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The Ordovician volcanic rocks in the Mayaxueshan area have been pervasively altered or metamorphosed and contain abundant secondary minerals such as albite, chlorite, epidote, prehnite, pumpellyite, actinolite, titanite, quartz, and/or calcite. They were denoted as spilites or spilitic rocks in terms of their petrographic features and mineral assemblages. The metamorphic grades of the volcanic rocks are equivalent to that of the intercalated metaclastic rocks. This indicates that both the spilitic volcanic rocks and metaclastic rocks in the Mayaxueshan area have formed as a result of Caledonian regional metamorphism. We suggest that the previously denoted spilitic rocks or altered volcanic rocks should be re-denoted as metabasalts or metabasaltic rocks. The metamorphic grade of the volcanic rocks increases with their age: prehnite-pumpellyite facies for the upper part of the Middle Ordovician volcanic rocks, prehnite-pumpeilyite to lower greenschist facies for the lower part of the Middle Ordovician vol  相似文献   

Abstract Two blueschist belts in the North Qilian Mountains occur in Middle Cambrian and Lower Ordovician strata and strike N30–35°W for about 500 km along the Caledonian fold belt on the south-west margin of the Sino-Korean plate. The styles of metamorphism and deformation are quite different in the two belts. The Middle Cambrian to Ordovician rocks in the high-grade belt are mainly blueschists and C-type eclogites in which six phases of lower and upper crustal deformation have been recognized. The rocks contain glaucophane, phengite, epidote, clinozoisite, chlorite, garnet, stilpnomelane, piedmontite, albite, titanite and quartz. The estimated P–T conditions of eclogites are 340 ± 10°C, 8 ± 1 kbar and, of blueschist, >380°C, 6–7 kbar. The Ordovician rocks in the low-grade belt are characterized by ductile to brittle deformation in the middle to upper crust. The low-grade blueschists contain glaucophane, lawsonite, pumpellyite, aragonite, albite and chlorite. The estimated P–T conditions are 150–250°C and 4–7 kbar.
K–Ar and 39Ar/40Ar geochronology on glaucophane and phengite from the high-grade blueschist belt suggest two stages of metamorphism at 460–440 and 400–380 Ma, which may represent the times of subduction and orogeny. The subduction metamorphism of the northern low-grade blueschist belt took place approximately at the end of the Ordovician.  相似文献   

萨勒巴斯推覆体中发育一套深层次变形构造组合和倒转递增变质带,其中糜棱岩、混合岩、混合花岗岩的成因关系对研究挤压造山背景下,地壳深层次变形作用和成岩作用具有特殊的意义。研究表明:在大型滑脱推覆系统中,存在糜棱岩—混合岩—混合花岗岩成岩系列;成岩过程为:韧性变形—剪切加热—部分熔融;控制成岩过程的主导因素为构造动力条件。这一成岩过程能导致稀土元素发生分异,出现重稀土元素有规律地亏损,变质作用pTt轨迹显示造山过程中逆冲推覆作用导致的地壳叠置加厚和剪切加热的典型热演化模式,变形、变质高峰期后,高角度逆冲作用导致变形岩石经历减压、降温的退变质作用,形成由南向北的倒转递增变质带。  相似文献   

The origin, age and evolution of the Precambrian metamorphic basement of southern China provide useful insights into early crustal development. Here, we present new laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry(LA–ICP–MS) U–Pb age data for detrital zircons from five samples of the Precambrian metamorphic basement of the Xiangshan uranium orefield. Two of these samples, from the northern Xiangshan volcanic basin, yielded a total of 140 U–Pb ages that cluster within the Neoproterozoic(773–963 Ma; 79.3% of data points), with the rest being scattered through the Paleoproterozoic and Mesoproterozoic, along with a single Archean age. These ages indicate that this basement material is associated with the Cathaysia Block. In comparison, the 172 concordant ages from the other three samples from the southern part of the Xiangshan volcanic basin cluster within the Neoproterozoic(767–944 Ma; 59.8%) as well as the Proterozoic(37.8%) and the Archean(2502–2712 Ma; 14.5%). These samples are also free of zircons with Grenvillian ages, indicating that these units are associated with the southeastern Yangtze Block. Combining these data with the geochemistry of these units, which suggests that the metamorphosed sedimentary rocks within the northern and southern parts of the Xiangshan basin have a common component from a magmatic island arc that formed during the early Neoproterozoic, we infer that the basin was located along the boundary between the Cathaysian and Yangtze blocks. In addition, the zircons within the samples from the southern and northern parts of the Xiangshan basin show different pre-Neoproterozoic(963 Ma) age populations but similar postNeoproterozoic zircon populations, indicating that the amalgamation of the Cathaysian and Yangtze blocks occurred after the Neoproterozoic(960 Ma), with magmatism peaking at 830 Ma and rifting starting at ~770 Ma, leading to the subsequent deposition(from bottom to top) of the Shenshan, Kuli, and Shangshi formations.  相似文献   

彭素霞 《地质与勘探》2012,48(2):250-258
[摘 要]本文主要在先前一些研究者对北祁连山加里东造山带的构造、海相火山岩和块状硫化矿床研究所获成果和认识的基础上,重点从造山带的前寒武纪基底的物性特征,来分析和讨论所见不同时代地层中的变火山岩类的物源区及形成机制,进而提出一些区域找矿思路。所得结论主要包括:(1) 北祁连山加里东造山的真正基底应是从阿拉善或华北地块分裂出来的一套绿岩类型火山沉积建造,并以古元古宙的北大河群和龙首山群为代表;(2)北祁连造山带的基底从克拉通向大陆裂谷构造体制转换大致发生在早-中元古宙的分界时限(约1777Ma),并普遍以一套大陆裂谷型双峰式火山岩组合为典型特征;(3)不同时代或不同构造体制下形成的火山岩,各有其不同的物源区和成岩模式。具体说,在元古宙 绿岩类型的火山岩的源区可能是克拉通早期由原始玄武质下地壳转变来榴辉岩或基性麻粒岩相,进入大陆裂谷构造体阶段,便转换为一种幔-壳双层岩源区模型,而晚期的次火山岩类的源岩明显是已经过先期大量改造或改变了中上地壳物质作为物源;(4) 按大陆裂谷成矿体系并结合以往一些区域调查资料,提出托莱山西段的小龙口-九个青羊地段可能是个与海相火山岩有关的块状硫化物矿床潜在远景找矿地段。  相似文献   

摘要:南秦岭构造带出露于勉略断裂和虞关—留坝断裂之间,是一条复杂的增生杂岩带,也是秦岭造山带的重要组成部分。增生杂岩带内马道地区发育一套由黑云母片麻岩、片岩组成的变泥质岩,内部包含有石英岩、大理岩及超基性岩等岩块,构成了典型的“block in matrix”结构。选取了含石榴子石黑云母片麻岩样品进行详细的岩石学研究。结果显示,北部变质岩样品中的石榴子石具有弱退变质成分环带,利用岩石矿物组合中的石榴子石-黑云母温度计、石榴子石-黑云母-斜长石-石英组合温度-压力计,估算峰期压力为078~079 GPa,温度为705~707 ℃,退变质时期压力为064~076 GPa,温度为602~650 ℃,揭示出岩石峰期高角闪岩相变质后,经历降温减压过程。南部岩石样品中含有特征的十字石+蓝晶石组合,样品中的石榴子石具有进变质成分环带,其峰期压力为049~057 GPa,温度为553~562 ℃,相当于低角闪岩相。通过与其他典型增生杂岩带变质岩的剥露机制对比,认为马道变泥质岩的变质作用演化与南秦岭地区碰撞作用有关,而其剥露过程则主要受到双重逆冲构造控制。  相似文献   

青海北祁连成矿带遥感异常提取效果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
遥感异常提取是一种正在兴起、前景不可估量的遥感找矿方法.通过在青海省北祁连成矿带利用美国Landsat-7卫星ETM+数据进行遥感异常提取的应用研究,认为采用"去干扰-主成分分析-阈值处理技术"(DPT技术)为主要方法提取遥感异常效果较佳,并客观地评价了该技术的应用效果,同时也分析了遥感异常提取与应用中一些不足,指出了信息提取的局限性与遥感异常存在多解性等问题.  相似文献   

Gas Hydrates in the Qilian Mountain Permafrost, Qinghai, Northwest China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Qilian Mountain permafrost, with area about 10×104 km2, locates in the north of Qinghai-Tibet plateau. It equips with perfect conditions and has great prospecting potential for gas hydrate. The Scientific Drilling Project of Gas Hydrate in Qilian Mountain permafrost, which locates in Juhugeng of Muri Coalfield, Tianjun County, Qinghai Province, has been implemented by China Geological Survey in 2008–2009. Four scientific drilling wells have been completed with a total footage of 2059.13 m. Samples of gas hydrate are collected separately from holes DK-1, DK-2 and DK-3. Gas hydrate is hosted under permafrost zone in the 133–396 m interval. The sample is white crystal and easily burning. Anomaly low temperature has been identified by the infrared camera. The gas hydrate-bearing cores strongly bubble in the water. Gas-bubble and water-drop are emitted from the hydrate-bearing cores and then characteristic of honeycombed structure is left. The typical spectrum curve of gas hydrate is detected using Raman spectrometry. Furthermore, the logging profile also indicates high electrical resistivity and sonic velocity. Gas hydrate in Qilian Mountain is characterized by a thinner permafrost zone, shallower buried depth, more complex gas component and coal-bed methane origin etc.  相似文献   

青海祁连山冻土区发现天然气水合物   总被引:63,自引:1,他引:63  
祁连山冻土区位于青藏高原北缘,多年冻土面积约10×10~4km~2,具有良好的天然气水合物形成条件和找矿前景.2008~2009年间中国地质调查局在青海省天峻县木里煤田聚乎更矿区施工"祁连山冻土区天然气水合物科学钻探工程",迄今共完成钻探试验井4口,总进尺2059.13m,分别在DK-1、DK-2和DK-3钻井中钻获天然气水合物实物样品,取得了找矿工作的重大突破.天然气水合物产于冻土层之下,埋深133~396m.水合物呈白色、乳白色晶体,点火能燃烧,红外热像仪测温后呈明显的低温异常,放进水里强烈冒泡,水合物分解后能不断冒出气泡和水滴,并残留下特征的蜂窝状构造.激光拉曼光谱仪检测呈现特征的水合物光谱曲线,测井曲线也具有较明显的高电阻率和高波速标志.祁连山天然气水合物具有冻土层薄、埋深浅、气体组分复杂、以煤层气成因为主等明显特征,是一种新类型水合物.这是我国冻土区首次钻获的天然气水合物实物样品,也是全球首次在中低纬度高山冻土区发现天然气水合物实物样品,具有重要的科学意义和经济意义.  相似文献   

Based on geological, chronological, geochemical and Nd isotopic studies of the high-grade basement of the Qilian terrane, the authors have drawn the following main conclusions: (1) the high-grade basement of the Qilian terrane consists mainly of meta-argillo-arenaceous rocks and granites and its bulk part was formed in the period of 0.8-1.0 Ga (the Jinningian period); (2) most of the meta-argillo-arenaceous rocks and granitic rocks have strong negative Eu and Ba anomalies (Eu/Eu*= 0.47-0.71 and Ba/Ba*=0.16-0.64), with fDM and εNd(1.0 Ga) ranging from 1.87 to 2.26 Ga and from -8.54 to -4.06 respectively, showing relatively high maturity; and (3) the Jinningian granitic rocks are a typical product of continent-continent collision, being probably related to the formation of the supercontinent Rodinia. These studies, combined with the study of high-grade basement rocks near the Qilian terrane, suggest that before the Jinningian period, the Qilian-Qaidam northern-margin terrane and Dunhuang-Alxa terrane wer  相似文献   

本文对北祁连造山带大依马龙地区的角斑岩进行了主量和微量元素地球化学分析,结果表明,角斑岩SiO_2含量介于52. 51%~55. 46%,Na_2O含量高,介于4. 79%~6. 86%,K_2O含量低,介于0. 16%~0. 93%,Na_2O/K_2O值为5. 16~37. 19,具低钾拉斑系列—中钾钙碱性系列钠质岩石特点。岩石固结指数(SI)介于15. 03~23. 59,Mg#值介于39. 9~52. 14。在球粒陨石标准化的稀土元素配分图上表现出轻稀土轻微富集的右倾型,基本没有或具有轻微的Eu异常,δEu介于0. 86~1. 30之间,平均0. 98;在原始地幔标准化的微量元素蛛网图上,普遍亏损Nb、Ta、Zr、Ti、P等高场强元素,角斑岩Y含量介于15. 6×10~(-6)~21. 8×10~(-6),平均18. 77×10~(-6)20,Th/Yb介于0. 59~1. 38,平均0. 770. 6,Ce/Pb值介于4. 31~7. 79,Nb/La值介于0. 28~0. 49,Zr/Nb值介于14. 73~30. 08,均表明其为岛弧火山岩。结合区域地质背景,我们认为角斑岩形成于岛弧环境,其形成机制为:受俯冲板片流体改造的地幔楔物质发生部分熔融形成母岩浆,在岩浆上升过程中,热的岩浆体系发生了分离结晶作用并受到了围岩热卤水的混染,热卤水带来了Na和Si离子,带走了Fe和Ca离子,从而形成了富钠的岩浆体系。  相似文献   

The rocks of the Scourian Complex have been intensively studied, but there is still no consensus as to the conditions of the granulite-facies metamorphism preserved in these rocks. Recent estimates of these conditions fall into two groups, one at 820-920°C and ca. 11 kbar and the second at ca. 1000°C and >12 kbar. Investigation of a variety of rocks shows that the recorded conditions vary with grain-size, with higher-grade conditions recorded by the cores of coarser ( ca. 10 mm) crystals, and lower-grade conditions recorded by the rims of coarser grains and by finer grains. This observation suggests that re-equilibration during recovery of these rocks to the surface has been important which may account for the discrepancy in estimated P-T conditions. Revised estimates of the equilibration conditions of the Scourian Complex of T > 1000°C and P > 8.5 kbar are presented. The conditions suggested for the peak of metamorphism mean that the role of anatexis in the genesis of these rocks must be considered and the nature of the fluid phase thoroughly investigated.  相似文献   

祁连县山阴凹槽锌铜矿是中国一个典型的铜多金属成矿区,但总体研究程度较低,目前尚未见到地球化学研究报道。笔者结合矿床地质探讨火山岩主微量元素、稀土元素特征,矿床硫-铅同位素组成与成因。成矿火山岩SiO2(46.96%~53.85%)、TiO2(0.90%~2.02%)质量分数较高,岩石以轻微富集大离子亲石元素(Rb、Ba、K)、相对亏损高场强元素(Nb、Ta、Ti)和Eu轻微正异常、Ce轻微负异常为特征,具有岛弧拉斑玄武岩和N-MORB的双重地球化学特征。火山岩岩浆来源于被俯冲流体交代的亏损地幔,形成环境为弧后盆地扩张环境。锌铜矿化的诸多因素,包括物质来源、容矿围岩和矿液通道等都与火山岩有关,锌矿主要赋存于硅化大理岩中,铜矿主要赋存于大理岩与片理化玄武岩接触带。  相似文献   

Early Palaeozoic granitoids in the South Qilian Belt, central China, record details of the tectonic evolution and crustal growth of the Qilian orogenic belt. Five representative granitoids from the western South Qilian Belt were sampled for zircon LA-ICPMS U–Pb dating, Lu–Hf isotopes, and whole-rock geochemical analyses. Zircon U–Pb dating of two porphyritic granodiorites and a porphyritic monzogranite yielded ages of 442.7 ± 3.5, 441.8 ± 4.3, and 435.4 ± 3.5 Ma, respectively. These granitoids exhibit a geochemical affinity to I-type granite, are metaluminous with a low aluminium saturation index (A/CNK = 0.75–1.15), have moderate Al2O3 and low MgO contents, high La/Yb and low Sr/Y ratios, and are depleted in Nb, Ta, P, and Ti, which suggests a subduction zone magmatic arc affinity, with mixing between a primary mantle-derived magma with lesser continental crustal material. The syenogranite and monzogranite from the South Qilian Belt, which yield U–Pb zircon ages of 440.4 ± 9.0 and 442.3 ± 1.2 Ma, respectively, have pronounced S-type geochemical affinities, are peraluminous with A/CNK values of 1.07–1.16, have relatively high SiO2, Al2O3, K2O, and Rb contents, low Y and Yb, low Sr/Y and La/Yb ratios, positive Th, U, and light Rare Earth Element (REE) anomalies, and depletions in Nb, Ta, Sr, and Ti. Their geochemical signature suggests derivation from partial melting of continental crust in a syn-collisional setting. The Hf isotopic data of zircons from the granitoids show a significant input of Paleoproterozoic crust in the crustal formation of the western South Qilian Belt in Palaeozoic. Compare the εHf(t) value of S-type granite with that of I-type granite, the former may have a comparatively homogeneous source. Together with regional evidence, it is proposed that a collisional event occurred between the South Qilian Belt and the Central Qilian Belt at ca. 442–435 Ma.  相似文献   

祁连造山带及邻区前寒武纪深变质基底的时代和组成   总被引:51,自引:0,他引:51  
本文对祁连造山带及邻区前寒武纪深变质基底变泥砂质岩石和壳源花岗质岩石的地质、年代学、地球化学和Nd同位素组成进行了研究.主要结论为:①祁连造山带深变质基底主要由变泥砂质岩石和壳源花岗岩组成,主体形成于0.8~1.0 Ga(晋宁期);②大多数变泥砂质岩石和壳源花岗岩具有较强的负铕和负钡异常,tDM和εNd(1.0 Ga)分别为1.87~2.26 Ga和-8.54~-4.06,显示出较高的成熟度;③花岗质岩石为典型的陆-陆碰撞产物,可能与全球新元古代Rodinia超大陆形成事件有关.本文还探讨了祁连造山带及邻区深变质基底的构造归属,认为祁连-柴北缘地体和阿拉善-敦煌地体在晋宁期以前相互分离,分属华北克拉通和扬子地台不同的板块体系.祁连造山带和秦岭造山带至少在晋宁期就有相同或相似的演化历史.  相似文献   

羌塘中部的高压变质带位于龙木错-双湖-澜沧江板块缝合带之上,由榴辉岩、蓝片岩和石榴子石白云母片岩组成,其形成过程对探讨板块缝合带的构造演化具有重要意义。以其中的石榴子石白云母片岩为研究对象,通过岩相学研究并结合电子探针成分分析,认为石榴子石白云母片岩中的石榴子石具有多期次变质结晶的特征,保留了岩石多期次变质的信息。结合岩石组构特征,最终确定石榴子石白云母片岩至少经历了3期次的变质作用。第一、二期均为绿片岩相,当时岩石不具定向构造且未达到高压;第三期为低温高压蓝片岩相变质作用,与区域上蓝片岩的形成及榴辉岩的蓝片岩相退变质作用大体同时,该期变质变形作用形成了岩石的片理,最终成为石榴子石白云母片岩,变质作用时代为218Ma左右。  相似文献   

董永胜  张修政  施建荣  王生云 《地质通报》2009,28(09):1201-1206
羌塘中部的高压变质带位于龙木错-双湖-澜沧江板块缝合带之上,由榴辉岩、蓝片岩和石榴子石白云母片岩组成,其形成过程对探讨板块缝合带的构造演化具有重要意义。以其中的石榴子石白云母片岩为研究对象,通过岩相学研究并结合电子探针成分分析,认为石榴子石白云母片岩中的石榴子石具有多期次变质结晶的特征,保留了岩石多期次变质的信息。结合岩石组构特征,最终确定石榴子石白云母片岩至少经历了3期次的变质作用。第一、二期均为绿片岩相,当时岩石不具定向构造且未达到高压;第三期为低温高压蓝片岩相变质作用,与区域上蓝片岩的形成及榴辉岩的蓝片岩相退变质作用大体同时,该期变质变形作用形成了岩石的片理,最终成为石榴子石白云母片岩,变质作用时代为218Ma左右。  相似文献   

辽宁阜新地区的"太古宙变质岩"是华北板块北缘太古代的最下部的地体,它由连续性很差的表壳岩、TTG岩石及其他深成侵入岩构成。基本岩石类型包括:角闪石岩、辉石岩、斜长角闪岩、麻粒岩、紫苏花岗岩、片麻岩及少量的磁铁石英岩。主要特征变质矿物由石榴子石(Gr)、斜方辉石(Opx)、单斜辉石(Cpx)、角闪石(Hb)、斜长石(Pl)和石英(Q)。岩相学研究确定了指示变质作用不同阶段的3个变质反应的存在,并且它们与推测的矿物相的转化关系吻合。结合地质温压的限定,笔者得出了该区太古宙末期的强烈的变质热事件的IBC型的PTt演化轨迹,即具有近等压冷却过程。并推测出此变质热事件形成于大量岩浆的板低垫托,同时伴有深部的地壳拉张作用的大地构造环境。  相似文献   

1∶5万区域地质调查首次在中祁连地块北缘发现的退变榴辉岩,呈构造岩块分布于大羊陇一带的变质基底中。岩相学和矿物学研究显示,石榴石的矿物包体和化学成分具有进变质环带的特征,属于C类榴辉岩。石榴石核部成分以及残留于核部的黑云母、斜长石等矿物包体代表了进变质阶段(M1)矿物组合,计算得到其温压条件为568~580 ℃和0.80~0.82 GPa。大致估算得峰期榴辉岩相阶段(M2)温压条件为(669±5) ℃和(2.1±0.2) GPa。石榴石“白眼圈”结构指示了等温减压退变质作用,利用局部的平衡矿物获得高角闪岩相退变质阶段(M3)的温压条件为681~705 ℃和0.68~0.71 GPa。进一步的退变质作用发生在低角闪岩相条件下,以基质中出现粗粒的角闪石和斜长石为特征,估算得到这一阶段(M4)温压分别为500~545 ℃和0.38~0.43 GPa。上述变质过程形成一个顺时针的p-T演化轨迹,暗示板片经历过快速俯冲和折返。榴辉岩的锆石CL图像显示锆石大部分发光度低,为无分带、弱分带或海绵状分带,边部发育宽约5 μm的强阴极发光带,主体表现为变质增生锆石的特征。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年获得峰期榴辉岩相变质的上限年龄为(485±22) Ma。根据岩石地球化学特征和构造环境判别,大羊陇榴辉岩的原岩为MORB,推测属于北祁连洋壳的组成部分。结合中祁连地块北缘广泛发育弧岩浆岩,确定了晚寒武世-中奥陶世北祁连洋壳存在向南的俯冲作用,其俯冲极性为南北双向俯冲。  相似文献   

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