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The librational motion of the Ideal Resonance Problem (Garfinkel, 1966, Jupp, 1969) is treated through an initialnon-canonical transformation which, however, leaves the equations of motion in a quasi-canonical form, with Hamiltonian expressed in standard trigonometric functions amenable to traditional averaging techniques. The perturbed solutions, similarly expressed intrigonometric near-identity transformations, and their frequencies can be found to arbitrary order, with the elliptic integrals expected of the system introduced only in a final explicit quadrature for a Kepler-type equation in the angular variable. The specific transformations and resulting equations of motion are introduced, and explicit solutions for the original variables are found to second order, with mean motion accurate to fifth. Limitation of the present solution to the librational region, the extension of that solution to higher order, and observations on the form of the associated Hamiltonian are also discussed.  相似文献   

A method of general perturbations, based on the use of Lie series to generate approximate canonical transformations, is applied to study the effects of gravity-gradient torque on the rotational motion of a triaxial, rigid satellite. The center of mass of the satellite is constrained to move in an elliptic orbit about an attracting point mass. The orbit, which has a constant inclination, is free to precess and spin. The method of general perturbations is used to obtain the Hamiltonian for the nonresonant secular and long-period rotational motion of the satellite to second order inn/0, wheren is the orbital mean motion of the center of mass and0 is a reference value of the magnitude of the satellite's rotational angular velocity. The differential equations derivable from the transformed Hamiltonian are integrable and the solution for the long-term motion may be expressed in terms of Jacobian elliptic functions and elliptic integrals. Geometrical aspects of the long-term rotational motion are discussed and a comparison of theoretical results with observations is made.  相似文献   

Expansions of the functions (r/a)cos jv and (r/a)m sin jv of the elliptic motion are extended to highly eccentric orbits, 0.6627 ... <e<1. The new expansions are developed in powers of (e–e*), wheree* is a fixed value of the eccentricity. The coefficients of these expansions are expressed in terms of the derivatives of Hansen's coefficients with respect to the eccentricity. The new expansions are convergent for values of the eccentricity such that |e–e*|<(e*), where the radius of convergence (e*) is the same of the extended solution of Kepler's equation. The new expansions are intrinsically related to Lagrange's series.  相似文献   

The second-order solution of the Ideal Resonance Problem, obtained by Henrard and Wauthier (1988), is developed further to fourth order applying the same method. The solutions for the critical argument and the momentum are expressed in terms of elementary functions depending on the time variable of the pendulum as independent variable. This variable is related to the original time variable through a Kepler-equation. An explicit solution is given for this equation in terms of elliptic integrals and functions. The fourth-order formal solution is compared with numerical solutions obtained from direct numerical integrations of the equations of motion for two specific Hamiltonians.  相似文献   

In an earlier publication (Jupp, 1972), a solution of the Ideal Resonance Problem is exhibited explicitly in terms of the mean elements; to second order in the small parameter in the case of libration, and to first order in the case of deep circulation. Both representations possess a singularity when the mean modulus of the Jacobi elliptic functions is unity; this corresponds to the separatrix of the phase plane of the dynamical system.It is shown here that, provided particular coefficients associated with the problem satisfy specific relations, the singularity is removed, and the resulting solution is applicable throughout the deep resonance region.The solution is then expressed in terms of general initial conditions. Again, in general, the solution has a singularity associated closely with the limiting motion, and the circulation part of the solution is restricted to deep circulation. It is shown that when the previously-mentioned coefficients satisfy particular constraints, the singularity is removed. In addition, with the same constraints, the deep-circulation solution is applicable throughout the circulation region. It is of interest that these constraints are quite different from those associated with the mean, element formulation.  相似文献   

This paper deals with a three-dimensional rotationally and dynamically symmetrical satellite. The centre of mass of the satellite moves in a circular orbit. The existence of two first integrals of motion enables one to transform the system of differential equations to a special form facilitating the choice of the zero-approximation solution. The angles of precession and nutation as well as the amplitude functionk 2(t) are taken as variables of the motion. The first approximation solution is constructed for the case of spatial libration of the satellite axis of dynamical symmetry about the position of stable equilibrium. The series representing the functionk 2(t) is fast convergent due to the fast convergence of the expansions for elliptic functions.  相似文献   

The time transformation dt/ds=r is studied in detail and numerically stablized differential equations are obtained for =1,2, and 3/2. The case =1 corresponds to Baumgarte's results.  相似文献   

The solution by Sessin and Ferraz-Mello (Celes. Mech. 32, 307–332) of the Hori auxiliary system for the motion of two planets with periods nearly commensurate in the ratio 21 is considerably simplified by the introduction of canonical variables. An analogous canonical transformation simplifies the elliptic restricted problem.  相似文献   

We prove that Hill's lunar problem does not possess a second analytic integral of motion, independent of the Hamiltonian. In order to obtain this result, we avoid the usual normalization in which the angular velocity of the rotating reference frame is put equal to unit. We construct an artificial Hamiltonian that includes an arbitrary parameter b and show that this Hamiltonian does not possess an analytic integral of motion for in an open interval around zero. Then, by selecting suitable values of , b and using the invariance of the Hamiltonian under scaling in the units of length and time, we show that the Hamiltonian of Hill's problem does not possess an integral of motion, analytically continued from the integrable two–body problem in a rotating frame.  相似文献   

We investigate the one-dimensional self-similar flow behind a blast wave from a plane explosion in a medium whose density varies with distance asx with the assumption that the flow is isothermal. If <0 a continuous solution passing through the origin and the shock does not exist. If 1/3>>0 one critical point exists. To be physically acceptable the flow must by-pass this critical point. It is shown that a continuous solution passing through both the origin and through the shock and by-passing the critical point does exist. If 1>>1/3 the first critical point does not exist but a second one appears. To be physically acceptable the flow must again by-pass this new critical point. We show that a continuous solution passing through both the origin and the shock and by-passing the new critical point exists in this case. If >1 no physically acceptable solution exists since the mass behind the shock is infinite.The dependence of the solutions on the parameter is analytic for >0 so that interpolation between neighboring values of is permitted.We investigate the stability of these isothermal blast waves to one-dimensional but non-self-similar perturbations. If 0<<5/7, the solutions are shown to be linearly unstable against short wavelength perturbations near the origin. If the solution crosses the shock with a normalized velocityu>2 the solution is linearly unstable against short wavelength perturbations near the shock for 1>>0. If the solution crosses the shock with normalized velocity 2>u>1 (and it must cross the shock withu>1), the solution is certainly unstable against short wavelength perturbations near the shock for >11/19 and, depending on the crossing velocity, can be unstable there for all .Thus for 1>>0, the solution is always unstable somewhere. Since there is no characteristic time scale in the system all instabilities grow as a power law of time rather than exponentially. The existence of these instabilities implies that initial deviations do not decay and the system does not tend to a self-similar form.  相似文献   

We develop a new method to find solutions of the equations of motion in Hamiltonian Dynamical Systems. The idea of the method is to express the solution of the nonlinear ODE in the formx=N/D n , whereN andD are Fourier series andn is an appropriate constant. We apply this method to a galactic potential with three degrees of freedom.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   

In order to retain separability in the Vinti theory of Earth satellite motion when a nonconservative force such as air drag is considered, a set of variational equations for the orbital elements are introduced, and expressed as functions of the transverse, radial, and normal components of the nonconservative forces acting on the system. In this approach, the Hamiltonian is preserved in form, and remains the total energy, but the initial or boundary conditions and hence the Jacobi constants of the motion advance with time through the variational equations. In particular, the atmospheric density profile is written as a fitted exponential function of the eccentric anomaly, which adheres to tabular data at all, altitudes and simultaneously reduces the variational equations to definite integrals with closed form evaluations whose limits are in terms of the eccentric anomaly. The values of the limits for any arbitrary time interval are obtained from the Vinti program.Results of this technique for the case of the intense air drag satellites San Marco-2 and Air Force Cannonball are given. These results indicate that the satellite ephemerides produced by this theory in conjunction with the Vinti program are of very high accuracy. In addition, since the program is entirely analytic, several months of ephemerides can be obtained within a few seconds of computer time.  相似文献   

The conceptual foundations of the Self-Similar Cosmology and recent successful tests of its scale transformation equations are briefly reviewed. The fact that even physical constants must partake in proper scale transformations suggests a particularly simple, though necessarily speculative, rationale for the observed cosmological self-similarity. This explanation involves the introduction of a Strong Principle of Self-Similarity and a Principle of Scale Covariance.  相似文献   

This paper shows that for the free symmetric top a formulation of the equations of motion is possible, which is Liapunov stable. The formalism applied is equivalent to the conservative stabilization of the Keplerian problem. The perturbed problem appears in -stable form. This stabilization procedure could be useful in celestial mechanics, if the gyroscopic motion of a satellite is considered and one is interested in the exact position of the angles.  相似文献   

The behaviour of the primary and secondary components in a sample of double-lined Algol-type eclipsing binaries in the logg-logT e diagram is analyzed. Our results indicate that the hotter components behave like normal Main-Sequence stars while the effect of irradiation may partly explain the overluminosity of the cool components.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   

By use of a new canonical transformation procedure, a third-order intermediary for planetary motion is developed. The intermediary contains all contributions that arise from the assumption of circular, coplanar orbits for the disturbing masses. The results are expressible in terms of elliptic integrals of the first, second, and third kinds.Proceedings of the Conference on Analytical Methods and Ephemerides: Theory and Observations of the Moon and Planets. Facultés universitaires Notre Dame de la Paix, Namur, Belgium, 28–31 July, 1980.  相似文献   

The perturbed motion of a rigid body about its center of mass, is formulated in terms of the six elements:l, the magnitude of the angular momentum vector;h, the total energy; and , two linear functions of the independent variable; and 1 and 1, two Euler angles that orientate the inertial frame with respect to the unperturbed solution. Solutions from the element formulation and the original Euler equations are numerically compared using shuttle-type data. For applied torques smaller than a given magnitude, the element formulation produced the following results: (1) larger step sizes in the numerical integration of the differential equations, resulting in an overall computational time-saving, and (2) more significant figures of accuracy in the computation of the variables describing the state of the rigid body.  相似文献   

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Some asymptotic solutions in the restricted problem of three bodies by L. G. Lukjanov.
Some particular solutions of the plane restricted problem of three bodies in the form of Liapunov's series are obtained. These solutions asymptotically approach the Lagrange solutions. Convergence is proved.

A solution of the Uranus-Neptune planetary canonical equations of motion through the Von Zeipel technique is presented. A unique determinging function which depends upon mixed canonical variables, reduces the 12 critical terms of the Hamiltonian to the set of its secular terms. The Poincaré canonical variables are used. We refer to a common fixed plane, and apply the Jacobi-Radau set of origins. In our expansion we neglected terms of power higher than the fourth with respect to the eccentricities and sines of the inclinations.  相似文献   

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