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A diel biogeochemical study was performed to assess the influence that periods of elevated biological activity have on the biogeochemical cycling of macronutrients and redox-sensitive elements in a natural estuarine environment. High-resolution data (15 min sampling) illustrates periodic extreme variations in dissolved oxygen (DO) in the shallow waters of Azevedo Pond, Elkhom Slough, California. During periods of low tidal flushing, DO values can range from highly oxic (>560 μM O2: >250% saturation) during sunny days to suboxic conditions (<5 μM) at night. Nutrient cycling and redox-sensitive trace element biogeochemistry were evaluated in response to the extreme daily DO fluctuations. A diel sampling study was conducted over a 26-h period, where O2 concentrations ranged from 346 μM to sustained non-detectable levels in the night hours. In concert with the DO fluctuations, diel phosphate cycling was on the order of 4 μM in response to tidal flushing events and biological assimilation and regeneration. The IO3 −/I− redox couple quickly responded to suboxic conditions in the water column by a marked increase in I− concentrations and corresponding depletion of IO3 −. The extreme fluctuations of the p∈ in the water column resulted in diel dissolved Mn2+ variations of nearly 5 μM, with observed dissolved Mn removal rates on the order of 1 μM h−1. The elevated biogeochemical cycling of oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, iodine, manganese, and iron found in this shallow estuarine environment suggest that tidal restrictions and anthropogenic nutrient enrichments can amplify diel variations and potentially hinder the functional and ecological stability of these systems. These data suggest that accurate chemical monitoring of the health of an estuarine ecosystem must account for the diel variability inherent in these highly productive environments. 相似文献
Franz E. Anderson 《Estuaries and Coasts》1990,13(3):250-257
A current measuring device, the Shot-Sensor, was developed as a low cost alternative to measuring water flow speeds and directions using conventional, more expensive instrumentation. The device releases stainless steel shot of known size and settling speed into a flowing water mass. As the shot settles, it is dispersed by currents and ends up in settling traps. Mean current speed and direction can be calculated from the patterns of dispersal and the percentages of shot of various sizes in the traps. Determination of precision and accuracy indicate that the Shot-Sensor can measure within a few cm s?1 of more expensive meters and may be suitable for some shallow-water applications. Speed range of the Shot-Sensor is presently limited between 3 and 40 cm s?1, but further development could allow this range to be extended. 相似文献
Hydroacoustics as a tool for assessing fish biomass and size distribution associated with discrete shallow water estuarine habitats in Louisiana 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
We developed a relative index of fish biomass and size distribution in ultra-shallow waters (< 2 m) of Barataria Bay, Louisiana,
based on the comparison of horizontal hydroacoustic data with gill net and push trawl catches in an effort to understand the
role that habitat plays in both fish biomass and distribution. Exclosure net experiments indicated that the contribution of
acoustic backscattering from sources other than fishes were negligible. Split-beam transducer, gill net, and push trawl sampling
were conducted concurrently in Barataria Bay to provide information on fish composition and length distributions and for comparisons
among gear types. Results suggest that acoustic fish biomass was generally higher in the low salinity stations and lower at
the high salinity stations, at least in March 2004. We observed a greater mean length of fishes associated with oyster shell
habitats when compared to adjacent sand-mud habitats. This paper demonstrates the utility of hydroacoustics as a tool to quantify
relative acoustic fish biomass and size distribution associated with common estuarine habitats in ultra-shallow waters. This
study also illustrates the potential of using acoustics for augmenting traditional sampling procedures. 相似文献
A. T. Jones 《Australian Journal of Earth Sciences》2013,60(4):631-635
A suite of tool marks were observed in the seaward section of a small estuary on the south coast of New South Wales. The marks were formed through wind-generated waves dragging Eucalyptus leaves and Casuarina fronds over the backshore sands that separate the closed estuary from the sea. Some of the marks formed through the process of tilting, which has not previously been recognised in an Australian setting. A number of the more complex marks closely resemble trace fossils left by fish, and differentiation between the two in the sedimentary record could be difficult. If correctly identified as tool marks, then they could give a spurious estimate of palaeoflow direction, as they correspond to the orientation of the prevailing winds at the time of formation. This study highlights the need for judicious interpretation of ambiguous grooves in the sedimentary record. 相似文献
James G. Wilson 《Estuaries and Coasts》1994,17(1):94-101
Estuarine organisms can be considered three ways as bioindicators—first, as indicators of a defined set of environmental conditions, second, as indicators of contaminant loads on the system, and third, as indicators of the overall health of the system. By their very nature, estuarine organisms are eurytolerant and this, along with the various stratagems that have evolved to cope with the problems of life in estuaries results in a confusing picture for the estuarine manager. The recommended bioindicators for estuarine conditions are plankton; for contaminant loads, a range of species with different feeding types; and for system status, a eurytolerant species, such as the musselMytilus edulis for laboratory monitoring or a “target” species such as the clamMacoma balthica for field monitoring. However, it would be unwise to rely on a single indicator, and the recommendation is that the final choice, and preferably choices, be tailored to the desired goal. 相似文献
A conceptual model of estuarine freshwater inflow management 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Merryl Alber 《Estuaries and Coasts》2002,25(6):1246-1261
As humans continue to influence the quantity, timing, and quality of freshwater input to estuaries, it is becoming increasingly common for policies to be enacted that mandate the establishment of freshwater inflow criteria that will serve to preserve and protect estuarine ecosystems. This paper reviews the scientific literature describing how changes in freshwater inflow affect estuaries, proposes a conceptual model that explores the roles of scientists, citizens, politicians, and managers in the management of freshwater inflow to estuaries, and uses the model to explore the ways in which freshwater inflow is managed in a variety of estuaries. The scientific review is organized to provide an overview of the connections between freshwater inflow (in terms of the quantity, quality, and timing of water delivery), estuarine conditions (such as salinity and concentrations of dissolved and particulate material), and estuarine resources (such as the distribution and abundance of organisms), and to highlight our understanding of the causative mechanisms that underlie the relationships among these variables. The premise of the conceptual model is that the goal of estuarine freshwater inflow policy is to protect those resources and functions that we as a society value in estuaries, and that management measures use scientific information about the relationships among inflow, conditions, and resources to establish inflow standards that can meet this goal. The management approach can be inflow-based (flow is kept within some prescribed bounds under the assumption that taking too much away is bad for the resources), condition-based (inflow standards are set in order to maintain specified conditions in the estuary), or resource-based (inflow standards are set based on the requirements of specific resources), but each of these is carried out by regulating inflow. This model is used as a framework to describe the development of freshwater inflow criteria for estuaries in Texas, Florida, and California. 相似文献
生态模型在河口管理中的应用研究综述 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
河口作为河流和海洋的交汇地,具有生态交错带特性,其在自然和人类活动双重压力下发生着演变.生态模型是研究生态系统结构、功能及其时空演变规律以及生物过程对于生态系统的影响及其反馈机制的重要手段.采用不同方法对生态模型进行分类,综述各类生态模型的特性、优缺点及应用领域.讨论建模过程中模型变量与函数、模型整合及时空尺度、模型参数取值及不确定等关键技术问题.分析各类生态模型在河口生态工程设计、生态系统修复、生态系统评价、系统决策支持等管理领域的应用.尽管中国河口生态模型构建及应用已有一些成果,但与国外相比,在理论生态学及数据积累方面仍有一定差距. 相似文献
Comparative characterization of humic substances from the open ocean, estuarine water and fresh water 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Humic substances were isolated from ocean, estuarine water and fresh water using a two column array of XAD-8 and XAD-4 resins in series. The extracted fulvic acids and XAD-4 fraction from different origins were characterized using UV–vis., molecular fluorescence, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and cross polarization magic angle spinning (CPMAS)-13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The isolation procedure allowed us to obtain the necessary amount of sample for characterization, even in the case of open ocean water, which has a very low amount of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Humic substances from the open ocean showed the lowest chromophore and fluorophore contents and showed relatively greater fluorescence at lower wavelengths than those from fresh water. FTIR and 13C NMR spectra highlighted the idea that humic substances from a marine environment have a more branched aliphatic structure and less aromatic structure than those highly influenced by terrestrial sources. The spectra also suggest that the open ocean humic substances have a higher content of olefinic carbons than aromatic- or alkyl-substituted carbons. 相似文献
Anitra E. Ingalls Robert C. Aller Stuart G. Wakeham 《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》2004,68(21):4363-4379
Muddy carbonate deposits near the Dry Tortugas, Florida, are characterized by high organic carbon remineralization rates. However, approximately half of the total sedimentary organic matter potentially supporting remineralization is occluded in CaCO3 minerals (intracrystalline). While a portion of nonintracrystalline organic matter appears to cycle rapidly, intracrystalline organic matter has an approximately constant concentration with depth, suggesting that as long as its protective mineral matrix is intact, it is not readily remineralized. Organic matter in excess of intracrystalline organic matter that is preserved may have a variety of mineral associations (e.g., intercrystalline, adsorbed or detrital). In surface sediment, aspartic acid contributed ∼22 mole % and ∼50 mole % to nonintracrystalline and intracrystalline pools, respectively. In deeper sediment (1.6-1.7m), the composition of hydrolyzable amino acids in both pools was similar (aspartic acid ∼40 mole %). Like amino acids, intracrystalline and nonintracrystalline fatty acids have different compositions in surface sediments, but are indistinguishable at depth. These data suggest that preserved organic matter in the nonintracrystalline pool is stabilized by its interactions with CaCO3. Neutral lipids are present in very low abundances in the intracrystalline pool and are extensively degraded in both the intracrystalline and nonintracrystalline pools, suggesting that mineral interactions do not protect these compounds from degradation. The presence of chlorophyll-a, but absence of phytol, in the intracrystalline lipid pool demonstrates that chloropigments are present only in the nonintracrystalline pool. Sedimentary chloropigments decrease with depth at similar rates in Dry Tortugas sediments as found in alumino-silicate sediments from the Long Island Sound, suggesting that chloropigment degradation is largely unaffected by mineral interactions. Overall, however, inclusion and protection of organic matter by biominerals is a major pathway for organic matter preservation in this low-organic carbon, biomineral-rich regime. 相似文献
Abdolreza Karbassi Gholam Reza Nabi Bidhendi Mohsen Saeedi Azadeh Rastegari 《Central European Journal of Geosciences》2010,2(4):531-536
In the present study, the removal of dissolved and colloidal Cd, Co, Cu, Ni and Zn in Arvand River water during estuarine mixing with the Persian Gulf water is investigated. The flocculation process was investigated for a series of mixtures with salinities ranging from 0.48 to 30.3^. The flocculation rates were indicative of the non-conservative behavior of studied metals during estuarine mixing. Rapid flocculation in the low salinity regimes was observed. The order of the final flocculation rate of metals in the river water was as follows: Co (91.2%)> Cd (86.9%)> Zn (83%)> Cu (75.2%)> Ni (74.3%). Salinity, pH, EC and dissolved oxygen do not govern the flocculation of metals during estuarine mixing. The results of the present investigation show that estuarine processes can be considered as an effective mechanism in self purification of colloidal metals that are anthropogenically introduced into the fresh water ecosystem. 相似文献
Precipitation infiltration is one of the most significant triggering factors for slope failure occurrence in many places around the world. Knowledge of the mechanisms leading to precipitation-induced slope failures is of great importance to the management of landslide hazard. In this study, a soil water balance model is developed to estimate soil water flux during the process of infiltration from rainfall data, with consideration of storm periods and non-storm periods. Two important assumptions in this study are given: (1) instantaneous uniform distribution of the degree of saturation and (2) a linear relationship between evapotranspiration and the related degree of saturation. For storm periods, the Brooks and Corey model estimates both the soil water retention curve and soil water parameters. The infiltration partition is employed by an infinite-series solution of Philip in conjunction with the time compression approximation. For none-storm periods, evapotranspiration can be derived for the moisture depletion of soil water. This study presents a procedure for calculating the safety factor for an unsaturated slope suffering from precipitation infiltration. The process of infiltration into a slope due to rainfall and its effect on soil slope behavior are examined using modified Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion in conjunction with a soil water balance model. The results indicate that the matric suction, which is closely related to slope stability, is affected by the degree of saturation controlled by rainfall events. 相似文献
The Pliocene Norwest Bend Formation is a well‐preserved succession of terrestrial and shallow‐marine deposits in the Murray Basin, South Australia. Sediments in this unit consist of two discrete terrigenous clastic‐rich, decametre‐scale sequences, or informal members, which record episodes of marine incursion during the Early and Late Pliocene respectively. The base of each sequence is a transgressive lag and/or strandline deposit that is transitional upwards into a highstand, subtidal, terrigenous clastic and cool‐water carbonate sediment accumulation. The top of each sequence is incised by fluvial channels that are filled by river deposits which formed as relative sea‐level fell and terrestrial environments prograded basinward. Sedimentological data suggest that gross stratigraphic architecture was primarily determined by glacioeustasy. Differences in sedimentary style between these two sequences, however, reflect a major climatic change that took place in southern Australia during the mid‐Pliocene. The lower quartzose sand member is formed of siliciclastic sediment derived from prolonged, deep, subaerial weathering and contains a bivalve‐dominated, cool‐temperate, open‐marine mollusc assemblage. These sediments accumulated under an equitable, relatively warm, humid climate. The Murray Basin during this time, because of high fluvial discharge, was a salt‐wedge estuary with typical estuarine circulation. In contrast, the upper, oyster‐rich member is typified by large monospecific oyster buildups that grew in restricted coastal environments. Strandline deposits contain a warm‐temperate skeletal assemblage. Contemporaneous aeolian sediments accumulated under warm, semi‐arid climatic conditions. Well‐developed ferricrete, silcrete and calcrete horizons reflect cyclic conditions of rainwater infiltration and evaporation in the seasonally dry climate that typifies southern Australia today. Highly seasonal rainfall produced an estuary that fluctuated annually from being well to partially mixed. These Pliocene sediments support the notion that mollusc‐rich facies are the signature of cool‐water carbonate accumulations in inboard neritic environments. Unlike bryozoans that dominate the outer parts of Cenozoic cool‐water carbonate shelves, molluscs evolved to exploit an array of coastal ecosystems with wide salinity variations and variable sedimentation rates. 相似文献
Nitrogen loads to estuaries: Using loading models to assess the effectiveness of management options to restore estuarine water quality 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Nitrogen (N) loading to estuaries has become a major concern for coastal planners. As urban development on coastal watershed
continues, estuaries and bays are becoming more eutrophic, and cascading effects are being felt at every trophic level. Managers
and stakeholders need to have a suite of effective management tools that can be applied to coastal watersheds to minimize
the effects of eutrophication. We applied an N loading model and an estuarine loading model to examine the effectiveness of
a suite of potential management options that could be implemented in Waquoit Bay, Cape Cod, Massachusetts. This estuarine
system is a case study in which we can explore the relative potential effectiveness of decreasing inputs from wastewater and
fertilizer-derived N, diverting nitrogenous runoff from impervious surfaces, altering zoning ordinances, preserving forested
tracts of land as well as freshwater and saltwater wetlands, harvesting macroalgae, dredging estuary channels, and exterminating
waterfowl. From a combination of simulation results, assessment of the magnitude of loads from different sources, and through
different land covers, and the additional consideration of feasibility we identified management options with high, intermediate,
and low potential effectiveness. Improvement of septic system performance, use of zoning regulations, preservation of forested
tracts and freshwater bodies, and conservation of salt marshes emerged as the most promising avenues to manage N loads in
our system. Installation of wastewater treatment plants, controlling fertilizer use, and harvesting macroalgae would potentially
have intermediate success. Diversion of runoff from impervious surfaces, dredging, and extermination of waterfowl show little
promise at reducing N loads. These conclusions potentially set priorities for decision-makers charged with the management
of Waquoit Bay. The same procedures applied to another watershed-estuary system with different land covers and different estuarine
features may differ. Evaluation studies like this need to be done for any particular site, since the watershed-estuary coupling
and the loads delivered to the receiving estuary could differ. The Waquoit Bay case study provides an example of a protocol
that leads to identification of the most promising management options. 相似文献
A. R. Wyatt 《International Journal of Earth Sciences》1993,82(2):203-211
Shallow water (< 50 m) marine diversity curves for the Phanerozoic, based on area changes due to sea-level variation and continental movements, are presented. It is shown that a change in the degree of endemism can alter diversity more than the effect of sea-level change, or change in the number of faunal provinces. The pattern produced, for a constant degree of endemism, shows some rapid, but not periodic, falls in diversity. These occur in the Middle Cambrian, at the end of the Ordovician, Devonian, Permian, Cretaceous and Eocene, and in the Messinian. There is no recurring single cause for these falls. 相似文献
M. Nagheeby M.Sc. M. Kolahdoozan Ph.D. 《International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology》2010,7(4):771-784
Oil spills is one of the most important hazards in the estuarine and coastal water. In recent decades, engineers try to predict the status of oil slick to manage the pollution spreading. The prediction of oil slick transport is carried out mainly by means of numerical models. In the current study, the development and application of a two-phase fluid flow model to simulate oil transport in the marine environment are presented. Different transport and fate processes are included in the developed model. The model consists of the Lagrangian method for the advection process, the Random Walk technique for horizontal diffusion process and the empirical equations for the fate processes. The major forces for driving oil particles are fluid current, wind speed and turbulent flow. Therefore, the multi-component hydrocarbon method has been included to the developed model in order to predict fate processes. As prediction of particle velocity components is of major importance for oil slick advection, therefore the binomial interpolation procedure has been chosen for the particle velocity components computations. In addition, shoreline boundary condition is included in the developed model to simulate shore response to oil slick transport near the beaches. The results of the model applications are compared with the analytical solutions, experimental measurements and other numerical models cited in literature. Comparisons of different sets of results represent the capability of developed model to predict the oil slick transport. In addition, the developed model is tested for two oil spill cases in the Persian Gulf. 相似文献
Bacterial reworking of terrigenous and marine organic matter in estuarine water columns and sediments 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Luc-Henri Bourgoin 《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》2010,74(19):5593-7880
Amino acids and the bacterial biomarkers muramic acid and d-amino acids were quantified in the ultrafiltered dissolved, particulate and sedimentary organic matter (UDOM, POM and SOM) of the St. Lawrence system (Canada). The main objectives were to better describe the fate of terrigenous and marine organic matter (OM) in coastal zones and to quantify the bacterial contributions to OM composition and diagenesis. Regardless of their origin, the carbon (C) content of the particles substantially decreased with depth, especially near the water-sediment interface. Major diagenetic transformations of organic nitrogen (N) were revealed and important differences were observed between terrigenous and marine OM. Amino acid contents of particles decreased by 66-93% with depth and accounted for 12-30% of the particulate C losses in marine locations. These percentages were respectively 18-56% and 7-11% in the Saguenay Fjord where terrigenous input is important. A preferential removal of particulate N and amino acids with depth or during transport was measured, but only in marine locations and for N-rich particles. This leads to very low amino acid yields in deep marine POM. However, these yields then increased to a level up to three times higher after deposition on sediments, where SOM showed lower C:N ratios than deep POM. The associated increase of bacterial biomarker yields suggests an active in situ resynthesis of amino acids by benthic bacteria. The N content of the substrate most likely determines whether a preferential degradation or an enrichment of N and amino acid are observed. For N-poor OM, such as terrigenous or deep marine POM, the incorporation of exogenous N by attached bacteria can be measured, while the organic N is preferentially used or degraded in N-rich OM. Compared to the POM from the same water samples, the extracted UDOM was poor in N and amino acids and appeared to be mostly made of altered plant and bacterial fragments. Signs of in situ marine production of UDOM were observed in the most marine location. The POM entering the St. Lawrence Upper Estuary and the Saguenay Fjord appeared made of relatively fresh vascular plant OM mixed with highly altered bacterial debris from soils. In contrast, the POM samples from the more marine sites appeared mostly made of fresh planktonic and bacterial OM, although they were rapidly degraded during sinking. Based on biomarker yields, bacterial OM represented on average ∼20% of bulk C and approximately 40-70% of bulk N in POM and SOM, with the exception of deep marine POM exhibiting approximately two times lower bacterial contributions. 相似文献
This paper attempts to overcome the dichotomy between the broadly different and largely separate fisheries science and management (FSM) and ecosystem science and management (ESM) knowledge systems that characterise the international literature and are found in fisheries management practice in different countries. The paper argues that the construction of a heuristic we term the fisheries problematic, around issues and contexts, reveals the breadth of international fisheries management concerns and the variety of contexts in which these concerns are being faced. Adopting a political economy informed nature-society approach the paper considers ecological and socio-economic processes in their institutional settings in an attempt to shift from the either/or arguments around fish or ecosystems found in the FSM or ESM literatures to investigation that is grounded in understandings of the historically and geographically specific trajectories of fisheries related interactions and understandings of how knowledge about the trajectories and their interactions is fashioned. Drawing on recent conceptual innovations in the field, the paper develops a matrix-centred approach to explore ecological, industry, community and policy domains in New Zealand’s Quota Management System (QMS) and Individual Transferable Quota (ITQ) fisheries management regime. The extended framework prioritises scrutiny of the interaction amongst the four domains, as a strategy to help develop institutional frameworks that facilitate behaviours that are societally inclusive. The paper offers three conclusions. First, the landscape of New Zealand fisheries issues is very much a product of the contingent interaction of the QMS, a management regime designed around the principles of a FSM approach and laid down in a neo-liberal political environment and Maori aspirations encompassing the fisheries sector. Second, the conceptual mapping of FSM and ESM perspectives over New Zealand’s fisheries management experience highlights that a number of management issues have been down played by the commitment to FSM, a situation that has led to on-going tensions between commercial, recreational and customary stakeholders regarding fisheries management. Put another way, there is more to running a sustainable fishery (as defined in the Fisheries Act 1996) than QMS and other tools and dialogue about the development of these should be a priority. Third and more generally, improved dialogue on fisheries questions is likely to be most expeditiously advanced by studies that explicitly conceptualise and contextualise ecological and socio-economic processes and their institutional arrangements. 相似文献
Sean Ulm 《Geoarchaeology》2002,17(4):319-348
As a component of archaeological investigations on the central Queensland coast, a series of five marine shell specimens live‐collected between A.D. 1904 and A.D. 1929 and 11 shell/charcoal paired samples from archaeological contexts were radiocarbon dated to determine local ΔR values. The object of the study was to assess the potential influence of localized variation in marine reservoir effect in accurately determining the age of marine and estuarine shell from archaeological deposits in the area. Results indicate that the routinely applied ΔR value of −5 ± 35 for northeast Australia is erroneously calculated. The determined values suggest a minor revision to Reimer and Reimer's (2000) recommended value for northeast Australia from ΔR = +11 ± 5 to +12 ± 7, and specifically for central Queensland to ΔR = +10 ± 7, for near‐shore open marine environments. In contrast, data obtained from estuarine shell/charcoal pairs demonstrate a general lack of consistency, suggesting estuary‐specific patterns of variation in terrestrial carbon input and exchange with the open ocean. Preliminary data indicate that in some estuaries, at some time periods, a ΔR value of more than −155 ± 55 may be appropriate. In estuarine contexts in central Queensland, a localized estuary‐specific correction factor is recommended to account for geographical and temporal variation in 14C activity. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献