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Abstract Petrological data from intercalated pelitic schists and greenstones are used to construct a pressure–temperature path followed by the Upper Schieferhülle (USH) series during progressive metamorphism and uplift in the south-west Tauern Window, Italy. Pseudomorphs of Al–epidote + Fe-epidote + albite + oligoclase + chlorite after lawsonite and data on amphibole crystal chemistry indicate early metamorphism in the lawsonite-albite-chlorite subfacies of the blueschist facies at P ± 7–8 kbar. Geothermometry and geobarometry yield conditions of final equilibration of the matrix assemblage of 475±25°C, 5–6 kbar; calculations with plagioclase and phengite inclusions in garnet indicate early garnet growth at pressures of ∼ 7.5 kbar. Garnet zoning patterns are complex and reversals in zoning can be correlated between samples. Thermodynamic modelling of these zoning profiles implies garnet growth in response to four distinct phases of tectonic activity. Fluid inclusion data from coexisting immiscible H2O–CO2–NaCl fluids constrain the uplift path to have passed through temperatures of 380 + 30°C at 1.3 + 0.2 kbar.
There is no evidence for metamorphism of USH at pressures greater than ∼ 7.5 kbar in this area of the Tauern Window. This is in contrast to pressures of ± 10 kbar recorded in the Lower Schieferhülle only 2–3 km across strike. A history of differential uplift and thinning of the intervening section during metamorphism is necessary to reconcile the P–T data obtained from these adjacent tectonic units.  相似文献   

Abstract In pelites of the central Menderes Massif, albite and oligoclase with only slight chemical zoning coexist in apparent textural equilibrium in the garnet zone, staurolite zone, and staurolite + kyanite transition zone. The metamorphic temperature range is estimated as approximately 440–550°C (from the Hodges-Spear calibration of the garnet-biotite geo-thermometer), or 440–500°C (Ganguly-Saxena calibration). While oligoclase composition at the peristerite gap changes from An22 to An14, albite also becomes more sodic (An1,5–An0.6). The slope of the albite limb is thus the reverse of that reported in other areas, and may not be a true equilibrium feature. Occurrence of kyanite, at temperatures below the crest of the gap, is due to low water activity in the presence of graphite: a H2o is estimated at approximately 0.1–0.2 from the Na content of muscovite coexisting with albite + kyanite + quartz.  相似文献   

Abstract Two Archaean synvolcanic stocks with contact aureoles occur in the Wawa greenstone belt near Wawa, Ontario, Canada. The Gutcher Lake and Jubilee stocks consist mainly of granitoid trondhjemite with feldspar laths mottled by white mica + calcite + epidote and rimmed by clear albite. Biotite is partly or wholly pseudomorphosed by chlorite + sphene; some epidote is partly altered to calcite + chlorite. The granitoid phase grades into a foliated phase of quartz + albite + white mica + calcite + chlorite near fracture zones traversing the stocks.
The alteration of the Gutcher Lake stock along its foliated margin involved addition of K2O, H2O + CO2, MnO, plus Rb; loss of CaO plus Sr; and a shift in Fe+2/Fet from 0.66 to 0.81. The alteration of the Jubilee stock along the Darwin Shear involved addition of H2O + CO2; loss of Sr; and no significant shift in Fe+2/Fet. The greenschist alteration also modified the contact aureoles bordering both stocks.
One interpretation is that regional metamorphism in the Archaean overprinted a greenschist assemblage on both stocks. The alteration was intense near fracture zones and sporadic remote from fractures. Lower integrated water to rock ratios along the Darwin Shear compared to the margin of the Gutcher Lake stock may explain the comparatively lower perturbation of the element abundances and redox state of iron.  相似文献   

Calcsilicate granulites of probable Middle Proterozoic age ( c .1000–1100  Ma) in the vicinity of Battye Glacier, northern Prince Charles Mountains, East Antarctica, contain prograde metamorphic assemblages comprising various combinations of wollastonite, scapolite, clinopyroxene, An-rich plagioclase, calcite, quartz, titanite and, rarely, orthoclase, ilmenite, phlogopite and graphite. Comparison of the prograde assemblages with calculated and experimentally determined phase relations in the simple CaO–Al2O3–SiO2–CO2–H2O system suggests peak metamorphism at ≥835 °C in the presence (in wollastonite-bearing assemblages at least) of a CO2-bearing fluid ( X CO≥0.3) at a probable pressure of 6–7  kbar.
Well-preserved retrograde reaction textures represent: (1) breakdown of scapolite to anorthite+calcite±quartz; (2) formation of grossular–andradite garnet and, locally, (3) epidote, both principally by reactions involving scapolite breakdown products and clinopyroxene; (4) local coupled replacement of clinopyroxene and ilmenite by hornblende and titanite, respectively; and finally (5) local sericitization of prograde and retrograde plagioclase. These retrograde reactions are interpreted to be the result of cooling and variable infiltration by H2O-rich fluids, possibly derived from crystallizing pegmatitic intrusions and segregations that may be partial melts, which are common throughout the area.  相似文献   

Abstract Nearly pure CO2 fluid inclusions are abundant in migmatites although H2O-rich fluids are predicted from the phase equilibria. Processes which may play a role in this observation include (1) the effects of decompression on melt, (2) generation of a CO2-bearing volatile phase by the reaction graphite + quartz + biotite + plagioclase = melt + orthopyroxene + CO2-rich vapour, (3) selective leakage of H2O from CO2+ H2O inclusions when the pressure in the inclusion exceeds the confining pressure during decompression, and (4) enrichment of grain-boundary vapour in CO2 by subsolidus retrograde hydration reactions.  相似文献   

Abstract Albite porphyroblasts are widely distributed in pelitic and semi-pelitic schists of the Fleur de Lys Supergroup, western Newfoundland. Textures and mineral assemblages indicate that albite grew during nearly isothermal decompression from P-T conditions of about 500° C, 9 kbar, to conditions of 550° C, 6.5 kbar. Three compositional varieties of albite-bearing schists, here termed PMAQ (paragonite-muscovite-albite-quartz), MMAQ (microcline-muscovite-albite-quartz), and PMMQ (paragonite-muscovite-margarite-quartz), can be distinguished on the basis of pre-porphyroblast mineral assemblages. Analysis of these assemblages in terms of the composition of the coexisting fluid [log a (Na+/H+) versus log a (K+/H+)] suggests that, as pressure and temperature changed, the stability field of albite expanded at the expense of coexisting matrix phyllosilicates. This promoted growth of albite on pre-existing or newly formed nuclei. Late oligoclase in PMAQ and PMMQ samples is associated with replacement of matrix garnet by plagioclase + mica ° Chlorite, particularly in strongly sheared samples.  相似文献   

Twenty thousand metres of diamond drill core representing a 14 km cross-section from weakly to intensely altered Roxby Downs Granite through the Olympic Dam Breccia Complex, host to the Olympic Dam iron-oxide–copper–gold–uranium deposit in South Australia, was analysed using the HyLogger-3 spectral scanner. Thermal and shortwave infrared spectroscopy results from 30 drill holes provide insight into the spatial relationships between quartz, orthoclase–microcline, albite–oligoclase and progressively changing sericite and chlorite compositions. The relative proportions of quartz, feldspars and phyllosilicates were mapped with thermal infrared spectroscopy. Variations in the chemistry of sericite and chlorite were extracted by proxy from their shortwave infrared spectral response, together with their relative spatial distribution. HyLogger scanning has revealed four deposit-scale mineralogical trends, progressing from least-altered Roxby Downs Granite into mineralisation where most of the feldspar has been replaced by sericite + hematite + quartz: (1) a progressive Al–OH wavelength shift of 2205 nm to 2210 nm for sericite, followed by a spatially rapid reversal corresponding to lower phengite/muscovite abundance ratios; (2) progressive Mg/Fe–OH wavelength shift of 2248 nm to 2252 nm reflecting an increase in the Fe:Mg ratio of chlorite; (3) increasing ratio of microcline to orthoclase followed by a rapid decrease; and (4) slightly decreasing ratio of albite to oligoclase followed by plagioclase destruction prior to albite replacement by sericite. The HyLogger feldspar results support recent petrographic evidence for hydrothermal albite and K-feldspar at the Olympic Dam deposit, not previously reported. The spectral results from continuous HyLogger scans also show that the microscopic observations and proposed feldspar replacement reactions are not locally isolated phenomena, but are applicable at the deposit and regional-scale. A modified quartz–K-feldspar–plagioclase ternary diagram utilising mineralogy interpreted from HyLogger thermal infrared spectra (QAPTIR) diagram along with supporting data on the abundance ratios of orthoclase/microcline and albite/plagioclase, and the wavelength shifts in characteristic absorption features for sericite and chlorite, can be used as empirical vectors towards mineralisation within the Olympic Dam mineral system, with potential application to other IOCG ore-forming systems. Intrusion of Gairdner Dyke Swarm dolerite dykes into sericite ± hematite altered Roxby Downs Granite results in retrograde albite–chlorite–magnetite alteration envelopes (up to tens of metres thick) overprinting the original sericite ± hematite alteration zone and needs to be carefully evaluated to ensure that such areas are not falsely downgraded during exploration.  相似文献   

Abstract Microprobe analyses of feldspars in granite mylonites containing flame perthite give compositions that invariably plot as three distinct clusters on a ternary feldspar diagram: orthoclase (Or92–97), albite and oligoclase-andesine. The albite occurs as grains in the matrix, as flame-shaped lamellae in orthoclase, and in patches within plagioclase grains. We present a metamorphic model for albite flame growth in the K-feldspar in these rocks that is related to reactions in plagioclase, rather than alkali feldspar exsolution. Flame growth is attributed to replacement and results from a combination of two retrograde reactions and one exchange reaction under greenschist facies conditions. Reaction 1 is a continuous or discontinuous (across the peristerite solvus) reaction in plagioclase, in which the An component forms epidote or zoisite. Most of the albite component liberated by Reaction 1 stays to form albite in the host plagioclase, but some Na migrates to form the flames within the K-feldspar. Reaction 2 is the exchange of K for Na in K-feldspar. Reaction 3 is the retrograde formation of muscovite (as ‘sericite’) and has all of the chemical components of a hydration reaction of K-feldspar. The Si and Al made available in the plagioclase from Reaction 1 are combined with the K liberated from the K-feldspar, to produce muscovite in Reaction 3. The muscovite forms in the plagioclase, rather than the K-feldspar, as a result of the greater mobility of K relative to Al. The composition of the albite flames is controlled by both the peristerite and the alkali feldspar miscibility gaps and depends on the position of these solvi at the pressure and temperature that existed during the reaction. Using an initial plagioclase composition of An20, the total reaction can be summarized as: 20 oligoclase + 1 K-feldspar + 2 H2O = 2 zoisite + muscovite + 2 quartz + 15 albiteplagioclase+ 1 albiteflame. This model does not require that any additional feldspar framework be accreted at replacement sites: Na and K are the only components that must migrate a significant distance (e.g. from one grain to the next), allowing Al to remain within the altering plagioclase grain. The resulting saussuritization is isovolumetric. The temperature and extent of replacement depends on when, and how much, water infiltrates the rock. The fugacity of the water, and therefore the pressure of the fluid, may have been significantly lower than lithostatic during flame growth.  相似文献   

Abstract Fluids, some of which are CO2-rich (up to 40 mol.% CO2) and some of which are highly saline (up to 18 wt% NaCl equivalent), are trapped as fluid inclusions in quartz-calcite (∼ metallic minerals) veins which cross-cut the pumpellyite-actinolite to amphibolite facies rocks of the Alpine Schist. Fluids were commonly trapped as immiscible liquid-vapour mixes in quartz and calcite showing open-space growth textures. Fluid entrapment occurred at fluid pressures near 500 bars (possibly as low as 150 bars) at temperatures ranging from 260 to 330° C. Saline fluids may have formed by partitioning of dissolved salts into an aqueous phase on segregation of immiscible fluids from a low-density CO2-rich fluid. Calcite deposited by these fluids has δ13C ranging from – 8.4 to – 11.5 and δ18O from + 4 to + 13. Isotopic data, fluid compositions and mode of occurrence suggest that the fluids are derived from high-grade metamorphic rocks. Fluid interaction with wall-rock has caused biotite crystallization and/or recrystallization in some rocks and retrogression of biotite to chlorite in other rocks.
Fluid penetration through the rock is almost pervasive in many areas where permeability, probably related to Alpine Fault activity, has focussed fluids on a regional scale into fractured rocks. The fluid flow process is made possible by high uplift-rates (in excess of 10 mm/year) bringing hot rocks near to the surface.  相似文献   

Abstract: Scores of talc deposits distributed in the Hwanggangri Mineralized Zone, South Korea are interpreted to have resulted from the contact metamorphic process related to the igneous intrusion of the Muamsa Granite. Talc usually occurs as an alteration product from tremolite, which is crystallized during the prograde stage. It commonly forms fine–grained, fibrous aggregates, or pseudomorphs after tremolite, and abundant tremolite is included as impurities in the talc ore. Quantitative X-ray diffraction analysis has shown that the ores can be divided into three types depending on the concentrations of talc; talc-tremolite ore (talc > 50 %), tremolite-talc ore (10 % < talc < 50 %), and tremolite (talc < 10 %) ores. Oxygen isotope compositions of those talc ores become higher from 10.9–12.1 through 11.6–12.3 to 11.9–13.2% with increasing tremolite concentrations, while hydrogen isotope compositions are not so variable, –73 to –69%. The high value of the calculated δ18OH2O of the fluids equilibrated with the tremolite may have resulted from the mixing of magmatic water with 18O–enriched CO2 evolved from the decarbonation reaction during the prograde stage. However, as the decarbonation reaction ceased during the retrograde stage, the inferred oxygen isotope compositions of talc-forming fluids show similar values to those of the igneous fluids.  相似文献   

Abstract Three types of mineral associations are described from calc-silicate granulites from the Eastern Ghats, India, where geothermobarometry in associated rocks suggests extremely high P–T conditions of metamorphism ( c . 9 ± 1 kbar, 950° C). These mineral associations are: (i) calcite + quartz + scapolite + plagioclase, (ii) calcite + scapolite + wollastonite + porphyroblastic garnet + coronal garnet and (iii) calcite + quartz + wollastonite + scapolite + porphyroblastic garnet + coronal garnet, all coexisting with K-feldspar, titanite and clinopyroxene. The first two associations evolved through nearly isobaric cooling retrograde paths, whereas the third evolved through a nearly isothermal decompression path followed by an isobaric cooling retrograde path. Textural and compositional characteristics suggest the following mineral reactions in the calc-silicate granulites: calcite + quartz = wollastonite + CO2, calcite + plagioclase = scapolite, calcite + scapolite + wollastonite = porphyroblastic garnet ± quartz + CO2, CaTs + wollastonite = coronal garnet (association ii) and wollastonite + scapolite = coronal garnet (association iii) + quartz + CO2. Andradite content in garnet was buffered by the redox equilibria wollastonite + hedenbergite + O2= andradite + quartz (association iii) and wollastonite + andradite + CaTs + scapolite = hedenbergite + calcite + grossular + O2 (association ii). The contrasting mineral parageneses have been ascribed to interplay of variables such as X CO2, f O2, f HCl in the fluid, bulk Na content and the nature of the retrograde P–T–X CO2 paths through which the rocks evolved.  相似文献   

Abstract Activity-composition relations in oligoclase near the peristerite gap are investigated in pelites from the Central Menderes Massif. The pressure of metamorphism is estimated independently, from garnet-rutile-ilmenite-kyanite-quartz, as being in the range 4–7 kbar. In the temperature range, 450–600°C approximately, both the Newton-Haselton calibration of the garnet-plagioclase-kyanite-quartz geobarometer and a related simple treatment of garnet-plagioclase-muscovite-biotite give a wide range of apparent pressures, correlated with plagioclase composition and ranging up to 11–12 kbar where the plagioclase is most sodic. This effect is attributed to failure of the activity model for plagioclase used in the Newton-Haselton treatment. It is inferred that, in the present area, γplagAn decreases with increasing X plagAn in the range An15-An25. The data can be interpreted in terms of high γ plagAn in the high-albite structure at these temperatures, modified to lower values by 'e'ordering in the more calcic oligoclases. The ordering appears to be independent of the peristerite gap, and the data do not support the interpretation of the gap as a solvus. Garnet-plagioclase assemblages are unreliable as geobarometers where the plagioclase is more sodic than approximately An20 and T < 700°C, and should instead be used to investigate the γ -X behaviour of the plagioclase where independent geobarometry can be used as a constraint.  相似文献   

Results of electron microprobe and microthermometric studies of samples collected from the Bouvet Triple Junction Region (BTJR) during a joint Russian-Italian geological expedition on the R/V Academician Nikolaj Strakhov (1994) have revealed new data on the composition of basaltic magmas and oceanic hydrothermal fluids connected with magmatic processes. Detailed analysis of basaltic glasses shows that the modem Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) rift valley is composed of normal mid-ocean ridge basalts with low concentrations of K2 O and TiOz (N-MORB), while its flanks are more enriched with these components approaching E-MORB. A marked influence of the Bouvet hot spot volcanism on magma generation on the South-West Indian Ridge (SWIR) near Bouvet Island is observed. Basaltic melts in this area belong to alkalic and transitional series and have maximum contents of K2O, TiO2, H2O.
Microthermometric analyses of fluid inclusions in the samples from the BTJR have revealed major differences in the oceanic hydrothermal fluid systems on the MAR and near SWIR, which depends on the peculiarities of magma. In the area of the MAR (with dry melts) only H2O solution inclusions in quartz were found; thus, seawater is probably the only primary source of hydrothermal fluids (NaCl + MgCl2+ H2O; T = 170–200°C). In the SWIR area (with the high content of water in melts) syngenetic liquid CO2 and H2O solution inclusions in quartz indicate the influence of the magmatic fluid component on the ore-forming water/carbon dioxide solutions (NaCl + CaC12+ H2O + CO2; T = 200–310 °C; P = 900–1700 bar).  相似文献   

Abstract. Laser Raman microprobe analysis was performed on the fluid inclusions from the Honko-Sanjin zone in the Hishikari epithermal gold deposit, southern Kyushu, Japan. Gas concentrations of fluid inclusions through the zone were below detection limits (e.g., 5 mmole/kg H2O for CO2), with an exception at shallow portion in which the CO2/N2 mole ratio was determined to be 5.3. Boiling of hydrothermal solutions probably separated gases from ore fluids at the deep portion of the deposit, and migration of gases to shallow portion resulted in CO2-rich steam-heated water and related acid alteration.  相似文献   

Abstract. This study examined the effect of CO2 on NaCl solubility in hydrothermal fluid, with the synthetic fluid inclusion technique. Fluid inclusions of 30–40 wt% NaCl and 5 mol % CO2 were synthesized, and their halite dissolution temperatures, Tm(halite), were measured. The solubilities of NaCl in CO2-bearing aqueous fluid were obtained at 160–320C under vapor-saturated pressures. The Tm(halite) value in aqueous fluid with 5 mol % CO2 obtained in this study agrees with that of Schmidt et al. (1995), showing that 5 mol % CO2 reduces the solubility of NaCl by about 1 wt%.
Calculation of magnetite solubility suggests that 5–10 mol % CO2 decreases magnetite solubility by 4.5–8.9 % relative to the magnetite solubility in CO2-free solution. Therefore, an increase of CO2 content in ore-forming solutions may cause deposition of iron minerals and produce ore deposits.  相似文献   

Abstract. Primary fluid inclusions in quartz and carbonates from the Kanggur gold deposit are dominated by aqueous inclusions, with subsidiary CO2-H2O inclusions that have a constant range in CO2 content (10–20 vol %). Microthermometric results indicate that total homogenization temperatures have a wide but similar range for both aqueous inclusions (120 to 310C) and CO2-H2O inclusions (140 to 340C). Estimates of fluid salinity for CO2-H2O inclusions are quite restricted (5.9∼10.3 equiv. wt% NaCl), whereas aqueous inclusions show much wider salinity ranging from 2.2 to 15.6 equivalent wt %NaCl.
The 6D values of fluid inclusions in carbonates vary from -45 to -61 %, in well accord with the published δD values of fluid inclusions in quartz (-46 to -66 %). Most of the δ18O and δD values of the ore-forming fluids can be achieved by exchanged meteoric water after isotopic equilibration with wall rock by fluid/rock interaction at a low water/rock ratio. However, the exchanged meteoric water alone cannot explain the full range of δ18O and δD values, magmatic and/or meta-morphic water should also be involved. The wide salinity in aqueous inclusions may also result from mixing of meteoric water and magmatic and/or metamorphic water.  相似文献   

Abstract Deformed quartz veins in garnet-zone schist adjacent to the active Alpine Fault, New Zealand, have fluid inclusions trapped along quartz grain boundaries. Textures suggest that the inclusions formed in their present shapes during annealing of the deformed veins. Many of the inclusions are empty, but some contain carbon dioxide with densities that range from 0.16 to 0.80 g cm−3. No water, nitrogen or methane was detected. The inclusions are considerably more CO2-rich than either the primary metamorphic fluid (<5% CO2) or fluids trapped in fracture-related situations in the same, or related, rocks (<50% CO2). Enrichment of CO2 is inferred to have resulted from selective migration (wicking) of saline water from the inclusions along water-wet grain boundaries after cooling-induced immiscibility of a water-CO2 mixture. Inclusion volumes changed after loss of water. Non-wetting CO2 remained trapped in the inclusions until further percolation progressively removed CO2 in solution. This mechanism of fluid migration dominated in ductile quartz-rich rocks near, but below, the brittle-ductile transition. At deeper levels, hydraulic fracturing is also an important mechanism for fluid migration, whereas at shallower levels advection through open fractures dominates the fluid flow regime.  相似文献   

Calc-silicate granulites from the Bolingen Islands, Prydz Bay, East Antarctica, exhibit a sequence of reaction textures that have been used to elucidate their retrograde P–T path. The highest temperature recorded in the calc-silicates is represented by the wollastonite- and scapolite-bearing assemblages which yield at least 760°C at 6 kbar based on experimental results. The calc-silicates have partially re-equilibrated at lower temperatures (down to 450°C) as evidenced by the successive reactions: (1) wollastonite + scapolite + calcite = garnet + CO2, (2) wollastonite + CO2= calcite + quartz, (3) wollastonite + plagioclase = garnet + quartz, (4) scapolite = plagioclase + calcite + quartz, (5) garnet + CO2+ H2O = epidote + calcite + quartz, and (6) clinopyroxene + CO2+ H2O = tremolite + calcite + quartz.
The reaction sequence observed indicates that a CO2 was relatively low in the wollastonite-bearing rocks during peak metamorphic conditions, and may have been further lowered by local infiltration of H2O from the surrounding migmatitic gneisses on cooling. Fluid activities in the Bolingen calc-silicates were probably locally variable during the granulite facies metamorphism, and large-scale CO2 advection did not occur.
A retrograde P–T path, from the sillimanite stability field ( c. 760°C at 6 kbar) into the andalusite stability field ( c. 450°C at <3 kbar), is suggested by the occurrence of secondary andalusite in an adjacent cordierite–sillimanite gneiss in which sillimanite occurs as inclusions in cordierite.  相似文献   

High-density CO2-rich fluid inclusions from a sapphirine-bearing granulite (Hakurutale, Sri Lanka) have been studied by microthermometry, Raman spectrometry and SEM analysis. Based on textural evidence, two groups of inclusions can be identified: primary, negative crystal shaped inclusions (group I) and pseudo-secondary inclusions, which experienced a local, limited post-trapping modification (group II). Both groups contain magnesite as a daughter mineral, occurring in a relatively constant fluid/solid inclusion volume ratio (volsolid =0.15 total volume). CO2 densities for group I and II differ only slightly. Both groups contain a fluid, which was initially trapped at peak metamorphic conditions as a homogeneous (CO2+MgCO3) mixture. Thermodynamic calculations suggest that such a fluid (CO2+15 vol% MgCO3) is stable under granulite facies conditions. After trapping, magnesite separated upon cooling, while the remaining CO2 density suffered minor re-adjustments. A model isochore based on the integration of the magnesite molar volume in the CO2 fluid passes about 1.5–2 kbar below peak metamorphic conditions. This remaining discrepancy can be explained by the possible role of a small quantity of additional water.  相似文献   

M.J. Bickle 《地学学报》1996,8(3):270-276
The seawater 87Sr/86Sr curve implies a 50–100 Myr episodicity in weathering rate which requires a corresponding variation in CO2 degassing from the solid earth to the atmosphere. It is proposed that this is caused by orogenesis, which both produces CO2 as a result of metamorphic decarbonation reactions, and consumes extra CO2 as a consequence of erosion-enhanced weathering. Global climate on the geological time-scale is therefore contTolled by the difference between the relatively large and variable orogenic-moderated degassing and weathering CO2 fluxes.  相似文献   

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