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The Sr,Nd and Pb isotopic characteristics of the Wudang basic dyke swarms and basic volcanics of the Yaolinghe Group show that they were derived from the same multi-component mixing source in the mantle.The Wudang basic dyke swarms have(^87Sr/^86Sr)i=0.6905-0.7061,εNd(t)=-1.9-5.0,△^208Pb/^204Pb=35.49-190.26,△^207Pb/^204Pb=Th/Ta and a wide range of La/Yb ratios;and the basic volcanics of the Yaolinghe Group have(^87Sr/^86Sr)i=0.6487-0.7075,εNd(t)=0.11-3.94,△^208Pb/^204Pb=-81.58-219.95,△^207Pb/^204Pb=4.44-16.68and higher Th/Ta and La/Yb ratios,indicating that their source is a mixture of DM and EMⅡ,and the basic volcanics of the Yaolinghe Group were contaminated by crust materials en rout to the surface.Based on the geochemical features of continental tholeiitic basalts and being products of differen tacies derived from the same source,it can be concluded that an important rifting event in the South Qinling basement block occurred during Neoproterozoic,followed by a setting of oceanic basic in the Early Paleozoic.  相似文献   

As viewed from space remote-sensing images (e.g. Google Earth images) of South Guizhou and North Guangxi, the authors found that macroscopic karst landscape on the Earth’s surface is strongly controlled by the Conjugated shear joint of “X” type. Joints of this kind constitute a huge infiltration network and act as channel-ways for the permeation of meteoric waters from the surface, thus, leading to the dissolution of carbonate rocks nearby. As a result, the karst landscape is formed, which is dominated by linear karst valleys. An “X” karst valley network structure appears in the area where horizontal strata are distributed, and a feather-like network structure appears in the area where vertical strata are distributed, respectively. When the water permeates downwards to the underground-water level, it will flow horizontally along the strike of “X” joints toward the local base level of erosion to form an “X” network system of underground conduits in the area where horizontal strata are distributed, but it is relatively complex, because of the joining of other joints. This is the first time we have made use of Google Earth images to study the karst environment. Therefore, it has been successful in research on the Earth’s geomorphology, which could only rely on aerial photos and satellite photos in the past. Google Earth images provide low-cost and applicable imaging materials for the study of Earth’s geomorphology and karst rocky desertification and its control.  相似文献   

The Southern Indian Ocean comprises large sedimentary basins of the Riiser-Larsen Sea (western sector); the Cosmonauts, Cooperation (Commonwealth), Davis seas (central sector); and the Mawson-d’Urville seas (eastern sector). The main tectonic provinces of the Southern Indian Ocean (Antarctica) have been outlined as a result of comprehensive interpretation of the geophysical data. Special attention is paid to determining the boundary between the rifted continental and oceanic crust. The basin of the Riiser-Larsen Sea was formed in the Early Jurassic under the action of the Karoo mantle plume. The intrusive complex, as a remote manifestation of the mantle plume, occurs along the inner boundary of the marginal rift. Opening of the ocean in the basin of Riiser-Larsen Sea started about 160 Ma ago and was characterized by rearrangement of plate motion and intense volcanic activity at the early stage. In the basin of the Cosmonauts, Cooperation, and Davis seas, the final stage of rifting was accompanied by the rise of the lithospheric mantle and by intrusive magmatism. The opening of the ocean started here 134 Ma ago. Emplacement of the Kerguelen plume resulted in jumping of ridges and detachment of continental crustal blocks from the Indian margin with the formation of the Kerguelen Plateau (microcontinent). The basin of the Mawson-d’Urville seas has evolved under conditions of long-term rifting since the Late Jurassic and is characterized by an extended zone of mantle unroofing. Breakup of the lithosphere between Australia and Antarctica developed asynchronously over a time interval of 95–65 Ma ago with propagation of MOR from the west eastward. The research was carried out using a great body of geophysical information (~140000 km of CDP seismic profiling, more than 250 stations of seismic refraction sounding, and more than 250000 km of magnetic and gravity profiles) obtained by expeditions from many countries over more than 30 years.  相似文献   

正From a point of magmatic view,the rupturing Gondwana Supercontinent is registered on the South American shelf in continental flood basalts,mafic dyke swarms,basins rift and,to a lesser extent,by intrusions alkaline.Among those  相似文献   

The Indian Shield is cross-cut by a number of distinct Paleoproterozoic mafic dyke swarms. The density of dykes in the Dharwar and Bastar Cratons is amongst the highest on Earth. Globally, boninitic dyke swarms are rare compared to tholeiitic dyke swarms and yet they are common within the Southern Indian Shield. Geochronology and geochemistry are used to constrain the petrogenesis and relationship of the boninitic dykes (SiO2 = 51.5 to 55.7 wt%, MgO = 5.8 to 18.7 wt%, and TiO2 = 0.30 wt% to 0.77 wt%) from the central Bastar Craton (Bhanupratappur) and the NE Dharwar Craton (Karimnagar). A single U-Pb baddeleyite age from a boninitic dyke near Bhanupratappur yielded a weighted-mean 207Pb/206Pb age of 2365.6 ± 0.9 Ma that is within error of boninitic dykes from the Dharwar Craton near Karimnagar (2368.5 ± 2.6 Ma) and farther south near Bangalore (2365.4 ± 1.0 Ma to 2368.6 ± 1.3 Ma). Rhyolite-MELTS modeling indicates that fractional crystallization is the likely cause of major element variability of the boninitic dykes from Bhanupratappur whereas trace element modeling indicates that the primary melt may be derived from a pyroxenite mantle source near the spinel-garnet transition zone. The Nd isotopes (εNd(t) = −6.4 to +4.5) of the Bhanupratappur dykes are more variable than the Karimnagar dykes (εNd(t) = −0.7 to +0.6) but they overlap. The variability of Sr-Nd isotopes may be related to crustal contamination during emplacement or is indicative of an isotopically heterogeneous mantle source. The chemical and temporal similarities of the Bhanupratappur dykes with the dykes of the Dharwar Craton (Karimnagar, Penukonda, Chennekottapalle) indicate they are members of the same giant radiating dyke swarm. Moreover, our results suggest that the Bastar and Dharwar Cratons were adjacent but likely had a different configuration at 2.37 Ga than the present day. It is possible that the 2.37Ga dyke swarm was related to a mantle plume that assisted in the break-up of an unknown or poorly constrained supercontinent.  相似文献   

Central Amapá, northern Brazil is located at the boundary between: (a) a northern Paleoproterozoic domain, consisting mainly of granite-greenstones terrains and (b) a southern Archean continental block (Amapá block), including an Archean basement reworked during the Transamazonian orogeny (2.26–1.95 Ga). Field investigations, Pb–Pb zircon and Sm–Nd whole rock geochronology supported by geochemical data on granitoids brought further constraints on Paleoproterozoic crustal growth in the southeastern Guyana Shield. A first magmatic episode, dated at 2.26 Ga, is marked by the crystallization of metaluminous low-K tholeiitic tonalites and quartz-diorites, which geochemical affinity with volcanic arc and association with T-MORB amphibolites suggest that they formed in a back-arc basin – island arc system. This event is coeval to the oceanic stage registered in French Guyana during the Eorhyacian (2.26–2.02 Ga). A second magmatic episode is represented by peraluminous, medium- to high-K calc-alkaline tonalite and granodiorite, which revealed some similarities with Mesorhyacian TTG rocks of French Guyana. For granitoids of both episodes, TDM and εNd values indicate the contribution of some Archean crustal component, probably by assimilation or contamination. This second magmatic episode occurred at 2.10 Ga, indicating that the period of successive calc-alkaline magmatic arcs formation may have extended until the Neorhyacian. Meanwhile, during this time, tectonic accretion by collision of the newly formed continental landmass was the prevailing process in French Guyana. The latter magmatic episode, even though poorly constrained, was registered around 2.08–2.02 Ga in central Amapá. It corresponds to the emplacement and solidification of high-K collisional granitoids, produced by partial melting of the Archean continental crust, as testified by the Archean TDM, inherited Pb–Pb zircon ages and strongly negative εNd values. Our results point toward the existence of a protracted episode of crustal growth during the Neorhyacian in the southeastern Guyana Shield. This episode has been predominantly driven by magmatic arc accretion during, at least, 160 My, along the period of 2.26–2.10 Ga. This cycle ended with diachronic closure of the oceanic basins and arc–continent collision.  相似文献   

The Cabora Bassa Basin in northern Zimbabwe is an Upper Paleozoic karoo basin trending almost east-west. It has clearly recognisable gravity and magnetic signatures from which its dimensions are estimated to be approximately 150 km long and at least 62 km wide. Its southern boundary is marked by a north dipping, listric, master fault of possibly a ramp-flat-ramp geometry. Within the basin there is erosional truncation of over 2 km of sediment at the top of the stratigraphy and an absence of a post-rift thermal subsidence phase. Modern and major river channels are characteristically narrow, deep and without considerable amounts of silt on the river beds, whilst their valley sides are marked by multiple terraces. These ongoing erosional processes are evidence for sustained and possibly episodic uplift of the basin since the end of rifting in the Late Cretaceous/Early Tertiary.An evaluation of possible uplift mechanisms for the basin and its surroundings lends support to lithospheric thickening as the most likely mechanism. Compression and magmatic underplating and/or intrusion are two common ways of thickening the lithosphere. The absence of major compressional structures within the basin suggests that magmatic underplating and intrusion may have played a major role in lithospheric thickening. Major element data for the mantle-derived Jerama basalts indicate substantial hidden cumulates, which possibly thickened the lithospheric column.Modelling of gravity data, constrained by both seismic reflection results, and the densities of the surface rocks, show that the crustal thickness beneath the basin is in the range 19–23 km. The stretching factors from seismic and gravity models range from 1.6 to 1.9. There is up to 5 km difference between the expected and modelled crustal thicknesses beneath the basin, which could be explained by magmatic underplating.  相似文献   

正The iconic image of a giant radiating dyke swarm subsequently fragmented into three pieces via supercontinental breakup was produced by Paul May in1971(see next page).That figure presented a large part of  相似文献   

This contribution describes three phenomenon regarding visceral methods. It highlights the importance of collaborative data creation, and the opportunity of creativity to produce pleasure, laughter, as well as to see and sense power. But it also demonstrates the danger posed by the neoliberal university to the further development and implementation of visceral methods.  相似文献   

A mantle xenolith suite from two Late Tertiary necks on SalIsland (Cape Verde Archipelago) consists of nearly equivalentamounts of anhydrous spinel-bearing lherzolites and harzburgites,in which secondary metasomatic textural domains are superimposedon the original protogranular textures. Detailed petrographicstudies, coupled with in situ major and trace element analysesof the constituent minerals and interstitial glasses, revealthe complex evolutionary history of the Cape Verde lithosphericmantle, from depletion in the garnet facies to re-equilibrationand re-enrichment in the spinel stability field. Low CaO (16·4–18·0wt %) and heavy rare earth element (HREE; Ybn = 2·4–4·8),and high Cr2O3 (1·06–1·84 wt %) contentsin the clinopyroxenes of the lherzolites can be quantitativelyaccounted for by (1) low-degree (4%) partial melting of a PrimitiveMantle-like garnet lherzolite followed by (2) partial re-equilibrationof the melting residuum from the garnet to the spinel stabilityfield. This model is further supported by thermobarometric estimates(T = 975–1210°C; P = 1·3–2·1 GPa),which cluster around the spinel–garnet boundary in theperidotite system. Secondary parageneses, regardless of theprimary lithologies, are characterized by (1) two clinopyroxenes,cpx2-O and cpx2-C, respectively related to orthopyroxene andclinopyroxene destabilization after reaction with metasomaticfluids, and (2) glasses with anomalously high, even for continentalsettings, K2O contents (up to 8·78 wt %), together withK-feldspar. Major and trace element mass balance calculationsbetween the primary and secondary parageneses suggest infiltrationof a kimberlite-like metasomatizing agent (on volatile-freebasis, MgO 17–27 wt %; K2O/Na2O 1·6–3·2molar; (K2O + Na2O)/Al2O3 1·1–3·0 molar;Rb 91–165 ppm; Zr 194–238 ppm). The kimberlite-likemetasomatism in the Cape Verde lithospheric mantle, togetherwith the presence of lherzolitic domains, partially re-equilibratedfrom the garnet to the spinel stability field, may suggest thepresence of subcontinental mantle lithosphere relicts left behindby drifting of the African Plate during the opening of the CentralAtlantic Ocean. KEY WORDS: Cape Verde; mantle metasomatism; garnet signatures; clinopyroxenes; kimberlites  相似文献   

The present comment disproves the tectonic model of a late Devonian/early Carboniferous Tibetan-style collisional plateau in the Teplá-Barrandean (TB) part of the Bohemian Massif, which later collapsed by thermal weakening of the underlying crust. Contrary to this model, the TB neither reveals major crustal thickening nor uplift and erosion, and eastern continuations of the TB were, during the relevant time-span, areas of open marine sedimentation. Late Devonian/early Carboniferous marine sediments widespread also in the Armorican and Central Massifs of France testify to low topography in central parts of the Variscan orogen. Notional traces of a Permo-Carboniferous ice cap on the French Massif Central do not support the plateau model, because they are questionable and much younger than the inferred plateau stage of the TB. The relative uplift of high-grade metamorphic rocks to the NW and the SE of the TB is not due to sinking of an elevated TB, but, instead, to the hydraulic and buoyant expulsion of HP material from the Saxo-Thuringian and Moldanubian subduction channels. The rise of lower-grade HT rocks along the southwestern margin of the Bohemian Massif was effected by late Carboniferous transpression. The high temperature and the resulting low viscosity of the rising materials were probably not caused by Variscan mantle delamination, but relate to lithospheric thinning and heating at the tip of the westward propagating Tethys Rift.  相似文献   

The Crusader Complex, part of the Agnew gold camp of the Lawlers Anticline of the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia, is located close to or along the contact between the Lawlers Basalt and Agnew Ultramafics units. Au mineralization within the four orebodies that form the Crusader Complex is dominated by very pure Au, containing less than 1 wt.% Ag, with Au variably associated with scheelite, Bi-tellurides and minor chalcopyrite within a magnetite and titanite gangue assemblage. Hydrothermal alteration associated with this style of mineralization is characterized by increasing concentrations of Mo, Be, Li, Sn and Fe and depletions in Na, Cu, Ba, Pb, Mn, Zn, Si, and K relative to protolith concentrations; these enrichments are more typical in orebodies associated with felsic intrusive-related mineralizing systems rather than the more well-known orogenic Au deposits found elsewhere within the Lawlers Anticline (e.g. at Waroonga) and within the greater Yilgarn Craton.We propose that flexures of the contact between the Lawlers Basalt and Agnew Ultramafic units acted as conduits for Au-bearing felsic intrusive-derived fluids and generated structural traps that enhanced fluid flow. The mineralizing fluids that formed the Crusader deposits were derived from the Lawlers granitoid pluton that intruded into the study area. Enhanced fluid flow promoted interaction between hydrothermal fluids and the reactive mafic–ultramafic rock sequence, augmenting the amount of Au that was precipitated during formation of the orebodies at Crusader. The magnetite-dominated quartz- and sulfide-poor intrusion-related mineralization at Crusader contrasts sharply with other late Archean intrusion-related deposits of the Yilgarn Craton that are usually sulfide- and/or quartz-rich. This may in turn suggest that the Crusader deposit represents a new class of under-explored intrusion-derived deposits, possibly opening new mineral exploration opportunities for the Agnew region, and potentially the wider Eastern Goldfields Superterrane. Enrichments in Mo and Sn and significant depletions in Cu suggest that other parts of the Lawlers batholith may also be prospective for base metal mineralization.Integration of stratigraphic interpretation with the identification of key structural fluid pathways and the presence of felsic intrusive bodies, as presented in this study, enables the delineation of the key elements that underlie mineralization at the Crusader Complex. We propose that these key elements provide vital information for future gold exploration models that can be used within other Archean terranes and within the Eastern Yilgarn Craton in particular.  相似文献   

A recent paper by Weyer (Environ Earth Sci 2018, 77:1–16) challenges the widely accepted interpretation of groundwater heads and salinities in the coastal Biscayne aquifer near Miami, Florida, USA. Weyer (2018) suggests that the body of saltwater that underlies fresh groundwater just inland of the coast is not a recirculating wedge of seawater, but results instead from upward migration of deep saline groundwater driven by regional flow. Perhaps more significantly, Weyer (2018) also asserts that established hydrologic theory is fundamentally incorrect with respect to buoyancy. Instead of acting along the direction of gravity (that is, vertically), Weyer (2018) claims, buoyancy acts instead along the direction of the pressure gradient. As a result, Weyer (2018) considers currently available density-dependent groundwater flow and transport modeling codes, and the analyses based on them, to be in error. In this rebuttal, we clarify the inaccuracies in the main points of Weyer’s (2018) paper. First, we explain that Weyer (2018) has misinterpreted observed equivalent freshwater heads in the Biscayne aquifer and that his alternative hypothesis concerning the source of the saltwater does not explain the observed salinities. Then, we review the established theory of buoyancy to identify the problem with Weyer’s (2018) alternative theory. Finally, we present theory and cite successful benchmark simulations to affirm the suitability of currently available codes for modeling density-dependent groundwater flow and transport.  相似文献   

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