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信息化的建设与应用,是促进工作流程优化,提升工作效率,提高科学决策能力,加强机构有效服务的重要手段,也是提升监管能力强化监管措施的重要途径。具体来讲,就是围绕精细化管理要求,采取信息化顶层设计的理论和方法,设计土地规划、土地利用、地矿业务、数据、应用、技术构架,明确信息化建设内容与管理业务的关联,通过市、县(市、区)、基层国土所三级的广泛和充分应用,将信息化贯穿于土地规划、土地利用、地矿(地质环境)的调查评价、日常管理、监测监管、政策研究、社会服务等业务的全过程。  相似文献   

正《地质通报》是中国地质调查局主办的地质学综合性学术月刊,力求及时全面报道地质调查,地质科研和相关领域中基础性、前沿性、交叉性的调查研究成果,以及地学应用基础研究、技术方法应用等方面的创新性成果,要求文章能够引起读者的广泛兴趣并注重成果资料的第一手研究。本刊涵盖的主要专业领域及学科包括:基础地质、经济地质、海洋地质、能源地、环境地质、灾害地质、城市地质,农业地质,勘察地球物理,勘察地球化学、地质调查信息,也包括若干边缘学科、综合学科,如地球系统科学、地球物质科学、生态环境地质学、地球化学生态学、全球变化地质学、流体地质学、流体成矿地球化学、大陆动力学、地球化学动力学,深部地质  相似文献   

本文介绍了彩色钻石的概念,论述了其特点、分类。据彩钻的色度深浅将彩色(以红、绿、蓝、紫、粉为例)详细分为15级:微、弱、浅、浅淡、淡、淡中、深淡、中、中彩、彩、浓彩、浓、深、极深、暗,简化后分8级:弱、浅、淡、中、彩、浓、深、暗。关于彩色钻石的明亮度详细划分为8级:很暗、暗、较暗、较明、明亮、亮、亮彩、阳亮。简化为4级:暗、较明、明亮、阳亮。颜色色种的稀有度分级有:顶端稀有色种的红色系,极度稀有色种的绿色系、橙色系、紫色系,稀有色种的蓝色系、粉色系,较稀有色种的棕色系、黑色,少见色种的灰色系、褐色系,较少见色种的黄色系。文中对彩钻大小的粒度也进行了界定,并对彩钻的致色因素做了探讨,分作岩浆期致色、岩浆期后致色、未知的复杂因素致色等。指出了彩钻所包含的研究领域。  相似文献   

正《水科学进展》是以水为论述主题的学术期刊,主要反映国内外在暴雨、洪水、干旱、水资源、水环境等领域中科学技术的最新成果、重要进展,当代水平和发展趋势,报道关于水圈研究的新事实、新概念、新理论和新方法,交流新的科研成果、技术经验和科技动态;她涉及与水有关的所有学科,包括水文科学、大气科学、海洋科学、地质科学、地理科学、环境科学、水利科学和水力学、冰川学、水生态学以及法学、经济学和管理科学中与水有关的内容。本刊热诚欢迎广大水科学工作者踊跃投稿,尤其欢迎以下几方面的稿件:  相似文献   

北京平原区元素的大气干湿沉降通量   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
从2005年11月到2006年11月,采用被动方式同时采集了北京市平原区10个地点的大气干、湿沉降样品共计39件.分析干、湿沉降样品中K、Na、Ca、Mg、Cd、Hg、Pb、As、B、Mo、Mn、Zn、Cu、Cr、Ni元素的含量,分别计算出各元素的年沉降通量.其中,有害金属元素Cd、Hg、Pb、As的年沉降通量的平均值分别为2.36、0.24、219.95、29.00(g/hm2·a).对比后发现,研究区大气Cd和Hg的年输入通量远远低于四川成都经济区,Cd和Hg的大气污染状况相对南方地区较轻,As和Pb的年输入通量相对成都经济区差异较小.研究区元素的大气沉降通量与同点位的土壤元素的相关分析表明,元素的沉降通量并不是农田生态系统中土壤元素的主要输入途径,大气沉降中的元素主要来自远源.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,江苏省在矿产资源勘查取得较好的成果,尤其在深部矿产如石油、煤、铁、铅、锌、硫、磷、钛、石盐、芒硝、石膏等勘查效益显著。主要是实践中加强了基础地质调查,资料的研究开发,高新技术的应用,勘查专项规划,成矿区远景调查,重点地区勘查示范,优势矿产综合勘查与评价,提高了矿产勘查攻深找盲的突破能力。对加强矿产勘查科学研究和人才培养提出了建议。  相似文献   

6月30日,国土资源部部长、党组书记、国家土地总督察徐绍史在浙江省委常委、常务副省长陈敏尔,省政府副秘书长冯波声,省国土资源厅厅长楼小东及衢州市、龙游县领导孙建国、尚清、徐旭、毛建民、方健忠、叶浩平、金夏萍等陪同下,考察调研了龙游县国土资源管理工作,对该县按照城乡统筹的要求,主动服务,  相似文献   

评价Hisar市地下水质量,目的是检验该市的饮用水是否适宜饮用。分析采自水井(部分采自城市供水系统)和手动泵提水的分散式供水井的水样的物理化学参数,包括pH值、电导率、总溶解盐、总硬度、总碱度、钠、钾、钙、镁、碳酸盐、重碳酸盐、氯化物和硫酸盐,结果表明,镁、钠、钾、硫酸盐特别是氯化物的浓度都高于WHO饮用水标准。此外,对哈里亚纳邦各个城市和城镇的地下水中的氟化物(F)的浓度进行对比发现,地下水中氟化物的浓度较高,增加了氟中毒的风险,因此,在饮用之前,必须进行处理。本文讨论了选用本地材料防治氟中毒有前景的降氟技术和方法,并对数据进行了统计评估,以寻找有助于监测地下水质的界限。  相似文献   

云南东川蒋家沟泥石流形成内因初探   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
陈中学  汪稔  胡明鉴  魏厚振  王新志 《岩土力学》2009,30(10):3053-3056
泥石流形成的因素众多,不仅与地形地貌、降雨特征、地震、人类活动等外部因素有关,还与泥石流岩土体自身的黏土矿物成分、颗粒级配、化学成分、土体分散性、地下水环境等内部因素密切相关。在室内对蒋家沟泥石流源区土体进行黏土矿物分析、颗粒分析、化学成分定量分析、分散度和ESP值测试、地下水分析,初步探讨了蒋家沟泥石流形成的内在原因,得到:蒋家沟泥石流体的黏土矿物成分以伊利石为主,占30 %,其化学成分也与伊利石接近;ESP值、分散度平均值分别达到24.6 %、59.1 %,属于高分散性土,且土壤贫瘠;地下水矿化度高,硬度大,破坏了岩土体自身的结构和稳定性,形成大量松散物质,为泥石流的形成提供丰富的物源。  相似文献   

在分析矿产资源支撑社会经济发展特征的基础上,定义矿产资源承载能力为一定时期内,在尽可能减少资源和生态环境损耗的前提下,区域矿产资源维持经济社会发展的能力。根据定义和数据可获取原则,选取开采矿石量、破坏土地面积、排污量为投入的资源环境指标,矿业经济、矿业就业为产出的经济社会效益指标,以湖南省20个资源型县(市、区)为例,采用DEA模型开展了实证研究。研究结果显示,苏仙区、安化县矿产资源承载能力高,北湖区、临武县、新化县、涟源市、攸县矿产资源承载能力较高,衡南县、祁东县、江华县、双峰县、新邵县矿产资源承载能力中等,宜章县、冷水江市、浏阳市矿产资源承载能力较低,桃江县、桂阳县、花垣县、平江县、常宁市矿产资源承载能力低。影响矿产资源承载能力的短板要素主要是"三废"污染较重且治理率较低,采矿占用、破坏土地资源严重,矿业经济疲软、结构亟需优化。实证研究显示,DEA模型可以定量评价矿产资源承载能力情况,较客观地反映了矿产资源承载能力短板要素。  相似文献   

Security and the future: Anticipating the event of terror   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ben Anderson 《Geoforum》2010,41(2):227-235
This paper explores the relation between processes of security and futurity in the context of efforts to govern the complexity and contingency of events of terror. It argues that processes of securing function by generating a dangerous or promissory supplement to the present that thereafter propels the extension of forms of security. The paper develops this argument through an example of how an event of terror was anticipated: a RAND exercise into the aftermath of a ‘ground burst’ nuclear explosion in Long Beach, California on March 14th 2005. It argues that exercises (in)secure through three quasi-causal operations, each of which render events of terror actionable and result in specific relations between the present and future. First, ‘hypothetically possible’ generic events are named. The future takes place as a threatening horizon. Second, the defined phases of an event’s happening are staged (an advent, its multiplication into a crisis in the context of a milieu, and a response/recovery phase). The here and now is suspended between an ‘as if’ future and the present. Third, the consequences of the event are played. The future is both an intensified ‘practical’ presence embodied by exercise participants and an outside that exceeds attempts to definitively know it. The conclusion summarises the implications of the paper for work on futurity, security and the event.  相似文献   

河流调整中的熵、熵产生和能耗率的变化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
河流是一个真正的开放系统,而不是孤立系统或封闭系统。运用经典热力学和非平衡态热力学基本原理,分析研究了河流调整中的熵、熵产生和能耗率的变化。指出:熵和熵产生是两个不同的概念;最小熵产生原理等价于最小能耗率原理;冲积河流在调整过程中遵循最小熵产生原理或最小能耗率原理,而不是最大熵原理。  相似文献   

青藏铁路普通路基下部冻土变化分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
吴青柏  刘永智  于晖 《冰川冻土》2007,29(6):960-968
高温高含冰量冻土地区,青藏铁路采取了冷却路基、降低多年冻土温度的工程措施.然而青藏铁路仍有大量路段未采用任何工程措施,因此修筑普通路基后冻土变化也是普遍关心的问题.根据青藏铁路普通路基下部土体温度监测的近期结果,分析了季节冻土区、已退化多年冻土区和多年冻土区路基下部冻土变化特征.结果表明,不同区域修筑普通路基,其下部土体温度、最大季节冻结深度、多年冻土上限等存在较大的差异.在季节冻土和已退化多年冻土区,右路肩下部(阴坡)已形成冻土隔年层;在多年冻土强烈退化区,其路基下部形成融化夹层;在高温多年冻土区,其路基下部上限存在抬升和下降,上限附近土体温度有升高的趋势.在低温多年冻土区,其路基下部上限全部抬升,上限附近土体存在"冷量"积累,有利于路基下部多年冻土热稳定性.因此,低温多年冻土区修筑普通路基后,冻土变化基本是向着有利于路基稳定性的方向发展,在其它地段修筑普通路基,冻土变化是向着不利于路基稳定性的方向发展的.特别是阴阳坡太阳辐射差异,导致了土体热状态和多年冻土上限形态产生较大的差异,这种差异将会对路基稳定性产生一定的影响.  相似文献   

The Lower Palaeozoic sequences of the Rügen boreholes are composed of pelitic-clastic sediments which range in age from the Cambro-Ordovician boundary to the Late Ordovician. Provenance studies have been carried out on Cambro-Ordovician sandstones from the Loissin borehole and on Middle-Upper Ordovician greywackes of the Rugen 5 borehole.The Loissin sandstones were deposited as turbidites and debris flows in an unstable sedimentary basin. They form immature arkoses and subarkoses with high matrix contents. Their debris derived from a polycyclic, sedimentary cratonic provenance and from a monocyclic magmatic provenance. This is reflected in the heavy mineral spectrum, which is dominated by an anhedral, coloured zircon fraction and a euhedral, transparent zircon fraction.The Middle-Upper Ordovician Rügen greywackes derived from proximal, high energy turbidites which were transported into a deep marine basin. They form homogeneous lithic arkoses and arkosic litharenites. Their debris derived from a composite provenance with an ultramafic-mafic, ophiolitic source, an acidic magmatic source and a heterogeneous sedimentary cratonic source.Although the Loissin sandstones probably originated in an intracratonic, rift-related sedimentary basin, the debris of the Rugen greywackes is regarded as derived from a heterogeneous active continental margin. Results and interpretations of the provenance study are discussed in the light of proposed Lower Palaeozoic palaeogeographic reconstructions.  相似文献   

李伟  吴智平  周瑶琪 《地质论评》2005,51(5):507-516
在采用各种地层剥蚀量的计算方法对济阳坳陷中生代各主要不整合面地层剥蚀厚度恢复的基础上,结合钻井及地震资料,对中生代各主要构造层的原始地层厚度进行了恢复。以此为切入点,对济阳坳陷区中生代盆地原型进行了初步探讨,将其划分为5期盆地原型:早-中三叠世为一大型内陆坳陷盆地;晚三叠世整体挤压抬升剥蚀;早-中侏罗世为弱挤压背景下的山间盆地;晚侏罗世-早白垩世为受正断层控制的断陷盆地;晚白垩世为断陷后的坳陷盆地。  相似文献   

陈敦云 《福建地质》2006,25(1):48-51
探讨在工程(包括城市)控制网建立之前,几种投影面及投影带的可能选择,也就是坐标系统的选择,这在测绘技术设计工作中具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

Jo Thomas 《Geology Today》2004,20(4):149-152
Famously, geology is on our doorstep, and an understanding of the geology of everyday things helps us communicate to those for whom it is a closed subject. The stone bridges of the River Stour from Stourhead to Christchurch in southern England are a topic worthy of study and rewarding as an example of the variety of the geology of this part of England.  相似文献   

On the zeroing of the thermoluminescence of sediments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A method is described which allows the determination of radiation doses received by mineral grains since their last exposure to sunlight, even if this exposure was of relatively short duration or through a poorly transmitting medium. Tests of the method were made on a variety of zero-age sediments and in most cases gave values ?5 grays, some being <1 gray. This zero-point “error” would lead to an error in the age determination of an old sample of typically 2,000 years, and in one case <300 years. The method should therefore be useful for dating samples older than ~20,000 years and, in some cases, younger ones.  相似文献   

This paper presents the development and utilisation of an automated image processing algorithm for detection and analysis of grains. Using optical polarising microscopy, a set of colored images are collected from an area on a thin section. A filtering operation, using rotation of a morphological alternating sequence filter (based on a structuring element), is used to remove twinning features within individual grains. Filtering is followed by the watershed segmentation technique to determine grain boundaries. The method is used for the identification of calcite grains in marble and the subsequent analysis of morphological anisotropy.  相似文献   

In an integrated analysis, metamorphic processes in the accreted crust, potential field anomalies, temperature field and subsidence history are summarized into a model for the development of the North German Basin. The model integrates observed phenomena such as the high nitrogen content in natural gases in Permian sandstone reservoirs and the structure of the crust with model calculations. Rock density increase, subsequent volume reduction and loss of volatiles during metamorphism lead to a depression at the surface of the Earth. The load of the sediments, which will be deposited in the depression, enhances the subsidence and the ongoing metamorphism. The model provides an alternative to the application of existing tectonic stretching models for the explanation of the subsidence of sedimentary basins.  相似文献   

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