlation of P2O5 and SiO2 ruling out they are S-type granites. Different from peralkaline A-type granites, the Lushan potassic granites have variable Zr concentrations (160–344 ppm, 226 ppm on average) and 10,000 Ga/Al ratios (1.76–3.00), together with high zircon saturation temperatures (TZr = 826–885 °C), indicating they are fractionated aluminous A-type granites. Enriched LREE ((La/Yb)N = 9.72–81.8), negative Eu anomalies, and low Sr/Y with no correlations in Sr/Y and Sr/Zr versus CaO suggest the possible presence of Ca-rich plagioclase and absence of garnet in the residual. Magmatic zircon grains have variable εHf(t) values (−2.4 to +7.3) with zircon two-stage Hf model ages (TDMC) varying from 2848 Ma to 2306 Ma (mostly around ca. 2.5 Ga), and are plotted in the evolution line of crustal felsic rock. We propose that the rocks mainly formed by partial melting of ca. 2.50 Ga tonalitic–granodioritic crust as a result of upwelling mantle-derived magmas which provided thermal flux and source materials in an intra-continent rifting. The ca. 2.2 Ga magmatism suggests that intra-continental rifting occurred at 2.35–1.97 Ga at least in the southern margin of the NCC after its final cratonization in the late Neoarchean.  相似文献   

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