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《Applied Geochemistry》1986,1(3):335-343
A three phase investigation has been conducted on groundwater quality impacts of the underground disposal of tailings from acid-leach milling of uranium ores. These phases included field collection and analysis of samples obtained during backfilling of mill tailings in empty underground mine stopes, collection of soil samples from mill tailings piles and previously backfilled stopes, and evaluation of thermodynamic constraints on possible geochemical transformations. Contaminants of principal concern include As, Mo, Se, U, V and Ra-226.The investigation has shown that short-term degradation of groundwater due to backfill disposal of the sand fraction of uranium tailings is negligible. Long-term effects, defined as those occurring after mining operations cease and the mine fills with water, are predicted to also be very small. This is attributed to immobilization of pollutants through chemical reduction and precipitation, as well as adsorption onto aquifer materials. This conclusion is substantiated, in part, by observation of high concentrations of most of the contaminants on the silt and clay fraction of the soil samples collected, in contrast to the concentrations found on the sand fraction.  相似文献   

《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》1999,63(19-20):3379-3394
The proposed JEB Tailings Management Facility (TMF) to be emplaced below the groundwater table in northern Saskatchewan, Canada, will contain uranium mill tailings from McClean Lake, Midwest and Cigar Lake ore bodies, which are high in arsenic (up to 10%) and nickel (up to 5%). A serious concern is the possibility that high arsenic and nickel concentrations may be released from the buried tailings, contaminating adjacent groundwaters and a nearby lake. Laboratory tests and geochemical modeling were performed to examine ways to reduce the arsenic and nickel concentrations in TMF porewaters so as to minimize such contamination from tailings buried for 50 years and longer. The tests were designed to mimic conditions in the mill neutralization circuit (3 hr tests at 25°C), and in the TMF after burial (5–49 day aging tests). The aging tests were run at, 50, 25 and 4°C (the temperature in the TMF). In order to optimize the removal of arsenic by adsorption and precipitation, ferric sulfate was added to tailings raffinates1 having Fe/As ratios of less that 3–5. The acid raffinates were then neutralized by addition of slaked lime to nominal pH values of 7, 8, or 9.Analysis and modeling of the test results showed that with slaked lime addition to acid tailings raffinates, relatively amorphous scorodite (ferric arsenate) precipitates near pH 1, and is the dominant form of arsenate in slake limed tailings solids except those high in Ni and As and low in Fe, in which cabrerite-annabergite (Ni, Mg, Fe(II) arsenate) may also precipitate near pH 5–6. In addition to the arsenate precipitates, smaller amounts of arsenate are also adsorbed onto tailings solids.The aging tests showed that after burial of the tailings, arsenic concentrations may increase with time from the breakdown of the arsenate phases (chiefly scorodite). However, the tests indicate that the rate of change decreases and approaches zero after 72 hrs at 25°C, and may equal zero at all times in the TMF at 4°C. Consistent with a kinetic model that describes the rate of breakdown of scorodite to form hydrous ferric oxide, the rate of release of dissolved arsenate to tailings porewaters from slake limed tailings: (1) is proportional to pH above pH 6–7; (2) decreases exponentially as the total molar Fe/As ratio of tailings raffinates is increased from 1/1 to greater than 5/1; and (3) is proportional to temperature with an average Arrhenius activation energy of 13.4 ± 4.2 kcal/mol.Study results suggest that if ferric sulfate and slaked lime are added in the tailings neutralization circuit to give a raffinate Fe/As molar ratio of at least 3–5 and a nominal (initial) pH of 8 (final pH of 7–8), arsenic and nickel concentrations of 2 mg/L or less, are probable in porewaters of individual tailings in the TMF for 50 to 10,000 yrs after tailings disposal. However, the tailings will be mixed in the TMF, which will contain about 35% tailings with Fe/As = 3.0, and 65% tailings with Fe/As = 5.0–7.7. Thus, it seems likely that average arsenic pore water concentrations in the TMF may not exceed 1 mg/L.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2003,18(11):1733-1750
The Rabbit Lake U mine in-pit tailings management facility (TMF) (425 m long×300 m wide×91 m deep) is located in northern Saskatchewan, Canada. The objectives of this study were to quantify the distribution of As phases in the tailings and evaluate the present-day geochemical controls on dissolved As. These objectives were met by analyzing pore fluid samples collected from the tailings body for dissolved constituents, measuring Eh, pH, and temperature of tailings core and pore fluid samples, conducting sequential extractions on solid samples, conducting geochemical modeling of pore fluid chemistry using available thermodynamic data, and by reviewing historical chemical mill process records. Dissolved As concentrations in 5 monitoring wells installed within the tailings body ranged from 9.6 to 71 mg/l. Pore fluid in the wells had a pH between 9.3 and 10.3 and Eh between +58 and +213 mV. Sequential extraction analyses of tailings samples showed that the composition of the solid phase As changed at a depth of 34 m. The As above 34 m was primarily associated with amorphous Fe and metal hydroxides while the As below 34 m was associated with Ca, likely as amorphous poorly ordered calcium arsenate precipitates. The change in the dominant As solid phases at this depth was attributed to the differences in the molar ratio of Fe to As in the mill tailings. Below 34 m it was <2 whereas above 34 m it was >4. The high Ca/As ratio during tailings neutralization would likely precipitate Ca4(OH)2(AsO4)2:4H2O type Ca arsenate minerals. Geochemical modeling suggested that if the pore fluids were brought to equilibrium with this Ca-arsenate, the long-term dissolved As concentrations would range between 13 and 126 mg/l.  相似文献   

The sorption of226Ra from oil-production brine by soils and sediments was investigated. Sorption was rapid, and the percentage sorbed increased with brine dilution. Greatest removals of226Ra from sediments in the laboratory occurred with alkaline DTPA, HCl, and BaCl2, with lesser removals using CaCl2 and NaCl solutions. Digestion of sediments with NaOCl indicates that most of the native and sorbed226Ra is associated with the mineral rather than organic fraction of the sediments. Correlation analysis based on 14 soils indicates that the retention of226Ra may involve precipitation reactions associated with sulfate-bearing minerals, as well as ion-exchange reactions with the clay mineral fractions of surficial earth materials. Oceanographer, Naval Ocean Research and Development Activity, Code 334; NSTL Station, Mississippi 39529 NORDA Contribution #83:334:01.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2000,15(8):1097-1119
The Rabbit Lake U mine in-pit tailings management facility (TMF) is located in northern Saskatchewan, Canada. The tailings body is approximately 425 m long×300 m wide and 91 m thick at its centre. An investigation of the TMF was performed to collect tailings samples from depth to quantify the distribution of As and Ni in the tailings with respect to ore type and assess the distribution of As and Ni with respect to tailings mineralogy. The tailings body consists of alternating layers of ice, frozen tailings and unfrozen tailings which varied in texture from a slurry to a firm silty sand. The tailings solids are predominately composed of quartz (16–36%), calcium sulphate (0.3–54%) and illite (3 and 14%). Arsenic and Ni concentrations in the tailings show similar patterns with depth which were strongly related to historical changes in As and Ni concentrations in the mill feed. Mineralogy of the ore bodies indicated that As and Ni in the mill feed occurred primarily as 1:1 molar ratio arsenides such as niccolite and gersdorffite. Arsenic and Ni concentrations in the tailings were also measured at a near 1:1 molar ratio. Mill process records showed that an average of 71% of the As in the mill feed was solubilized during leaching. SEM analysis suggested that solubilized As is precipitated as Ca2+, Fe3+ and Ni2+ arsenates during the neutralization process. Mill records indicated that 17,000 tonnes of As were discharged to the TMF of which approximately 88% was as arsenates and 12% as primary arsenides.  相似文献   

Mine tailings discharged to river systems have the potential to release significant quantities of major and trace metals to waters and soils when weathered. To provide data on the mechanisms and magnitudes of short- and long-term tailings weathering and its influence on floodplain environments, three calendar year-long column leaching experiments that incorporated tailings from Potosí, Bolivia, and soil from unaffected downstream floodplains, were carried out. These experiments were designed to model 20 cycles of wet and dry season conditions. Two duplicate columns modeled sub-aerial tailings weathering alone, a third modeled the effects of long-term floodplain tailings contamination and a fourth modeled that of a tailings dam spill on a previously contaminated floodplain. As far as was practical local climatic conditions were modeled. Chemical analysis of the leachate and column solids, optical mineralogy, XRD, SEM, EPMA, BCR and water-soluble chemical extractions and speciation modeling were carried out to determine the processes responsible for the leaching of Al, Ca, Cu, K, Na, Mg, Mn, Sn, Sr and Ti. Over the 20 cycles, the pH declined to a floor of ca. 2 in all columns. Calcium, Cu, Mg, Mn and Na showed significant cumulative losses of up to 100%, 60%, 30%, 95% and 40%, respectively, compared to those of Al, K, Sr, Sn and Ti, which were up to 3%, 1.5%, 5%, 1% and 0.05%, respectively. The high losses are attributed to the dissolution of relatively soluble minerals such as biotite, and oxidation of chalcopyrite and Cu-sulfosalts, while low losses are attributed to the presence of sparingly soluble minerals such as svanbergite, cassiterite and rutile. These results strongly suggest that the release of tailings to floodplains should be limited or prohibited, and that all tailings should be removed from floodplains following dam spills.  相似文献   

As, Cd, Cr, Cu, U, and Zn in Aqaba and Eshidiya phosphogypsum showed relative uniformity in particle size presented by coarse (>0.212 mm); medium (0.212–0.053 mm); and fine (<0.053 mm) in the stacks by age of deposition. Jordan phosphogypsum contains low concentrations of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, U, and Zn compared to those reported worldwide. The bioavailability and mobility of trace metals were estimated using aqua regia leaching experiments. Leaching results have shown that around 3% of the As, 1% of the Cd, 5% of the Cr, 9% of the Cu, 4% of the U, and 3% of the Zn are transferred to the surrounding aquatic environment and/or soils. Mobility of trace metals in phosphogypsum was classified into three degrees: elements with high mobility were Cu and U; those with moderate mobility were As and Zn; and those with low mobility were Cd and Cr. It can be concluded that As, Cd, Cr, Cu, U, and Zn were not only uniformly distributed in the stack, but they are not leached from the phosphogypsum stacks in any significant amount, and then they are not easily transferred to the surrounding aquatic environment and/or soils.  相似文献   

Trace metals in soils may pose risks to both ecosystem and human health, especially in an urban environment. However, only a fraction of the metal content in soil is mobile and/or available for biota uptake and human ingestion. Various environmental availabilities of trace metals (Cu, Pb and Zn) in topsoil from highly urbanized areas of Hong Kong to plants, organisms, and humans, as well as the leaching potential to groundwater were evaluated in the present study. Forty selected soil samples were extracted with 0.11 M acid acetic, 0.01 M calcium chloride, 0.005 M diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid, and simplified physiologically based extraction tests (PBET) for the operationally defined mobilizable, effectively bioavailable, potentially bioavailable, and human bioaccessible metal fractions, respectively. The metals were generally in the order of Zn > Cu ∼ Pb for both mobility (24%, 7.6%, 6.7%) and effective bioavailability (2.8%, 0.9%, 0.6%), Pb (18%) > Cu (13%) > Zn (7.4%) for potential bioavailability, and Pb (59%) ∼ Cu (58%) > Zn (38%) for human bioaccessibility. Although the variations in the different available concentrations of metals could mostly be explained by total metal concentrations in soil, the regression model predictions were further improved by the incorporation of soil physicochemical properties (pH, OM, EC). The effectively bioavailable Zn and Pb were mostly related to soil pH. Anthropogenic Pb in urban soils tended to be environmentally available as indicated by Pb isotopic composition analysis. Combining various site-specific environmental availabilities might produce a more realistic estimation for the integrated ecological and human health risks of metal contamination in urban soils.  相似文献   

The remediation of ammonium-containing groundwater discharged from uranium mill tailing sites is a difficult problem facing the mining industry. The Monument Valley site is a former uranium mining site in the southwest US with both ammonium and nitrate contamination of groundwater. In this study, samples collected from 14 selected wells were analyzed for major cations and anions, trace elements, and isotopic composition of ammonium and nitrate. In addition, geochemical data from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) database were analyzed. Results showing oxic redox conditions and correspondence of isotopic compositions of ammonium and nitrate confirmed the natural attenuation of ammonium via nitrification. Moreover, it was observed that ammonium concentration within the plume area is closely related to concentrations of uranium and a series of other trace elements including chromium, selenium, vanadium, iron, and manganese. It is hypothesized that ammonium–nitrate transformation processes influence the disposition of the trace elements through mediation of redox potential, pH, and possibly aqueous complexation and solid-phase sorption. Despite the generally relatively low concentrations of trace elements present in groundwater, their transport and fate may be influenced by remediation of ammonium or nitrate at the site.  相似文献   

从源项调查的目的、意义、基本内容和主要方法等方面进行了研究,分析了国内该方面研究工作的主要动态,指出了目前源项调查工作存在的主要问题,并对退役治理工作提出了合理的建议。  相似文献   

This study examined the chemical speciation and mobility of As and heavy metals in a tailings impoundment in Samsanjeil mine located in Gosung, Korea, as well as the factors affecting them. XRD, SEM, and 5-step sequential extraction were used to examine the samples at two sampling sites (NN and SN sites). The pH of the tailings decreased with increasing depth at the NN site (from 7.2 to 2.8), whereas no significant differences were observed at the SN site (8.1–8.8). The samples at the SN site showed a larger amount of calcite than those at the NN site, indicating that calcite plays an important role buffering the pH in the study sites. Jarosite was found only at the lower part of the NN site, where calcite was not found. The mineralogical observation of jarosite and calcite was also confirmed by SEM. The concentrations of As and heavy metals in the tailings were as follows: Cu > As > Zn > > Pb > Co > Cr > Ni > Cd. The total concentrations of Ni, Zn, Co, and Cd were higher at the SN site than those at the NN site. On the other hand, the concentrations of As and Cr existing as oxyanions were higher at the NN site, which can be explained by the mobility changes of those elements affected by pH variations. At the NN site, the fractions of heavy metals bound to the Fe/Mn oxides, except for As and Cr, decreased, and Cu, Zn, and Co showed an increasing fraction of exchangeable metals with increasing depth. This suggests that the pH and resulting surface charge of minerals, such as goethite and jarosite, are the dominant factors controlling the chemical speciation of metals. These results highlight the importance of mineralogy in controlling the mobility and possible bioavailability of heavy metals in tailings.  相似文献   

《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》1999,63(11-12):1735-1750
We analyzed the redox sensitive elements V, Mo, U, Re and Cd in surface sediments from the Northwest African margin, the U.S. Northwest margin and the Arabian Sea to determine their response under a range of redox conditions. Where oxygen penetrates 1 cm or less into the sediments, Mo and V diffuse to the overlying water as Mn is reduced and remobilized. Authigenic enrichments of U, Re and Cd are evident under these redox conditions. With the onset of sulfate reduction, all of the metals accumulate authigenically with Re being by far the most enriched. General trends in authigenic metal accumulation are described by calculating authigenic fluxes for the 3 main redox regimes: oxic, reducing where oxygen penetrates ≤1 cm, and anoxic conditions. Using a simple diagenesis model and global estimates of organic carbon rain rate and bottom water oxygen concentrations, we calculate the area of sediments below 1000 m water depth in which oxygen penetration is ≤1 cm to be 4% of the ocean floor. We conclude that sediments where oxygen penetrates ≤1 cm release Mn, V and Mo to seawater at rates of 140%–260%, 60%–150% and 5%–10% of their respective riverine fluxes, using the authigenic metal concentrations and accumulation rates from this work and other literature. These sediments are sinks for Re, Cd and U, with burial fluxes of 70%–140%, 30%–80% and 20%–40%, respectively, of their dissolved riverine inputs. We modeled the sensitivity of the response of seawater Re, Cd and V concentrations to changes in the area of reducing sediments where oxygen penetrates ≤1 cm. Our analysis suggests a negligible change in seawater Re concentration, whereas seawater concentrations of Cd and V could have decreased and increased, respectively, by 5%–10% over 20 kyr if the area of reducing sediments increased by a factor of 2 and by 10%–20% if the area increased by a factor of 3. The concentration variations for a factor of 2 increase in the area of reducing sediments are at about the level of uncertainty of Cd/Ca and V/Ca ratios observed in foraminifera shells over the last 40 kyr. This implies that the area of reducing sediments in the ocean deeper than 1000 m (4%) has not been greater than twice the present value in the recent past.  相似文献   

A general model is presented for geochemical processes occurring in the unsaturated zone of a carbonate-depleted, pyritic tailings deposit. Quantification of slow geochemical reactions, using published, empirical rate laws from small-scale experiments on monomineralic samples, and geochemical equilibrium reactions successfully reproduced the relative rates of field processes in the case study, Impoundment 1 in Kristineberg. Reproduction of absolute rates was achieved by scaling down all laboratory-derived mineral weathering rates by two orders of magnitude. The sensitivity of the modelled groundwater composition and pH to rates of pH-buffering processes and redox reactions indicated that inclusion and accurate quantification of all dominant geochemical processes on the field scale is necessary for reliable prediction of groundwater composition and pH.  相似文献   

Processing U ores in the JEB Mill of the McClean Lake Operation in northern Saskatchewan produces spent leaching solutions (raffinates) with pH  1.5, and As and Ni concentrations up to 6800 and 5200 mg L−1, respectively. Bench-scale neutralization experiments (pH 2–8) were performed to help optimize the design of mill processes for reducing As and Ni concentrations in tailings and raffinates to 1 mg L−1 prior to their disposal. Precipitate mineralogy determined by chemical analysis, XRD, SEM, EM, XM and EXAFS methods, included gypsum (the dominant precipitate), poorly crystalline scorodite (precipitated esp. from pH 2–4), annabergite, hydrobasaluminite, ferrihydrite, green rust II and theophrastite. The As was mostly in scorodite with smaller amounts in annabergite and trace As adsorbed and/or co-precipitated, probably by ferrihydrite. Geochemical modeling indicated that above pH 2, the ion activity product (IAP) of scorodite lies between the solubility products of amorphous and crystalline phases (log Ksp = −23.0 and −25.83, respectively). The IAP decreases with increasing pH, suggesting that the crystallinity of the scorodite increases with pH. Forward geochemical models support the assumption that during neutralization, particles of added base produce sharp local pH gradients and disequilibrium with bulk solutions, facilitating annabergite and theophrastite precipitation.  相似文献   

In northern Saskatchewan, Canada, high-grade U ores and the resulting tailings can contain high levels of As. An environmental concern in the U mining industry is the long-term stability of As within tailings management facilities (TMFs) and its potential transfer to the surrounding groundwater. To mitigate this problem, U mill effluents are neutralized with lime to reduce the aqueous concentration of As. This results in the formation of predominantly Fe3+–As5+ secondary mineral phases, which act as solubility controls on the As in the tailings discharged to the TMF. Because the speciation of As in natural systems is critical for determining its long-term environmental fate, characterization of As-bearing mineral phases and complexes within the deposited tailings is required to evaluate its potential transformation, solubility, and long-term stability within the tailings mass. In this study, synchrotron-based bulk X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) was used to study the speciation of As and Fe in mine tailings samples obtained from the Deilmann TMF at Key Lake, Saskatchewan. Comparisons of K-edge X-ray absorption spectra of tailings samples and reference compounds indicate the dominant oxidation states of As and Fe in the mine tailings samples are +5 and +3, respectively, largely reflecting their generation in a highly oxic mill process, deposition in an oxidized environment, and complexation within stable oxic phases. Linear combination fit analyses of the K-edges for the Fe X-ray absorption near edge spectra (XANES) to reference compounds suggest Fe is predominantly present as ferrihydrite with some amount of the primary minerals pyrite (8–15% in some samples) and chalcopyrite (5–15% in some samples). Extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) analysis of As K-edge spectra indicates that As5+ (arsenate) present in tailings samples is adsorbed to the ferrihydrite though an inner-sphere bidentate linkage.  相似文献   

Microstructural analysis of pyrite from a single sample of Witwatersrand conglomerate indicates a complex deformation history involving components of both plastic and brittle deformation. Internal deformation associated with dislocation creep is heterogeneously developed within grains, shows no systematic relationship to bulk rock strain or the location of grain boundaries and is interpreted to represent an episode of pyrite deformation that predates the incorporation of detrital pyrite grains into the Central Rand conglomerates. In contrast, brittle deformation, manifest by grain fragmentation that transects dislocation-related microstructures, is spatially related to grain contacts and is interpreted to represent post-depositional deformation of the Central Rand conglomerates. Analysis of the low-angle boundaries associated with the early dislocation creep phase of deformation indicates the operation of <010>{100} slip systems. However, some orientation boundaries have geometrical characteristics that are not consistent with simple <010>{100} deformation. These boundaries may represent the combination of multiple slip systems or the operation of the previously unrecognized <001>{120} slip system. These boundaries are associated with order of magnitude enrichments in As, Ni and Co that indicate a deformation control on the remobilization of trace elements within pyrite and a potential slip system control on the effectiveness of fast-diffusion pathways. The results confirm the importance of grain-scale elemental remobilization within pyrite prior to their incorporation into the Witwatersrand gold-bearing conglomerates. Since the relationship between gold and pyrite is intimately related to the trace element geochemistry of pyrite, the results have implications for the application of minor element geochemistry to ore deposit formation, suggest a reason for heterogeneous conductivity and localized gold precipitation in natural pyrite and provide a framework for improving mineral processing.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the levels of Mn, Zn, Ni, and Co pyritization in mangrove sediments along distinct sedimentary zones in Enseada das Gra?as, a lagoon-type estuary located on the southeastern coast of Brazil. The coastal geology is characterized by intense interactions of trace metals, forming pyrite minerals. Specific orders of DOP (degree of pyritization) and DTMP (degree of trace-metal pyritization) are shown: supratidal flat?<?mangrove forest?<?mud flat. Distinct changes in content along the sediment profiles are noted, where a supratidal flat presented low levels of DOP and DTMP with little variance along the sedimentary depths. The mangrove forest showed relatively high values of DOP and DTMP in the lower depths, while the mud flat showed the highest levels of DOP and DTMP.  相似文献   

将铀尾矿库核素迁移问题概括为均质多孔介质中稳定的二维水流条件下的三维溶质迁移问题,利用Visual Modflow软件(MT3D)采用全隐式差分法对某铀尾矿库放射性核素迁移进行了模拟研究,模拟值结果与浓度实测值较吻合,揭示了尾矿库放射性核素时空迁移规律。  相似文献   

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