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卢辉 《中国测绘》2009,(3):56-56
选择测量专业让我和测量结下了不解之缘,专业课的学习让我对测量有了更深的理解,这一生也注定了要作一个测量人,为测量事业奋斗终生。从当初认为测量就是用尺子去丈量物体的懵懂,到现在对于测量的深刻理解,经历的东西太多了学业还未完成,学习还要继续,对测量的感情还在延续。测量事,测量情,点点滴滴,铭记在心。  相似文献   

研究测量机器人动态测量技术。在基于测量机器人软件内核开发的基础上,提取测量机器人毫秒级高精度的内部时间,使时间的分辨率由秒量级提高到毫秒量级;通过实验测试,给出单次测量时间和测量时滞的定量结果,使测量时刻的精度由1秒提高到几十毫秒;对影响动态测量精度的相关因素进行实验分析,为优化测量方案和提高动态测量精度提供重要参考依据。实践表明,基于测量机器人开发的动态测量系统,在50m尺度上,对2cm/s的低动态目标,可以实现±2mm精度的无接触精密动态测量。  相似文献   

简述了GPS测量技术的原理,列出了GPS用于测量的特点,结合其特点,比较GPS测量与常规测量在公路测量中的优劣。GPS用于高速公路测量是完全可行的,它在很大程度上可以提高测量的工作效率。  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了水下地形测量系统方案,结合我院引进的水域机器人测量系统,介绍了水域机器人测量系统水下地形测量作业流程,将水域机器人测量系统应用于渠口坝景观大桥工程水下地形测量,结果表明,该水域机器人测量系统测量数据质量较好、成果可靠、能降低测量人员的劳动强度、大大提升作业效率,较好的为生产服务。  相似文献   

GPS与传统测量技术在地质勘查中应用比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合大型工程实例,通过控制测量、地形测量、地质勘探工程测量对传统测量技术与GPS测量技术进行了比较分析,结果表明,GPS测量技术具有作业速度快、成果质量高等传统测量技术无法比拟的优越性.  相似文献   

城市轨道交通工程精密施工测量技术的应用与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以多年城市轨道交通工程建设的实际测量作业为背景,通过分析、研究与总结,从城市轨道交通工程测量精度设计的主要原则和要求、地面控制测量技术方法、竖井联系测量技术方法、隧道施工控制测量及贯通测量技术方法四个部分,论述轨道交通工程施工测量的精度要求及主要测量的手段和方法.  相似文献   

于志超  王颖  王玥 《测绘工程》2012,21(5):90-92
目前,各种测量新技术、新手段不断应用到测量工作中,要求测量教学进行相应变革。从CDIO模式对土木工程专业人才测量能力的要求出发,指出传统测量实习模式的弊病,提出利用CDIO模式进行测量实习改革的方法和手段,实践证明,这更适合于现行土木工程专业的测量教学体系。  相似文献   

欧斌  孔祥玲 《测绘》2013,(1):27-31
为了研究三维激光扫描技术用于变形测量的精度情况,选用在测量领域中使用较广的脉冲式扫描仪,选定场地进行距离测量精度、平面坐标测量精度和高差测量精度测试,并与变形测量规范进行对比,确定了扫描仪对应的变形测量等级。  相似文献   

水域测量包括海洋测量、河道测量、水库测量等,本文根据作者自己的实践,提出了水域测量实施及测量成果后处理过程中应注意的有关问题,并对有关的难点提出了解决办法。  相似文献   

王宏宇 《北京测绘》2015,(2):82-85,123
针对目前利用GPS快速静态相对定位进行控制测量的不足,研究了采用CORS测量技术进行控制测量的可行性,并以某地区的控制测量为例,分别采用两种方法进行了控制测量,结果表明:二者测量结果的精密程度完全符合《全球定位系统(GPS)测量规范》D级要求,并且利用CORS技术能够大大提高工作效率和节约测量成本。  相似文献   

本文从柴达木盆地石油地质勘探成图的实际需要出发,提出用兰勃脱正轴等角割圆锥投影取代高斯投影,从而解决了柴达木盆地成图坐标系统不统一的矛盾,有利于盆地的石油地质勘探的整体设计规划。  相似文献   

当目标面与像片平面不平行时,圆形标志的像将为椭圆,椭圆的中心与标志中心的像存在偏差。当标志较大时,此偏差将显著影响求解的精度。揭示了偏差的方向性,导出了求解偏差的方程,给出了偏差的解算步骤  相似文献   

焦朋  师红琴  崔静  王晓东 《北京测绘》2010,(1):71-72,75
当前在全国十几个城市,房屋价格在稳中有降,房屋贷款利率保持进一步下调,这大大减低了老百姓的购买负担。就拿无锡来看,据《2008年第四季度锡房指数报告》,2008年锡城楼市80~100平米中等套型的成交量仍然保持增长趋势。鉴于目前新建商品房建筑形态各异,多样化、复杂化、个性化的建筑风格比比皆是,在进行房屋权属登记时,无疑会造成房屋测绘的难度增大。在此情况下,再次认识房地产基础测绘的重要性,提高房产基础测绘者法律意识,努力提高产品质量,准确提供权属登记所需要的资料,具有非常积极的作用。  相似文献   


Cultures throughout the world are associating with the rivers. People depend upon the rivers and their tributaries for food, water, transport, and many other aspects of their daily lives. Unfortunately, human beings have not calculated the accurate lengths for the great rivers even today. The lengths of the rivers are very different in popular textbooks, magazines, atlases and encyclopedias, etc. To accurately determine the lengths of the principal rivers of the world, the combination of satellite image analysis and field investigations to the source regions is proposed in this paper. The lengths of the Nile, Amazon, Yangtze, Mississippi, Yellow, Ob, Yenisey, Amur, Congo and Mekong, with lengths over or close to 5000 km, were calculated using the proposed method. The results may represent the most reliable and accurate lengths of the principal rivers of the world that are currently achievable.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的进步以及人们生活水平的提高,人们对地图制图的质量也提出了越来越高的要求。传统地图制图方式虽然也有许多技术上的进步,但是从实际情况来看,已经无法满足新形势下地图制图的需求。而卫星影像可以在第一时间为地图制图人员提供准确的道路位置与走向信息,有效弥补了传统地图制图的不足,为地图制图单位及人员带来了福音。因此,本文首先分析了传统地图制图存在的问题与不足,其次分析了卫星影像在地图制图中应用的优势与方法,并在文章最后对本课题研究进行了总结。  相似文献   

Wilkins  G. A.  Mueller  I. I. 《Journal of Geodesy》1986,60(1):85-100
The Working Group on the Rotation of the Earth was established in 1978 and developed a programme of international collaboration to Monitor Earth-Rotation and Intercompare the Techniques of observation and analysis (MERIT). The MERIT Short Campaign was held in 1980 to test and develop the organisational arrangements required during the MERIT Main Campaign in 1983–4. The Working Group on the Terrestrial Reference System was established in 1980 to prepare a proposal for the establishment and maintenance of a new Conventional Terrestrial Reference System (COTES) that would be based on the new techniques of space geodesy. The Working Groups collaborated closely and organised two intensive campaigns in 1984 and 1985 that were aimed primarily at determining the relationships between the reference systems of the six different techniques that were used to determine earth-rotation parameters. Observational data were obtained from 35 countries; analyses and intercomparisons of the results were carried out in 7 countries. The Working Groups reviewed the results at the Third MERIT Workshop and recommended that a new International Earth Rotation Service be set up in 1988 and that it be based on the use of very-long-baseline radio interferometry and both satellite and lunar laser ranging.  相似文献   

The very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) Intensive sessions are typically 1-h and single-baseline VLBI sessions, specifically designed to yield low-latency estimates of UT1-UTC. In this work, we investigate what accuracy is obtained from these sessions and how it can be improved. In particular, we study the modeling of the troposphere in the data analysis. The impact of including external information on the zenith wet delays (ZWD) and tropospheric gradients from GPS or numerical weather prediction models is studied. Additionally, we test estimating tropospheric gradients in the data analysis, which is normally not done. To evaluate the results, we compared the UT1-UTC values from the Intensives to those from simultaneous 24-h VLBI session. Furthermore, we calculated length of day (LOD) estimates using the UT1-UTC values from consecutive Intensives and compared these to the LOD estimated by GPS. We find that there is not much benefit in using external ZWD; however, including external information on the gradients improves the agreement with the reference data. If gradients are estimated in the data analysis, and appropriate constraints are applied, the WRMS difference w.r.t. UT1-UTC from 24-h sessions is reduced by 5% and the WRMS difference w.r.t. the LOD from GPS by up to 12%. The best agreement between Intensives and the reference time series is obtained when using both external gradients from GPS and additionally estimating gradients in the data analysis.  相似文献   

PREFACE The paper contains a brief overview of the professional activities of Professor Gottfried Konecny,Professor Emeritus at the Institute of Photogrammetry and GeoInformation,Leibniz University Hannover,Germany,and his influence on photogrammetry,remote sensing and geospatial infor-mation science during his time at the University of New Brunswick,Canada,and at the Leibniz University.His work can be divided into educational,scientific,application,organizational,and work in international societies.Additional activities comprised of giving courses in various languages,consultancy activities,and various other cooperations which took place in many South American countries,in Africa and Asia,for organizations such as the World Bank,United Nations,German Space Agency DLR,to name only a few.Activities in connection with international societies mainly took place during Prof.Konecny's engagement in the Council of the International Society for Photogrammetry(ISP),renamed the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing(ISPRS),and the European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories(EARSeL)Bureau.He was a key figure in bringing many countries and organizations to ISPRS as Ordinary and Sustaining Members.Professor Konecny has always been aware of the importance of international cooperation at various levels,also with sister societies such as the International Cartographic Association and the United Nations-Global Geospatial Information Management(UN-GGIM).His application activities span from the photogrammetry-oriented projects he was awarded in Canada,to remote sensing topics and geospatial sciences,combined with cartography during his Hannover period.His vision and endless effort are exemplary for a person who has always been devoted to the three geosciences mentioned above.Professor Konecny is the author of a number of books,journal papers and papers presented at international and national conferences.He has been a recognized keynote speaker at many conferences throughout the world due to his vast experience.This paper describes 75 years of a man who is an expert in fields which arose during his academic life.  相似文献   

本文以现代战争的特点、军事思想和军事理论的发展变化为指导,对高技术局部战争条件下军事地理研究内容、技术手段、方法等方面的变化和发展方向进行了探索性研究。  相似文献   

主要针对微型无人机水域网控制点的布设及精度试验展开了研究,通过结合具体的试验实例,对试验的内容及方法做了详细的阐述,并分析了所得的结果,以期能为有关方面提供有益的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

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