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The size of various Phanerozoic paleoceans, determined from paleogeographic maps, provides a framework for assigningεNd measurements of primary authigenic marine minerals to individual paleoceans and for establishing theirεNd versus age curves. We report newεNd data (in the range from 80 to 750 Ma) for the largest Phanerozoic and Late Precambrian paleocean, the Pacific/Panthalassa Ocean (PPO), and limited data on some small Paleozoic paleoceans. These new data and all other published data on paleoceanεNd values are used to determine the trends through time ofεNd in seven Phanerozoic paleoceans. The variations in paleoceanεNd curves are due to changes in the rate of crustal additions and in paleoceanic geometry. From these data we can calculate a meanεNd curve and a mean Nd model age curve for Phanerozoic seawater. These curves show large variations with age and reflect the variations ofεNd in erosion products from the continents as a function of age. The high erosion rates of young, uplifted areas enhanceεNd and Nd model age variations of Phanerozoic seawater. This makes it difficult to quantitatively recover crustal addition rates from these curves; however, it makes the episodic nature of continental additions more evident.  相似文献   

Published data showing a linear correlation between initial Nd and Sr isotope compositions in young basalts indicate the existence of a spectrum of isotopically distinct reservoirs in the mantle which represent either (1) mixtures of two homogeneous endmember reservoirs, one of which may be undifferentiated material or (2) fractionated reservoirs all derived from a homogeneous initial reservoir with the same ratio of enrichment factors for Sm/Nd and Rb/Sr. The slope of the correlation, which can be described approximately by (87Sr/86Sr) = ?3.74114 (143Nd/144Nd) + 2.61935orεNd = ?2.7 εSr, places constraints on the origin of these reservoirs and hence on the chemical evolution of the crust-mantle system. The reservoirs could be residual regions of the mantle left after ancient partial melting events. If so, the requirement of constant relative fractionation of Sm/Nd and Rb/Sr in refractory residues is a strong constraint on partial melting models. Calculations suggest that batch melting models are more compatible with this constraint than are fractional melting models, but models incorporating currently accepted distribution coefficients and residual phase assemblages cannot reproduce the observed isotope effects except under highly specific conditions. The slope of the correlation is not consistent with the hypotheses that chemical structure in the mantle is due to accretional heterogeneity or variable loss of elements to the core. If the mantle reservoirs are complementary in composition to the continental crust, and if the crust + mantle has εNd = 0andεSr = 0 and chondritic Sr/Nd, then Rb/Sr in the crust is calculated to be less than 0.10, suggesting that the crust may be more mafic in composition and contain a smaller proportion of the earth's Rb and heat-producing elements than previously estimated.  相似文献   

Clinopyroxenes separated from two hydrous and four anhydrous ultramafic nodules, selected from a suit of xenoliths from Dreiser Weiher (DW), West Germany, have been studied for Nd and Sr isotopic composition. Nd exhibits a range of εJUV(T) from 0 to +12.4 and 87Sr/86Sr varies between 0.70185 and 0.70400. TICE model ages for anhydrous nodules indicate that the mantle underlying DW was originally depleted ?2 AE ago. Correlation of 143Nd/144Nd with Sm/Nd in this group of samples suggests that a second partial melting event occurred about 560 m.y. ago resulting in LREE enrichment of at least part of the anhydrous mantle. During a later episode, probably contemporaneous with the eruption of the host basalt in Quaternary times, most of the spinel peridotitic upper mantle below DW was modified. This metasomatism led to hydration and incompatible element enrichment of originally anhydrous mantle. The isotopic data for the anhydrous nodules again demonstrate that oceanic-type mantle underlies at least some continental areas. It is apparent that the separation of subcontinental mantle regions from an initially chondritic reservoir may occur in several discrete episodes. However, differing histories of depletion and/or enrichment will produce isotopically distinct mantle reservoirs. Therefore, basalts extracted from these mantle reservoirs will scatter about an average Nd-Sr trend line reflecting the nature of the differentiation in their source regions.  相似文献   

Nd and Sr isotopic study of volcanic rocks from Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two older granitic rocks and some selected Quaternary volcanic rocks from the Japanese Islands were analyzed in a reconnaissance study for the purpose of examining the relationships between Nd and Sr isotopic abundances and the megatectonic structure around the Japanese Islands. Model ages of ~0.9 AE were determined by the Nd and Sr methods on a Paleozoic gneiss which confirms that a relatively ancient acidic basement exists in the Japanese Islands. The Nd and Sr isotopic data show that the Cretaceous granodiorite is the result of partial melting of older crust.The Nd of tholeiitic rocks from the Izu arc gives εNd ranging from 8.3 to 9.3 and with the corresponding εSr from ?14.5 to ?18.5. These results are identical to those found for the Mariana arc. These values are distinctly lower than typical MORB by around 1~2 εu. This difference in εNd between arcs and MORB is attributed to the contribution of oceanic sediments to the partial melts produced during subduction of oceanic crust. The Hakone volcano is clearly confirmed as belonging to an oceanic source by Nd isotopic results.εSrNd values of the volcanics from a section along the Fossa Magna show a clear indication that they are a blend of oceanic mantle material and continental crustal material. The crustal component clearly increases in going from south to north. Volcanics across the Northeast Japan arc also show a distinct correlation of εSrNd related to the position relative to the active subduction zone but with the opposite trend. These relationships of the present isotopic pattern and the zonal arrangement relative to the subduction zone suggest the former existence of a local spreading center in the Japan Sea.In general there appear to be regular isotopic relationships between the Izu-Mariana oceanic island arc and the continental island arc of Japan which indicates that partially melted or assimilated older continental basement is admixed with young rising oceanic arc magmas.  相似文献   

A record of changes in Nd and Sr isotopic composition of the eolian deposits from the central Loess Plateau has been determined for the past 8 Ma. The isotopic records of the silicate fraction of the Quaternary and Tertiary eolian deposits allow interpreting the interplay between the Sr isotopic variations in the eolian deposits and the late Cenozoic tectonic and climatic changes. The results indicate that the temporal variations of Nd and Sr isotopes show remarkable changes around the beginning of the Quaternary. The lower values of the 143Nd/144Nd and the decreasing trend of the 87Sr/86Sr ratios after 2.58 Ma ago are attributed to the additions of relatively younger crust materials in response to the climatic cooling and the late Cenozoic uplift induced glacial grinding in the high orogenic belts in central Asia. In this context, the substantial changes in climate and tectonics have modified dust sources significantly, and the Quaternary loess forming processes are preferentially sampling relatively younger and high relief crust materials than that of the Tertiary Red Clay.  相似文献   

The orientation of three intraplate magmatic belts—the Mongolian (from 130 to 280 m.y.), South Siberian (from 320 to 400 m.y.) and Baltic (from 365 to 400 m.y.) belts—which can be considered as hot spot tracks, are used together with apparent paleomagnetic pole wander paths to reconstruct true motions of continents during Paleozoic times. The reconstructions obtained show that the old, Late Precambrian Pangea continued to exist in the Early Paleozoic with an inner arrangement of constituent continents strongly different from that of the Late Paleozoic Pangea. The continents were constantly located in the eastern hemisphere only. The western hemisphere was occupied by the Paleo-Pacific oceans. Four oceans existed in Paleozoic times between the continents in the eastern hemisphere: (1) the Iapetus which originated in the Late Precambrian and closed before Devonian times (400 m.y.), (2) the Asiatic paleo-ocean which originated in the Late Precambrian and closed 450 m.y. ago, (3) the Uralian paleo-ocean which opened around 500 m.y. ago and closed in the latest Permian (240–230 m.y.), (4) the Paleo-Tethys which opened in the Ordovician (480–450 m.y.) and became the Mesozoic Tethys. Life duration of the oceans was 200–400 m.y. The main trend in the Earth's evolution during the Paleozoic was a break up of the old, Precambrian Supercontinent and construction of the new, Late Paleozoic Pangea.  相似文献   

Twenty-nine isotopic ages, ranging from 41 to 27 Ma, are presented for the alkali-rich intrusive rocks and their coexisting alkaline volcanic rocks, lamprophyres and acidic porphyries, indicating that they are Tertiary in age. The alkali-rich intrusive rocks have143Nd/144Nd ratios from 0. 512 415 to 0. 512 544, and87Sr/86Sr ratios from 0.705 4 to 0.706 8, suggesting that their material originates from an enriched mantle source. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Special Grant of the President of Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

The neodymium-strontium isotopic correlation observed in most of the Earth mantle materials is evaluated by means of direct modelling. Several geochemical models are quantitatively developed to explain the observations. The main results of this modelling are that such a correlation is not geochemically trivial and that it corresponds to specific conditions in chemical fractionation. These specific conditions seem to be satisfied by solid-liquid partitioning in magmatic conditions. The discussion of the experimental data supports a continuous convecting-magmatic fractionation model for a large proportion of the mantle.  相似文献   

Field evidence indicates that the Trinity peridotite was partially melted during its rise as a part of the upwelling convecting mantle at a spreading center. A SmNd mineral isochron for a plagioclase lherzolite yields an age,T = 427 ± 32 Ma and initialεNd = + 10.4 ? 0.4 which is distinctly higher than that expected for typical depleted mantle at this time. This age is interpreted as the time of crystallization of trapped melt in the plagioclase lherzoliteP-T field. This time of crystallization probably represents the time when the massif was incorporated as a part of the oceanic lithosphere. The SmNd model age of the plagioclase lherzolite totalrock isTCHURNd = 3.4 AE. This suggests that the Trinity peridotite was derived from a mantle that was depleted rather early in earth history. The peridotite contains many generations of pyroxenite dikes and some microgabbro dikes. We report data for two dikes that clearly crosscut the main metamorphic fabric of the peridotite. A microgabbro dike yields a SmNd mineral isochron age ofT = 435 ± 21 Ma andεNd = + 6.7 ? 0.3. A pyroxenite dike yields an initialεNd = + 7.3 ± 0.4. The initialεNd values for the pyroxenite and gabbro dikes are fairly similar to those for the depleted mantle at this time and are distinct from the lherzolite—demonstrating that they are not genetically related. RbSr data do not give any coherent pattern. However, some bounds can be put on initial Sr values ofεSr ? ?21 for the plagioclase lherzolite andεSr ? ?8.7 for the microgabbro dike. It is plausible that the dikes represent cumulates left behind from island arc magmas that rose through the the oceanic lithosphere within the vicinity of a subduction zone. Major and trace elements and SmNd isotopic data indicate a multiple stage history for the Trinity peridotite; a small melt fraction was extracted from an undepleted source ~ 3.4 AE or more ago to produce the proto-lherzolite; a large fraction of melt (~ 12 to 23%) was extracted from the proto-lherzolite to produce the present rock; the lherzolite was then crosscut by dikes from average depleted mantle ~ 0.44 AE ago. The data are compatible with the depleted mantle source being formed very early in earth history. Although most available data indicate that the depleted upper mantle has been relatively well stirred through time, the Trinity data suggest that very ancient Nd isotopic values are preserved and thus chemical and physical heteorgeneities are sometimes preserved in the depleted source of mid-ocean ridge basalts as well as the oceanic lithosphere which they intrude.  相似文献   

The Bishop Tuff represents a single eruption of chemically zoned rhyolitic magma. Six whole rock samples spanning the compositional and temperature range yield initial87Sr/86Sr of 0.7060–0.7092 andδ18O of 5.9–10.3‰. Six constituent sanidines yield smaller ranges of initial87Sr/86Sr of 0.7061–0.7069 andδ18O of 6.7–7.9. In contrast143Nd/144Nd ratios for the six whole rocks and two constituent magnetites exhibit negligible variation with a mean of0.51258 ± 1. These data are used to show that the phenocrysts were precipitated from an already chemically zoned liquid, that the zoning process involved negligible assimilation of, or exchange with, country rocks and that the extreme Sr and O isotopic disequilibria are probably the result of post-eruptive interaction with meteoric water. The parent magma had?Nd = ?0.9, ?Sr = +23 andδ18O = 7‰ and was formed from mantle-derived magmas and/or melts of lower crustal rocks isotopically similar to parts of the Sierra Nevada Batholith.  相似文献   

The Deccan flows at Mahabaleshwar are divisible into a lower and an upper group, based on Nd and Sr isotopic ratios, which define two correlated trends. This distinction is supported by incompatible element ratios and bulk compositions. The data reflect contamination in a dynamic system of magmas from an LIL-depleted,εJUV ≥ +8 mantle by two different negative εJUV endmembers, one undoubtedly continental crust, the other either continental crust or enriched mantle. The depleted mantle source, anomalously high in (87Sr/86Sr), may have been in the subcontinental lithosphere or a region of rising Indian Ocean MORB mantle.  相似文献   

Large-scale compositional domains at DSDP/ODP drill sites 417A, 417D and 418A were analyzed for O, Sr and Nd isotope ratios, and REE, U, K, Rb and Sr abundances, to constrain the bulk chemical composition of the oceanic crust that is recycled at subduction zones. The combination of the three sites gives the composition of the upper oceanic crust in this region over a distance of about 8 km. The δ18OSMOW and87Sr/86Srmeas of compositional domains 10–100 m in size correlate well, with a range of 7.7–19.2 and 0.70364–0.70744, and mean of 9.96 and 0.70475, respectively. The Rb inventory of the upper crust increases by about an order of magnitude, while Sr contents remain constant. U abundances increase moderately under oxidizing alteration conditions and nearly triple in the commonly reducing alteration environments of the upper oceanic crust. REEs are influenced by alteration only to a small extent, and recycled oceanic crust is similar to MORB with respect to143Nd/144Nd. Even though the average composition of the upper oceanic crust is well defined, the large scale composition varies widely. Highly altered compositional domains may not have a large impact on the average composition of the oceanic crust, but they may preferentially contribute to fluids or partial melts derived from the crust by prograde metamorphic reactions.  相似文献   

New Sr and C isotopic data, both obtained on the same samples of marine carbonates, provide a relatively detailed record of isotopic variation in seawater through the latest Proterozoic and allow, for the first time, direct correlation of these isotopic changes in the Vendian ( 540–610 Ma). The strong isotope variations determined in this study record significant environmental and tectonic changes. Together with a fairly poorly constrained Nd isotopic record, the Sr and C isotopic records can be used to constrain rates of erosion, hydrothermal alteration and organic C burial. Further, comparison of these records with those of the Cenozoic permit investigation of the general relationship between global tectonics and continental glaciation. In particular, results of this study show a very large change in the 87Sr/86Sr of marine carbonates from low pre-Vendian ( > 610 Ma) values ( 0.7066) to high Middle Cambrian values ( 0.7090). This change is greater in magnitude than the significant increase in seawater 87Sr/86Sr through the Cenozoic. Both changes are attributed to high erosion rates associated with continent-continent collisions (Pan-African and Himalayan-Tibetan). In the latest Proterozoic these high erosion rates, probably coupled with high organic productivity and anoxic bottom-water conditions, contributed to a significant increase in the burial rate of organic C. Ice ages mark both the Neoproterozoic and Cenozoic, but different stratigraphic relationships between the Sr isotopic increase and continental glaciation indicate that uplift-driven models proposed to explain Cenozoic climatic change cannot account for the latest Proterozoic ice ages.  相似文献   

Eighteen basic rocks from Ascension Island (South Atlantic) give a mean87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.70311 ± 17 for both volcanics and plutonic inclusions. The late-stage differentiated rocks (rhyolites and granitic inclusions) have much higher87Sr/86Sr ratios, up to 0.712. All these rocks display the same range of Nd isotopic compositions (εNdvalues from6.9to11.1with a mean on12samples of8.4 ± 0.6) implying a cogenetic relation between the two sequences. The D/H systematics lead to the same conclusion.In the NdSr diagram, the data plot close to the mantle array and show a positive correlation. This suggests a mixing between a depleted MORB-type mantle, i.e. the upper mantle, and a hot-spot with less depleted geochemical characteristics, i.e. the OIB mantle source.The total range of δ18O values lies between 4.8‰ for plagioclase cumulates and 6.7‰ for the most evolved rocks (peralkaline granites and comendites). The basic rocks have values around 5.3‰, typical of mantle-derived material. These oxygen data indicate that the high87Sr/86Sr ratios in the most evolved rocks (both volcanic and plutonic terms) result from the combination of two different processes: incorporation of slight amounts (< 1%) of high-temperature altered oceanic crust by the magma in the late stages of the differentiation process and then in-situ Rb decay since the time of formation of these rocks. Both processes were very effective because of the high Rb and low Sr contents of these evolved rocks.Oxygen isotope systematics in the Ascension Island granites and rhyolites indicate that a fractional crystallization process alone does not produce δ18O values higher than 6.7‰, i.e. that the ultimate δ18O enrichment, relative to the initial basic magma, is not greater than 1.5‰.  相似文献   

The Nd isotopic systematics of the sources of crustal granitic rocks are used to estimate the Sm/Nd ratio of the continental crust as a function of its age. It is found that the Sm/Nd value of granite magma sources in continental crust increases from about 0.47 to 0.64 times the chondritic value with decreasing age from the Early Archean to the Late Proterozoic. This trend is opposite to that inferred for the crust from rare earth element patterns in sedimentary rocks. The observed trend may apply strictly only to the felsic portions of the crust, but unless older crust contains a much higher percentage of mafic material than young crust (50% versus 0%), the direction of the trend also applies to the bulk crust. Because some portion of the earth's oldest crust has probably been destroyed by subsequent processes, the trend could conceivably be the result of preservational bias rather than a real shift in crustal composition with time. The isotopic data, combined with the crustal age distribution, indicate that the Sm/Nd value of the bulk continental crust is not lower than 0.60 times the chondritic value. This limit and estimates of the Nd concentration of the crust are consistent with the mass balance that equates the Nd in the continents to that missing from the upper mantle down to a depth of about 700 km.  相似文献   

The Shabogamo Intrusive Suite comprises numerous bodies of variably metamorphosed gabbro which intrude Archean and Proterozoic sequences at the junction of the Superior, Churchill, and Grenville structural provinces in western Labrador. Combined Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr systematics in two bodies, ranging from unmetamorphosed to lightly metamorphosed, document a crystallization age of about 1375 m.y., and suggest that both bodies crystallized from magmas with similar Nd and Sr isotopic compositions. This age is in accordance with the existence of a regional magmatic event in the Churchill Province at approximately 1400 m.y.Rb-Sr systematics in two bodies of amphibolite-grade gabbro suggest a regional metamorphic event at about 950 m.y., corresponding to the waning stages of Grenville activity. Sm-Nd systematics in these high-grade bodies are affected to a much lesser degree than Rb-Sr.Initial ratios for143Nd/144Nd and87Sr/86Sr are lower and higher, respectively, than bulk earth values at 1375 m.y. Both these displacements are in the direction of older crustal material at 1375 m.y., and a model is proposed to produce the Shabogamo magma by mixing a mantle-derived magma with a partial melt of crustal rocks (approximately 4: 1 by volume). Young volcanic rocks with anomalous Nd and Sr isotopic ratios, which have previously been taken as evidence for “enriched” mantle, may be interpreted similarly.  相似文献   

The magma generation at Unzen volcano may be considered as the product of crustal material mixed with mantle magma accompanied by fractional crystallization (AFC). The magma in the Unzen volcano is estimated to consist of about 50–80% of residual magma (F) and about 30–70% assimilated crustal material (A) relative to the original magma. Concerning the 1991–1995 eruption, it is estimated that the magma formed as the result of mixing of about 50–60% crustal material and about 55–65% of residual magma. An alternative magma eruption model for the 1991–1995 eruption is proposed here. In the early stage, the isotopic characteristics of 1991 eruption are defined by AFC process in the deeper magma chamber. Later, the magma ascended through the conduit and quiescently stayed for a long time in a shallow reservoir before eruption. The minerals continuously crystallized as phenocrysts especially at the chilled top and outer margin in the shallow chamber. The crystallized phenocryst mush was reworked into the central part of the magma chamber by means of magma convection and rapid magma ascent. Therefore, the reaction between phenocrysts and melt occurs only in internal chemical disequilibrium in the magma chamber. In contrast, the isotopic compositions of the original magma shall be little influenced by the above processes throughout its eruptive history. The 1991–1995 eruptive rocks of the Unzen volcano show their characteristics in Sr and Nd isotopic values independent of their two previous eruptions. However, the isotopic values of early eruptive product could represent the original magma value. This result also supports the previous work of Chen et al. (1993) [Chen, C.H., DePaolo, D.J., Nakada, S., Shieh, Y.N., 1993. Relationship between eruption volume and neodymium isotopic composition at Unzen volcano. Nature 362, 831–834], that suggested the Nd of early or precursory eruptive products could be a qualitative indicator of the maximum size of a continuing or impending eruption.  相似文献   

Nd isotopic characteristics of S- and I-type granites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The initial Nd and Sr isotopic composition has been determined in S- and I-type granites from the Paleozoic Berridale and Kosciusko Batholiths of southeast Australia. The Nd and Sr isotopic variations form a strongly covariant array with S-types granites having a relatively restricted range inεNd values from ?6.1 to ?9.8 but a large range in initial87Sr86Sr of from 0.7094 to 0.7184. These characteristics are indicative of an~1400-m.y. sedimentary or metasedimentary source for S-types. I-types have variable initial Nd ranging from +0.4 to ?8.9, and a more limited range in initial87Sr86Sr of from 0.70453 to 0.7119. These isotopic characteristics are consistent with a two-component mixing model whereby a depleted mantle-like component (DMC) withεNd = +6 and87Sr86Sr= 0.703, is mixed with a crustal component (CC) havingεNd = ?9 and87Sr86Sr= 0.720. Although this two-component mixing model satisfies the isotopic constraints the source rock chemistry of the I-types is not compatible with the large proportion (up to 50%) of sedimentary material implied by the isotopic data. This indicates that more than two components are required to account for both the isotopic and chemical data. Both the chemical and isotopic data are consistent with I-type granites having been formed from source rocks of predominantly mantle derivation and obtained progressively from the mantle over a period of 1000 m.y. prior to granite formation.  相似文献   

New data for the direct measurement of the isotopic composition of neodymium in Atlantic Ocean seawater are compared with previous measurements of Pacific Ocean seawater and ferromanganese sediments from major ocean basins. Data for Atlantic seawater are in excellent agreement with Nd isotopic measurements made on Atlantic ferromanganese sediments and are distinctly different from the observed compositions of Pacific samples. These results clearly demonstrate the existence of distinctive differences in the isotopic composition of Nd in the waters of the major ocean basins and are characteristic of the ocean basin sampled. The average εNd(0) values for the major oceans as determined by data from seawater and ferromanganese sediments are as follows: Atlantic Ocean,εNd(0) ? ?12 ± 2; Indian Ocean,εNd(0) ? ?8 ± 2; Pacific Ocean,εNd(0) ? ?3 ± 2. These values are considerably less than εNd(0) value sources with oceanic mantle affinities indicating that the REE in the oceans are dominated by continental sources. The difference in the absolute abundance of143Nd between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans corresponds to ~106 atoms143Nd per gram of seawater. The correspondence between the143Nd/144Nd in seawater and in the associated sediments suggests the possible application of this approach to paleo-oceanography.Distinctive differences in εNd(0) values are observed in the Atlantic Ocean between deep-ocean water associated with North Atlantic Deep Water and near-surface water. This suggests that North Atlantic Deep Water may be relatively well mixed with respect to Nd isotopic composition whereas near-surface water may be quite heterogeneous, reflecting different sources for surface waters relative to deep water. This suggests that it may be possible to distinguish the sources of water masses within an ocean basin on the basis of Nd isotopic composition.The Nd isotopic variations in seawater are used to relate the residence time of Nd and mixing rates between the oceans.  相似文献   

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