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针对在传统网络差分定位中,单GPS系统在观测条件不好情况下会出现可用卫星数量偏少甚至不够、观测值存在粗差而影响定位等问题,该文提出BDS/GPS双系统组合网络伪距差分定位的数学模型,并加入基于最小二乘残差法探测粗差观测数据的质量控制算法。基于省CORS网实时BDS/GPS双系统数据,以国产的手持机终端作为流动端,利用BDS/GPS伪距差分平台进行了车载动态试验,根据试验对比和分析,动态定位平面精度优于1m,在加入质量控制算法模式下,定位精度和可靠性都有一定提高。  相似文献   

差分GPS水下立体定位系统通过将差分GPS定位技术和水下声学定位技术进行集成,实现高精度水下定位。本文基于差分GPS水下立体定位系统的基本观测方程,简要介绍了迭代法的基本原理,从双曲线差分定位观测方程出发,使用求解非线性方程组常用的牛顿迭代法构造迭代方程式,并用实测数据验证了该算法的可行性。  相似文献   

DifferentialGPS land kinematic positioning tests conducted at velocities of20 to100 km/h over a baseline of1,000 km using a combination of pseudo-range and phase measurements are described. An algorithm designed for high reliability and accuracy of1 to2 m in real time field operational mode was utilized. The relatively long baseline used for the tests provided valuable information on the effects of broadcast ephemeris errors on the differential results. The tests were conducted with two Texas InstrumentsTI4100 receivers using both theP andC/A codes to assess the effect of both code measurement noise, and ionospheric irregularities on differential positioning over such a baseline. The use of cesium clocks to constrain time was also tested. Accuracies (in terms of repeatabilities) of the order of1 to3 ppm, i.e.,1 to3 m, were obtained.  相似文献   

A series of activities have been carried out at the University of New Brunswick in an effort to evaluate advances in long-range marine kinematic differential positioning. These activities involved processing and analysis of GPS carrier phase kinematic data sets. Some of the data was collected by UNB and some was provided by The XYZs of GPS Inc. Data were collected using Trimble 5700 and Ashtech Z-12 receivers. The data sets were processed using the software DynaPos provided by the The XYZs of GPS Inc. The best results obtained in our analysis indicate an agreement of 5 cm RMS for the horizontal component and 12 cm RMS for the vertical component between two ionospheric-delay free solutions, in baselines varying from 40 to 100 km.  相似文献   

When GPS signal measurements have outliers, using least squares (LS) estimation is likely to give poor position estimates. One of the typical approaches to handle this problem is to use robust estimation techniques. We study the computational issues of Huber’s M-estimation applied to relative GPS positioning. First for code-based relative positioning, we use simulation results to show that Newton’s method usually converges faster than the iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS) method, which is often used in geodesy for computing robust estimates of parameters. Then for code- and carrier-phase-based relative positioning, we present a recursive modified Newton method to compute Huber’s M-estimates of the positions. The structures of the model are exploited to make the method efficient, and orthogonal transformations are used to ensure numerical reliability of the method. Economical use of computer memory is also taken into account in designing the method. Simulation results show that the method is effective.  相似文献   

Differential ionospheric slant delays are obtained from a quiet-time, three-dimensional ionospheric electron density model, called the TaiWan Ionosphere Model (TWIM), to be used in code-based differential GPS positioning. The code observations are acquired from nine continuously operating GPS stations around Taiwan whose baseline ranged from 19 to 340 km. Daily 24-hour epoch-per-epoch positioning obtained for 70 most geomagnetic quiet days (2008–2010) for each of the 72 baselines. The performance of TWIM has been compared with the standard operational Klobuchar model (KLB) used by typical single-frequency receivers and the IGS global ionospheric model (GIM). Generally, TWIM performed well in reducing the differential ionospheric delay especially for long baselines and different levels of low solar activity. It has a much better performance compared to the operational KLB model. TWIM also performed similarly with GIM, though GIM has the best performance overall. GIM has the best ionospheric gradient estimates among the three models whose differential ionospheric delay-to-horizontal error ratio is more than 0.25. This is followed closely by TWIM with about 0.20. KLB only has a ratio of <0.10. The similarity of the performance of TWIM and GIM demonstrates the feasibility of TWIM in correcting for differential ionospheric delays in the C/A code pseudorange that is caused by electron density gradients in the ionosphere. It can provide decimeter-to-centimeter level accuracy in differential GPS positioning for single-frequency receivers during geomagnetic quiet conditions across all seasons and different levels of low solar activities.  相似文献   

A recursive least squares algorithm is presented for short baseline GPS positioning using both carrier phase and code measurements. We take advantage of the structure of the problem to make the algorithm computationally efficient and use orthogonal transformations to ensure that the algorithm is numerically reliable. Details are given for computing position estimates and error covariance matrices with possible satellite rising and setting. Real data test results suggest our algorithm is effective.This research was supported by NSERC of Canada Grant RGPIN217191–99, FCAR of Quebec Grant 2001-NC-66487, and NSERCGEOIDE Network Project ENV#14 for Xiao-Wen Chang, and by NSERC of Canada Grant RGPIN9236–01 for Christopher C. Paige.The online version of the original article can be found at  相似文献   

A recursive least squares algorithm is presented for short baseline GPS positioning using both carrier phase and code measurements. We take advantage of the structure of the problem to make the algorithm computationally efficient and use orthogonal transformations to ensure that the algorithm is numerically reliable. Details are given for computing position estimates and error covariance matrices with possible satellite rising and setting. Real data test results suggest our algorithm is effective.This research was supported by NSERC of Canada Grant RGPIN217191–99, FCAR of Quebec Grant 2001-NC-66487, and NSERCGEOIDE Network Project ENV#14 for Xiao-Wen Chang, and by NSERC of Canada Grant RGPIN9236–01 for Christopher C. Paige.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

针对基于单基准站的伪距差分定位方法中,随着流动站与基准站距离的增加,大气误差相关性减弱,定位精度将会降低的问题,该文采用网络伪距差分方法,利用网络将多个基准站的伪距改正数实时传输给流动站,并内插流动站改正数,提高定位精度的同时扩大差分范围。实验表明,该方法提高了常规伪距定位精度,实现了实时分米级定位,可满足大多数用户的导航定位需求。  相似文献   

GPS Solutions - We present the methodology and results of GPS/GLONASS integration in network code differential positioning for regional coverage across Poland using single frequency. Previous...  相似文献   

贾雪  徐炜 《测绘工程》2018,(8):18-24
针对在不同截止卫星高度角时,GPS,BDS,GPS/BDS系统间伪距差分定位精度的差异,文中对多系统融合伪距差分定位的数学模型方法进行研究。以香港CORS站6.9km和34.0km的两条基线为例,在截止卫星高度角10°、20°、30°、40°的情况下,进行GPS,BDS,GPS/BDS伪距差分基线解算。结果表明,与34.0km基线相比,6.9km基线伪距差分定位具有更高的精度,在不同截止高度角下,GPS/BDS组合系统在E,N,U方向的定位精度都优于单GPS,BDS系统,且定位结果更加稳定,特别在截止高度角为40°的极端条件下,GPS/BDS组合伪距差分定位精度仍能达到m级左右。  相似文献   

为了充分利用全球导航卫星系统资源,最大限度发挥北斗卫星导航系统的优势,向用户提供高精度、高可靠性和稳定性更好的服务,该文对BDS/GPS/GLONASS 3系统融合网格伪距差分定位性能进行了分析。运用该文阐述方法的原理进行实验分析,结果表明,3系统融合网格伪距差分定位较其他方案具有更高的定位精度、解算成功率,可见卫星数大幅度提高,可靠性和稳定性更优。  相似文献   

The features and differences of various GPS differential code bias (DCB)s are discussed. The application of these biases in dual- and triple-frequency satellite clock estimation is introduced based on this discussion. A method for estimating the satellite clock error from triple-frequency uncombined observations is presented to meet the need of the triple-frequency uncombined precise point positioning (PPP). In order to evaluate the estimated satellite clock error, the performance of these biases in dual- and triple-frequency positioning is studied. Analysis of the inter-frequency clock bias (IFCB), which is a result of constant and time-varying frequency-dependent hardware delays, in ionospheric-free code-based (P1/P5) single point positioning indicates that its influence on the up direction is more pronounced than on the north and east directions. When the IFCB is corrected, the mean improvements are about 29, 35 and 52% for north, east and up directions, respectively. Considering the contribution of code observations to PPP convergence time, the performance of DCB(P1–P2), DCB(P1–P5) and IFCB in GPS triple-frequency PPP convergence is investigated. The results indicate that the DCB correction can accelerate PPP convergence by means of improving the accuracy of the code observation. The performance of these biases in positioning further verifies the correctness of the estimated dual- and triple-frequency satellite clock error.  相似文献   

It is a known fact that obtaining accurate GPS carrier-phase measurements involves fixed, unknown whole-cycle ambiguity parameters. As the use of cosine functions to eliminate any double-difference integer ambiguities causes spatial ambiguity problems, both reasonably approximated positions and wavelength-dependent convergence ranges are of the utmost importance. Differential GPS-based position solutions are first smoothed to create a polynomial trajectory, leading to less variable position approximations. Long-wavelength wide-lane phase combinations will then be utilized to facilitate convergent GPS positioning, on a stage-by-stage basis. Although double-difference ionospheric path delays are often interpreted as nuisance parameters, they can be obtained when the respective cosines of the original L1 and L2 carrier phases undergo a simultaneous least-squares estimation. In particular, quadratic forms of the estimated phase residuals will be linked with hypothesis testing to allow for a meaningful statistical inference. Some low-dynamics experiments are then performed to prove the feasibility of the proposed hierarchical positioning concept. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Double-differenced (DD) ambiguities between overlapping frequencies from different GNSS constellations can be fixed to integers if the associated differential inter-system biases (DISBs) are well known. In this case, only one common pivot satellite is sufficient for inter-system ambiguity resolution. This will be beneficial to ambiguity resolution (AR) and real-time kinematic (RTK) positioning especially when only a few satellites are observed. However, for GPS and current operational BDS-2, there are no overlapping frequencies. Due to the influence of different frequencies, the inter-system DD ambiguities still cannot be fixed to integers even if the DISBs are precisely known. In this contribution, we present an inter-system differencing model for combined GPS and BDS single-frequency RTK positioning through real-time estimation of DISBs. The stability of GPS L1 and BDS B1 DISBs is analyzed with different receiver types. Along with parameterization and using the short-term stability of DISBs, the DD ambiguities between GPS and BDS pivot satellites and the between-receiver single-difference ambiguity of the GPS pivot satellite can be estimable jointly with the differential phase DISB term from epoch to epoch. Then the inter-system differencing model can benefit from the near time-constant DISB parameters and thus has better multi-epoch positioning performance than the classical intra-system differencing model. The combined GPS and BDS single-frequency RTK positioning performance is evaluated with various simulated satellite visibilities. It will be shown that compared with the classical intra-system differencing model, the proposed model can effectively improve the positioning accuracy and reliability, especially for severely obstructed situations with only a few satellites observed.  相似文献   

The treatment of the permanent tidal deformation of the Earth in GPS computation has been an almost unmentioned topic in the GPS literature. However, the ever increasing accuracy and the need to combine the GPS based coordinates with other methods requires a consistent way to handle the tides. Our survey shows that both the ITRF-xx coordinates and the GPS based coordinates are nowadays reduced to a non-tidal crust, conventionally defined using physically meaningless parameters. We propose to use instead the zero-crust concept which corresponds to concepts already accepted in the resolution of IAG in 1983 for gravimetric works.  相似文献   

吴甜甜  张云  刘永明  袁国良 《遥感学报》2014,18(5):1087-1097
随着北斗卫星导航系统的逐渐完善,有关北斗系统定位的研究越来越深入,为了对比分析北斗系统和全球定位导航系统(GPS)定位的差异性,充分利用北斗地球静止轨道卫星(GEO)和倾斜地球同步轨道卫星(IGSO)高轨道卫星的特殊性,本文提出一种新的组合选星方法,选取卫星数较少且Position Dilution of Precision(PDOP)最小的北斗/GPS组合,分别对比分析北斗系统、GPS系统及其组合系统在楼顶开放环境和楼间恶劣环境下的定位效果。实验结果表明:北斗比GPS有更加稳定的定位效果,依据本文组合选星方法,利用少量卫星即可获得较好的定位精度。  相似文献   

本文给出了在困难环境下进行GPS定位的方法,使得在仅能观测3颗甚或2颗卫星时,仍然能够实现三维导航定位,同时对由于卫星几何结构不好导致的法方程病态性问题进行了探讨。仿真结果表明了本文方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

Multipath in GPS navigation and positioning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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