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In the lower delta of the Paraná River, at the head of the Río de la Plata estuary (Argentina), we compared net aboveground primary production (NAPP) and soil properties of the dominant macrophyteScirpus giganteus (Kunth) in a floating and an attached marsh community. Both marshes are tidally influenced but in different ways. The floating marsh site is relatively isolated from tidal influences because its ability to float makes it resistant to overland flow and to sediment inputs from the estuary. The attached marsh lacks the capacity to float and receives sediment supplies from the estuary through overland flow. These hydrologic differences are reflected in lower mineral content in sediments of the floating marsh. Using a leaf tagging technique, estimated NAPP was 1,109 ± 206 g m−2 yr−1 for the floating marsh and 1,866 ±258 g m−2 yr−1 for the attached marsh. We attribute the lower NAPP of the floating marsh to isolation from sediment input from overland flow.  相似文献   

Aboveground production and tissue element composition of Spartina alterniflora were compared in bareier island marshes of different age off the Eastern Shore of Virginia. The marshes were also characterized by physical and chemical parameters of the substrate. The results suggest that sediment nutrient stock do not directly control the spatial pattern of element content or production of S. alterniflora between these marshes. Elevated salinity likely limits the nitrogen uptake capability of S. alterniflora in the high marsh, which, in turn, controls leaf tissue nitrogen content of plants within individual sites. Low substrate redox potential may control the spatial pattern of nitrogen uptake between the different-age marsh sites, loading to more favorable growing conditions at the low stations of the young marsh sites where values of tissue nitrogen and production are highest. Tissue phosphorus did not differ between, or within the marsh sites. The result of a fertilization experiment suggest that nitrogen, and not phosphorus, is the primary limiting nutrient in this sytem. This indicates that nutrient limitation and other stresses work in conjunction to control tissue element content and macrophyte production at these marsh sites. Spatial variability of factors that control leaf tissue nitrogen and production is likely related to topography and grain size of an individual marsh, which is a function of marsh age. Most studies in different-age marshes have compared transplanted marshes to older, natural marshes. This work is one of few studies comparing developing and mature natural, marshes on barrier islands.  相似文献   

The overall objective of this study is to define and interpret the annual dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) flux in selected river catchments in North Eastern Iceland. The flux stems primarily from chemical weathering of basalt. The DIC flux out of the catchments is compared with the spatial distribution of the various vegetation communities and their gross primary production (GPP), net primary production (NPP) and net ecosystem exchange (NEE). There is no correlation between the DIC flux and the GPP, but one between DIC and NPP. The DIC flux is highly dependent on the NEE, which in turn is governed by the area extent of wetlands in these catchments. A variation by a factor 5 of the NEE results in a variation by a factor 2.8 in the river dissolved inorganic flux.  相似文献   

Net primary production was measured in three characteristic salt marshes of the Ebre delta: anArthrocnemum macrostachyum salt marsh,A. macrostachyum-Sarcocornia fruticosa mixed salt marsh andS. fruticosa salt marsh. Above-ground and belowground biomass were harvested every 3 mo for 1 yr. Surface litter was also collected from each plot. Aboveground biomass was estimated from an indirect non-destructive method, based on the relationship between standing biomass and height of the vegetation. Decomposition of aboveground and belowground components was studied by the disappearance of plant material from litter bags in theS. fruticosa plot. Net primary production (aboveground and belowground) was calculated using the Smalley method. Standing biomass, litter, and primary production increased as soil salinity decreased. The annual average total aboveground plus belowground biomass was 872 g m−2 in theA. macrostachyum marsh, 1,198 g m−2 in theA. macrostachyum-S. fruticosa mixed marsh, and 3,766 g m−2 in theS. fruticosa biomass (aboveground plus belowground) was 226, 445, and 1,094 g m−2, respectively. Total aboveground plus below-ground net primary production was 240, 1,172, and 1,531 g m−2 yr−1. There was an exponential loss of weight during decomposition. Woody stems and roots, the most recalcitrant material, had 70% and 83% of the original material remaining after one year. Only 20–22% of leafy stem weight remained after one year. When results from the Mediterranean are compared to other salt marshes dominated by shrubbyChenopodiaceae in Mediterranean-type climates, a number of similarities emerge. There are similar zonation patterns, with elevation and maximum aboveground biomass and primary production occurring in the middle marsh. This is probably because of stress produced by waterlogging in the low marsh and by hypersalinity in the upper marsh.  相似文献   

The transformation of atmospherically deposited inorganic Hg to the toxic, organic form methylmercury (MeHg) is of serious ecological concern because MeHg accumulates in aquatic biota, including fish. Research has shown that the Hg methylation reaction is dependent on the availability of SO4 (as an electron acceptor) because SO4-reducing bacteria (SRB) mediate the biotic methylation of Hg. Much less research has investigated the possible organic C limitations to Hg methylation (i.e. from the perspective of the electron donor). Although peatlands are long-term stores of organic C, the C derived from peatland vegetation is of questionable microbial lability. This research investigated how both SO4 and organic C control net MeHg production using a controlled factorial addition design in 44 in situ peatland mesocosms. Two levels of SO4 addition and energetic-equivalent additions (i.e. same number of electrons) of a number of organic C sources were used including glucose, acetate, lactate, coniferous litter leachate, and deciduous litter leachate. This study supports previous research demonstrating the stimulation of MeHg production from SO4 input alone (∼200 pg/L/day). None of the additions of organic C alone resulted in significant MeHg production. The combined addition of SO4 and some organic C sources resulted in considerably more MeHg production (∼500 pg/L/day) than did the addition of SO4 alone, demonstrating that the highest levels of MeHg production can be expected only where fluxes of both SO4 and organic C are delivered concurrently. When compared to a number of pore water samples taken from two nearby peatlands, MeHg concentrations resulting from the combined addition of SO4 and organic C in this study were similar to MeHg “hot spots” found near the upland–peatland interface. The formation of MeHg “hot spots” at the upland–peatland interface may be dependent on concurrent inputs of SO4 and organic C in runoff from the adjacent upland hillslopes.  相似文献   

This study examines the consistency between the AVHRR and MODIS normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) datasets in estimating net primary productivity (NPP) and net ecosystem productivity (NEP) over India during 2001–2006 in a terrestrial ecosystem model. Harmonic analysis is employed to estimate seasonal components of the time series. The stationary components (representing long-term mean) of the respective NDVI time series are highly coherent and exhibit inherent natural vegetation characteristics with high values over the forest, moderate over the cropland, and small over the grassland. Both data exhibit strong semi-annual oscillations over the cropland dominated Indo-Gangetic plains while annual oscillations are strong over most parts of the country. MODIS has larger annual amplitude than that of the AVHRR. The similar variability exists on the estimates of NPP and NEP across India. In an annual scale, MODIS-based NPP budget is 1.78 PgC, which is 27% higher than the AVHRR- based estimate. It revealed that the Indian terrestrial ecosystem remained the sink of atmospheric CO 2 during the study period with 42 TgC y ?1 NEP budget associated with MODIS-based estimate against 18 TgC y ?1 for the AVHRR-based estimate.  相似文献   

The colonisation of the land by plants and the origin of vascular plants were events that changed the face of our planet and are as captivating to the imagination as they are controversial. The plants themselves were morphologically very simple and their fossils lack the aesthetic appeal of the famous fronds of the Coal Measures, yet quite remarkable cellular detail can be observed at the microscopic level.  相似文献   

Vegetative remains of three coalified Lower Devonian vascular plants (Zosterophyllum, Psilophyton, Renalia) were analyzed using flash pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The distributions of pyrolysis products are compared with those from younger vascular plant fossil xylem (Cordaixylon, Callixylon) and cuticle (Pachypteris). The likelihood of the chemical preservation of characteristic higher plant macromolecules (e.g., lignin and cutan) in the Lower Devonian plant fossils is considered in light of this comparison and associated thermal maturity assessments. Reflectance values from vitrinite-like macerals, which may not be vitrinite sensu stricto in the Lower Devonian host rocks for the fossils selected for this study, are shown to provide a reasonable assessment of the thermal maturity of these early vascular plant fossils. Although lignin altered through burial maturation is the most likely source of the prominent alkylphenols and aromatic hydrocarbons in the Lower Devonian tracheophyte flash pyrolysates, a contribution from thermally modified tannins cannot be ruled out. Comparison of the highly aliphatic pyrolysates from the Zosterophyllum and Psilophyton axes with that of a thermally mature fossil gymnosperm leaf revealed that cutan was an important component in the Devonian plant remains. This is the earliest chemical evidence for the presence of cutan in vascular plants.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2019,351(4):321-331
The aim of this paper is to map the aboveground biomass (AGB) in Gabon. First, a random forest (RF) model that relates reference AGB values to remote sensing (RS)-derived variables (mainly radar and optical images) was built, and the significant predictive variables were determined. Second, the built RF model was applied to the significant RS-derived variables to predict AGB across Gabon. The results showed that the overall RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) on the RS-derived AGB map with a spatial resolution of 50 m was 63.3 t/ha (R2 = 0.53).To improve the accuracy of the RS-derived AGB map, the integration of LiDAR data provided by the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) onboard the Ice Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite (ICESat) was investigated. First, an RF model that relates reference AGB values to GLAS-derived metrics and a DEM (Digital Elevation Model) was built. Second, the calibrated RF model was applied to obtain a spatially distributed estimation of AGB (GLAS footprints geolocation) covering forested areas in Gabon, with a density of 0.13 footprints/km2. Third, the semivariogram of residuals (RS-derived AGB map – GLAS-derived AGB “surrogate AGB”) was computed. Later, a regression kriging interpolation was performed by taking into account the spatial structure of residuals to provide a continuous residual map. Finally, the RS-derived AGB map and the residual map were summed, and a final AGB map was obtained. The results showed that the integration of GLAS surrogate AGB data slightly improves the accuracy of the RS-derived AGB map only for AGB values lower than 100 t/ha (bias and RMSE reduced by 13.9 and 10 t/ha, respectively).  相似文献   

利用卫星遥感资料和地面气象观测资料,基于CASA模型及其他数理方法估算了浑善达克沙地2000-2013年生长季(4-10月)植被净初级生产力(NPP),并对其时空变化特征进行了分析,讨论了气候因子和人类活动对植被净初级生产力的影响。结果表明: 14年间,研究区生长季的植被净初级生产力呈波动中增加趋势,多年平均NPP为239.8 gC·m-2·a-1。整个研究区表现为高NPP值(大于150 gC·m-2·a-1)的植被面积在增加,低NPP值(小于150 gC·m-2·a-1)的植被面积在减少。在空间分布上,研究区的北部、中部和南部边缘区域的植被NPP增加趋势较明显,而东部和西部部分区域未发生明显的趋势性变化。总体而言,研究区植被净初级生产力变化趋势与降水量的关系更密切,其相关系数达到0.86,是驱动植被NPP年际波动的最直接因素。而与温度呈负相关,相关系数为-0.42。综合考虑气候因素和人类活动对沙地NPP的影响发现,温度降低、种饲料面积、年末牲畜存栏头数和羊的数量的减少是NPP值提高的关键因素。  相似文献   

It has been assumed that because seagrasses dominate macrophyte biomass in many estuaries they also dominate primary production. We tested this assumption by developing three carbon budgets to examine the contribution of autotrophic components to the total ecosystem net primary production (TENPP) of Lower Laguna Madre, Texas. The first budget coupled average photosynthetic parameters with average daily irradiance to calculate daily production. The second budget used average photosynthetic parameters and hourly in situ irradiance to estimate productivity. The third budget integrated temperature-adjusted photosynthetic parameters (using Q10=2) and hourly in situ irradiance to estimate productivity. For each budget TENPP was calculated by integrating production from each autotroph based on the producers’ areal distribution within the entire Lower Laguna Madre. All budgets indicated that macroalgae account for 33–42% of TENPP and seagrasses consistently accounted for about 33–38%. The contribution by phytoplankton was consistently about 15–20%, and the contribution from the benthic microalgae varied between 8% and 36% of TENPP, although this may have been underestimated due to our exclusion of the within bed microphytobenthos component. The water column over the seagrass beds was net heterotrophic and consequently was a carbon sink consuming between 5% and 22% of TENPP, TENPP ranged between 5.41×1010 and 2.53×1011 g C yr−1, depending on which budget was used. The simplest, most idealized budget predicted the highest TENPP, while the more realistic budgets predicted lower values. Annual production rates estimated using the third budget forHalodule urightii andThalassia testudinum compare well with field data. Macroalgae and microalgae contribute 50–60% of TENPP, and seagrass may be more important as three-dimensional habitat (i.e., structure) than as a source of organic carbon to the water column in Lower Laguna Madre.  相似文献   

杨楠  李承森 《古地理学报》2009,11(1):91-104
依据泥盆纪早、中、晚3个时期的中国岩相古地理图及中国泥盆纪植物已有的资料,绘制出中国泥盆纪这3个时期的植物古地理分布图。中国泥盆纪海侵的主要方向是从中国西南部的云南地区(早泥盆世)逐渐向长江中游的华中地区(中泥盆世)及长江下游的华东地区(晚泥盆世)发展。中国泥盆纪维管植物在南方的分布是随着海侵,逐渐向华中及华东地区扩展,由早泥盆世西南地区的云南、四川、贵州,以及广西和湖南南部等地区,发展至中泥盆世云南、四川、贵州、湖南的中北部以及湖北的南部地区,在晚泥盆世的分布范围扩大到广东、湖南、湖北、江西、安徽、浙江以及江苏等地区。泥盆纪维管植物在北方的分布范围较小,从中泥盆世才开始出现,主要分布在新疆的北部,晚泥盆世在宁夏等地区也有分布。中国泥盆纪3个时期陆地维管植物各个种类所占的百分含量表明,早期的植物主要以较为原始的莱尼蕨类、工蕨类以及前石松类为主,中期石松类占优势,到了晚期石松类依然占优势,而楔叶类、真蕨类以及前裸子植物开始繁盛。  相似文献   

贵州省喀斯特地区植被净第一性生产力的估算   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
王冰  杨胜天  王玉娟 《中国岩溶》2007,26(2):98-104
在构建光能利用率模型的基础上,依托遥感手段,利用MODI S数据和气象资料,完成了贵州省喀斯特地区2001年植被净第一性生产力( N PP )的估算,并通过喀斯特地区与非喀斯特地区植被N P P 的对比,重点研究了喀斯特地区植被NP P 的时空变化特征,得到以下主要结论: ( 1)喀斯特地区与非喀斯特地区的植被N PP 在时空分布上存在明显差异,非喀斯特地区的N PP 平均值高出喀斯特地区约13. 3%。( 2)非喀斯特地区的N PP 频度分布呈似双峰型,而喀斯特地区的NP P 值似正态分布。( 3)年内植被N PP 的最高值和最低值均出现在7月和1月,但喀斯特地区比非喀斯特地区的整体波动性大。( 4)喀斯特地区植被N P P的季相空间变化显著,石漠化较为严重的地区其植被N P P 明显小于其它地区,且季间差异较明显。   相似文献   

The ecological structure in the arid and semi-arid region of Northwest China with forest, grassland, agriculture, Gobi, and desert, is complex, vulnerable, and unstable. It is a challenging and sustaining job to keep the ecological structure and improve its ecological function. Net primary productivity (NPP) modeling can help to improve the understanding of the ecosystem, and therefore, improve ecological efficiency. The boreal ecosystem productivity simulator (BEPS) model provides the possibility of NPP modeling in terrestrial ecosystem, but it has some limitations for application in arid and semi-arid regions. In this paper, we improve the BEPS model, in terms of its water cycle by adding the processes of infiltration and surface runoff, to be applicable in arid and semi-arid regions. We model the NPP of forest, grass, and crop in Gansu Province as an experimental area in Northwest China in 2003 using the improved BEPS model, parameterized with moderate resolution remote sensing imageries and meteorological data. The modeled NPP using improved BEPS agrees better with the ground measurements in Qilian Mountain than that with original BEPS, with a higher R 2 of 0.746 and lower root mean square error (RMSE) of 46.53 gC m?2 compared to R 2 of 0.662 and RMSE of 60.19 gC m?2 from original BEPS. The modeled NPP of three vegetation types using improved BEPS shows evident differences compared to that using original BEPS, with the highest difference ratio of 9.21 % in forest and the lowest value of 4.29 % in crop. The difference ratios between different vegetation types lie on the dependence on natural water sources. The modeled NPP in five geographic zones using improved BEPS is higher than those with original BEPS, with higher difference ratio in dry zones and lower value in wet zones.  相似文献   

Variability in early life stages of species that are permanent residents of the estuarine nekton is poorly understood, especially in systems with extensive areas of emergent vegetation (e.g., salt marshes and mangroves). Sampling small mobile nekton in these shallow intertidal habitats presents a difficult methodological challenge. Simulated aquatic microhabitats (SAMs) were used to collect the early life stages of resident nekton that remained on the emergent marsh surface after it was exposed by the tide and could not be adequately sampled by traditional methods. Where the intertidal is a prominent areal component of the estuary, a large portion of young nekton could be overlooked using other common survey methods (e.g., plankton tows or block nets). Populations of young fishes and natant crustaceans were monitored for a year at 3-d to 6-d intervals from both low and high intertidal elevations within each of two marsh sites on Sapelo Island, Georgia, USA. Three species accounted for >99% of the 41,023 individuals collected. These were the killifishesFundulus heteroclitus (57.0%) andF. luciae (4.0%), and the daggerblade grass shrimp,Palaemonetes pugio (38.4%). YoungF. heteroclitus were used in field enclosure experiments to relate abundance data to actual areal densities. Average annual estimated density of young nekton on the surface of the intertidal marsh at low tide was 7.2 individuals m?2. Early life stages of estuarine resident species, particularly those with demersal young, are not affected by the same physical processes influencing larval supply and recruitment variability in marine-spawned species. In salt marshes, biotic factors (e.g., adult reproductive activity, predation, and food limitation) may be more important as proximate causes of variation during the early life histories of resident nekton.  相似文献   

Emission of phosphine, a gaseous form of P, is presently considered a potential pathway of the P biogeochemical cycle in aquatic sediments. This study investigated the emission fluxes of phosphine and its potential production mechanisms in the intertidal marshes of the Yangtze Estuary. It is shown that the relatively high emission fluxes of phosphine were measured in warm seasons, with the values of 3.85–24.9 ng m?2 h?1 and 4.21–36.5 ng m?2 h?1 in August and September, respectively. In contrast, lower fluxes of phosphine appeared in May (1.23–6.32 ng m?2 h?1) and January (0.21–0.91 ng m?2 h?1). Also, the fluxes of phosphine were generally higher in the freshwater marsh, compared with the brackish marsh. The spatio-temporal pattern of phosphine emissions was observed to be mainly associated with sediment structure, temperature and salinity. Meanwhile, the significant correlations of phosphine emissions with sedimentary P and alkaline phosphatase activities reflect that phosphine probably derives from the microbial transformations of PO4 and organic P. In addition, it is estimated that approximately 1.08 × 106 g of phosphine is released annually from sediments into the pelagic water of the Yangtze Estuary. Therefore, it is concluded that phosphine emissions may be an important internal source of P, making a significant contribution to the occurrence of algal blooms especially during warm seasons.  相似文献   

One year’s measurements of surficial sedimentation rates (1986–1987) for 26 Maine marsh sites were made over marker horizons of brick dust. Observed sediment accumulation rates, from 0 to 13 mm yr?1, were compared with marsh morphology, local relative sea-level rise rate, mean tidal range, and ice rafting activity. Marshes with four different morphologies (back-barrier, fluvial, bluff-toe, and transitional) showed distinctly different sediment accumulation rates. In general, back-barrier marshes had the highest accumulation rates and blufftoe marshes had the lowest rates, with intermediate values for transitional and fluvial marshes. No causal relationship between modern marsh sediment accumulation rate and relative sea-level rise rate (from tide gauge records) was observed. Marsh accretionary balance (sediment accumulation rate minus relative sea-level rise rate) did not correlate with mean tidal range for this meso- to macro-tidal area. Estimates of ice-rafted debris on marsh sites ranged from 0% to >100% of measured surficial sedimentation rates, indicating that ice transport of sediment may make a significant contribution to surficial sedimentation on Maine salt marshes.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton estimation using plant primary production rates in streams   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new approach is proposed to simulate the daily variation of chlorophyll a in one-dimensional streams. This approach uses the plant primary production rate to quantify the phytoplankton growth rate. The delta method, which is a piecewise analytical solution technique, is applied to determine the diurnal variation in plant primary production rate. The approach is tested by applying it to the Gumsuck stream in the Kyonggi-Do province in Korea. The optimization technique with constraints is used to obtain the best running results. Application of this approach shows that the values calculated using the method presented here are in good agreement with the measured values. Therefore, we conclude that this technique realistically simulates the daily variation of chlorophyll a.  相似文献   

We evaluated two types of wire-mesh minnow traps for sampling mummichogs (Fundulus heteroclitus) from intertidal rivulets on the surface of a salt marsh. In field trials, mean catch (no. of fish trap−1) did not differ significantly between trap types nor across soak times ranging from 30 to 240 min. Catch rate (no. of fish trap−1 min−1) was significantly (K-W ANOVA on ranked data, H4df=24.79; p<0.001) greater at shorter soak times, and larger size classes (>45 mm TL) of fish were relatively more abundant (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, p<0.0001) in collections from double-funnel cylindrical traps (volume=10,330 cm3) compared to rectangular traps having about twice the volume and a single funnel cylindrical traps (volume=10,330 cm3) compared to rectangular traps having about twice the volume and a single funnel opening. We estimated entry and escape rates by adding marked fish to traps at initial densities of 30, 60, and 120 trap−1 and measuring changes in the numbers of marked and unmarked fish in each trap type at soak times ranging from 15 to 120 min during the flood stage of the tidal cycle. Escape rate was almost, twice as great from the two-funnel cylindrical traps (0.77 fish min−1) than from the single-funnel rectangular type (0.42 fish min−1) but entry rates did not differ significantly (K-W ANOVA, H4df=0.06; p=0.813) between trap types. Escape rate increased and entry rate decreased as fish density within traps was increased. Escape rates were highest immediately following immersion of the traps, but approached a constant value after 30 min. Trap-specific rates of entry and escape can be affected by a variety of factors including physical characteristics of different trap types, method and timing of trap deployment, and fish behavior. Catch data from minnow traps are unlikely to be useful in measuring relative abundance of mummichogs among habitats unless very short soak times (≤60 min) are used and calibration tests are performed. Use of longer soak times virtually ignores the dynamics involved in determining catch, and is unlikely to provide accurate information on either abundance or size distribution of mummichogs from tidal marsh habitats.  相似文献   

2000-2014年人类活动对贵州省植被净初级生产力的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用MODIS实际净初级生产力数据与CASA模型估算得到的潜在净初级生产力,建立贵州省2000-2014年人类活动相对贡献指数(RCI),并依据各县喀斯特地貌面积和等级比例探究其年际变化及空间分布特征,再通过相关分析辨析选定的人类活动因子对其的影响。结果表明:(1)贵州省RCI均小于-0.5,人类活动促进了植被净初级生产力的增加,以2007年为转折点,影响程度先增强后减弱;(2)贵州省东北部、中部及西部地区的RCI多大于0,人类活动对生态环境有负面干扰作用;东南部及北部边缘地带的RCI多小于-1,人类活动的正面影响较强;(3)贵州省中部、北部大部分地区的RCI缓慢下降,人类活动对植被的正面影响增强;东南部部分区域的RCI由负转正,人类活动负面干扰作用增强;西南边界地区的RCI呈上升趋势却仍为负值,人类干预程度呈减弱趋势;(4)贵州省农业活动在人类活动的负面影响中有重要作用;城镇化与经济发展对生态环境既有正面影响,也有不可避免的负面干扰。  相似文献   

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