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Laboratory experiments show that albedoes as low as those on the Moon can be produced by vacuum vitrification and associated chemical fractionation of ordinary terrestrial basaltic material. Vitrification is established as an unequivocal process that can account for the low albedo and apparent local darkening with age of the lunar surface. The spectral reflectance curves of glass powders are significantly different than those of the parent rock mineralogy; thus, the presence of ubiquitous glass in lunar surface material complicates compositional determinations by interpretation of spectral reflectance curves. Vitrification of rocks on the Moon may highly modify the chemical composition of the resulting glass; thus, glass fragments found in lunar fines cannot be assumed to represent bulk parent rock material. Progressive impact vitrification of lunar surface material throughout the Moon's history may have led to a fine-grain, opaque, refractory-rich material we call ultimate glass. This unidentified and, at this point, hypothetical component may exist in dark regolith material; if found, it may be a useful indicator of regolith maturity.Paper dedicated to Prof. Harold C. Urey on the occasion of his 80th birthday on 29 April 1973.  相似文献   

Shock metamorphism of the lunar samples is discussed. All types of lunar glasses formed by various-size collision-type impact are found as impact glass, ropy glass and agglutinates. The agglutinates bonded by crystal and glassy materials contain hydrogen and helium from the solar wind components. Lunar shocked minerals of plagioclase and silica show anomalous compositions and densities. There are typical two formation processes on planetary materials formed by shock events; that is (1) shocked quartz formed by silica-rich target rocks (esp. on evolved planets of the Earth and Mars), and (2) shocked silica with minor Al contents formed from plagioclase-rich primordial crusts of the Moon. The both shocked silica grows to coarse-grain normal crystals after high-temperature metamorphism which cannot distinguish the original main formation event of impact process.  相似文献   

We find the lunar darkening process could be due neither to simple addition of impact-melted glass nor to addition of devitrified glass to crushed lunar rock. There is evidence that lunar soil grains have thin, very light-absorbing coatings that mask absorption bands, seen in the reflection spectra of freshly crushed lunar rock, in the same manner as they are masked in the spectra of lunar soils. We believe the processes that produce these coatings are (1) deposition of atoms sputtered from lunar soil grains by solar wind particles and (2) deposition of vapor species vaporized from lunar soil grains by micrometeorite impacts. Coatings produced in laboratory simulations of these processes owe their strong light-absorbing properties in large part to the presence of abundant metallic Fe grains smaller than 100 Å in diameter. Another process, which depends on implantation of solar wind protons in lunar soil grains and their later mobilization during micrometeorite impacts to produce metallic Fe in the impact glass, also seems reasonable but has not yet been demonstrated experimentally. As a result of impact vaporization the Moon would preferentially lose minor amounts of light elements, principally monatomic oxygen, and this would result in oxygen depletion in the vapor condensate. This type of fraction would be more extreme on airless bodies with lower escape velocities. Sputtering occurs at higher effective temperatures and this would cause loss of all common rock-forming elements in approximately equal amounts. There would be some bias in this process toward retention of very heavy trace elements— a characteristic that has been observed in the lunar soil. This bias would be less important for smaller airless bodies. We describe an apparent new type of fractionation that occurs during deposition of sputtered atoms. This fractionation favors retention of higher mass atoms over lower mass atoms, and appears to be a linear function of mass. This may explain observed isotopic fractionations in lunar soil, in which the heavier isotope always appears to be enriched relative to the lighter one. This “first bounce fractionation” process should operate on all airless bodies. Na and K apparently do not conform to this fractionation process and have a much greater tendency to escape. This may help explain the presence of high Na concentrations around Io.  相似文献   

The development, with time, of microcrater and accretionary particle distributions is investigated for lunar rocks subjected to meteoroid and solar wind bombardment. Experimental observations of the impact crater size distributions and accretionary particle populations on specially selected areas of Apollo Lunar Samples are used to derive incident fluxes for the theory of topological development described in Paper I. (ibid.). Observations show that a delineation and quantitative characterisation of erosion by impact, solar wind sputter and accretionary build-up leads to features typical of lunar surface rocks. The dominance of specific erosion mechanisms is shown to be size dependent. Monte Carlo simulations of these processes are developed to mimic the surface development of populations under arbitrary exposure conditions. Surface dust and splash (accreta) build-up significantly affects observed parameters; it may be used also as a sample surface exposure age indicator. Sputter by the solar wind is shown to modify both accreta and microcrater populations up to dimensions of one micron.  相似文献   

Various glass particles present in great amounts in lunar regolith and affecting some of its specific physical characteristics (e.g., optical and others) are indicators of surficial processes. The objective of this study has been to analyze possibilities of a particular process to occur on the lunar surface, and the relationship of this process with glass particle formation, on the basis of different estimates. A conclusion is reached that condensation mechanism does not appreciably contribute to the formation of small (10?1?10 μm) spherical particles of the regolith. Their formation is mainly caused by vibrations and decay of liquid jets in the process of surficial material splashing as a result of lunar surface meteorite bombardment. Large spherical and elongated particle (100–500 μm) formation accompanies liquid spraying due to endogenous events (volcanism, etc.) characterized by significantly lower velocities. Certain notions concerning particle formation mechanisms mentioned in the literature by some authors are shown to be erroneous. This concerns, first of all, the formation of dumb-bells and elongated particles that cannot be the result of rotation but must be formed in the process of jet decay due to linear vibrational processes. Collisions of secondary particles created by meteorite impact are not followed by glass particle formation; only their forms can change from regular to irregular. Equations describing surficial material transformation are given.  相似文献   

Three types of igneous rocks, all ultimately related to basaltic liquids, appear to be common on the lunar surface. They are: (1) iron-rich mare basalts, (2) U-, REE-, and Al-rich basalts (KREEP), and (3) plagioclase-rich or anorthositic rocks. All three rock types are depleted in elements more volatile than sodium and in the siderophile elements when relative element abundances are compared with those of carbonaceous chondrites. The chemistry and age relationships of these rocks suggest that they are derived from a feldspathic, refractory element-rich interior that becomes more pyroxenitic; that is, iron/magnesium-rich; with depth.It is suggested that the deeper parts of the lunar interior tend toward chondritic element abundances. The radial variation in mineralogy and bulk chemical composition inferred from the surface chemistry is probably a primitive feature of the Moon that reflects the accretion of refractory elementenriched materials late in the formation of the body.  相似文献   

Abstract— With the recent realization that some meteorites may come from Mars and the Moon, it is worthwhile to consider whether meteorites from Mercury could exist in our collections and, if so, whether they could be recognized. The current state of ignorance about Mercury both increases the potential scientific value of mercurian meteorites and aggravates the problem of identifying them. Here, we review evidence supporting the possibility of impact launch and subsequent orbital evolution that could deliver rocks from Mercury to Earth and suggest criteria that could help identify a mercurian meteorite. Mercurian rocks are probably differentiated igneous rocks or breccias or melt rocks derived therefrom. Solar nebula models suggest that they are probably low in volatiles and moderately enriched in Al, Ti, and Ca oxides. Mercurian surface rocks contain no more than 5% FeO and may contain plagioclase. A significant fraction may be volcanic. They may possess an unusual isotopic composition. Most pristine mercurian rocks should have solidification ages of ~3.7 to ~4.4 Ga, but younger impact-remelted materials are possible. Because we know more about the space environment of Mercury than we do about the planet itself, surface-exposed rocks would be easiest to identify as mercurian. The unique solar-to-galactic cosmic-ray damage track ratio expected in materials exposed near the Sun may be useful in identifying a rock from Mercury. Mercury's magnetic field stands off the solar wind, so that solar-wind implants in mercurian regolith breccias may be scarce or fractionated compared to lunar ones. Mercurian regolith breccias should contain more agglutinates (or their recrystallized derivatives) and impact vapor deposits than any other and should show a higher fraction of exogenic chondritic materials than analogous lunar breccias. No known meteorite group matches these criteria. A misclassified mercurian meteorite would most likely be found among the aubrites or the anorthositic lunar meteorites.  相似文献   

Abstract– Two suites of lunar impact melt samples have been measured in NASA’s Reflectance Experiment Laboratory (RELAB) at Brown University. Suite 1 comprises seven Apollo 17 crystalline impact melt breccias and seven quenched glass equivalents. Suite 2 is made up of 15 additional impact melt samples (from Apollo 12, 15, 16, and 17) which exhibit a range of textures and compositions related to cooling conditions and glass abundance. A few of these samples have cooled slowly and fully crystallized, and thus have the same spectral properties as igneous rocks of similar texture and composition; they cannot be uniquely distinguished without geologic context. However, most of the impact melts and melt breccias contain either quantities of quenched glass and/or have developed microcrystalline nonequilibrium textures with well‐defined, diagnostic spectral properties. The microcrystalline textures are associated with a distinctive 600 nm absorption feature, apparently due to submicroscopic ilmenite inclusions in a transparent host (typically fine‐grained plagioclase). The reflectance properties of these lunar sample suites contribute to and constrain the identification and characterization of impact melts in remote sensing data.  相似文献   

Abstract— An important and poorly understood group of rocks found in the ancient lunar highlands is called “feldspathic granulitic impactites.” Rocks of the granulite suite occur at most of the Apollo highlands sites as hand samples, rake samples, clasts in breccias, and soil fragments. Most lunar granulites contain 70–80% modal plagioclase, but they can range from anorthosite to troctolite and norite. Previous studies have led to different interpretations for the thermal history of these rocks, including formation as igneous plutons, long-duration metamorphism at high temperatures, and short-duration metamorphism at low temperatures. This paper reports on a study of 24 polished thin sections of lunar granulites from the Apollo 15, 16, and 17 missions. We identify three different textural types of granulitic breccias: poikilitic, granoblastic, and poikilitic-granoblastic breccias. These breccias have similar equilibration temperatures (1100 ± 50 °C), as well as common compositions. Crystal size distributions in two granoblastic breccias reveal that Ostwald ripening took place during metamorphism. Solid-state grain growth and diffusion calculations indicate relatively rapid cooling during metamorphism (0.5 to 50 °C/year), and thermal modeling shows that they cooled at relatively shallow depths (<200 m). In contrast, we conclude that the poikilitic rocks formed by impact melting, whereas the poikilitic-granoblastic rocks were metamorphosed and may have partially melted. These results indicate formation of lunar granulites in relatively small craters (30–90 km in diameter), physically associated with the impact-melt breccia pile, and possibly from fine-grained fragmental precursor lithologies.  相似文献   

Abstract— A report is presented for a possible revised classification of lunar igneous rocks that still uses the division of Moon rocks into mare and highland types. It subdivides the mare rocks into basalts depending on TiO2 content and glasses depending on colour, and subdivides the highland rocks principally into KREEP basalts and into coarse‐grained igneous rocks comparable to and using terrestrial igneous rock terminology.  相似文献   

Abstract— The hypothesis of a lunar cataclysmic cratering episode between 3.8 and 3.9 Gyr ago lacks proof. Its strongest form proposes no cratering before about 4.0 Gyr, followed by catastrophic formation of most lunar craters and basins in >200 Myr. The premise that “zero impact melts implies zero impacts” is disproved by data from asteroids, on which early collisions clearly occurred, but from which early impact melts are scarce. Plausible cataclysm models imply that any cataclysm should have affected the whole inner solar system, but among available lunar and asteroid impact melt and impact age resetting data, a narrow, strong 3.8–3.9 Gyr spike in ages is seen only in the region sampled by Apollo/Luna. Reported lunar meteorite data do not show the spike. Asteroid data show a broader, milder peak, spreading from about 4.2 to 3.5 Gyr. These data suggest either that the spike in Apollo impact melt ages is associated with unique lunar front side events, or that the lunar meteorites data represent different kinds of events than the Apollo/Luna data. Here, we develop an alternate “megaregolith evolution” hypothesis to explain these data. In this hypothesis, early impact melts are absent not because there were no impacts, but because the high rate of early impacts led to their pulverization. The model estimates survival halflives of most lunar impact melts prior to 4.1 Gyr at >100 Myr. After a certain time, Tcritical ?4.0 Gyr, impact melts began to survive to the present. The age distribution differences among impact melts and plutonic rocks are controlled by, and hold clues to, the history of regolith evolution and the relative depths of sequestration of impact melts versus plutonic rocks, both among lunar and asteroidal samples. Both the “zero cratering, then cataclysm” hypothesis and the “megaregolith evolution” hypothesis require further testing, especially with lunar meteorite impact melt studies.  相似文献   

Reflectance Spectral Characteristics of Lunar Surface Materials   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Based on a comprehensive analysis of the mineral composition of major lunar rocks (highland anorthosite, lunar mare basalt and KREEP rock), we investigate the reflectance spectral characteristics of the lunar rock-forming minerals, including feldspar, pyroxene and olivine. The affecting factors, the variation of the intensity of solar radiation with wavelength and the reflectance spectra of the lunar rocks are studied. We also calculate the reflectivity of lunar mare basalt and highland anorthosite at 300 nm, 415 nm, 750 nm, 900 nm, 950 nm and 1000 nm. It is considered that the difference in composition between lunar mare basalt and highland anorthosite is so large that separate analyses are needed in the study of the reflectivity of lunar surface materials in the two regions covered by mare basalt and highland anorthosite, and especially in the region with high Th contents, which may be the KREEP-distributed region.  相似文献   

Lunar rock magnetism   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The relationship between the magnetization and temperature in a high constant magnetic field for a temperature range between 5 K and 1100 K was examined for Apollo 11, 12 and 14 lunar materials. The average value of Curie point temperature is (768.2 ± 3.5)°C for the lunar igneous rocks and (762.5 ± 3.4)°C for the lunar fines and breccias. A tentative conclusion about the ferromagnetic substance in the lunar materials would be that Fe is absolutely dominant with a slight association of Ni and Co, and probably Si also, in the lunar native irons.The antiferromagnetic phase of ilmenite and the paramagnetic phase of pyroxenes are considerably abundant in all lunar materials. However, a discrepancy of observed magnetization from a simulated value based on known magnetic elements for the temperature range between 10 and 40 K suggests that pyroxene phase represented by (M x Fe1-x ) SiO3 (whereM = Ca2+, Mg2+, etc and 0 x 1/4) also may behave antiferromagnetically.Magnetic hysteresis curves are obtained at 5 K and 300 K, and the viscous magnetic properties also are examined for a number of lunar materials. The superparamagnetically viscous magnetization has been experimentally proven as due to fine grains of metallic iron less than 200 Å in mean diameter. The viscous magnetization is dominant in the lunar fines and breccias which is classified into Type II, while it is much smaller than the stable magnetic component in lunar igneous rocks (Type I). The superparamagnetically fine particles of metallic iron are mostly blocked at 5 K in temperature; thus coercive force (H c ) and saturation remanent magnetization (I R ) become much large at 5 K as compared with the corresponding values at 300 K.Strongly impact-metamorphosed parts of lunar breccias have an extremely stable NRM which could be attributed to TRM. NRM of the lunar igneous rocks and majority of breccias (or clastic rocks) are intermediately stable, but their stability is considerably higher than that of IRM of the same intensity. This result may imply that some mechanism which causes an appreciable magnitude of NRM and the higher stability, such as the shock effect, may take place on the lunar surface in addition to TRM mechanism for special cases.A particular igneous rock (Sample 14053) is found to have an unusually strong magnetism owing to a high content of metallic iron (about 1 weight percent), and its NRM amounts to 2 × 10–3 emu/g. The abundance of such highly magnetic rocks is not known as yet but it seems that the observed magnetic anomalies on the lunar surface could be related to such highly magnetized rock masses.  相似文献   

Optical absorption and diffuse reflectance spectra were obtained for simulated lunar glasses of four different compositions, both in their as-quenched (reduced) states and following mild subsolidus oxidation. The transmission spectra, when normalized by the FeO content of the glasses, differed from one another only in the relative intensity of an unresolved band in the UV. For fixed melting conditions the strength of this band in the as-quenched glasses increased with increasing FeO, or with increasing TiO2 for a fixed FeO content. Electron spin resonance (ESR) experiments have demonstrated the absence of Fe3+ or Ti3+ and the presence of metallic iron in these materials; all other transition-group elements were excluded in preparation. The unresolved UV absorption edge in the as-quenched reduced glasses is therefore tentatively ascribed to Fe2+Ti4+ intervalency charge transfer transitions. A similar UV edge was also produced by oxidation, leading to the conclusion that the assignment of this band would be ambiguous in the absence of an independent determination of the valence states of Fe and Ti. The relationship between the transmission spectra of polished samples and the reflectance spectra of sieved powders of the same materials is shown to be well described by the Kubelka-Munk approximation. Using this insight, it is possible to understand the spectral characteristics both of oxidation darkening of synthetic glass powders and of maturation darkening of lunar soils in terms of (1) the growth of the aforementioned charge transfer band(s) and (2) the development of opaque surface phases. It is shown that mechanism (1) is of primary importance in lunar highland materials and that mechanism (2) dominates in mare materials. The present results, coupled with previous findings, suggest that lunar soil maturation darkening may result from vitrification only if accompanied by (a) enrichment in the elements Fe and Ti, (b) changes in valence states of these elements, (c) partial crystallization of opaque phases such as iron, ilmenite or magnetite, or (d) a combination of (a), (b), and (c).  相似文献   

A summary is given of the literature data on the content of volatiles in the lunar regolith, the characterization of the likely sources of the volatiles, and the possible processes of their migration and burial. The main sources of volatiles in the regolith are the solar wind, small Solar System bodies (comets and meteorites), and the lunar interior. Different sources are the leading ones for different volatiles. Water and other volatiles can accumulate on the surface and in the near-surface layers of the Moon only in the so-called cold traps in polar basins, where other volatiles, as well as water ice, including highly toxic elements such as mercury and cadmium must be accumulated. The content of volatiles in the lunar interior is comparable to that in terrestrial rocks. Water could have played an important role in the early stages of the Moon’s history, e.g., in the formation of mare basalts. The isotopic composition of the lunar juvenile water is similar to that on the Earth, which suggests a common origin of the terrestrial and lunar water.  相似文献   

Abstract The ages of a number of small fragments of lunar granophyre have been determined by the in situ U-Th-Pb isotopic analysis of zircon using a sensitive high mass-resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP I). The zircon from lunar granophyre is characterized by consistently high U and Th contents (most 200–500 ppm and 100–300 ppm, respectively) compared to zircon from mafic lunar rocks. Some fragments of lunar granophyre are found to be as old as 4.32 Ga, supporting other evidence that the original lunar magma ocean crystallized completely within ~200 Ma of the formation of the Moon itself. Other fragments are as young as 3.88 Ga, which is much later than the time of formation of most of the lunar crust. The older lunar granophyres have rare-earth-element (REE) patterns that are similar to lunar KREEP, whilst the younger granophyres have bow-shaped REE patterns that feature a greater relative enrichment in the heavy REE. The wide range of ages of numerous lunar zircons, lunar granophyres and other rocks indicates that zircon-forming magmatism in the lunar highlands was most active prior to 4.3 Ga but continuous until at least 3.88 Ga. The U-Pb isotopic composition of much lunar zircon is near concordant, but the effects of isotopic disturbance as late as ~1.0 Ga are observed in some zircon, both within granophyre fragments recrystallized by reheating and within fragments in which the original delicate silica-K-feldspar granophyric intergrowth is well preserved. It is therefore essential to make multiple analyses of individual zircon grains, and preferably analyses of suites of zircons from lunar igneous rocks if they are to be dated reliably by the U-Pb method. It is possible that some of the younger lunar granophyres are the product of large-scale silicate-liquid immiscibility within late-stage differentiates, but this remains unproven until remnants of demonstrably cogenetic, Fe-rich, immiscible liquid are positively identified.  相似文献   

Abstract— We studied patinas on lunar rocks 75075 and 76015 from the Apollo collection using a multi-disciplinary approach, including scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive x-ray spectrometry (EDS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), wavelength-dispersive x-ray (WDS) mapping, Mössbauer spectroscopy, spectral reflectance, and microspectrophotometry. Based on SEM petrography, we have defined three textural types of patina: glazed, fragmental, and classic (cratered). The presence of classic patina is diagnostic of lunar samples that have been exposed directly to the space weathering environment. It is characterized by the presence of microcraters and glass pancakes and is the patina type studied by earlier workers. Classic patina is found on 76015 but not on 75075. Glazed patina is found on both 76015 and 75075, whereas fragmental patina is found only on 75075. The glazed and fragmental patinas on 75075 were probably formed as a result of relatively large nearby impacts; and although these two types of patina are not strictly the result of direct exposure to the space weathering environment, they are important because they affect the optical properties of the rocks. Field emission gun SEM (FE-SEM) of classic patina on 76015 shows evidence of possible solar wind sputtering erosion. Transmission electron microscope studies of 76015 reveal the presence of impact-generated deposits and solar flare particle tracks which, like microcraters and pancakes, are diagnostic of direct exposure to space weathering processes. The outermost surface of the 76015 patina consists of an amorphous rim very much like the rims found on individual lunar soil grains; this amorphous patina rim probably formed by similar processes of impact-generated vapor condensation and possible sputter deposition. Wavelength-dispersive x-ray element maps of polished thin sections of 75075 and 76015 indicate that patina compositions are poor indicators of the compositions and mineralogies of the rocks underlying them. On average, the reflectance spectra of patinas on both samples are slightly darker than those of their unweathered equivalents. Microreflectance measurements show that a thick patina can dramatically alter the optical properties of the rock on which it forms. The backscatter Mössbauer (BaMS) spectrum of a patina-covered surface of 76015 is very similar to that of an unweathered surface, indicating that the Mössbauer signal is generated from beneath the patina. Because BaMS “sees” through surface space-weathering effects to the underlying rock, this technique has great potential for use in robotic missions to other planetary bodies.  相似文献   

Abstract— We studied numerous specimens of the Norton County enstatite achondrite (aubrite) by optical microscopy, electron microprobe, and neutron-activation analysis. Our main conclusions are the following: 1. Norton County is a fragmental impact breccia, consisting of a clastic matrix made mostly of crushed enstatite, into which are embedded a variety of mineral and lithic clasts of both igneous and impact melt origin. 2. The Norton County precursor materials were igneous rocks, mostly plutonic orthopyroxenites, not grains formed by condensation from the solar nebula. 3. The Mg-silicate-rich aubrite parent body experienced extensive melting and igneous differentiation, causing formation of diverse lithologies, some of which have not been described previously. These lithologies include dunites (represented by forsterite crystals), plutonic orthopyroxenites (represented by most enstatite crystals in the matrix), plutonic pyroxenites (the pyroxenitic clasts), and plagioclase-silica rocks (like the feldspathic clasts). Presence of impact melt breccias (the microporphyritic clasts and the diopside-plagioclase-silica clast) of still different compositions further attest to the lithologic diversity of the aubrite parent body.  相似文献   

Abstract— Sayh al Uhaymir (SaU) 300 comprises a microcrystalline igneous matrix (grain size <10 μm), dominated by plagioclase, pyroxene, and olivine. Pyroxene geothermometry indicates that the matrix crystallized at ?1100 °C. The matrix encloses mineral and lithic clasts that record the effects of variable levels of shock. Mineral clasts include plagioclase, low‐ and high‐Ca pyroxene, pigeonite, and olivine. Minor amounts of ilmenite, FeNi metal, chromite, and a silica phase are also present. A variety of lithic clast types are observed, including glassy impact melts, impact‐melt breccias, and metamorphosed impact melts. One clast of granulitic breccia was also noted. A lunar origin for SaU 300 is supported by the composition of the plagioclase (average An95), the high Cr content in olivine, the lack of hydrous phases, and the Fe/Mn ratio of mafic minerals. Both matrix and clasts have been locally overprinted by shock veins and melt pockets. SaU 300 has previously been described as an anorthositic regolith breccia with basaltic components and a granulitic matrix, but we here interpret it to be a polymict crystalline impact‐melt breccia with an olivine‐rich anorthositic norite bulk composition. The varying shock states of the mineral and lithic clasts suggest that they were shocked to between 5–28 GPa (shock stages S1–S2) by impact events in target rocks prior to their inclusion in the matrix. Formation of the igneous matrix requires a minimum shock pressure of 60 GPa (shock stage >S4). The association of maskelynite with melt pockets and shock veins indicates a subsequent, local 28–45 GPa (shock stage S2–S3) excursion, which was probably responsible for lofting the sample from the lunar surface. Subsequent fracturing is attributed to atmospheric entry and probable breakup of the parent meteor.  相似文献   

Libyan Desert Glass (LDG) is an enigmatic natural glass, about 28.5 million years old, which occurs on the floor of corridors between sand dunes of the southwestern corner of the Great Sand Sea in western Egypt, near the Libyan border. The glass occurs as centimeter‐ to decimeter‐sized, irregularly shaped, and strongly wind‐eroded pieces. The origin of the LDG has been the subject of much debate since its discovery, and a variety of exotic processes were suggested, including a hydrothermal sol‐gel process or a lunar volcanic source. However, evidence of an impact origin of these glasses included the presence of schlieren and partly or completely digested minerals, such as lechatelierite, baddeleyite (a high‐T breakdown product of zircon), and the presence of a meteoritic component in some of the glass samples. The source material of the glass remains an open question. Geochemical data indicate that neither the local sands nor sandstones from various sources in the region are good candidates to be the sole precursors of the LDG. No detailed studies of all local rocks exist, though. There are some chemical and isotopic similarity to rocks from the BP and Oasis impact structures in Libya, but no further evidence for a link between these structures and LDG was found so far. These complications and the lack of a crater structure in the area of the LDG strewn field have rendered an origin by airburst‐induced melting of surface rocks as a much‐discussed alternative. About 20 years ago, a few shocked quartz‐bearing breccias (float samples) were found in the LDG strewn field. To study this question further, several basement rock outcrops in the LDG area were sampled during three expeditions in the area. Here we report on the discovery of shock‐produced planar microdeformation features, namely planar fractures (PFs), planar deformation features (PDFs), and feather features (FFs), in quartz grains from bedrock samples. Our observations show that the investigated samples were shocked to moderate pressure, of at least 16 GPa. We interpret these observations to indicate that there was a physical impact event, not just an airburst, and that the crater has been almost completely eroded since its formation.  相似文献   

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