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Since the 1950’s the population structure of the Atlantic menhaden,Brevoortia tyrannus, has undergone dramatic changes. High rates of fishery exploitation during the 1960’s resulted in a drastic decline in the breadth of the age structure and numbers of spawning aged fish. The stock recovered under continued exploitation during the 1970’s in spite of these unfavorable conditions. Hence, the length and age at first spawning, the seasons and areas of spawning, and the potential number of ova produced as a function of length were reexamined during the 1978, 1979, and 1981 fishing seasons. No changes were detected in the reproductive biology of Atlantic menhaden. The size at first spawning, areas, and season of spawning were similar to results of previous studies. The minimum fork length of potential spawners was 180 mm. Few age-1 fish were mature but most females were mature at age-2. Analysis of the ovaries collected along the coast indicated some spawning occurred in the spring, a limited amount occurred in the summer, and most spawning occurred during the fall and winter. There was high intra-and interyear variability in the relationship between length and potential number of ova produced, and regression coefficients encompassed values from two previous studies, each based on a single fishing year. Data from this and the previous studies were combined and equally weighted to generate a representative predictive equation for the potential number of ova spawned as a function of length: eggs = 2563e0.0150(FL).  相似文献   

The emigration of juvenile Atlantic menhaden,Brevoortia tyrannus (Latrobe), from the York River Estuary, Virginia, was studied during the years 1981 and 1982. Concurrent observations of menhaden catch, water temperature, and phytoplankton abundance suggested that the migration began in response to environmental events in the estuary. Juvenile menhaden appeared to begin their migration five days after the sustained onset of water temperatures below 24 °C. The temperature change was hypothesized as the proximate factor that initiates the migration. Coincident with the migrations, phytoplankton communities in the estuary bloomed, suggesting that the ultimate factor that initiates the migration may be the occurrence of sufficient food for the emigrating menhaden as they moved down and out of the estuary. Migration timing may have evolved as a mechanism to enhance the survival of migrating juvenile menhaden during a period of physiologic stress.  相似文献   

Over 968,000 adult Atlantic menhaden,Brevoortia tyrannus, were tagged from 1967 to 1969 and over 85,000 juvenile menhaden were tagged from 1969 to 1973. Recoveries of these tagged fish through 1975 provide direct evidence that Atlantic menhaden consist of a single population that over-winters in offshore waters off the southeastern coast of the United States, moves northward in spring and stratifies along the coast by age and size during summer, and moves southward in late autumn.  相似文献   

Lithological evidence, benthic foraminiferal census counts, and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) scanner-derived elemental data were integrated with planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and bulk carbonate stable isotopes to retrace the Turonian to early Campanian paleoenvironmental evolution and sea-level history of the Tarfaya Atlantic coastal basin (SW Morocco). The lower Turonian is characterized by laminated organic-rich deposits, which contain impoverished benthic foraminiferal assemblages, reflecting impingement of the oxygen minimum zone on the shelf during a sea-level highstand. This highstand level is correlated to the global transgressive pulse above the sequence boundary Tu1. The appearance of low-oxygen tolerant benthic foraminiferal assemblages dominated by Gavelinella sp. in the middle to upper Turonian indicates an improvement in bottom water oxygenation, probably linked to offshore retraction of the oxygen minimum zone during a regressive phase. This interval is marked by major regressive events expressed by a series of erosional truncations associated with the prominent sequence boundaries Tu3 and/or Tu4. Dysoxic–anoxic conditions recorded in the upper Santonian of the Tarfaya Basin coincide with the eustatic sea-level rise prior to Sa3 sequence boundary. The lower Campanian transgression, only recorded in the southern part of the Tarfaya Basin, coincided with substantial deepening, enhanced accumulation of fine-grained clay-rich hemipelagic sediments and improved oxygenation at the seafloor (highest diversity and abundance of benthic foraminiferal assemblages). Stable isotope data from bulk carbonates are tentatively correlated to the English Chalk carbon isotope reference curve, in particular the Hitch Wood Event in the upper Turonian, the Navigation Event in the lower Coniacian, the Horseshoe Bay Event in the Santonian and the Santonian/Campanian Boundary Event.  相似文献   

The decisive influence of Late Quaternary sea level changes on the geological evolution of the coastal plain and adjacent continental shelf around the world has long been recognized. Coastal environments evolve actively during transgressive–regressive cycles whose development depends on sea level and sediment supply variations. The interaction of these variables was key to the current morphological and sedimentological configuration of coastal regions. Particularly, the estuarine system of Bahía Blanca (Argentina) presents various types of deposits and marine fossil accumulations, such as paleochannels in the subbottom, sand-shell ridges and extensive layers with fossils in life position. These features are important geological indicators, because its analysis allows us to define different paleoenvironmental conditions that prevailed during the coastal evolutionary process.  相似文献   

Estuaries of the middle Atlantic region can be characterized and viewed broadly against the backdrop of their geomorphologic features. While geomorphology is literally at the base of every estuary, these features do not necessarily yield regional signatures. A conceptual model, with layering in time and space, is proposed as an alternative to simplistic geomorphologic characterization. Humans have altered virtually every physical, chemical, and biological feature of middle Atlantic estuaries. A basic model premise is that middle Atlantic estuaries have a base of fundamental geomorphology features. Layered, in GIS fashion, on this base are the estuaries' components: climate, nutrients, watershed soils and vegetation, producers, and consumers. These components have been so strongly influenced by humans in time and space that the signature is anthropogenic. As a consequence, best management practices, stock assessment, and restoration have replaced concepts such as ecosystem integrity and stability. The focus of the layered model is the Chesapeake Bay watershed, and although middle Atlantic estuaries differ along climatic and latitudinal gradients, all reflect the detrimental effects of a massive human presence. The ability or inability of middle Atlantic estuaries to absorb human perturbation over the last 10,000 years gives them their signatures. From the Hudson-Raritan to the Pamlico-Albemarle estuaries, we have made some progress in curbing our impacts. Nearly everything we do affects our estuaries, and our actions are proportional to the number of humans living in the watersheds. Continued population growth on our coasts and many years of abuse may be irreversible as our estuaries lose their ability to be self-regulating, biological systems.  相似文献   

A length-based model for calculating growth and mortality of juvenile winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) populations has been developed. This model is based on work by Sullivan et al. (1990) and incorporates the von Bertalanffy growth equation, including stochasticity in growth, and a mortality rate that decreases exponentially with size. The length-based model was fit to observed size-frequency distributions, and model likelihood profiles were generated to produce 95% confidence intervals about parameter estimates. We analyzed size-frequency distributions of 3 to 15 cm juvenile winter flounder, collected with a 1-m beam trawl, at monthly intervals from June to October during 1993 and 1994. Growth rates were higher at a contaminated site, New Haven Harbor, than at a clean site, the Connecticut River estuary, however, the parameter estimates had overlapping 95% confidence intervals. Mortality rates were similar at the two sites.  相似文献   

A sea-survey was carried out along the Chinese coast from the Bohai Sea to South China Sea, and 15 surficial samples were taken from major coastal estuaries, i.e., from north to south, the Yellow, abandoned Yellow, Yangtze, Qiantang, Ou, Min, Han, and Pearl River estuaries. On the basis of clay mineral analysis and published data collection, this paper discusses the characteristics of clay minerals of each coastal river and potentials of implications of sediment sources. The results show that the change of diagnostic clay minerals from smectite to kaolinite from the Yellow to the Pearl River estuaries is southward, as clearly shown by the ratios of smectite to chlorite (S/Ch) and kaolinite to illite (K/I). S/Ch decreases southward, while K/I moves reversely, implying change in climate setting from cool/dry to humid/hot with intensified weathering processes. Besides, these two indicators in the estuaries are also linked with the derivation of parent-rock of each river-basin and coastal hydrodynamics. The disproportional higher ratio of K/I in the Yellow and abandoned Yellow River estuaries is ascribed to their sediment sources with abundant loess component in the north-central China. The K/I decrease offshore from the Pearl River estuary is primarily due to hydrodynamic sorting. Therefore, the S/Ch and K/I of the present study comprehensively reflect the controls of climate, parent-rock, and sediment transport along the coast.  相似文献   

洛怡  李江海  杨梦莲 《中国地质》2021,48(1):120-128
非洲西部海岸盆地群经历了裂谷期、同裂谷期和漂移期构造演化阶段,构造演化和沉积充填有一定的相似性,但是由于后期局部构造和差异沉积的影响,现今盆地发育的构造样式和沉积建造有一定区别,导致勘探效果有较大的差异.本文通过对比南大西洋赤道段转换型、中段含泥型、中段含盐型和南段火山型盆地的综合柱状图,加上对尼日尔三角洲盆地和下刚果...  相似文献   

《Geologie en Mijnbouw》1998,77(3-4):207-208
Geologie en Mijnbouw -  相似文献   

The Atlantic shoreline in Patagonia, southernmost South America, is a paraglacial coast that has undergone extensive erosion and retreat since the late Pleistocene, releasing a large volume of sand and gravel to southward littoral drift. Despite regional erosive conditions, accretionary landforms developed during the Holocene in three coastal reentrants. These are, from north to south along a 200 km long shoreline stretch: (1) the cuspate foreland that underlies Bustamante Point, in the Rı́o Gallegos Estuary; (2) the cuspate foreland with incipient spit underlying Dungeness Point, in the eastern Strait of Magellan; (3) the San Sebastián Bay tidal flat; and (4) the El Páramo Spit, partly enclosing the San Sebastián Bay. These accretionary landforms contain a record of relative sea level changes for approximately the past 7 ka, and indicate a tectonically driven drop of about 3 m during growth of Bustamante Point and of 1–2 m in the other areas. Differential sea level fall influenced development of the landforms, with slower rates favoring spit development in the south.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have concluded that better use of scientific information could improve the quality of coastal and estuarine environmental management. Approaches for effecting such a change include ecosystem-based, integrated, and adaptive management, but such basic re-orientation of estuarine and coastal management has proved difficult to achieve. Even environmental indicators, seemingly straightforward ways of injecting scientific information into decision making, have achieved broad on-the-ground use in relatively few instances—principally the largest estuary management programs. A conceptual framework useful for examining environmental management systems affecting the five PNCERS (Pacific Northwest coastal Ecosystems Regional Study) estuaries conceives of environmental managers, researchers, and interested and affected parties in the public as interacting through the multi-layered institutional arrangements that currently promote the utilization, management, or protection of coastal and estuarine resources. Considerable variation exists in the approach and effectiveness of the region's environmental management organizations. Interaction between science and management in the region appears to be limited to an extent by high transaction costs; a cultural divide between environmental scientists and environmental managers is perceived by members of both groups who work with the PNCERS estuaries as inhibiting communications between them. Mechanisms that both groups identify as useful for improving the flow of information between science and management are little used, perhaps as a result. The two groups have very different patterns of information dissemination and acquisition, and though both chose agency archives and databases as their top methods for disseminating information, neither group relies much on these vehicles for information they seek. Both residents' and practitioners' perceptions of threats to the PNCERS estuaries show patterns of estuary-to-estuary variation. One theme that emerges is that problems associated with poor land management in adjacent uplands are common to most of these estuaries, potentially providing a sense of commonality through which a more regional approach to estuary management could emerge. A common set of estuarine environmental indicators implemented for all estuaries could help instigate such a regional approach, but resource constraints, especially at the local level, will have to be overcome for that to occur. There is currently substantial lack of common vision among coastal practitioners as to the purpose and desirability of indicators, and relatively little experience or knowledge of their use, particularly at the local level. Use of estuarine science in the management of these estuaries appears to be greatest during periods in which the largest programmatic shifts in environmental management approaches occur, an observation consistent with other studies that have concluded that the use of environmental science in environmental management tends to be episodic.  相似文献   

A number of major European rivers (especially the Rhine) have a prevailing influence on the nutrient cycling of most Dutch estuaries. Owing to the increased loading of the estuaries with nitrogen and phosphorus compounds, effects of eutrophication on the biological communities are most evident in the tidal Western Wadden Sea and in a nontidal brackish lagoon, Veerse Meer. Whether the relation between changed nutrient loadings and changed biomass and production of primary and secondary producers in the turbid tidal Dutch ecosystems should be considered as a causal relation is questionable. The very widespread practice of lagoon modification confuses the effects of nutrient loading.  相似文献   

Menhaden are one of the most abundant components of fish communities in Gulf and Atlantic estuaries. Juvenile menhaden have been reported to have zooplankton, phytoplankton, andSpartina-derived detritus in their guts. However, there has been disagreement over the importance of the detritus as a food source. We show, using physiological and stable isotope evidence, that detritus can be used by juvenile Gulf menhaden. Their diet is very roughly 30% detritus- and 70% plankton-based.  相似文献   

Modification of brackish marshes by nonindigenousPhragmites australis has occurred across a broad geographical area in eastern North America. Among its effects on marsh processes,Phragmites may be increasingly unfavorable to marsh surface fishes as its invasion progresses within an estuary. We assessed the effect of thePhragmites invasion on resident marsh surface fishes by examining the population response ofFundulus heteroclitus (mummichog, 5–48 mm TL) andF. luciae (spotfin killifish, 5–41 mm TL) to four distinct invasion stages in three estuaries of the U.S. mid Atlantic region (New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland). We documented precipitous declines in mean catch per unit effort ofF. heteroclitus in pit traps from natural marsh (51.6), through initial (33.8), early (12.3), and late invasion stages (2.4) across all sites. A similar pattern was documented forF. luciae, with mean catch per unit effort in pit traps declining from natural marsh (48.9), through initial (39.1), early (9.3), and late invasion stages (2.7). Population structure of both species also changed somewhat across invasion stages such that we collected a narrower size range of individuals of both species from late invasion stages. Patterns suggest that as thePhragmites invasion progresses, there is a decline in habitat function for larval and juvenileF. heteroclitus and an increased risk of extirpation ofF. luciae from brackish marshes along the east coast of the U.S.  相似文献   

Resources in nursery areas can be important determinants of recruitment for juvenile fishes. Most young-of-the-year English sole (Pleuronectes vetulus) appear to rely on estuaries on the U.S. Pacific Northwest coast as nursery areas. Trawl surveys were conducted in four nursery estuaries, and the results show consistent densities were found across all estuaries in August. In June densities were higher and more variable. Application of the average August density to estuaries along the entire Oregon and Washington coasts resulted in an estimated total estuarine abundance of 45.8 million age 0+ English sole. Estimated coast-wide recruitment of age 4+ female English sole based on age 0+ abundance ranged from 3.7 to 4.9 million individuals from 1998–2000, with an average value of 4.3 million. A simple population model was constructed to determine if production from the combined Oregon and Washington estuaries was consistent with the estimates of the adult stock, and the observed catch from 1956–1997. The observed commercial catch has declined over this time period, and the trend could be fit using an availability-gear efficiency of 21% and an exploitation rate of 0.094. The results suggest that the English sole population on the Oregon-Washington shelf could potentially be supported solely by estuarine production, and this production appears to be stabilized by the size of available nursery areas.  相似文献   

We experimentally evaluate the effect of migratory shorebirds on the benthic fauna of three southwestern Atlantic Argentinean stop-over and wintering sites: Bahía Samborombon (35°30′–36°22′S, 57°23′W), Mar Chiquita coastal lagoon (37°40′S, 57°26′W), and Bahía Blanca (38°48′–39°25′S, 50°–62°25′W). The experiments consisted of exclusion ceilings and controls (both 1 m2), with 10 replicates each and aligned at the same tidal level. During December 1994–May 1995 these experiments were done, twice in Bahía Samborombon, twice at two sites (Sotelo and Celpa) 4 km apart in Mar Chiquita coastal lagoon, and three times in Bahía Blanca. Three polychaete species (Laeonereis acuta, Nephtys fluviatilis, andHeteromastus similis) were found in similar densities in both areas of the Mar Chiquita lagoon.L. acuta andN. fluviatilis were affected in Sotelo, but there was no treatment effect in Celpa. In Sotelo the most abundant shorebirds were Hudsonian godwit (Limosa haemastica), American golden plover (Pluvialis dominica), and White-rumped sandpiper (Calidris fuscicollis), and in Celpa the most abundant shorebirds were White-rumped sandpiper, two-banded plower (Charadrius falklandicus), and lesser yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes). The largest polychaete densities were in the upper sediment layer (0–6 cm), which was also the most affected layer. Three polychaete species were found in Bahía Samborombon (L. acuta, H. similis, andNeanthes succinea), but onlyH. similis showed a treatment effect. The most abundant shorebirds in Samborombon were white-rumped sandpiper and two-banded plover. No effect was detected in Bahía Blanca, where the most abundant shorebirds were white-rumped sandpiper and American golden plover. In all cases, the species affected by shorebirds were the most abundant species. From the two sites of Mar Chiquita, there was a treatment effect only in Sotelo, which was also the area with higher shorebirds counts. However, much lower densities observed in Samborombon (similar to the unaffected area of Mar Chiquita) also produced a significant decrease in infaunal abundance. These evidences also suggest that just selection of study sites may produce different views of the interaction between shorebirds and benthic species.  相似文献   

A simple computational framework is developed to include shoals and shallow embayments (SSE) and their interaction with main channels in estuarine modeling. The scheme, treating SSE as temporary storage areas, accounts for the water and material exchanges between SSE and main channels as the tide rises and falls, and for the biogeochemical processes affecting nonconservative substances such as water-quality parameters in SSE. The scheme, because of its simple nature, can be easily incorporated into one-, two- or three-dimensional models of estuaries with substantial SSE. The concept and the model implementation of the scheme are explained using a vertical two-dimensional model of estuarine hydrodynamics and water quality. The model application to the tidal Rappahannock River, a western shore tributary of Chesapeake Bay, demonstrates the scheme is simple and physically reasonable, and the importance of SSE in estuarine modeling. The inclusion of SSE in a water-quality model not only provides a framework, for computing water-quality conditions therein but also accounts for the interaction between SSE and the main channel. It is shown that significant errors may result if the effects of SSE are not properly accounted for in modeling of an estuary with extensive SSE.  相似文献   

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