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Summary A suite of lithics (ejecta) collected from the latest erupted pyroclastic products of the Alban Hills volcano (Central Italy) has been studied to determine their mineralogical composition and to investigate their genesis. The ejecta commonly have granular texture and consist of coarse-grained crystals often associated with a fine- to medium-grained matrix. The mineralogical composition is variable and consists of both typical igneous minerals and contact metamorphic phases. Garnet, clinopyroxene K-feldspar are almost ubiquitous, whereas leucite, wollastonite, sodalite-group minerals, phlogopite, nepheline and phillipsite are present in most of the ejecta; minor and accessory phases include cuspidine, amphibole, pyrrhotite, magnetite, apatite, uranpyrochlore, sphene, kalsilite, and melilite; anorthite, zircon and fluorine-bearing Ca, Zr silicate phases, larnite, and baryte are found sporadically. Ca, REE, Th silicophosphates occur in many samples generally disseminated along interstices and fractures of main minerals. Calcite is present as discrete crystals sometimes enclosed in other minerals, as granules in the fine-grained matrix and as late microcrystalline veins. It shows high oxygen and low carbon isotope ratios with δ18O = + 17.96 to + 27.19, and δ13C = −4.74 to −19.57. Clinopyroxene ranges from diopside to compositions strongly enriched with both Ca-Tschermak’s and esseneite components. Feldspars are generally potassic even though Ba and Sr are found in significant concentrations in some samples. K-feldspars from wollastonite-bearing ejecta are often rimmed with elongated felty crystals identified by X-ray diffraction analysis as leucite. These feldspars show a depletion in Si, and enrichment in Al and K from core to rim. Significant compositional variations are also shown by various other phases such as nepheline, apatite, Ca, REE, Th silicophosphate. The occurrence of igneous and contact metamorphic minerals, as well as the chemical variations of clinopyroxenes and feldspars in the investigated ejecta reveal complex genetic processes related to the interaction between potassic magma and wall rocks. The Ca-rich composition of most phases points to a carbonate nature for the wall rocks. Textural evidence suggests that coarse-grained rocks formed at the margin of the magma chamber were invaded by a late, volatile rich potassic liquid which crystallized as a fine-grained matrix and produced disaggregation and reaction of early formed minerals. Fluid phases percolating through the rocks generated infiltration metasomatism and deposited some uncommon phases rich in Ca, REE, Th, U, which are found along cracks and at the margins of early crystallized minerals. Overall, the all spectrum of the minerals found in this study are also typical of carbonatitic rocks. Their presence in the Alban Hills ejecta demonstrates that their genesis can be related to interaction between ultrapotassic melts and carbonate wall rocks, in addition to precipitation from carbonatitic melts. Received February 20, 2001; revised version accepted September 23, 2001  相似文献   

CaSO4 has been investigated at room temperature over the pressure range of 0 to 160 kbar. A reversible, sluggish transition that occurs at about 20 kbar with a volume change of about 4% has been confirmed. The x-ray powder data collected at pressure can be indexed on the monoclinic monazite structure cell (P21/n) which is considered to be the most likely model structure for the new HP CaSO4 phase. The transition is largely distortional and involves rotation and displacement, but essentially preserves the chains of edge shared CaO8(9) and SO4 polyhedra found in the orthorhombic anhydrite (Bbmm) structure.  相似文献   

We investigated chemical and isotopic compositions of clinopyroxene crystals from well age-constrained juvenile scoria clasts, lava flows, and hypoabyssal magmatic ejecta representative of the whole eruptive history of the Alban Hills Volcanic District. The Alban Hills is a Quaternary ultra-potassic district that was emplaced into thick limestone units along the Tyrrhenian margin of Italy. Alban Hills volcanic products, even the most differentiated, are characterised by low SiO2 content. We suggest that the low silica activity in evolving magmas can be ultimately due to a decarbonation process occurring at the magma/limestone interface. According to the liquid line of descent we propose, the differentiation process is driven by crystallisation of clinopyroxene + leucite ± apatite ± magnetite coupled with assimilation of a small amount of calcite and/or with interaction with crustal CO2. By combining age, chemical data, strontium and oxygen isotopic compositions, and REE content of clinopyroxene, we give insights into the evolution of primitive ultrapotassic magmas of the Alban Hills Volcanic District over an elapsed period of about 600 kyr. Geochemical features of clinopyroxene crystals, consistent with data coming from other Italian ultrapotassic magmas, indicate that Alban Hills primary magmas were generated from a metasomatized lithospheric mantle source. In addition, our study shows that the 87Sr / 86Sr and LREE/HREE of Alban Hills magmas continuously diminished during the 600–35 ka time interval of the Alban Hills eruptive history, possibly reflecting the progressive depletion of the metasomatized mantle source of magmas.  相似文献   

The Alban Hills ultrapotassic volcanic district is one of the main districts emplaced during Quaternary time along the Tyrrhenian margin of Italy. Alban Hills lava flows and scoria clasts are made up essentially of clinopyroxenes and leucites and their chemical composition is mostly K-foiditic. Differentiated products (MgO < 3 wt.%) are characterised by low SiO2 concentration (< 50 wt.%) and geochemical features indicate that this unique differentiation trend is driven by crystal fractionation plus carbonate crust interaction. Notably, the Alban Hills Volcanic District was emplaced into thick limestone units. With the aim of constraining the magmatic differentiation, we performed experiments on the Alban Hills parental composition (plagioclase-free phono-tephrite) under anhydrous, hydrous, and hydrous-carbonated conditions. Experiments were carried out at 1 atm, 0.5 GPa and 1 GPa, temperatures ranging from 1050 to 1300 °C, and H2O and CaCO3 in the starting material up to 2 and 7 wt.%, respectively. The experiments performed at 0.5 GPa are the most representative of the Alban Hills plumbing system. Clinopyroxene and leucite are the main phases occurring under all the investigated conditions and the liquidus phases. Nevertheless, our experimental results demonstrate that the occurrence of CaCO3 in the starting material strongly affects phase relations. Experiments performed under hydrous conditions crystallize magnetite and phlogopite at relatively high temperature. This early crystallization drives the glass composition towards a silica enrichment, resulting in a differentiation trend moving from phono-tephritic (Alban Hills parental composition) to phonolitic compositions. This is in contrast with micro-textural evidence showing late crystallization of magnetite and phlogopite in the natural products and with the composition of the juvenile products. On the contrary, in the CaCO3-bearing experiments (i.e., simulating magma–carbonate interaction) the magnetite and phlogopite stability fields are strongly reduced. As a consequence, the melt differentiation is mainly controlled by the cotectic crystallization of clinopyroxene and leucite, resulting in a differentiation trend moving towards K-foiditic compositions. These experimental results are in agreement with micro-textural features and chemical compositions of Alban Hills natural products and with the magmatic differentiation model inferred by geochemical data. Magma–carbonate interaction is not a rare process and its occurrence has been demonstrated for different plumbing systems. However, the uniqueness of the Alban Hills liquid line of descent suggests that the efficacy of the carbonate contamination process is controlled by different factors, the dynamics of the plumbing system being one of the most important.  相似文献   

Arsenic occurrence in groundwater near the Cimino-Vico volcanoes (central Italy) was analysed considering the hydrostratigraphy and structural setting and the shallow and deep flows interacting within the Quaternary volcanics. Groundwater is the local source of drinking water. As documented in the past, arsenic in the groundwater has become a problem, and the European maximum allowable contaminant level was recently lowered to 10 μg/L. Chemical analyses of groundwater were conducted, sampled over an area of about 900 km2, from 65 wells and springs representative of the volcanic aquifer and thermal waters. Considering the type of aquifer, the nature of the aquifer formation and its substratum, the hydrochemical data highlight that the arsenic content of the groundwater is mainly connected with the hydrothermal processes in the volcanic area. Thermal waters (54–60°C) fed from deep-rising fluids show higher arsenic concentrations (176–371 μg/L). Cold waters sampled from the volcanic aquifer are characterized by a wide variability in their arsenic concentration (1.6–195 μg/L), and about 62% exceed the limit of 10 μg/L. Where the shallow volcanic aquifer is open to deep-rising thermal fluids, relatively high arsenic concentrations (20–100 μg/L) are found. This occurs close to areas of the more recent volcano-tectonic structures.  相似文献   

Carbon and oxygen isotopic analyses have been carried out on carbonates from lavas, ejectites and sedimentary formations in the region of the Alban Hills.The calcite occurring in the lavas, both in veins and cavities and dispersed in the groundmass shows within each flow a fairly uniform isotopic composition not different from that normally observed in sedimentary carbonates, except in the case of one particular flow, where unusually low 13C values were recorded. The latter are discussed in terms of a possible contribution of organic carbon or of isotopically light carbonates, the presence of which in the Alban Hills area had been previously recorded.The ejectites examined comprise both limestone and dolostone blocks of various degree of metamorphism and materials of uncertain origin, some of which containing carbon and oxygen of isotopic composition wholly different from that of all carbonates analysed in this work, approaching the range observed in some carbonatites. The isotopic data and the geochemical features of the latter materials are discussed in terms of thermal metamorphism of limestones and of a possible syntexis of evaporite materials.The 18O and 13C values of certain marine limestones from major Mesozoic sedimentary formations in the region are also reported.  相似文献   

The assessment of seismic hazard at five selected sites in the Sannio-Matese region is based on the computer program SRAMSC. Owing to the extensive historical data base for the output parameter, the MSK intensiy is chosen. The seismicity model is made up of five narrow area seismic sources. Circular or elliptical macroseismic fields are assigned to individual sources. A generalized Kövesligethy equation is used for this purpose as the attenuation relationship. The study reveals similar and a rather high hazard at the sites at Benevento, Boiano, and Melfi, which are located in the zone of highest seismic activity. At the Pomigliano and Lucera sites, the assessed hazard is much lower.  相似文献   

We present a new tephrostratigraphic record from the Holocene lake sediments of the Sulmona basin, central Italy. The Holocene succession is represented by whitish calcareous mud that is divided into two units, SUL2 (ca 32 m thick) and SUL1 (ca 8 m thick), for a total thickness of ca 40 m. These units correspond to the youngest two out of six sedimentary cycles recognised in the Sulmona basin that are related to the lake sedimentation since the Middle Pleistocene. Height concordant U series age determinations and additional chronological data constrain the whole Holocene succession to between ca 8000 and 1000 yrs BP. This includes a sedimentary hiatus that separates the SUL2 and SUL1 units, which is roughly dated between <2800 and ca 2000 yrs BP. A total of 31 and 6 tephra layers were identified within the SUL2 and SUL1 units, respectively. However, only 28 tephra layers yielded fresh micro-pumices or glass shards suitable for chemical analyses using a microprobe wavelength dispersive spectrometer. Chronological and compositional constraints suggest that 27 ash layers probably derive from the Mt. Somma-Vesuvius Holocene volcanic activity, and one to the Ischia Island eruption of the Cannavale tephra (2920 ± 450 cal yrs BP). The 27 ash layers compatible with Mt. Somma-Vesuvius activity are clustered in three different time intervals: from ca 2000 to >1000; from 3600 to 3100; and from 7600 to 4700 yrs BP. The first, youngest cluster, comprises six layers and correlates with the intense explosive activity of Mt. Somma-Vesuvius that occurred after the prominent AD 79 Pompeii eruption, but only the near-Plinian event of AD 472 has been tentatively recognised. The intermediate cluster (3600–3100 yrs BP) starts with tephra that chemically and chronologically matches the products from the “Pomici di Avellino” eruption (ca 3800 ± 200 yrs BP). This is followed by eight further layers, where the glasses exhibit chemical features that are similar in composition to the products from the so-called “Protohistoric” or AP eruptions; however, only the distal equivalents of three AP events (AP3, AP4 and AP6) are tentatively designated. Finally, the early cluster (7600–4700 yrs BP) comprises 12 layers that contain evidence of a surprising, previously unrecognised, activity of the Mt. Somma-Vesuvius volcano during its supposed period of quiescence, between the major Plinian “Pomici di Mercato” (ca 9000 yrs BP) and “Pomici di Avellino” eruptions. Alternatively, since at present there is no evidence of a similar significant activity in the proximal area of this well-known volcano, a hitherto unknown origin of these tephras cannot be role out. The results of the present study provide new data that enrich our previous knowledge of the Holocene tephrostratigraphy and tephrochronology in central Italy, and a new model for the recent explosive activity of the Peninsular Italy volcanoes and the dispersal of the related pyroclastic deposits.  相似文献   

This paper describes an integrated ground deformation and gravity network aimed at monitoring volcano-tectonic movements in the Campanian area (Southern Italy). It covers an area of more than 3000 km2, including the volcanic centres of Somma-Vesuvius, Campi Flegrei caldera and Ischia island. Levelling, EDM and gravity networks, as well as periodic and continuous GPS measurements are carried out. The aim of the network is twofold: monitoring ground deformations in the above mentioned volcanic areas, and studying the complex tectonics of the Campania Plain, a graben-like structure in which the Neapolitan volcanism is concentrated, in relation to the tectonics of the Southern Apennines and of the Tyrrhenian Basin. The monitoring network consists of larger-scale levelling, EDM and GPS networks covering the whole Campania Plain, connected to the relatively stable areas of Apennines, together with smaller scale networks aimed at accurately monitoring the Somma-Vesuvius volcano, one of the most dangerous over the World due to the high degree of urban development. The Somma-Vesuvius is monitored by levelling network, over 200 km long, by periodic EDM and GPS measurements and by a small network of continuously recording GPS receivers. Moreover, high precision gravimetry is also employed to deep the knowledge of the dynamic framework of the area. The main results indicate that Mt. Vesuvius and the island of Ischia are currently quiescent, while Campi Flegrei are subject to significant slow vertical ground movements, known as “bradyseism”. Recently, two large uplifts, both of about 1.8 m, affected the area respectively in 1970–72 and 1982–84.  相似文献   

A hydrogeological conceptual model has been developed that describes the hydrothermal system of Suio Terme (central Italy). The studied area is located along the peri-Tyrrhenian zone of the central Apennines, between the Mesozoic and Cenozoic carbonate platform sequences of the Aurunci Mountains and the volcanic sequences of the Roccamonfina. A multi-disciplinary approach was followed, using new hydrogeological surveys, the interpretation of stratigraphic logs of boreholes and water wells, and geophysical data—seismic sections, shear-wave velocity (Vs) crustal model and gravimetric model. The collected information allowed for construction of a conceptual hydrogeological model and characterization of the hydrothermal system. The Suio hydrothermal system is strongly influenced by the Eastern Aurunci hydrostructure. Along the southeastern side, the top of the hydrostructure sinks to ?1,000 m relative to sea level via a series of normal faults which give origin to the Garigliano graben. Geological and hydrogeological data strongly suggest the propagation and mixing of hot fluids, with cold waters coming from the shallow karst circuit. The aquitard distribution, the normal tectonic displacements and the fracturing of the karst hydrostructure strongly influence the hydrothermal basin. Carbon dioxide and other gasses play a key role in the whole circuit, facilitating the development of the hydrothermal system. The current level of knowledge suggests that the origin of the Suio hydrothermalism is the result of interaction between the carbonate reservoir of the Eastern Aurunci Mountains and the hot and deep crust of this peri-Tyrrhenian sector, where the Roccamonfina volcano represents the shallowest expression.  相似文献   

Granular xenoliths (ejecta) from pyroclastic deposits emplaced during the latest stages of activity of the Alban Hills volcano range from ultramafic to salic. Ultramafic types consist of various proportions of olivine, spinel, clinopyroxene and phlogopite. They show low SiO2, alkalies and incompatible element abundances and very high MgO. However, Cr, Co and Sc are anomalously low, at a few ppm level. Olivine is highly magnesian (up to Fo%=96) and has rather high CaO (1% Ca) and very low Ni (around a few tens ppm) contents. These characteristics indicate a genesis of ultramafic ejecta by thermal metamorphism of a siliceous dolomitic limestone, probably with input of chemical components from potassic magma. The other xenoliths have textures and compositional characteristics which indicate that they represent either intrusive equivalents of lavas or cumulates crystallized from variably evolved ultrapotassic magmas. One sample of the former group has major element composition resembling ultrapotassic rocks with kamafugitic affinity. Some cumulitic rocks have exceedingly high abundances of Th (81–84 ppm) and light rare-earth elements (LREE) (La+Ce=421–498 ppm) and extreme REE fractionation (La/Yb=288–1393), not justified by their modal mineralogy which is dominated by sanidine, leucite and nepheline. Finegrained phases are dispersed through the fractures and within the interstices of the main minerals. Semiquantitative EDS analyses show that Th and LREE occur at concentration levels of several tens of percent in these phases, indicating that their presence is responsible for the high concentration of incompatible trace elements in the whole rocks. The interstitial position of these phases and their association with fluorite support a secondary origin by deposition from fluorine-rich fluids separated from a highly evolved potassic liquid. The Nd isotopic ratios of the cjecta range from 0.51182 to 0.51217. 87Sr/86Sr ratios range from 0.70900 to 0.71036. With the exception of one sample, these values are lower than those of the outcropping lavas, which cluster around 0.7105±3. This indicates either the occurrence of several isotopically distinct potassic magmas or a variable interaction between magmas and wall rocks. However, this latter hypothesis requires selective assimilation of host rocks in order to explain isotopic and geochemical characteristics of lavas and xenoliths. The new data indicate that the evolutionary processes in the potassic magmas of the Alban Hills were much more complex than envisaged by previous studies. Interaction of magmas with wall rocks may be an important process during magmatic evolution. Element migration by gaseous transfer, often invoked but rarely constrained by sound data, is shown to have occurred during the latest stages of magmatic evolution. Such a process was able to produce selective enrichment of Th, U, LREE and, to a minor degree, Ta and Hf in the wall rocks of potassic magma chamber. Finally, the occurrence of xenoliths with kamafugitic composition points to the existence of this type of ultrapotassic magma at the Alban Hills.  相似文献   

In relation to the assessment of earthquake-induced landslide hazard, this paper discusses general principles and describes implementation criteria for seismic hazard estimates in landslide-prone regions. These criteria were worked out during the preparation of a hazard map belonging to the official Italian geological cartography and they are proposed as guidelines for future compilation of similar maps. In the presented case study, we used a procedure for the assessment of seismic hazard impact on slope stability adopting Arias intensity Ia as seismic shaking parameter and critical acceleration a c as parameter representing slope strength to failures induced by seismic shaking. According to this procedure, after a preliminary comparison of estimated historical maximum values of Ia with values proposed in literature as landslide-triggering thresholds, a probabilistic approach, based on the Newmark’s model, is adopted: it allows to estimate the minimum critical acceleration a c required for a slope to keep under a prefixed value, the probability of failures induced by seismic shakings expected in a given time interval. In this way, one can prepare seismic hazard maps where seismic shaking is expressed in an indirect way through a parameter (the critical acceleration) representing the “strength” that seismic shakings mobilise in slope materials (strength demand) with a prefixed exceedance probability. This approach was applied to an area of Daunia (Apulia—southern Italy) affected by frequent landslide phenomena. The obtained results indicate that shakings with a significant slope destabilisation potential can be expected particularly in the north-western part of the area, which is exposed to the seismic activity of Apennine tectonic structures.  相似文献   

The quaternary volcanic complex of Mount Amiata is located in southern Tuscany (Italy) and represents the most recent manifestation of the Tuscan Magmatic Province. The region is characterised by a large thermal anomaly and by the presence of numerous CO2-rich gas emissions and geothermal features, mainly located at the periphery of the volcanic complex. Two geothermal systems are located, at increasing depths, in the carbonate and metamorphic formations beneath the volcanic complex. The shallow volcanic aquifer is separated from the deep geothermal systems by a low permeability unit (Ligurian Unit). A measured CO2 discharge through soils of 1.8 × 109 mol a−1 shows that large amounts of CO2 move from the deep reservoir to the surface. A large range in δ13CTDIC (−21.07 to +3.65) characterises the waters circulating in the aquifers of the region and the mass and isotopic balance of TDIC allows distinguishing a discharge of 0.3 × 109 mol a−1 of deeply sourced CO2 in spring waters. The total natural CO2 discharge (2.1 × 109 mol a−1) is slightly less than minimum CO2 output estimated by an indirect method (2.8 × 109 mol a−1), but present-day release of 5.8 × 109 mol a−1 CO2 from deep geothermal wells may have reduced natural CO2 discharge. The heat transported by groundwater, computed considering the increase in temperature from the infiltration area to the discharge from springs, is of the same order of magnitude, or higher, than the regional conductive heat flow (>200 mW m−2) and reaches extremely high values (up to 2700 mW m−2) in the north-eastern part of the study area. Heat transfer occurs mainly by conductive heating in the volcanic aquifer and by uprising gas and vapor along fault zones and in those areas where low permeability cover is lacking. The comparison of CO2 flux, heat flow and geological setting shows that near surface geology and hydrogeological setting play a central role in determining CO2 degassing and heat transfer patterns.  相似文献   

Mass movements varying in type and size, some of which are periodically reactivated, affect the urban area of Avigliano. The disturbed and remoulded masses consist of sandy–silty or silty–clayey plastic material interbedded with stone fragments and conglomerate blocks. Five landslides that were markedly liable to rainfall-associated instability phenomena were selected.

The relationships between landslides and rainfall were investigated using a hydrological and statistical model based on long-term series of daily rainfall data. The model was used to determine the return period of cumulative daily rainfall over 1–180 days. The resulting hydrological and statistical findings are discussed with the aim of identifying the rainfall duration most critical to landslides.

The concept of a precipitation threshold was generalized by defining some probability classes of cumulative rainfall. These classes indicate the thresholds beyond which reactivation is likely to occur. The probability classes are defined according to the return period of the cumulative rainfall concomitant with landslide reactivation.  相似文献   

Magma-carbonate rock interaction is investigated through a geochemical and Sr-Nd-O isotope study of granular lithic clasts (ejecta) from the Alban Hills ultrapotassic volcano, Central Italy. Some samples (Group-1) basically represent intrusive equivalents of Alban Hills magmas. A few samples (Group-2) are ultramafic, have high MgO (∼30 to 40 wt%) and δ18O‰, and originated by accumulation of mafic phases that crystallised from ultrapotassic melts during assimilation of dolomitic rocks. Group-3 ejecta consist of dominant K-feldspar, and show major element compositions similar to phonolites, which, however, are absent among the Alban Hills volcanics. Finally, another group (Group-4) contains corroded K-feldspars, surrounded by a microgranular to porphyritic matrix, made of igneous minerals (K-feldspar, foids, clinopyroxene, phlogopite) plus wollastonite, garnet, and some cuspidine. Group-4 ejecta are depleted in SiO2 and enriched in CaO with respect to Group-3.The analysed ejecta have similar 143Nd/144Nd (0.51204-0.51217) as the Alban Hills lavas, whereas 87Sr/86Sr (0.70900-0.71067) is similar to lower. Whole rocks δ18O‰ ranges from +7.0 to +13.2, reaching maximum values in ultramafic samples. A positive correlation with CaO is observed in single rock groups. Large Ion Lithophile Element (LILE) abundances and REE fractionation are generally high, and extreme values of Th, U and LREE are found in some Group-3 and Group-4 rocks.Mineralogical, petrological and geochemical data reveal extensive interaction between magma and carbonate wall rocks, involving both dolostones and limestones. These processes had dramatic effects on magma compositions, especially on phonolites, which were transformed to foidites. Evidence of such a process is found in Group-4 samples, in which K-feldspar is observed to react with a matrix that represents strongly undersaturated melts formed by interaction between silicate magma and carbonates. Trace element data also testify to a very important role for F-CO2-H2O-S fluids during magma-wall rock interaction. Fluid transfer was responsible for extreme enrichments in Th, U, and LREE especially observed in Group-3 and Group-4 rocks. Implications of these processes for potassic magma evolution in Central Italy are discussed.  相似文献   

Angelo Peccerillo 《Lithos》1998,43(4):267-279
The Pleistocene intra-Apennine volcanic (IAV) centres occurring east of the potassium-rich Roman comagmatic province show variable petrological and geochemical composition. Some rocks have a strongly undersaturated ultrapotassic kamafugitic affinity with K2O/Na2O=8–20, whereas the rocks from the southern center of Mt. Vulture are still strongly undersaturated in silica but are enriched in both Na2O and K2O with K/Na around unity. Carbonate-rich pyroclastic rocks, believed to represent carbonatitic magmas, are found in the IAV centers. Kamafugites have high abundances of LILE and high LILE/HFSE ratios, and their incompatible element patterns resemble closely those of ultrapotassic rocks from the adjoining Roman province. The Vulture volcanics also display high contents of LILE, but their LILE/HFSE ratios are intermediate between intraplate alkaline rocks and kamafugites. The carbonate-rich rocks exhibit an exotic mineralogy and high enrichments in LILE, which speaks for a carbonatitic affinity. However, they have similar incompatible element patterns but consistently lower abundances of almost all the elements than the associated silicate volcanics. These data favour the hypothesis that the IAV carbonate rocks may represent mixtures of silicate magmas and geochemically depleted carbonate material. The sedimentary carbonates that crop out extensively along the Apennine chain may be the source of barren carbonate material. Overall, geochemical data of IAV centres and of the rocks from the Roman province display strong geochemical and isotopic evidence of being generated in an upper mantle that was modified by addition of upper crustal material brought down by subduction processes. A possible exception is represented by Mt. Vulture which, however, occurs east of the main axis of the Apennines, on the western margin of the foreland Adria plate. The occurrence of strongly undersaturated alkaline rocks requires magma generation at high pressures and . This is in agreement with the hypothesis that subduction processes under the Apennines occurred by consumption of poorly hydrated thinned or delaminated continental crust.  相似文献   

Groundwater surveys were performed by detailed(around 300 sites) grid-analysis of water temperature, pH, redox potential, electrical conductivity, 222Rn, alkalinity and by calculating the pCO2, throughout the Ciampino and Marino towns in the Alban Hills quiescent volcano (Central Italy). Following several episodes of dangerous CO2 exhalation from soils during the last 20 years and earlier ashistorically recorded, the work aimed at assessing the Natural Gas Hazard (NGH) including the indoor-Rn hazard. The NGH was defined as the probability of an area to become a site of poisonous peri-volcanic gas exhalations from soils to the lower atmosphere (comprising buildings). CO2 was found to be a ``carrier' for the other poisonous minor and in trace components (HsS, CH4, 222Rn, etc.). This assessment was performed by extrapolating in the aquifer CO2 and 222Rn conditions, and discriminating sectors where future CO2 flux in soils as well as indoor-Rn measurements have to be noted. A preliminary indoor-Rn survey was performed at about 200 sites. The highest values were found in the highest pCO2 and high 222Rn values in groundwater. This indicates convection and enhanced permeability in certain sectors of the main aquifer, i.e., along the bordering faults and inside the gas-trap of the Ciampino Horst., where ``continuous gas-phase micro-macro seepage mechanism' is invoked to explain the high peri-volcanic gases flux.  相似文献   

The seismic hazard in the Sannio-Matese area has been worked out by a modification of the McGuire (1976) computing programme, taking into account the influence of nine potential seismic source zones.The method uses truncated-quadratic intensity-frequency distribution and azimuth-dependent intensity attenuation derived from isoseismal maps for each of the seismogenetic sources. A new modification has been introduced to take into account different decay of the intensity in the near (to VIII degree) and far (from VIII degree) field.Different assumptions about maximum possible intensities and truncation of intensity-frequency laws are used to evaluate the effects of the uncertainties on the computed hazard at high intensities. Intensities associated with different level of annual probability are computed for five test sites in the considered area. Maps displaying the expected intensity for a mean return period of 500 years (pa 0.002) are presented and compared with observed intensities.Presented at the XXIst General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Symposium on Methods of Seismic Hazard Assessment in Europe, Sofia, 23–27 August 1988.  相似文献   

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