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The aim of this study is to investigate tide–surge interaction in narrow channels with complex and relatively shallow topography. A high-resolution depth-integrated tidal and storm surge model has been implemented for the Tjeldsund channel which is an important sailing lane in northern Norway. A horizontal grid resolution down to 50 m is applied in order to represent the complex bottom topography and the formation of jets and small-scale eddies. Two typically storm surge events in December 2004 have been examined in detail. The tide–surge interaction is found to influence the generation of higher harmonics and the formation of eddies in the current field. In some cases, the magnitude of storm surge currents may reach the same magnitude as the tidal currents enhancing the formation of jets and eddies.  相似文献   

本文详细介绍了“磁暴基础数据库”项目的立项背景、目标、所开展的主要工作、取得的成果、研究成果的社会效益和对该领域研究未来工作的展望。  相似文献   

Chikin  A. L.  Kleshchenkov  A. V.  Chikina  L. G. 《Water Resources》2019,46(6):919-925
Water Resources - Observation data on salinity variations in the Gulf of Taganrog during storm surges are analyzed; a mathematical model of the transport of salt water masses is described in...  相似文献   

我的发言能作为把 2 0 0 0年美国地震学会奖章颁发给亚当·杰旺斯基 ( Adam Dziewons-ki)的授予仪式的一部分 ,并能简要地谈到他的事业和成就 ,对我来说是件令人愉快和很荣幸的事。亚当生于波兰 ,成长于第二次世界大战波兰被占领和后来的冷战变化中。他在波兰接受了所有的正规教育 ,并于 1 965年获克拉科夫矿业冶金学院技术科学博士学位。然而值得注意的是 ,在 1 95 8~ 1 95 9年度国际地球物理年当他参与在越南实施的一个地磁学观测项目时才第一次进入地球物理研究。亚当研究全球地震学的事业始于 60年代后期 ,作为达拉斯得克萨斯大学的博…  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - The response of strong magnetic storms in variations of the electric field of the near-ground atmosphere of the midlatitudes are studied according to data from long-term...  相似文献   

Equations of regression are derived for the intense magnetic storms of 1957?2016. They reflect the nonlinear relation between Dstmin and the effective index of geomagnetic activity Ap(τ) with a timeweighted factor τ. Based on this and on known estimations of the upper limit of the magnetic storm intensity (Dstmin =–2500 nT), the maximal possible value Ap(τ)max ~ 1000 nT is obtained. This makes it possible to obtain initial estimates of the upper limit of variations in some parameters of the thermosphere and ionosphere that are due to geomagnetic activity. It is found, in particular, that the upper limit of an increase in the thermospheric density is seven to eight times larger than for the storm in March 1989, which was the most intense for the entire space era. The maximum possible amplitude of the negative phase of the ionospheric storm in the number density of the F2-layer maximum at midlatitudes is nearly six times higher than for the March 1989 storm. The upper limit of the F2-layer rise in this phase of the ionospheric storm is also considerable. Based on qualitative analysis, it is found that the F2-layer maximum in daytime hours at midlatitudes for these limiting conditions is not pronounced and even may be unresolved in the experiment, i.e., above the F1-layer maximum, the electron number density may smoothly decrease with height up to the upper boundary of the plasmasphere.  相似文献   

<正>孟加拉国在20世纪曾发生过两次特大风暴潮。在这两次浩劫之前,在滇缅地区皆有7级以上地震发生,而且这两次大震和风暴潮在孟加拉国致灾区都位于北回归线所路过的东西长约1 500km的地带中。这是沿北回归线东段和西段大震与风暴潮灾害相关联的一个巨灾链,下面作些介绍[1]。(1)1970年1月5日中国云南通海发生7.7级地震,死亡15 621人。该年11月孟加拉国遭受特大风暴潮,死亡约  相似文献   

磁暴K指数与云南地区中强震相关性统计分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李树华  石绍先 《地震研究》2005,28(3):236-238
应用云南通海地磁台K≥6的磁暴数据,对云南省内M≥5.0地震发震时间关系进行统计分析发现:K≥7的大磁暴对云南省M≥5.0地震触发作用显著,且不同强度的磁暴对地震的触发作用有差异,磁暴强度增加,触发作用也增大。这一分析结果对云南地区5级以上地震发生时间的预测有一定的意义、  相似文献   

—Based on the NCMRWF analysis over the Arabian Sea, a complete energy cycle of the severe cyclonic storm that formed in the beginning of June 1994 in the east central Arabian Sea is carried out, using the in-house developed energy package. Both barotropic and baroclinic energy conversions are responsible for the maintenance of the system, however dominance of one over the other is noticed at different stages of the system at different heights. Dynamical characteristics of synoptic scale monsoon flow surrounding the cyclonic storm are also investigated. By examining the generation and dissipation terms, it is observed that both zonal and eddy components of the synoptic scale flow act as source of energy for the cyclonic storm, both in the predeveloped and developed stages.  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - The total electron content (TEC) data obtained from the ground-based GPS receiver stations of the Nigerian GNSS network of stations (NIGNET) have been used in this study...  相似文献   

本文系统论述了国家地震局的科技成果奖励政策及其特点并介绍了10年来的执行状况。 地震系统建立的国家级、部委级及基层级(厅局级)三个层次的奖励体系是合理有效和可行的,它进一步调动了地震系统广大科技人员的积极性和创造性,促进了地震科技工作的发展。  相似文献   

An unstructured grid storm surge model of the west coast of Britain, incorporating a high-resolution representation of the Mersey estuary is used to examine storm surge dynamics in the region. The focus of the study is the major surge that occurred during the period 11–14 November 1977, which has been investigated previously using uniform grid finite difference models and a finite element model of the west coast of Britain. However, none of these models included the Mersey estuary. Comparison of solutions in the eastern Irish Sea with those computed with these earlier models showed that, away from the Liverpool Bay region, the inclusion of the Mersey estuary had little effect. However, at the entrance to the Mersey, its inclusion did influence the solution. By including a detailed representation of the Mersey estuary within the model, it was possible to conduct a detailed study of storm surge propagation in the Mersey, which had never previously been performed. This detailed study showed for the first time that the surge’s temporal variability within the estuary is influenced by surge elevation at its entrance. This varies with time as a function of spatial and temporal variations of wind stress over the west coast of Britain. Within the Mersey, calculations show that the spatial variability is mainly determined by changes in bottom topography, which had not been included in earlier finite difference models. However, since water depth is influenced by variations in tidal elevation, this, together with tide surge interaction through bottom friction and momentum advection, influences the surge. The ability of the finite element model to vary the mesh in near-shore regions to such an extent that it can resolve the Mersey and hence the impact of the Mersey estuary upon the Liverpool Bay circulation shows that it has distinct advantages over earlier finite difference models. In the absence of detailed measurements within the Mersey at the time of the surge, it was not possible to validate predicted surge elevations within the Mersey. However, significant insight into physical processes influencing the surge propagation down the estuary, its reflection and spatial/temporal variability could be gained.  相似文献   

The coupled ionosphere–thermosphere–plasmasphere system is very complex. The study of its interrelationships during geomagnetically disturbed conditions is an especially challenging task.Significant progress has been achieved during the last few years in developing comprehensive theoretical models to describe its global behaviour.Moreover, more simple, specialized numerical modelling of some specialaspects of storm behaviour and/or regional models have contributedto the progress in this field.This paper summarizes recent developments in upper ionosphereand plasmasphere storm studies and modelling.From an observational point of view the upper ionosphere/plasmasphereregion is well reflected in radio beacon measurements providing the totalelectron content (TEC). The development of space-based radio navigation systems such as GPS offersnew opportunities to derive TEC on both regional and global scale.Combining TEC with ionosonde data enables the variability of the shape of the electron density distribution during storms to be studied.We present some examples of co-ordinated investigation,made during the CEDAR storm study intervals.  相似文献   

利用科学引文索引(SCI)及其他相关数据库,从代表中国地震科学研究总体水平的地震系统学术论文的产出数量、学科分布、来源出版物、出版语言类型、论文引用情况及国际合作等,对地震系统1979年以来发表SCI论文的状况进行分析研究。从SCI论文发表数量和时间分布上来看,国内地震科学研究呈现出逐年活跃的发展态势,大地震的发生对地震科学的研究也有明显的促进作用。近年来,SCI论文数量在全球相关领域的排名比较靠前。从SCI论文特点分析及被引用情况来看,学术论文的质量与世界科技发达国家相比还存在较大差距。这说明中国地震科学研究在国际上的地位还有待提高,其研究成果被国际同行的认可和关注度也需要进一步提升。  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - The behavior of geomagnetic disturbances during a moderate CIR storm, the most intense magnetic storm of  2009 in the solar activity minimum are considered. It is...  相似文献   

Although riparian zones are well known to reduce nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) runoff to streams, they also have the potential to affect greenhouse gas (CO2, N2O, and CH4) fluxes to the atmosphere. Following large storms, soil biogeochemical conditions often become more reduced, especially in oxbow depressions and side channels, which can lead to hot moments of greenhouse gas production. Here, we investigate the impact of the remnants of Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee on riparian zone hydrology (water table: WT), and biogeochemistry (oxidation‐reduction potential [ORP], dissolved oxygen [DO], NO3?, PO43?, CO2, N2O, CH4). Results indicate that large storms have the potential to reset WT levels for weeks to months. Overbank flooding at our site following Irene and Lee led to the infiltration of well‐oxygenated water at depth (higher DO and ORP) while promoting the development of anoxic conditions within soil aggregates near the soil surface (increased N2O and CH4 fluxes). A short‐term increase in CO2 emission was observed following Irene at our site where aerobic respiration was water‐limited. Over a 2‐year period, an oxbow depression exhibited higher WT, higher N2O and CH4 fluxes (hot moment), higher CO2 fluxes (seasonal), and lower NO3? concentrations (seasonal) than the rest of the riparian zone. However, neither Irene, nor Lee, nor the oxbow depression significantly impacted PO43?. Dissolved organic carbon, ORP, and DO data illustrate the time‐lag (>20 years) between the creation of an oxbow depression and the development of reducing conditions despite clear differences in riparian zone and oxbow WT dynamics.  相似文献   

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