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通过野外调查和同位素测年, 讨论了库姆塔格沙漠羽毛状断裂的形成与"八一泉运动"有关, 纠正了前人所说的八一泉雅丹下部褶皱断裂地层属上新世地层的传统概念, 实际上是早更新世湖相地层于中更新世晚期因发生八一泉构造运动形成的褶皱断裂的变形地层带. 所称的上新世地层实际是中更新世晚期的变形地层, 这也是227 ka BP左右的"八一泉运动"的证据, 讨论了它在青藏高原的隆升过程中的特殊阶段, 及其对青藏高原以北地区气候环境的影响, 重新建立了青藏高原隆升与冰期、 间冰期气候变化的序列, 并首次探讨了与中国东部冰缘期的对比问题.  相似文献   

昌黎海岸风成沙丘的形态与沉积构造特征及其成因初探   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
傅启龙  沙庆安 《沉积学报》1994,12(1):98-105
本文论述了昌黎海岸风成沙丘的分布与形成特征、层理构造及其沙丘表面沙波发育情况.并对其成因进行了探讨.沙丘迎风坡表面普遍发育有风成沙纹,层理构造非常发育,有低角度交错层理、大型板状交错层理。海岸沙丘沉积物主要来自滦河.滦河入海泥沙在偏风浪的作用下向北搬运并堆积在海滩上.强劲的向岸风使海滩沙向陆搬运建造成海岸沙丘。目前.沙丘仍在活动之中。  相似文献   

哈斯  杜会石  孙禹 《第四纪研究》2013,33(2):314-324
小叶锦鸡儿灌丛沙丘是内蒙古高原阴山北麓农牧交错带的主要风沙堆积类型。野外调查表明灌丛沙丘在该区主要分布在耕地、冲积扇下风侧和村落周围等人类活动频繁的地段。根据对耕地、冲积扇下风侧典型样地灌丛沙丘形态参数的详细测量和沙丘及丘间地气流的系统观测结果,发现灌丛沙丘覆盖度及风沙沉积量顺风向减小,近地面气流空气动力学粗糙度顺风向减小; 在沙丘单体,风速廓线由迎风坡经丘顶至背风坡趋于复杂。在沙丘形态诸参数中,沙丘高度与水平尺度之间存在良好的幂函数相关,表明在目前风况和沙源环境中该区灌丛沙丘处在加积增高阶段,但其速率小于水平扩展。该区灌丛沙丘的规模主要受上风侧可供沙源有效性和灌丛生长状况的控制,灌丛沙丘的出现是该区土壤风蚀和土地退化的主要标志。  相似文献   

英国“可持续未来的科学”优先研究领域简介   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

大型海底、海岸和沙漠沙丘的形态和迁移特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
高抒 《地学前缘》2009,16(6):13-22
海底、海岸和沙漠沙丘的迁移与其波高、波长等形态参数有关。对一些代表性大型沙丘的分析表明,海底、海岸和沙漠沙丘的形态特征存在着较大的差异,在相同波长条件下,海底沙丘波高最小,海岸沙丘波高次之,沙漠沙丘波高最大。其原因主要是流体厚度的差异,其次是物质供给条件的不同:浅海地区的水深限制了沙丘向上生长,而陆地气流厚度较大,给沙丘的向上生长提供了较大的空间;沙漠环境的沉积物供给远大于海岸环境,因而导致沙丘高度的差异。沙丘形态参数经常偏离统计的波长 波高曲线,数值实验结果显示,这与推移质输运率有关。推移质输运率的沿程变化可以使形态参数系统性地偏离波长 波高曲线;推移质输运率的沿程突变可使沙丘迁移受阻,造成沉积物的垂向堆积,形成超高的沙丘。由于大型沙丘的迁移特征受控于推移质输运率和沙丘高度,因此可以通过波高设计来计算迁移距离 历时曲线,进而控制沙丘迁移动态。文中给出了一个获取迁移距离 历时曲线的算例。设计波高可通过人工篱笆、隔挡墙、沟渠、表面护层等措施而实现。  相似文献   

氨基酸是生命物质中普遍存在的一类重要的有机化合物,它是构成蛋白质的“砖块”。一个最简单的氨基酸分子至少必须含有一个羧基和一个氨基的官能团。在生物的蛋白质中通常只包括有二十种氨基酸,叫做蛋白氨基酸。但是自然界还存在其它种类的氨基酸,因为它们一般不存在于蛋白质中,所以叫做非蛋白氨基酸。除了最简单的甘氨酸外,所有的氨基酸都含有一个以上的不对称的碳原子。含有一个不对称碳原子的氨基酸可以存在L和D型两种结构的对映体。所有的蛋白质氨基酸都属L构型。  相似文献   

岩冰 《地质科学》1977,12(1):1-5
一九七二年以来,自然科学领域刮起了一股反“理论风”的妖风,其矛头直接对准伟大领袖毛主席和敬爱的周总理。这股妖风的风源,盖出于王张江姚“四人帮”反党集团。一九七二年,毛主席对一位科学家关于加强自然科学基础理论研究和教学的意见,表示了称赞。周总理根据毛主席的革命科技路线,做了重要的指示和部署。“四人帮”心怀叵测,借以发端。  相似文献   

王姣  王笑辰  张峰 《沉积学报》2022,40(5):1289-1301
对沙漠内部典型河流沿线沙丘石英颗粒表面微形态特征的系统研究尚少。沿塔里木盆地南缘克里雅河下游丹丹乌里克、喀拉墩、圆沙古城、北方墓地及其北部塔里木河一带的沙丘顶部采到5件表沙样品。扫描电镜观察172颗经能谱挑选的石英颗粒表面微形态,筛析法测定5件样品的粒度。结果表明:1)丹丹乌里克样品以极细沙为主,其余均以细沙为主,各样品几乎不含黏土;2)样品磨圆度特征以次棱和次圆状为主,圆状很少,未见棱状特征,次棱状与次圆状特征之间消长关系显著,沙漠南北边缘样品的次棱状特征出现频率较腹地高;3)颗粒中V形坑频率呈现出沙漠边缘较高腹地低的特征,而沙漠边缘的化学作用结构特征低于腹地。石英砂表面特征结构以机械作用为主,同时伴生化学环境作用特征,可认为克里雅河下游沙物质包括了河流、冰川与戈壁成因及风输送而来的颗粒;颗粒表面特征总体新鲜,沙丘应较年轻。纵穿塔克拉玛干沙漠沉积物样品的表面微形态观察与粒度测定,为该地区沉积环境分析与沙丘砂溯源研究增添了新数据。  相似文献   

本文系统的介绍了“八五”期间中国地质勘查技术院在航空物探技术、地面物探技术、井中物探技术、化探技术以及遥感地质技术所取得的勘查技术进步。  相似文献   

“四川运动”之否定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
李玉文 《地质科学》1979,14(4):374-377
“四川运动"的由来“四川运动”一名,为谭锡畴、李春昱1929-1931年在四川及原西康进行地质调查时所拟,其调查报告《四川西康地质志》文字部分于1959年出版,在这之前,李春昱等(1943,1948)”、侯德封等(1945)已引用了这一名称,但正式命名和论述是在1950年。  相似文献   

认识沙漠土壤水分的时空变异性,是揭示沙漠生态系统生态-水文格局的基础。利用中子土壤水分仪的实测数据,对古尔班通古特沙漠树枝状沙丘土壤水分时空变异进行了系统分析。研究表明:① 沙丘不同部位土壤水分随时间具有一致性变化规律,上层土壤和下层土壤的变化趋势有所不同。0~1 m土层坡顶>坡中>坡脚,1~2 m土层坡脚>坡中>坡顶。② 土壤水分具有明显的季节变化和分层变化特征。春季是古尔班通古特沙漠土壤水分最丰富、变化最迅速的时期;0~40 cm、40~140 cm、140~200 cm土层土壤水分变异系数分别为13.56%、5.35%和0.80%,与不同土层水分来源和消耗以及植物根系分布相对应;不同土层土壤水分的变异强度要大于不同部位土壤水分的变异强度。③ 植被和地形对土壤水分的空间分异作用明显,沙丘坡脚处以及荒漠灌木梭梭根区始终存在土壤水分相对富集区。  相似文献   

孔霄  来风兵  陈蜀江  朱选 《现代地质》2021,35(3):657-664
胡杨回涡沙丘是别里库姆沙漠常见的一种风积地貌类型,通过测试分析来自6个样区胡杨回涡沙丘的195个表层沉积物样品,结合粒级-标准偏差法、Sahu成因判别和相关统计分析法,对其粒度特征进行研究,以分析别里库姆沙漠表层沉积物类型、沉积环境的稳定性。结果表明:(1)胡杨回涡沙丘表层沉积物粒度组成以砂和粉砂为主,从北向南、从东向西沉积物粒级均呈现变细趋势。(2)6个样区平均粒径的均值属于极细砂或细砂范围,71.79%的物质样品分选较好,97.94%的沉积物样品属于近对称分布,100%的物质样品属于中等峰态。(3)6个样区的粒级-标准偏差曲线均呈现多峰分布,沉积环境不稳定。(4)6个样区胡杨回涡沙丘表层沉积物的Sahu成因判别值介于-7.277~ -5.912,均属于风成沉积。  相似文献   

Wind is the primary control on the formation of aeolian geomorphology. In this study, we combined wind regime data from automated weather stations in the western and southwestern Tengger Desert of the Inner Mongolia region in China with remote‐sensing data to analyse the relationship between the wind energy environment and aeolian geomorphology. Tengger Desert is one of the main dust storm sources in northwestern China. Therefore, efforts aimed at controlling desertification and dust storm require a deeper understanding of the processes that govern the formation and subsequent evolution of dunes in this area. Wind speed was largest in the northwest (3.3 m/s in the Xiqu station) and smallest in the southeast (1.2 m/s in the Haizitan station). Potential sand transport was also largest in the northwest (195 in the Jiahe station) and smallest in the southeast (33 in the Tumen station). The sand‐driving wind (5.92 m/s) directions were from the NW and SE quadrant across the study area, at >76% of all sand‐driving wind, reaching 99% in the Tumen station. The sand‐driving wind in the NW quadrant reached >48%, and in the SE quadrant, >12% of all sand‐driving wind in all stations. In the study area, sand dunes included crescent, dune networks, transverse, and coppice dunes. Dune crest directions had similar trends from upwind to downwind, at 133° in the middle region, and 124° in the southwestern region. Mean dune spacing changed with dune patterns; the maximum spacing for crescent dunes was 147 m, for dune networks 118 m, and for transverse dunes it was 77 m. The mean crest length was 124 m (maximum) for crescent dunes in the northwest, 121 m for transverse dunes, and 84 m for dune networks. However, because of gullies in the southern region, the mean crest length was only 58 m (least) for the crescent dunes in that area. The defect density ranged from 0.007 to 0.014. The spatial differences in dune patterns reflected the evolution of the dune field, where older dunes had been formed upwind and younger downwind. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Twenty-one surficial sand samples from the Altar Desert coastal and desert dune systems were analysed for rare earth elements (REE) content. This was done to observe the provenance signatures for four strategic dune localities near the Colorado River Delta, the El Pinacate dune fields, and the beaches of the north of the Gulf of California in the state of Sonora, Mexico. Our goals are to show which mechanisms (i.e., aeolian, marine) exert more influence on the composition of the Altar Desert dune sands. This study also shows the usefulness of REE spatial distribution to determine the relative mobility of the sand. Some sand samples from the dune systems in San Luis Río Colorado (SLRC), Golfo de Santa Clara (GSC), and Puerto Peñasco (PP) displayed dissimilar REE concentrations with respect to the rest of the sand samples from the same sites. These differences can be related to short aeolian transport distance in the sands with high REE concentrations and long aeolian transport distance in the sands with low REE concentrations. Besides, high REE concentration in the sands might be due to their closeness to the Colorado River Delta sediments and to recycled sands derived from granitic rocks. In contrast, all the sand samples from the El Pinacate (EP) site have similar REE concentration values, suggesting that the El Pinacate dune sands are influenced by more selective aeolian processes and less diverse heavy mineral content. The Altar Desert dune sands are derived from granitic sources eroded by the Colorado River. Our results also indicate that the Altar Desert dune sands are low in heavy mineral content (with the exception of Fe and Ti bearing minerals) and enriched in carbonates with phosphates (especially at the PP site) yielding poor correlations between REE and major element concentrations. The REE geographical distribution values in the Altar Desert dune sands indicate that light and heavy REE concentration values are related to aeolian transport, maturity of the sands, their low weathering rates, proximity of the source rocks, and the biogenic debris input from beach sands into the dune.  相似文献   

以沉积学、煤岩学和煤相学理论为指导,运用煤相参数,结合宏观、微观煤岩特征分析煤相类型。结果表明:研究区宏观煤岩类型以暗淡型煤为主,显微煤岩类型以微镜惰煤为主,煤田西北部属潮湿-弱覆水环境,东南部属极潮湿-覆水环境;西北部煤层沼泽类型为干燥森林沼泽相,东南部以潮湿森林沼泽相为主,次为干燥森林沼泽相,沉积环境主要为浅沼相。综合分析认为,库姆塔格煤田煤层形成环境为低水位微弱水动力条件下、以潮湿森林沼泽为主、干燥森林沼泽次之的浅沼相,煤岩和煤相分析为聚煤环境分析、煤质评价、煤层对比等提供科学依据。  相似文献   

中国的沙漠和沙地部分或全部分布在季节冻土区, 研究沙丘的冻融过程是讨论季节冻结期间沙丘风蚀和形态演变规律的条件之一。以宁夏河东沙地流动沙丘和沙障固定沙丘为研究对象, 通过野外观测和室内控制实验, 分析了沙丘的冻融过程及其控制因素。结果显示: 沙丘的冻结期在11月中旬至3月上旬, 流动沙丘各地貌部位的冻结时长和冻结层厚度均存在较大差异(背风坡面>迎风坡面>丘顶), 背风坡脚的冻深最大。在季节冻结期内沙丘表层始终不发生冻结, 未冻层厚度的阈值约为10 cm且具有保护冻结层的作用, 流动沙丘迎风坡中在未冻层风蚀后, 地表冻结层融化再被风蚀, 如此循环过程造成其冻结层厚度远小于沙障固定沙丘的冻结层厚度。流动沙丘丘顶和背风坡面的冻结层厚度分别受短时(32 h)和较长历时(15 d)平均气温的影响。野外观测和室内控制实验均证明水分含量低于1.6%的沙丘沙不发生冻结, 冻结层硬度随含水率的增加呈幂函数递增(P<0.001), 随温度降低呈缓慢递增。  相似文献   

The Kokorkom desert extended over an area of 826 km2 in the central-west sector of Neuquén and Río Negro provinces along the area of the backbulge basin within the Andean Foreland basin in the Neuquén Basin. Its deposits constitute the middle-upper section of the Candeleros Formation (Cenomanian) and reach approximately 130 m thick. Tracks are found on wet and dry interdune and within draa slipface deposits. They constitute biogenic deformation structures characterized by folded-up and/or brecciated sandstone levels formed under dry and/or wet substrate conditions with passive filling. The degree of preservation varies, but the identification of digit impression suggests that they were produced by theropods or iguanodontians.  相似文献   

Samples were collected from the surfaces of four types of typical dunes in order to identify variations in textural characteristics over their bodies. These dunes are barchan, climbing dune, falling dune, and nabkha. Statistical parameters vary from position to another and show that each dune has its own characteristics. It is well recognized that all the sediments of the studied dunes tend to be finer from borders toward the mid dune. Histograms and bivariate diagrams successfully differentiate between different localities within all studied dunes. The climbing dune shows high uniformity where medium sand represents the mean grain size of 91% of collected samples. Samples from barchan and falling dune show lowest variability in statistical parameter values compared to other dunes. On the other hand, nabkha sediments are more variable and show higher values of average statistical parameters. All studied dunes are coarser than surrounding dunes in regional areas and other comparable dunes. But particularly, the barchan sediments in Kuwait are characterized by larger grain size, better sorting than other comparable dunes in the upwind (Iraq) and downwind (Saudi Arabia) and other parts of the world.  相似文献   

2004年3月至2005年7月对古尔班通古特沙漠南部典型半固定沙垄土壤水分进行了系统监测,结合气象资料,特别是对冬季积雪和冻土资料的分析,认为该沙漠沙丘土壤水分时空变化规律在很大程度上受积雪融化和季节性冻土的影响.由于冬季稳定存在20~30 cm的积雪于春季融化,使得春季沙丘土壤含水率成为全年最高的季节,从而为早春植物的萌发生长创造了有利的条件.冬季1 m多深的冻土于早春时节由表及里开始消融,沙丘表面融化的雪水在坡面重力作用下,沿难以透水的冻土层上界自坡上向坡下发生迁移,在春夏季形成了垄间最高、坡部次之和垄顶最少的土壤水分空间格局.该研究具有生态学意义,可为古尔班通古特沙漠特殊环境条件下植被恢复与重建提供依据.  相似文献   

A new theoretical scheme is presented to model the shape of a sand dune at equilibrium that does not require iterative calculations of the interaction between the wind flow and topography. The model is constructed by incorporating theory based on aerodynamics into a grain‐scale model that estimates the shear velocity at the dune crest through the calculation of the sand trapping efficiency of the slipface in the lee of the dune. Published field data, collected in southern Peru, California and southern Morocco, show that as a dune becomes higher the windward slope becomes steeper. For the model proposed, the wind flow over a dune was first assumed to be similar to that over a Gaussian hill. By further assuming a fixed shear velocity on the level surface, the windward slope angle and migration speed of dunes in southern Peru can be explained. To comply with all available data, some aspects are still open to further investigation. However the theoretical insight presented herein implies that the upper limit of dune height may be greater in windier environments.  相似文献   

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