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Difficulties in relating magnetograph measurements to the actual solar magnetic field are discussed. After a brief review both of problems inherent in the nature of the measurements and of sources of instrumental error, we show that field measurements taken within the photosphere can map out large-scale regions of a single magnetic polarity even though these regions contain no footpoints of large-scale magnetic structures, but instead only aggregates of small, unresolved bipoles. This may occur wherever the density of unresolved bipoles has a preferred orientation and a spatial variation along the direction of that orientation. We call these regionsvirtual unipolar regions, as they are not connected to regions of opposite polarity by field loops or lines passing through the corona. Investigation of these regions shows that they can arise at widely separated locations, and that they may evolve into real unipolar magnetic regions which are connected to the chromospheric and coronal fields. These results can explain a number of puzzling aspects of magnetograph observations of the solar background magnetic field.  相似文献   

The synoptic observations of Kodaikanal form one of the longest unbroken solar data from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day, and consists of the white light and monochromatic images of the sun. In this review, I shall discuss the results of the investigations in two areas using these data: (i) Tilt angles of the magnetic axes of bipolar spot groups, and (ii) structure and dynamics of large scale unipolar magnetic regions on the solar surface. The observed properties and patterns of behaviour of the tilt angles can be used as effective diagnostics to infer the physical conditions in the subsurface layers of the sun, and thus get an insight into the physical effects that act on the rising magnetic flux tubes during their journey through the convection zone to the surface. The second topic of discussion here, namely, the studies of the dynamics of unipolar regions over several solar cycles, show that the global solar activity has a high latitude component which manifests in the form of polar faculae, in addition to the well known sunspot activity at the middle and low latitudes. This raises the question about the origin of this high latitude component.  相似文献   

Varsik  J.R.  Wilson  P.R.  Li  Y. 《Solar physics》1999,184(2):223-237
We present high-resolution studies of the solar polar magnetic fields near sunspot maximum in 1989 and towards sunspot minimum in 1995. We show that, in 1989, the polar latitudes were covered by several unipolar regions of both polarities. In 1995, however, after the polar field reversal was complete, each pole exhibited only one dominant polarity region.Each unipolar region contains magnetic knots of both polarities but the number count of the knots of the dominant polarity exceeds that of the opposite polarity by a ratio of order 4:1, and it is rare to find opposite polarity pairs, i.e., magnetic bipoles.These knots have lifetimes greater than 7 hours but less than 24 hours. We interpret the longitudinal displacement of the knots over a 7-hour period as a measure of the local rotation rate. This rotation rate is found to be generally consistent with Snodgrass' (1983) magnetic rotation law.In an attempt to obtain some insight into the operation of the solar dynamo, sketches of postulated subsurface field configurations corresponding to the observed surface fields at these two epochs of the solar cycle are presented.  相似文献   

Recent Skylab and magnetograph observations indicate that strong photospheric electric currents underlie small flare events such as X-ray loops and surges. What is not yet certain, because of the non-local dynamics of a fluid with embedded magnetic field, is whether flare emission derives from the energy of on-site electric currents or from energy which is propagated to the flare site through an intermediary, such as a stream of fast electrons or a group of waves. Nevertheless, occurrences of: (1) strong photospheric electric currents beneath small flares; (2) similar magnetic fine structure inside and outside active regions; (3) eruptive prominences and coronal white light transients in association with big flares; and, (4) active boundaries of large unipolar regions suggest the possibility that all phenomena of solar activity are manifestations of the rapid ejection and/or gradual removal of electric currents of various sizes from the photosphere. The challenge is to trace the precise magnetofluid dynamics of each active phenomenon, particularly the role of electric current build-up and dissipation in the low corona.  相似文献   

Unipolar streamers (also known as pseudo-streamers) are coronal structures that, at least in coronagraph images, and when viewed at the correct orientation, are often indistinguishable from dipolar (or “standard”) streamers. When interpreted with the aid of a coronal magnetic field model, however, they are shown to consist of a pair of loop arcades. Whereas dipolar streamers separate coronal holes of the opposite polarity and whose cusp is the origin of the heliospheric current sheet, unipolar streamers separate coronal holes of the same polarity and are therefore not associated with a current sheet. In this study, we investigate the interplanetary signatures of unipolar streamers. Using a global MHD model of the solar corona driven by the observed photospheric magnetic field for Carrington rotation 2060, we map the ACE trajectory back to the Sun. The results suggest that ACE fortuitously traversed through a large and well-defined unipolar streamer. We also compare heliospheric model results at 1 AU with ACE in-situ measurements for Carrington rotation 2060. The results strongly suggest that the solar wind associated with unipolar streamers is slow. We also compare predictions using the original Wang–Sheeley (WS) empirically determined inverse relationship between solar wind speed and expansion factor. Because of the very low expansion factors associated with unipolar streamers, the WS model predicts high speeds, in disagreement with the observations. We discuss the implications of these results in terms of theories for the origin of the slow solar wind. Specifically, premises relying on the expansion factor of coronal flux tubes to modulate the properties of the plasma (and speed, in particular) must address the issue that while the coronal expansion factors are significantly different at dipolar and unipolar streamers, the properties of the measured solar wind are, at least qualitatively, very similar.  相似文献   

The unipolar induction mechanism is employed to calculate electric field profiles in the interior of a chemically homogeneous Moon possessing a steep radial thermal gradient characteristic of long-term radioactive heating. The thermal models used are those of Fricker, Reynolds, and Summers. From the magnetic field, the magnetic back pressure upon the solar wind is found. The electric field profile is shown to depend only upon the activation energy,E o, of the geological material and the radial gradient of the reciprocal temperature. The current is additionally dependent upon the coefficient of the electrical conductivity function but only by a scale factor. Since the Moon is experimentally known to correspond to the case of weak interaction with the solar wind, the magnetic back pressure is calculated without the need for an iterative procedure. The results indicate that a hot Moon can yield sufficient current flow so that the magnetic back pressure is observable as a vestigial limb shock wave using an activation energy of about 2/3 eV together with a conductivity coefficient of about 103 mhos/m. Such matter is approximated by diabase-like composition, although the result that both the activation energy and coefficient enter into the current determination does not rule out the possibility of a match with other similar substances. The calculations are entirely consistent with earlier results which indicated a model where the unipolar current density is dominated by a high impedance surface layer and a strong shock wave is inhibited. In addition to the magnetic back pressure, the integration of the current continuity equation permits current densities and joule heating rates to be calculated, though the magnitude of the latter for present solar wind conditions is not thermally important.On leave from NASA Ames Research Center  相似文献   

Magnetic fields dominate most solar activities, there exist direct relations between solar flare and the distributions of magnetic field, and also its corresponding magnetic energy. In this paper, the statistical results about the relationships between the spatial magnetic field and solar flare are given basing on vector magnetic field observed by the Solar Magnetic Field Telescope (SMFT) at Huairou Solar Observing Station (HSOS). The spatial magnetic fields are obtained by extrapolated photosphere vector magnetic field observed by SMFT. There are 23 active regions with flare eruption are chosen as data samples, which were observed from 1997 to 2007. The results are as follows: 1. Magnetic field lines become lower after flare for 16 (69 %) active regions; 2. The free energy are decreased after flare for 17 (74 %) active regions. It can conclude that for most active regions the changes of magnetic field after solar flare re coincident with the previous observations and studies.  相似文献   

One of the fundamental questions in solar physics is how the solar corona maintains its high temperature of several million Kelvin above photosphere with a temperature of 6000 K. Observations show that solar coronal heating problem is highly complex with many different facts. It is likely that different heating mechanisms are at work in the solar corona. The separate kinds of coronal loops may also be heated by different mechanisms. Using data from instruments onboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) and from the more recent Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) scientists have identified small regions of mixed polarity, termed magnetic carpet contributing to solar activity on a short time scale. Magnetic loops of all sizes rise into the solar corona, arising from regions of opposite magnetic polarity in the photosphere. Energy released when oppositely directed magnetic fields meet in the corona is one likely cause for coronal heating. There is enough energy coming up from the loops of the “magnetic carpet” to heat the corona to its known temperature.  相似文献   

The relationship between Doppler shift patterns observed in the transition region and magnetic field patterns observed in the photosphere is studied using coaligned pairs of Civ Dopplergrams and Fei magnetograms. Categories of magnetic features are defined - including neutral lines, unipolar regions, strong field regions, weak field regions, and magnetic boundaries - and from these, magnetic associations are determined for 159 V 0 lines separating areas of relative blueshift and redshift observed in and around active regions. The cases are subdivided on the basis of whether blueshifts or redshifts are observed on the side of the V 0 line nearest the solar limb.Two main results are that V 0 lines associated with neutral lines tend to have limbward blueshifts, while V 0 lines associated with unipolar regions tend to have limbward redshifts. These and other results provide supportive evidence for the active region model proposed recently by Klimchuk, in which relative redshifts occur where strong vertical fields penetrate the surface, and relative blueshifts occur where these same fields have spread out to become horizontal. It is likely that the relative blueshifts correspond to absolute Doppler shifts of very small amplitude, possibly even absolute redshifts.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Using Stanford large-scale magnetic field synoptic charts of rotation 1676 to 1739 and by delineating LLUMR, i.e., long-lived unipolar magnetic regions of both polarities surviving at least for four solar rotations, the semi-regular nature of their photospheric magnetic field pattern and their rotational properties have been examined. The investigation demonstrates the existence of regularities in the background field patterns as shown from the regular patterns of LLUMR rows and streams. This confirms the results of Bumba and Howard concerning regularities in large-scale photospheric magnetic field patterns. LLUMR streams seem to be arranged in a wave pattern of alternating polarities. Coronal holes and associated sections of photospheric field patterns suffer differential rotation. The rotation rates of the background field patterns which are not associated with the coronal holes are different from those which are.  相似文献   

The solar atmosphere is heated by a flux of mechanical waves propagating in one or more of the modes: acoustic, Alfvén and gravitational.The acoustic theory is compared with observational data and found inadequate. First, the theory is based quantitatively on the Böhm-Vitense convection zone model, and large-scale convective motions (supergranulation) and magnetic fields (unipolar regions) show that convection has another form. On the other hand, when granular motions are invoked the energy flux is too small. Second, atmospheric heating is localized in faculae, and enhanced acoustic flux beneath these regions is no longer explicable. Finally, the short periods of 10–30 s invoked recently appear inexplicable. Objections to the gravitational wave heating process are given briefly.Previous objections to Alfvén waves as an energy source followed from the belief that fields were generally uniform and of strength 50 G, now known to be incorrect. Models of Alfvén wave generation are based on (i) granule eddy motions, (ii) overstable oscillations in subsurface flux tubes and sunspot flux ropes, and (iii) supergranule motions, both horizontal and vertical.The first provides waves which propagate along thin flux tubes oscillating as taut wires in a compressible fluid; they may explain mottles, fibrils and other small emission features. The second may explain the enormous dissipation in spot groups, including flares. The third has been invoked earlier to explain spicules, and may have effects in the solar wind.  相似文献   

The magnetic fields in the solar atmosphere structure the plasma, store free magnetic energy and produce a wide variety of active solar phenomena, like flare and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). The distribution and strength of magnetic fields are routinely measured in the solar surface (photosphere). Therefore, there is considerable interest in accurately modeling the 3D structure of the coronal magnetic field using photospheric vector magnetograms. Knowledge of the 3D structure of magnetic field lines also help us to interpret other coronal observations, e.g., EUV images of the radiating coronal plasma. Nonlinear force-free field (NLFFF) models are thought to be viable tools for those task. Usually those models use Cartesian geometry. However, the spherical nature of the solar surface cannot be neglected when the field of view is large. In this work, we model the coronal magnetic field above multiple active regions using NLFFF extrapolation code using vector magnetograph data from the Synoptic Optical Long-term Investigations of the Sun survey (SOLIS)/Vector Spectromagnetograph (VSM) as a boundary conditions. We compare projections of the resulting magnetic field lines solutions with their respective coronal EUV-images from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (SDO/AIA) observed on October 15, 2011 and November 13, 2012. This study has found that the NLFFF model in spherical geometry reconstructs the magnetic configurations for several active regions which agrees to some extent with observations. During October 15, 2011 observation, there are substantial number of trans-equatorial loops carrying electric current.  相似文献   

The radial component of the solar magnetic field, Br, was calculated in the potential approximation in the height range from 1 to 2.5 solar radii, Ro. According to these data, synoptic maps of the magnetic field for solar cycles 21–23 were constructed. For each 10-degree latitudinal zone, the proportion of its area, S +field, that was occupied by the “+” field in each rotation was found. In the entire latitudinal zone, the radial component of the field is assumed to be positive if S+field ≥ 80% and negative if S +field ≤ 20%. The field proved to be virtually unipolar at the level of the photosphere (R = Ro) during most of the cycle, from the poles to the north and south latitude ≈60°. In the vicinity of minimums between cycles 21 and 22, as well as cycles 22 and 23, for a few rotations of the Sun, the field was almost unipolar within the range of latitudes (?40°)-90°. At R = 2.5 Ro, for most of each cycle, the field was unipolar in the range of latitudes (?20°-(-90°)) and (20°–90°). According to our interpretation, the shift of the polar-field boundary to the equator with height reflects superradial expansion of open magnetic flux tubes from the polar coronal holes. It was found that the reversal of the polar fields began with 1–2 rotations and ended from 2 to 14 solar rotations earlier at great heights than at the surface of the Sun. This indicates that the reversal of the large-scale field occurs first and then that of the small-scale one. In the study of the sectoral structure of the magnetic field at different heights it was found that the boundaries that rotate with a period of less than the Carrington revolution extend to greater heights than the boundaries with a Carrington or longer period. We assume that the boundaries of the first type are formed by the large-scale structures of the magnetic field and the boundaries of the second type are determined by the active regions.  相似文献   

It is known for over two decades now that the rotation of the photospheric magnetic fields determined by two different methods of correlation analysis leads to two vastly differing rotation laws - one the differential and the other rigid rotation. Snodgrass and Smith (2001) reexamining this puzzle show that the averaging of the correlation amplitudes can tilt the final profile in favour of rigid rotation whenever the contribution of the rigidly rotating large-scale magnetic structures (the plumes) to the correlation dominates over that of the differentially rotating small-scale and mesoscale features. We present arguments to show that the large-scale unipolar structures in latitudes >40 deg, which also show rigid rotation (Stenflo, 1989), are formed mainly from the intranetwork magnetic elements (abbreviated as IN elements). We then estimate the anchor depths of the various surface magnetic elements as locations of the Sun's internal plasma layers that rotate at the same rate as the flux elements, using the rotation rates of the internal plasma layers given by helioseismology. We infer that the anchor depths of the flux broken off from the decay of sunspot active regions (the small-scale and mesoscale features that constitute the plumes) are located in the shallow layers close to the solar surface. From a similar comparison with helioseismic rotation rates we infer that the rigid rotation of the large-scale unipolar regions in high latitudes could only be coming from plasma layers at a radial distance of about 0.66–0.68 R from the Sun's centre. Using Stenflo's (1991) ‘balloon man’ analogy, we interpret these layers as the source of the magnetic flux of the IN elements. If so, the IN flux elements seem to constitute a fundamental component of solar magnetism.  相似文献   

We present a series of numerical simulations of the quiet-Sun plasma threaded by magnetic fields that extend from the upper convection zone into the low corona. We discuss an efficient, simplified approximation to the physics of optically thick radiative transport through the surface layers, and investigate the effects of convective turbulence on the magnetic structure of the Sun’s atmosphere in an initially unipolar (open field) region. We find that the net Poynting flux below the surface is on average directed toward the interior, while in the photosphere and chromosphere the net flow of electromagnetic energy is outward into the solar corona. Overturning convective motions between these layers driven by rapid radiative cooling appears to be the source of energy for the oppositely directed fluxes of electromagnetic energy.  相似文献   

A synoptic study of the occurrence and polarization of 160 MHz noise storms recorded at Culgoora during the current solar cycle shows that the storm sources occur in large unipolar cells extending >90° in solar longitude and 60° in latitude, with lifetimes of 1 yr. From solar maximum onwards these large cells stretch across the solar equator to form a longitudinal sector pattern reminiscent of that observed in the interplanetary magnetic field. Comparisons with published heliospheric current sheet simulations support this conclusion. The noise storms occur in the strong magnetic fields above large, complex, flare-active sunspots. Unlike most active regions, those associated with noise storms do not always have dominant sunspots as leaders. Rather, about one-third have the dominant sunspot as a follower. The dominant sunspot polarities tend to agree with the long-lived sector structure, implying that emerging magnetic flux occurs at preferred longtitudes on the solar surface.  相似文献   

When observed at soft X-ray wavelengths coronal holes are seen as open features, devoid of X-ray emission and bounded by apparently divergent coronal loop structures. Inspection of the topology of the photospheric magnetic fields associated with these features suggests that holes are formed when the remnants of active region fields, emerging in both hemispheres over a period of several solar rotations, combine to form a large area of essentially unipolar field. Remnants of opposite polarity fields surround these features resulting in a divergent magnetic configuration at the hole boundaries. Holes are seen to form and evolve while the large scale divergent field pattern is reinforced and to close when large scale remnants occur which disrupt the general field pattern. Two types of holes are observed in the early Skylab observations. The first are elongated features which are aligned approximately north-south extending from one solar pole to a polar filament channel in the opposite hemisphere. The polar holes and somewhat lower latitude holes appear to lie in unipolar areas which are completely confined by opposite polarity fields. Studies of the rotation properties of an elongated hole, which extended from the north pole to a latitude of approximately 20° S, showed it to rotate with a synodic rate of (13.25±0.03)?(0.4±0.1 sin2φdeg day?1. Possible explanations for the almost rigid rotational characteristics of this feature are discussed.  相似文献   

High-resolution mosaics of the solar polar magnetic fields have been constructed using individual magnetograms obtained with the video magnetograph of the Big Bear Solar Observatory, and the properties of these mosaics are demonstrated in this paper. The mosaics show selected regions of the polar fields on several days during the rising phase of Cycle 23, and are related to the global polar fields (i) by superposing the mosaic for a given day on to a full-disk SOHO-MDI magnetogram obtained on the same day, (ii) by plotting the mosaics in polar projection and using these to identify the approximate regions reported by the mosaics on the NSOKP polar synoptic plots, and (iii) by imposing the locations of the H filaments on to the mosaics in order to infer the neutral lines of the large-scale fields. We have studied the fine structure of the large-scale unipolar fields near the poles and, in particular, have constructed histograms of the magnetic field intensities within particular regions of the mosaics and, in this way, have estimated the ratios of the number of magnetic knots of opposite polarities within the unipolar plumes. We have also generated enlargements of the polar regions of the NSOKP daily magnetograms. These and statistical studies have shown that on days for which the BBSO mosaics are not available, the NSOKP enlargements may be used to study the high-resolution polar fields. Time-series of mosaics obtained over four-hour periods on September 6 and November 18 show that considerable evolution in the structure of existing flux knots and the formation of several new knots has taken place during these periods.  相似文献   

Extreme ultraviolet observations of coronal holes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Extreme-ultraviolet Skylab and ground-based solar magnetic field data have been combined to study the origin and evolution of coronal holes. It is shown that holes exist only within the large-scale unipolar magnetic cells into which the solar surface is divided at any given time. A well-defined boundary zone usually exists between the edge of a hole and the neutral line which marks the edge of its magnetic cell. This boundary zone is the region across which a cell is connected by magnetic arcades with adjacent cells of opposite polarity. Three pieces of observational evidence are offered to support the hypothesis that the magnetic lines of force from a hole are open. Kitt Peak magnetograms are used to show that, at least on a relative scale, the average field strengths within holes are quite variable, but indistinguishable from the field strengths in other quiet parts of the Sun's surface.Finally it is shown that the large, equatorial holes characteristic of the declining phase of the last solar cycle during Skylab (1973–74) were all formed as a result of the mergence of bipolar magnetic regions (BMR's), confirming an earlier hypothesis by Timothy et al. (1975). Systematic application of this model to the different aspects of the solar cycle correctly predicts the occurrence of both large, equatorial coronal holes (the M-regions which cause recurrent geomagnetic storms) and the polar cap holes.  相似文献   

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