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Loess mounds are made of gray-yellow loess materials and the number is over 200 in the area of over 1000 km2 on the alluvial or marine-built plains south of Laizhou Bay (Figure 1). 1 The formal and distributional characteristics of loess mounds 1.1 Formal characteristics The plane forms of loess mounds are irregular oval or round. Their major axes are in north-south trending, most of them are 300 to 500 m long, with smaller ones tens m long, and individual larger ones more than 1,000 m …  相似文献   

渤海莱州湾南岸平原黄土阜地貌及其古地理意义   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
张祖陆 《地理学报》1995,50(5):464-470,T001
在莱州湾南岸滨海平原上发现一种新地貌类型黄土阜。研究表明,它形成于晚更新世晚玉木冰期。在此寒冷时期,渤海曾水退为平原,由于极少植被覆盖,形成陆架荒漠。裸露的海底松散沉积物被强劲的北风向南吹扬搬运,于南岸平原有利地形位置上沉积下来,形成厚层砂质黄土,并顺风向形成了阜状黄土地貌。  相似文献   

The south coastal plain of Laizhou Bay is one of the typical salt-water intrusion areas in China, the occurrence and development of which was closely related with the palaeoenvironment evolution. Systematic analyses of pollen, foraminifera and grain size composition based on ^14C and luminescence dating from two sediment cores were performed for the purpose of understanding the salt-water intrusion in the coastal plain of Laizhou Bay from the perspective of environmental evolution since late Pleistocene. It could be classified into seven evolution stages since 120 kaBP: 120-85 kaBP was a transition period from cold to warm; 85-76 kaBP was a period with warm and wet climate having swamp lakes developed in the lower reaches of the Weihe River, south coastal plain of Laizhou Bay; 76-50 kaBP was characterized by grassland vegetation and coarse sediments in terrestrial environment, which was the early stage of Dali Ice-Age; 50-24 kaBP was a period with alternate sea deposition in the south coastal plain of Laizhou Bay; 24-10 kaBP was the late stage of Dali Ice-Age with coldest period of Quaternary, the south coastal plain of Laizhou Bay was dry grassland and loess deposition environment; 10-4 kaBP was another warm and wet climate period, sea level was high and regressed at 4 kaBP; and has been the modern sedimentary environment since 4 kaBP. Among the three warm stages, including 85-76 kaBP, 50-24 kaBP and 10-4 kaBP, corresponded to late Yangkou, Guangrao and Kenli seawater transgression respectively. The duration of the latter one in south coastal plain of Laizhou Bay was longer than that in west coast of Bohai Sea and east coast of Laizhou Bay. The three periods of seawater transgression formed the foundation of salt-water intrusion in this area.  相似文献   

The south coastal plain of Laizhou Bay is one of the typical salt-water intrusion areas in China, the occurrence and development of which was closely related with the pa-laeoenvironment evolution. Systematic analyses of pollen, foraminifera and grain size com-position based on 14C and luminescence dating from two sediment cores were performed for the purpose of understanding the salt-water intrusion in the coastal plain of Laizhou Bay from the perspective of environmental evolution since late Pleistocene. It could be classified into seven evolution stages since 120 kaBP: 120–85 kaBP was a transition period from cold to warm; 85–76 kaBP was a period with warm and wet climate having swamp lakes developed in the lower reaches of the Weihe River, south coastal plain of Laizhou Bay; 76–50 kaBP was characterized by grassland vegetation and coarse sediments in terrestrial environment, which was the early stage of Dali Ice-Age; 50–24 kaBP was a period with alternate sea deposition in the south coastal plain of Laizhou Bay; 24–10 kaBP was the late stage of Dali Ice-Age with coldest period of Quaternary, the south coastal plain of Laizhou Bay was dry grassland and loess deposition environment; 10–4 kaBP was another warm and wet climate period, sea level was high and regressed at 4 kaBP; and has been the modern sedimentary environment since 4 kaBP. Among the three warm stages, including 85–76 kaBP, 50–24 kaBP and 10–4 kaBP, corresponded to late Yangkou, Guangrao and Kenli seawater transgression respec-tively. The duration of the latter one in south coastal plain of Laizhou Bay was longer than that in west coast of Bohai Sea and east coast of Laizhou Bay. The three periods of seawater transgression formed the foundation of salt-water intrusion in this area.  相似文献   

利用综合方法对莱州湾南岸平原地面古河道做了系统研究,发现并验证地面古河道25条,按形成时代将其分为两期,其中,早一中全新世古河道6条,历史时期古河道19条,按地貌形态将其为4种类型,包括高地古河道带,条状高地古河道,槽状洼地古河道和古河槽,其中条状高地古河道为该区主要的古河道类型。  相似文献   

莱州湾南岸咸水入侵区晚更新世以来的古环境演变   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
莱州湾南岸是我国典型的咸水入侵区,古环境变化构成了现代咸水入侵发生的背景。本文通过对潍河下游地区A1、A5孔岩芯系统的孢粉、有孔虫、粒度、14C及热释光测年资料的分析,结合100余个钻孔的沉积特征,论述了莱州湾南岸地区晚更新世以来的古环境演化特征。本区经历了三次明显的冷暖气候波动,三次显著的暖湿期为85~76kaBP、50~24kaBP、10~4kaBP,为海陆过渡相沉积环境,这三个时期分别与晚更新以来的三次海侵相对应,与相邻区域相比,全新世海侵开始早、结束晚;两次冷干期为76~50kaBP、24~10kaBP,分别对应于早大理冰期、晚大理冰期,为陆相沉积环境。  相似文献   

莱州湾南岸平原古湖泊的形成与演变   总被引:6,自引:7,他引:6  
运用查阅历史文献,地层剖面分析、地名考证,卫片译等多种方法确证了莱州湾南岸古湖泊的存在,同时研究了它的形成与演变过程,莱州湾南岸有巨淀湖,黑冢泊,别画湖等古湖泊,它们形成于距今约6000年以前,系由河口湾泻湖演变而成,该区古湖泊经历了中全新世全盛期和晚全新世收缩期两个阶段,湖泊消亡的原因是气候变干,河道迁移,人类活动影响等,其中河道迁移是是主要原因。  相似文献   

莱州湾南岸滨海湿地变化及其原因分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以1992年和2004年的TM遥感影像为数据源,从景观生态学角度,对1992年和2004年的莱州湾南岸湿地及其变化进行了研究。结果表明,与1992年相比,2004年研究区湿地面积减少了32.339km2,其中,自然湿地面积减少了246.189km2,而人工湿地面积却增加了213.851km2,至2004年,人工湿地面积已占研究区湿地总面积的78.22%;湿地景观多样性指数下降了0.1077,景观优势度指数和景观破碎化指数分别上升至0.109和0.0089。自然湿地被大面积垦殖,湿地淡水资源不足,大规模开采沿海卤水资源,环境污染加剧,风暴潮等自然灾害频发,是导致研究区自然湿地萎缩的主要因素。  相似文献   

莱州湾南岸中全新世聚落遗址时空分布特征及其环境背景   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
赵强  邹春辉  王爽  高倩 《地理科学》2018,38(9):1560-1569
基于ArcGIS10.3平台对莱州湾南岸中全新世聚落遗址的高程、坡度、坡向、濒河度等指标进行分析,得出该时期聚落遗址的时空分布及演变特征,并结合全新世莱州湾南岸的环境背景,探讨全新世环境演变对聚落遗址分布及演变的影响。研究表明:① 全新世莱州湾南岸的聚落遗址数量、出现频率及在总数中的比重基本呈现明显的先增后降的倒V型(非对称)变化趋势。② 遗址高程分布具有一定的规律性,几乎所有时期的遗址点均分布于高程范围在0~29 m的地区,而大汶口文化时期遗址高程分布范围为10~29 m。从坡度来看,聚落遗址主要分布于坡度范围在0~4°的平缓地区;从坡向来看,古人大多集中在南向、东南向和西南向的位置。后李文化至龙山文化时期,河流对聚落选址的影响程度逐渐降低。③ 8.5~6.9 ka B.P.气候总体进入温暖期,且冷暖波动,干湿交替,后李文化由此得到发展;6.9~4.5 ka B.P.出现了短暂的降温,但整体较温和,优越的自然条件促进了大汶口文化的发展;4.5~4.0 ka B.P.左右气候条件较大汶口文化时期略干,但在此基础上新石器文化仍得到进一步发展,并于龙山文化时期进入鼎盛阶段;4.0 ka B.P.左右气候突变,出现剧烈降温事件,变化幅度超出了人类的适应能力,岳石文化随之衰落。④ 海水入侵限制了人类活动,而古湖泊和古河道的形成为古人生活质量的提高创造了天然条件。  相似文献   

Eastern and southern coastal zones of Laizhou Bay are the most representative seawater intruded areas in the world, with two intrusion sources of contemporary seawater and paleobrine. In order to reveal the complicated hydrochemical changing process and the mechanism of fresh groundwater being polluted by saltwater, we conducted long-term observation and hydrochemical analysis at four observing sections of typical salt-fresh water transitional zone. The study indicates that seawater and brine intrusion processes have different hydrochemical features, and that ion exchange and adsorption actions between water and aquifer produce great influence on the intrusion.  相似文献   

Seawater intrusion is a special process of groundwater pollution. The contemporary seawater intrusion and buried paleobrine intrusion especially the latter in eastern and southern coasts of Laizhou Bay are the most representative ones in the world [1]. According to the research on seawater intrusion at home and abroad, In-depth studies on change process and mechanism of hydrochemical composition, while ion adsorption and exchange between the permeable stratum and groundwater are studied shall…  相似文献   

Land use change plays an important part in the studies of global environmental change and regional sustainable development. The change of soil quality can particularly reflect the impacts of human socio-economic activities on environment. Taking the coastal plain of south Hangzhou Bay as a study case, we analyzed the effects of land use changes on organic matter (OM), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), available phosphorus (AP), available potassium (AK), total salinity (TS), pH value in soil genetic layers, and assessed soil quality change related to different land use types from 1982 to 2003. The results show that: (1) The general change tendency of soil quality in the coastal plain of south Hangzhou Bay declined obviously in A layer and slightly rise in B (or P) layer and C (or W) layer. The contents of TP decreased generally in all soil genetic layers, but the variety difference of other soil quality indices was relatively great. (2) The change of soil quality in the areas where land use changed is far more remarkable than that with land use unchanged. The value of quality variety is A layer >B (or P) layer >C (or W) layer. (3) The changes of soil tillage, cultivation, fertilization, irrigation and drainage activities related to land use may make some soil-forming processes disappeared and bring in other new processes which will affect the soil quality and soil genetic layers directly.  相似文献   

Land use change plays an important part in the studies of global environmental change and regional sustainable development. The change of soil quality can particularly reflect the impacts of human socio-economic activities on environment. Taking the coastal plain of south Hangzhou Bay as a study case, we analyzed the effects of land use changes on organic matter (OM), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), available phosphorus (AP), available potassium (AK), total salinity (TS), pH value in soil genetic layers, and assessed soil quality change related to different land use types from 1982 to 2003. The results show that: (1) The general change tendency of soil quality in the coastal plain of south Hangzhou Bay declined obviously in A layer and slightly rise in B (or P) layer and C (or W) layer. The contents of TP decreased generally in all soil genetic layers, but the variety difference of other soil quality indices was relatively great. (2) The change of soil quality in the areas where land use changed is far more remarkable than that with land use unchanged. The value of quality variety is A layer 〉B (or P) layer 〉C (or W) layer. (3) The changes of soil tillage, cultivation, fertilization, irrigation and drainage activities related to land use may make some soil-forming processes disappeared and bring in other new processes which will affect the soil quality and soil genetic layers directly.  相似文献   

杜国云  王庆  孙祝友 《地理研究》2006,25(5):853-864
提出了海岸缓冲区的概念。结合莱州湾东岸晚更新世以来陆海相互作用历史与近期变化,将海岸缓冲区分为古潟湖地貌限制型、开放型和人工海岸型3种基本类型,在横向上划分出3个缓冲带,对海岸缓冲区的结构与功能及缓冲区范围进行了研究。本研究对防范海岸带地质灾害、减轻灾害损失与海岸带资源与环境的可持续发展将起到积极的作用。  相似文献   

莱州湾南岸湿地水文环境变化与可持续的水资源管理对策   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
水文环境变化能影响滨海湿地生态系统的结构和功能。受气候干旱、河流断流、陆源污染物输入、地下咸-卤水入侵以及各种海洋灾害日益加剧等因素的影响,最近30多年来莱州湾南岸滨海湿地严重退化,表现为历史时期形成的淡水湖泊湿地现在大都已经退化消失,大面积的潮上带自然湿地被虾蟹池、盐田等人工湿地取代,潮间带湿地底质和潮下带湿地水质不断恶化,赤潮等海洋灾害多发,湿地生物多样性受损,渔业资源衰退等。针对导致湿地退化的原因,提出了提高水资源利用效率和节约利用淡水资源,加强水环境整治与保护,严格控制污染物入海减轻对湿地的污染,实施跨流域调水工程来增加湿地蓄水量以满足湿地生态需水,减轻海洋灾害等恢复和重建退化湿地的水资源可持续管理对策。  相似文献   

以杭州湾南岸滨海平原为研究区,通过定点配对土壤采样分析,选取有机质、全氮、全磷、速效磷、速效钾、全盐、pH值等要素作为土壤质量评价指标,分析了1982~2003年土地利用变化对土壤发生层质量演化的影响。结果表明:① 1982~2003年杭州湾南岸滨海平原土壤发生层质量的总体演化特征表现为A层综合质量指数明显下降,B (或P)、C (或W) 层略有上升。整个土壤发生层全磷含量普遍下降,其他单质量指标的变化差异较大。② 土地利用方式变化使得不同发生层的土壤有机质含量等单质量指标和综合质量指数的变化都明显大于土地利用方式未发生变化的土壤,其变化量表现为A层> B (或P) 层 > C (或W) 层。③ 土地利用变化引起的土壤耕种、栽培、施肥和排灌制度的变化,改变着土壤成土过程,从而对土壤发生层质量演化产生直接影响。  相似文献   

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