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Spatial and temporal dynamics of N and P were examined in the tidal Hudson River between 1992 and 1996. For all seasons and at all locations in the river nutrient concentrations were generally quite high. TN averaged 60 μM and was above 50 μM in 75% of samples. TP averaged 1.7 μM and was above 1.2 μM in 75% of samples. NO3 was the dominant form of N (60% of TN) while PO4 comprised about 40% of TP. Seasonal and spatial variation in most N and P components was quite low but patterns were apparent. Seasonally, forms of N (TN, NO3 and NH4) and PO4 showed opposite patterns. All N components showed summertime decreases, but PO4 increased over the summer. Spatially, along the 200 km fresh to oligohaline stretch, N and P showed similar patterns—declining from upper to mid sections of the river but subsequently increasing in most down river, oligohaline stretches. The down river increase in nutrients is likely caused by a combination of sewage inputs and salinity-related geochemical release of P. A preliminary budget of the upper to the mid section of the river (a 100 km stretch) suggests that the decline in nutrient concentration in this section is due to the net retention of almost 2,000 mT N and 200 mT P per year or about 20% of the N and P input to this section of river. The retention in tidal rivers, like the Hudson, occurs immediately above the estuary and may, therefore, be relatively more significant than retention occurring higher in the watershed.  相似文献   

We summarize rates of metabolism and major sources and sinks of organic carbon in the 148-k long, tidally influenced, freshwater Hudson River. The river is strongly heterotrophic, with respiration exceeding gross primary production (GPP). The P:R ration averages 0.57 (defined as the ratio of GPP to total ecosystem respiration) if only the aquatic portion of the ecosystem is considered and 0.70 if the emergent marshes are also included. Gross primary production (GPP) by photoplankton averages approximately 300 g C m?2 yr?1 and is an order of magnitude greater than that by submersed macrophytes. However, the river is deep, well mixed, and turbid, and phytoplankton spend a majority of their time in the dark. As a result, respiration by living phytoplankton is extremely high and net primary production (NPP) by phytoplankton is estimated to be only some 6% of GPP. NPP by phytoplankton and submersed macrophytes are roughly equal (approximately 20 g C m?2 yr?1 each) when averaged over the river. Emergent marshes are quite productive, but probably less than 16 g C m?2 yr?1 enters the aquatic portion of the ecosystem from these marshes. Heterotrophic respiration and secondary production in the river are driven primarily by allochthonous inputs of organic matter from terrestrial sources. Rates of metabolism vary along the river, with depth being a critical controlling factor. The P:R ratio for the aquatic portion of the ecosystem varies from 1 in the mid-river to 0.2 in the deeper waters. NPP is actually negative in the downstream waters where average depths are greater since phytoplankton respiration exceeds GPP there; the positive rates of NPP occurring upriver support a downstream advection of phytoplankton to the deeper waters where this C is largely respired away by the algae themselves. This autotrophic respiration contributes significantly to oxygen depletion in the deeper waters of the Hudson. The tidally influenced freshwater Hudson largely fits the patterns predicted by the river continuum model for larger rivers. However, we suggest that the continuum model needs to more clearly distinguish between GPP and NPP and should include the importance of autotrophic respiration by phytoplankton that are advected along a river. The organic carbon budget for the tidally influenced freshwater Hudson is balanced to within a few percent. Respiration (54%) and downstream advection into the saline estuary (41%) are the major losses of organic carbon from the ecosystem. Allochthonous inputs from nonpoint sources on land (61%) and GPP by phytoplankton (28%) are the major sources to the system. Agricultural erosion is the major source of allochthonous inputs. Since agricultural land use increased dramatically in the last century, and has fallen in this century, the carbon cycle of the tidally influenced freshwater Hudson River has probably changed markedly over time. Before human disturbance, the Hudson was probably a less heterotrophic system and may even have been autotrophic, with gross primary production exceeding ecosystem respiration.  相似文献   

We studied the macroinvertebrate fauna of a rocky shore in the freshwater tidal Hudson River during 1992–1994, the early years of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) invasion. The macroinvertebrate community was numerically dominated by chironomids, nematodes, oligochaetes, gastropods, zebra mussels, and planarian flatworms. The community was a mixture of species typical of stony warm water rivers and lake shores, freshwater generalists, and semiterrestrial species. Overall macroinvertebrate densities were moderate to low (2,800–14,600 m−2). Density was a strong function of season and elevation, with consistently low densities in the early spring and in the intertidal zone. This pattern suggests that physical harshness (alternating submergence and desiccation;ice and low temperatures) limits the distribution of invertebrates at this site. Zebra mussels occurred at our study site chiefly below the low tide mark, but only at moderate abundance (usually <1,000 m−2). A weak correlation between the densities of zebra mussels and those of other macroinvertebrates nonetheless suggests that the zebra mussel invasion may have affected community structure.  相似文献   

Net photosynthesis under a range of natural light intensities was determined for three common macrophytes of the tidal freshwater Hudson River:Vallisneria americana Michx.,Potamogeton perfoliatus L., andMyriophyllum spicatum L. Light-saturated net photosynthetic rates did not differ among species, nor were there differences among species in the light intensity at which respiration balanced photosynthesis. The initial slope (α) of the photosynthesis-irradiance (P-I) curve was greater forV. americana than the other two species. As a result, maximum photosynthetic rates were reached inV. americana at significantly lower irradiances than those required to saturate photosynthesis inP. perfoliatus andM. spicatum. This characteristic would give this species a competitive advantage under conditions in which growth is limited by light availability. Macrophyte biomass distribution showed no clear correlation with depth.V. americana was the most abundant of the three species, both in frequency of occurrence and absolute biomass. The low irradiance required for the saturation of photosynthesis inV. americana may contribute to its predominance in the turbid Hudson River.  相似文献   

Distribution patterns and faunal composition of freshwater ostracods in large tidal river systems are poorly documented. In summer 1987, a faunal and distributional survey of freshwater ostracods was conducted at Stockport Flats on the Hudson River. The ostracod fauna of this tidal freshwater wetland contains exclusively freshwater species. Seven genera were represented among 2,928 specimens collected from three intertidal sampling stations. The ostracod fauna of the tidal freshwater Hudson is similar to that of large lakes, and is numerically dominated by a few widely distributed species.  相似文献   

Estuaries are critical habitats for larvae and juveniles of many marine fishes, possibly because they promote high growth rates and survival rates. We investigated spatial and temporal changes in growth rate of larval bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli), in the middle Hudson River estuary where abundance of larvae is high. In two consecutive summer seasons, we sampled larvae at 4 sites evenly spaced over 45 km, at weekly intervals for up to a month. We examined otoliths to determine age in days and then used age-length regressions to estimate growth rate. In 1995, larval anchovy growth rates varied from 0.39 to 0.88 mm d−1 (median=0.48 mm d−1). In 1996, growth rates varied from 0.41 to 0.77 mm d−1 (median=0.55 mm d−1). In both years, we found significant spatial and temporal variation in growth rate. Larvae collected in the upper portion of Haverstraw Bay tended to grow more slowly than larvae collected in other sites. The dates on which the most rapidly growing larvae were collected varied from site to site. Neither temperature nor salinity variations explained growth rate differences. Growth rate variation, probably governed by patches of zooplankton, occurred on temporal scales of a week and spatial scales of 15 km.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation in aquatic food web structure at Mad Island Marsh, Matagorda Bay, Texas, was examined using dietary information obtained from the analysis of gut contents from large samples of fish and crustacean specimens. Unique aspects of this study include the use of large samples of consumer gut contents (n=6,452), long-term sampling (bimonthly surveys over 18 mo), and standard methods of data collection and analysis facilitating comparisons with other aquatic food webs. Dietary data were partitioned for analysis into warm (summer) and cold (winter) seasons. Most consumers fed low in the food web, with trophic levels ranging from about 2 to 3.5 during both summer and winter. Vegetative detritus was more important in macroconsumer diets than live algae and macrophytes. Low trophic levels of consumers reflected the important role of abundant detritivores (e.g., striped mulletMugil cephalus, Gulf menhadenBrevortia patronum, and macroinvertebrates) in linking detritus to top predators via short food chains, a finding consistent with many other estuarine food web studies. Despite changes in community composition and population size structure of certain species, most food web properties revealed comparatively little seasonal variation. The summer food web had more nodes (86), more links (562), a higher density of links as indicated by connectance (0.08), and a slightly higher predator: prey ratio (0.51) compared to the winter food web (75 nodes, 394 links, connectance = 0.07, predator: prey ratio = 0.47). Proportions of top (0.06–0.07), intermediate (0.75–0.76), and basal (0.19) species did not vary significantly between seasons, but mean trophic level was higher during summer. Addition of feeding links based on information from the literature increased connectance to 0.13 during both seasons; other web parameters had values similar to those obtained for our directly estimated food webs. Seasonal variation in food web structure was influenced by changes in community composition (e.g., influxes of postlarval estuarine-dependent marine fishes during winter), availability of resources (e.g., more submerged macrophytes and amphipods during summer), and size structure and ontogenetic diet shifts of dominant consumer taxa. Our findings suggest that some basic properties of estuarine food web are resilient to seasonal changes in population and community structures and food web architecture.  相似文献   

The impact of mesozooplankton (>210 μm, mostly adult copepods and late-stage copepodites) and micrometazoa (64–210 μm, mostly copepod nauplii) on phytoplankton size structure and biomass in the lower Hudson River estuary was investigated using various14C-labeled algal species as tracers of grazing on natural phytoplankton. During spring and summer, zooplankton grazing pressure, defined as %=mg C ingested m?2 h?1/mg C produced m?2 h?1 (depth-integrated rates)×100, on total phytoplankton ranged between 0.04% and 1.9% for mesozooplankton and 0.1% and 6.6% for micrometazoa. The greatest grazing impact was measured in fall when 20.2% and 44.6%, respectively, of the total depth-integrated primary production from surface water phytoplankton was grazed. Mesozooplankton exhibited some size-selective grazing on phytoplankton, preferentially grazing the diatomThalassiosira pseudonana over the larger diatomDitylum brightwelli, but this was not found for micrometazoa. Neither zooplankton group grazed on the dinoflagellateAmphidinium sp. We conclude that metazoan zooplankton have a minimal role in controlling total phytoplankton biomass in the lower Hudson River estuary. Differences in the growth coefficients of various phytoplankton size-fractions—not grazing selectivity—may be the predominant factor explaining community size-structure.  相似文献   

清道光二十九年(1849年)长江中下游地区的大水灾,对民生造成了严重的影响。作者系统收集了档案、方志、日记和文集资料中关于该年份水灾的记载,以县级成灾分数资料为基础,重建了此次水灾的时空分布,并分析了形成这次水灾的天气气候特征。研究认为,该年度水灾基本在N28°~N33°间呈条状东西向分布,而以N31°一线的灾情最为严重;连续性的降水开始于5月18日左右,到7月18日才结束,中间还有3次持续各达10余天的强降雨过程;这次大水灾是全流域性的,涝灾大于洪灾,降水最集中区域为东部的太湖流域,这和有器测记录的几次长江全流域大洪水并不一致;本次大水灾的直接天气成因是梅雨期提前并超长,雨量明显偏大,持续时间长达62天左右,比有器测记录的更早、更长;当年夏季风应偏弱,副热带高压脊线位置异常偏南,且西风分支明显,经向环流发展,西风南支位置应该也异常偏南;夏季冷空气异常活跃可能是雨带长期在长江沿岸徘徊的真正原因。  相似文献   

As a result of human activities, coastal waters can be exposed to multiple stressors that affect primary producers and their interactions with higher trophic levels. Mesocosm experiments were conducted during spring and summer 1996–1998 to investigate the responses of natural populations of primary producers to multiple stressors and the potential for these responses to be transmitted to higher trophic levels (i.e., copepods, bivalves, anemones, and fish). The effects of two stressors, elevated nutrient and trace element loadings, were examined individually and in combination. Nutrient additions had a positive effect on biomass, productivity, and abundance of primary producers (Breitburg et al. 1999; Riedel et al. 2003). Growth or abundance of consumers increased with nutrient additions, but the magnitude of the response was reduced relative to that of their prey. Responses to trace element additions varied seasonally and among taxa. The responses of zooplankton and bivalves to stressor additions were affected by the biomass and changes in species composition of phytoplankton assemblages. The presence of fish predators did not alter zooplankton responses to stressor additions. These results suggest that the extent to which nutrient and trace element effects are transmitted from primary producers to higher trophic levels depends on the capacity of consumers to respond to stressor-induced changes in abundance and species composition of prey, on the absolute abundance of prey, and on the ability of predators to feed on alternative prey. The magnitude of the effects of stressors on estuarine food webs may depend on seasonal variability in species composition of phytoplankton assemblages, whether sensitive species dominate, and whether these species are important prey for secondary consumers. Because spatial and temporal patterns in nutrient and trace element loadings to the estuary can affect species composition of primary producers, it is critically important to examine the magnitude, timing, and spatial relationships of loadings of multiple stressors to coastal waters in order to understand the impacts of these stressors on higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

This study presents the temporal and spatial variability of 234U/238U activity ratios in the Shu River and provides interpretation to explain the downstream changes of uranium and the 234U/238U activity ratios in the study area. The positive linear correlation (R 2 = 0.98, p < 0.001) between uranium concentration and specific electrical conductance is consistent with rock weathering and leaching as the major contributor of dissolved uranium in the studied area of the river. The 234U/238U activity ratio ranged between ~1.6 in the upper reaches of the river to ~1.15 furthest downstream. Activity ratios at specific sampling points do not show significant seasonal variability.  相似文献   

The early Holocene climate of the North Atlantic region was influenced by two boundary conditions that were fundamentally different from the present: the presence of the decaying Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS) and higher than present summer solar insolation. In order to assess spatial and temporal patterns of Holocene climate evolution across this region, we collated quantitative paleotemperature records at sub-millennial resolution and synthesized their temporal variability using principal components analysis (PCA). The analysis reveals considerable spatial variability, most notably in the time-transgressive expression of the Holocene thermal maximum (HTM). Most of the region, but especially areas peripheral to the Labrador Sea and hence closest to the locus of LIS disintegration, experienced maximum Holocene temperatures that lagged peak summer insolation by 1000-3000 years. Many sites from the northeastern North Atlantic sector, including the Nordic Seas and Scandinavia, either warmed in phase with maximum summer insolation (11,000-9000 years ago) or were less strongly lagged than the Baffin Bay-Labrador Sea region. These spatially complex patterns of Holocene climate development, which are defined by the PCA, resulted from the interplay between final decay of the LIS and solar insolation forcing.  相似文献   

Long-trend trends in dissolved oxygen (DO) and total coliform bacteria concentrations are used to evaluate the impact of almost 60 yr of sewage abatement and treatment in the lower Hudson River near New York City. Although some water pollution control plants have been in operation in the region since the 1930s, the most significant abatement of untreated sewage in the lower Hudson River has occurred since the late 1970s, when most of the existing plants were upgraded to secondary treatment, and additional plants were constructed. From at least 1922 through the early 1960s, average summer DO percent saturation varied between 35% and 50% in surface waters and 25% and 40% in bottom waters. Beginning in the late 1970s, DO concentrations generally increased through the 1980s and especially into the 1990s, coinciding with the upgrading of the 7.4 m3 s?1 (170 million gallons per day, mgd) North River plant to secondary treatment in the spring of 1991. Average summer percent saturation in the early 1990s exceeded 80% in surface waters and 60% in bottom waters. In addition, summer DO minima have increased from less than 1.5 mg 1?1 in the early 1970s to greater than 3.0 mg 1?1 in the 1990s, and the duration of hypoxia during summer months has been reduced. Total coliforms also display strong declining trends from the 1970s into the 1990s, with declines attributed to plant upgrades, construction of two New York City plants (North River and Red Hook) in the mid 1980s, and improved operation of the sewer system.  相似文献   




Middle Miocene (17-9 Ma) volcanism in northeast Israel migrated from eastern Lower Galilee (Poria, west of the Sea of Galilee) to the southwest (Yizre'el Valley) in association with the development of an extensional basin in that area. The Yizre'el Valley magmas are highly undersaturated in silica (basanites and nephelinites), while those of Poria are alkali-basaltic. Scarce Middle Miocene basalts from the Golan, further to the east, are also alkali-basaltic. Magmas from Kaukab (southeastern Lower Galilee) show a range of compositions from alkali-basalts to basanites. The patterns defined by ratios versus concentrations of incompatible elements in Kaukab basalts (e.g. versus La), as well as the scatter observed in Sr isotope ratios, are interpreted in terms of binary mixing. It is suggested that the Kaukab magmas were derived from veined lithospheric peridotites, melts of the veins and of the peridotites being the two end-members. Accordingly, alkali-basaltic- and basanite-dominated areas are underlain by vein-poor and vein-rich lithosphere, respectively. It is also suggested that melting during the Middle Miocene mainly occurred in response to extension, and that it followed the propagation of the Yizre'el-Galilee Basin from northeast to southwest.  相似文献   

Hypoxia/anoxia in bottom waters of the Rappahannock River, a tributary estuary of Chesapeake Bay, was observed to persist throughout the summer in the deep basin near the river mouth; periodic reoxygenation of bottom water occurred on the shallower sill at the river mouth. The reoxygenation events were closely related to spring tide mixing. The dissolved oxygen (DO) in surface waters was always near or at the saturation level, while that of bottom waters exhibited a characteristic spatial pattern. The bottom DO decreased upriver from river mouth, reaching a minimum upriver of the deepest point of the river and increasing as the water becaume shallower further upriver. A model was formulated to describe the longitudinal distribution of DO in bottom waters. The model is based on Lagrangian concept—following a water parcel as it travels upriver along the estuarine bottom. The model successfully describes the characteristic distribution of DO and also explains the shifting of the minimum DO location in response to spring-neap cycling. A diagnostic study with the model provided insight into relationships between the bottom DO and the competing factors that contribute to the DO budget of bottom waters. The study reveals that both oxygen demand, either benthic or water column demand, and vertical mixing have a promounced effect on the severity of hypoxia in bottom waters of an estary. However, it is the vertical mixing which controls the longitudinal location of the minimum DO. The strength of gravitational circulation is also shown to affect the occurrence of hypoxia. An estuary with stronger circulation tends to have less chance for hypoxia to occur. The initial DO deficit of bottom water entering an estuary has a strong effect on DO concentration near the river mouth, but its effect diminishes in the upriver direction.  相似文献   

Based on the experimental data collected from 2002 to 2010 in Jilin province, we performed multifractal analysis to investigate the spatial variability of soil moisture during 9 years from 2002 to 2010 and about 60 days from April 21 to June 21 in 2010, and analyzed the relationship between soil moisture and precipitation. The results showed that the soil moisture was multifractal. It was intermediate variability in the soil sample. From 2002 to 2010, the spatial variation of soil moisture was charactered by long distance in 2004, 2006, and 2009 and short distance in 2002, 2003, and 2008. The spatial variation of soil moisture was charactered by long distance from April 21 to May 11 and late June. It was charactered by short distance from May 11 to June 21. From April 11 to July 1, 2010, the spatial variation of soil moisture was mainly affected by the spatial variation of precipitation. From 2002 to 2010, the spatial variation of soil moisture was mainly affected by precipitation in 2006, 2009, and 2010. The spatial variation of precipitation had little effect on soil moisture during 2002 to 2005 and 2007 to 2008. This study analyzed the multifractal characteristic of soil moisture from the perspective of water resources divisions, which can provide references for soil water resources evaluation and water resources allocation.  相似文献   

Sediment transport and trapping in the Hudson River estuary   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Hudson River estuary has a pronounced turbidity maximum zone, in which rapid, short-term deposition of sediment occurs during and following the spring freshet. Water-column measurements of currents and suspended sediment were performed during the spring of 1999 to determine the rate and mechanisms of sediment transport and trapping in the estuary. The net convergence of sediment in the lower estuary was approximately 300,000 tons, consistent with an estimate based on sediment cores. The major input of sediment from the watershed occurred during the spring freshet, as expected. Unexpected, however, was that an even larger quantity of sediment was transported landward into the estuary during the 3-mo observation period. The landward movement was largely accomplished by tidal pumping (i.e., the correlation between concentration and velocity at tidal frequencies) during spring tides, when the concentrations were 5 to 10 times higher than during neap tides. The landward flux is not consistent with the long-term sediment budget, which requires a seaward flux at the mouth to account for the excess input from the watershed relative to net accumulation. The anomalous, landward transport in 1999 occurred in part because the freshet was relatively weak, and the freshet occurred during neapetides when sediment resuspension was minimal. An extreme freshet occurred during 1998, which may have provided a repository of sediment just seaward of the mouth that re-entered the estuary in 1999. The amplitude of the spring freshet and its timing with respect to the spring-neap cycle cause large interannual variations in estuarine sediment flux. These variations can result in the remobilization of previously deposited sediment, the mass of which may exceed the annual inputs from the watershed.  相似文献   

Trends in the spatial distribution of chlorophylla (chla) and colloidal and total carbohydrates on the Molenplaat tidal flat in the Westerschelde estuary, Netherlands, reflected spatial differences in physical properties of the sediment. Results from a Spearman Rank Order Correlation indicated that many of the physical and biological measures covaried. Multiple regression analyses describing the relationship between colloidal carbohydrates and sediment properties resulted in several highly significant equations, although in all cases chla was able to predict colloidal carbohydrate content. Relationships between sediment surface chla and colloidal carbohydrate, and sediment erodibility (i.e., critical erosion threshold, Ucrit, and mass of sediment eroded at a velocity of 30 cm s?1) determined in annular flume experiments were examined. Overall sediment erodibility was lowest (i.e., high thresholds, low mass eroded) for the siltiest sediments in June 1996 when chla and colloidal carbohydrates were high (56.9 μg gDW?1 and 320.6 μg gluc.equ. gDW?1, respectively), and greatest (i.e., low thresholds, high mass eroded) at the sandier sediments in September 1996, when chla and colloidal carbohydrates were low (1.0 μg gDW?1 and 5.7 μg gluc.equ. gDW?1, respectively). When sediments were grouped according to relative silt content, the most significant relationships were found in muddy sand with a finegrained fraction (<63 μm) of 25–50%. Thresholds of erosion increased, while mass of sediment eroded decreased, with increasing chla and colloidal carbohydrate. A similar trend was observed for the sand-muddy sand (63 μm 10–25%). In the sand (63 μm 0–10%), there were no relationships for Ucrit, whereas mass eroded appeared to increase with increasing chla and colloidal carbohydrate. The increased carbohydrate may stick sand grains together, altering the nature of erosion from rolling grains to clumps of resuspension.  相似文献   

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