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将壁板桩桩身水平位移用有限级数函数表示,地基土体的荷载位移关系用Mindlin点对点的位移解表示,同时考虑桩前水平土阻抗力和桩侧水平摩阻力沿桩周分布的不均匀性,采用双重高斯数值积分法将基于变分原理建立的壁板桩群桩体系的总势能展开为简单的矩阵形式方程,并根据最小势能原理得到水平受荷壁板桩群桩荷载位移关系的显式解答。与三维有限元方法计算结果的对比验证了所提出解答的合理性。  相似文献   

雷国辉  洪鑫  施建勇 《岩土力学》2005,26(4):525-530
矩形壁板桩不具有圆形桩的轴对称性,因此壁板桩群桩的承载特性及群桩效应不仅受桩间距的影响,而且受桩身截面形状以及群桩布置方式的影响。为分析这些因素,利用Mindlin方程和静力平衡条件建立了求解有无刚性承台时壁板桩群桩的荷载沉降计算方法。分析结果表明,在设计群桩时壁板桩应尽可能沿其纵向布置(即沿壁板桩的长边方向布置);对于具有常规截面尺寸的壁板桩,桩的对边距应超过2 m,以减小群桩效应。  相似文献   

用单桩沉降估算群桩沉降的计算方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
由于群桩沉降计算时参数的选取不易把握,而单桩沉降较易得到,找到一种用单桩沉降来代替群桩沉降的方法无疑会使得问题变得简单。单桩沉降由桩身压缩和桩端沉降组成。采用桩身线弹性的假定计算单桩桩身压缩,利用分层总和法计算单桩桩端沉降。同时在群桩沉降计算时考虑桩身压缩对沉降的贡献,并用承台下的平均附加应力乘以桩端荷载传递系数后作为桩端的附加应力。根据单桩和群桩沉降计算时的异同,提出了一种用单桩的沉降估算群桩沉降的方法,使得在群桩沉降计算时,参数选取较为容易,且计算较为简单。最后介绍了该方法在桥梁工程桩基础沉降计算中的应用。  相似文献   

桩端下有软弱下卧层的群桩沉降分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
群桩沉降由桩身压缩和桩端沉降组成。本文采用桩身线弹性的假定计算单桩桩身压缩,用单桩的桩身压缩近似代替群桩桩身压缩,并用承台下的平均附加应力乘以桩端荷载传递系数后作为桩端的附加应力,推出了桩端下有软弱下卧层的群桩沉降计算方法,同时与其他计算方法和工程实测值进行了比较。  相似文献   

本文给出了长度不同的两根桩之间的相互作用分析的方法,并在此基础之上分析屯具有不同桩工的桩筏基础竖向受荷时的沉降。表明采用不等长布桩的方法可以减小桩筏基础的不均匀沉降,并显著降低角桩及边桩的桩顶反力。  相似文献   

群桩荷载位移特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
石名磊  战高峰 《岩土力学》2005,26(10):1607-1611
将杆系结构有限单元法与荷载传递迭代法相耦合,形成一桩基沉降分析计算的混合法。采用近似解析解中Randolph and Wroth’Model与双曲线模型相结合,模拟桩身与桩周介质边界上剪切滑移的非线性。桩间相互作用在采用弹性理论Mindlin方程解答计算,并考虑了桩间“加筋与遮帘”作用。桩周土介质非均质性特征,采用指数函数模拟。分析了刚性承台下群桩桩数、桩长、桩间距和桩土模量比等群桩工作特性的影响。尤其是桩台基础沉降对群桩相互作用影响机制的研究,对桥梁拼接等对桩基础沉降要求严格的工程有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

非均质地基中群桩竖向荷载沉降关系分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
江杰  黄茂松  顾倩燕 《岩土力学》2008,29(8):2092-2096
运用剪切位移法计算了桩轴向荷载传递因子。对于桩端采用线性的荷载传递函数,推导了基于弹塑性模型的单桩竖向荷载沉降的解析解。分析过程中考虑了土体强度沿深度线性变化的特性和桩土间的滑移现象,因此更符合大部分土体的实际性状。在此基础上,建立了考虑桩土滑移的桩-桩相互作用系数的计算公式,并将上述方法应用于群桩的分析,获得了群桩的荷载沉降特性。该分析方法克服了目前应用较多的弹性理论方法夸大桩土相互作用的缺点,单桩和群桩的荷载沉降曲线的分析结果和实测数据吻合,证明了该方法的合理性。  相似文献   

水平荷载群桩三维有限元分析研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
利用三维弹性有限元法对水平荷载群桩基础进行了特性分析研究,讨论了桩距、桩数、桩长、桩径和土质等各种因素对群桩基础位移群桩效应的影响,得出了一些有益的结论。  相似文献   

高睿  胡念  曾亚武  王艳强 《岩土力学》2011,32(3):804-810
采用包含一个内变量的连续化St Venant模型,即连续的Masing-Iwan模型,模拟桩-土界面扰动区土体的非线性行为。基于两种分析单桩的荷载传递模型,假设桩-土-桩相互作用为弹性且服从叠加原理,推导出了适用于群桩中基桩的两种荷载传递新模型。采用荷载传递法建立了单桩和群桩的非线性控制方程,提出了近似求解该控制方程的摄动分析法,得出了单桩和群桩的荷载沉降和轴力分布方程。所得结果表明,在低荷载水平下严格趋近于弹性解;而在高荷载水平下,能够反映直到破坏阶段的桩的荷载-沉降特性。通过一个现场试验的理论预测结果与实测数据的对比分析,验证了方法的有效性和适用性。  相似文献   

An iterative method is described for the analysis of vertically loaded pile groups with a large number of vertical piles. The individual pile response is modelled using load-transfer (tz) curves while pile–soil–pile interaction is determined using Mindlin's solution. The present method not only keeps all the advantages of the so-called ‘hybrid method’, but also makes it possible for practising engineers to solve problems of large non-uniformly arranged pile groups in a time-saving way using a personal computer. Good agreement between the present method of analysis and the direct method is observed. A case history is analysed and the computed response of a large pile group compares favourably with the field measurement. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, a coupling approach is presented to study the static responses of vertically loaded pile group embedded in multilayered transversely isotropic soils. The individual pile in pile group is modeled by the finite element method, while the analytical layer-element method is applied to represent the soil's behavior. Then, the interaction equation of piles and soils is obtained by considering the force equilibrium and displacement compatibility conditions and solved by a FORTRAN program. The results computed by the proposed approach compare favorably with those from some existing solutions and field test. Some typical parametric analysis cases are investigated to study the effect of soil anisotropy, pile stiffness ratio, and pile spacing on the behavior of vertically loaded pile group.  相似文献   

A modulus‐multiplier approach, which applies a reduction factor to the modulus of single pile py curves to account for the group effect, is presented for analysing the response of each individual pile in a laterally loaded pile group with any geometric arrangement based on non‐linear pile–soil–pile interaction. The pile–soil–pile interaction is conducted using a 3D non‐linear finite element approach. The interaction effect between piles under various loading directions is investigated in this paper. Group effects can be neglected at a pile spacing of 9 times the pile diameter for piles along the direction of the lateral load and at a pile spacing of 6 times the pile diameter for piles normal to the direction of loading. The modulus multipliers for a pair of piles are developed as a function of pile spacing for departure angle of 0, 90, and 180sup>/sup> with respect to the loading direction. The procedure proposed for computing the response of any individual pile within a pile group is verified using two well‐documented full‐scale pile load tests. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

吴起星  田管凤 《岩土力学》2004,25(12):2028-2032
提出计算竖直受力桩的位移协调法,具有模型简单、参数易取的优点。用来分析桩侧土影响半径rm,结果表明,随着桩顶荷载P增大,桩长细比L/d增大,都会使rm扩大;土质越好,rm越小。此外,也说明,现行建筑基础规范中有关桩间距规定的合理性。  相似文献   

An approach is presented for the analysis of linear and non-linear responses of vertically loaded pile groups. The soil behaviour of individual piles in modelled using load-transfer curves and the pile-soil-pile interaction is determined based on Mindlin's solution. Good agreement between the present method of analysis and the rigorous boundary integral method is observed for the computation of the response of pile groups embedded in a homogeneous, isotropic elastic half-space. The computed non-linear response of pile groups compares favourably with measured results from field load tests.  相似文献   

考虑沉桩效应对桩周土体力学特性的影响,采用指数函数型荷载传递曲线分别建立了静压桩的桩侧和桩端荷载传递模型。在此基础上,根据群桩加载过程中桩周土体的变形模式,基于荷载传递法描述桩-土界面的非线性行为,采用剪切位移法考虑群桩之间的相互作用,提出了考虑沉桩效应的群桩非线性荷载-沉降混合计算方法。通过开展离心模型试验对该计算方法解答进行了验证,研究了沉桩效应和桩-土界面非线性特征对群桩承载特性的影响。研究结果表明,沉桩效应对桩周土体起到挤密作用,使得桩周土体的强度和刚度增大,从而提高了群桩的承载特性。群桩加载过程中桩-土界面刚度随沉降变形而逐渐减小,使得群桩荷载-沉降曲线呈现出明显的非线性特征。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to investigate the interaction between the piles in a group with a rigid head and correlate the response of a group of piles to that of a single pile. For this purpose, a computationally intensive study using 3‐D nonlinear numerical analysis was carried out for different pile group arrangements in clayey soils. The responses of the groups of piles were compared with that of a single pile and the variation of the settlement amplification factor Ra was then quantified. The influence of the number of piles, the spacing, and the settlement level on the group response is discussed. A previously proposed relationship for predicting the response of a pile group, based on its configuration and the response of a single pile, has been modified to extend its applicability for any pile spacing. The modified relationship provides a reasonable prediction for various group configurations in clayey soils. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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