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黄土地貌沟沿线研究综述 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
黄土高原的沟沿线是最能体现黄土地貌形态特征的地形结构线.沟沿线的形态结构、层次级别、空间展布、发育趋势,既是黄土地貌最显著的外在表象,又深刻地映射着黄土地貌发育的内在机理.该文首先从沟沿线类型划分入手,在总结前人对线状地貌特征要素分类研究的基础上,分析了现有黄土地貌沟沿线类型划分体系;其次,从定量分析的角度,对现有沟沿线的量化指标研究现状进行了分析,系统归纳和总结了沟沿线自动提取技术的特点与适应性.此外,分析了基于沟沿线的黄土地貌研究进展,并从辩证的视角阐述了沟沿线研究科学内涵与发展趋势,对当前沟沿线研究存在的问题进行了深入剖析,展望了黄土地貌数字地形分析的发展前景. 相似文献
地理对象的空间展布格局特征是区域地貌研究的核心问题.其中,把握地物的组织结构及尺度范围特征是认识其空间展布格局的根本.选取黄土丘陵沟壑区韭园沟流域为实验样区,以流域地形特征线为切入点,采用空隙度系列分析方法,在5 m分辨率DEM上研究黄土地貌发育中期小流域内,地形谷脊线的空间展布格局特征.在东-西、南-北两个方向的探测结果表明:韭园沟流域谷、脊线均具有自组织、多尺度、自相似的格局特点,但各向异性特征不明显.在两个方向上均具有三个特征尺度范围:在东西方向上尺度范围分别为540 m、2 100 m、4 845 m;南北方向上尺度范围分别为1 215 m、2 810 m、5 700 m.该研究结果初步揭示了黄土地貌流域系统骨架线的空间展布格局特征,为区域地貌研究时分析尺度的选取,提供了可借鉴的思路与方法. 相似文献
黄土高原流域地貌系统的地貌演化特征十分复杂,尚有诸多科学问题有待进一步深入研究。以往研究大多集中在流域地貌演化的侵蚀和发育特征等某一方面,缺乏从流域地貌系统及其势能信息熵的视角深入剖析野外多岩土层黄土小流域地貌演化特征的研究。为此,基于系统论的观点和方法,构建多岩土层黄土小流域地貌系统及其势能信息熵的数学模型,并以辛店沟小流域为例,对其地貌演化特征进行研究。结果表明:(1)构建的野外多岩土层黄土小流域地貌系统的概念模型及其势能信息熵的数学模型能够有效对辛店沟小流域进行数值模拟。(2)以黄土侵蚀作用为主的辛店沟小流域从2000—2019年的地貌演化过程是其势能信息熵的熵减过程和黄土地貌不断侵蚀的过程。(3)辛店沟小流域的势能信息熵能较好地反映该小流域的地貌演化阶段和地貌侵蚀过程。 相似文献
东北典型黑土区40年来沟蚀空间格局变化及地形分异规律 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
以SPOT5和Corona影像为基础数据源,获取了东北典型黑土区1965年和2005年的侵蚀沟分布数据,生成了侵蚀沟密度空间分布图;基于1∶5万地形图,插值求取DEM,提取了地形因子;最后,在GIS空间分析模块支持下,分析典型黑土区40年来沟蚀空间格局变化及其地形分异规律.结果表明,经过40年的开发,研究区侵蚀沟密度剧增,且各等级侵蚀沟密度都出现向更高一级发展的趋势,呈现出以北西南东向为轴心,从沟蚀剧烈增加区到微度增加区变化特征;沟蚀在垂直方向上具有层状分布规律,在海拔250~275 m高度出现密度最大值,说明岗坡地带是黑土区沟蚀易发区;坡度分异表明黑土区侵蚀沟出现向高坡度发展趋势;各坡向上侵蚀沟密度和动态发展状况表明,在东北典型黑土区坡向不是影响侵蚀沟发育的首要因子. 相似文献
基于RTK-GPS技术的干热河谷冲沟沟头形态特征 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
采用高精度实时动态差分GPS(以下简称RTK-GPS)技术对干热河谷冲沟进行野外调查,获取36个不同活跃度类型沟头的形态参数,研究不同活跃度类型之间沟头的形态特征差异,并分析集水区、沟床植被盖度与形态特征之间的关系。结果表明:1.沟头不同活跃度类型之间,其跌坎高差、沟床比降差异最为显著,可作为沟头活跃度类型野外判别的主要参考指标;沟壁坡度、宽-深比等的差异较为显著,亦可在一定程度上表征沟头活跃程度。2.沟床植被盖度与各形态特征参数的相关性显著,表明沟床植被盖度可作为形态参数的综合替代性指标。同一活跃度类型的沟头,其跌坎高差、沟床比降等与沟床植被盖度呈极显著负相关关系,说明随着沟床植被盖度的增加(或减小),跌坎高差、沟床比降均呈减小(或增加)趋势。3.集水区植被盖度与各形态特征参数的关系不显著,表明干热河谷集水区植被盖度对沟头发育的贡献有限。 相似文献
克拜东部黑土区侵蚀沟遥感分类与空间格局分析 总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7
近百年来,东北黑土区侵蚀沟的大量发育带来了一系列严重的社会经济问题,弄清侵蚀沟的类型、数量及分布情况是进行水土流失治理和生态环境建设的前提条件。以黑龙江省克拜东部黑土区作为典型研究区,采用2005年SPOT-5高分辨率卫星影象,结合野外调查,根据侵蚀沟的活跃程度,将黑土区的侵蚀沟分为活跃性、半活跃性和稳定性三种类型,阐述了不同类型侵蚀沟的影象特征和遥感分类方法,为利用遥感手段在区域尺度上对侵蚀沟进行快速调查提供了一种新途径。在对侵蚀沟进行信息提取和空间插值后,形成研究区不同类型侵蚀沟密度图,探讨了克拜东部黑土区侵蚀沟分布的空间格局特征及其影响因素,认为地貌发育过程中的“分水岭迁移”现象是造成该地区侵蚀沟密度东西差异的重要原因。 相似文献
插钎法是研究侵蚀的常用方法,但精度不高且易受人为因素影响。文章探讨以虚拟插钎点代替实物插钎的可行性,并对黑龙江鹤北小流域的一条切沟沟底高程的年际变化进行研究。对研究所需的DEM精度进行检验,其能达到cm级,满足研究需求。研究发现,切沟头部为沟底下切最剧烈的区域,而在降雨偏少的年份,主要的堆积区域在切沟的中上部和中下部,沟尾部无论降雨强弱,变化最细微。 相似文献
以方家沟沟掌台地上的十六国末期赫连伦墓地和沟口汉墓群为依据,确定出方家沟流域现代侵蚀沟的地貌年龄上限为北魏太武帝始光二年(425 A D)。结合现代侵蚀沟地貌年龄计算公式,最终确定其现代侵蚀沟初始侵蚀年代为唐贞元五年(789 A D)前后。根据洪河流域20多年来的侵蚀模数值,计算方家沟流域1 129 a来的侵蚀总量。在1∶10 000地形图上测得方家沟流域现代侵蚀沟的空腔体积。在此基础上,以今天地貌为基准,复原其地貌至唐初,并虚拟绘制出地貌复原图。结果显示,至少到唐初,方家沟流域还是低丘宽谷地貌,不存在深陷的V型谷,V型谷形成的时间要稍晚一些。这种现象普遍存在于陇东盆地泾河的三、四级支流和部分一、二级支流流域。复原结果很好地支持了历史时期黄土高原水土流失日趋严重这一结论。 相似文献
探究村域生态系统服务簇对于厘清黄土丘陵沟壑区农业生态系统复杂特征、从多重服务供给角度提高服务的福祉贡献具有重要意义。论文以黄土丘陵沟壑区米脂县为例,基于高斯混合模型识别2009年和2019年村域生态系统服务簇并分析其时空分布,同时,结合地形分布指数探究服务簇在地形梯度上的分布模式。结果如下: ① 各类服务空间分异明显,且服务之间空间分布差异较大;近10 a间各类服务水平均有不同程度提高,其中调节服务有较大改善,而食物供给与文化服务增幅较小;各类服务空间变化格局存在较大差异,这与土地利用的空间演变关系密切。② 利用高斯混合模型识别4类服务簇,包括农业生产簇、农业美学簇、生态保育簇与城镇休闲簇;各类服务簇空间分异明显,且研究期间存在明显数量和空间转移变化;农业美学簇与生态保育簇是当地主导服务簇,且主导性增强,而农业生产簇与城镇休闲簇比重下降。③ 地形起伏度与服务簇的空间关联密切。随起伏度上升,农业生产簇与农业美学簇呈倒U型,生态保育簇优势分布增加,城镇休闲簇优势分布减弱;研究期间农业生产簇与城镇休闲簇向低起伏度的转移趋势明显,而农业美学簇与生态保育簇趋向于向高起伏度转移。 相似文献
生态系统服务对人类福祉的影响研究对于分析区域生态系统的社会贡献及有效减贫等方面具有重要的理论与实践意义。本文以地处黄土丘陵沟壑区的陕西省米脂县为例,在整合主客观人类福祉的基础上,基于生态系统服务可得性评估,利用结构方程模型定量分析了生态系统服务对人类福祉的影响及其群体差异。结果如下:① 生态系统服务对客观福祉和主观福祉具有显著正向影响,并通过客观福祉对主观福祉产生间接影响。农户属性对生态系统服务和客观福祉直接效应显著,对主观福祉直接效应不显著。② 生态系统服务对人类福祉的影响存在群体差异,纯农型与兼业型的服务可得性对客观福祉直接效应显著,而非农型不显著;纯农型与兼业型的服务可得性对主观福祉的直接效应明显大于非农型,且非农型间接效应不显著;非农型客观福祉对主观福祉的影响明显高于纯农型与兼业型。③ 生态系统服务对人类福祉影响的因子贡献与服务组合存在群体差异,即三类群体生态系统服务对福祉影响的差异不仅体现在服务类型及影响程度上,还体现在服务组合的差异上。 相似文献
深入开展乡村地域土地利用变化和聚落发展规律的研究对于探究乡村地域系统优化、推进城乡融合与乡村可持续发展具有重要意义。论文以延安市碾庄流域为例,基于ENVI和GIS等软件技术,结合Landsat卫星影像、马尔科夫链模型和实地调查,从土地利用转移与交换变化、建筑用地空间转移、社会响应等角度探讨了黄土丘陵沟壑区典型村域土地利用变化特征以及对区域乡村发展转型的影响。研究表明:① 在一系列生态工程措施作用下,碾庄流域生态覆被发生明显改观,主要表现为大量的坡耕地及稀疏生态用地转化为林地,其中,林地面积占比由32.34%(2009年)增加至50.88%(2018年);② 在社会经济发展和延安新城“边缘效应”的影响下,碾庄建设用地呈现向流域的东南和西南方向拓展的趋势,10 a间建设用地面积增加了近75%;③ 在人类活动的主导作用下,黄土丘陵沟壑区的乡村正在朝着生态化和集约化的方向转型发展。研究结果有望为深入理解黄土丘陵沟壑区乡村地域系统结构和优化提供新参考。 相似文献
Quantitative geomorphological analysis of drumlins in the Peterborough drumlin field,Ontario, Canada
John C. Maclachlan Carolyn H. Eyles 《Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography》2013,95(2):125-144
Drumlins are enigmatic subglacial landforms that have been interpreted to form by a number of processes, including incremental accumulation of till, erosion of previously deposited sediment, catastrophic meltwater floods, and sediment deformation. However, relatively little is known about the controls on drumlin formation, such as spatially variable glacial processes or substrate characteristics, and how these controls may be identified from variations in drumlin morphology within a single drumlin field. This paper explores a computational method that allows identification of drumlins and extraction of their morphological characteristics from existing topographic digital data for a portion of the Peterborough drumlin field in Ontario, Canada. Spatial and non‐spatial analysis of the form and distribution of drumlins across the study area identifies drumlin characteristics such as size, elongation ratio, symmetry and long axis orientation and shows that drumlins are not randomly distributed across the region and their form characteristics have distinct regional trends. Kernel density analysis is used to identify the regional trends in drumlin characteristics. Factors that appear to influence the form and distribution of drumlins in the study area include sediment thickness, length of time beneath the ice, ice velocity and direction of ice movement. The distribution of particularly well developed asymmetric and elongate drumlins coincides with the location of a broad bedrock low and is interpreted to identify the former location of a fast‐flowing ice stream. 相似文献
Elementary forms for land surface segmentation: The theoretical basis of terrain analysis and geomorphological mapping 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
Land surface morphology is fundamental to geomorphological mapping and many GIS applications. Review and comparison of various approaches to segmentation of the land surface reveals common features, and permits development of a broad theoretical basis for segmentation and for characterization of segments and their boundaries. Within the context of defining landform units that maximise internal homogeneity and external differences, this paper introduces the concept of elementary forms (segments, units) defined by constant values of fundamental morphometric properties and limited by discontinuities of the properties. The basic system of form-defining properties represents altitude and its derivatives, constant values of which provide elementary forms with various types of homogeneity. Every geometric type of elementary form can be characterized by a defining function, which is a specific case of the general polynomial fitted function. Various types of boundary discontinuity and their connections and transformations into other types of morphological unit boundaries are analysed.The wealth of types of elementary forms and their boundaries is potentially unbounded and thus is sufficient to cover the real variety of landforms. Elementary forms in the basic set proposed here have clear potential for genetic and dynamic interpretation. A brief worked example documents the possibility of analytical computation of various models of ideal elementary forms for particular segments of landform. Ideal elementary forms can be considered as attractors, to which the affinity of surface segments can be measured by multivariate statistical methods. The use of the concept of elementary forms in landscape segmentation is promising and it could be adapted for elementary segmentation of various other spatial fields. 相似文献
Flood inundation is a common natural disaster and a growing development challenge for many cities and thousands of small towns around the world. Soil features have frequently altered with the rapid development of urbanised regions, which has led to more frequent and longer duration of flooding in urban flood-prone regions. Thus, this paper presents a geographic information system (GIS)-based methodology for measuring and visualising the effects on urban flash floods generated by land-use changes over time. The measurement is formulated with a time series in order to perform a dynamic analysis. A catchment mesh is introduced into a hydrological model for reflecting the spatial layouts of infrastructure and structures over different construction periods. The Geelong Waurn Ponds campus of Deakin University is then selected as a case study. Based on GIS simulation and mapping technologies, this research illustrates the evolutionary process of flash floods. The paper then describes flood inundation for different built environments and presents a comparison by quantifying the flooding extents for infrastructure and structures. The results reveal that the GIS-based estimation model can examine urban flash floods in different development phases and identify the change of flooding extents in terms of land-use planning. This study will bring benefits to urban planners in raising awareness of flood impact and the approach proposed here could be used for flood mitigation through future urban planning. 相似文献
滦河下游河道及三角洲地貌的近期演化 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
自20世纪80年代滦河上中游大型水库的修建以及下游农业用水量的激增,滦河下游水沙锐减。至桃林口水库修建后,滦河入海水量减至5.96亿m3/a,下泻泥沙减至2.43万t/a,滦河断流趋势日益严重。本文选择1979年至2007年多期遥感影像,探讨在大规模水资源开发影响下滦河下游河道及三角洲地貌的演化。结果表明:20世纪90年代以后滦河下游水沙量的大幅减少直接导致下游河道萎缩。由于上游水库的拦截以及下游河道搬运能力下降,入海泥沙量大幅减少几至断绝,致使滦河三角洲主汊道1984年改道后并未发育形成新的三角洲叶瓣,入海汊道由多汊萎缩为单汊,三角洲逐渐转入全面侵蚀阶段。 相似文献
This paper presents the structure and contents of a standardised geomorphological GIS database that stores comprehensive scientific geomorphological data and constitutes the basis for processing and extracting spatial thematic data. The geodatabase contains spatial information on morphography/morphometry, hydrography, lithology, genesis, processes and age. A unique characteristic of the GIS geodatabase is that it is constructed in parallel with a new comprehensive geomorphological mapping system designed with GIS applications in mind. This close coupling enables easy digitalisation of the information from the geomorphological map into the GIS database for use in both scientific and practical applications. The selected platform, in which the geomorphological vector, raster and tabular data are stored, is the ESRI Personal geodatabase. Additional data such as an image of the original geomorphological map, DEMs or aerial orthographic images are also included in the database. The structure of the geomorphological database presented in this paper is exemplified for a study site around Liden, central Sweden. 相似文献
The formation mechanism and influencing factors identification of soil erosion are the core and frontier issues of current research. However, studies on the multi-factor synthesis are still relatively lacked. In this study, the simulation of soil erosion and its quantitative attribution analysis have been conducted in different geomorphological types in a typical karst basin based on the RUSLE model and the geodetector method. The influencing factors, such as land use type, slope, rainfall, elevation, lithology and vegetation cover, have been taken into consideration. Results show that the strength of association between the six influencing factors and soil erosion was notably different in diverse geomorphological types. Land use type and slope were the dominant factors of soil erosion in the Sancha River Basin, especially for land use type whose power of determinant(q value) for soil erosion was much higher than other factors. The q value of slope declined with the increase of relief in mountainous areas, namely it was ranked as follows: middle elevation hill> small relief mountain> middle relief mountain. Multi-factors interactions were proven to significantly strengthen soil erosion, particularly for the combination of land use type with slope, which can explain 70% of soil erosion distribution. It can be found that soil erosion in the same land use type with different slopes(such as dry land with slopes of 5° and above 25°) or in the diverse land use types with the same slope(such as dry land and forest with a slope of 5°), varied much. These indicate that prohibiting steep slope cultivation and Grain for Green Project are reasonable measures to control soil erosion in karst areas. Based on statistics of soil erosion difference between diverse stratifications of each influencing factor, results of risk detector suggest that the amount of stratification combinations with significant difference accounted for 55% at least in small relief mountain and middle relief mountainous areas. Therefore, the spatial heterogeneity of soil erosion and its influencing factors in different geomorphological types should be investigated to control karst soil loss more effectively. 相似文献
Quantitative attribution analysis of soil erosion in different geomorphological types in karst areas: Based on the geodetector method 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Journal of Geographical Sciences - The formation mechanism and influencing factors identification of soil erosion are the core and frontier issues of current research. However, studies on the... 相似文献