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文中阐述的新一代三维GIS技术体系是以二三维一体化GIS技术体系为基础框架,融合了倾斜摄影三维技术、激光点云三维技术、BIM与GIS结合的三维技术等.其中,倾斜摄影全自动化建模技术大幅度提高了三维数据获取的精度,降低了采集成本,并促进了三维数据标准化的发展,促进了三维GIS更广泛的应用;BIM与GIS的融合,使得三维GIS进入很多新兴应用领域.在数据模型层面,三维实体数据模型的定义与发展,促进了三维GIS理论体系的完善.VR/AR、3 D打印、WebGL等IT新技术的发展,也推动着三维GIS软件技术的发展. 相似文献
新技术对测绘未来发展的影响 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4
空间技术和信息技术的飞速发展对测绘部门的未来将产生一系列的影响。本文从空间定位系统、高分辨率遥感、地理信息系统、计算机网络等技术在测绘活动中的作用和高新技术发展特点,分析新技术对测绘部门未来的需求结构、生产技术结构和生产组织结构等方面的影响。 相似文献
移动GIS关键技术及开发模式探讨 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
随着移动通讯技术、无线互联网技术和各种移动终端技术的发展以及地理空间信.g-在各行各业的普遍应用,传统的GIS(Geographic Information System)正在逐渐向移动GIS发展,基于位置的服务LBS(Location Based Service)和移动位置服务MLS(Mobile Location Service)已成为移动GIS的主要应用.本文详细介绍了移动GIS的概念、体系结构,论述了移动GIS与传统GIS的区别,详细探讨了移动GIS的关键技术,即嵌入式技术、无线网络技术、地理应用服务器技术、空间数据库技术和移动GIS系统的三种开发模式,最后介绍了移动GIS的主要应用范围,并展望了其发展及应用前景. 相似文献
随着3维GIS技术日益完善,使我们能够构建近于现实的房地产3维模型,它不仅能反映房地产的位置和空间信息,还能进行3维空间的查询和分析,可用于房地产规划决策、建设和交易管理。本文将以Google Earth的GIS平台和数字城区的虚拟漫游系统为基础结合3维建模基本理论对房产信息系统进行全新的设计。 相似文献
Groundwater recharge and discharge define the relationships among groundwater storage, precipitation, evapotranspiration, and surface water. Understanding and quantifying groundwater recharge and discharge is crucial for developing effective management options for water supply. Traditional recharge and discharge studies usually require time-consuming (months or years) and labor-intensive field characterization. Therefore, a fast initial recharge and discharge estimation will help scientists and decision makers design more accurate and cost-effective research plans and management strategies. A new GIS based methodology along with an ArcMap plug-in package, PRO-GRADE, was developed to help hydrogeologists estimate recharge and discharge in a more efficient way than conventional methods. The Groundwater Recharge And Discharge Estimator (GRADE-GIS) in the PRO-GRADE package uses a mass balance approach for steady state two-dimensional unconfined aquifers. GRADE-GIS only requires relatively short preparation time (hours) using readily available data for water table and bedrock elevations, and hydraulic conductivities. The Pattern Recognition Organizer (PRO-GIS) in the PRO-GRADE package uses multiple image processing algorithms to estimate and visualize shallow recharge and discharge patterns and rates with GIS. The output of PRO-GRADE can be used as an initial guideline for conventional field study planning and decision making, or an initial condition for numerical simulations. 相似文献
国家1:25万地形数据库几年前就已经建成,在经济建设中发挥了很好的作用。随着我国改革开放的不断深入,国民经济飞速发展,数据的现势性已不能满足要求,因此数据更新成为一项紧迫任务。本文结合山东省1:25万数据库的更新,简要介绍一下基于3S技术的1:25万地形数据库更新方法、关键技术等。 相似文献
短短几年间智能移动终端的极大流行,将我们的生活快速推进到智能移动网络时代,也为基于桌面系统以及服务器的网络GIS应用,提供了一个新的发展天地.本文通过分析智能移动终端的发展阐述了移动应用服务的发展潜力,并介绍了移动应用的现状、种类、应用需求和技术构成. 相似文献
With the progress of mobile GIS technology there is a great potential for adopting wireless communications and Internet mapping services for regional environmental management programs and natural habitat conservation. This paper provides an overview of a NASA-funded research project that focuses on the development of mobile GIS tools and wireless Internet Map Server (IMS) services to facilitate environmental monitoring and management tasks. By developing and testing wireless web-based map/image servers, mobile GIS applications, and global positional systems (GPS), this research created an integrated software/hardware infrastructure for a prototype mobile GIS application. The mobile GIS prototype allows multiple resource managers and park rangers to access large-size, remotely sensed images and GIS layers from a portable web server mounted in a vehicle. Users can conduct real-time spatial data updates and/or submit changes back to the web server over the wireless local area network (WLAN). This paper discusses in general the major components of mobile GIS, their current technological limitations, and potential problems during implementation. Key research agenda for mobile GIS are identified with suggestions for future research and development. 相似文献
陈德权 《测绘与空间地理信息》2013,(8):58-60
针对GIS地名搜索系统的关键技术,阐述了用于分词搜索的词典设计,设计了中文分词算法;选用全文检索引擎Lucene实现了地址匹配组件;设计了地名搜索系统架构并实现了地名搜索功能。 相似文献
A Discussion of IGS Solutions and Their Impact on Geodetic and Geophysical Applications 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The International Association of Geodesy officially established the International GPS Service (IGS) on Janaury 1, 1994. Its
prime objective is to provide support and a rerefence system for a wide variety of scientific and practical applications involving
GPS. To fulfill its role the IGS also generates, in addition to its fundamental products (orbital/staion positions and consistent
Earth orientation parameters), additional reference-system products providing the necessary infrastructure, standards, and
means of calibrations for timing and various atmospheric applications of GPS. The generation and efficient application of
IGS products and their impact on a number of positioning and atmospheric applications, including low earth orbit satellites,
is reviewed and discussed. @ 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 相似文献
Anil Sood B. U. Choudhury S. S. Ray S. K. Jalota P. K. Sharma Shushma Panigrahy 《Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing》2009,37(3):483-491
A remote sensing-based approach was applied to study the impact of changes in cropping system on the exploitation of water
resources in two districts namely Ludhiana in central Punjab and Muktsar in South-Western Punjab. Rice-wheat remained dominant
rotation in Ludhiana while cottonwheat rotation was replaced partially by rice-wheat in Muktsar within a span of over five
years (1998–99 to 2003–04). The solo rice-wheat system in Ludhiana district has resulted in large-scale ground water exploitation
as is evident from the faster decline in water table (up to 0.9m year−1) and higher tube-wells density (440 per 1000 ha). As a result, nearly 60 per cent of the total area of Ludhiana district
has the water table depth greater than 10m and in some blocks, it has reached to a depth of 22 m. In Muktsar district, corresponding
rise in water table is 0.2m per year and tube well density is 114 per 1000 ha. Irrigation water associated with paddy cultivation
in Ludhiana and adjoining areas moves laterally through the buried paleo-channels of Sutlaj in the deeper soil profile and
gets accumulated in the basin lands of Muktsar and adjoining areas and causes an extra water flux and subsequent rise in water
table, recorded at 3 to 7m depth. To minimize the hydrological imbalance of the state, it is suggested to diversify some of
the area in the central districts from irrigation water intensive rice-wheat system to less water intensive cropping system. 相似文献
伴随着测绘科学技术的不断进步发展,城市测绘涌现出很多新技术、新仪器。GPS网络RTK技术、电子水准仪、三维全景采集车、数字城市、探地雷达、三维地下管线信息系统正是这些科技发展的前沿。介绍了这几种常见新技术、新仪器在城市测绘中的应用。 相似文献
地图符号制作是数字地图中的一项关键技术,符号制作的好坏直接关系到成图的效果。本文针对符号设计的基本思想、基本原则问题,分析了国内外热门的GIS软件制作符号的优缺点,以防洪抗旱符号库的设计为例分析了点、线、面等二维符号的制作方法与流程以及一些复杂符号的设计技巧,在Super Map中建立了一套较完整、符合标准的防洪抗旱符号库,为制作防洪抗旱的专题图奠定了基础。 相似文献
Letícia de Barros Viana Hissa Britaldo Silveira Soares Filho 《Transactions in GIS》2014,18(3):449-463
Recently, the increasing demand for biofuels triggered a new phase for the sugar‐alcohol sector. In Brazil, as well as in other tropical countries, this process raised worries regarding the possible direct and indirect effects of the crop's expansion on the conversion of native vegetation coverings. Therefore, the modeling of spatial‐economic surfaces, representing the potential rent variation in its spatial component, for economic activities, may be a useful tool in the decision‐making process. Hence, here we propose and present the results of a combined framework composed of two modules using the modeling platform Dinamica EGO. The first module simulates sugarcane's growth, calculating the daily response of the crop to environmental conditions during the stages of the plant's development. The second module estimates rents for sugarcane cultivation in Brazil, identifying areas where this activity would bring higher economic return, looking at simulated productivity, production costs and selling prices in a way that is spatially explicit for Brazil. Two different scenarios for production costs were tested, and results ranged from negative values to maxima of R$/ha 929 and R$/ha 1176 for standard and efficient costs of production, respectively. The model successfully indicated non‐profitable and profitable areas, and regions where high expected economic return overlaps endangered ecosystems. 相似文献