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Approximately 35 parallel, discontinuous glacial ridges occur in an area of about 100 km2 in north‐central Wisconsin. The ridges are located between about 6 and 15 km north (formerly up‐ice) of the maximum extent of the Wisconsin Valley Lobe of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. The ridges are between 1 and 4 m high, up to 1 km long, and spaced between 30 and 80 m apart. They are typically asymmetrical with a steep proximal (ice‐contact) slope and gentle distal slope. The ridges are composed primarily of subglacial till on their proximal sides and glacial debris‐flow sediment on the distal sides. In some ridges the till and debris‐flow sediment are underlain by sorted sediment that was deformed in the former direction of ice flow. We interpret the ridges to be recessional moraines that formed as the Wisconsin Valley Lobe wasted back from its maximum extent, with each ridge having formed by a sequence of (1) pushing of sorted ice‐marginal sediment, (2) partial overriding by the glacier and deposition of subglacial till on the proximal side of the ridge, and (3) deposition of debris‐flow sediment on the distal side of the ridge after the frozen till at the crest of the ridge melted. The moraines are similar to annual recessional moraines described at several modern glaciers, especially the northern margin of Myrdalsjokull, Iceland. Thus, we believe the ridges probably formed as a result of minor winter advances of the ice margin during deglaciation. Based on this assumption, we calculate the net rate of ice‐surface lowering of the Wisconsin Valley Lobe during the period when the moraines formed. Various estimates of ice‐surface slope and rates of ice‐margin retreat yield a wide range of values for ice‐surface lowering (1.7–14.5 m/yr). Given that ablation rates must exceed those of ice‐surface lowering, this range of values suggests relatively high summer temperatures along the margin of the Wisconsin Valley Lobe when it began retreating from its maximum extent. In addition, the formation of annual moraines indicates that the glacier toe was thin, the ice surface was clean, and the ice margin experienced relatively cold winters.  相似文献   

A floodplain aquifer within an agricultural watershed near Madison, Wisconsin (USA), was studied to determine whether denitrification was occurring below the surface organic layer. Groundwater levels and concentrations of O2, Cl?, NO 3 ? , SO 4 2? , dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and major cations were monitored over a 1-year period along a 230-m transect between an agricultural field and a stream discharge point. Seventeen groundwater samples were analyzed for δ15NNO3 and δ18ONO3 composition. Samples in which NO 3 ? was too low for stable isotope analysis were analyzed for excess dissolved N2. Groundwater NO 3 ? concentrations declined between the agricultural field and the discharge point. Chloride and δ15NNO318ONO3 data indicated that the drop in NO 3 ? was caused primarily by dilution of shallow NO 3 ? -rich water with deeper, NO 3 ? -depleted groundwater. Two localized zones of denitrification were identified in the upland-wetland transition by their δ15NNO3 and δ18ONO3 signatures, and two in the stream hyporheic zone by the presence of excess dissolved N2. The combined stratigraphic, hydrologic, and geochemical data in these locations correspond to groundwater mixing zones where NO 3 ? is delivered to subsurface layers that support denitrification fueled by dissolved (e.g. DOC or dissolved Fe(II)) and/or solid-phase (e.g. particulate organic carbon, solid-associated Fe(II), or pyrite) electron donors.  相似文献   

This study integrated surface and subsurface stratigraphic data with geophysical logs and hydrogeologic data in order to characterize the hydraulic properties of the Silurian dolomite in northeastern Wisconsin. Silurian stratigraphy consists of predictable alternations of characteristic facies associations. A vertical profile of hydraulic conductivity, obtained from short-interval packer tests in a core hole that penetrates a majority of the Silurian section, indicates that hydraulic conductivity ranges over five orders of magnitude (10–1 to 10–6 cm/s). Matrix conductivity is generally low and varies with texture; the finer-grained restricted-marine and transitional facies being less permeable than the coarser-grained open-marine facies. High-conductivity values are generally associated with bedding-plane fractures, and fracture frequency is greater in the restricted-marine facies. High-flow features in 16 wells were identified using fluid-temperature/resistivity and heat-pulse flowmeter logs. Natural-gamma logs were used to identify the stratigraphic position of flow features in each well and to correlate flow features to specific stratigraphic horizons. By combining stratigraphic, geophysical, and hydrogeologic data, 14 high-permeability zones within the Silurian aquifer have been identified and correlated in wells more than 16 km apart. These zones parallel bedding, appear most pronounced at contacts between contrasting lithologies, and are most abundant in restricted-marine lithologies. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Historically, drier types of wetlands have been difficult to characterize and are not well researched. Nonetheless, they are considered to reflect the precipitation history with little, if any, regard for possible relation to groundwater. Two seasonal coastal wetland types (wet prairie, sedge meadow) were investigated during three growing seasons at three sites in the Lake Michigan Basin, Wisconsin, USA. The six seasonal wetlands were characterized using standard soil and vegetation techniques and groundwater measurements from the shallow and deep systems. They all met wetland hydrology criteria (e.g., water within 30 cm of land surface for 5% of the growing season) during the early portion of the growing season despite the lack of appreciable regional groundwater discharge into the wetland root zones. Although root-zone duration analyses did not fit a lognormal distribution previously noted in groundwater-dominated wetlands, they were able to discriminate between the plant communities and showed that wet prairie communities had shorter durations of continuous soil saturation than sedge meadow communities. These results demonstrate that the relative rates of groundwater outflows can be important for wetland hydrology and resulting wetland type. Thus, regional stresses to the shallow groundwater system such as pumping or low Great Lake levels can be expected to affect even drier wetland types.  相似文献   

The probable quality of water in a large multipurpose impoundment under construction in the driftless area of southwestern Wisconsin was determined by using stream monitoring data, statistical information, and literature values for point and nonpoint nutrient loading. The impoundment drainage basin is largely rural, and much of the area slopes steeply. Point sources of N and P (sewage treatment plants and farmyards) are small relative to nonpoint sources (runoff from agriculture and forest lands). Stream flow and nutrient concentration are positively related. The major fraction of the nutrient input is from runoff from snowmelt and from early summer storms. The calculated annual loadings of total N and total P were compared to accepted static and dynamic models to predict the resultant water quality. These comparisons indicated that the impoundment would be heavily overloaded with P and so would be highly eutrophic. Owing to the nonpoint nature of the nutrient sources, they would be difficult and expensive to control. Partly as a result of this assessment, further funding for the impoundment was withdrawn.  相似文献   

Composition and genesis of glacial hummocks, western Wisconsin, USA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Glacial hummocks associated with the Superior Lobe in western Wisconsin are stagnant-ice features composed of melt-out till, meltwater-stream sediment, and flow till. The greater proportion of melt-out till in these hummocks than in hummocks described elsewhere suggests that a model of extensive, supraglacial reworking of supraglacially released debris does not apply to the western Wisconsin hummocks. Interpretation of melt-out till in hummock exposures is based on its strong fabric oriented parallel to regional ice-flow direction. Other features of this melt-out till include poorly developed stratification (color banding and discontinuous thin sandy lenses), and minor faulting, both of which support a melt-out origin. We suggest that as stagnant, debris-rich ice began to melt, supraglacially released debris was deposited as flow till and meltwater-stream sediment (with some debris-flow sediment and lake sediment), but as the thickness of supraglacial debris increased, debris melting out at depth was stabilized, allowing features characteristic of melt-out till to be retained. Because the supraglacial debris was sandy and the stagnant ice was likely at the pressure-melting point, the supraglacial debris was well drained and did not readily fail and flow. Debris volume in the glacier generally was greater at the glacier margin, but lateral and longitudinal variations within this zone were caused by thrusting, freezing-on, or ice-margin fluctuations, which in turn resulted in variations in hummock relief. Ice-walled-lake plains are commonly associated with the hummocks and developed where debris volume was small.  相似文献   

Outside the limits of Middle Pleistocene glaciation, the river basins of Southern England contain long Cenozoic terrestrial sedimentary records. Of greatest importance are the river terrace sequences, which contain biostratigraphical and sedimentary evidence that testifies to the high-amplitude climatic changes of the Quaternary. However, trends in valley development cannot easily be accommodated within the framework of Quaternary climatic change. It is argued in this paper that episodic incision and terrace development result from uplift, a consequence of the interplay between continuing Alpine orogenic movements and erosion-driven isostasy. Using a simple linear model (height–age) an uplift rate of ca. 7 cm ka−1 is estimated for the terrace sequence in the upper Thames valley. This preliminary model is evaluated using the records of adjacent basins. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The failure of a lava dam 165,000 yr ago produced the largest known flood on the Colorado River in Grand Canyon. The Hyaloclastite Dam was up to 366 m high, and geochemical evidence linked this structure to outburst-flood deposits that occurred for 32 km downstream. Using the Hyaloclastite outburst-flood deposits as paleostage indicators, we used dam-failure and unsteady flow modeling to estimate a peak discharge and flow hydrograph. Failure of the Hyaloclastite Dam released a maximum 11 × 109 m3 of water in 31 h. Peak discharges, estimated from uncertainty in channel geometry, dam height, and hydraulic characteristics, ranged from 2.3 to 5.3 × 105 m3 s−1 for the Hyaloclastite outburst flood. This discharge is an order of magnitude greater than the largest known discharge on the Colorado River (1.4 × 104 m3 s−1) and the largest peak discharge resulting from failure of a constructed dam in the USA (6.5 × 104 m3 s−1). Moreover, the Hyaloclastite outburst flood is the oldest documented Quaternary flood and one of the largest to have occurred in the continental USA. The peak discharge for this flood ranks in the top 30 floods (>105 m3 s−1) known worldwide and in the top ten largest floods in North America.  相似文献   

Despite the application of radiocarbon dating for more than three decades along the southern margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet, fundamental questions about the timing of glacial advances remain. For one of its sublobes, the Miami, we undertook areal mapping, detailed lithostratigraphic analysis, and radiocarbon dating to interpret four pulses of ice advance. On top of the undated sediments deposited during the first advance is a major unconformity. The second advance occurred about 20,000 BP and marks the beginning of the late Wisconsin glaciation. A minor recession (more than 30 km) ensued, but plants did not reoccupy the landscape. A third advance of the ice margin produced a stone-rich lodgement till to within 20 km of the late Wisconsin maximum. The final ice motion only occurred in the northern part of the study area and may be of local extent. Large accumulations of supraglacial gravity flowtills and outwash mark the final ice-margin retreat. Of these. only the second advance is well dated. This study implies that the number of advances of the ice margin is fewer than previously suggested. Consequently we argue that several of the sublobes across the southern margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet acted in unison for the interval of 22.000 to 18.000 BP implying ice-sheet external forcing.  相似文献   

Study area with an area of about 415 km2 is located from 31°40′ to 32°05′ northern latitudes and 48°45′ to 49°00′ eastern longitudes 85 km to the north-east of Ahwaz city, in the north of Khuzestan province, and south west of Iran. The purpose of this study is: (1) the determination of the pesticides concentration in the groundwater of the Shushtar plain (Mian-Ab) and (2) the assessment of geology, hydrogeology and anthropogenic activities impacts the groundwater quality. Thirty-seven groundwater samples were taken from product wells based on the standard methods. A simple and efficient automated method for extraction and preconcentration was used. In this method, a pyrrole-based polymer was synthesized and applied as an efficient sorbent for micro-solid-phase extraction. After extraction, analytes were desorbed in ethyl acetate and analyzed using gas chromatography–flame. The study area is surrounded by Aghajari Formation dominated by silt and clay sediments and the Bakhtiari Formation dominated by sand and gravel. Existence of these formations affects the aquifer sediments and the hydrogeological properties. In the study area, the sediments grade from gravel and sand in the north and east into silt and clay to the south and west, respectively. The topsoil in the south of the study area contains more clay sediments. In this study, the concentration of two common herbicides, i.e., 2,4-D and clodinafop propargyl and two pesticides, i.e., permethrin and diazinon, in the groundwater of Mian-Ab aquifer was assessed. Chemical analysis results showed that the 2,4-D residue in the groundwater has the highest concentration (15 ppm). About 50% of the samples have concentration values more than the maximum contamination level based on EPA drinking standard. The pesticides concentrations decrease from the north to the south of the study area. Pesticides influx to the groundwater in the south of the area is prevented or diminished due to the specific geological situation and soil type. Distribution pattern of population centers, which increase to the north of the study area, and the role of groundwater as the main source of drinking water are two important issues that must be considered in management of pesticides use in the area.  相似文献   

LARS RONNERT 《Sedimentology》1992,39(2):177-192
The clayey diamicton of the Oak Creek Formation was deposited by the Lake Michigan Lobe of the Laurentide Ice Sheet during the late Wisconsin deglaciation. Rapid changes in the position of the ice margin may have been facilitated by a subglacial deforming bed. However, although it is difficult to find proof either for or against a subglacial deforming bed, most observations from this investigation are more easily explained by transportation within and deposition from the ice itself. Good exposures of the diamicton units, especially of the lower contacts, along the shore of Lake Michigan, are the basis for the interpretation of basal till genesis. Basal deposition occurred mainly by stagnation and stacking block by block followed by melting out, as opposed to lodgement grain by grain. This interpretation of basal deposition is applicable in other areas and in most topographic environments.  相似文献   

Algal blooms and fish kills were reported on a river in coastal Georgia (USA) downstream of a poultry-processing plant, prompting officials to conclude the problems resulted from overland flow associated with over-application of wastewater at the plant’s land application system (LAS). An investigation was undertaken to test the hypothesis that contaminated groundwater was also playing a significant role. Weekly samples were collected over a 12-month period along an 18 km reach of the river and key tributaries. Results showed elevated nitrogen concentrations in tributaries draining the plant and a tenfold increase in nitrate in the river between the tributary inputs. Because ammonia concentrations were low in this reach, it was concluded that nitrate was entering via groundwater discharge. Data from detailed river sampling and direct groundwater samples from springs and boreholes were used to isolate the entry point of the contaminant plume. Analysis showed two separate plumes, one associated with the plant’s unlined wastewater lagoon and another with its LAS spray fields. The continuous discharge of contaminated groundwater during summer low-flow conditions was found to have a more profound impact on river-water quality than periodic inputs by overland flow and tributary runoff.  相似文献   

Isotopic ages of granitic and metamorphic rocks exposed in the Dunbar structural dome of northeastern Wisconsin identify a protracted series of tectonic and hydrothermal events that culminated in major regional uplift during Middle Proterozoic (Keweenawan; ca 1,100 Ma) continental rifting and volcanism. The major rock-forming events and the structural development of the dome occurred during the interval 1,862+/–4 Ma to 1,836+/–6 Ma. Whole-rock Rb-Sr ages are partly reset in response to a widely recognized but cryptic event in Wisconsin and Michigan at about 1,630 Ma. The scale and systematic character of the whole-rock resetting strongly suggests the presence of a fluid phase derived in situ from water dissolved in the silicates or externally from a subthrust plate of low-grade metamorphic rocks. The regional nature of the 1,630-Ma disturbance possibly indicates that it is related to a major tectonic event such as an active plate margin far to the south. Rb-Sr biotite ages for the Dunbar dome (this study), the southern complex of the Marquette district (Van Schmus and Woolsey 1975) and the Felch trough area (Aldrich and others 1965) provide a remarkably coherent pattern that reflects multiple episodes of differential uplift. Younger events superimposed on a regional 1,630-Ma imprint are recorded at 1,330 Ma and 1,140 Ma. The 1,330 Ma disturbance could reflect stabilization following intrusion of the Wolf River batholith at 1,485 Ma. The 1,140-Ma uplift event occurred during Keweenawan rifting and volcanism as a result of stresses imposed on a mosaic of fault-bounded blocks with possible subcrustal influence. The remarkably small variance in the 1,140-Ma biotite age peak argues for rapid uplift and cooling, and hence rapid erosion. Detritus from the uplift probably was being shed into nearby tectonic basins most of which did not survive subsequent uplift and erosion.  相似文献   

A magmatic gap from 1.82 to 1.76 b.y. in the Lake Superior region represents the transition from synorogenic calc-alkaline igneous activity of the Penokean Orogeny to anorogenic potassic granophyric granite and ignimbrite. This paper deals with the petrogenetic evolution of 1.76 b.y. granites which represent a major change in source material and conceivably tectonic setting. Although perhaps related to a termination of the Penokean Orogeny by melting of a tectonically thickened crust during collision, these post-Penokean granites may represent the initial appearance of anorogenic, potentially rift-related igneous activity that was widespread throughout North America during late Precambrian time.These post-Penokean granites are too iron-rich and Al-poor to be considered calc-alkaline, a compositional feature shared with most anorogenic igneous activity of continental regions. Within this suite in central and northern Wisconsin, regional differences in composition indicate at least two different granite magma types: one a metaluminous suite of biotite and biotite-hornblende granite and a peraluminous suite of two-mica granite. The systematic compositional differences (Al, Fe/Mg, Ba/Sr, REE) in the two magma suites are likely the result of small differences in residue mineralogy and/or source composition. In general, the degree of fusion was small (10%) and probably of relatively young Penokean material. Both suites have a range of composition due to feldspar dominated fractional crystallization. Removal of the accessory minerals apatite, zircon, and allanite resulted in the REE depletion with differentiation of the two-mica granites.The granites intruded into the upper levels of the crust, and the appearance of primary celadonitic muscovite and subsolvus alkali feldspars (silicic members only) in the two mica granites indicate crystallization at depths of 10–11 km. The biotite granites contain both hypersolvus and subsolvus members and are intruded at depths less than 6 km with the more shallow members generating major volumes of ignimbrite. As a marked departure from the characteristics of most anorogenic granites, these melts crystallized at fairly oxidizing conditions (higher for the two-mica suite) as reflected in the composition of biotite, predominance of magnetite over ilmenite, and early appearance of the Fe-Ti oxides in the crystallization sequence.  相似文献   

The Potato River intrusion is a Keweenawan (1100 Ma) mafic plutonemplaced in Keweenawan volcanics and earlier Proterozoic metasedimentaryrocks along the southeastern flank of the Lake Superior syncline.It comprises the following lithostratigraphic zones: a thinto absent Border zone of altered olivine gabbro; a Lower zoneof olivine gabbro; a Picritic zone of picrite and troctolite;a Middle zone of olivine gabbro and leucogabbro; an Upper zoneof quartz leucogabbro and ferrogabbro; and a Roof zone of granophyricand granitic rocks. Fractional crystallization is evident fromcompositional changes in the rocks and cumulus minerals withstratigraphic height. Elements concentrated in the cumulus mineralsolivine and plagioclase (Mg, Fe2+, Al, Ca, Ni, Co, Cr, Sr) decreasewith height; elements concentrated in the trapped liquid (Na,K, La, Y, Zr, Nb, Rb, Ba) increase with height; and other elements(Ti, Fe3+, P, Ga, V, Sc, Cu, Zn) show complicated behavior relatedto the appearance of additional cumulus phases such as clinopyroxene,Fe-Ti oxides, and apatite. Lower zone rocks contain some sulfide,probably from sulfur derived from the country rock, and theUpper zone has sulfides probably precipitated from an immisciblesulfide liquid. The sulfide-bearing rocks have similaritiesto those of other intrusions, such as Bushveld, Stillwater,and Skaergaard. The picritic and troctolitic rocks of the Picritic zone indicatethat the intrusion was open to additional injections of maficmagma. Roof zone granophyric rocks are residual liquids intrudedalong the upper margin of the intrusion during regional tilting,but Roof zone granitic rocks are probably melted country rock.An attempt is made to estimate by reverse stratigraphic summationthe compositional path of the magma that solidified above thePicritic zone. The first compositions are highly aluminous,which suggests that the upper part of the intrusion has beenenriched in plagioclase by convection-aided crystal sorting.A complementary unit of mafic rocks is not exposed, but it couldbe present down dip. Some of the later compositions are similarto typical Keweenawan high-Al tholeiites. The magma did notundergo extreme iron enrichment, probably because of oxygenfugacity buffering.  相似文献   

Groundwater problems in a semiarid area (Low Andarax river,Almeria, Spain)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The three aquifer units differentiated in the Low Andarax—detritic, carbonated, and deep aquifers—present problems in water quality. This is made worse during the course of development as a result of the appearance of processes of marine intrusion, dissolution of saline rocks present in the stratigraphic series, overexploitation with considerable increase in the boron content, and the continual recycling of water with a resulting increase in total dissolved solids. All this has resulted in the salinization of the majority of the underlying soils that has led to the abandoning of many cultivated areas—especially areas of citrus growth—and/or the substitution of a farming system that is much more tolerant of the salts.  相似文献   

Pleistocene permafrost had a major but generally unappreciated effect on the landscape of Wisconsin, second only to glaciation. Evidence for continuous permafrost during the last part of the Wisconsin Glaciation includes ice-wedge casts seen both in outcrop (generally in gravel pits) and as polygonal networks (on aerial photographs). Other important evidence includes fossil tundra organisms. Other features that are probably the result of permafrost in Wisconsin include talus cones, block streams, solifluction rubble at the base of most hillslopes, fluvial cobble gravel, gullies that are today inactive, lake-ice collapse trenches, and ice-walled-lake plains. Permafrost caused accelerated regional erosion of the landscape; most topographic features formed before the last permafrost melted have been highly modified or even destroyed, whereas those formed after are much better preserved. In addition, the presence of permafrost influenced many glacial processes and landforms. Permafrost was present until about 14000 yr BP in the southern part of the state to about 10000 yr BP in the northern part.  相似文献   

《Journal of Structural Geology》2001,23(6-7):1151-1165
Problems associated with syncompressional pluton emplacement center on the need to make room for magma in environments where crustal shortening, not extension, occurs on a regional scale. New structural data from the Pioneer and Boulder batholiths of southwest Montana, USA, suggest emplacement at the top of frontal thrust ramps as composite tabular bodies at crustal depths between 1 and 10 km. Frontal thrust facilitated pluton emplacement was accommodated by: (1) a magma feeder zone created along the ramp interface; (2) providing ‘releasing steps’ at ramp tops that serve as initial points of emplacement and subsequent pluton growth; and (3) localizing antithetic back-thrusts that assist in pluton ascent. A model of magma emplacement is proposed that involves these elements. This model for syntectonic ramp-top emplacement of plutons helps explain how space is made for plutons within fold-and-thrust belts.  相似文献   

Periodic releases from an upstream dam cause rapid stage fluctuations in the Lower Colorado River near Austin, Texas, USA. These daily pulses modulate fluid exchange and residence times in the hyporheic zone where biogeochemical reactions are typically pronounced. The effects of a small flood pulse under low-flow conditions on surface-water/groundwater exchange and biogeochemical processes were studied by monitoring and sampling from two dense transects of wells perpendicular to the river. The first transect recorded water levels and the second transect was used for water sample collection at three depths. Samples were collected from 12 wells every 2 h over a 24-h period which had a 16-cm flood pulse. Analyses included nutrients, carbon, major ions, and stable isotopes of water. The relatively small flood pulse did not cause significant mixing in the parafluvial zone. Under these conditions, the river and groundwater were decoupled, showed potentially minimal mixing at the interface, and did not exhibit any discernible denitrification of river-borne nitrate. The chemical patterns observed in the parafluvial zone can be explained by evaporation of groundwater with little mixing with river water. Thus, large pulses may be necessary in order for substantial hyporheic mixing and exchange to occur. The large regulated river under a low-flow and small flood pulse regime functioned mainly as a gaining river with little hydrologic connectivity beyond a narrow hyporheic zone.  相似文献   

The groundwater resources of the Kan Gimi drainage basin were evaluated to aid in their planning, development and management. The principal sources of groundwater in this basin are the fractured crystalline and unconsolidated overburden aquifers. The overburden unit has an average thickness of about 50 m. Groundwater occurs at shallow depths under unconfined to semi-confined conditions. Water levels in wells dropped to about 19 m below the ground surface at the peak of the dry season. Well yields for the fractured crystalline aquifer may be up to 2.7 m3 h-1 whereas those of the unconsolidated overburden unit may average about 2.0 m3 h-1 or more. These values are higher than the 0.72 m3 h-1 (0.2 l s-1) yield required for successful operation of hand pumps for lifts (depths) of less than 25 m. Sodium and bicarbonate are the dominant ions in the groundwater in this basin. Concentrations of the major cations and anions are very low compared with their permissible levels in potable water. The total dissolved solids is 230 mg l-1 and below, which indicates fresh water. The water is soft, has a low electrical conductivity (20-329 µS Cm-1) and a pH below 7. The concentration of total iron exceeds the recommended optimum limit for drinking water and some industrial usage, but falls below the maximum permissible limit of 1 mg l-1. The low sodium adsorption ratio (0.08-2.3), coupled with low electrical conductivity, make the water have very low sodicity and salinity hazards. Thus, the groundwater is generally of suitable chemical quality for domestic, agricultural and most industrial uses.  相似文献   

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