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Photometric anomalies of the lunar surface studied with SMART-1 AMIE data   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
We present new results from the mapping of lunar photometric function parameters using images acquired by the spacecraft SMART-1 (European Space Agency). The source data for selected lunar areas imaged by the AMIE camera of SMART-1 and the data processing are described. We interpret the behavior of photometric function in terms of lunar regolith properties. Our study reveals photometric anomalies on both small (sub-kilometer) and large (tens of kilometers) scales. We found the regolith mesoscale roughness of lunar swirls to be similar in Mare Marginis, Mare Ingenii, and the surrounding terrains. Unique photometric properties related to peculiarities of the millimeter-scale regolith structure for the Reiner Gamma swirl are confirmed. We identified several impact craters of subkilometer sizes as the source of photometric anomalies created by an increase in mesoscale roughness within the proximal crater ejecta zones. The extended ray systems reveal differences in the photometric properties between proximal and distant ejecta blankets. Basaltic lava flows within Mare Imbrium and Oceanus Procellarum indicate higher regolith porosity for the redder soils due to differences in the chemical composition of lavas.  相似文献   

The SMART-1 lunar impact   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The SMART-1 spacecraft impacted the Moon on 3rd September 2006 at a speed of 2 km s−1 and at a very shallow angle of incidence (∼1°). The resulting impact crater is too small to be viewed from the Earth; accordingly, the general crater size and shape have been determined here by laboratory impact experiments at the same speed and angle of incidence combined with extrapolating to the correct size scale to match the SMART-1 impact. This predicts a highly asymmetric crater approximately 5.5-26 m long, 1.9-9 m wide, 0.23-1.5 m deep and 0.71-6.9 m3 volume. Some of the excavated mass will have gone into crater rim walls, but 0.64-6.3 m3 would have been ejecta on ballistic trajectories corresponding to a cloud of 2200-21,800 kg of lunar material moving away from the impact site. The shallow Messier crater on the Moon is similarly asymmetric and is usually taken as arising from a highly oblique impact. The light flash from the impact and the associated ejecta plume were observed from Earth, but the flash magnitude was not obtained, so it is not possible to obtain the luminous efficiency of the impact event.  相似文献   

The advanced Moon micro-imager experiment (AMIE) is the imaging system on board ESA mission to the Moon SMART-1; it makes use of a miniaturised detector and micro-processor electronics developed by SPACE X in the frame of the ESA technical programme. The AMIE micro-imager will provide high resolution CCD images of selected lunar areas and it will perform colour imaging through three filters at 750, 915 and 960 nm with a maximum resolution of 46 m/pixel at the perilune of 500 km. Specific scientific objectives will include (1) imaging of high latitude regions in the southern hemisphere, in particular the South Pole Aitken basin (SPA) and the permanently shadowed regions close to the South Pole, (2) determination of the photometric properties of the lunar surface from observations at different phase angles (physical properties of the regolith), (3) multi-band imaging for constraining the chemical and mineral composition of the surface, (4) detection and characterisation of lunar non-mare volcanic units, (5) study of lithological variations from impact craters and implications for crustal heterogeneity. The AMIE micro-imager will also support a Laser-link experiment to Earth, an On Board Autonomous Navigation investigation and a Lunar libration experiment coordinated with radio science measurements.  相似文献   

We describe the future SMART-1 European Space Mission whose objective is to study the lunar surface from a polar lunar orbit. In particular, it is anticipated that selected regions of the Moon will be photographed using the AMIE camera with a mean spatial resolution of about 100 m in three spectral channels (0.75, 0.92, and 0.96 m) over a wide range of phase angles. Since these spectral channels and the AMIE resolution are close to those of the UVVIS camera onboard the Clementine spacecraft, the simultaneous processing of SMART-1 and Clementine data can be planned, for example, to obtain phase-ratio images. These images carry information on the structural features of the lunar surface. In particular, UVVIS/Clementine data revealed a photometric anomaly at the Apollo-15 landing site associated with the blowing of the lunar regolith by the lander engine. Anomalies were found in the ejection zones of several fresh craters.  相似文献   

The D-CIXS Compact X-ray Spectrometer will provide high quality spectroscopic mapping of the Moon, the primary science target of the ESA SMART-1 mission. D-CIXS consists of a high throughput spectrometer, which will perform spatially localised X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. It will also carry a solar monitor, to provide the direct calibration needed to produce a global map of absolute lunar elemental abundances, the first time this has been done. Thus it will achieve ground breaking science within a resource envelope far smaller than previously thought possible for this type of instrument, by exploiting two new technologies, swept charge devices and micro-structure collimators. The new technology does not require cold running, with its associated overheads to the spacecraft. At the same time it will demonstrate a radically novel approach to building a type of instrument essential for the BepiColombo mission and potential future planetary science targets.  相似文献   

The SMART-1 mission has recently arrived at the Moon. Its payload includes D-CIXS, a compact X-ray spectrometer. SMART-1 is a technology evaluation mission, and D-CIXS is the first of a new generation of planetary X-ray spectrometers. Novel technologies enable new capabilities for measuring the fluorescent yield of a planetary surface or atmosphere which is illuminated by solar X-rays. During the extended SMART-1 cruise phase, observations of the Earth showed strong argon emission, providing a good source for calibration and demonstrating the potential of the technique. At the Moon, our initial observations over Mare Crisium show a first unambiguous remote sensing of calcium in the lunar regolith. Data obtained are broadly consistent with current understanding of mare and highland composition. Ground truth is provided by the returned Luna 20 and 24 sample sets.  相似文献   

Apollo photographs indicate that the lunar disturbance effect is due to changes in the photometric function of the lunar soil caused by rearrangement of the soil particles, rather than to any physical or chemical differences between the uppermost layer and the underlying materials.Paper presented to the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Lunar Studies, Patras, Greece, September 1971.  相似文献   

SMART-1 is a technology demonstrator for using primary electric propulsion on interplanetary spacecraft. Hence, studying of the interaction of the plasma emitted by the thruster with the environment and the spacecraft is one of the top priorities during the mission. Two experiments (Electronic propulsion diagnostic package and Spacecraft potential, electron and dust experiment) are available to measure the electron densities and temperatures as well as wave electric fields during the operation of the electric propulsion thruster. Additionally, a retarding potential analyser, a quartz microbalance and a solar-cell sample will analyse data from slow charge-exchange ions which are a potential contamination source. ESTEC is developing a 3D particle-in-cell model in order to study the spacecraft/environment interactions on SMART-1 and interpret the measurements. In the present paper, we will review the contamination effects associated with electric propulsion and how the plasma sensors cover them. We further present preliminary results from the numerical simulation and show how the flight data will be used to validate the modelling code. A successful validation of the simulation will support future interplanetary and commercial missions featuring electric propulsion to reduce the risk of contamination and interference with on board instruments.  相似文献   

It has been suggested recently that coherent back-scattering of light from powder-like regolithic surfaces can explain remarkable opposition brightening of some atmosphereless solar system bodies. In this paper, a dense-medium light-scattering theory is used to calculate the half-width at half-maximum (HWHM) of the coherent back-scattering peak for a number of scattering models. We demonstrate that HWHM strongly depends on the optical properties of the scattering medium and can serve as a critical test in comparing alternative models. It is shown that coherent back-scaterring may be a likely explanation of the opposition effect exhibited by icy outer planet satellites.  相似文献   

Data relevant to the shallow structure of the Moon obtained at the Apollo seismic stations are compared with previously published results of the active seismic experiments. It is concluded that the lunar surface is covered by a layer of low seismic velocity (V p ? 100 m s?1), which appears to be equivalent to the lunar regolith defined previously by geological observations. This layer is underlain by a zone of distinctly higher seismic velocity at all of the Apollo landing sites. The regolith thicknesses at the Apollo 11, 12, and 15 sites are estimated from the shear-wave resonance to be 4.4, 3.7, and 4.4 m, respectively. These thicknesses and those determined at the other Apollo sites by the active seismic experiments appear to be correlated with the age determinations and the abundances of extralunar components at the sites.  相似文献   

This study presents the petrography, mineralogy, and bulk composition of lunar regolith breccia meteorite Northwest Africa (NWA) 7948. We identify a range of lunar lithologies including basaltic clasts (very low-titanium and low-titanium basalts), feldspathic lithologies (ferroan anorthosite, magnesian-suite rock, and alkali suite), granulites, impact melt breccias (including crystalline impact melt breccias, clast-bearing impact melt breccias, and glassy melt breccias), as well as regolith components (volcanic glass and impact glass). A compositionally unusual metal-rich clast was also identified, which may represent an impact melt lithology sourced from a unique Mg-suite parent rock. NWA 7948 has a mingled bulk rock composition (Al2O3 = 21.6 wt% and FeO = 9.4 wt%) and relatively low concentrations of incompatible trace elements (e.g., Th = 1.07 ppm and Sm = 2.99 ppm) compared with Apollo regolith breccias. Comparing the bulk composition of the meteorite with remotely sensed geochemical data sets suggests that the sample was derived from a region of the lunar surface distal from the nearside Th-rich Procellarum KREEP Terrane. Our investigations suggest that it may have been ejected from a nearside highlands-mare boundary (e.g., around Mare Crisium or Orientale) or a cryptomare region (e.g., Schickard-Schiller or Mare smythii) or a farside highlands-mare boundary (e.g., Mare Australe, Apollo basin in the South Pole–Aitken basin). The distinctive mineralogical and geochemical features of NWA 7948 suggest that the meteorite may represent lunar material that has not been reported before, and indicate that the lunar highlands exhibit wide geological diversity.  相似文献   

It has been suggested recently that coherent backscattering of photons from discrete disordered media, which has been recently discovered in laboratory-controlled experiments, may play a role in peculiar radar and light scattering from some atmosphereless solar system bodies. In this paper, a rigorous vector theory recently developed by Mishchenko (1991b, 1992a) is used to study polarization characteristics of the coherent backscatter opposition effect. Backscattering enhancement in different polarization components is studied and results of computer calculations for a representative selection of scattering models are presented. It is pointed out that these calculations support recent Hapke's (1990) explanation of unusual radar characteristics of icy outer planet satellites.  相似文献   

Thomas E. Thorpe 《Icarus》1982,49(3):398-415
Opposition measurements made by the Viking Orbiter television cameras in the Arabia, Syrtis Major, and Elysium Planitia regions have been combined with observations previously reported to provide a photometric comparison of these areas and several generic features. Radiative transfer expressions were used to derive average surface particle single-scattering albedos, phase functions, and porosities. Best functional fit to the data includes consideration of atmospheric scattering, two-particle populations, and surface roughness. Several findings include the ubiquitous presence of high-albedo, high-porosity surface particles; the absence of an opposition surge in the Syrtis Major region; and the largest surface roughness in the Chryse areas.  相似文献   

Thomas E. Thorpe 《Icarus》1978,36(2):204-215
The Viking Extended Mission has experienced two major dust storms that have changed the global photometric properties of Mars. Large quantities of atmospheric dust arising from the June 5, 1977, storm have been observed at very low phase angles to measure the opposition effect. These particles yield only a small increase in brightness at 0° phase angle with the least enhancement seen in violet light. The phase function is well modeled by nonspherical particles with a spectrally dependent single scattering albedo. It is doubtful, therefore, that atmospheric dust plays a significant role in the reported blue light brightness surge. Such particles as surface structure combined with a lunar photometric function could, however, produce the wavelength-dependent backscattering observed during the 1967 and 1969 oppositions under clearer conditions.  相似文献   

Weak localization of photons in discrete disordered media is considered as a possible physical mechanism of the opposition effect of some atmosphereless bodies. The amplitude of the opposition effect is calculated by using the rigorousvector multiple-scattering theory and thescalar approximation. It is shown that the scalar approximation can significantly overestimate the amplitude of the opposition effect. Thus, this approximation should not be used in interpreting the observational data, and some previous results obtained with this approximation may require substantial revision.  相似文献   

The D-CIXS X-ray spectrometer on ESA's SMART-1 mission will provide the first global coverage of the lunar surface in X-rays, providing absolute measurements of elemental abundances. The instrument will be able to detect elemental Fe, Mg, Al and Si under normal solar conditions and several other elements during solar flare events. These data will allow for advances in several areas of lunar science, including an improved estimate of the bulk composition of the Moon, detailed observations of the lateral and vertical nature of the crust, chemical observations of the maria, investigations into the lunar regolith, and mapping of potential lunar resources. In combination with information to be obtained by the other instruments on SMART-1 and the data already provided by the Clementine and Lunar Prospector missions, this information will allow for a more detailed look at some of the fundamental questions that remain regarding the origin and evolution of the Moon.  相似文献   

In this paper, we characterize the morphology of the disk-integrated phase functions of satellites and rings around the giant planets of our solar system. We find that the shape of the phase function is accurately represented by a logarithmic model [Bobrov, M.S., 1970. Physical properties of Saturn's rings. In: Dollfus, A. (Ed.), Surfaces and Interiors of Planets and Satellites. Academic, New York, pp. 376-461]. For practical purposes, we also parametrize the phase curves by a linear-exponential model [Kaasalainen, S., Muinonen, K., Piironen, J., 2001. Comparative study on opposition effect of icy solar system objects. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 70, 529-543] and a simple linear-by-parts model [Lumme, K., Irvine, W.M., 1976. Photometry of Saturn's rings. Astronomical Journal 81, 865-893], which provides three morphological parameters: the amplitude A and the half-width at half-maximum (HWHM) of the opposition surge, and the slope S of the linear part of the phase function at larger phase angles.Our analysis demonstrates that all of these morphological parameters are correlated with the single-scattering albedos of the surfaces.By taking more accurately into consideration the finite angular size of the Sun, we find that the Galilean, Saturnian, Uranian and Neptunian satellites have similar HWHMs (?0.5°), whereas they have a wide range of amplitudes A. The Moon has the largest HWHM (∼2°). We interpret that as a consequence of the “solar size bias”, via the finite angular size of the Sun which varies dramatically from the Earth to Neptune. By applying a new method that attempts to morphologically deconvolve the phase function to the solar angular size, we find that icy and young surfaces, with active resurfacing, have the smallest values of A and HWHM, whereas dark objects (and perhaps older surfaces) such as the Moon, Nereid and Saturn's C ring have the largest A and HWHM.Comparison between multiple objects also shows that solar system objects belonging to the same planet have comparable opposition surges. This can be interpreted as a “planetary environmental effect” that acts to locally modify the regolith and the surface properties of objects which are in the same environment.  相似文献   

We present results of polarimetric observations of the Galilean satellites Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto at phase angles ranging from 0.19° to 2.22°. The observations in the UBVR filters were performed using a one-channel photoelectric polarimeter attached to 70-cm telescope of the Chuguev Observation Station (Ukraine) on November 19-December 7, 2000. We have observed the polarization opposition effect for Io, Europa, and Ganymede to be a sharp secondary spike of negative polarization with an amplitude of about −0.4% centered at phase angles of 0.2°-0.7° and superimposed on the regular negative polarization branch. Although these minima for Io, Europa, and Ganymede show many similarities, they also exhibit a number of distinctions. The polarization opposition effect appears to be wavelength-dependent, at least for Europa and Ganymede. No polarization opposition effect was found for Callisto. The results obtained are discussed within the framework of different mechanisms of light scattering.  相似文献   

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