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An extension to the DRASTIC model is proposed in order to assess aquifer vulnerability to pollution. In contrast to the DRASTIC model, which considers the unsaturated and saturated zones together and computes a global intrinsic vulnerability index, the suggested approach discriminates between the aquifer vertical vulnerability (a concept related to the pollutant percolation) and the groundwater susceptibility (a concept that depends on the behaviour and uses of the groundwater). This approach is applied to the Haouz aquifer (Morocco) that supplies water to the Marrakech area. This aquifer is widely overexploited and there is evidence that the groundwater quality is threatened by various sources of pollution. Evaluation of the vertical vulnerability indicates that the aquifer mainly presents a moderate-to-weak vertical vulnerability. The zones potentially most favourable to pollutant percolation are mainly located in Central Haouz, along or near the surface wadis. The aquifer susceptibility is high in places located near the N’Fis, Baaja and Issil wadis. Everywhere else, low-to-moderate susceptibility is observed. This new approach therefore enables areas of vertical vulnerability and areas of susceptibility to be delineated separately. As a result, it constitutes a valuable decision-making tool for optimising the management of aquifer water resources and land-use planning.  相似文献   

Road salt is pervasively used throughout Canada and in other cold regions during winter. For cities relying exclusively on groundwater, it is important to plan and minimize the application of salt accordingly to mitigate the adverse effects of high chloride concentrations in water supply aquifers. The use of geospatial data (road network, land use, Quaternary and bedrock geology, average annual recharge, water-table depth, soil distribution, topography) in the DRASTIC methodology provides an efficient way of distinguishing salt-vulnerable areas associated with groundwater supply wells, to aid in the implementation of appropriate management practices for road salt application in urban areas. This research presents a GIS-based methodology to accomplish a vulnerability analysis for 12 municipal water supply wells within the City of Guelph, Ontario, Canada. The chloride application density (CAD) value at each supply well is calculated and related to the measured groundwater chloride concentrations and further combined with soil media and aquifer vadose- and saturated-zone properties used in DRASTIC. This combined approach, CAD-DRASTIC, is more accurate than existing groundwater vulnerability mapping methods and can be used by municipalities and other water managers to further improve groundwater protection related to road salt application.  相似文献   

Groundwater plays a key role in arid regions as the majority of water is supplied by it. Groundwater pollution is a major issue, because it is susceptible to contamination from land use and other anthropogenic impacts. A study was carried out to build a vulnerability map for the Ordos Plateau using the DRASTIC model in a GIS environment. The map was designed to show the areas of the highest potential for groundwater pollution based on hydrogeological conditions. Seven environmental parameters, such as depth to water table, net recharge, aquifer media, soil media, topography, impact of the vadose zone media, and hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer, were incorporated into the DRASTIC model and GIS was used to create a groundwater vulnerability map by overlaying the available data. The results of this study show that 24.8 % of the study area has high pollution potential, 24.2 % has moderate pollution potential, 19.7 % has low pollution potential, and the remaining 31.3 % of the area has no risk of groundwater pollution. The regional distribution of nitrate is well correlated with the DRASTIC vulnerability index. In contrast to this, although the DRASTIC model indicated that the western part had no risk, nitrate concentrations were higher in some of these areas. In particular, higher nitrate concentrations were recorded along river valleys and around lakes, such as the Mulin River valley. This is mainly caused by the intensive agricultural development and favorable conditions for recharge along river valleys.  相似文献   

A step from resource to source vulnerability mapping is presented, based on the European COST Action 620 approach for karst groundwater protection. Guidelines on vulnerability assessment of the horizontal groundwater flow path within the karst saturated zone (K factor) are proposed. By integrating this into the previously existing COP method for intrinsic resource vulnerability mapping, adequate source protection can be assessed. The proposed “Karst saturated zone (K) factor” assessment considers groundwater travel time (t subfactor), connection and contribution to the source (r subfactor) and active conduit or fissured network (n subfactor). The extended COP method was applied in two carbonate aquifers in southern Spain with different geological, hydrogeological and climate settings. The results are coherent with previous research results of the studied areas. Moreover, they are consistent with the occasional groundwater contamination detected in one of the springs. On the other hand, an absence of contamination, despite high risk, justifies the lower degrees of vulnerability assigned to the sources surveyed. The source vulnerability maps obtained can thus be used as a basis for the delineation of protection zones.  相似文献   

Groundwater is the most economic natural source of drinking in urban and rural areas which are degraded due to high population growth and increased industrial development. We applied a GIS-based DRASTIC model in a populated urban area of Pakistan (Peshawar) to assess groundwater vulnerability to pollution. Six input parameters—depth to phreatic/groundwater level, groundwater recharge, aquifer material, soil type, slope, and hydraulic conductivity—were used in the model to generate the groundwater vulnerable zones. Each parameter was divided into different ranges or media types, and ratings R?=?1?–?10 were assigned to each factor where 1 represented the very low impact on pollution potential and 10 represented very high impact. Weight multipliers W?=?1?–?5 were also used to balance and enhance the importance of each factor. The DRASTIC model scores obtained varied from 47 to 147, which were divided into three different zones: low, moderate, and high vulnerability to pollution. The final results indicate that about 31.22, 39.50, and 29.27% of the total area are under low, moderate, and high vulnerable zones, respectively. Our method presents a very simple and robust way to assess groundwater vulnerability to pollution and helps the decision-makers to select appropriate landfill sites for waste disposals, and manage groundwater pollution problems efficiently.  相似文献   

The ‘COP method’ has been developed for the assessment of intrinsic vulnerability of carbonate aquifers in the frame of the European COST Action 620. This method uses the properties of overlying layers above the water table (O factor), the concentration of flow (C factor) and precipitation (P factor) over the aquifer, as the parameters to assess the intrinsic vulnerability of groundwater. This method considers karst characteristics, such as the presence of swallow holes (C factor) and their catchment areas as well as karstic landforms, as factors which decrease the natural protection provided by overlying layers (O factor). The P factor allows for consideration of the spatial and temporal variability of precipitation, which is considered the transport agent of contamination. Two carbonate aquifers in the South of Spain, Sierra de Líbar (a conduit flow system) and Torremolinos (a diffuse flow system), have been selected for the application and validation of the method and the results have been compared with three methods widely applied in different aquifers around the world (AVI, GOD and DRASTIC). Comparisons with these methods and validation tools (hydrogeological data and tracer test) show the advantages of the COP method in the assessment of vulnerability of karstic groundwaters.  相似文献   

Groundwater vulnerability is a cornerstone in evaluating the risk of groundwater contamination and developing management options to preserve the quality of groundwater. Based on the professional model (DRASTIC model) and geographical information system (GIS) techniques, this paper carries out the shallow groundwater vulnerability assessment in the Zhangye Basin. The DRASTIC model uses seven environmental parameters (depth to water, net recharge, aquifer media, soil media, topography, impact of vadose zone, and hydraulic conductivity) to characterize the hydrogeological setting and evaluate aquifer vulnerability. According to the results of the shallow groundwater vulnerability assessment, the Zhangye Basin can be divided into three zones: low groundwater vulnerability risk zone (risk index <120); middle groundwater vulnerability risk zone (risk indexes 120–140) and high risk zone (risk index >140). Under the natural conditions, the middle and high groundwater vulnerability risk zones of the Zhangye Basin are mainly located in the groundwater recharge zones and the important cities. The high, middle and low groundwater vulnerability risk zones of the Zhangye Basin cover around 17, 21 and 62% of study area, respectively.  相似文献   

Groundwater contamination from intensive fertilizer application affects conservation areas in a plain. The DRASTIC model can be applied in the evaluation of groundwater vulnerability to such pollution. The main purpose of using the DRASTIC model is to map groundwater susceptibility to pollution in different areas. However, this method has been used in various areas without modification, thereby disregarding the effects of pollution types and their characteristics. Thus, this technique must be standardized and be approved for applications in aquifers and particular types of pollution. In this study, the potential for the more accurate assessment of vulnerability to pollution is achieved by correcting the rates of the DRASTIC parameters. The new rates were calculated by identifying the relationships among the parameters with respect to the nitrate concentration in groundwater. The methodology was implemented in the Kerman plain in the southeastern region of Iran. The nitrate concentration in water from underground wells was tested and analyzed in 27 different locations. The measured nitrate concentrations were used to associate and correlate the pollution in the aquifer to the DRASTIC index. The Wilcoxon rank-sum nonparametric statistical test was applied to determine the relationship between the index and the measured pollution in Kerman plain. Also, the weights of the DRASTIC parameters were modified through the sensitivity analysis. Subsequently, the rates and weights were computed. The results of the study revealed that the modified DRASTIC model performs more efficiently than the traditional method for nonpoint source pollution, particularly in agricultural areas. The regression coefficients showed that the relationship between the vulnerability index and the nitrate concentration was 82 % after modification and 44 % before modification. This comparison indicated that the results of the modified DRASTIC of this region are better than those of the original method.  相似文献   

Depth to water, net recharge, aquifer media, soil media, topography, impact of the vadose zone media, and hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer (DRASTIC) model based on a geographic information system (GIS) is the most widely adopted model for the evaluation of groundwater vulnerability. However, the model had its own disadvantages in various aspects. In this work, several methods and the technologies have been introduced to improve on the traditional model. The type of the aquifer was replaced by the thickness of the aquifer, and the index of topography was removed. The indexes of the exploitation of the groundwater and the type of land use that reflected the special vulnerability were added to the system. Furthermore, considering the wideness of the study area, the fixed weights in the DRASTIC model were not suitable. An analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method and an entropy weight (Ew) method were introduced to calculate the weights of parameters. Then, the Spearman Rho correlation coefficients between IVI and the Nemerow synthetical pollution index (NI) of the groundwater quality were significantly improved, after the four steps of modification. The level differences with little gaps between Nemerow comprehensive pollution indexes and groundwater vulnerability occupied the proportion of the area from 75.68 to 84.04%, and finally, a single-parameter sensitivity analysis for the two models was used to compute the effective weights of these parameters. By comparison, the DRMSICEL model seems to perform better than the DRASTIC model in the study area. And the results show discrepancies between the vulnerability indices and groundwater quality as indicated by existence of vulnerable areas with bad water quality and vice versa.  相似文献   

The existing different human activities and planned land uses put the groundwater resources in Jordan at considerable risk. There are evidences suggesting that the quality of groundwater supplies in north Jordan is under threat from a wide variety of point and non-point sources including agricultural, domestic, and industrial. Vulnerability maps are designed to show areas of greatest potential for groundwater contamination on the basis of hydrogeological conditions and human impacts. DRASTIC method incorporates the major geological and hydrogeological factors that affect and control groundwater movement: depth to groundwater (D), net recharge (R), lithology of the aquifer (A), soil texture (S), topography (T), lithology of vadose zone (I), and hydraulic conductivity (C). The main goal of this study is to produce vulnerability maps of groundwater resources in the Yarmouk River basin by applying the DRASTIC method to determine areas where groundwater protection or monitoring is critical. ArcGIS 9.2 was used to create the groundwater vulnerability maps by overlaying the available hydrogeological data. The resulting vulnerability maps were then integrated with lineament and land use maps as additional parameters in the DRASTIC model to assess more accurately the potential risk of groundwater to pollution. The general DRASTIC index indicates that the potential for polluting groundwater is low in the whole basin, whereas the resulting pesticide DRASTIC vulnerability map indicates that about 31% of the basin is classified as having moderate vulnerability, which may be attributed to agricultural activities in the area. Although high nitrate concentrations were found in areas of moderate vulnerability, DRASTIC method did not depict accurately the nitrate distribution in the area.  相似文献   

金沙洲可溶性灰岩分布面积广,岩溶洞隙发育,洞隙及地下水的连通性强,上覆第四系松散土体中软土广泛分布,客观存在岩溶地面塌陷及地面沉降的地质环境条件。2007年4月起,受某高铁隧道施工抽排地下水的影响,金沙洲地下水出现异常波动,引发了地面塌陷及地面沉降。文章根据监测数据,经对比分析结果表明,区内岩溶地面塌陷及地面沉降受控于地下水位的变化,地下水位波动至基岩面附近时,是地面塌陷较活跃的时期,地面沉降与地下水位变化呈正向相关。文章进一步对地面沉降与地下水位变化关系的机理进行了探讨,认为目前地下水位尚未恢复正常的区域仍存在地面塌陷及地面沉降的隐患。  相似文献   

Groundwater from karst aquifers is an important drinking water resource, which is, however, particularly vulnerable to contamination. Karst aquifers consequently need special protection. This paper discusses the concept of groundwater vulnerability mapping and the special characteristics of karst aquifers that are relevant in this context. On this basis, a new method of groundwater vulnerability mapping is proposed—the PI method. It can be applied for all types of aquifers, but provides special tools for karst. Vulnerability is assessed as the product of two factors: protective cover (P) and infiltration conditions (I). The method was first applied and compared with two other methods (EPIK and the German method) in a test site in the Swabian Alb, Germany. The results obtained with the different methods are discussed and an outlook on the role of vulnerability maps within an overall groundwater protections scheme is given.
Resumen Las aguas subterráneas en medios kársticos suponen un recurso importante para uso de boca, pero es particularmente vulnerable a la contaminación, por lo que los acuíferos kársticos requieren una protección especial. Este artículo discute el concepto de cartografía de vulnerabilidad de las aguas subterráneas y las características propias de los acuíferos kársticos que son relevantes en este contexto. Con esta base, se propone un nuevo método para cartografiar la vulnerabilidad de las aguas subterráneas, denominado "PI". Puede ser aplicado a todo tipo de acuíferos, pero proporciona herramientas especiales en medios kársticos. Se establece la vulnerabilidad como resultado de dos factores: la cubierta protectora y las condiciones de infiltración. El método ha sido aplicado por vez primera y comparado con otros dos enfoques (EPIK y el método alemán) en un emplazamiento ubicado en Swabian Alb (Alemania). Se discute los resultados obtenidos con estos métodos y se incide en cuál es el papel que desempeñan los mapas de vulnerabilidad en el contexto de los esquemas generales de protección de las aguas subterráneas.

Résumé L'eau souterraine des karsts est une importante ressource d'eau potable, cependant particulièrement vulnérable à la pollution. C'est pourquoi les aquifères karstiques nécessitent une protection particulière. Ce papier discute le concept de cartographie de la vulnérabilité de l'eau souterraine et les caractéristiques particulières des aquifères karstiques qui sont concernés dans ce contexte. Sur cette base, une nouvelle méthode de cartographie de la vulnérabilité de l'eau souterraine est proposée: la méthode PI. Elle peut être appliquée à tous les types d'aquifères, mais fournit des outils spécifiques au karst. La vulnérabilité est évaluée comme étant le produit de deux facteurs: les conditions de couverture protectrice (P) et d'infiltration (I). La méthode a été mise en oeuvre pour la première fois et comparée à deux autres méthodes (EPIK et la méthode allemande) sur un site test du Jura souabe (Allemagne). Les résultats obtenus avec les différentes méthodes sont discutés et le rôle des cartes de vulnérabilité dans un schéma général de protection des eaux souterraines est passé en revue.

A comparative test of two vulnerability mapping methods (COP and PaPRIKa) specifically dedicated to for karst aquifers was carried out on two Mediterranean carbonate aquifers. The vulnerability maps obtained for each aquifer present important differences. To identify and determine the origin of these differences, the results were statistically analyzed using sensitivity analysis, coefficients of determination and scatter graphs. In addition, the global vulnerability (Gv) parameter was used to measure the general vulnerability of the aquifer and to compare the results obtained. This statistical analysis led us to conclude that the main cause of differences between these two methods used to assess aquifer vulnerability lie in the relative importance of the parameters employed in calculating the vulnerability index. For the PaPRIKa method, the variable related to infiltration (slope and karst features) has the most influence, with less weight being assigned to the protective capacity of layers overlying the aquifer. For the COP method, the most influent variable is defined by the layers overlying the aquifer, together with infiltration characteristics, determined by the relative importance of different forms of infiltration in each aquifer. The vulnerability mappings performed using the COP method present greater coherence with the known hydrogeological behavior of the study areas, especially the Spanish aquifers. Nevertheless, further hydrogeological investigations are needed, such as ones to validate the obtained vulnerability maps.  相似文献   

Accurate identification of vulnerability areas is critical for groundwater resources protection and management. The present study employed the modified DRASTIC model to assess the groundwater vulnerability of Jianghan Plain, a major farming area in central China. DRASTICL model was developed by incorporating the land use factor to the original model. The ratings and weightings of the selected parameters were optimized by analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method and genetic algorithms (GAs) method, respectively. A combined AHP–GAs method was proposed to further develop this methodology. The unity-based normalization process was employed to categorize the vulnerability maps into four types, such as very high (>0.75), high (0.5–0.75), low (0.25–0.5), and very low (<0.25). The accuracy of vulnerability mapping was validated by Pearson’s correlation coefficient between vulnerability index and the nitrate concentration in groundwater and analysis of variance F statistic. The results revealed that the modified DRASTIC model had a large improvement over the conventional model. The correlation coefficient increased significantly from 41.07 to 75.31% after modification. Sensitivity analysis indicated that the depth to groundwater with 39.28% of mean effective weight was the most critical factor affecting the groundwater vulnerability. The developed vulnerability model proposed in this study could provide important objective information for groundwater and environmental management at local level and innovation for international researchers.  相似文献   

Lithuania, in the Baltic region of northern Europe, is heavily dependent on groundwater resources for its public water supply, with a large proportion, especially in rural areas, derived from shallow Quaternary aquifers. A national groundwater-vulnerability methodology, based upon the UK approach, has been developed on behalf of the Lithuanian Ministry of Environmental Protection as a possible basis for the future protection of shallow groundwater resources for the rural inhabitants. Some modifications to the UK methodology were required to enable archive data to be used. The four aquifer classes depicted on the final groundwater vulnerability map are based upon the assessed relative permeabilities of the uppermost Quaternary deposits. The derivation of the classification of soil-leaching potential required a reassessment of Soviet-based soil wetness and particle-size classes and a calculation of subsoil-saturated hydraulic conductivity. A preliminary validation of the final maps against available shallow groundwater samples suggests that the methodology satisfactorily predicts the intrinsic groundwater vulnerability. The final methodology, based upon its low-cost approach using archive data, is relevant to the current needs of Lithuania and can be applied in other regions of similar geology and climate. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

DRASTIC, the methodology for mapping the intrinsic vulnerability of aquifers, is modified to incorporate the structural characteristics of fractured bedrock aquifers. In these aquifers, groundwater flow is predominantly through fractures, with large-scale fracture zones and faults acting as primary conduits for flow at the regional scale. The methodology is applied to the southern Gulf Islands region of southwestern British Columbia, Canada. Bedrock geology maps, soil maps, structural measurements, mapped lineaments, water-well information and topographic data, assembled within a comprehensive GIS database, form the basis for assigning traditional DRASTIC indices, while adding the structural indices necessary for capturing the importance of regional structural elements in recharge and well capture zone determinations.  相似文献   

Aquifer recharge can be determined by conventional methods such as hydrodynamic or hydrologic balance calculations, or numerical, hydrochemical or isotopic models. Such methods are usually developed with respect to detrital aquifers and are then used on carbonate aquifers without taking into consideration their hydrogeological particularities. Moreover, such methods are not always easy to apply, sometimes requiring data that are not available. Neither do they enable determination of the spatial distribution of the recharge. For eight regions in southern Spain, the APLIS method has been used to estimate the mean annual recharge in carbonate aquifers, expressed as a percentage of precipitation, based on the variables altitude, slope, lithology, infiltration landform, and soil type. The aquifers are representative of a broad range of climatic and geologic conditions. Maps of the above variables have been drawn for each aquifer, using a geographic information system; thus they can be superimposed to obtain the mean value and spatial distribution of the recharge. The recharge values for the eight aquifers are similar to those previously calculated by conventional methods and confirmed by discharge values, which corroborates the validity of the method.  相似文献   

Groundwater inrush is a geohazard that can significantly impact safe operations of the coal mines in China. Its occurrence is controlled by many factors and processes are often not amenable to mathematical expressions. To evaluate the water inrush risk, Professor Wu and his colleagues have proposed the vulnerability index approach by coupling the artificial neural network (ANN) and geographic information system (GIS). The detailed procedures of using this innovative approach are shown in a case study. Firstly, the powerful spatial data analysis functions of GIS was used to establish the thematic layer of each of the main factors that control the water inrush, and then to choose the training sample on the thematic layer with the ANN-BP Arithmetic. Secondly, the ANN evaluation model of the water inrush was established to determine the threshold value for each risk level with a histogram of the water inrush vulnerability index. As a result, the mine area was divided into four regions with different vulnerability levels and they served as the general guidelines for the mine operations.  相似文献   

More than 30 organic contaminants were detected in shallow groundwaters at Wuhan, the largest city in central China. Seriously contaminated groundwaters were from densely populated, industrial and commercial areas. Abnormal concentrations were found in groundwater from Hankou, downtown Wuhan: trimethylbenzene up to 29 μg/L, tetramethylbenzene up to 866 μg/L, and trichloroethene up to 9.5 μg/L. Benzene, Toluene, Ethylene and Xylene (BTEX) contamination of groundwater is serious and widespread at Wuhan, ranging between 0.14 and 25.0 μg/L. Considering the hydrogeological conditions of most Chinese cities, DRAMIC, a modified version of the widely used DRASTIC model, was proposed by the authors for assessing vulnerability of groundwater to contamination. The factors D, R, A and I in DRAMIC model are the same as in DRASTIC. The factor topography is ignored. The factor soil media is substituted by a new factor aquifer thickness (M) and the factor hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer by a new factor impact of contaminant (C). The equation for determining the DRAMIC Index is: DRAMIC = 5D R + 3R R + 4A R + 2M R + 5I R + 1C R. The calculated DRAMIC Index can be used to identify areas that are more likely to be susceptible to groundwater contamination relative to each other. The higher the DRAMIC Index is, the greater the groundwater pollution potential. Applying DRAMIC, a GIS-based vulnerability map for Wuhan city was prepared. Interestingly, places such as downtown Hankou, where enhanced concentrations of BTEX have been detected, correspond quite well with those with higher DRAMIC ratings.  相似文献   

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