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Fifty elements in NIST SRM 614 and 616 glass reference materials were determined by laser ablation microprobe-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LAM-ICP-MS). The values determined for NIST SRM 614 agreed well with the NIST-certified and information values (mean relative difference ± 3.6%), except for B, Sc and Sb. The values determined for NIST SRM 616 agreed with the NIST-certified and information values within a mean relative difference of ± 1.5%, except for B, Sc and Ga. In addition, at an 80 μm sampling scale, NIST SRM 614 and 616 glass discs were homogeneous for trace elements within the observed precisions of 5 and 15% (mean), respectively. Detection limits were in the range 0.01 - 0.3 μg g−1 for elements of lower mass numbers (amu < 80) and 1 - 10 ng g−1 for heavy elements (amu > 80). Detection at the sub ng g−1 level is possible for most of the heavy elements by using an ablation pit size larger than 10 0 μm.  相似文献   

Microanalytical trace element techniques (such as ion probe or laser ablation ICP-MS) are hampered by a lack of well characterized, homogeneous standards. Two silicate glass reference materials produced by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), NIST SRM 610 and NIST SRM 612, have been shown to be homogeneous and are spiked with up to sixty one trace elements at nominal concentrations of 500 μg g-1 and 50 μg g-1 respectively. These samples (supplied as 3 mm wafers) are equivalent to NIST SRM 611 and NIST SRM 613 respectively (which are supplied as 1 mm wafers) and are becoming more widely used as potential microanalytical reference materials. NIST however, only certifies up to eight elements in these glasses. Here we have compiled concentration data from approximately sixty published works for both glasses, and have produced new analyses from our laboratories. Compilations are presented for the matrix composition of these glasses and for fifty eight trace elements. The trace element data includes all available new and published data, and summaries present the overall average and standard deviation, the range, median, geometric mean and a preferred average (which excludes all data outside ± one standard deviation of the overall average). For the elements which have been certified, there is a good agreement between the compiled averages and the NIST data. This compilation is designed to provide useful new working values for these reference materials.  相似文献   

We present new reference values for the NIST SRM 610–617 glasses following ISO guidelines and the International Association of Geoanalysts’ protocol. Uncertainties at the 95% confidence level (CL) have been determined for bulk‐ and micro‐analytical purposes. In contrast to former compilation procedures, this approach delivers data that consider present‐day requirements of data quality. New analytical data and the nearly complete data set of the GeoReM database were used for this study. Data quality was checked by the application of the Horwitz function and by a careful investigation of analytical procedures. We have determined quantitatively possible element inhomogeneities using different test portion masses of 1, 0.1 and 0.02 μg. Although avoiding the rim region of the glass wafers, we found moderate inhomogeneities of several chalcophile/siderophile elements and gross inhomogeneities of Ni, Se, Pd and Pt at small test portion masses. The extent of inhomogeneity was included in the determination of uncertainties. While the new reference values agree with the NIST certified values with the one exception of Mn in SRM 610, they typically differ by as much as 10% from the Pearce et al. (1997) values in current use. In a few cases (P, S, Cl, Ta, Re) the discrepancies are even higher.  相似文献   

多参数统计定值模式及其在标样定值中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文用多参数统计定值的新模式进行标样定值。对离群值的处理提出了新方案。采用11种统计参数对原始数据进行处理,并将这11种参数的算术平均值、中位值、几何平均值、选择平均值、Hampel M估计值和主族众数的平均值作为最佳定值。在NCR TOWER-1632多用户高档微机UNIX操作系统下开发了多参数模式定值软件MPDPS,对6个新研制的标样进行了定值。  相似文献   

The NIST glass certified reference materials, SRM 610-617, have been widely adopted by the geological community as calibration samples for a variety of in situ trace element analytical techniques. There is now an urgent requirement for similar reference materials for in situ isotopic analytical techniques. We have analysed SRM 610, 612 and 614 for their Pb, Sr and Nd isotopic compositions using thermal ionisation mass spectrometry. Large differences in isotopic composition were observed between each CRM, suggesting a significant trace element content in the initial starting material (base glass). As a result, isotopic compositions for one CRM cannot be extrapolated to another, and each must be calibrated for use independently. We present the first compilation of working values for these glasses.  相似文献   

This contribution presents data for laser ablation multicollector ICP‐MS (LA‐MC‐ICP‐MS) analyses of NIST SRM 610 and 612 glasses with the express purpose of examining the Pb isotope homogeneity of these glasses at the ~ 100 μm spatial scale, relevant to in situ analysis. Investigation of homogeneity at these scales is important as these glasses are widely used as calibrators for in situ measurements of Pb isotope composition. Results showed that at the levels of analytical uncertainty obtained, there was no discernable heterogeneity in Pb isotope composition of NIST SRM 610 and also most probably for NIST SRM 612. Traverses across the ~ 1.5 mm glass wafers supplied by NIST, consisting of between 75 and 133 individual measurements, showed no compositional outliers at the two standard deviation level beyond those expected from population statistics. Overall, the measured Pb isotope ratios from individual traverses across NIST SRM 610 and 612 wafers closely approximate single normally‐distributed populations, with standard deviations similar to the average internal uncertainty for individual measurement blocks. Further, Pb isotope ratios do not correlate with Tl/Pb ratios measured during the analysis, suggesting that regions of volatile element depletion (marked by low Tl/Pb) in these glasses are not associated with changes in Pb isotope composition. For NIST SRM 610 there also appeared to be no variation in Pb isotope composition related to incomplete mixing of glass base and trace element spike during manufacture. For NIST SRM 612 there was some dispersion of measured ratios, including some in a direction parallel to the expected mixing line for base‐spike mixing. However, there was no significant correlation parallel to the mixing line. At this time this cannot be unequivocally demonstrated to result from glass heterogeneity, but it is suggested that NIST SRM 610 be preferred for standardising in situ Pb isotope measurements. Data from this study also showed significantly better accuracy and somewhat better precision for ratios corrected for mass bias by external normalisation to Pb isotope ratios measured in bracketing calibrators compared to mass bias corrected via internal normalisation to measured 205Tl/203Tl, although the Tl isotopic composition of both glasses appears to be homogeneous.  相似文献   

We present new concentration data for twenty four lithophile trace elements in NIST certified reference material glasses SRM 610-SRM 611 in support of their use in microanalytical techniques. The data were obtained by solution ICP-MS and isotope dilution TIMS analysis of two different sample wafers. An overall assessment of these new results, also taking into account ion probe studies that have been published in the literature, shows that these wafers can be considered to be homogeneous. Therefore, individually analysed wafers are believed to be representative of the entire batch of the SRM 610-611 glasses. Possible exceptions are the alkali metals (and a few volatile or non-lithophile trace elements). The analysed concentrations range between 370 μg g−1 (Cs) and 500 μg g−1 (Sr) and agree well with published values. On the basis of our new data and data recently published in the literature we propose "preferred average" values for the elements studied. These values are, within a few percent, identical to those proposed by other workers.  相似文献   

Microanalysis of native gold specimens has been hampered by the lack of a suitable reference material (RM) known to be sufficiently homogeneous at the scale of microanalytical sampling. The suitability of gold reference material AuRM2 for microanalysis was assessed. This RM was created for bulk analysis of refined gold and was only certified for homogeneity at the bulk scale. However, it contains trace elements in appropriate mass fraction ranges for analysis of native gold. This study was not intended to provide alternative mass fractions from the original certified values, only to assess its suitability for microanalytical methods. Micro‐scale (~ 3.4 μg sample mass) heterogeneity was calculated from measurement repeatability of LA‐ICP‐MS analyses of AuRM2 by factoring in signal (represented by counting statistics) and instrument set‐up‐specific variability (determined using measurement variability of a reference material known to be homogeneous). Elements determined to be homogeneous or to have minor heterogeneity (< 10% calculated heterogeneity RSD) are Mg, Al, Ti, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Se, Rh, Sn, Sb, Pt and Pb. Elements with moderate heterogeneity (10–20% heterogeneity RSD) are: Mn, As, Pd, Te and Bi. Correlation of element mass fractions indicates that micro‐scale inclusions of chalcophile‐rich phases along grain boundaries may be responsible for some of the chemical heterogeneity. However, the level of heterogeneity is statistically negligible compared with the ranges of chemical signatures observed in sample populations of native gold. Therefore, AuRM2 is shown to be sufficiently homogenous at a micro‐scale for use as a RM for microanalysis of native gold.  相似文献   

The International Association of Geoanalysts (IAG) published a protocol for the certification of reference materials in close accord with the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) guidelines (Kane et al. 2003). This article supplements that protocol, providing additional discussion of best approaches for pre-selecting laboratories for participation in certification projects. This discussion also makes a distinction between inter-laboratory certifications, where n = 15 is the general standard, and expert laboratory certifications, where a much smaller number of laboratories will be deemed qualified to provide data of the quality needed for certification.  相似文献   

江泓 《岩矿测试》2010,29(1):23-28
比较不同实验室分析数据制作的虚拟地球化学图的相似性,是近几年提出的化探分析质量监控与评价的新方法,但“目视比较法”只能得到模糊定性的结论。文章引入FFP评价原理,根据图形重叠性计算图形相似指数,据此定量评价地球化学图的相似性,使地球化学图相似性研究从定性分析上升为定量判断水平。该评价方法可进一步推广应用于元素分布、环境污染时空变化研究。  相似文献   

A combination of EMPA, sensitive high resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP II) and/or LA-ICP-MS techniques was used to measure the concentration of selenium (Se) in NIST SRM 610, 612, 614 and a range of reference materials. Our new compiled value for the concentration of Se in NIST SRM 610 is 112 ± 2 μg g−1. The concentration of Se in NIST SRM 612, using NIST SRM 610 for calibration, determined using LA-ICP-MS (confirmed using SHRIMP II) was 15.2 ± 0.2 μg g−1. The concentration of Se in NIST SRM 614, using LA-ICP-MS was 0.394 ± 0.012 μg g−1. LA-ICP-MS determination of Se in synthetic geological glasses BCR-2G, BIR-1G, TB-1G and the MPI-DING glasses showed a range in concentrations from 0.062 to 0.168 μg g−1. Selenium in the natural glass, VG2, was 0.204 ± 0.028 μg g−1.  相似文献   

Isotope dilution determinations of Lu, Hf, Zr, Ta and W are reported for nine test portions (five for W) of NIST SRM 610 and 612 glass wafers. Additionally, all test portions were analysed for their Hf isotope compositions. In general, high field strength elemental (HFSE) distributions in NIST SRM 610 and 612 were reproducible to ~± 1%, except for Zr (± 5%) in NIST SRM 612, and absolute reported concentrations agreed with previously published values, but with higher precision. The slightly worse reproducibility of Zr in NIST SRM 612 compared to other HFSE is interpreted to result from analytical scatter, rather than sample inhomogeneity. The analyses demonstrated elemental homogeneity for both glass wafers for samples of 1–2 mg with respect to the precision of the method, i.e., ± 1% or better. Average Hf isotope compositions for both glass wafers agreed within uncertainty and the weighted average of all determinations yielded a mean 176Hf/177Hf ratio of 0.282111 ± 0.000009 (95% confidence level). However, although mean values for NIST SRM 610 and 612 agreed within analytical limits, NIST SRM 610 test portions showed a tendency of systematically elevated isotope composition of ~ 0.5 ?Hf units when compared to NIST SRM 612, which may indicate a slightly more radiogenic Hf isotope composition of NIST SRM 610. The results of this study suggest that NIST SRM 610 and 612 are valuable calibrators for HFSE in situ analyses within the given uncertainties.  相似文献   

Assigned values derived from the GeoPT proficiency testing programme were compared with certified values for six certified reference materials that have been used as test materials in the GeoPT programme. Statistical analysis showed that there were few significant differences between these sets of data and that these differences had no significant impact on the GeoPT assessment when fitness‐for‐purpose criteria were taken into account.  相似文献   

Three synthetic reference glasses were prepared by directly fusing and stirring 3.8 kg of high‐purity oxide powders to provide reference materials for microanalytical work. These glasses have andesitic major compositions and are doped with fifty‐four trace elements in nearly identical abundance (500, 50, 5 µg g?1) using oxide powders or element solutions, and are named ARM‐1, 2 and 3, respectively. We further document that sector‐field (SF) ICP‐MS (Element 2 or Element XR) is capable of sweeping seventy‐seven isotopes (from 7Li to 238U, a total of sixty‐eight elements) in 1 s and, thus, is able to quantify up to sixty‐eight elements by laser sampling. Micro‐ and bulk analyses indicate that the glasses are homogeneous with respect to major and trace elements. This paper provides preliminary data for the ARM glasses using a variety of analytical techniques (EPMA, XRF, ICP‐OES, ICP‐MS, LA‐Q‐ICP‐MS and LA‐SF‐ICP‐MS) performed in ten laboratories. Discrepancies in the data of V, Cr, Ni and Tl exist, mainly caused by analytical limitations. Preliminary reference and information values for fifty‐six elements were calculated with uncertainties [2 relative standard error (RSE)] estimated in the range of 1–20%.  相似文献   

Manganese‐ and iron‐rich materials are of major geoscientific and economic interest, many of which contain microscopic features that provide valuable information. To obtain accurate results, a homogeneous microanalytical reference material for calibration is needed. Several researchers have used the Mn‐ and Fe‐rich RMs, JMn‐1, NOD‐A‐1, NOD‐P‐1 and FeMn‐1, for this purpose; therefore, they were tested in this study to determine their suitability for microanalysis. Their homogeneity was investigated by laser ablation‐inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry (LA‐ICP‐MS) with two different types of lasers (nano‐ and femtosecond), with spot and line scan analyses and with different operating parameters, such as spot size, pulse repetition rate and fluence. As the established manganese nodule RMs revealed inhomogeneities for picogram to microgram test portions, we also investigated the new synthetic Fe‐ and Mn‐rich RM, FeMnOx‐1. FeMnOx‐1 was found to be homogeneous for large (ø 40 μm: 2% RSD repeatability) and small (ø 8–10 μm: 10% RSD repeatability) spot sizes. This homogeneity is in the range of the homogeneous NIST SRM 610 and GSE‐1G reference glasses. Furthermore, FeMnOx‐1 revealed a large‐scale homogeneity within uncertainties of a few per cent, using test portions in the ng range, when measuring four individual mounts of this material.  相似文献   

This work presents an evaluation of various methods for in situ high‐precision Sr and Pb isotopic determination in archaeological glass (containing 100–500 μg g?1 target element) by nanosecond laser ablation multi‐collector‐inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry (ns‐LA‐MC‐ICP‐MS). A set of four soda‐lime silicate glasses, Corning A–D, mimicking the composition of archaeological glass and produced by the Corning Museum of Glass (Corning, New York, USA), were investigated as candidates for matrix‐matched reference materials for use in the analysis of archaeological glass. Common geological reference materials with known isotopic compositions (USGS basalt glasses BHVO‐2G, GSE‐1G and NKT‐1G, soda‐lime silicate glass NIST SRM 610 and several archaeological glass samples with known Sr isotopic composition) were used to evaluate the ns‐LA‐MC‐ICP‐MS analytical procedures. When available, ns‐LA‐MC‐ICP‐MS results for the Corning glasses are reported. These were found to be in good agreement with results obtained via pneumatic nebulisation (pn) MC‐ICP‐MS after digestion of the glass matrix and target element isolation. The presence of potential spectral interference from doubly charged rare earth element (REE) ions affecting Sr isotopic determination was investigated by admixing Er and Yb aerosols by means of pneumatic nebulisation into the gas flow from the laser ablation system. It was shown that doubly charged REE ions affect the Sr isotope ratios, but that this could be circumvented by operating the instrument at higher mass resolution. Multiple strategies to correct for instrumental mass discrimination in ns‐LA‐MC‐ICP‐MS and the effects of relevant interferences were evaluated. Application of common glass reference materials with basaltic matrices for correction of ns‐LA‐MC‐ICP‐MS isotope data of archaeological glasses results in inaccurate Pb isotope ratios, rendering application of matrix‐matched reference materials indispensable. Correction for instrumental mass discrimination using the exponential law, with the application of Tl as an internal isotopic standard element introduced by pneumatic nebulisation and Corning D as bracketing isotopic calibrator, provided the most accurate results for Pb isotope ratio measurements in archaeological glass. Mass bias correction relying on the power law, combined with intra‐element internal correction, assuming a constant 88Sr/86Sr ratio, yielded the most accurate results for 87Sr/86Sr determination in archaeological glasses  相似文献   

In the assessment of potentially contaminated land, the number of samples and the uncertainty of the measurements (including that from sampling) are both important factors in the planning and implementation of an investigation. Both parameters also effect the interpretation of the measurements produced, and the process of making decisions based upon those measurements. However, despite their importance, previously there has been no method for assessing if an investigation is fit‐for‐purpose with respect to both of these parameters. The Whole Site Optimised Contaminated Land Investigation (WSOCLI) method has been developed to address this issue, and to allow the optimisation of an investigation with respect to both the number of samples and the measurement uncertainty, using an economic loss function. This function was developed to calculate an ‘expectation of (financial) loss’, incorporating costs of the investigation itself, subsequent land remediation, and potential consequential costs. To allow the evaluation of the WSOCLI method a computer program ‘OCLISIM’ has been developed to produce sample data from simulated contaminated land investigations. One advantage of such an approach is that as the ‘true’ contaminant concentrations are created by the program, these values are known, which is not the case in a real contaminated land investigation. This enables direct comparisons between functions of the ‘true’ concentrations and functions of the simulated measurements. A second advantage of simulation for this purpose is that the WSOCLI method can be tested on many different patterns and intensities of contamination. The WSOCLI method performed particularly well at high sampling densities producing expectations of financial loss that approximated to the true costs, which were also calculated by the program. WSOCLI was shown to produce notable trends in the relationship between the overall cost (i.e., expectation of loss) and both the number of samples and the measurement uncertainty, which are: (a) low measurement uncertainty was optimal when the decision threshold was between the mean background and the mean hot spot concentrations. (b) When the hot spot mean concentration is equal to or near the decision threshold, then mid‐range measurement uncertainties were optimal. (c) When the decision threshold exceeds the mean of the hot spot, mid‐range measurement uncertainties were optimal. The trends indicate that the uncertainty may continue to rise if the difference between hot spot mean and the decision threshold increases further. (d) In any of the above scenarios, the optimal measurement uncertainty was lower if there is a large geochemical variance (i.e., heterogeneity) within the hot spot. (e) The optimal number of samples for each scenario was indicated by the WSOCLI method, and was between 50 and 100 for the scenarios considered generally; although there was significant noise in the predictions, which needs to be addressed in future work to allow such conclusions to be clearer.  相似文献   

A new reference material, STDGL3, for the calibration of in situ analyses of sulfide minerals by LA-ICP-MS has been developed and characterised. It represents a lithium-borate-based glass containing a mixture of Zn- and Fe-sulfide concentrates doped with several chalcophile elements as well as Zr, Gd, Hf and Ta required for assessing common interferences on Ag, Au and Pt. STDGL3 has a wider range of elements and a better homogeneity compared with existing reference materials for LA-ICP-MS analysis of sulfides. Compositional variations for most elements are below 3% RSD, below 5% RSD for Ag, Au and Pt, and below 7% RSD for Se, when performing spot analyses with a 50 μm beam size. Its preparation recipe is reproducible allowing for multiple batches to be made. Use of STDGL3 significantly improves accuracy of sulfide mineral analysis by LA-ICP-MS when compared with use of other available reference materials. Performance of STDGL3 was evaluated using several different laser systems. No significant change was observed between 193 nm ArF excimer lasers with 5 and 20 ns pulse widths, but use of 213 and 248 nm lasers displays more systematic differences, especially when analysing galena. Correction coefficients are needed for some elements (Zn and Cd in particular) when analysing sulfide minerals using STDGL3 as a calibration reference material.  相似文献   

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