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The concurrence evolution of two qubits coupled with one-mode cavity separately is investigated exactly without adopting the rotating-wave approximation. The results show that for the resonant case, the concurrence evolution behaviour of the system is similar to that of the Markovian case when the coupling strength is weak, while the concurrence vanishes in a finite time and might revive fractional initial entanglement before it permanently vanishes when the coupling strength is strong. And for the detuning case, the entanglement could periodically recover after complete disentanglement. These results are quite different from those of system subjected to Jaynes--Cummings model.  相似文献   

浮体间距对多浮体系统水动力系数的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
根据三维线性势流理论,采用格林函数法,对多浮体系统的水动力系数进行了数值分析。数值算例中给出了在固定波频下水动力系数与浮体间相对位置关系曲线。水动力系数的变化幅度随着浮体间距离增大而变小。随着浮体间距的变化,水动力系数极值的出现具有明显的规律,相邻的极大值(或极小值)的间距为半个波长或一个波长。  相似文献   

浮式塔的动力计算   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
范菊  纪亨腾  黄祥鹿 《海洋学报》2001,23(2):117-123
采用频域二阶摄动法研究了浮式塔在给定环境条件下的动力响应.计算了浮式塔在不规则波上的一阶运动响应函数和运动谱以及张力谱,同时进行了相应的模型试验.由结果的比较可以看出,试验结果与理论方法计算得到的结果吻合较好.计算结果表明,波浪的二阶作用对浮式塔的低频纵荡有影响.计算结果与试验结果的比较说明频域二阶摄动法可以用于浮式塔的动力分析.  相似文献   

沈国光  徐炯 《海洋工程》2005,23(2):21-25
提出了有关气浮结构的环境压力相似判据问题,指出了在模型试验时要达到完全相似的困难。计算结果表明,对尺度比为0.1的模型,若不考虑环境压力的相似,恢复力矩的误差可接近50%。根据4筒和25筒气浮结构的计算结果,给出了将实验结果转换到原型的修正方法。  相似文献   

Results are presented from particle flux studies using sediment trap and current meter moorings along a transect at the European continental margin at 49°N within the EU-funded Ocean Margin Exchange (OMEX) project. Two moorings were placed, at the mid- and outer slope in water depths of 1500 and 3660 m, with traps at 600 and 1050 m and at 580, 1440 and 3220 m, respectively. Residual currents at the mid-slope follow the slope contour, whereas seasonal off-slope flow was registered at the outer slope. At 600 m on the slope fluxes are similar to those in the abyssal North Atlantic. The flux of all components (bulk dry weight, particulate organic and inorganic carbon, lithogenic matter and opal) increased with water depth. Highest fluxes were recorded at 1440 m at the outer slope, where off-slope residual currents mediate particle export. The injection of biogenic and lithogenic particles below the depth of winter mixing results in the export of particles from shallower waters. Calculated lateral fluxes of particulate organic carbon exceed the primary flux by over a factor of 2 at 1440 m on the outer slope. Estimated lateral fluxes of suspended particulate matter in the water column and intermediate nepheloid layers at the outer slope are potentially large compared to sinking fluxes measured by sediment traps. A comparison is made of particle flux at three continental margin sites and two sites in the adjacent open North Atlantic, from which it is seen that bulk and organic matter flux increases exponentially with proximity to the shelf break. The percentage contribution of particulate organic carbon to biogenic fluxes increases from a mean of 5.7% in the abyssal N. Atlantic to 13.9% at the continental margins.  相似文献   

漂浮式风电平台在波浪中的摇晃运动会导致塔架根部产生很大的弯矩,极大地威胁平台结构安全。同时流体的附连水质量效应对平台塔架结构的动响应有着较为显著的影响,因此充分考虑这种流固耦合效应有利于更加准确地评估平台塔架的结构动响应。采用三维频域线性水弹性方法计算塔架在流体作用下的结构共振频率特征以及各阶模态振动的主坐标响应特性,然后通过弹性模态叠加法获得塔架的弯矩载荷。并结合概率学手段,预报了短期极限海况下塔架弯曲载荷响应,为新一代漂浮式风电平台结构安全性评估和方案设计提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

By integration of the second-order fluid pressure over the instantaneous wetted surface, the generalized first- and second-order fluid forces used in nonlinear hydroelastic analysis are obtained. The expressions for coefficients of the generalized first- and second-order hydrodynamic forces in irregular waves are also given. The coefficients of the restoring forces of a mooring system acting on a flexible floating body are presented. The linear and nonlinear three-dimensional hydroelastic equations of motion of a moored floating body in frequency domain are established. These equations include the second-order forces, induced by the rigid body rotations of large amplitudes in high waves, the variation of the instantaneous wetted surface and the coupling of the first order wave potentials. The first-order and second-order principal coordinates of the hydrelastic vibration of a moored floating body are calculated. The frequency characteristics of the principal coordinates are discussed. The numerical results indicate that the rigid resonance and the coupling resonance of a moored floating body can occur in low frequency domain while the flexible resonance can occur in high frequency domain. The hydroelastic responses of a moored box-type barge are also given in this paper. The effects of the second-order forces on the modes are investigated in detail.  相似文献   

Water waves induce a slow drift of an object floating on the water surface. In this study, we examined, by a series of laboratory experiments, the drift motion of small rigid floating objects driven by regular waves in deep water. Different shapes of planar objects, including square, circular and elliptical, were investigated for two different submergences, and their drift motions in waves were determined using an infrared motion monitoring system. The corresponding measurements enabled the quantification of the drift characteristics with respect to the wave characteristics and object shapes. Numerical simulations based on an existing theory were presented and comparisons between the experimental data and the predictions by the existing theory were performed.  相似文献   

水下悬浮隧道锚索稳定性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏志彬  孙胜男 《海洋工程》2015,33(1):119-124
为研究水下悬浮隧道锚索的稳定性,建立锚索在涡街激励作用下振动的数学方程,采用伽辽金法对其进行化简,锚索振动的稳定性通过Lyapunov指数法进行判断,分析了锚索动静张力比的大小、悬浮隧道系统的阻尼比和锚索参数激励频率对锚索振动稳定性的影响。计算结果表明,锚索振动失稳的范围取决于锚索的动静张力比、锚索的阻尼比和频率比(锚索参数激励频率与锚索1阶模态固有频率的比值);当频率比为1和2左右时,随着锚索动静张力比的增大和阻尼比的减小,锚索逐渐从稳定状态转变为不稳定状态,且锚索的不稳定区域逐渐增大。  相似文献   

通过对空腔内气体的小孔出流和运动方程的分析,计算了气浮结构物在不同情况下的沉陷过程,讨论了其沉陷规律并对有关振荡和稳定性等问题进行了分析讨论。  相似文献   

超大型海洋浮式结构物概念设计的关键技术问题   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:8  
应用超大型海洋浮式结构物进行海洋空间利用和海洋资源开发,是目前海洋工程界的研究热点。概念设计是超大型海洋浮式结构物研究的基础。本文从设计准则、结构型式、建造材料、模块连接器、系泊系统等几个方面对概念设计的关键技术问题作了归纳,对超大型海洋浮式结构物的概念设计有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

浮式防波堤非线性波浪力实验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对浮式防波堤在不同吃水深度、周期、波高和入射波波型情况,进行了波浪对浮式防波堤非线性作用力的研究,给出了有关实验结果。实验结果表明波浪力在周期较大时,随着波高的增加,出现一阶力减小、高阶力增大的强非线性现象。实验中出现了二阶力大于一阶力的现象,也出现了三阶力大于二阶力和一阶力的现象。  相似文献   

An analytical method is developed to study the sheltering effects on arc-shaped floating perforated breakwaters. In the process of analysis, the floating breakwater is assumed to be rigid, thin, vertical, and immovable and located in water with constant depth. The fluid domain is divided into two regions by imaginary interface. The velocity potential in each region is expanded by eigenfunction in the context of linear theory. By satisfying continuity of pressure and normal velocity across the imaginary fluid interface, a set of linear algebraic equations can be obtained to determine the unknown coefficients for eigenfunction expansions. The accuracy of the present model was verified by a comparison with existing results for the case of arc-shaped floating breakwater. Numerical results, in the form of contour maps of the non-dimensional wave amplitude around the breakwater and diffracted wave amplitude at typical sections, are presented for a range of wave and breakwater parameters. Results show that the sheltering effects on the arc-shaped floating perforated breakwater are closely related to the incident wavelength, the draft and the porosity of the breakwater.  相似文献   

关于气浮筒群结构的静稳性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
讨论了气浮筒群结构的静稳性问题 ,以三筒组合为算例 ,变化干舷、升沉和绕x轴、y轴的倾角α、β ,给出了静稳性的算法和初步结果。指出存在四个相关的姿态角 ,最后讨论了初始参数干舷的选取  相似文献   

为研究顺应式海洋平台慢漂运动的影响因素,以截断圆柱和漂浮方箱为例进行了不规则波作用下的慢漂运动模型试验。测量了不同系泊刚度条件下的漂浮方箱以及相同系泊刚度条件下的截断圆柱和漂浮方箱在静水中自由衰减运动和在不规则波中的运动响应,并将运动响应分解成一阶波频运动响应和二阶低频运动响应,分析了系泊刚度和浮体形状对浮体运动的影响。通过物理模型试验发现了系泊刚度及浮体形状对顺应式系泊浮体一阶运动标准差和二阶低频运动平均漂移值和标准差的关系。结果表明由于顺应式浮体的固有周期远离波浪谱峰周期时,系泊刚度以及浮体形状对慢漂运动的一阶运动响应影响不大;二阶低频运动相对偏离平衡位置的平均值和标准差均随系泊刚度增大而减小,浮体形状同样对慢漂运动的二阶低频纵荡运动响应影响较大。试验结果为实际海洋工程的外形选择和系泊刚度选择提供数据支持。  相似文献   

浮式防波堤在港口海岸工程、近海工程、海洋工程和水产养殖等诸多领域有广阔的应用前景。与单浮箱式浮式防波堤相比,多浮箱式浮式防波堤可提高其消浪性能。对双浮箱式浮式防波堤进行了二维波浪物理模型试验,分析了浮箱宽度、前后浮箱连接方式、前后浮箱间距以及浮箱入水深度等因素对浮式防波堤消浪性能的影响。研究结果表明:对于单浮箱式浮式防波堤,试验范围内浮箱宽度增大一倍后消浪效果改善并不相对明显;前后浮箱刚性连接的双浮箱式浮堤的波浪透射系数均小于前后浮箱自由的双浮箱式浮堤和相同浮箱宽度的单浮箱式浮堤,浮堤消浪性能提高;由于前后浮箱相对间距太大时前后浮箱的相互作用减弱,浮堤的波浪反射系数变小,而不同前后浮箱相对间距的波能损耗系数整体上差别较小,双浮箱式浮堤的波浪透射系数整体上随着前后浮箱相对间距D/2B的增大先减小然后变大,在相对间距D/2B为1.0~1.5时双浮箱式浮堤的波浪透射系数相比最小;不同波高和波浪周期下,浮堤的波浪透射系数均随着浮箱相对入水深度的增大而减小。  相似文献   

Research on heat and mass flux yielded by modern seafloor hydrothermal activity is very important, because it is involved not only in the base of ocean environment research, but also in the historical evolution of seawater properties. Currently, estimating heat flux is based on the observation data of hydrothermal smokers, low-temperature diffusive flow and mid-ocean ridge mainly. But there are some faults, for example, there is lack of a concurrent conductive item in estimating the heat flux by smokers and the error between the half-space cooling model and the observation data is too large. So, three kinds of methods are applied to re-estimating the heat flux of hydrothermal activity resepectively, corresponding estimation is 97. 359 GW by hydrothermal smoker and diffusive flow, 84.895 GW by hydrothermal plume, and 4. 11 TW by exponential attenuation method put forward by this paper. Research on mass flux estimation is relatively rare, the main reason for this is insufficient field observation data. Mass fluxes of different elements are calculated using hydrothermal vent fluid data from the TAG hydrothermal area on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge for the first time. Difference of estimations by different methods reflects the researching extent of hydrothermal activity, and systematically in - situ observation will help to estimate the contribution of hydrothermal activity to ocean chemical environment, ocean circulation and global climate precisely.  相似文献   

Heat and mass flux estimation of modern seafloor hydrothermal activity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1Introduction Heat flux yielded by modern seafloor hydrother-mal activity could be next only to heat radiation fromthe sun to the earth, and be similar to energy pro-duced by volcanism. And mass flux of hydrothermalactivity could be close to that of river…  相似文献   

现代海底热液活动的热和物质通量估算   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
对现代海底热液活动所导致的热和物质的通量研究是非常重要的,因为这不仅涉及到海洋环境研究的基础,而且涉及到海水性质的历史演化.当前对热通量估算的主要依据是来自对热液烟囱、低温扩散流及洋中脊的观测数据, 然而在对烟囱体热通量的估算中很少考虑同时存在的传导项,半空间冷却模型的热通量密度函数与实际数据误差较大.因此,应用了三种方法重新估算了热液活动的热通量:(1)通过烟囱体及扩散流估算的热液热通量为97.359 GW;(2)通过热液羽状体估算的热通量为84.895 GW;(3)利用所提出的指数衰减法,通过洋壳传导通量估算的热通量为4.11 TW.对物质通量估算的研究较少,其原因是现场观测数据太少.以大西洋中脊TAG区热液流体为代表首次估算了不同元素的物质通量.用不同方法所得估算值的差异反映了人类对热液活动的认知程度,系统地现场观测将有助于准确估算热液活动对海洋的贡献.  相似文献   

超大型海洋浮式储油系统的风险评估   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
对超大型海洋浮式储油系统的危险灾害识别、失效概率计算、失效后果评估、风险准则评定和风险管理决策等几个主要步骤进行了风险分析,计算结果为在设置防坡堤情况下,储油船漂移的概率为2 217×10-6,沉没的概率为6 778×10-8,结构损坏的概率为6 300×10-7,总的经济损失为70万人民币;在未设置防波堤的情况下,储油船漂移的概率为3 167×10-3,沉没的概率为9 683×10-5,结构损坏的概率为9 000×10-4,总的经济损失为9 91亿人民币。结果表明,采取合理的措施,如在储油船系泊地点设置防波堤,以降低风险水平是十分必要的。  相似文献   

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