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Many free and forced vertical vibrations tests were conducted on surface and embedded models for footings on dry and moist poorly graded sand that has the following properties: D10 = 0·21 mm, D30 = 0·305 mm, D60 = 0·423 mm, Cu = 2, Cc = 1·05, Gs = 2·66, γmax = 1·74 cm−3 and γmin = 1·4 g cm−3. The tests were conducted at relative density Dr = 82%. The effect of mass, area, geometry, embedment, saturation, load amplitude and frequency were studied. For this purpose square, rectangular and circular models of concrete footings were chosen. Swieleh sand was chosen as the foundation soil. Results have been obtained for models having different mass, same base shape and area; models of different base area and equal base shape and mass; and models of different base shape geometry and about equal masses and base areas.Forced vertical vibration tests results showed an increase in natural frequency and a reduction in amplitude with the increase in embedment depth, degree of saturation and footing base area. Increasing the mass of model footing resulted in a decrease in the natural frequency while the dynamic response increased. Also, results showed that the circular model footing gives low values of dynamic response in comparison to other models.Free vertical vibration test results showed an increase in damping ratio with increase in the base area of the model footing, depth of embedment and saturation of sand. On the other hand, the results showed a decrease in damping ratio with increase in the footing mass. Circular footing gives the highest value of damping ratio among other footings.Results showed that the best method for evaluating the dynamic stiffness for vertical vibration is using Dobry and Gazetas1 (J. Geotech. Engng, ASCE, 1986, 112, 109–133) equations together with the formula proposed by Ronald and Bojan2 (J. Geotech. Engng, ASCE, 1995, 121, 274–286) for evaluating the equivalent shear modulus.  相似文献   

The non-hydrostatic part of the second zonal harmonic term has been included in the Indian gravity anomaly. The interpretation of the potential, gravity and deflection of the vertical has been produced by a new method. The depth of the source is 580 km and the solution satisfies the temperature gradient of 1°K/km. The ratio Δ Vpp > 0 shows the thermal nature of the density distribution near 670 km.  相似文献   

The use of regional attenuation in computing the local magnitude, ML, from strong motion data gathered at distances less than 100 km may lead to systematic underestimates approaching 0·5 magnitude units (Trifunac & Herak, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 1992, 18, 229-41). The use of the attenuation law Att(Δ), for example, with synthetic estimates of Wood-Anderson seismometer response, during the Loma Preita earthquake, leads to estimates of ML which agree with the surface wave and moment magnitudes, and which are essentially distance-independent.  相似文献   

A theory which describes the constant f-plane flow of a steady inviscid baroclinic boundary current over a continental margin with a bathymetry that varies slowly in the alongshore but rapidly in the offshore directions is developed in the parameter regime (LD/L)2 ≤ Ro 1, where LD is the internal deformation radius, L the horizontal length scale, and Ro the Rossby number. To lowest order in the Rossby number the flow is along isobaths with speed qo = Vu(h,z)|Vh|/α, where Vu(h,z) is the upstream speed, α the upstream bottom slope at depth h, and Vh the bottom slope downstream at depth h. The lowest order flow produces a variation in the vertical component of relative vorticity along the isobath as the magnitude and direction of Vh vary in the downstream direction. The variation of vorticity requires a vertical as well as a cross-isobath flow at first order in the Rossby number. The first order vertical velocity is computed from the vorticity equation in terms of upstream conditions and downstream variations of the bathymetry. The density, pressure, and cross-isobath flow at first order in the Rossby number are then calculated. It is shown that in the cyclonic region of current (d/dh(Vu/α) > 0), if the isobaths diverge in the downstream direction ((∂/∂s)|Vh| < 0), then upwelling and onshore flow occur. The theory is applied to the northeastern Florida shelf to explain bottom temperature observations.  相似文献   

Concepts from the Theory of Interacting Continua are employed to develop constitutive relations for thermoelastic fluid-saturated porous media; these constitutive relations are shown to be equivalent to those of Biot in isothermal limit. For uniaxial compaction, the constitutive theory is simplified to give formation compaction as a function of changes in fluid pressure and temperature. The formation compaction due to thermal cooling is equal to 3hη[(1 + v)/3(1 − v)]ΔT.  相似文献   

Observations indicate that, perhaps as a result of intense shears produced by the topographic steering of the slope current and merging of the warm North Atlantic water with cold Nordic waters, the Faroe-Shetland Channel is a fertile ground for energetic eddies and meanders. How these meso-scale ( 10 km) features are resolved in a three-dimensional numerical model is studied here with grid-nesting, in which the convergence of the simulated energetics is examined as a function of grid sizes Δ =10, 10/3, 10/5 and 10/7 km. Large-scale forcing to the fine-grid nest consists of steady slope-current transport (2 Sv) and north/south climatological density difference only. The mean fields were found to converge at Δ = 10/3 km, but the eddy fields required Δ = 2 km or less. At the finest grids, meso-scale features more in conformity with those observed were found: meanders with amplitudes of O(10 km) and along-slope propagation speeds of about 0.14 m s- 1 cross-channel vacillation of the slope current, with amplitude of about 10 km and periods of 5–10 days, and vertical excursions of isotherms of O(100 m). The meanders were highly ageostrophic (ζ/f> 1, ζ=relative vorticity, f = Coriolis parameter), and developed as a result of conditions favorable to flow instability originated from south of the channel. When adequately resolved, the meander energetics are comparable to those produced by (large-scale) winds, which suggests that a high-resolution grid (Δ < 2 km) will be required for hindcast and forecast studies.  相似文献   

The presence and extent of small scale vertical structure in dissolved oxygen were investigated in a tropical Australian lake. At a 9 m deep site an extremely high oxygen patch appeared near the bottom boundary. Light levels reaching the bottom boundary during the life of the patch exceeded 10 µEinst m–2 s–1. The patch remained for 1.5 h before gradually reaching ambient oxygen levels. The patch's disappearance coincided with decreasing light levels during the late afternoon. Differences in the extent of oxygen vertical patchiness between deep (16 m) and shallow (9 m) sites were also observed. At the deep site, the distribution of oxygen steps over the water column coincided largely with the distribution of temperature steps. This indicates the dominance of physical processes at that site. At the shallow site, marked vertical patchiness in oxygen was observed with no similar patchiness in temperature. This indicates the prevalence of biological and chemical processes.  相似文献   

The aging of the hydrothermal plume over the Endeavour segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge was estimated by measuring the222Rn3He ratio in the plume as it dispersed. Despite uncertainties in the source function of hydrothermal input, it wa determined that the relative sequence of removal from the plume isH2 > Δc >222Rn>CH4 Mn, whereΔc is a measure of particle concentration and the mean life of222Rn is 5.5 days. H2 is removed from the plume within hours of input while Mn is not removed within the two-week timescale of the radon-helium clock.Entrainment of bottom water within the buoyant plume may introduce additional chemical signatures into the spreading effluent layer over that which would be introduced by hydrothermal discharge alone. This is particularly significant for those chemical species which are not greatly enriched in the vent fluids relative to bottom water concentration and which display a nutrient-like profile in the deep ocean. Thus we found that significant fractions of the Si and226Ra anomalies in the plume were not of hydrothermal origin but were derived from entrained bottom water which has a higher concentration of these elements than ambient water at plume height.  相似文献   

Long gravity wave height oscillations of up to 60 cm with periods between 12 min and 1 h have been observed on tide gauge recordings from the southern coast of South Africa. Short period (30 min to 1 h), small height (3 mb) air pressure pulses were recorded at stations along the same coastline. Two separate events of contrasting nature are described in detail. The simple model of Snodgrass et al. (1962, Journal of Marine Research, 20, 3–30) is used to explain the sea waves as resonant, coastally trapped, edge waves on the Agulhas Bank forced by the atmospheric pulses.  相似文献   

Granger causality (GC) is used in the econometrics literature to identify the presence of one- and two-way coupling between terms in noisy multivariate dynamical systems. Here we test for the presence of GC to identify a soil moisture (S) feedback on precipitation (P) using data from Illinois. In this framework S is said to Granger cause P if F(Ptt−Δt)≠F(Ptt−Δt−St−Δt) where F denotes the conditional distribution of P, Ωt−Δt represents the set of all knowledge available at time t−Δt, and Ωt−Δt−St−Δt represents all knowledge except S. Critical for land–atmosphere interaction research is that Ωt−Δt includes all past information on P as well as S. Therefore that part of the relation between past soil moisture and current precipitation which results from precipitation autocorrelation and soil water balance will be accounted for and not attributed to causality. Tests for GC usually specify all relevant variables in a coupled vector autoregressive (VAR) model and then calculate the significance level of decreased predictability as various coupling coefficients are omitted. But because the data (daily precipitation and soil moisture) are distinctly non-Gaussian, we avoid using a VAR and instead express the daily precipitation events as a Markov model. We then test whether the probability of storm occurrence, conditioned on past information on precipitation, changes with information on soil moisture. Past information on precipitation is expressed both as the occurrence of previous day precipitation (to account for storm-scale persistence) and as a simple soil moisture-like precipitation-wetness index derived solely from precipitation (to account for seasonal-scale persistence). In this way only those fluctuations in moisture not attributable to past fluctuations in precipitation (e.g., those due to temperature) can influence the outcome of the test. The null hypothesis (no moisture influence) is evaluated by comparing observed changes in storm probability to Monte-Carlo simulated differences generated with unconditional occurrence probabilities. The null hypothesis is not rejected (p>0.5) suggesting that contrary to recently published results, insufficient evidence exists to support an influence of soil moisture on precipitation in Illinois.  相似文献   

Faunal structure is described for the planktonic molluscs of the Middle Atlantic Bight based on two years of seasonal data from the continental shelf. Collection and taxa groups are constructed using numerical classification and reciprocal averaging ordination. Discriminant analysis is used to relate surface collection groups to physical variables, then taxa group distribution among these collection groups is analyzed by nodal fidelity analysis. The areal distribution of dominant species is presented by season, as is their surface temperature-salinity distribution.Four communities are recognized on the continental shelf. A subarctic community, including Limacina retroversa, Paedoclione doliiformis, and Clione limacina, is advected down the central shelf region from the northeast. A Gulf Stream community of weak vertical migrators, including Limacina trochiformis, Cavolinia longirostris, Creseis conica, Atlanta peroni, and A. gaudichaudi, is introduced onto the shelf in occasional intrusions across the shelf-edge front. A depth-limited warm-water community of strong vertical migrators, including Limacina inflata, L. bulimoides, L. lesueuri, and Cavolinia inflexa is generally confined offshore of the 100-m isobath since the extent of their daily vertical migration is greater than the bottom depths on the continental shelf. A coastal community, including the larvae of Loligo pealei and of Ensis directus is found in coastal water of local origin and is generally confined within a coastal boundary layer.  相似文献   

The Ushant tidal front is the dominant feature of the summer season hydrological structure of the Iroise Sea. It separates tidally mixed coastal waters from thermally stratified open Celtic Sea waters. This article reports on observations made in September 2007 during two short cruises that took place aboard R/V “Côtes de la Manche”, and gives a general account of the physical structure of the front along one cross-frontal transect. The data set comprises data from a 4 month ADCP mooring, short CTD/fluorescence/nutrients transects, Lagrangian drifter trajectories, and HF radar surface current measurements. One finding is that the surface and bottom fronts, being affected by different dynamical influences, are not necessarily coincident in the vertical. This entails that the opposite density gradients located above and below the thermocline depth do not necessarily compensate, and can each be associated with a significant surface geostrophic expression. A second finding is that mixing effects bear a very strong influence on the thermal structure of the warm-water intrusions associated with frontal cyclonic eddies of the kind described by Pingree [1978. Cyclonic eddies and cross-frontal mixing. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 58 (4), 955–963].  相似文献   

Emf measurements were made on the cell Pt|Fe,(Fe,Mg)xSi2O6,SiO2|(ZrO2)0.85(CaO)0.15|Fe,FeO|Pt at 1000 K. Using the present data, the standard free energy of formation of ferrosilite (compound FeSiO3), from the component oxides FeO and SiO2, is calculated to be −6.35 ± 0.80 kJ/mol. The activity-composition relation for pyroxene solid solution shows that it has a positive deviation from ideality at 1000 K. The present results are compared with the results of other workers.ΔGmix andΔGex are calculated and plotted againstNFeSiO3.  相似文献   

Many volcanic edifices are subject to flank failure, usually produced by a combination of events, rather than any single process. From a dynamic point of view, the cause of collapse can be divided into factors that contribute to an increase in shear stress, and factors that contribute to the reduction in the friction coefficient μ of a potential basal failure plane. We study the potential for flank failure at Mount Etna considering a schematic section of the eastern flank, approximated by a wedge-like block. For such geometry, we perform a (steady state) limit equilibrium analysis: the resolution of the forces parallel to the possible basal failure plane allows us to determine the total force acting on the potentially unstable wedge. An estimate of the relative strength of these forces suggests that, in first approximation, the stability is controlled primarily by the balance between block weight, lithostatic load and magmatic forces. Any other force (sea load, hydrostatic uplift, and the uplift due to mechanical and thermal pore-fluid pressure) may be considered of second order. To study the model sensitivity, we let the inferred slope α of the basal surface failure vary between ?10° and 10°, and consider three possible scenarios: no magma loading, magmastatic load, and magmastatic load with magma overpressure. We use error propagation to include in our analysis the uncertainties in the estimates of the mechanics and geometrical parameters controlling the block equilibrium. When there is no magma loading, the ratio between destabilizing and stabilizing forces is usually smaller than the coefficient of friction of the basal failure plane. In the absence of an initiating mechanism, and with the nominal values of the coefficient of friction μ = 0.7 ± 0.1 proposed, the representative wedge will remain stable or continue to move at constant speed. In presence of magmastatic forces, the influence of the lateral restraint decreases. If we consider the magmastatic load only, the block will remain stable (or continue to move at constant speed), unless the transient mechanical and thermal pressurization significantly decrease the friction coefficient, increasing the instability of the flank wedge for α > 5° (seaward dipping decollement). When the magma overpressure contribution is included in the equilibrium analysis, the ratio between destabilizing and stabilizing forces is of the same order or larger than the coefficient of friction of the basal failure plane, and the block will become unstable (or accelerate), especially in the case of the reduction in friction coefficient. Finally, our work suggests that the major challenge in studying flank instability at Mount Etna is not the lack of an appropriate physical model, but the limited knowledge of the mechanical and geometrical parameters describing the block equilibrium.  相似文献   

Experiments are described using a three-dimensional, shelf circulation model. The model geometry consists of a rectangle in latitude-longitude space with a shelf-slope region bordering the northern and western boundaries and a deep ocean region in the southeast. Relatively light water is flushed in through the northern boundary and allowed to exit through the southern boundary, a situation of relevance to the southward flowing Labrador Current. In an earlier paper, we showed the downstream development of a shelf break current. In that paper, bottom friction was parallel to bottom geostrophic velocity. In this paper, bottom friction is parallel to bottom velocity. This leads to a more diffuse downstream jet. We show that changing the density contrast across the front does not change its width. On the other hand, a sharper front is obtained when a small trough is introduced into the bottom topography. We also describe an experiment in which the density of the inflowing water is varied seasonally. This leads to a seasonal redistribution of the southward transport across the shelf, similar to a suggestion made by Myers et al. [(1989) Seasonal and interannual variability of the Labrador Current and West Greenland Current. Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada] for the Newfoundland Shelf. This redistribution results from the seasonal pulsing of fresh water down the shelf, which, in turn, influences transport through the Joint Effect of Baroclinicity And Relief (JEBAR), and is similar to the mechanism proposed by Lazier and Wright [(1993) Journal of Physical Oceanography, 23, 659–678].Other results concern the splitting of the shelf break jet. We show that in the previous paper, the splitting of the jet was influenced by the numerical formulation of the outflow condition at the southern boundary. We also show that the splitting can be suppressed by specifying the density of water flowing into the model domain through the southern boundary, rather than allowing this to be determined by the previous history of mixing and outflow on the boundary.  相似文献   

The role of water depth and bottom boundary layer turbulence upon lee-wave generation in sill regions is examined. Their effect upon vertical mixing is also considered. Calculations are performed using a non-hydrostatic model in cross-section form with a specified tidal forcing. Initial calculations in deeper water and a sill height such that the sill top is well removed from the surrounding bed region showed that downstream lee-wave generation and associated mixing increased as bottom friction coefficient k increased. This was associated with an increase in current shear across the sill. However, for a given k, increasing vertical eddy viscosity A v reduced vertical shear in the across sill velocity, leading to a reduction in lee-wave amplitude and associated mixing. Subsequent calculations using shallower water showed that for a given k and A v, lee-wave generation was reduced due to the shallower water depth and changes in the bottom boundary layer. However, in this case (unlike in the deepwater case), there is an appreciable bottom current. This gives rise to bottom mixing which in shallow water extends to mid-depth and enhances the mid-water mixing that is found on the lee side of the sill. Final calculations with deeper water but small sill height showed that lee waves could propagate over the sill, thereby reducing their contribution to mixing. In this case, bottom mixing was the major source of mixing which was mainly confined to the near bed region, with little mid-water mixing.  相似文献   

A friction controllable sliding isolation system was developed and experimentally and analytically investigated by Feng et al. (Feng, Q., Shinozuka, M. & Fujii, S. A. friction controllable sliding isolation system. J. Eng. Mech., ASCE, 1993, 119(6), in press), the control algorithm having been developed based on a key assumption that the structural motion is always in the sliding phase. However, this assumption may not be valid in cases where the sticking phase of the structural motion dominates. In this paper a new control algorithm is developed including the effects of stick—slip phases. Effect of time delay is included in the formulation. The developed algorithm is used to evaluate the accuracy and limitations of the algorithm with continuous sliding assumption. Response to various earthquake motions, simulated using the two control algorithms, is presented. Comparisons with experimental results are also presented. Effects of stick—slip phases on the response are evaluated.  相似文献   

In wet soils, zones of saturation naturally develop in the vicinity of impermeable strata, surface ponds and subterranean cavities. Hydrology must be then concerned with transient flow through coexisting unsaturated and saturated zones. The models of advancing saturated zones necessarily involve a nonlinear free boundary problem.A closed-form analytic solution is presented for a nonlinear diffusion model under conditions of ponding at the surface. The soil water diffusivity is restricted to the special functional form D(θ) = a/(b − θ)2, where θ is the water content field to be determined and a, b are positive constants. The explicit solution depends on a parameter C (determined by the data of the problem), according to two cases: 1 < C < C1 or CC1, where C1 is a constant which is obtained as the unique solution of an equation. This result complements the study given in P. Broadbridge, Water Resources Research, 1990, 26, 2435–2443, in order to established when the explicit solution is available. The behavior of the bifurcation parameter C1 as a function of the driving potential is studied with the corresponding limits for small and large values. Moreover, the sorptivity is proven to be continuously differentiable function of the variable C.  相似文献   

Ocean/ice interaction at the base of deep-drafted Antarctic ice shelves modifies the physical properties of inflowing shelf waters to become Ice Shelf Water (ISW). In contrast to the conditions at the atmosphere/ocean interface, the increased hydrostatic pressure at the glacial base causes gases embedded in the ice to dissolve completely after being released by melting. Helium and neon, with an extremely low solubility, are saturated in glacial meltwater by more than 1000%. At the continental slope in front of the large Antarctic caverns, ISW mixes with ambient waters to form different precursors of Antarctic Bottom Water. A regional ocean circulation model, which uses an explicit formulation of the ocean/ice shelf interaction to describe for the first time the input of noble gases to the Southern Ocean, is presented. The results reveal a long-term variability of the basal mass loss solely controlled by the interaction between waters of the continental shelf and the ice shelf cavern. Modeled helium and neon supersaturations from the Filchner–Ronne Ice Shelf front show a “low-pass” filtering of the inflowing signal due to cavern processes. On circumpolar scales, the simulated helium and neon distributions allow us to quantify the ISW contribution to bottom water, which spreads with the coastal current connecting the major formation sites in Ross and Weddell Seas.
Christian B. RodehackeEmail:

During the Soviet-French survey carried out on board of the R.V. Akademik N. Strakhov, between Guadeloupe and Montserrat island in the central Lesser Antilles, evidence of submarine hydrothermal activity was discovered on the southeastern tip of the Shoe-Rock escarpment. The latter is part of a large, 130 km long, transverse structure, the Montserrat-Marie Galante fault, which crosses the Guadeloupe archipelago. Another locus of activity, probably of subdued importance nowadays, is represented by the d'Entrecasteaux dome, a small faulted seamount, located about 25 km to the SW of the former area.The evidence for hydrothermal activity is: (a) a wide range of values of conductive heat flow (q=6–11 mW/m2) and regular vertical variation at some sites with extreme values located close to the two above-mentioned features (average regional value, q = 105 mW/m2, s.d. = 32); (b) occurrence of secondary mineralizations (todorokite, nontronite, etc.) replacing locally the primary matrix of basal upper Pliocene deposits; (c) geochemical anomalies in seawater near the sea bottom, showing enrichment in mantle-derived 3He (δ3He up to 10.2%), correlated with a sharp Zn anomaly (content up to 523 ppb).Further investigations along the submerged segments of the Montserrat-Marie Galante fault should probably lead to other discoveries of hydrothermal venting and/or mineralizations.  相似文献   

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