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The brown shrimp,Farfantepenaeus aztecus, is the major component of the Gulf of Mexico shrimp fishery, and it is critical that we understand its environmental requirements. Brown shrimp spend a large portion of their post-larval (PL) and juvenile life within estuaries distributed along salinity gradients and yet our understanding of the salinity tolerance of various age groups is limited. A series of 48-hr bioassays were conducted in which various ages ofF. aztecus (PL-10, PL-13, PL-15, PL-17, PL-20, and PL-23) were acclimated from a salinity of 26‰ to 1‰, 2‰, 4‰, 8‰, 12‰, and 26‰ in order to determine their tolerance to these salinities. Finally, PL-80.F. aztecus were transferred directly from 25‰ to 2‰, 4‰, and 8‰ waters to study the effects of rapid salinity reductions on juvenile survival. Survival of 10-and 13-day-old PLs was significantly, different from the control (26‰) for all salinities tested. Survival of PL-15 shrimp and older was significantly lower than survival of the controls at 1‰ and 2‰ but similar to the control at all other salinities tested. A 4-wk growth trial was conducted with juvenile shrimp at 2‰, 4‰, 8‰, and 12‰. There was no significant difference in survival among treatments, although shrimp maintained at 8‰ and 12‰ grew significantlymore than shrimp maintained at 2‰ and 4‰. There was no growth difference between shrimp at the two low salinities or between shrimp at the two high salinities. Survival of juveniles transferred directly from 25‰ to various salinities were 100% at 25‰, 94.2% at 8‰, 67.3% at 4‰, and 63.5% at 2‰. These results suggest that PL-13 and younger brown shrimp would have a better chance of survival by delaying entry into estuaries susceptible to rapid salinity declines. The brown shrimp juveniles would, be more densely distributed in areas with salinities greater than 4‰ than in salinities less than 4‰. Although food availability, and bottom type also affect shrimp distribution survival and growth, salinity may also greatly affect the shrimp and its fishery.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine the tolerance of various life stages of zebra mussels to salinity; determine the extent to which acclimation events in estuarine systems, affect tolerance of zebra mussels; and determine the effects of salinity on health or condition of adult zebra mussels. At high temperatures (18–20°C), the condition of zebra mussels is reduced at salinities above 1%.. However, at lower temperatures (3–12°C), the optimum salinity for zebra mussels is 2–4%.. The incipient lethal salinity of post-veligers is near 2%., of larger adults (5–15 mm) between 2%. and 4%., and of veliger larvae near 4.5%.. Zebra mussels are able to acclimate to slowly changing salinities (i.e., 1%. d?1) such that the time to 50% mortality of a population should be greater than 1 yr at temperatures near 20°C and salinites up to 8%.  相似文献   

The rhizocephalan barnacleLoxothylacus panopaei, which parasitizes the mud crabRhithropanopeus harrisii, releases its larvae as nauplii. The nauplii develop through four stages to the cypris stage; both larval forms are lecithotrophs. Parasitized crabs were acclimated in 10‰, 15‰, and 20‰ water during August and the development of releasedL. panopaei larvae was monitored in a range of salinities. After 48–60 h, the nauplii and cyprids in each experimental salinity were counted and the numbers used to calculate a developmental index. The range of salinities in which successful development to cyprids occurred (developmental index >70%) could be shifted as a consequence of the acclimating salinity.L. panopaei larvae can develop successfully over a 10–30‰ salinity range, indicating that settlement onto host crabs and virgin externae is likely to take place in nature within this range.  相似文献   

Swimming speeds of oyster larvaeCrassostrea virginica were determined in constant and increasing salinities to learn more about the oyster larval “salinity response”. “Normal” non-directed swimming speeds ranged from less than 1 cm/min for early veligers to 5 cm/min for “eyed” veligers with temperature an important variable. When subjected to hourly salinity increases of 0.5‰, most larvae swam upward or downward at approximately 3 times the above speeds. Larvae with values closed in response to traces of formalin sank at speeds of 5 to 50 cm/min depending on larval stage. The results may explain the differential vertical position of larval stages in estuaries and suggest the presence of a taxic component to the salinity response.  相似文献   

Zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) graze on phytoplankton, and decreased phytoplankton concentrations have been associated with zebra mussels in lakes. It is not known, however, how the zebra mussel will affect phytoplankton in turbid systems such as rivers and the freshwater portions of estuaries. To determine whether zebra mussels can effectively remove phytoplankton in these turbid systems, and to determine what components of the suspended material are removed and at what rates, we conducted a series of grazing and size-selection experiments using ambient Hudson River water and its natural phytoplankton community. Zebra mussels removed both phytoplankton and total suspended weight (TSW) at comparable rates (~115 ml mussel?1 h?1). Variation in filtration rates were not correlated with TSW or chlorophylla (chla) concentration, and did not appear to depend on relative proportions of either component. Mussels removed particles with approximately equal efficiency in all particle size classes measured (0.4 μm to >40 μm). Zebra mussels appear to remove Hudson River phytoplankton effectively in the presence of suspended sediment and do so at rapid rates. Based on our measurements and unpublished estimates of the size of the population, zebra mussels filter a volume equivalent to the entire volume of the tidal freshwater portion of the Hudson River about every 2 d.  相似文献   

The tolerance of post yolk-sac American shad Alosa sapidissima larvae to salinities typically seen in estuaries was assessed experimentally. Sixteen-day-old Hudson River (experiment I) and 35-d-old Delaware River (experiment II) larvae were held for 8 d and 9 d respectively in low (0–1‰), medium (9–11‰), and highly (19–20‰) brackish water, and mortality and growth rates were measured. Growth rates did not vary significantly among salinity treatments. Mortality in experiment I did not vary significantly among salinity treatments however, in experiment II, mortality was zero at 10‰ but higher and statistically indistinguishable between 0‰ and 20‰ In experiment II relative condition increased with salinity. These results imply that estuarine salinities neither depress growth rates nor elevate mortality rates of larval American shad when compared with freshwater conditions. We conclude that ecological factors other than the physiological effects of salinity have played more important roles in the evolution of the upriver spawning and nursery preference shown by this species.  相似文献   

Age structure, recruitment, and survivorship of a Jamaica Bay, New York ribbed mussel (Geukensia demissa) population were studied over nine years at two shore elevations. Mussels were collected in November (following seasonal growth and recruitment) and March (to assay over-winter mortality). Larval recruits (0-class) averaged 55% of the population at the marsh edge compared with <9% at the higher elevation (6 m upshore). High larval settlement at the edge apparently depletes the larval supply available for settlement within the marsh interior. At the edge, the population generally contained 7 monotonically decreasing age classes compared to 15–20 age classes at the interior site. At the interior site, most 0-class mussels may not directly settle into existing mussel aggregations, but instead immigrate over a period of two years following settlement. The linear survivorship curve at the edge reflects 40–50% mortality every year. Over-winter mortality is sensitive to winter ice conditions. Simulations of reproductive output based on survivorship and fertility data combined suggest that mussel cohorts living in the marsh may approach the life time reproductive output of marsh edge mussels after about 15 years, a life span which is not uncommon at higher shore levels.  相似文献   

From 1977 to 1980, samples of barnacles were collected (as opportunities arose) from 61 subtidal locations (mostly oyster beds) around Chesapeake Bay, Maryland. Three species were identified from the area.Balanus improvisus dominated, comprising 83% of the 8,231 barnacles identified, and was collected at all locations but one. It occurred over a collection salinity range of 0.8‰ to 17.9‰.Balanus subalbidus (14% of the barnacles identified) was collected over the same salinity range, but mainly in lower salinity waters.Balanus eburneus was scarce (2% of the barnacles identified) and was collected at higher salinities (8.5‰ to 17.1‰).  相似文献   

Zoeae of three species of temperate zone fiddler crabs, Uca pugnax, U. minax, and U. pugilator, were reared in the laboratory. The zoeae of each species were placed individually in artificial salinity gradients and observed for specific salinity preferences. Each species of zoeae displayed a salinity preference that reflected the salinity patterns of the adult crabs of the same species. Zoeae of U. pugnax and U. pugilator, like the adult crabs, displayed a preference for higher salinities (i.e., 20.6‰±3.5 and 21.5‰±3.0, respectively). Zoeae of U. minax, like the adult crabs, displayed a preference for lower salinities (i.e., 9.8‰±2.9).  相似文献   

The rhizocephalanLoxothylacus panopaei parasitizes the estuarine crabRhithropanopeus harrisii. Parasitized crabs are abundant during summers when salinities increase to around 15‰ in the crab–s habitat and scarce when salinities are lower. The two hypotheses that were proposed to explain this pattern were (1) that the parasite interferes with crab osmoregulation causing the host to die in low salinity water and (2) that salinity tolerance of the parasite larvae controls the incidence of parasitism. The first hypothesis was shown to be incorrect because (1) osmoregulation of infected crabs was, not altered by the parasite and (2) crab mortality did not increase in low salinity water down to 1‰. Unparasitized and parasitized crabs and the parasite itself were hypersomotic at low salinities (below 27‰ for the crabs). The parasite became slightly hyperosmotic at high salinities while the crabs were slightly hypoosmotic. The second hypothesis appears correct, becauseL. panopaei larvae survived poorly in salinities below 10‰ but well in salinities from 10 to 15‰. ThusR. harrisii, have a reproductive refuge at salinities below 10‰, because parasite larvae cannot survive and infect the mud crab at these low salinities.  相似文献   

Between May and October of 1992,Dreissena polymorpha invaded the oligohaline portion of the Hudson River Estuary to river kilometer (RKM) 65 (as measured upstream from the river mouth), recruiting onto suspended concrete cinder blocks and surviving 2–5‰ salinity.D. polymorpha was significantly most abundant at the most upstream sites examined, RKMs 112 and 99 (0–3‰), decreased significantly at each more downstream site, with none found at the most downstream site, RKM 49 (5–9‰). The size frequencies ofD. polymorpha at the most upstream sites were skewed toward the smallest identifiable size-class (2 mm <shell length≤3 mm). The abundance data suggest thatD. polymorpha passively dispersed downstream from established upstream source populations. By extending its range to the oligohaline zone of the Hudson River,D. polymorpha has encountered a novel suite of species with which to interact, several of which are also introduced species.Dreissena polymorpha now sympatrically occurs with other fouling organisms, including the introduced false dark mussel,Mytilopsis leucophaeata, the introduced hydroidCordylophora caspia, and the barnacleBalanus improvisus. D. polymorpha also established sympatry with a potential predator, the blue crab,Callinectes sapidus, and a potential macrophytic substrate, the introduced water chestnut,Trapa natans.  相似文献   

Progress is reported in relating upstream water management and freshwater flow to Florida Bay to a valuable commercial fishery for pink shrimp (Farfantepenaeus duorarum), which has major nursery grounds in Florida Bay. Changes in freshwater inflow are expected to affect salinity patterns in the bay, so the effect of salinity and temperature on the growth, survival, and subsequent recruitment and harvest of this ecologically and economically important species was examined with laboratory experiments and a simulation model. Experiments were conducted to determine the response of juvenile growth and survival to temperature (15°C to 33°C) and salinity (2‰ to 55‰), and results were used to refine an existing model. Results of these experiments indicated that juvenile pink shrimp have a broad salinity tolerance range at their optimal temperature, but the salinity tolerance range narrows with distance from the optimal temperature range, 20–30°C. Acclimation improved survival at extreme high salinity (55‰), but not at extremely low salinity (i.e., 5‰, 10‰). Growth rate increases with temperature until tolerance is exceeded beyond about 35°C. Growth is optimal in the mid-range of salinity (30‰) and decreases as salinity increases or decreases. Potential recruitment and harvests from regions of Florida bay were simulated based on local observed daily temperature and salinity. The simulations predict that potential harvests might differ among years, seasons, and regions of the bay solely on the basis of observed temperature and salinity. Regional differences in other characteristics, such as seagrass cover and tidal transport, may magnify regional differences in potential harvests. The model predicts higher catch rates in the September–December fishery, originating from the April and July settlement cohorts, than in the January–June fishery, originating from the October and January settlement cohorts. The observed density of juveniles in western Florida Bay during the same years simulated by the model was greater in the fall than the spring, supporting modeling results. The observed catch rate in the fishery, a rough index of abundance, was higher in the January–June fishery than the July–December fishery in most of the biological years from 1989–1990 through 1997–1998, contrary to modeling results and observed juvenile density in western Florida Bay.  相似文献   

Plankton samples of the MECCAS- (Microbial Exchanges and Coupling in Coastal Atlantic Systems) Project, taken in February, June, and August 1985 and April 1986, were analyzed to study the spatio-temporal distribution of sand shrimp, Crangon septemspinosa, larvae of Chesapeake Bay. With up to 250.9 larvae m?3, results confirm C. septemspinosa as a very abundant decapod larval form in early spring in the study area. The overwhelming majority (94.5%) of the larvae occurred in April 1986; a second minor peak of larval production was observed in February 1985. The first two larval stages comprised 81.1% of the collected larvae, and complete series of all developmental stages including juveniles were obtained in June 1985 and April 1986. Newly hatched larvae occurred over a wide range of salinities (22.00–33.60‰), while more advanced forms were found mainly at higher salinities (>30‰). High larval abundances (>50 larvae m?3) were obtained between 10°C; another considerably smaller peak in abundance occurred at temperatures ranging from 2.7°C to 4.5°C. Compared to other developmental stages, high abundances of the first two larval stages were collected at the highest chlorophyll concentrations. The significance of phytoplankton as a possible energy source for early stages of planktonic larvae and the role of phytoplankton as a possible chemical stimulus for larval release is discussed in terms of stomach and mouthpart structure and larval sensitivity to their chemical environment. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY066 00016  相似文献   

Studies were performed at the Port of Everett, Washington, and the associated Snohomish River Estuary, to establish settlement patterns of veliger of the shipworm,Bankia setecea. Estuarine waters at the Port of Tacoma also were sampled for shipworm activity. Veliger settlement patterns at the Port of Everett indicated settlement took place all year, with major activity during August–October. This also was a period of reduced Snohomish River flow; therefore, logs stored in the estuary during 1989 at 1.9–3.0 km up river from the river’s mouth were attacked byB. setacea as the salinity of these log-storage sites increased. In contrast, major movement of veligers at the Port of Tacoma was in early summer; high water temperatures were though to prevent midsummer settlement. The upper side of wooden samplers were significantly more infested by shipworms than the under side. Veliger settlement increased evenly with depth down to the mudline discontinuity. Veligers attacked fresh wooden samplers at a significantly higher rate when these samplers were placed next to wood that had been exposed previously to shipworm attack for over 8 wk. There was proportionally less attack on fresh wooden samplers when these samplers were placed next to material exposed to attack for 4 wk; the least attack on fresh wooden samplers occurred when they were placed adjacent to unnattacked wood that had been exposed to marine water for a month (screening prevented this material from being infested). These results suggested that there were waterborne cues emanating from previously-attacked material that attracted veligers. There were significantly moreB. setacea attacks on wooden samplers that were half-covered with Douglas-fir bark as compared with samplers half-covered with foam plastic. These data confirmed observations that shipworms severely attack Douglas-fir logs at sites where the bark has been peeled off, an indication that settling veliger larvae may respond to host-mediated chemical cues.  相似文献   

The dominant plant in Humboldt Bay salt marshes in Spartina densiflora, a species of cordgrass apparently introduced from South America. At several salt marshes and restoration sites around Humboldt Bay, distribution of this plant has increased significantly. We investigated the relative contributions of vegetative tiller production and seed germination to the establishment and expansion of S. densiflora. Lateral spread of plants surrounded by competitors were compared to areas without competing plant species. Plants growing in areas without competitors had significantly higher rates of vegetative expansion (p<0.0001). Viable seed production, germination rates, seedling survivorship, and growth of adult plants were measured in six salinity treatments. Approximately 1,977±80 viable seeds are produced per plant (0.25–0.5 m2). The number of germinating seeds was inversely related to increases in salinity. Salinity treatments between 19‰ and 35‰ produced significantly lower germination rates than salinities of 0–18‰ (p<0.0001). Seedling survivorship was 50% at ≤4‰ and 8–14% at ≥11‰. Lateral expansion of adult, greenhouse-grown plants occurred in all salinity treatments, with modest decreases in the highest salinity treatments (p<0.05). Our findings indicate that S. densiflora expands primarily by vegetative expansion, and lateral tillers are produced by throughout the year. Spartina densiflora produces prolific amounts of seed, but recruitment in mature salt marshes may be limited by competitors and higher salinities. At restoration sites, planting of native species such as Salicornia virginica, Distichlis spicata, or Jaumea carnosa may prevent monospecific stands of S. densiflora from developing.  相似文献   

The hypothesis thatTypha domingensis (cattail) can invade tidal marshes only after soil salinities are substantially reduced was tested experimentally by comparing the salt tolerance of seeds, seedlings, and plants reared from rhizomes. Germination rates for four southern California populations reached 100% in fresh water, decreasing to 2% at 20‰. The salt tolerance of seeds from three coastal populations was lower than that of the Salton Sea population. Salt tolerance of plants grown in the lab did not increase with age for seedlings up to 8 weeks old. Rhizome-bearing plants had greatly decreased growth at 10‰ and no growth at 25‰ However, rhizomes of about 5% of the plants survived 9 months at 45‰. The seeds and seedlings are salt sensitive, which explains why invasion into tidal marshes is restricted to prolonged periods of low soil salinity. The older, rhizome-bearing plants are salt tolerant, which explains how invading plants persist persist under hypersaline conditions.  相似文献   

目前关于恰功矽卡岩型铁矿床的流体演化过程及成矿机制,尤其是铁-铅矿体的成矿作用尚缺研究.对不同阶段的主要矿物进行包裹体均一温度-盐度、激光拉曼光谱分析以及H-O同位素测试.进矽卡岩阶段包裹体均一温度为400~550℃;盐度为15.5%~20.9% NaCleqv,其中S型盐度高达56.5% NaCleqv;气液相成分均为H2O.退化蚀变阶段包裹体均一温度为350~420℃;盐度集中于14.1%~16.6% NaCleqv,少量为2%~8% NaCleqv,而S型包裹体盐度亦高达55.8% NaCleqv;气液相成分均为H2O,液相富含HCO3-和CO32-.石英-方铅矿阶段包裹体均一温度范围为238~343℃,对应盐度为3.1~13.9% NaCleqv,其中含CO2三相包裹体完全均一温度集中在290~310℃,盐度为1.6%~11.2% NaCleqv.石英-方解石阶段包裹体均一温度与盐度分别为242~360℃和1.7%~11.8% NaCleqv,气液相成分均为H2O.H-O同位素显示:进矽卡岩阶段δDH2O为-106.4‰~-113.2‰,δ18OH2O为6.2‰~8.0‰;退化蚀变阶段δDH2O为-84.8‰~-130.1‰,δ18OH2O为2.7‰~5.5‰,退化蚀变阶段δ18OH2O值相对进矽卡岩阶段低;石英-方铅矿阶段δDH2O为-95.3‰~-103.8‰,δ18OH2O为-1.6‰~-0.7‰;石英-方解石阶段δDH2O为-67.4‰~-101.0‰,δ18OH2O为-0.8‰~0.6‰.结果表明流体整体具有从高温、中-高盐度逐渐向低温、低盐度演化的特征,矽卡岩期成矿流体来源于岩浆出溶;矽卡岩期流体的不混溶作用并与围岩发生反应是磁铁矿沉淀的重要机制,石英-方铅矿阶段流体温压下降是方铅矿沉淀的根本原因.   相似文献   

The growth, morphology, and chemical composition ofHydrilla verticillata, Myriophyllum spicatum, Potamogeton perfoliatus, andVallisneria americana were compared among different salinity and light conditions. Plants were grown in microcosms (1.2 m5) under ambient photoperiod adjusted to 50% and 8% of solar radiation. The culture solution in five pairs of tanks was gradually adjusted to salinities of 0, 2, 4, 6, and 12‰. With the exception ofH. verticillata, the aquatic macrophytes examined may be considered eurysaline species that are able to adapt to salinities one-third the strength of sea water. With increasing salinity, the inflorescence production decreased inM. spicatum andP. perfoliatus, yet asexual reproduction in the latter species by underground buds remained constant. Stem elongation increased in response to shading inM. spicatum, while shadedP. perfoliatus had higher concentrations of chlorophylla. In association with high epiphytic mass, chlorophylla concentrations in all species were greatest at 12‰. The concentration of sodium increased in all four species of aquatic macrophytes examined here, indicating that these macrophytes did not possess mechanisms to exclude this ion. The nitrogen content (Y) of the aquatic macrophytes tested increased significantly with higher sodium concentration (X), suggesting that nitrogen may be utilized in osmoregulation (Y = X × 0.288 + 6.10, r2 = 0.71). The tolerance ofV. americana andP. perfoliatus to salinity was greater in our study compared to other investigations. This may be associated with experimental methodology, whereby macrophytes were subjected to more gradual rather than abrupt changes in salinity. The two macrophytes best adapted to estuarine conditions in this study by exhibiting growth up to 12‰, includingM. spicatum andV. americana, also exhibited a greater degree of response in morphology, tissue chemistry (including chlorophyll content and total nitrogen), and reproductive output in response to varying salinity and light conditions.  相似文献   

Species of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) are frequently used in the management of estuarine systems to set restoration goals, nutrient load reduction goals, and water quality targets. As human need for water increases, the amount of freshwater required by estuaries has become an increasingly important issue. While the, science of establishing the freshwater needs of estuaries is not well developed, recent attempts have emphasized the freshwater requirements of fisheries. We evaluate the hypothesis that SAV can be used to establish freshwater inflow needs. Salinity tolerance data from laboratory and field studies of SAV in the Caloosahatchee estuary, Florida, are used to estimate a minimum flow required to maintain the salt-tolerant freshwater species,Vallisneria americana, at the head of the estuary and a maximum flow required to prevent mortality, of the marine speciesHalodule wrightii at its mouth. ForV. americana, laboratory experiments showed that little or no growth occurred between 10‰ and 15‰ In the field, lower shoot densities (<400 shoots m?2) were associated with salinities greater than 10‰. Results forH. wrightii were more variable than forV. americana. Laboratory experiments indicated that mortality could occur at salinities <6‰, with little growth occurring between 6‰ and 12‰. Field data indicated that higher blade densities (>600 blades m?2) tend to occur at salinities greater than 12‰ Relationships between salinity in the estuary and discharge from the Caloosahatchee River indicated that flows>8.5 m3 s?1 would produce tolerable salinity (<10‰) forV. americana and flows<89 m3 s?1 would avoid lethal salinities (<6‰) forH. wrightii.  相似文献   

Oyster reefs provide structural habitat for resident crabs and fishes, most of which have planktonic larvae that are dependent upon transport/retention processes for successful settlement. High rates of freshwater inflow have the potential to disrupt these processes, creating spatial gaps between larval distribution and settlement habitat. To investigate whether inflow can impact subsequent recruitment to oyster reefs, densities of crab larvae and post-settlement juveniles and adults were compared in Estero Bay, Florida, over 22 months (2005–2006). Three species were selected for comparison: Petrolisthes armatus, Eurypanopeus depressus, and Rhithropanopeus harrisii. All are important members of oyster reef communities in Southwest Florida; all exhibit protracted spawning, with larvae present throughout the year; and each is distributed unevenly on reefs in different salinity regimes. Recruitment to oyster reefs was positively correlated with bay-wide larval supply at all five reefs examined. Species-specific larval connectivity to settlement sites was altered by inflow: where connectivity was enhanced by increased inflow, stock–recruitment curves were linear; where connectivity was reduced by high inflows, stock–recruitment curves were asymptotic at higher larval densities. Maximum recruit density varied by an order of magnitude among reefs. Although live oyster density was a good indicator of habitat quality in regard to crab density, it did not account for the high variability in recruit densities. Variation in recruit density at higher levels of larval supply may primarily be caused by inflow-induced variation in larval connectivity, creating an abiotic simulation of what has widely been regarded as density dependence in stock–recruitment curves.  相似文献   

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