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在饲料中添加EM(effectivemicroorganism)培养物 ,对断乳仔猪进行饲养和疾病防治试验。结果表明 :添加EM或EM培养物的试验Ⅰ组和试验Ⅱ组及治疗组的平均增重比对照组平均增重分别高出 2 .2 6 、2 .34 和 1.2 7 。试验Ⅰ组、试验Ⅱ组和治疗组的平均增重与对照组的平均增重间的差异在 1%水平上显著 ;试验Ⅰ组和试验Ⅱ组的平均增重间差异不显著。试验Ⅰ组、试验Ⅱ组和治疗组的料重比分别比对照组降低 0 .19、0 .18、0 .11。试验组的发病率为 6 .7% ,对照组的发病率为 4 0 % ,而防治组中患白痢的仔猪在 4d内完全康复。故在仔猪饲粮中添加EM培养物 ,可提高饲料利用率和仔猪的生长速度 ,及增强机体抗病力。  相似文献   

荆泉水源地是鲁南滕州市唯一城市集中供水水源地,其含水层岩性为寒武、奥陶系碳酸盐岩,位于一个独立的地下水含水系统之中,水量丰富,水质良好。由于城市人口增加和工业发展,对荆泉水源地地下水开采量逐年增加,加之上游地区工业污水的超标排放,使该水源地水环境变差。为了保护好荆泉水源地地下水环境,应通过建立水质保护区、合理调配水资源、对荆河河道进行整治等多种综合治理措施,以确保荆泉水源地向滕州市的城市供水需求  相似文献   

在饲料中添加EM(effective microorganism)培养物,对断乳仔猪进行饲养和疾病防治试验。结果表明:添加EM或EM培养物的试验I组和试验Ⅱ组及治疗组的平均增重比对照组平均增重分别高出2.26kg、2.34kg和1.27kg。试验I组、试验Ⅱ组和治疗组的平均增重与对照组的平均增重间的差异在1%水平上显著;试验I组和试验Ⅱ组的平均增重间差异不显著。试验I组、试验Ⅱ组和治疗组的料重比分别比对照组降低0.19、0.18、0.11。试验组的发病率为6.7%,对照组的发病率为40%,而防治组中患白痢的仔猪在4d内完全康复。故在仔猪饲粮中添加EM培养物,可提高饲料利用率和仔猪的生长速度,及增强机体抗病力。  相似文献   

岩溶泉水资源是我国北方岩溶区重要的供水水源。查明泉水补给、径流和排泄条件,清晰刻画泉域边界,对合理评估和科学开发岩溶水资源具有重要意义。针对古堆-南梁泉群边界范围不清,补给情况不明的现状,开展了泉域岩溶水文地质条件和岩溶水δD、δ18O、87Sr/86Sr分布特征调查分析,采用同位素技术对岩溶水补给径流路径上的水岩相互作用和水力联系进行了系统研究。研究发现,岩溶水中δ18O数值范围较大,其原因主要是受到了高程效应、热水氧同位素漂移、蒸发浓缩和古封存水混合等作用的影响。岩溶水中δD、δ18O及87Sr/86Sr的分布特征,为岩溶地下水水力联系识别提供了有力的佐证:汾阳岭热田成因可能与中生代入侵碳酸盐岩的岩浆岩的水岩作用有关;泉域北部岩溶水开采将袭夺泉域内部岩溶水资源。古堆-南梁泉域岩溶水同位素研究成果可为区域岩溶水资源的管理和保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

通过对大庄矿1307工作面突水情况及矿井总体水文特征的分析,采取有针对性的注浆治理方案及注浆工艺,成功治理了岩溶裂隙破碎带突水水害.  相似文献   

近年来,我国在矿山环境保护方面陆续实施了一系列新的政策,颁布了若干新的法规。在总结我国矿山环境保护新进展的基础上,分析我国矿山环境保护立法方面存在的若干问题,并提出要在法律层面明确对矿山环境的保护、制定专门保护矿山环境的行政法规和完善矿山环境治理恢复保证金制度的建议。  相似文献   

蔡园煤矿中部发育一条走向近NW向的正断层,对开采12煤层有影响,在分析断层特征及水文地质条件基础上,采用超前帷幕注浆技术对断层破碎带进行了加固,并对影响断层富水性的灰岩含水层进行了预注浆封堵,实现了对断层破碎带加固、堵水的双重效果,达到了巷道围岩加固及含水层改造的双重目的,保证了巷道的安全通过。  相似文献   

青岛市黄岛区拟建设海底地下油气储藏库,前期地质勘察工作要求施工倾角45°、深220m的取心钻孔4个,并在孔内分段进行压水试验.本文介绍了如何利用XY-4型金刚石小口径钻机施工基岩深斜孔及压水试验技术.  相似文献   

与国际接轨,技术法规无疑是一个重要方面中圆为WTO成员,必须严格执行WTO/TBT协定建立符合国际要求的中国国土资源技术法规体系不仅十分必要,而且时不我待  相似文献   

通过分析先进的测绘技术在保护和合理开发利用土地、矿产资源中的应用,体现了我国的测绘技术发展很快,是现代科技发展的先导,对国民经济的发展和进步发挥着重要作用。作为新一代的测绘工作者,必须加强创新意识和能力,不断汲取现代测绘理念,补充相关的新技术。  相似文献   


China is facing the three major agroenvironment problems, which include: chemical pollution, abnormal ecological balance and natural resource deterioration. These environment problems have depleted part of the comprehensive agricultural productivity and hence become a resistance to the further development of agriculture. A number of measures have been taken for controlling over pollution and ecosystem declining. But for the sustainable development the more efforts are suggested to make, including the more stern measures in the population control, adopting the new techniques of saving natural resources and high efficiency, encouraging a frugal life style as well as paying more attentions to the research on the agricultural environment protection.  相似文献   

Wang  Xiutong  Xu  Hui  Nan  Youbo  Sun  Xin  Duan  Jizhou  Huang  Yanliang  Hou  Baorong 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2020,38(4):1018-1044
Corrosion protection has become an important issue as the amount of infrastructure construction in marine environment increased.Photocathodic protection is a promising method to reduce the corrosion of metals,and titanium dioxide(TiO_2) is the most widely used photoanode.This review summarizes the progress in TiO_2 photo gene rated protection in recent years.Different types of semiconductors,including sulfides,metals,metal oxide s,polymers,and other materials,are used to design and modify TiO_2.The strategy to dramatically improve the efficiency of photoactivity is proposed,and the mechanism is investigated in detail.Characterization methods are also introduced,including morphology testing,light absorption,photoelectrochemistry,and protected metal observation.This review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of Ti02 development and guide photocathodic protection.  相似文献   

During the rapid industrialization and urbanization of China,urban agglomeration in river basin areas raises the problems of over-use of water resources and pollution of the water environment.Related research in China has mainly focused on the conflicts among economic growth,urban expansion and water resource shortages within admin-istrative boundaries.However,water environments are much more dependent on their physical boundaries than their administrative boundaries.Consistent with the nature of water environment,this study aims at analyzing coordination relationships between urban development and water environment changes within physical river basin boundaries.We chose the Shayinghe River Basin,China,as our case study area which is facing serious challenges related to water en-vironment protection.Then we classified 35 county-level administrative units into upstream,midstream and down-stream regions based on their physical characteristics;analyzed the coordination degree of urban agglomeration using the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method;and constructed cooperative models using the Linear Programming (LP function) to simulate four scenarios of the coordination relationship be-tween urban population increase and water environment protection based on existing water resources and water pollu-tion data.The results show that the present coordinative situation in Shayinghe River Basin is not sustainable.In gen-eral,more than 50% administrative units are in the bad coordinative situation.In particular,the downstream region is under worse condition than the upstream and midstream regions.Cooperative models in scenario analyses indicate that the population scale set in existing urban master plannings is not coordinated with the water environment protection.To reach the goal of regional sustainable development,the total population needs to be controlled such that it will re-main at 4.5×10 7 or below by 2020 given the capacity of water environment.  相似文献   

渭河流域陕西段水资源与生态环境保护   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:10  
干旱半干旱区的水资源开发利用及其生态环境保护是可持续发展的热点问题之一.立足于陕西省渭河流域社会经济可持续发展,以实现生态环境良性发展为目标,从分析流域水资源特点、开发利用现状以及水资源开发利用引起的主要生态环境问题出发,分析了流域水资源开发利用与生态环境演化之间的作用机理.针对存在问题,从4个方面阐明了实现流域水资源可持续利用与生态环境保护协调发展的基本策略.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONUrbanizationisaprocessthatallowspopulationandindustrytohighlyconcentrate.Itisinevitablethatthiskindofprocesswillhavedeepimpactsoneco-environment.TheTumenRiverisaninternationalwaterbody.ScopeoftheTumenRiverBasin(TRB)canbedefinedas(only  相似文献   

The characteristics of water balance in arid regions is that the streams are formed in mountain area and continuously evaporates and infiltrates in the process of flowing to plain area, streams finally disappear in the desert or flow into the lakes, which are the low reaches of the rivers. But the distribution and transformation of water in Xinjiang, China have changed under the influences of human activities. The influences of human activities take place in a short time and regionally, especially in arid land where water is the key factor of environment. Water inside of oasis has increased, and water out of oasis or at the lower reaches of the river has decreased. Human activities have caused the environment changes in both positive and negative aspects by changing the circulation and distribution of water. Under the influence of human activities, oases in Xinjiang have expanded, meanwhile some lakes have contracted desertification is serious, natural vegetation has declined and natural environment out of oasis has degenrated. Foundation item: Under the auspices of the National Natural Science Foundation of China(49771009). Biography: LI Xin(1940 -), male, a native of Anhui Province, professor. His research interest includes water resources.  相似文献   

A regional multiple-objective water-resource and economic optimization model was developed using a quantitative method of systematic analysis.Input to the model includes indexes of economic structure and development,water-resource utilization,wastewater and pollutant discharge,and investment in wastewater treatment.The model,which consists of producton-structure and industrial-structure optimization modules,was applied to the Guanzhong region in the middle reaches of the Huanghe(Yellow) River basin in China.By evaluating several alternative production and industrialization schemes,the modal indicate that water pollution will get worsen though wastewater treatment improves if the economy continues to develop at the planned speed without structural adjustment.However,the results also show that not only economic goals but also water-resource protection and pollution-control targets can be achieved under an alternative,recommended production and industrial structure.This example illustrates that economic development and environmental protection can be improved coordinately by the regional multiple-objective water-resource and economic optimization model.It provides an operable approach to the simultaneous sustained development of water resources and economic growth.  相似文献   

DNA damage of aquatic organisms living in polluted environments can be used as a biomarker of the genotoxicity of toxic agents to organisms. This technique has been playing an important role in ecotoxicologlcal study and environmental risk assessment. In this article, main types of DNA damage caused by pollutants in water environments were reviewed; methods of detecting DNA damage were also documented for water environmental monitoring.  相似文献   

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