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The sediment and diatom stratigraphy of a small pond on The Pas moraine, near Grand Rapids, Manitoba, reveals a change in sedimentary environment related directly to the last stages of Glacial Lake Agassiz. Beach sands were replaced by clay 7300 14C y. a., then by organic silt and, at 4000 14C y. a. by coarse organic detritus; the corresponding diatom assemblages were (I) a predominantly planktonic spectrum in beach sands, (II) a rich assemblage of nonplanktonic forms, and (III) a distinctly nonplanktonic acidophilous spectrum. These results confirm Elson's (1967) reconstruction of the extent and chronology of the final (Pipun) stage of Glacial Lake Agassiz. The sedimentary environments change from a sandy beach of a large lake at 7300 BP to a small, shallow eutrophic pond with clay and silt deposition from 7000 to 4000 BP. From 4000 BP to the present, organic detritus was deposited in a shallow pond that tended toward dystrophy.  相似文献   

Sediment cores recovered from four emerged lakes (54, 41, 22, and 7 m a.s.l.) provide new data on the deglaciation and relative sea-level history of the Murman coast, Kola Peninsula. The transition from marine to lacustrine sediment is identified in the cores by analysis of sediment physical properties and diatom assemblages. Fourteen AMS-radiocarbon ages on organic macrofossils isolated from core sediment provide chronology for the records. Basal ages from two of the cores indicate deglaciation of the area prior to 11000 BP. Radiocarbon ages associated with the marine-lacustrine sediment transition in the cores further constrain the emergence history of the area. The prominent late-glacial shoreline on the Murman coast (48 m a.s.l.) is dated to c . 10500–10300 BP, the emergence ages of lake basins 54 and 41 m a.s.l. Glaciofluvial terraces graded to this shore level indicate remnant glaciers on the north-central Kola Peninsula during the Younger Dryas.  相似文献   

A sediment core from Lake Yarnyshnoe-3 (69°04'N; 36°04'E), an emerged coastal lake from the tundra of the north-central Kola Peninsula, has been analyzed for fossil pollen and diatoms. The pollen record shows the Younger Dryas event marked by increasing Artemisia coupled with decreases in Poaceae, Cyperaceae and Salix at c. 10 700 to 10 000 BP. This core provides the first well-defined palynological record of the Younger Dryas event on the Kola Peninsula. Stomates from Pinus were recovered from the core interval between 8000 and 6000 BP. The stomates, coupled with elevated values of pine pollen, indicate that Pinus sylvestris grew near the arctic coastline of the central Kola Peninsula in the middle Holocene. However, the small number of stomates suggests that pines were not plentiful. The diatom record from the core reflects basin isolation from the sea and indicates additional limnological changes during the climate transition between c. 5000 and 4000 BP. The broadly similar climate and vegetation history on the north-central Kola Peninsula and in Fennoscandia demonstrates the propagation of late glacial and Holocene climate events from the North Atlantic region into the Eurasian Arctic.  相似文献   

Tunnicliffe, J., Church, M. & Enkin, R. J. 2012 (January): Postglacial sediment yield to Chilliwack Lake, British Columbia, Canada. Boreas, Vol. 41, pp. 84–101. 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2011.00219.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. Seismic records and evidence from sediment cores at Chilliwack Lake provide the basis for a long‐term (postglacial) sediment budget for a 324‐km2 Cordilleran catchment. Chilliwack Lake (11.8 km2 surface area), situated in the North Cascade Mountains, near Chilliwack, British Columbia, was formed behind a valley‐wide recessional moraine in the final phase of post‐Fraser alpine glaciation. Seismic surveys highlight the postglacial lacustrine record, which is underlain by a thick layer of sediments related to deglacial sedimentation. Sediment cores provide details of grain‐size fining from the delta to the distal lake basin. The cores also show a record of intermittent fire and debris flows. Magnetic measurements of lake sediments provide information on grain size, as well as a dating framework. The total postglacial lake‐floor deposit volume is estimated to be 397 ± 27 × 106 m3. Including estimates of fan and delta deposition, the specific postglacial yield to the lake is calculated to be ~86 ± 13 Mg km2 a?1. The sediment volume in the uppermost (Holocene) lacustrine layer is 128 ± 9 × 106 m3, representing ~41 ± 4 Mg km2 a?1 in the Holocene. Compared with other Cordilleran lakes of similar size, particularly those with glacial cover in the watershed, Chilliwack Lake has experienced relatively modest rates of sediment accumulation. This study provides an important contribution to a growing database of long‐term (postglacial) sediment yield data for major Cordilleran lakes, essential for advancing our understanding of the pace of landscape evolution in formerly glaciated mountainous regions.  相似文献   

An AMS radiocarbon-dated pollen record from a peat deposit on Mitkof Island, southeastern Alaska provides a vegetation history spanning ∼12,900 cal yr BP to the present. Late Wisconsin glaciers covered the entire island; deglaciation occurred > 15,400 cal yr BP. The earliest known vegetation to develop on the island (∼12,900 cal yr BP) was pine woodland (Pinus contorta) with alder (Alnus), sedges (Cyperaceae) and ferns (Polypodiaceae type). By ∼12,240 cal yr BP, Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) began to colonize the island while pine woodland declined. By ∼11,200 cal yr BP, mountain hemlock (Tsuga mertensiana) began to spread across the island. Sitka spruce-mountain hemlock forests dominated the lowland landscapes of the island until ∼10,180 cal yr BP, when western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) began to colonize, and soon became the dominant tree species. Rising percentages of pine, sedge, and sphagnum after ∼7100 cal yr BP may reflect an expansion of peat bog habitats as regional climate began to shift to cooler, wetter conditions. A decline in alders at that time suggests that coastal forests had spread into the island's uplands, replacing large areas of alder thickets. Cedars (Chamaecyparis nootkatensis, Thuja plicata) appeared on Mitkof Island during the late Holocene.  相似文献   

Previous stratigraphical investigations of Romney Marsh have tended to be local in scale, and this has hindered efforts to establish a unifying stratigraphical framework for this area. This paper addresses this problem, by describing the results of a 12-km transect across Romney Marsh, linking previously studied back- and fore-marsh sites (Horsemarsh Sewer and Broomhill respectively), and presenting additional pollen, diatom and radiocarbon data from an intermediate, mid-marsh site (Brookland). One main organic unit is recorded across much of Romney Marsh, although its age, altitude and composition varies. Microfossil and radiocarbon data from Brookland and elsewhere on Romney Marsh show that this organic unit accumulated under a general removal and return of marine conditions that took place between ca. 5100 and 2000 yr BP. A recently proposed model of barrier development is used to investigate the history of back-barrier sedimentation in Romney and Walland Marshes. This model suggests a three-phase life-history for gravel barriers, which consists of initiation, stability and breakdown. Although there are problems in relating back-barrier deposits directly to barrier dynamics, nevertheless the Romney Marsh data do, for the most part, agree with the expected number and sequence of sea-level tendencies predicted by this model. The back-barrier stratigraphical data suggest that initiation, stability and breakdown of the Dungeness foreland occurred between ca. 6000 and 5000 yr BP, 5000 and 2000 yr BP and 2000 yr BP and present, respectively.  相似文献   

Anammox bacteria are widespread in the marine environment, but studies of anammox in marshes and other wetlands are still scarce. In this study, the role of anammox in nitrogen removal from marsh sediments was surveyed in four vegetation types characteristic of New England marshes and in unvegetated tidal creeks. The sites spanned a salinity gradient from 0 to 20 psu. The impact of nitrogen loading on the role of anammox in marsh sediments was studied in a marsh fertilization experiment and in marshes with high nitrogen loading entering through ground water. In all locations, nitrogen removal through anammox was low compared to denitrification, with anammox accounting for less than 3% of the total N2 production. The highest relative importance of anammox was found in the sediments of freshwater-dominated marshes, where anammox approached 3%, whereas anammox was of lesser importance in saline marsh sediments. Increased nitrogen loading, in the form of nitrate from natural or artificial sources, did not impact the relative importance of anammox, which remained low in all the nitrogen enriched locations (<1%).  相似文献   

During the year 1978, juvenile salmonids were collected from coastal streams running through China Poot Marsh and the stomach contents analyzed. Stomach contents of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) and staghorn sculpin (Leptocottus armatus) from China Poot and of threespine stickleback from Potter Marsh were also analyzed; these two species were generally caught in tidal pools on the marshes. The juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) had the most varied diet; 37 different prey items were identified in the stomachs. By comparison, 25, 26, and 33 prey taxa were identified in the stomach contents of Dolly Varden char (Salvelinus malma), threespine stickleback, and staghorn sculpin, respectively. Amphipods were the dominant prey of all fish collected from China Poot Marsh; chironomidae larvae were the most common item in the stomach contents of threespine stickleback from Potter Marsh. The diets of all species changed over the course of the study period; the change was most dramatic for juvenile salmonids and sculpins.  相似文献   

Pollen data from two sites provide information on the postglacial vegetation and climate history of the Cascade Range. Indian Prairie in the western Cascade Range was colonized by subalpine forests of Pinus, Picea, and Tsuga and open meadows prior to ca. 12,400 14C yr B.P. The treeline lay 500 to 1000 m below its modern elevation and conditions were cooler than at present. From ca. 12,400 to ca. 9950 14C yr B.P. Abies became important and the forest resembled that presently found at middle elevations in the western Cascade Range. The pollen record implies a rise in treeline and warmer conditions than before. From ca. 10,000 to 4000-4500 14C yr B.P., conditions that were warmer and effectively drier than today led to the establishment of a closed forest composed of Pseudotsuga , Abies, and, at lower elevations, Quercus and Corylus . During this period, Gold Lake Bog in the High Cascades was surrounded by closed forest of Pinus and Abies. The early-Holocene pollen assemblages at both Indian Prairie and Gold Lake Bog lack modern analogues, and it is likely that greater-than-present summer radiation fostered unique climatic conditions and vegetation associations at middle and high elevations. In the late Holocene, beginning ca. 4000-4500 14C yr B.P., cooler and more humid conditions prevailed and the modern vegetation was established. A comparison of these sites with others in the Pacific Northwest suggests that major patterns of vegetational change at individual sites were a response to large-scale changes in the climate system that affected the entire region.  相似文献   

Clinoptilolite, a zeolite of the heulandite group, occurs commonly in sediments as an authigenic mineral. In the Middle Eocene of southern Israel, it constitutes from a few per cent up to 80 per cent of the insoluble residue of the chalks and limestones. It is associated with opal C-T, montmorillonite and palygorskite. These chalks and limestones overlie the Danian-Palaeocene Taqiya marls which also contain a well-established clay mineral sequence consisting of opal C-T, montmorillonite, palygorskite, sepiolite, and clinoptilolite. This paragenesis of minerals is shown to be typical of the Upper Cretaceous to Eocene times. It is world-wide, occurs in deep-sea sediments as well as in shallow water sediments, and results from the abundance of silica which probably reflects a warmer climate during this time period. The concentration of magnesium in the sea-water and its ratio to the other cations seem to determine which authigenic silicate will be formed.  相似文献   

An integrated marsh management (IMM) project in an urbanized watershed on Long Island, New York, USA, aimed to mitigate salt marsh degradation and to reduce mosquito production by an innovative combination of restoration and open marsh water management methods. The grid ditch network at two treatment marshes was replaced with naturalized tidal channels and ponds. Effects of the hydrologic alterations were monitored utilizing a before–after–control–impact approach. The treatment marshes experienced a number of beneficial outcomes including a fourfold reduction in the invasive Phragmites australis and increased native vegetation cover in the most degraded portions of the marsh, increased abundance and diversity of marsh killifish and estuarine nekton species, higher shorebird and waterfowl densities, and increased avian species diversity. The successful implementation of IMM concept led to improved marsh health and diminished mosquito production. Therefore, this study may serve as a template for similar large-scale integrated salt marsh restoration projects.  相似文献   

Sediment cores spanning the postglacial period were recovered from two coastal freshwater basins located 300 km apart in northernmost Ungava (Nunavik, Canada). A basal date from the sequence recovered near Wakeham Bay suggests that the region was ice‐free by as early as 9600 cal. a BP. The initial development of both investigated lacustrine ecosystems was characterised by chironomid assemblages strongly dominated by the Subtribe Tanytarsina. These early postglacial assemblages showed greatly reduced diversity but much greater abundance than during subsequent periods of lake evolution. An abrupt and distinct turnover in sedimentary chironomid assemblage composition and productivity, marked by a switch to a dominance of Orthocladiinae, occurred around 6 ka BP. This turnover likely corresponds with a significant disturbance in the regional environment, which could be linked to the final disappearance of the last remnants of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. These findings, based on the first palaeolimnological investigations undertaken in northernmost Ungava, provide new insights into lateglacial and postglacial faunal recolonisation patterns in aquatic ecosystems of the eastern Canadian Arctic. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The history of postglacial emergence on the Murman coast, Kola Peninsula, is reconstructed based on twelve new radiocarbon ages from three marine sections and regional shoreline observations. Two pronounced shore levels are recognized below the Late Weichselian marine limit. The lower shoreline (11 -16 m a.s.l.) is associated with a transgression dated to 6200–6600 BP, correlative to the Tapes transgression on the Norwegian coastline. The upper shoreline (36–47 m a.s.l.) is not yet dated directly but probably correlates to the Main (Younger Dryas) shoreline. Strandline elevations descend eastward along the Murman coast. Observed emergence trends suggest the greatest regional Late Weichselian glacier load over the west-central Kola Peninsula rather than in the southern Barents Sea.  相似文献   

Bellechester, Minnesota, is a small community of approximately 155 residents located on the county line between Goodhue and Wabasha counties in southeast Minnesota's karst region. Bellechester is served by a 21-year-old wastewater treatment facility (WWTF) consisting of three waste-stabilization ponds. On 28 April 1992 six sinkholes were discovered to have drained cell 2 of the WWTF resulting in the loss of approximately 8.7×106 1 of partially treated effluent and about 600 m3 of soil into previously undetected subsurface voids of unknown dimensions. In the week following the collapse, approximately 200 water wells located within a 5-km radius of the WWTF were sampled in an after-the-fact, emergency sampling program. Twelve samples with elevated fecal coliform levels, 18 samples with nitrate-nitrogen greater than the 10 mg/1 standard, and no samples with elevated chlorides were found. However, the elevated levels could not be unambiguously attributed to the WWTF collapse. This is the third WWTF to fail by sinkhole collapse in southeast Minnesota since 1974. All three collapsed lagoons have been located in similar geomorphic and stratigraphic settings. However, at least two lagoons have collapsed in the adjacent area in northeast Iowa, and these lagoons are located at different stratigraphic positions. Twenty-two WWTFs constructed in southeast Minnesota's karst region in the last 25 years have been identified as subject to potential sinkhole collapse. An unknown but significant number of manure storage lagoons, flood control structures, etc., have also been constructed in the karst region and are at risk. Public agencies are beginning to develop plans to deal with the risk associated with existing and future waste lagoons in this environment. The critical hydrogeologic parameters that can be used to prioritize the risk of collapse at existing facilities include: (1) the lithology of the first bedrock beneath each lagoon, (2) the thickness of surficial materials between the lagoon and the bedrock surface, (3) the presence and construction of liners (seepage rate), and (4) the proximity to existing sinkholes.  相似文献   

Pollen, chironomid, and ostracode records from a lake located at alpine treeline provide regional paleoclimate reconstructions from the southwest Yukon Territory, Canada. The pollen spectra indicate herbaceous tundra existed on the landscape from 13.6–11 ka followed by birch shrub tundra until 10 ka. Although Picea pollen dominated the assemblages after 10 ka, low pollen accumulation rates and Picea percentages indicate minimal treeline movement through the Holocene. Chironomid accumulation rates provide evidence of millennial-scale climate variability, and the chironomid community responded to rapid climate changes. Ostracodes were found in the late glacial and early Holocene, but disappeared due to chemical changes of the lake associated with changes in vegetation on the landscape. Inferred mean July air temperature, total annual precipitation, and water depth indicate a long-term cooling with increasing moisture from the late glacial through the Holocene. During the Younger Dryas (12.9–11.2 ka), cold and dry conditions prevailed. The early and mid-Holocene were warm and dry, with cool, wet conditions after 4 ka, and warm, dry conditions since the end of the Little Ice Age.  相似文献   

The forests of the Siskiyou Mountains are among the most diverse in North America, yet the long-term relationship among climate, diversity, and natural disturbance is not well known. Pollen, plant macrofossils, and high-resolution charcoal data from Bolan Lake, Oregon, were analyzed to reconstruct a 17,000-yr-long environmental history of high-elevation forests in the region. In the late-glacial period, the presence of a subalpine parkland of Artemisia, Poaceae, Pinus, and Tsuga with infrequent fires suggests cool dry conditions. After 14,500 cal yr B.P., a closed forest of Abies, Pseudotsuga, Tsuga, and Alnus rubra with more frequent fires developed which indicates more mesic conditions than before. An open woodland of Pinus, Quercus, and Cupressaceae, with higher fire activity than before, characterized the early Holocene and implies warmer and drier conditions than at present. In the late Holocene, Abies and Picea were more prevalent in the forest, suggesting a return to cool wet conditions, although fire-episode frequency remained relatively high. The modern forest of Abies and Pseudotsuga and the present-day fire regime developed ca. 2100 cal yr B.P. and indicates that conditions had become slightly drier than before. Sub-millennial-scale fluctuations in vegetation and fire activity suggest climatic variations during the Younger Dryas interval and within the early Holocene period. The timing of vegetation changes in the Bolan Lake record is similar to that of other sites in the Pacific Northwest and Klamath region, and indicates that local vegetation communities were responding to regional-scale climate changes. The record implies that climate-driven millennial- to centennial-scale vegetation and fire change should be considered when explaining the high floristic diversity observed at present in the Siskiyou Mountains.  相似文献   

Increases in relative sea level are fragmenting the emergent vegetation of Louisiana’s coastal marshes. Nekton abundance is likely impacted by salinity and whether emergent vegetation is replaced by submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) or open water. To assess these effects, we sampled nekton densities along a salinity gradient (categorized as freshwater, intermediate, and brackish marsh) in fragmented and non-fragmented areas. Total nekton density increased strongly with SAV in brackish marsh but only weakly in freshwater marsh (F 2,238 = 10.03, p < 0.0001). Freshwater and intermediate marshes had higher nekton densities when fragmented than when non-fragmented; this relationship was reversed in brackish marsh (F 2,238 = 8.89, p = 0.0002). Fragmentation, SAV, and salinity interacted to affect the densities of Gambusia affinis, Poecilia latipinna, Cyprinodon variegates, and Lucania parva. Our results suggest that the presence of both emergent vegetation and SAV was necessary for maintaining high nekton densities, with this combination being especially important in brackish marshes.  相似文献   

The outer coast of Finnmark in northern Norway is where the former Fennoscandian and Barents Sea ice sheets coalesced. This key area for isostatic modelling and deglaciation history of the ice sheets has abundant raised shorelines, but only a few existing radiocarbon dates constrain their chronology. Here we present three Holocene sea level curves based on radiocarbon dated deposits from isolation basins at the outermost coast of Finnmark; located at the islands Sørøya and Rolvsøya and at the Nordkinn peninsula. We analysed animal and plant remains in the basin deposits to identify the transitions between marine and lacustrine sediments. Terrestrial plant fragments from these transitions were then radiocarbon dated. Radiocarbon dated mollusk shells and marine macroalgae from the lowermost deposits in several basins suggest that the first land at the outer coast became ice free around 14,600 cal yr BP. We find that the gradients of the shorelines are much lower than elsewhere along the Norwegian coast because of substantial uplift of the Barents Sea. Also, the anomalously high elevation of the marine limit in the region can be attributed to uplift of the adjacent seafloor. After the Younger Dryas the coast emerged 1.6–1.0 cm per year until about 9500–9000 cal yr BP. Between 9000 and 7000 cal yr BP relative sea level rose 2–4 m and several of the studied lakes became submerged. At the outermost locality Rolvsøya, relative sea level was stable at the transgression highstand for more than 3000 years, between ca 8000 and 5000 cal yr BP. Deposits in five of the studied lakes were disturbed by the Storegga tsunami ca 8200–8100 cal yr BP.  相似文献   

In the Granite Falls-Montevideo area, Minnesota, granulite faciesmineral assemblages were collected from three major lithologicunits—hornblende-pyroxene gneiss, garnet-biotite gneiss,and granitic gneiss. Mineral assemblages most commonly observedare: plagioclase-hornblende-orthopyroxene-clinopyroxene-magnetite-ilmenite-(biotite-quartz);quartz-plagioclase-biotite-garnet-orthopyroxene-(orthoclase);quartz-plagioclase-biotite-garnet-(orthoclase); quartz-plagioclase-microcline-(garnet-hematite);and quartz-plagio-clase-microcline-biotite-(garnet-hematite-rutile).Partial analyses of isomorphous phases from the hornblende-pyroxenegneiss and the garnet-biotite gneiss were determined with anelectron microprobe. Negligible compositional variation within single grains andof a particular mineral within a given specimen, regular distributionof Fe and Mg between coexisting hornblende, ortho-pyroxene,and clinopyroxene, obedience of the mineral assemblages to theGibbs Phase Rule, and lack of empirically determined incompatiblephases indicate a close approach to chemical equilibrium duringmetamorphism. Plots of coexisting biotite, garnet, and orthopyroxeneon an appropriate phase diagram result in some crossing tielines which cannot be adequately explained by temperature orpressure differences, but suggest that H2O and/or O2 were notperfectly mobile components during metamorphism. This is alsoindicated by interlayering of hornblende assemblages with pyroxeneassemblages and by different iron oxide phases in essentiallythe same mineral assemblage. Textural and chemical relationships of retrograde metamorphicassemblages suggest that some retrograde reactions are a resultof cooling following the granulite-facies metamorphism, butthat others may have resulted from recrystallization duringa stage of thermal metamorphism that is reflected in the potassium-argonand rubidium-strontium biotite ages of the metamorphic rocks.  相似文献   

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