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The Himalayan fold-and-thrust belt has propagated from its Tibetan hinterland to the southern foreland since ∼55 Ma. The Siwalik sediments (∼20 - 2 Ma) were deposited in the frontal Himalayan foreland basin and subsequently became part of the thrust belt since ∼ 12 Ma. Restoration of the deformed section of the Middle Siwalik sequence reveals that the sequence is ∼325 m thick. Sedimentary facies analysis of the Middle Siwalik rocks points to the deposition of the Middle Siwalik sediments in an alluvial fan setup that was affected by uplift and foreland-ward propagation of Greater and Lesser Himalayan thrusts. Soft-sediment deformation structures preserved in the Middle Siwalik sequence in the Darjiling Himalaya are interpreted to have formed by sediment liquefaction resulting from increased pore-water pressure probably due to strong seismic shaking. Soft-sediment structures such as convolute lamination, flame structures, and various kinds of deformed cross-stratification are thus recognized as palaeoseismic in origin. This is the first report of seismites from the Siwalik succession of Darjiling Himalaya which indicates just like other sectors of Siwalik foreland basin and the present-day Gangetic foreland basin that the Siwalik sediments of this sector responded to seismicity.  相似文献   

Four legume fruits (Fabaceae) from the Siwalik sediments (middle Miocene to lower Pleistocene) of Darjeeling and Arunachal Pradesh of Eastern Himalaya are described here. One fossil fruit, Dalbergia prelatifolia sp. nov., is recovered from the lower part of the Siwalik succession (Gish Clay Formation of Sevok Group; middle to upper Miocene) of Darjeeling foothills. Mastertia neoassamica sp. nov. and Acacia miocatechuoides sp. nov. are collected from the lower part of the Siwalik succession (Dafla Formation; middle Miocene to upper Miocene), while Pongamia kathgodamensis Prasad is recovered from the upper part of the Siwalik succession (Kimin Formation; upper Pliocenelower Pleistocene) of Arunachal sub Himalaya. Their presence indicates a warm and humid tropical environment in the region during the Siwalik sedimentation.  相似文献   

The Siwalik Group in a part of the Kumaun Himalaya has been studied with respect to its sedimentologic properties. Size-based environmental data indicate a fluviatile environment for the Middle and Upper Siwalik sediments. The Lower Siwalik samples indicate a border-line environment, possibly a fluvial-deltaic complex. Petrologically, the Siwalik samples are essentially sublitharenites and litharenites. Variation in petrological character in successive Siwalik units is not very marked, although the heavy-mineral assemblages serve the purpose of stratigraphic identification.Sedimentary structures, though not profuse, show a well-developed cyclic development corresponding to the idealised fining-upward sequence of alluvial sediments. They indicate deposition by laterally shifting braided streams. A major portion of the Siwalik detritus may be considered to have its provenance in the Himalayan metamorphic areas.  相似文献   

A petrography–geochemistry-based evaluation of the provenance of the sandstones of the Tertiary Middle Siwalik Subgroup in the Lish River Valley, West Bengal, is presented. The framework grains in the sandstones suggest mixing of sediments from spatially separated gneissic, quartzitic and phyllitic source rocks. Modal values of different framework minerals suggest that recycled sediments in an orogenic setting were deposited in the Middle Siwalik basin in the area. The major and trace element ratios suggest dominantly felsic input and mixing with subordinate basic material in an upper continental crustal setup. The major and trace element data also indicate that rocks of a passive margin setting acted as the source to the sediments. The present paper postulates that the Middle Siwalik sediments were derived from pre-Himalayan gneissic and metabasic rocks of an erstwhile passive margin setting and presently forming the Higher and Lesser Himalaya, respectively.  相似文献   

Fundamental frequency map of site amplification at different sites in Doon valley, Uttarakhand, India is prepared from microtremor (ground ambient noise) using Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) technique. The fan deposited alluvium filled synclinal valley of Doon lies between Main Boundary Thrust (MFT) and Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT) in the Himalayan active seismic belt and experienced many earthquakes in the past. The HVSR at different sites in the Doon valley ranges between the predominant frequencies 0.13 and 12.77 Hz. The HVSR in lower frequencies indicates that the site has either thick sediment covers or less compact rocks with fractures. Based on information on fundamental frequency and soft soil thickness, site classification map is generated. Results indicate that degree of compactness of rock types and presences of sediments vary significantly, which may play a major role in seismic hazard. The use of microtremor, therefore, constitutes an effective and inexpensive approach to site response and soft soil thickness estimation for preliminary microzonation.  相似文献   

Seismic hazard analysis of the northwest Himalayan belt was carried out by using extreme value theory (EVT). The rate of seismicity (a value) and recurrence intervals with the given earthquake magnitude (b value) was calculated from the observed data using Gutenberg–Richter Law. The statistical evaluation of 12,125 events from 1902 to 2017 shows the increasing trend in their inter-arrival times. The frequency–magnitude relation exhibits a linear downslope trend with negative slope of 0.8277 and positive intercept of 4.6977. The empirical results showed that the annual risk probability of high magnitude earthquake M?≥?7.7 in 50 years is 88% with recurrence period of 47 years, probability of M?≤?7.5 in 50 years is 97% with recurrence period of 27 years, and probability of M?≤?6.5 in 50 years is 100% with recurrence period of 4 years. Kashmir valley, located in the NW Himalaya, encompasses a peculiar tectonic and structural setup. The patterns of the present and historical seismicity records of the valley suggest a long-term strain accumulation along NNW and SSE extensions with the decline in the seismic gap, posing a potential threat of earthquakes in the future. The Kashmir valley is characterized by the typical lithological, tectono-geomorphic, geotechnical, hydrogeological and socioeconomic settings that augment the earthquake vulnerability associated with the seismicity of the region. The cumulative impact of the various influencing parameters therefore exacerbates the seismic hazard risk of the valley to future earthquake events.  相似文献   

Magnetostratigraphic research, undertaken within the past 15 years in the Siwaliks distributed along 400 km of the Sub-Himalaya in central Nepal, has proved that the sediments possess highly reliable hematite-based primary detrital remanent magnetization suitable to determine depositional chronology. In order to bring out the polarity sequences in a common chronological frame, all available data are newly correlated to the latest global magnetic polarity time scale of Cande and Kent (S.C. Cande, D.V. Kent (1995) Revised calibration of the geomagnetic polarity timescale for the Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic. Journal of Geophysical Research 100, 6093–6095). Chronological data presented are referred, in relation to the diverse lithological nomenclature, to the formations whose ages are not constrained by isotopic or paleontologic ages. The age of the sections dated by magnetostratigraphy ranges between 14 and <2 Ma. Sediment accumulation rates average to 32–50 cm kyr−1. Rock-magnetic parameters, e.g. initial susceptibility and isothermal remanent magnetization ratios, allow correlation with an accuracy of up to a few hundred meters among several kilometers thick adjacent sections. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) data reveal a well-defined fabric contributed to by paramagnetic (k=10−5 to 3×10−4 SI) as well as ferromagnetic minerals (k=3×10−4 to 10−2 SI). AMS ellipsoids are mainly oblate along with some prolate ones and the degree of anisotropy is mostly low (P′<1.2). The magnetic fabric is of pre-folding origin with tilt-corrected sub-vertical magnetic foliation poles. The magnetic lineations do not show parallelism to the expected paleocurrent directions. Rather, sub-parallelism between the clusters of magnetic lineation and the fold axes/bedding strikes/thrust fronts is observed. A superimposed fabric consisting of a sedimentary-compactional and an overprint induced by a mild deformation process is suggested. The latter process was active during, and subsequent to, the deposition in the compressive tectonic setting of the foreland basin. The magnetic lineations for Tinau Khola and Surai Khola sections cluster around N80°W and N88°W respectively, whereas N27°W trend characterizes the Amiliya-Tui area south of Dang. The peak clusters in lineations are probably orthogonal to the true shortening axes. Their variation along the Sub-Himalaya, together with the fold axes or thrust front trends, may be used for accurate tectonic reconstruction. It is especially important when the orthogonality of the latter to the shortening axes may not hold true in the sectors with imbricate fold-and-thrust structures.  相似文献   

The geochemical investigation of sediments deposited in the Renuka Lake basin and its adjoining wetland has shown variation in the distribution and concentration of major, trace and REEs. The major elements are depleted in the lake in relation to wetland and that of Post Archaean Australian, Shale (PAAS), except for CaO which is strikingly in excess and has a dilution effect on SiO2 and other oxides and trace elements. The Wetland sediments, on the other hand, are enriched in Al2O3, Fe2O3, K2O and TiO2 and the latter three show a positive correlation with Al2O3 in both wetland and lake sediments suggesting their association with phyllosilicates and similar source rocks. The enrichment of Y, Zr, Ni, Th, U and Nb in wetland compared to lake and their similarity with PAAS in the former, suggests more clay fractions in the wetland. A high Zr/Hf ratio in wetland and lake sediments and a positive correlation of Zr with Y and HREE indicate Zr control on HREEs. However, higher Zr/Yb and Zr/Th ratios in wetland compared to lake indicate mineral sorting during the process of lighter particles (clays) being trapped in wetland soil. This is also reflected from negative correlation of GdN/YbN with Al2O3 and a strong positive correlation with SiO2 in wetland sediments. The wetland in this context has a control on lake sediment chemistry. The chondrite normalized REE patterns are essentially the same for lake as well as wetland sediments but abundance decreases in the former. The similarity of pattern with that of PAAS and negative Eu anomaly indicates a cratonic source of sediments. In a plot of the individual samples, wetland samples cluster while lake samples are separated indicating fractionation of lake sediments. A strong positive correlation of LaN/YbN with Al2O3 and a positive correlation of Zr-∑LREE and Zr-LaN/YbN suggest that LREEs are controlled by both phyllosilicates and zircon. The chemical index of alteration (CIA) indices in lake sediments and in wetland are higher than PAAS indicating moderate chemical weathering in the source area. The petrography, lack of felsic magmatic rock fragments, and negative correlation between Zr-(Gd/Yb)C indicate sedimentary source rocks for the detritus. This is in conformity with the Lesser Himalayan sedimentary sequence belonging to neo-Proterozoic–Proterozoic age and constituting lake catchment of Renuka. The tectonic delineation and discriminant function plots of lake and wetland sediments indicate their cratonic and/or quartzose sedimentary orogenic terrain source that has been deposited in a passive margin setting.  相似文献   

The Garhwal Lesser Himalayan Krol Belt contains two well developed diamictite horizons in the Late Palaeozoic Blaini Formation. Structureless and massive diamictites contain clasts of different shape, roundness and lithologies comprising mainly shale, slate, phyllite, quartzite, vein quartz and limestone dispersed in fine sandy argillaceous and calcareous matrix.Clast composition and petrography of the diamictites and other lithologies of the Blaini Formation reveal the presence of sedimentary and low grade metamorphic rocks in the provenance of the Blaini. The provenance seems to be the Lesser Himalayan terrain of the Simla Slate, Jaunsar and Shali-Deoban carbonates which had probably undergone structural deformation prior to the Late Palaeozoic. Two glacier advances deposited the diamictites near the shoreline of the Krol Basin during Late Palaeozoic.
Zusammenfassung Im Krol Belt des Kleinen Himalaya sind in der jungpaläozoischen Blaini-Formation zwei Horizonte mit sedimentären Diamictiten enthalten. Die strukturlosen und massiven Diamictite enthalten Klastika verschiedener Form, Rundung und Lithologie. So findet man Schiefer, Phyllite, Quarzite, Gangquarze und Kalke in einer feinsandigen, tonigen Matrix mit Karbonatanteilen. Die Zusammensetzung der Klaste und die Petrographie der Diamictite sowie der übrigen Gesteine der Blaini-Formation zeigen die Anwesenheit von Sedimentgesteinen und schwach metamorphisierten Gesteinen im Einzugsbereich der Blaini-Formation. Dieser Bereich kann die Simla-Schiefer und die Jaunsar- und Shali-Deoban-Karbonate des Kleinen Himalaya mit umfassen, die vermutlich vorjungpaläozoisch metamorphisiert wurden. Während zweier Gletschervorstöße sind die Diamictite randlich im Krol-Becken während des Jungpaläozoikums abgelagert worden.

Résumé Dans la ceinture de Krol de l'Himalaya mineur, la Formation de Blaini, d'âge Paléozoique supérieur, renferme deux horizons à diamictites sédimentaires. Celles-ci, massives et sans structure interne, contiennent des éléments clastiques de forme arrondi et lithologie différents; ce sont des schistes métamorphiques, des phyllites, des quartzites, du quartz-filonien et des calcaires disposés dans une matrice fine, argilosableuse avec participation carbonatée. La composition des éléments clastiques et la pétrographie des diamictites, comme celles des autres roches de la Formation de Blaini, montrent la présence de roches sédimentaires et de roches faiblement métamorphiques de même provenance que la formation de Blaini; cette provenance peut comprendre les schistes de Simla et les roches carbonatées de Jaunsar et de Shali-Deoban qui furent métamorphisées probablement avant le Paléozoique supérieur. C'est au cours de deux avancées glaciaires que les diamictites ont été déposées en bordure du bassin de Krol pendant le Paléozoique supérieur.

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Late Cenozoic fresh water molasses sediments (+6000 m thick) deposited all along the length of the Himalayan fore deep, form the Siwalik Supergroup. This paper reports the results of the paleodrainage and paleohydrology of the Middle Siwalik sub-group of rocks, deposited in non-marine basins adjacent to a rising mountain chain during Pliocene. Well-exposed sections of these rocks have provided adequate paleodrainage data for the reconstruction of paleochannel morphology and paleohydrological attributes of the Pliocene fluvial system.  相似文献   

Carbonate and calcareous-quartzite of Miri-Buxa Group in the Siang Window of Eastern Himalaya intruded by mafic rocks of gabbroic affinity. These intrusive rocks are low-Ti tholeiites (Ti/Y = 379−478; Nb/La = 0.99−1.88) and characterized by enriched LILE-LREE, depleted in HFSE with minor REE fractionation [(La/Yb)N = 2.72−3.35)]. Geochemical behaviour of the incompatible trace elements with the rare earth elements abundances indicates their cogenetic nature and their emplacement in a continental rift tectonic environment. The liquidus olivine temperature of these mafic rocks ranges from 1262°C to 1380°C showing a gentle decrease of [Mg] with a steep increase of [Fe]. These charters thus imply that the rocks are either related to the extent of common source or fractionational crystallization of plagioclase and clinopyroxene from a single batch parental magma. Petrogenetic modeling of [Mg]-[Fe] and REE indicates that these mafic intrusives probably derived from a mantle source similar to komatiitic composition at moderate to high degree (8%–20%) of partial melting.  相似文献   

A 54-m long core was raised from the bed of the Nal Sarovar, a large shallow lake located in the middle of the low-lying region linking the Gulfs of Kachchh and Khambhat, in western India. A three-layer sequence comprising: Zone-1 (top 3 m), predominantly silty-clay/clayey; Zone-2 (3–18 m), sandy; and Zone-3 (18–54 m), dominated by sticky silty-clay/clayey-silt with occasional thin sand layers and basalt fragments was identified. Smectite and illite are the dominant clay minerals with minor amounts of kaolinite and chlorite. Very high content of smectite (53–97%) in the clays of the lowermost zone (18–54 m) and the geomorphic features of the surrounding region suggested that the sediments were derived from the basaltic terrain of Saurashtra and/or via the Gulf of Khambhat. The clay content in the middle zone (3–18 m), dominantly sandy, is very low. Therefore, provenance for this zone was derived using heavy minerals in the sand fraction. The heavy mineral species in this zone suggested the mixed metamorphic and igneous terrain of Aravallis as the major source. The grain-size distribution of this zone closely matched with the sediments underlying the modern Sabarmati riverbed at Ahmedabad, suggesting fluvial depositional environment. Clays also dominate sediments of the topmost (0–3 m) zone with illite as the dominant (74–81%) specie followed by smectite suggesting derivation from the mixed metamorphic and igneous terrain of Aravallis.  相似文献   

Acta Geochimica - The rare earth element (REE) geochemical composition of sediments from two cores were used to investigate the provenances of the Late Pleistocene to Holocene sediments of Cauvery...  相似文献   

The fractionation of P in Pandoh Lake surface sediments has been investigated for the first time in order to understand its environmental availability and sources, and the eutrophication status of this lake. Inorganic-P is present mainly as authigenic-P (step-III). The authigenic P concentration is higher in winter relative to the summer and monsoon seasons and ranged from 35.9 to 46.9 μg/g. The loosely sorbed or exchangeable-P (step-I), Fe(III)-bound-P (step-II) and detrital inorganic-P (step-IV) were higher in the monsoon season and varied from 3.70 to 11.1 μg/g, 16.9 to 32.0 μg/g and 9.89 to 17.0 μg/g, respectively. Organic-P reached a maximum in the summer season and ranged from 8.00 to 14.9 μg/g. Authigenic-P and detrital inorganic-P show seasonal changes, as pH influences the interaction between P and CaCO3 in the water column. In the winter season, phosphate is precipitated out of the water column and fixed in the sediments as a result of an increase in pH. Calcite-bound-P in the sediments may be redissolved by decreasing pH in the summer season. Relatively high rates of mineralization during the monsoon results in the seasonal pattern of organic-P fractionation to sediment as follows: monsoon = winter < summer. Iron, Ca, organic matter and silt and clay contents seem to play a significant role in regulating the seasonal P budget. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to identify the factors which influence sedimentary P in the different seasons.  相似文献   

Landslide is one of the prominent geohazards in the Himalayas where loss of lives and property are common. Owing to the complicated geomorphic and tectono-stratigraphic setting of this active Fold-thrust belt (FTB), landsliding of all possible types and spatial scales observed exhibit conspicuous spatio-temporal signatures and evolution. This evolution of landslides is commonly studied by regional assessment and by examining the multi-temporal landslide inventories of a particular area. The success of creating such multi-temporal landslide inventory depends on (i) the availability of relevant past source data (e.g., images, post event maps, air photos etc.) of suitable resolution, scale and quality, (ii) time of generation of source data with respect to the time of landsliding event, (iii) skill of the investigators in interpreting the old images, air photos etc. However, this method is of restricted use in studying the spatio-temporal evolution of a single landslide which is perennially active in the Himalayan terrain, where rapid changes in land use and land cover patterns readily obliterate the signatures of past landsliding. Moreover because of scale constraints, subtle and frequent changes in the spatial dimensions of these individual landslides, and their temporal activity become difficult to identify in such regional assessment carried out over a larger area. In this study therefore, a different approach is adopted whereby the spatio-temporal activity and style of Lanta Khola landslide, a perennially active and large (0.25 km2) debris flow in the Eastern Himalayas, has been studied in detail through detailed scale (1:1000) site-specific geological mapping in phases during the last 28 years (1983–2011). Such site-specific geological observations coupled with numerical slope stability analysis utilising the limit equilibrium method facilitate in detailed understanding of the temporal and spatial evolution and inherent mechanism of this perennial landslide.  相似文献   

The Mesoproterozoic Upper Kaimur Group consists of Bijaigarh Shale, Scarp Sandstone, and Dhandraul Sandstone. Based on the lithofacies data set, two major facies associations were identified, namely—tidal sand flat/sand bar facies association (TSFA) and tidally influenced fluvial channel facies/tidal channel facies association (TIFCFA). The Dhandraul Sandstone has been interpreted as a product of TIFCFA and the underlying Scarp Sandstone in TSFA which endorses a tidal dominated estuarine setting. Detrital modes of the Dhandraul and Scarp Sandstones fall in the quartz arenite to sub-litharenite types. Petrographical data suggest that the deposition of the Upper Kaimur Group sandstones took place in humid climate and was derived from mixed provenances. The sandstone composition suggests detritus from igneous rocks, metamorphic rocks, and recycled sedimentary rocks. The sandstone tectonic discrimination diagrams suggest that the provenances of the Upper Kaimur Group sandstones were continental block, recycled orogen, rifted continental margin to quartzose recycled tectonic regimes. It is envisaged that the Paleo- and Mesoproterozoic granite, granodiorite, gneiss, and metasedimentary rocks of Mahakoshal Group and Chotanagpur granite–gneiss present in the western and northwestern direction are the possible source rocks for the Upper Kaimur Group in the Son Valley.  相似文献   

The Basal Salina Formation is a lower Eocene transgressive sequence consisting of interbedded shales, siltstones, and conglomeratic sandstones. This formation occurs in the Talara basin of northwestern Peru and is one of a series of complexly faulted hydrocarbon-producing formations within this extensional forearc basin. These sediments were probably deposited in a fan-delta complex that developed along the ancestral Amotape Mountains during the early Eocene. Most of the sediment was derived from the low-grade metamorphic and plutonic rocks that comprise the Amotape Mountains, and their sedimentary cover. Detrital modes of these sandstones reflect the complex tectonic history of the area, rather than the overall forearc setting. Unlike most forearc sediments, these are highly quartzose, with only minor percentages of volcanic detritus. This sand is variably indurated and cemented by chlorite, quartz, calcite, and kaolinite. Clay-mineral matrix assemblages show gradational changes with depth, from primarily detrital kaolinite to diagenetic chlorite and mixed-layered illite/smectite. Basal Salina sandstones exhibit a paragenetic sequence that may be tied to early meteoric influx or late-stage influx of thermally driven brines associated with hydrocarbon migration. Much of the porosity is secondary, resulting from a first-stage dissolution of silicic constituents (volcanic lithic fragments, feldspar, and fibrous quartz) and a later dissolution of surrounding carbonate cement. Types of pores include skeletal grains, grain molds, elongate pores, and fracture porosity. Measured porosity values range up to 24% and coarser samples tend to be more porous. Permeability is enhanced by fractures and deterred by clay-mineral cements and alteration residues.  相似文献   

We present our new investigation into the depositional environment and provenance of the Yingshuiquan Formation in the central Qiangtang region of northern Tibet, in order to further our understanding of the environment of the Longmu Co–Shuanghu Palaeo–Tethys during the Early Triassic. The Yingshuiquan Formation is composed of oolitic limestone, calcareous sandstone, calcarenite, thin-bedded ribbon limestone, bioclastic limestone, and coarse oolite limestone that were deposited in a shallow-marine basin and contain abundant Lower Triassic conodont fossils (e.g. Hadrodontina anceps, Pachycladina sp., gen. et sp, Pachyclaina oblique, Hibbardelloides sp). We selected detrital zircons from four calcareous sandstone samples for U–Pb dating, yielding minimum age peaks of 263, 269, 275, and 280 Ma, respectively, and a minimum age of 249 Ma, based on several zircons around the same age. Analysis of the conodont biofacies and zircon LA-ICP-MS dating of calcareous sandstone indicates that the data is consistent with deposition in the Early Triassic. The Yingshuiquan Formation records Early Triassic shallow-water sediment in the Longmu Co–Shuanghu Palaeo–Tethys, and has a Southern Qiangtang and Northern Qiangtang terranes provenance. During the Early Triassic, the carbonate sediments of the Yingshuiquan Formation were deposited in an active environment around the Longmu Co–Shuanghu Palaeo–Tethys, which has became a residual sea basin.  相似文献   

Kumar  Sandeep  Gupta  Vikram 《Natural Hazards》2021,106(3):2461-2478
Natural Hazards - In this study, new hybrid artificial neural network (ANN) models were used for predicting the groundwater resource index. The salp swarm algorithm (SSA), particle swarm...  相似文献   

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