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We studied the applicability of two types of existing three-dimensional (3-D) basin velocity structure models of the Osaka basin, western Japan for long-period ground motion simulations. We synthesized long-period (3–20 s) ground motions in the Osaka basin during a M6.5 earthquake that occurred near the hypothetical Tonankai earthquake source area, approximately 200 km from Osaka. The simulations were performed using a 3-D finite-difference method with nonuniform staggered grids using the two basin velocity structure models. To study the ground motion characteristics inside the basin, we evaluated the wave field inside the basin using the transfer functions derived from the synthetics at the basin and a reference rock site outside the basin. The synthetic waveforms at the basin site were obtained by a convolution of the calculated transfer function and the observed waveform at the reference rock site. First, we estimated the appropriate Q values for the sediment layers. Assuming that the Q value depends on the S wave velocity V S and period T, it was set to Q = (1/3V S)(T 0/T) where V S is in m/s and the reference period T 0 is 3.0 s. Second, we compared the synthetics and the observations using waveforms and pseudovelocity response spectra, together with a comparison of the velocity structures of the two basin models. We also introduced a goodness-of-fit factor to the pseudovelocity response spectra as an objective index. The synthetics of both the models reproduced the observations reasonably well at most of the stations in the central part the basin. At some stations, however, especially where the bedrock depth varies sharply, there were noticeable discrepancies in the simulation results of the models, and the synthetics did not accurately reproduce the observation. Our results indicate that the superiority of one model over the other cannot be determined and that an improvement in the basin velocity structure models based on simulation studies is required, especially along the basin edges. We also conclude that our transfer function method can be used to examine the applicability of the basin velocity structure models for long-period ground motion simulations.  相似文献   

We have developed a community velocity model for the Pacific Northwest region from northern California to southern Canada and carried out the first 3D simulation of a Mw 9.0 megathrust earthquake rupturing along the Cascadia subduction zone using a parallel supercomputer. A long-period (<0.5 Hz) source model was designed by mapping the inversion results for the December 26, 2004 Sumatra–Andaman earthquake (Han et al., Science 313(5787):658–662, 2006) onto the Cascadia subduction zone. Representative peak ground velocities for the metropolitan centers of the region include 42 cm/s in the Seattle area and 8–20 cm/s in the Tacoma, Olympia, Vancouver, and Portland areas. Combined with an extended duration of the shaking up to 5 min, these long-period ground motions may inflict significant damage on the built environment, in particular on the highrises in downtown Seattle.  相似文献   

The 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake (M w 8.0) in northern Japan generated large-amplitude long-period (4–8 s) ground motions in the Yufutsu sedimentary basin, causing severe damage to seven large oil storage tanks with floating roof structures because of severe sloshing of oil. The 30,000–40,000-m3 tanks having suffered the severe damage such as fires and sinking of floating roofs experienced the sloshing with large amplitudes exceeding 3 m in which the fundamental mode was predominant. The second mode of sloshing was also excited in the 110,000-m3 tanks in which their floating roofs sank into oil, indicating that the higher modes of sloshing as well as the fundamental mode should be considered in damage prediction. The strong ground motion recordings demonstrated the earthquake dependency of predominant periods and the substantial spatial variation of the long-period shaking observed within the Yufutsu basin, meaning the necessity of source- and site-specific prediction of long-period strong ground motions. The two-dimensional numerical modeling suggested the importance of detailed structures of soft near-surface sediments as well as deep basin structure for accurate prediction of long-period strong ground motions in deep sedimentary basins.  相似文献   

We studied the long-period ground motions in the Osaka sedimentary basin, Japan, which contains a 1- to 3-km thickness of sediments and is the site of many buildings or construction structures with long-natural period. We simulated the broadband ground motions likely to be produced by the hypothetical Nankai earthquake: the earthquake expected to give rise to the most severe long-period ground motion within the basin. For the simulation, we constructed multiscale heterogeneous source models based on the Central Disaster Management Council of Japan (CDMC) source model and adopted a hybrid computation method in which long-period motion and short-period motion are computed using a 3-D finite difference method and the stochastic Green’s function method, respectively. In computing long-period motions, we used a 3-D structure model of the crust and the Osaka sedimentary basin. The ground motions are estimated to have peak velocities of 50–90 cm/s, prolonged durations exceeding 300 s, and long predominant periods of 5–10 s in the area with great thickness of sediments. The predominant periods are in agreement with an approximate evaluation by 4 H/V s where H and V s are the thickness of the sediment and the average S wave velocity, respectively.  相似文献   

本文用错格实数傅里叶变换的拟谱法的数值模拟方法分析了地震波在冲积扇、盆地等不均匀地震构造体区域的传播过程和地面运动分布. 结果表明, 地震波由岩石区进入盆地结构后,在盆地内上下多次反射振荡,对地面建筑物可能形成多次连续的振动和破坏,仅有极少量地震波能量返回岩石区域中,这是防灾研究中值得注意的地面运动特征;地震波在盆地边界地质构造条件下,形成的地震波体波与次生面波动的叠加干涉形成了大振幅的地面运动,它可能导致建筑物的极大破坏;破坏峰值的空间位置可能远离岩石和盆地沉积层的边界或者地震断层的位置.  相似文献   

There is a high possibility of reoccurrence of the Tonankai and Nankai earthquakes along the Nankai Trough in Japan. It is very important to predict the long-period ground motions from the next Tonankai and Nankai earthquakes with moment magnitudes of 8.1 and 8.4, respectively, to mitigate their disastrous effects. In this study, long-period (>2.5 s) ground motions were predicted using an earthquake scenario proposed by the Headquarters for Earthquake Research Promotion in Japan. The calculations were performed using a fourth-order finite difference method with a variable spacing staggered-grid in the frequency range 0.05–0.4 Hz. The attenuation characteristics (Q) in the finite difference simulations were assumed to be proportional to frequency (f) and S-wave velocity (V s) represented by Q = f · V s / 2. Such optimum attenuation characteristic for the sedimentary layers in the Osaka basin was obtained empirically by comparing the observed motions during the actual M5.5 event with the modeling results. We used the velocity structure model of the Osaka basin consisting of three sedimentary layers on bedrock. The characteristics of the predicted long-period ground motions from the next Tonankai and Nankai earthquakes depend significantly on the complex thickness distribution of the sediments inside the basin. The duration of the predicted long-period ground motions in the city of Osaka is more than 4 min, and the largest peak ground velocities (PGVs) exceed 80 cm/s. The predominant period is 5 to 6 s. These preliminary results indicate the possibility of earthquake damage because of future subduction earthquakes in large-scale constructions such as tall buildings, long-span bridges, and oil storage tanks in the Osaka area.  相似文献   

This short article evaluates the stochastic method of ground motion simulation for Bucharest area using both the single-corner frequency model and recently introduced double-corner frequency models. A dedicated Q model is derived using ground motions obtained during the largest Vrancea earthquakes from the past 30 years. The simulated ground motions are tested against the observed data from the Vrancea earthquakes of August 1986 and May 1990. Moreover, the observed data are also compared against simulations obtained using the Q model derived by Oth et al. (2008). Finally, the results of the simulations show that the derived Q model is better suited for larger magnitude events, while the Q model of Oth et al. (2008) provides better results for smaller earthquakes.  相似文献   

王旭  陈凌  王新  高一帆 《地球物理学报》2023,66(12):4900-4915

P波质点运动已经成为研究地震台站下方浅部地壳S波速度结构的一种重要手段.然而,现有研究主要基于水平层状各向同性介质的假设,对于各向异性和倾斜界面对P波质点运动的影响仍缺乏系统研究.本文通过理论模拟初步研究了各向异性和倾斜界面情况下的P波质点运动特征.模拟结果表明,各向异性和倾斜界面会使P波质点运动随反方位发生周期性变化,而且这种变化具有频率依赖性,反映了结构的垂向变化.四川盆地是研究青藏高原生长与物质外向逃逸的重要场所.本研究以盆地内部的宽频带流动地震台站S124为例,探讨利用P波质点运动研究浅部地壳各向异性和界面几何结构的可行性.研究结果显示,台站下方~4-5 km以浅的地壳具有明显各向异性(~20%),且其快轴方向(近东西向)与川中走滑断裂带走向一致.这表明研究区浅部地壳的变形模式可能主要受到断裂构造的控制.本研究的理论模拟和初步应用均表明,利用不同频率P波质点运动的反方位变化能够有效约束浅部地壳的各向异性和/或界面几何结构.


在分析特殊型地震动如近场脉冲型地震动或远场类谐和地震动时,研究和设计人员更关注于地震动的时域特性.鉴于目前尚不具有一种成熟的用于分析地震动时域特性的方法,在研究中通常采用肉眼辨别地震动.但在肉眼辨别的过程中并没有定量的指标描述地震动的特性,因此这种方法容易引入人为的主观性误差.地震动的时域特性主要指地震动的振动周期和强度随时间的变化情况.如有一种定量描述这种变化的方法便能消除肉眼辨别中引入的主观性误差.为解决该问题,本文提出了一种简便、有效的分析地震动速度时程时域特性的速度零点法ZVPM(Zero Velocity Point Method).采用这种方法可以定量地分析地震动速度时程的振动周期和强弱程度随时间的变化情况,并可以通过定义的幅值参数、周期参数和相位参数获取等效的地震动速度时程.鉴于脉冲型地震动对结构具有特殊的破坏作用,本文采用速度零点法分析了24条典型的强脉冲型地震动,并基于速度零点法提出了一种简便的脉冲周期计算方法.为便于工程设计人员快速地获取本文所选脉冲型地震动的等效速度脉冲,文中给出了每一条地震动等效速度脉冲的数学表达式.  相似文献   


北京地区历史上发生多次破坏性地震.在未来50年超越概率10%的中国地震烈度区划中,北京地区烈度为Ⅷ度.北京邻区强震对北京地震烈度的影响已经有一些研究.然而,如果北京地区的断裂发生强震,其地震烈度将有多大?又是如何分布?这是防震减灾所关注的问题.北京活断层研究表明,黄庄—高丽营等断裂具有第四纪分段活动特征.本文首先用有限元方法对北京地区活动地震断裂地震安全度进行评估,确定了黄庄—高丽营断裂(北段)是其中地震安全度相对最低的断裂;然后在此断裂上设定一个MS7.2的情景地震,使用可以考虑真实起伏地形影响的任意曲线网格有限差分方法模拟了这个设定地震在北京地区引起的强地面运动特征和烈度分布细节.强地面运动模拟结果表明,峰值速度PGV>0.7 m·s-1的区域集中在沿断裂东侧的8~9 km宽的条带内,最大值达1 m·s-1;烈度分布显示断裂周围20 km内大都超过Ⅷ度.本文结果可为防震减灾提供参考依据.


Two types of modelling approaches for simulating ground motion in Iceland are studied and compared. The first type of models, named discrete‐time series models (ARMA), are based solely on measured acceleration in earthquakes occurring in Iceland. The second type of models are based on a theoretical seismic source model called the extended Brune model. Based on measured acceleration in Iceland during the period 1986–1996, the parameters for the extended Brune models have been estimated. The seismic source models are presented here as ARMA models, which simplifies the simulation process. A single‐layer soil amplification model is used in conjunction with the extended Brune model to estimate local site amplification. Emphasis is put on the ground motion models representing the variability in the measured earthquakes, with respect to energy, duration and frequency content. Demonstration is made using these models for constructing linear and non‐linear probabilistic response spectra using a discretised version of the Bouc–Wen model for the hysteresis of the second‐order system. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

根据我国川滇地区的地质地貌特征、前人地质资料和2021年漾濞MS6.4地震的震源参数初步反演结果,建立三维速度结构模型,采用三维有限差分法对漾濞地震的长周期地震动进行研究.对实际地震烈度和模拟烈度进行对比,同时在区域附近布置了36个观测点,给出其中6个观测点的三分量速度时程,并给出所有观测点阻尼比为5%的速度反应谱,结果表明:(1)模拟的速度峰值已超过25 cm/s,与实际漾濞地区附近的烈度为8度吻合;(2)受断层滑动分布影响,速度水平分量在西北方向分布范围更广,衰减速度明显慢于东南方向,并且在极震区,东北—西南方向的地震动衰减也较慢.方向性效应对峰值大小及其分布范围的影响显著;(3)观测点速度反应谱的特征周期分布在1~3 s范围内,可能会因为共振效应对区域附近的大型建筑物产生较为严重的破坏.需要对漾濞地震进行进一步研究,以期对漾濞地震的长周期地震动有更为细致的认识.  相似文献   

Seismic risk analysis and mitigation of spatially extended structures require the synthesis of spatially varying ground motions in the response history analysis of these structures. These synthetic motions are usually desired to be spatially correlated, site reflected, nonstationary, and compatible with target design response spectra. In this paper, a method is presented for simulating spatially varying ground motions considering the nonstationarity, local site effects, and compatibility of response spectra. The scheme for generating spatially varying and response spectra compatible ground motions is first established for spatial locations on the ground surface with varying site conditions. The design response spectrum is introduced as the “power” spectrum at the base rock. The site amplification approach is then derived based on the deterministic wave propagation theory, by assuming that the base rock motions consist of out-of-plane SH wave or in-plane combined P and SV waves propagating into the site with assumed incident angles, from which tri-directional spatial ground motions can be generated. The phase difference spectrum is employed to model ground motions exhibiting nonstationarity in both frequency and time domains with different site conditions. The proposed scheme is demonstrated with numerical examples.  相似文献   

The reflecting events from Moho and other interfaces within the crust are recognized from the wavefield characteristics of P- and S-wave for the 480km long wide-angle seismic profile between Peigu Tso and Pumoyong Tso. Then, seismic crustal structures of P- and S-wave velocities and Poisson ratio under the nearly east-west profile in southern Tibet are interpreted by fitting the observed traveltimes with the calculated ones by forward modelling. Our interpreting results demonstrate that the crustal thickness varies remarkably in the east-west direction, showing a pattern that the crust could be divided into three parts bounded by the west of Dingri and the east of Dinggyê, respectively, where the depth of Moho is about 71km for the western part, about 76km for the middle and about 74km for the eastern. There is one lower velocity layer (LVL) at the bottom of the upper crust with depth of 20–30 km. One of the distinct features is that the thickness of LVL abruptly thins from 24km on the west to 6km on the east. The other is that the velocity variation in the crust along east-west direction for both P- and S-wave displays a feature as quasi-periodic variation. The lower velocity (compared to the average value for the continent of the globe) in the lower crust and three sets of north-southward active normal faults are probably attributed to the coupling process of material delamination in the lower crust, crustal thicking and east-westward escape of the crustal material accompanied with the continental collision between India and Eurasia Plate.  相似文献   

经中国地震台网中心测定,北京时间2016年12月27日8时17分,重庆荣昌区发生MS 4.9地震,震中位于四川盆地东缘华蓥山基底断裂系中北段.该区域历史地震活动性较弱,20世纪80年代末,受天然气田废水回注影响,4.0级地震频发,截至2020年12月,已发生14次MS≥4.0地震.中等地震频发,被认为是人为注水使得中等...  相似文献   

Crustal structures around the Yamato Basin in the southeastern Sea of Japan, inferred from recent ocean bottom seismography (OBS) and active-source seismological studies, are reviewed to elucidate various stages of crustal modification involved from rifting in the crust of the surrounding continental arc to the production of oceanic crust in the Yamato Basin of the back-arc basin. The northern, central, and southern areas of the Yamato Basin have crustal thicknesses of approximately 12–16 km, and lowermost crusts with P-wave velocities greater than 7.2 km/s. Very few units have P-wave velocities in the range 5.4–6.0 km/s, which corresponds to the continental upper crust. These findings, combined with previous geochemical analysis of basalt samples, are interpreted to indicate that a thick oceanic crust has been formed in these areas of the basin, and that this oceanic crust has been underplated by mantle-derived magma. In the central Yamato Basin, the original continental crust has been fully breached and oceanic crust has been formed. Conversely, the presence of a unit corresponding to the continental upper crust and the absence of a high-velocity part in the lower crust implies that the southwestern edge of the Yamato Basin has a rifted crust without significant intrusion. The Oki Trough has a crust that is 17–19 km thick with a high-velocity lower crust and a unit corresponding to the continental upper crust. The formation of the Oki Trough resulted from rifting with magmatic intrusion and/or underplating. We interpret these variations in the crustal characteristics of the Yamato Basin area as reflecting various instances of crustal modification by thinning and magmatic intrusion due to back-arc extension, resulting in the production of a thick oceanic crust in the basin.  相似文献   

青藏高原东北缘地壳三维速度结构   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
本文用1980—2000年M≥1.5的2 032个天然地震事件的38 052个〖AKP-〗、〖AKS-〗、Pm、Sm、Pn和Sn震相到时及人工地震测深给出的Moho面形态资料,利用地震层析技术反演了32°~40°N, 100°~108°E区域内地壳地震波速度结构.从层析成像图象中可以得到,本区的地壳可分成4个层位.第1层(埋深约在0~3 km)为沉积层, 速度梯度约为0.2 s-1;第2层(埋深约在3~17 km)为上地壳, 其顶部速度梯度约为0.1 s-1, 下部速度横向变化较大且存在低速块体;第3层(埋深约在17~36 km)为中地壳, 速度梯度约为0.03 s-1;第4层(埋深约在36 km—Moho)为下地壳, 是一个契形层,总的趋势是西厚东薄,青藏高原较厚逐渐向鄂尔多斯地块和扬子准地台方向变薄,各处的地震波速度梯度不尽相同.  相似文献   

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