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Encroachment of the shrub Prosopis glandulosa Torr. (honey mesquite) into semi-arid grasslands is a serious concern in the south-western United States, yet little is known about the long-term dynamics of the invasion process. We used ten high-resolution aerial and satellite images taken from 1936 to 1996 to track the population dynamics and spatial pattern of all P. glandulosa greater than 2 m in diameter on a 75 ha area in southern New Mexico.Shrub cover and patch numbers increased from 1936 to the 1970s, then stabilized at 43% cover and 83 patches ha−1. Individual patches were extremely persistent: 95% of the area occupied by shrub patches in 1936 was still occupied in 1996. Recruitment into the 2 m size class was more variable: 0·6–5·2% year−1 (mean 0·8% year−1). Patch-shape complexity increased from 1936 to 1983 as adjacent shrubs merged, and then declined as those clusters filled in and became rounder. Spatial pattern of shrubs showed a distinct trend over time: strongly clustered in 1936 at lag distances up to 250 m, then random arrangement at all scales, and by 1983 pattern was regular at lag distances greater than 100 m. There was no clear relationship with precipitation.The use of remote sensing imagery allowed us to examine one site over time, and revealed patterns in population dynamics and spatial pattern that would not have been visible otherwise. Comparison of field estimates collected in 2001 with 1996 image data suggest that the canopy cover estimates were accurate, but shrub densities were seriously underestimated in the satellite photographs, which do not show shrubs smaller than 2 m diameter. As long as limitations of the imagery are understood, these methods can be applied over a larger and more heterogeneous area to examine environmental correlates of invasion success.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to explain how topographical factors and soil erosion affect plant community patterns in the gypsum hills of the Middle Ebro Basin (NE Spain).Both the altitudinal location on the hill and, secondarily, the aspect determine a regular distribution pattern of the plant communities, which is closely related to soil and erosion features, as well as to some plant attributes. Tall perennial grasses dominate the valley bottoms, and scrub vegetation the hillsides and hilltops. Water availability, soil depth and particle movement down the slope are the main factors that could explain this segregation.  相似文献   

We used space-for-time substitution, correlation, and regression analyses to study the effects of urbanization age on stream channel variables from 19 low-order urban watersheds in the southern Piedmont of the United States. The results are used to address questions regarding which variables are most responsive to urbanization age, the duration of response relative to system size, and changes in adjustment rate over time. Few morphological variables were found to be well correlated with metrics of urbanization age. The maximum-width/maximum-depth ratio (Wmax/Dmax) exhibited the best correlations to multiple metrics of urbanization age, with all correlations positive. A dearth of young urbanization ages in our dataset makes mathematically derived response times and end states for Wmax/Dmax highly uncertain. Inferences from the age range that is better represented suggest that the period of major response has occurred within the first three decades following urbanization. Subsequently, gradual increase in Wmax/Dmax appears to continue over 40 or more years. Response of channel form to urbanization and time elapsed in these low-order Piedmont streams is constrained by the presence of resistant bedrock below streambeds, a circumstance addressed by recent channel evolution models.  相似文献   

The geographic center of a region is a fundamental geographic concept, and yet there is no commonly accepted method for its determination. This article discusses some of its history as well as its definition and calculation, and a new method for its calculation is suggested. The new method minimizes the sum of squared great circle distances from all points in the region to the center. This entails (1) projecting regional boundary points using an azimuthal equidistant projection, (2) finding the geographic center of the projected two-dimensional region, and (3) then transforming this location back to a latitude and longitude. This new approach is used to find the geographic center of the contiguous United States and to provide a new list of the geographic centers for U.S. states. This list improves on the widely used but inaccurate list published by the United States Geological Survey in 1923.  相似文献   

本文分析了美国铁路网迅速形成和急剧缩减的原因,指出其非均衡分布的特点,介绍其远景改造设想,对我国铁路网的建设有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine if metrics for ant species assemblages can be used as indicators of rangeland condition, and to determine the influence of vegetation and ground cover variables, factors often influenced by livestock grazing, on ant communities. The study was conducted in two areas in the Great Basin: a sagebrush-steppe in southeastern Idaho (n=30 sites), and a salt-desert shrub in western Utah (n=27 sites). Sites were selected based on known rangeland condition (i.e. good, fair, poor) associated with livestock grazing. Ant communities differed considerably between the two study areas. Collectively, more ant species occurred at the Idaho sites (30) than at the Utah sites (21), relatively few species (eight) occurred in both areas, species richness was significantly greater at the Idaho sites (mean=12·0 species) than the Utah sites (mean=6·9 species), and Formica spp. were diverse (total of 15 species) at the Idaho sites but rare (one species) at the Utah sites. In Idaho, all species collectively, generalists, and Formica spp. were significantly less abundant on sites in poor condition than that on sites in good or fair condition, whereas in Utah, seed harvesters and Pheidole spp. were significantly more abundant on sites in poor condition than that on sites in good or fair condition. In Idaho, species richness was significantly lower on sites in poor condition. In Idaho, species richness and relative abundances of several ant groups were significantly related to bare patch size and parameters for cover or species richness of several vegetation groups. In contrast to the comparisons involving sites in poor condition, no differences in ant communities in either Idaho or Utah were evident between sites in good and fair condition. Thus, the ant communities responded only to large changes in rangeland condition and to large differences in climatic/edaphic conditions between the two areas. Hence, ant community metrics appear to have limited utility as indicators of rangeland condition in the Great Basin.  相似文献   

Studies of sediment cores from 12 acidic lakes in granitic, forested and uninhabited catchments in northern New England, U.S.A. produced diatom-inferred pH (IpH) 5.2 to 5.8 and alkalinity (Ialk) –12 to 31 µeq l–1, with slowly declining values at some lakes, for one to four centuries prior to logging. Increases of IpH (0.05 to 0.60) and Ialk (5 to 40 µeq l–1) correlate with logging in the catchments in the early-1800s to early-1900s. Recovery to pre-logging IpH and Ialk correlates with forest succession toward conifers, and is completed in the late-1800s to mid-1900s. Beginning at 1915–1920 (4 lakes), 1930–1950 (4 lakes) and 1965–1970 (4 lakes), IpH and Ialk start decreasing below pre-logging values due to atmospheric acidic deposition, leading to respective total decreases of 0.10 to 0.45 (X=0.25) and 5 to 25 µeq l–1 (X=15). Inputs of anthropogenic Pb, Zn, V, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and soot from the atmosphere are first detectable in early- to late-1800s sediment, and Cu in late-1800s sediment, increase rapidly in the late-1800s to mid-1900s, and level off or decrease since the 1960s — partly due to emission controls. Decreasing Ca, Mn, and possibly Zn relative to other metals and normalized to organic content, and increasing flux of Fe to the lakes, indicate soil and water acidification after 1900.This is the fourteenth of a series of papers to be published by this journal which is a contribution of the Paleoecological Investigation of Recent Lake Acidification (PIRLA) project. Drs. D. F. Charles and D. R. Whitehead are guest editors for this series.  相似文献   

The U.S. Geological Survey periodically makes appraisals of the oil and gas resources of the Nation. In its 1995 National Assessment the onshore areas and adjoining State waters of the Nation were assessed. As part of the 1995 National Assessment, 274 conventional oil plays and 239 conventional nonassociated-gas plays were assessed. The two datasets of estimates studied herein are the following: (1) the mean, undiscovered, technically recoverable oil resources estimated for each of the 274 conventional oil plays, and (2) the mean, undiscovered, technically recoverable gas resources estimated for each of the 239 conventional nonassociatedgas plays. It was found that the two populations of petroleum estimates are both distributed approximately as lognormal distributions. Fractal lognormal percentage theory is developed and applied to the two populations of petroleum estimates. In both cases the theoretical percentages of total resources using the lognormal distribution are extremely close to the empirical percentages from the oil and nonassociated-gas data. For example, 20% of the 274 oil plays account for 73.05% of the total oil resources of the plays if the lognormal distribution is used, or for 75.52% if the data is used; 20% of the 239 nonassociated-gas plays account for 76.32% of the total nonassociated-gas resources of the plays if the lognormal distribution is used, or for 78.87% if the data is used  相似文献   

本文在分析70年代以来美国华盛顿州港口系统开发的特征、措施及其效果基础上,总结出华盛顿州港口系统抓住亚太地区经济腾飞的良机,统一规划沿海各港口群区的地位、功能和作用,大力发展集装箱多式联运等经验,均可作为发展我国沿海港口系统的借鉴。  相似文献   

何毓蓉  廖超林 《山地学报》2006,24(5):I0001-I0002,F0003
长江上游地区的侵蚀、滑坡和泥石流发生普遍而严重。选择典型区对侵蚀、滑坡和泥石流土体的微形态及与之紧密相关的土性进行比较研究,有重要意义。在贡嘎山东坡、川中丘陵盐亭、三峡库区云阳、云南东川蒋家沟分别采集代表性侵蚀、滑坡和泥石流土体剖面进行了研究。主要取得下述研究结果:(1)不同侵蚀强度的研究区土体特性有所不同,但共同特征是发育浅、颗粒粗、易分散等,有利于侵蚀形成;也相应形成一些侵蚀土体的微形态特征,如粗骨颗粒聚积状微形态、细土物质微区淋蚀现象、埋藏土层微形态特征等。(2)在滑坡土体,发现一些有利于滑坡形成的土体特性和微形态特征,如骨骼颗粒细化和蚀圆化、吸水性强的指纹状微结构等。在滑塌面上形成特殊的土体微形态,如拉张微裂隙、强光性定向粘粒集合体、玻璃质形成物、铁锰分离物等。(3)泥石流土体土性特殊,并形成了一些特殊的土体微形态特征,如湖泥状基质、骨骼颗粒泥质包裹体、错断微裂隙等。结果表明:在不同的环境条件下,三类土体的土性和土体微形态也有异同。对侵蚀、滑坡和泥石流的形成机制、活动性等都有一定的诊断意义。  相似文献   

Long-chain alkenones, a group of sensitive organic molecular indicators of water temperature, have been rather extensively studied in marine environments. However they have never been systematically examined in lacustrine environments, despite reports of their occurrence in lake sediments. Here, we report on a recent study of long-chain alkenones in a sedimentary core from a high altitude (≈5400 m) salt lake, Zabuye Salt Lake (ZSL), Tibet. This is a critical location for global climate studies, especially of the atmospheric circulation of the North Hemisphere. C37−C39 methyl and/or ethyl alkenones, usually dominated by components with tetra- and tri-double bounds, are commonly the major components of the polar fraction of the extracted organic matter from most sections. Down-core (vertical) variation of alkenone indices, the measure of molecular unsaturation, is compared primarily with other environmental signals, including lithology, elemental and mineral compositions, and stable carbon isotopes of hydrocarbon biomarkers of this core. Down-core profiles of alkenone climatic indices (U 37 k and U 38 k ) suggest ZSL had two warm periods, one during ≈20–30 ka (≈Jabula Interglacial Optimum) and another at 8–5 ka (Middle Holocene Optimum), and a severe cold period from ≈18–11 ka (Last Glacial Maximum). The proposed warmer intervals are generally characterized by higher contents of carbonate, organic carbon, alkenones and heavier δ13C values ofn-alkanes.  相似文献   

美国的区域政策及其对我国西部开发的启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文分析了美国区域政策的特点:区域政策的核心是提高受援地区的社会福利;致力于改善落后的投资环境;突出重点,实施增长中心战略;注重培育欠发达地区的自我发展能力;依靠法制化管理,保障援阻工作顺利进行。在此基础上,提出解决我国地区发展不平衡问题的一些措施。  相似文献   

Sediment yield from small arid basins, particularly in the Mojave Desert, is largely unknown owing to the ephemeral nature of these fluvial systems and long recurrence interval of flow events. We examined 27 reservoirs in the northern and eastern Mojave Desert that trapped sediment from small (< 1 km2) drainage basins on alluvial fans over the past 100 yr, calculated annual sediment yield, and estimated the average recurrence interval (RI) of sediment-depositing flow events. These reservoirs formed where railbeds crossed and blocked channels, causing sediment to be trapped and stored upslope. Deposits are temporally constrained by the date of railway construction (1906–1910), the presence of 137Cs in the reservoir profile (post-1952 sediment), and either 1993, when some basins breached during regional flooding, or 2000–2001, when stratigraphic analyses were performed. Reservoir deposits are well stratified at most sites and have distinct fining-upward couplets indicative of discrete episodes of sediment-bearing runoff. Average RI of runoff events for these basins ranges from 2.6 to 7.3 yr and reflects the incidence of either intense or prolonged rainfall; more than half the runoff events occurred before 1963. A period of above-normal precipitation, from 1905 to 1941, may have increased runoff frequency in these basins. Mean sediment yield (9 to 48 tons km− 2 yr− 1) is an order of magnitude smaller than sediment yields calculated elsewhere and may be limited by reduced storm intensity, the presence of desert pavement, and shallow gradient of fan surfaces. Sediment yield decreases as drainage area increases, a trend typical of much larger drainage basins where sediment-transport processes constrain sediment yield. Coarse substrate and low-angle slopes of these alluvial fan surfaces likely limit sediment transport capacity through transmission losses and channel storage.  相似文献   

As many as 2500 interdune lakes lie within the Nebraska Sand Hills, a 50000 km stabilized sand sea. The few published data on cores from these lakes indicate they are typically underlain by less than two m of Holocene lacustrine sediments. However, three lakes in the southwestern Sand Hills, Swan, Blue, and Crescent, contain anomalously thick marsh (peat) and lacustrine (gyttja) sediments. Swan Lake basin contains as much as 8 m of peat, which was deposited between about 9000 and 3300 years ago. This peat is conformably overlain by as much as 10.5 m of gyttja. The sediment record in Blue lake, which is 3 km downgradient from Swan lake, dates back to only about 6000 years ago. Less than two m of peat, which was deposited from 6000 to 5000 years ago, is overlain by 12 m of gyttja deposited in the last 4300 years. Crescent Lake basin, one km downgradient from Blue Lake, has a similar sediment history except for a lack of known peat deposits. Recently, a 8-km long segment of a paleovalley was documented running beneath the three lakes and connecting to the head of Blue Creek Valley. Blockage of this paleovalley by dune sand during two arid intervals, one shortly before 10500 yr BP and one in the mid-Holocene, has resulted in a 25 m rise in the regional water table. This made possible the deposition of organic-rich sediment in all three lakes. Although these lakes, especially Swan, would seem ideal places to look for a nearly complete record of Holocene climatic fluctuations, the paleoclimatic record is confounded by the effect dune dams have on the water table. In Swan Lake, the abrupt conversion from marsh to lacustrine deposition 3300 years ago does not simply record the change to a wetter regional climate; it reflects the complex local hydrologic changes surrounding the emplacement and sealing of dune dams, as well as regional climate.  相似文献   

Stratigraphic evidence and radiocarbon dating of sediments from the Great Bend Sand Prairie in Kansas indicates that significant deposits of aeolian sand have accumulated in the region during the late Holocene. Radiocarbon ages obtained from total humates in buried soils suggest that five periods of late-Holocene stability and soil formation are preserved in dune fields at approximately 2300, 1400, 1000, 700, 500 and 300 years B.P. Reactivation of aeolian sand in the past 1000 years has resulted in a variety of well defined, parabolic dunes. In general, events in the region correspond with established chronologies elsewhere on the Great Plains and in particular correlate well with dune fields in north-eastern Colorado. Overall, results indicate that the threshold of landscape stability on the Great Bend Sand Prairie can easily be crossed in the current climatic regime.  相似文献   

Street connectivity, defined as the number of (3-way or more) intersections per area unit, is an important index of built environments as a proxy for walkability in a neighborhood. This paper examines its geographic variations across the rural-urban continuum (urbanicity), major racial-ethnic groups and various poverty levels. The population-adjusted street connectivity index is proposed as a better measure than the regular index for a large area such as county due to likely concentration of population in limited space within the large area. Based on the data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), this paper uses multilevel modeling to analyze its association with physical activity and obesity while controlling for various individual- and county-level variables. Analysis of data subsets indicates that the influences of individual and county-level variables on obesity risk vary across areas of different urbanization levels. The positive influence of street connectivity on obesity control is limited to the more but not the mostly urbanized areas. This demonstrates the value of obesogenic environment research in different geographic settings, helps us reconcile and synthesize some seemingly contradictory results reported in different studies, and also promotes that effective policies need to be highly sensitive to the diversity of demographic groups and geographically adaptable.  相似文献   

美国波士华交通经济带的形成与演化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究了美国波士华交通经济带的形成与演化过程,分析了在不同阶段美国波士华交通经济带的生命周期特征,认为美国商业资本主义、产业资本主义的发展、高速公路的发展以及带来的集聚与扩散作用、经济服务化分别在美国波士华交通经济带的形成、发展和演化等不同阶段扮演着重要角色。波士华交通经济带是美国最大、发展最早的交通经济带,研究该地区的演化规律对我国交通经济带发展也具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

With observed increases in global temperatures indicating changes to anomalous temperature events (ATE), few studies have considered the changes associated with both heat and cold together. This study evaluates the changes in heat waves and cold spells for 55 U.S. metropolitan areas (1948–2012). Using surface observations, thresholds of mean apparent temperature were used to define heat, extreme heat, cold, and extreme cold events. Days that exceeded the 95th temperature percentile were considered heat days. Similar values were used to define extreme heat (97.5th), cold (5th), and extreme cold (2.5th). Thresholds were calculated independently for each of the locations, incorporating spatial variability into the ATE definition. Changes in duration, seasonal timing, and frequency, all of which have been shown to be important characteristics in regard to heat and cold events, were evaluated. Significant changes in some characteristics were found. Across many locations, heat events have become more frequent, longer lasting, and earlier occurring, while cold spells have experienced an opposite trend. Since heat and cold events impact a range of ecological and bioclimatological processes, understanding the variability and changes associated with ATE remains an important aspect to consider as society prepares for future events.  相似文献   

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